Team3solution BSA2025 Ass2 Ethical Issues

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Bachelor of Science in Bussiness Administration

Teacher: PhD. Duong Thi Hoai Nhung

Group 3 (Solution Team)

Class: 2nd – Fall 2022

Hanoi, Dec 10th 2022

Ethical Principle Debates:

Case study 1. Fashion

Advertising Ethics

Prepared for

PhD. Duong Thi Hoai Nhung, Leadership – BSA 2025 (MGT 4471)

Prepared by

Group 3, Solution team

1. Doan Hong Hanh 1606151

2. Ngo Quynh Anh 1604447

3. Nguyen Hoang Duong 1605908

4. Tran Phuong Anh 1606068

5. Tran Minh Hieu 1605608

Summary case study 1: Fashion Advertising Ethics...............................................................................4
Identification of Ethical issues..............................................................................................................4
Suggested solutions.............................................................................................................................5
1. First solution: Sarah & her team choose this campaign (hired young and exceedingly thin Models)
2. Second solution: Sarah & her team do the campaign but have better alternatives than following
the previous one → convince customers of this strategy........................................................................5
3. Third solution: Sarah & her team refuse this campaign in a way that does not cause discomfort or
damage to corporate relationships with the company............................................................................6
1. Detail of Case1: Fashion Advertising Ethics.....................................................................................8
2. Peer Review Sheet...........................................................................................................................8
The report was written with the aim of applying four learned ethical theories including: Egoism
by Thomas Hobbes & Plato, Utilitarianism by Jeremy Bentham, Theory of Morality by
Immanuel Kant, Theory of Justice by John Rawls to the real scenarios. The problem between
Sarah's firm and her customer in a new campaign is examined from the perspective of Sarah, a
new creative director at a fashion company. We will put forward three alternatives after taking
into account the moral concerns of all parties, and we'll give a thorough analysis of the one we
think is best.

Summary case study 1: Fashion Advertising Ethics

Characters and their roles:

Sarah: The company's new creative director (CEO)

Her teammates: former employees, winners of the company's biggest awards

Their company: a famous fashion company (but stalled in sales)

Customers: (Product buyers / partners) who will make decisions to invest in the company
or spend on the product.

Case Summary:

 Sarah is appointed to the position of creative director of a large fashion company.

 Her first task was to lead her team to develop a successful campaign to improve sales.
 Teammates recommend an old campaign - which their customers really like.
 Sarah is hesitant because she is worried about the public reaction to the super skinny
models in the campaign, but she also wants to be respected by her staff and trusted by her

Identification of Ethical issues

The ethical issue here is the models selected for the campaign are young and exceedingly thin
—heroin chic thin (they look almost anorexic).

The selection of models that are too thin is "unethical"

- It violates universal law (because we can't assume beauty is having to be thin)

- It also deceives customers and society that "thin is beautiful". Consequently, turning society
into a place where girls have to lose weight to stay slim.

- The fact that the models have to be very thin to be suitable for the campaign also makes them
have to put on weight, sometimes fasting and intense exercise to achieve that criterion. This
shows that the models here are not treated like humans, they are just tools for the

Suggested solutions
1. First solution: Sarah & her team choose this campaign (hired young and
exceedingly thin Models)
 Egotistically, by choosing this campaign, Sarah will be trusted by the company and
respected by her colleagues; Their team keeps up the good work and the company can
improve sales, overcome difficulties.
 However, this is not the purpose of society. It can make the girls follow the "thin"
movement and the company will be condemned and criticized a lot. In addition, it also
means that Sarah will have to violate some of the ethical issues listed above, even though
she probably meant no harm.

→ Sarah will not improve the situation by taking this action. Therefore, this is also not an
ideal solution.

2. Second solution: Sarah & her team do the campaign but have better alternatives
than following the previous one → convince customers of this strategy.
-Their company is a big and famous fashion company. → So it is not necessary to follow
the old campaign to resonate.

-In order to gain the trust and support of customers, the first thing here must be "choose a
really skinny model" but to make a difference in the design and quality of the clothes
created by the company.
-As one of the leading companies, they can create new trends that are both innovative and
socially responsible (select models with different body shapes to make more diverse
outfits and reach a wider audience).

 Reasons to do this campaign:

-In terms of Morality theory: the general principle of society is that "there is no standard
for beauty and it is extremely diverse". So, choosing a lot of people with different body
types will help the company to follow the general principle and be more responsible in
creating socially appropriate products.
-In terms of Justice theory: Everyone has an equal opportunity to apply for a role as a
model. So it is not necessary to choose a model that is too thin.
-People also have the right to express opinions, ideas and create new campaigns. So
their company doesn't have to rely on the old one (it can be boring) but instead, take this
new campaign.
-In terms of Utilitarianism: choosing this strategy is based on the interests of the whole
community (of the majority) and it brings joy, happiness to the girls (because they can be
themselves and wear clothes that fit them) rather than suffering and low self-esteem.
-In terms of Egoism: it also helped the company get what they wanted (sales, investment,
popularity...); Sarah and her team were as successful as expected; Customers would also
be pleased with the new campaign.
-Besides, Sarah has a voice and her staff will respect her as well. She also doesn't need to
worry about the backlash (because she's done a great job as a creative director).

→ The second solution is the one we chose, because it represents the optimal solution.

3. Third solution: Sarah & her team refuse this campaign in a way that does not cause
discomfort or damage to corporate relationships with the company.
Lynn, hopefully, will not have to do something against her conscience. And in doing so, she will
not violate any Ethics theory principle.

According to egoism: Lynn may choose to focus on protecting her conscience while still being
seen as fully religious, because her actions will only produce more positive than negative results.
However, it will only deal with ethical issues. Lynn won't make the situation worse or
improve it, and her company won't improve sales or gain any popularity.

→ This is definitely not the solution that gives the most desired result.

Based on the above case study, it can be seen that Sarah is facing a dilemma when she has to
choose: Either she will accept to do an advertising campaign with super skinny models, or Sarah
will refuse and make other suggestions.

Using Selfishism, Utilitarianism, Moral Theory, and Justice Theory, it is clear that the most
logical choice Lynn should make is to refuse to follow the old campaign and offer a better
alternative. This choice is the most reasonable because in addition to satisfying the above 4
theories, it can be seen that this action is quite meaningless because the company's products still
need to put first and listen to customers to improve marketing strategies. instead of trying to
focus on models.
1. Detail of Case1: Fashion Advertising Ethics

2. Peer Review Sheet

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