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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the search of MR

AND MISS BIKINI BODIES 2024. To formally start the

program, let us all rise for the prayer to be followed by
the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and the San
Esteban Hymn thru audio visual presentation.
Sir Christian : Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This
evening we will witness ___ dazzling candidates present
their very best and vie for the title MR AND MISS
Julie : As this evening fills with full of excitement, we
will soon find out who will be the worthy title holder.
Sir Christian : And ______________ together with (Julie
Ann Sabugo- Munda) we will be hosting the grandest, the
most exciting, the most fabulous and the most awaited….
Sir Christian: My co emcee look wonderful tonight. It is
my distinct privilege to be right here beside you hosting
this event.
Julie Thank you Sir Christian, I am happy hosting this
exciting event with you as well. Indeed, this is the most
awaited night for our exquisite candidates.
Sir Christian: Absolutely, this is the most exciting part of
the program. I’m pretty sure everyone is excited.
Julie : That’s right Sir Christian. We are looking forward
to an exciting evening which will culminate with the
announcement of the newest MR AND MISS BIKINI
Truly tonight will be a showcase of beauty, elegance,
poise for before our very eyes. _____lovely candidates
will strut the runway and show what it truly means to be
confidently beautiful.
Sir Christian : Tonight, the _____ lovely candidates will
Julie : While our candidates are getting ready for their
exposure, we would like to welcome the ever
magnanimous, dedicated and passionate Barangay
Captain to give his words of welcome, Ladies and
gentlemen let us receive with a warm of applause to our
beloved Brgy Capt Edgar Guzman.

Julie : Thank you Capt for your wonderful words of

welcome. I’m sure they are all getting tensed at this point.
I for sure will be tensed if I were in their position. Since
we are looking for the best man and woman, our
contestant will have to go through a very selective
judging process this evening. They will be judged
according to the following criteria.

Sir Christian: _____exceptional man and women have

dared to join the competition, vying for the most coveted
position of MR AND MISS BIKINI BODIES 2024 and
what a tough choice it is! And here to help us choose the
most deserving candidates for the crown are our most able
board of judges.

Julie : We are excited to have you here today to witness

our contestant showcase their incredible skills.
Before we get started. I would like to take a moment to
introduce our esteemed panel of judges. Each of these
individuals are highly respected in their respective fields
and have devoted their careers to the pursuit of
Sir Christian: Our first judge is a Please give him a round
of applause.
Julie : Our next judge is a. With out further ado let us all
Julie : Our next judge is born in Let’s give a warm round
of applause to the beautiful

Our Criteria for judging are as follows:::::

Julie : The outcome of tonight’s competition rests upon

their hands. I am glad not to be on your seats for this
evening because I am sure you will have a tough time.
Our board of judges will of course use their expertise to
single out the best men and women for the title of MR
Julie : Our candidates will be judged on the following
competition such as the Brach Atttire, Sexy Fittted Maong
Attire and in their oozing black, red, blue bikinis and
wearing white bikini in their showdown.
Sir Christian: Since we’ve already presented our panel of
judges and the criteria for judging, let us not keep our
audience waiting. Ladies and Gentleman
All : Let us welcome the candidates MR AND MISS
BIKINI BODIES2024 in their production number and
self-introduction wearing their beach attire.
Sir Christian : There you have it. Our _____ lovely
candidates vying for the title of MR AND MISS BIKINI
Julie : Again welcome to the grandest and most awaited
event. This is the Search for MR AND MISS BIKINI
BODIES 2024. Let us give our candidates a round of
applause for that spectacular opening number.


Sir Christian : And to show us their oozing confidence on

stage, and to show us their individual personalities with a
sense of fashion, let us all welcome back our candidates
in their Fitted Maong Pants Competition.

Julie : Once again let us give our 10 lovely candidates a

big round of applause.

ADLIB::::::Fiesta Messages
Pauline : And now I think our candidates our now ready
for their next exposure. At this juncture, our candidates
will don in their sexy shorts with bikini bra. Once again,
ladies and gentlemen, the candidates for the Search for
Shorts Competition.
Sir Aren : There you have it folks the ____lovely
candidates vying for the title of MR AND MISS BIKINI
BODIES2024 in their sexy short outfit. Let’s give them a
warm round of applause.
Julie: Moving on, lets all prepare for the next turn as these
____candidates sizzle on their RED/BLACK/BLUE AND
gentlemen let us all welcome back out _____ lovely
candidates as they heat up and sizzle the runway in their
white bikini and showdown starting with candidate
number 1.
Sir Christian: Wow! These ladies are not just a face to
behold, but they boast off bodies which are to die for. This
candidate really possesses the bearing and poise as they
did the walk wearing those divine bikinis.
Julie : So tonight we are almost approaching the peak of
our pageant and we are nearing the part where we get to
know who is going to be the next MR AND MISS


Pauline : Thank you candidates. That completes the final

leg of this pageant!
At these moment, we will now be giving of
certificate of appreciation to our respective panel of
Julie: Thank you once again to our panel of judges who
made it today and giving us time despite their hectic
schedule. We would also like to thank you all for giving
us all your support and help made this all possible and

Sir Christian : Now, in only a matter of minutes we will

be moving on to the most anticipated moment off this
event, the announcement of winners! Are you ready for
Julie : Before we proceed to the awarding of the major
award, I am glad that our candidates will receive the
following minor awards, Our lucky candidates will
receive the following:

Julie : With that may we now call on again on stage our

____beautiful candidates as we announce our Minor
Our first minor award is the ________is awarded to the
pair who best showed their individuality and personality
her sense of fashion in their beach attire. This award to be
given out by : ____________________________. Our
Best in Beach Attire goes to candidate number
Our next award is given to the candidate whose beauty
and charm surprise us on their chic and brisk fitted maong
pants. And to present the award let us call on
_______________. The winner for the best in Fitted
Maong Pants is candidate number: __________________.
(Best Performer) Our next award is the Best
Performer. This award goes to candidate who shows
remarkable performance during there production number.
To present the award may I call on :
________________________________. Our Best
Performer is no other than candidate number :
Our next award is the Best in Swimwear. The best in
swimsuit is awarded to the lady who best exemplifies the
woman who value physical fitness, well-being, and living
a healthy lifestyle as seen in her amazing figure. This
award is given out by: ___________________. Ladies
and gentlemen, our best in blue/black/red and white bikini
goes to candidate number: ______________.
Julie: Congratulations once again to the winners of our
Minor Awards. Let us all give the a round of applause.
Sir Christian : And now the moment of truth. The
announcement of winners. Let us all call once again our
______ lovely candidates vying for the title of MR AND
MISS BIKINI BODIES2024 Before we announce the
winners we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to
the board of judges and also to our candidates we would
like to congratulate all of you for having gone this far. I
am sure your family and friends and everyone else who
gave support, are very proud of you right now.
Julie : Well it is true that they had fun but they also had to
bear with hardships. Its not easy going through long
rehearsals for many days. And if I may, I would like to
congratulate all our candidates.
Sir Christian: I am really feeling that the pageants getting
tougher and tougher as our candidates are getting closer to
the moment they are waiting for.


Julie: What a truly wonderful evening. Our heartfelt

gratitude to the _____lovely candidates. Indeed, you
made this pageant a very spectacular event.
Congratulations to our newly proclaimed MR AND MISS
BIKINI BODIES2024 and to everyone who stayed with
us tonight. Thank you very much. We would like also to
express our deepest appreciation to our panel of judges,
the LGU headed by our very able Mayor Hon. Ray RJ
Elaydo together with the office of the Sanggunian Bayan
headed by our beautiful Vice Mayor Dra. Maria Divina
Gracia Elaydo Etalin. See you all next year for another
enchanting event of beauty and persona. This has been
your host, Julie Ann Sabugo-Munda together with Sir
Christian Ea, this is

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