Research Paper Topics On The Tempest

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Struggling with crafting a compelling thesis on The Tempest? You're not alone.

Many students find

themselves grappling with the complexities of Shakespeare's masterpiece, trying to formulate a thesis
that captures the essence of the play while also offering fresh insights and analysis. From exploring
themes of power and control to delving into the intricacies of character relationships and symbolism,
there's no shortage of rich material to explore.

However, navigating through the vast array of research paper topics on The Tempest can be a
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Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. At one point during
the play everyone was just stood still, in bad silence so I decided to get in to my character Calibans
and wonder drunkenly across the stage shouting 'Trinculo's', during this improvisation Katie as
trinculo's came on to stage as if to look for me shouting 'I cant see you calibans where are you' we
continued this until the people realised where they were meant to be, so we slowly transformed in to
the palm trees we should have been. This approach would link The Tempest to other plays we have
read in which an essential element in maintaining power is the development of politics as public
theatre (obviously an important element in the education of Prince Hal in Henry IV). However, this
would not necessarily stop their minds wandering during the next scene, which, as mentioned above,
is very dialogue-driven. Prospero is a European who has taken charge of a remote island. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. One way in
which Shakespeare portrayed another side of the frustrated Caliban, Is through the use of language
by the character himself, this gives us an insight to why the character is, who he is. “I’ll show every
fertile inch” This reminds us of who Caliban actually is, and how he once was the ruler of the island.
Instead of properly introducing some of the main characters, or setting up an important plot strand,
this opening scene appears to be only an attention-grabbing device.This statement can be made quite
justifiably, due to the fact that all the events of Act 1 Scene 1 are recounted in the following scene,
in the conversations between Miranda, Prospero and Ariel. She sees only the attractive exterior of her
human surroundings with no sense yet of the potential deceptions within. The tempest symbolizes
chaos and disharmony while the music symbolizes peace. Caliban continues through a very drunken
stage where I have to act as drunk as possible this is when I have to walk slow and heavy, I didn’t
remember and carry out this in my final performance because I was concentrating on acting drunk.
Water, however, is a special type of character that can change its shape to fit both evil and
benevolent purposes. I hope you enjoy and use these ideas with your students. A bunch of political
types and all their attendants (sailors, butlers, and so on) from the busy court of Naples and Milan
are lured away from their power political business into a world of illusion, where they are led around
by strange powers (above all, music and apparitions) they do not fully comprehend but whom they
cannot resist until they all come together inside Prospero's magic circle. See other similar resources
?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. But
Caliban refuses to live by Prospero's rules, tries to rape Miranda (he still wants to), and their
relationship changes to one of master and slave. But she is as well equipped as he can make her, and
it is not up to him to sour her youthful enthusiasm with a more complex and less affirming mature
reflection. But he learns from Ariel that to do this is to deny the moral value of the art, whose major
purpose is to reconcile us to ourselves and our community, not to even a personal score. From the
script itself, we can see that there are an awful lot of exclamation marks in the dialogue; this is
because the characters are shouting to be heard above the noise of the storm.While nowadays the
storm would probably be created using recordings of thunder and crashing waves, perhaps along
with creaking sounds of the ship breaking up, theatre in Shakespeare's day would not have had this
luxury. Write a research paper exploring the environmental impact of eating meat. The Tempest as a
Study of Colonialism For over a century, and particularly in the past twenty years, a number of
interpreters have taken a very different approach to this play, seeing in it the exploration of some
particularly relevant political issues. What, if anything, is the play offering as a vision of European
imperialism. As it stands, making Caliban the representative of a native culture would seem to
require putting in the play something that not only is not there but which is expressly excluded. After
all, he has it in his power significantly to injure the parties that treated him so badly. In his soliloquy
that opens this scene, Caliban admits that the animals on the island make faces at him, bite him, and
hiss at him. Prospero, therefore, promises to drown his book on reconciling with his offenders. But
with the Tempest, as with so many of Shakespeare's plays, other complex possibilities will not leave
my imagination alone. I asked to incorporate the fire because it looked plan and boring. The Tempest
describes the story of jilted Duke of Milan, Prospero, who spends a significant part of his life
enacting justice on his enemies. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted
into air, into thin air; And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp'd towers, the
gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a wrack behind.
I puzzled over these questions until I came to what seems to me the most satisfying answer. Since
then such an approach to the play (with various modifications) has remained more or less current,
although only in recent decades has it become widespread in North America. Shakespeare
conceivably used magic as a tool of importance to develop other characters of the play. Remember
that in such questions the Principle of Inclusiveness is an important guiding rule: the interpretation
should make sense of as much of the play as possible, and in any conflict between rival interpretative
possibilities one important criterion for judgment is the adequacy of each interpretation at providing
a coherent and consistent sense of as much of the play as possible. This reading would probably
stress (as many productions have always done) Caliban's dangerous, anarchic violence. So he
releases Ariel; he has no more work for him to do, and Ariel does not belong in Milan. The storm sets
the Shakespearean society for a more egalitarian mode of life that respects the dignity of the person.
The story of The Tempest by Shakespeare demonstrated the positive transformation. But she is as
well equipped as he can make her, and it is not up to him to sour her youthful enthusiasm with a
more complex and less affirming mature reflection. This signifies that once someone is lost in the sea,
even the body cannot be recovered. It is assumed that literary depictions of the supernatural function
as exaggerated representations of natural capacities and phenomena. It emerges that in an
exploitative society, an oppressed only survives through intelligence. He is shown to have a sudden
outburst and shows great anger, when his slave decides to rebel. Prospero once again shows a side to
his character, which is not so pleasant. This time, the topics have a historical angle to them. Caliban
continues through a very drunken stage where I have to act as drunk as possible this is when I have
to walk slow and heavy, I didn’t remember and carry out this in my final performance because I was
concentrating on acting drunk. Many scholars discussed it as a play reflecting the colonial mindset
of the British, of which, a person like shakespeare would be familiar with. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. These two young people carry with them the major weight of the
optimistic comic hopes of the play's resolution. The earlier inhabitants of the island, Sycorax and
Caliban, had no sense of how to use Ariel, and so they simply imprisoned him in the world which
governs them, raw nature. In them he acknowledges his earned awareness into the nature of human
beings, into the complexity of human life, which does not always (or usually) answer to Miranda's
joyous affirmation. Since the Island is inhabited by spirits, the existence of the sea around the place
marks the supernatural being of water. There were several hiccups where people went on to another
scene skipping one, or just forgetting ques, though as a group we over came these problems by
improvising. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only
customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it
violates our terms and conditions. However, more essentially, the act of immersion in water, rather
than the sea itself, has great connotations. And exaggerates on his characteristics of unkindness
towards his slaves. You have discovered an awesome resource of wonderful writing ideas and
fabulous. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. The
Tempest reflects on the influence of colonialism, which was just beginning in Britain at this time.
Thus showing his power over the character, symbolic of a relationship of a master and his slave.
But this is unjust hatred which takes a turn as acts pass. However He does not portray his feeling in
front of his master as he is extremely terrified by the character of Prospero but does not take notice
of his spirit Ariel. Prospero has already told the audience of Caliban’s attack on Miranda “violates
the honour of my child”. People with a strong interest in politics, however, often take a different
slant, and see the play as having less to do with an exploration of theatre than with a probing artistic
analysis of important political issues, especially those relevant to the oppression of the inhabitants of
the new world (that is, the issue of colonialism) or to the relationship between the intellectual and the
political world. However Shakespeare also uses the device of dramatic irony, making the play more
captivating, even at such an early stage of the play. The island which shakespeare sketches in the play
is probably one of the islands from the late sixteenth century located in the Mediterranean or the
West Atlantic which shows how colonialism was a matter of history. What, if anything, is the play
offering as a vision of European imperialism. Caliban continues through a very drunken stage where
I have to act as drunk as possible this is when I have to walk slow and heavy, I didn't remember and
carry out this in my final performance because I was concentrating on acting drunk The final
performance went as well as planed. Adaptable formats. It’s a popular text and worth getting these
resources now. He is shown to have a sudden outburst and shows great anger, when his slave decides
to rebel. Some of these arguments are quite simple and reductive; others are a good deal more
sophisticated. Drowning is a symbol of a certain finality that lingers in the conscience of every
character. Support your essay with citations from the play. 3. From the start of the play, Shakespeare
uses magic to captivate his Elizabethan audience and move his characters from one scene to another,
for example, we are introduced to our first characters during the tempest itself, and it is through this
created event that they are transferred to the safety of the island. At first, we are led to believe that
there is nothing human about Caliban: the facts of his breeding, behavior, and The Tempest essays
The tempest is seen as the tempest essay of the greatest plays of Shakespeare, combining his years of
labor and philosophy into one play. The tempest symbolizes the power of Prospero's magic, as well as
the dark side of his character. He has been able to do this because he brings with him special powers.
Theatres of the time when The Tempest was written were very basic, and would not have been able
to achieve the special effects and clever sets that we see in modern theatres. Depending upon which
way the actor turned, the audience's perception of the character changed entirely. Just how evident
and serious should those ironies be: non-existent, a light shadow under the communal joy, or a heavy
reminder of what is in store back in Italy. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little
life Is rounded with a sleep. Incidentally, it was these sort of rough-edged special effects' that led to
the eventual burning down of the Globe Theatre.To compliment the hurried and anxious speech, the
characters are constantly coming on and off stage; this again. These are complete KS4 resources,
although I have used them with slight modifications at KS3. What's very interesting about this is that
Prospero learns that that is not the appropriate response. Prospero's view of justice is rather one sided
and seeks to benefit only him; he introduces Miranda to Ferdinand and orchestrates that they fall in
love so that Prospero will have safe passage back to Naples and hopefully regain some of his
previous power. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. Caliban has a main focus throughout the play and his first speech is based on his quest for
his island, he mournfully reminds the magician about the way he treated Prospero as a guest when he
first was stranded on his island and how he showed every inch of the island. It seems that Prospero's
major intention includes a recommitment to civilized life in Milan, so that his daughter can take up
her rightful place in society. A monster we are told, yet shakespeare also portrays him as a very
gentle, and sensitive person ( Act 3, scene 2 ). Magic used by Prospero throughout The Tempest,
indeed played in important part of explaining many themes such as the setting and context of the
play; the atmosphere, the masque and the banquet and of course love and power.
Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. One way
in which Shakespeare portrayed another side of the frustrated Caliban, Is through the use of
language by the character himself, this gives us an insight to why the character is, who he is. “I’ll
show every fertile inch” This reminds us of who Caliban actually is, and how he once was the ruler
of the island. His identity is not in any sense attached to the magic that he principally employs to
achieve his ends. With that in mind, we recommend letting your students choose from several
prompts to find the topics that most appeal to their interests and passions. The drunken scene with
calibans, Stephano and Trinculo's when we are sat on the floor I thought It would be a good idea to
get some one with a small part to be the fire this also added the sense of magic to the play as well.
The tempest that occurs at the beginning of the paly symbolizes notable things. It is predictable that
they cannot believe the feast set before them. This is a complete KS4 resource, although I have used
it with slight modifications at KS3. It can never substitute for or conjure away the complexities of
life in the community. Continue reading this essay Continue reading Page 1 of 3. Next Page. More
Essays:. APA MLA Chicago The Tempest. In this case, Prospero uses his powers to enslave Ariel for
his personal use to gain revenge over his brother. Why is space exploration so important in today’s
world. This is true unless one is of course, using magic. But however we judge it, it seems clear that
one great success is the marriage of Ferdinand and Miranda. This essay discusses the significance of
Prospero's magical powers and his use of them. There he removes the spell of the illusions; the
human family recognizes each other, and together they resolve to return to Italy, leaving behind the
powers of the magic associated with the island. She explored the notion that the Tempest is, indeed,
dealing with colonial issues, but that the guiding spirit of the experiment is not Prospero but Ariel,
who is, in effect, a version of the Trickster figure in First Nations mythology. In the end, he realizes
that his son is more essential than external pursuits such as the kingdom’s crown. And he learns this
central insight from Ariel, the very spirit of imaginative illusion, who is not even human. In his
renunciation of magic and return to Europe, Prospero would appear to be finally conceding that
continuing on the island is wrong. There is obviously much here one might point to as an allegory on
European colonial or capitalist practices. Life must be lived in the real world, in Milan or in Naples,
and Miranda cannot thus entirely fulfill herself on the island. Prospero occupies the position of the
oppressed since he fights against both the human world and the spirit world. It also creates magic
when aerial puts the sailors back to sleep or just wakes them up with a song or hand movements. Our
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NOW Save for later ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 24 February
2019 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest Flynn's Educational Grotto 4.23 149 reviews Not the right
resource. What differences do we see between communities with good public transportation and
areas without it. The contrast between them will serve as a final reminder of something we have (I
hope) discovered many times in this course, the interpretative fecundity of Shakespeare's work. But
it can never finally solve the problem of evil, and it can never provide an acceptable environment for
a fully realized adult life. Shakespeare uses language to portray this clearly to the audience.
With every one inputting ideas through out the play. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This play seems to be saying that
theatrical art, the magic of Prospero, can achieve what is not possible in the world of Milan, where
everyone must always be on guard, because it's a Machiavellian world ruled by the realities of power
and injury and there is no Ariel to serve us with the power of illusions. Caliban’s hatred towards his
master is clearly shown, when he says “His spirits hear me. We are such stuff As dreams are made
on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. The storm sets the Shakespearean society for a more
egalitarian mode of life that respects the dignity of the person. This explains why Ariel’s songs
soothes Ferdinand from his gloom. Yet he is the only one of his kind (that is made very clear to us),
and is a relatively recent arrival there. It also shows the use of dramatic irony yet again, as only the
audience can see this side to his character. If we pursue such a political basis for the allegory, can we
come to any conclusions about Shakespeare's vision of colonial practices. Although it signifies the
end of things, it represents the redemption of wayward characters. Support your essay with citations
from the play. 4. Other interpreters dismiss those suggestions and see in the play a vital exploration
of education (the nature versus nurture dispute) or theories of politics or knowledge or whatever.
Prospero's power depends, in large part, on Ariel's release and willing service. Under ordinary
circumstances, it is quite likely that Shakespeare would have removed the first scene and just relied
upon the audience paying attention to what was being said in the second scene - indeed, if these
events took place some way into the play, he may have considered doing this. Remember that in
such questions the Principle of Inclusiveness is an important guiding rule: the interpretation should
make sense of as much of the play as possible, and in any conflict between rival interpretative
possibilities one important criterion for judgment is the adequacy of each interpretation at providing
a coherent and consistent sense of as much of the play as possible. He is an earth-animal (some
intermediate form perhaps) who represents a clear and present danger, because he is not capable of
being educated out of the state he was born into. He creates situations, in which he exposes the true
nature of his usurper, the tempest essay, Antonio. The indispensability and magnitude of water also
manifests in the fact that it surrounds the Island. At the end of the play, Juno and Ceres conjures up
a song that offers a harmonious and ethereal view of marriage. In considering his motives for
undertaking the experiment, we cannot escape the sense that Prospero harbors a great deal of
resentment about his treatment back in Milan and is never very far from wanting to exact a harsh
revenge. Research writing is a vital skill for high schoolers to master. You have discovered an
awesome resource of wonderful writing ideas and fabulous. Support your essay with citations from
the play. 3. So, given this rich allusiveness to other plays, at the end of a course like this there is a
natural tendency to want to link the concerns of the play with a celebration of the wonderful
achievement we have been studying so far. The first interaction with water begins at the initial scene
where tempest occurs in the sea. This hurried dialogue immediately signals that the characters are
panicking, and that they do not have time for long conversations. In some productions, the irony is
hardly noticeable and the celebration is thus dominant. One possible interpretation (which I have not
come across, although I'm sure someone must have offered it somewhere) is to combine both the
theatrical and the political approaches and explore the play as some vision of the theatrical basis for
political power, an issue that is currently very much alive in interpretations of Renaissance drama and
politics. Caliban repeats the mistake of letting another character influence him.
In the play, unlike the tempest, music represents harmony. All I want to call attention to at this point
is that the ending of this play may not be the unalloyed triumph of the comic spirit that we are
tempted to see there. I do believe this was a good performance as no one noticed where we were
improvising or it just being part of the play. The island symbolizes a microcosm of the British colony,
which Prospero as the educated leader attempts to colonize the island and its inhabitants by
endeavoring to discipline Caliban by teaching him their languag Continue reading this essay
Continue reading, the tempest essay. She sees only the attractive exterior of her human surroundings
with no sense yet of the potential deceptions within. These are complete KS4 resources, although I
have used them with slight modifications at KS3. Similarly, whereas we would probably use some
clever strobe lighting technique today, Shakespeare would have been more restricted. Introduction
Today I wish to provide something of a short introduction to Shakespeare's Tempest, first, by
acknowledging some of the interpretative richness of this play and, second, by outlining two very
different approaches. This power point lesson contains a glossary of terms, a starter activity,
summary and analysis questions, an extension task, a homework assignment and a plenary. Enjoy.
He, therefore, seeks to reveal the meaninglessness of royal titles in life. This was creating a magic
mood as palm trees don't talk let alone sing. The strength of this sobering irony at the end will
determine the particular tone which governs the return. And in the conclusion of the play, Prospero
does not even mention the list of crimes against him. Some of these topics may also be appropriate
for middle school writers. 35 Good Research Topics for High School Students Should it be illegal to
use a cell phone while driving. I think that physical theatre is also very affective. The Tempest and
motifs Shakespeare is renowned for heavy use of motifs and symbols in order to add color and hide
meanings. Is there evidence to show that gun control prevents or lowers rates of gun violence. So he
releases Ariel; he has no more work for him to do, and Ariel does not belong in Milan. The tension
builds swiftly during the scene, as nerves fray and the characters get increasingly panicked - the
conversation between the Boatswain and the passengers Antonio and Alonso becomes more and
more heated; they eventually resort to insults, although they should be pulling together under such
circumstances.Perhaps the single most effective technique used here to convey the right atmosphere
is that of the cry within.' This is when somebody shouts something off-stage. Incidentally, it was
these sort of rough-edged special effects' that led to the eventual burning down of the Globe
Theatre.To compliment the hurried and anxious speech, the characters are constantly coming on and
off stage; this again. The use of motifs is a connotation of denseness that the play contains. Support
your essay with citations from the play. 4. At one point during the play everyone was just stood still,
in bad silence so I decided to get in to my character Calibans and wonder drunkenly across the stage
shouting 'Trinculo's', during this improvisation Katie as trinculo's came on to stage as if to look for
me shouting 'I cant see you calibans where are you' we continued this until the people realised where
they were meant to be, so we slowly transformed in to the palm trees we should have been. A
cliffhanger is a technique used in all story-telling media (films, television, novels, theatre.) whereby
the audience is. COMPARE Oedipus AND CONTRAST Tempest COMPARE THE ROLE OF
PRIDE Pride is one of the overriding themes in both Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and The Tempest by
Shakespeare, although both the playwrights deal with this theme in different contexts and different
levels. Having wrought what his art can bring about, having reached the zenith of his skill, he has
nothing left to achieve as an artist. Caliban repeats the mistake of letting another character influence
him. The use of motifs, therefore, help an individual easily make out the otherwise complex meanings
in literary works. I'd appreciate your feedback (positive or constructive) should you choose to
purchase this resource. It is also worth remembering that people at the time read far more into thunder
and lightning than we do today; whereas we consider it just a case of bad weather, they may have
interpreted it in a more religious, spiritual way.
He wants to arrange things on her behalf, and of all the people in the play, her situation is the most
transformed: she is going back to Europe a royal bride, filled with a sense of enthusiasm and joy at
the prospect of living among so many fine people in a society that, quite literally, thrills her
imagination. Prospero’s magic is key to the operation of the plot. What are the ethical concerns of
people who are for and against animal testing. Great for Shakespeare Week, I have seen ideas in here
used to create great planning and learning opportunities which have been observed as fantastic
lessons and produced some great work from children. As it stands, making Caliban the
representative of a native culture would seem to require putting in the play something that not only is
not there but which is expressly excluded. During rehearsals I imputed ideas through out the play
especially within the banquet scene and the 2nd drunken scene The period of banquet scene I
thought there should be waitresses as prospo was posh as sounds like he has a lot of money this is
where bryony and I walk across the stage In step so It shows he posh with his servants and doesn't
have to do a thing. Ariel maintains his dignity and an element of his freedom which is stored in
Prospero’s hands by serving Prospero his master willingly, Caliban achieves a different kind of
dignity by refusing, a rebellious and striking nature but at odd intervals, falls to his meaningless level
and bows before Prospero’s intimidation and powerful status. I believe tom speed’s idea of blood
pack on prospo was excellent but I think we should have tried it out some way before as the plastic
knife he had brought with the pins in the end didn’t work because the knife bent this is where people
came out of character, and started to become silly. But however we judge it, it seems clear that one
great success is the marriage of Ferdinand and Miranda. But I think there's more to the theatricality
of the play than just its style. This symbolizes his earlier suffering and struggle. This resource hasn't
been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions.
However, the authority that Prospero possesses over Ariel is liable to abuse as there would be a very
human temptation for him to use Ariel as his puppet to take his revenge on the shipwrecked
characters that are effectively at his mercy. For all the potentially warm reconciliations at the end of
the play, however, it is not without its potentially sobering ironies. One major interpretative decision
any director of the play has to make concerns this ending. We might want to see in The Tempest a
gentler sense that the theatre of personal fulfilment in human relationships is opened up to us a living
possibility, not simply a script for a final scene. The experiment first of all breaks up their social
solidarity, for they land in different groups: Ferdinand by himself, the court group, Stephano and
Trinculo by themselves, and the sailors remain asleep. Covering everything from cell phone usage to
immigration to space exploration, there is plenty for teens to research and explore—and plenty of
opportunities for them to become better informed and more skilled in communicating their positions.
Some of the Shakespearian characters in the tempest have been used to make representation. Water,
in the aspect of drowning, serves as a reconciling symbol. Recently (about two years ago) a student
of mine, Ms Alison Miller, wrote an extremely interesting paper addressing this issue. So he releases
Ariel; he has no more work for him to do, and Ariel does not belong in Milan. See other similar
resources ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
The theatre--that magical world of poetry, song, illusion, pleasing and threatening apparitions--can,
like Prospero's magic, educate us into a better sense of ourselves, into a final acceptance of the
world, a state in which we forgive and forget in the interests of the greater human community. If so,
then the play might be offering a hope that, even if there is no certain answer about life's most
important questions in the world of politics, there are important possibilities which can be realized (if
only temporarily) in personal commitments to love and forgiveness (whether fostered by theatrical
art or not). We cannot simply ignore such points because they don't fit. Music permeates the whole
of the play thereby becoming the central to the formation of the plot. For Prospero, the main problem
with Caliban is that he is incapable of being educated (although Caliban's command of beautiful
poetry might make us wonder about that). The Tempest. Cambridge (UK: Cambridge University
Press, 2002. Print. The Tempest disputes issues such as hierarchy, power, individualism and
colonialism, as well as challenging the viewpoints that there is only black and white and that an
individual is either good or evil.

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