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Struggling with your Phobias Research Paper Outline?

Writing a thesis can be an arduous task,

especially when it comes to topics as complex and nuanced as phobias. From extensive research to
organizing your thoughts into a coherent structure, the process can feel overwhelming. However, fear
not, as ⇒ ⇔ is here to alleviate your academic stress and ensure your success.

Crafting a comprehensive Phobias Research Paper Outline requires meticulous attention to detail and
a deep understanding of the subject matter. From identifying relevant sources to formulating a
compelling thesis statement, every step demands precision and expertise. Moreover, integrating
empirical evidence and scholarly insights adds another layer of complexity to the task.

One of the biggest challenges students face is striking the right balance between breadth and depth of
analysis. With such a vast array of phobias to explore, narrowing down your focus while still
addressing key themes can be daunting. Additionally, ensuring logical flow and coherence
throughout your outline requires careful planning and meticulous structuring.

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By entrusting your academic endeavors to ⇒ ⇔, you're not just investing in a

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Paper Outline today and take the first step towards academic excellence.
Social phobia was described as a fear of performance situations, but did not include fears of informal
situations such as casual conversations or social situations. This could lead to isolation from friends
and family, not attending school or work, not being able to run errands, and overall decreases normal
daily activities. Research truly shows that social phobia is causing a great in children and the reality is
that more awareness over the topic should be made. Extinction is a characteristic of classical
conditioning in which the association between the stimulus and learned response is weakened every
time the stimulus (triangle) is presented without the associated unconditioned stimulus (loud noise).
One has to start with the least anxiety proving stimuli as you gradually move up to the most
provoking stimuli as stated by the patient in his anxiety hierarchy. It is suggested that deficits in
perceived social support associated with generalized social anxiety may play a role in the
development of co-morbid problems which should be explicitly targeted by treatments for social
phobia. Significant improvements were found in social anxiety, general anxiety and depression. This
is mainly caused by genetic and temperamental causal factors and psychological causal factors. After
this training period, Little Albert showed fear when shown the CS alone, suggesting that he had been
successfully conditioned. Social phobia is the category that is reduced to the fear of other people or
social situations. The counter condition method is used in a systematic way by gradually introducing
the feared stimulus in a bit-by-bit fashion known as systemic desensitization. They were randomly
allocated 9 weeks of internet delivered cognitive behaviour therapy or to a wait-list control group.
This phobia affects a person physically because one starts to experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness,
muscle tension or twitches, stomach trouble etc. (Shelton). Furthermore, this affects a person
emotionally because one will start to feel high levels of anxiety and fear, nervousness, panic attacks,
negative emotional cycles (Shelton). One possible mechanism would be the effect of alcohol on the
salience of cognitions that either promote or inhibit anxiety in response to anxiety related cues. How
have such explanations influenced the treatment of these conditions. The appropriate US (loud noise)
was then paired with the CS several times. In addition, specific phobias cause individuals to have
emotional and physical symptoms. For example, an individual who suffers from specific phobias will
most like have emotional symptoms which result in feeling overwhelmed, knowing that your fear is
irrational but feel powerless to overcome it, and fear of losing control (Sheldon). Receive a tailored
piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. The debate over alcohol consumption in
communities around the world has existed as. The participants rated their distress on a visual
analogue scale before the induction of post-event processing. It also shows us that just because
specific experiences in life shape us to think one way, we may think it will be hard or even
impossible to change that perspective when Wolpe proved to us, that this is not the case, and
anything learned can be unlearned. Social phobia in teenage may show differently in development
because of the involvement of parents in their social lives changes and social expectations increases.
488 treatment seeking anxiety disorder youth (age 7-17) and their parents were collected using child
anxiety impact scale and were evaluated using generalized estimating equations. This treatment has t
herefore been influenced by the psychoanalytic theory, which has also developed psychoanalytic
therapy, where analysis of dreams and associations are used to determine the origin of and therefore
cure phobias. Support groups and home-based help programs are also implemented in the treatment
for agoraphobia to help boost moral and keep the client motivated to keep doing treatment. They
were, however, conditioned into avoiding the shocks when paired with light, since it replicates
natural hazards. In therapy, the patient is taught how to recognize and change the negative thoughts
they have about themselves (“Social anxiety disorder,” 2009). Content is the information about self,
structure is the way one organises the information about self and process is the ways in which
individual regulate self. Typical symptoms include fear of leaving home alone, crowds, waiting in
line, enclosed spaces, open spaces, or using public transportation. Comorbidity with other psychiatric
disorders, including other anxiety disorders, depression, alcohol abuse and personality disorders
frequently occurs. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert.
In severe cases these patients can’t even leave their own home. The same study stated that children
with social anxiety experience intense feelings of anxiety in many different triggers including
speaking in front of others, reading out loud, fear conversing with unfamiliar individuals and etc.
However, research participants often suffered a crisis of conscience about their lying and deceiving
of others. It is common, with a lifetime prevalence of 13.3% in the United States according to recent
epidemiological studies. Around 70% of agoraphobic clients who receive exposure treatment find it
easier to enter public places (Comer pg. 132). Due to Brooke’s diagnosis, I believe that the correct
treatment path should involve areas indicated above. The individuals who participated looked
through visual displays containing different number of neutral distractors for the location of positive
and negative faces. The symptoms include sleep disturbance, startle response and anger problems.
Collectively, these disorders are common forms of psychiatric illness, mood disorder and side effects
of substance abuse. She demonstrates being afraid of being in situations where escape might be
difficult or help unavailable, should she experience panic or become incapacitated (Comer pg.127).
Howeve r, it did not have objective values that can validate its authenticity. However, usual,
expected and normal social situations almost provoke fear or anxiety in individuals with social
anxiety disorder. Out of the three, social phobia is the most common. Also, some antidepressants are
approved in Austria for the treatment of social phobias. Superstition is a cause of fear as they are
lead to believe if they do certain thing(s) something horrible will happen One fear that everyone
seems to have is a fear of the unfamiliar to a certain extent that why some people are very
uncomfortable with people or. They have a unique way of family relationships, living and dressing.
Therefore, their retreating behaviour increases difficulty in the social domain. In this new edition, the
disorder was defined as a “marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance
situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or possible scrutiny by others. The
affected person notices that the reaction is excessive. Therapist rated first week alliance and empathy
predicted improvement in social role security over the course of therapy. However it is successful at
explaining all three types of phobias which makes it holistic. Most laboratory studies have obtained
little or no evidence that individuals can be conditioned to fear neutral stimuli by pairing them with
unpleasant ones. These are based on the principle that avoiding the phobic stimulus will only
perpetuate misguided ideas that they are harmful and exposure to the phobias will solve this. People
with a social phobia are nervous, anxious, and afraid about many social situations. Its differential
diagnosis includes panic disorder, depression, and shyness. As a result, the idea of large social
gatherings is terrifying for someone with social anxiety because they will most likely experience each
of these symptoms without having full control of them. There are many different types of phobias
that have an effect on humans. They go on to show how conditioning leads to changes in behavior.
Behaviorists incorporated classical conditioning asserts that the response of phobic fear is a
spontaneous effect that is attained from stimuli that is not dangerous. It does not only eliminate the
symptoms of a phobia but the cause of it too ie negative cognitions. Watson and Rayner called this
“reconditioning”, and the positive stimuli suggested were tactual stimulations of erogenous zones,
such as the lips, nipples or sex organs. Some fears which we have have a cause behind them like a
past experience which sometimes can be useful because it can make you more cautious in a particular
For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful 0% 0% found this
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Page You are on page 1 of 5 Search inside document. Now Brooke’s roommates usually do all the
shopping for the house. There are other explanations of phobia equally recognized, making it difficult
to determine which i s the most accepted, as there is still no clear-cut definitive answer and all of the
ones mentioned in this essay have either been proven in experiments or are hard to prove or disprove
as they have no variables or results t hat can be measured in a definite and absolute way. In this case,
Little Albert had learnt that when he saw the rat, the loud noise was very likely to occur
simultaneously. Pavlovian conditioning can also be used in treating these kinds of phobias and is
useful in Aversion therapy. In this kind of response, the purpose of the CR is to explain
topographical similarity and dissimilarity of some CS to US. The present studies examined data from
2 widely used measures of perceived social support administered to 132 individuals with DSM-1V
generalized social phobia. Also, some antidepressants are approved in Austria for the treatment of
social phobias. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and
requirements from scratch. Horror books can also scare us as they can use the power of language
very effectively and leave some aspects of the story left to your imagination, which could be scarier
than what the author could of written. It may take up to three months of treatment before the patient
begins to have noticeable improvement of symptoms (“Social anxiety disorder,” 2009). The most
common medication used is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor also known as SSRI’s. However,
it can, when needed, save our life, which is certainly a positive side of the problem. Also, since
Albert was a baby at the time, we do not know what he was thinking. It focuses mainly on the
defence mechanism of displacement where the fear of say male genitalia is displaced on snakes or
neck ties. Such displacement activities may be the behavioral expression of an anxious state, but
anxiety is a concept that is apparently not used by ethologists, perhaps because their definition of
fear does in fact include all the more biological aspects of anxiety. Report this Document Download
now Save Save Outline and critically evaluate the classical cond. Therefore, the impact of alcohol on
subject was mediated by the changes in cognitions. Causes of Fear of People Beginning and
Appearance of a Fear of People Diagnosis of Social Phobias Concomitant Diseases of Social Phobias
Treating Fear of People References. The appropriate US (loud noise) was then paired with the CS
several times. Study results show that people can develop a fear of other people, especially if they
were forced by a certain educational style. But, distraction does not reduce the distress post an
event. Social anxiety disorder remains a largely misunderstood, and under researched, disorder. The
aim of this article was to show an analysis of the research outlines used in experimental studies that
were published between the years 2000 and March 2007 about social phobia disorder and its
association with social skills. Every time he played with his white rat, he was startled by a sudden
loud noise caused by striking a steel bar. Total Pages 12 pages Answer Key Rubric only Teaching
Duration 2 Weeks Report this resource to TPT Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. The
casual factors can be biological, whereby there are abnormalities of the brain function or caused by
post traumatic stress disorder. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. If they suffer from persistent agitation in
such contexts, psychologists speak of a social phobia, which belongs to the category of mental
disorders. Also, people who are afraid of other people often suffer from depression.
Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. Now Brooke’s
roommates usually do all the shopping for the house. Social Anxiety can be a normal and an
abnormal response. This was an extremely important part of understanding classical conditioning.
But, distraction does not reduce the distress post an event. For example, severe agoraphobia can
prevent you from keeping a job outside your home, not to mention having any semblance of normal
life (“Understanding Agoraphobia”). MODELS: 1) Biological Explanation of Model: This is
reductionist as It only takes nature factors into account. Investigators evaluated the program and
assessed its feasibility, as well as facilitators and barriers to it. To shorten the time it took, I only gave
students an option to do a poster. But people have lots of fears, which serve useful purpose for
example we get scared of characters in horror films even though we know that the can’t harm us.
Social phobia is the category that is reduced to the fear of other people or social situations. This can
be associated with a very important law called the Yerkes Dodson Law. This may be due to the
thought of not being able to escape these places or situation without difficulty or embarrassment.
The need for people to interact with each other is crucial and has always been the key action. For an
optimal experience, please switch to the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple
Safari or Mozilla Firefox. For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as
useful 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful Embed Share Print
Download now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 5 Search inside document. Phobias are relatively
common and are treatable with behavior therapy. The individuals who participated looked through
visual displays containing different number of neutral distractors for the location of positive and
negative faces. The author has grouped the theories of self into three categories: content, structure
and process. Second, the clinician brings the child into the modeled exercise by having him or her
complete the step with some degree of clinician physical contact e. It was also to demonstrate the
functionality and process by which anxiety interferes with social performance of an individual. Last
but not least, it is advisable to take part in special training courses in order to expand social skills or
to completely relearn them in view of the situation. They often worry for days and weeks in advance
of a dreaded situation. In conclusion, a phobia is known as an abnormal fear or avoidance of a daily
situation. According to the thoughts listed by the participants the thoughts after the alcohol were
positive regarding public speaking rather than before having the alcohol. This article points to the
necessity of new studies with clinical and non-clinical samples, with random allotment of
individuals, with the proposition of providing information about the interaction tasks, to support the
generalization as to the association of the social skills and social anxiety disorder. Components of A
Research Process The research process takes a series of steps as listed below. Flooding is when the
phobic individual is confronted directly with the phobic stimulus until they understand that none of
the feared consequences would take place. Explore the ways Wells presents the Eloi and the
Morlocks in 'The Time Mach. They go on to show how conditioning leads to changes in behavior.

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