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Managers - someone who coordinates and oversees works of other people to make sure that organizational
goals can be accomplished.

Managers important because of:

1. Their managerial skills and abilities are critical in getting things done.
2. Quality of the relationship between employee and supervisor is the most important variable in
productivity and royalty.

Management – coordinating and overseeing the work of other people to make sure their activities are
completed efficiently and effectively.

Management Functions:
1. Planning is process of setting goals and establish plans.
2. Organizing is process of allocating and arranging company’s resources.
3. Leading is process of guiding and motivating employees.
4. Controlling is process of regulating company’s activities.

Level of Management
Top Managers Middle Managers First-line Managers Non-managerial
- Make decisions about - Manage other - Direct non-managerial - Manage activities of
the direction of managers employees work team.

Efficiency Effectiveness
- Do things right - Do right things
- Minimum resources → Maximum output - Attaining organizational goals
- Focus on process - Focus on result

Management Skills
1. Conceptual Skills (Analyze)
2. Technical Skills (Must have knowledges in particular industry)
3. Interpersonal Skills (Human Skills) (Deal with human)

Top Managers

Middle Managers

Lower Level Managers (First-line Managers)

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