DLL For IS 10 3rd Health

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Northern Mindanao
Division of Malaybalay City
Malaybalay City National High School
San Jose, Malaybalay City

Lesson Plan

DLP No. 1 Learning Areas: MAPEH Grade Level: 10 Quarter & Date: Duration: 50
(Health) Third/3/18/24 minutes
Most Essential Learning Discusses the significance of global health Code: H10HC -IIIa - 1
Competencies: initiatives
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates awareness of global health initiatives
Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates competence in applying knowledge of global
health to local or national context global initiatives
1 Discusses the significance of global health initiatives;
2. Appreciate the different of global health initiatives; and
3. Make a slogan to reinforce the global health initiatives.

2. CONTENT: Global Health Initiatives


a.) Materials
 Laptop and PowerPoint Presentation.

b.) References
 Self-Learning Modules Version 5

c.) Strategies: Cooperative leaning, Differentiated Instruction, 7A’s, Synthesis and Metacognition
d.) Value Integration: Appreciation


4.1 Introductory Activity (15 minutes)

a.) Prayer (1 minute)
b.) Checking of Attendance (1 minute)
c.) Motivation: Activity # 1 Clutter Words “Analyze Me (2 minutes)
The teacher will project scrambled words and its definition. These words are taken
from the today’s topic. The correct answer will be given 10 points.
 The teacher will project the correct answers.

d.) Presentation: The teacher will present the topic to the class. (3 minutes)
This morning, we will discuss the Global Health and the Millennium Development Goals.
With our lesson you are expected to: Discusses the significance of global health initiatives; Appreciate
the different of global health initiatives; and make a slogan to reinforce the global health initiatives.

4.2 Activity: (5 minutes) Activity # 2 "Global Health Gallery Walk"

The teacher will prepare a "Global Health Gallery" by setting up posters or images around
the classroom, each depicting a different global health issue.

 Explain to students that they will participate in a "Gallery Walk" activity where they will
move around the classroom, observe the posters, and jot down their initial thoughts,
observations or reactions to each global health issue.
 Give each group a set amount of time (1 minute) to visit each station in the gallery.
Encourage students to carefully examine the images and read any accompanying
captions or descriptions.

 The class will be divided into 3 groups by column. Each group must have a leader and
secretary. They will be given 5 minutes to do this.

 Giving of Standards
- What are the Different behaviors we must observe if you are in the Group?
a. cooperation- do your task and functions as a group and a member.
b. participation- give your opinion and ideas to help your group.
c. minimized your voice- to minimize the noise.

4.3 Analysis: (8 minutes) Activity # 3 “PRESENT ME”

After the allotted time, reconvene the class and invite students to share their reflections and
observations. Facilitate a discussion by asking questions such as:

What global health issues did you observe in the gallery?

Which issues do you think are the most pressing or impactful?
How do you think these issues might affect people's lives in different parts of the world?
a. The teacher will ask for a volunteer to explain their output.
b. The students will be given 2 minutes per group in presenting their output.
c. Then after the reporting the teacher will check their answers.

4.4 Abstraction: (10 minutes) “Discussion”

a. The teacher will have a deeper discussion on the different Millennium Development

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight targets that all 191 UN Member States
have agreed to achieve by 2015. The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000
commits world leaders to fight discrimination against women and children, disease, hunger, poverty,
illiteracy, and environmental degradation. All these goals cannot be attained without addressing each and
everyone. All of them influence, affect and depend on better global health programs and policies.

The Millennium Development Goals are an ambitious agenda for reducing poverty and improving lives
that world leaders agreed on at the Millennium Summit in September 2000. For each goal one or more
targets have been set, most for 2015, using 1990 as a benchmark.

Promote gender equality and empower women-means equal representation of men and women. It
implies that everyone should have equal value of treatment.

Global partnership for development-The United Nations, World Health Organization, World Bank and
governments works together to have fair trading which heavily indebted countries obtain relief and funds
to combat poverty, malnutrition and funds for education and social projects.

Improve maternal health-this is not only about mother’s health but also involves the health and wellness
of the family. Maternal health also helps eradicate other problems like poverty, gender inequality,
decreased workforce, lower birth deaths and disability of women.

Reduce child mortality-Programs and policies which help reduce child mortality like improving
nutritional intake, healthcare facilities and infrastructure, and other fields which improve children’s lives.
Strengthening local and national health programs and policies is a method to scale back child mortality.
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger-Africa and Asia suffer from extreme poverty and hunger.
Poverty and hunger may result to severe malnutrition, and lifelong physical and cognitive learning and
reasoning that affects health, well-being and economy.

Ensure environmental sustainability-Investing and supporting sustainable energy like solar, wind and
water energy help support jobs, create business opportunities, and save remaining non-renewable energy

Achieve universal primary education-Persons particularly women who are educated are more likely
need medical attention especially during pregnancy to make sure proper nutrition for his/her family to
adopt, healthy sanitary practices and to ascertain immunization of children.

Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases-Emerging and re-emerging diseases like HIV/AIDS,
malaria, influenza and other diseases affect productivity and growth of countries. Children are the
foremost vulnerable and are exposed to exploitation and abuse undermining their normal growth and

4.4 Application: (5 minutes) Activity # 4 “PHRASE IT”

The students will have the same groupings then they will make a slogan. This is to
reinforce the different Global Health and the Millennium Development Goals. They have 2 minutes to
do this activity. Lastly, every group will be given 1 minute to present their output.

25 points 23 points 20 points
The slogan has The slogan has The slogan has a
highlighted a vivid highlighted a message vivid message to
Content/Theme message that that reinforce the reinforce the
reinforce the different MDG. different MDG.
different MDG.
25 points 23 points 20 points
The output has The output has The output has
creativity, creativity and creativity.
neatness and coherence.

4.5 Assessment: (12 minutes)

1. Which of the following best defines MDGs?
A) Medical Diagnosis Guidelines
B) Model Data Gathering Strategies
C) Millennium Development Goals
D) Multinational Development Grants

2. According to Beaglehole and Bonita, what is global health?

A) Limited to research conducted within a single country
B) Health initiatives driven solely by international organizations
C) Cooperative research and action by international communities to promote health for all
D) Health policies implemented only within national boundaries

3. What are the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aimed at?
A) Achieving global domination
B) Reducing poverty and improving lives worldwide
C) Promoting nationalistic agendas
D) Fostering inequality among nations
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the Millennium Development Goals?
A) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases
B) Promote gender equality and empower women
C) Encourage nuclear proliferation
D) Ensure environmental sustainability

5. How do global partnerships for development contribute to improving global health?

A) By increasing trade barriers between nations
B) By providing relief and funds to combat poverty and malnutrition
C) By promoting isolationism and xenophobia
D) By restricting access to healthcare for marginalized communities

6. What is one of the strategies to reduce child mortality as mentioned in the text?
A) Encouraging child labor to boost economic productivity
B) Strengthening local and national health programs and policies
C) Ignoring healthcare infrastructure in developing countries
D) Prioritizing the health of adults over children

7. How does improving maternal health contribute to achieving broader development goals?
A) By perpetuating gender inequality
B) By increasing the risk of poverty for families
C) By eradicating other problems like poverty and gender inequality
D) By focusing exclusively on the health of mothers

8. Which of the following is NOT a target of the MDGs?

A) Achieve universal primary education
B) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
C) Combat climate change
D) Promote gender equality and empower women

9. Why is ensuring environmental sustainability crucial for global health?

A) Because it promotes the wasteful use of non-renewable resources
B) Because it creates business opportunities in developing countries
C) Because it helps mitigate the impact of climate change on health
D) Because it increases reliance on fossil fuels

10. How do diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria impact global health and development?
A) By fostering economic growth and stability
B) By increasing productivity and workforce efficiency
C) By undermining productivity and growth of countries
D) By promoting social cohesion and cooperation

4.6 Agreement: Make your own Slogan about the different Millenium Development Goals.

4.7 Concluding Activity. With our discussion this morning what quotation you can share?
“It Takes a Village to save a man”
Prepared by:
Practice Teacher

Checked by:
School Head

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