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PPaL (bust sad < aa iz afi b f a i fi We 9 s af peel ck “a vin Pipe tata E ere oa 1 ce A ad — dn at woids it means away a iFe8d ow 1 __aubbotiteblonsna ard oureaucvatizohan = Decent vali zafion. facibit atos by Creating new insti ubonol rs peyard J 7 = De cont galizatioan ols ns ily Canfidenre —amarg — Aboins ofc. Hus Gedo Bere af ow a totes tk” ddalaa oealing aula spall gow s och ons Yana imp q lower les nr ov Fabby al pa reer achiul beh unite renal ve 2. ays Ho Wont fir. \ wneond na ful ey of Local _olemords. At can _Jncheare. th Atobidi! aol e Od A eswi'cek — of leweh COBH ound wake, - Aplerible ard creatlve . — enbixe proces __peaple aha ' locakadot © P thot Huy 6 oO = Dect m vol Appscac). % = Pobtticod Z Sa inistrotive 1 = i x & Jue e ual Role “ APCO PPaAL Pate: iy | a cy ' «ge 8 Tames Ferlerr. a banal 7s She do ctainal App anath Clee ent ralixatan |! Ab an a ee a -proeXs ob * swmantic Healizatvon —cintle of jpoweh stoi ono Soution Sho “lsealizadlon i Oo villose "communihy unr pondouyal haf dove = v a 0» : # gd J eu Instead o treating decatsalizahin aba meant fo eo aby euomant woh Some ad yoltth, Au idealizahon fords ik jo Mo sfarus of. : eats tilcal ie Lizodanne I ALE ofly ate 2 and will & ore a v siweludi 9 Locol= self gall ein ing bodies, will © tematin \ al xoli- Bepora, Ho 137 pmudmat Ad, taq2 Hw PR ie dda wine von fase do 4 SM ors dee ed valizahdn?? — : Ss oer Pdetniatete Photek ee Ane od hve So ach = ‘decady alization = moti cdnaitichralia™ WAS ads. pope 5 decertralization Hoo nahi topnate for Fidd- led dleaistan he sa tes ptompt problem svg, . MINN APCO Date: 7 4 ) unl ts mit 4rd oA, odministxative MWighk come ; mon of between to locality ad Iho. wd make clemand —> 13[San|2022° ‘ a can » administrative demands odd 1 peed te furchion- corfered, pclae ok jeans cular Burchanal! clepasdments « 5 a Distwict odminishaban tn dudia is ace wi ho, A_pisbiem of aden = function ctuall hy. * Decundeieah dn—admalnist gh ative! Around nat elaserys Mocvel one alidayp.qusharh of cutter by vo ordeninny, BO} operations, 2 = Dual - Bole Approach, A ahs dunk ale opprtoach ba _heied Cla seheashal 2 4S He Saxeg- Junction? dichotomy tr a new - a | ee ae ws} wikin a larger conterd of ' aa alevelo pment abolish inguished foe the: iad tadus oe oe ¢ Brace 4 | = E on field administration bof weer radian crea = ea ee ae eS a Ho —jtees! itd. Aupsten. asa seeking ps aut Sf { L ol ea Ee “Aho kobe bb om estallii shed Ways of dal e Bi c dal ond edo eins delobmat foros sapialy abis __Cardvauk, wit [ote Sinks gun _asiestabeh © | a Yi sytem geome de _majdenance of Sho edtablishod _abdeh” asd “may gencralisis Ao hookn ad trained ge & van Phere elves wit bho Clases fare 0 other gFoujos yao combnsse Hho. est ae e OO & ati cod Ur neds to cae fi pa 7" Cord al’ Seuels 2) ant = Low) oh -_ a Greater pel : aan Con _leod To Voice fou a wt 5 dlecisians oud r= ple Inc seahe (ro _p ied_L.ogiti moog of Se APCO Pali bs izahon igo oh mont of pale Atobubo Sebparse 4 ewelopp oud “4 ib Jactpation local Iticod Uwits HH Uncousiag emer u lo Arthrenest (Ye ope « dudl'a. Ohh | Ho event boli Heol ontrabiz ahi suoug de 1 Morg with 1374 Amerdreat Act: we alto od 34th CAA and ab o yorult Hobe ate qeoveunnnent of 5 deveds in dude ie — Codyal, Atatel District, Block and Vil All is moks Ba wbrvairee JoSoce mone Pep esen — dave ond th gioh ita Local Locoles elected repyerontod- ives Jha wo tabs g condor eles Parhis'pahion « Pear 's[\ [2022 Pdruivistrabive Decard veliselon ho idea ib Hot Docod qauermments Love mone. often about Locals vieeds are Hh Odw — hoofter -placooh _ do chroote appsopriccte.. fpolldes” for sho Local» Haag of 1 ply SI hub, odminist ratve derent sali zation, ba eee $o_impeove _w loss +4 bof tek. polis Dreicc orl better ten dation. at polish Functional Docerstsabizains- Sous eacally nef eh to frantf, of subject sppeatic | wll chiows orn io cotyal i Bp tocol fio > dt news sof fo _ Afphohe of ach ( each doh gheubl be Cheah ‘We ort each ren should be. allow ool funchon Lud epadendhy wih Mo patting of 33% ord 74 can ( 1992 81993) Ho s'ssue of {unctional decaf yalization bok pan fabor cate For_ensvnble 3 ro 730 amadmet J ncludes On. ie Jchedule, ee He comstifuhan dich. 24 why Can clovdlye fo” Ho ean ( Te Sree 13 no claai by vat. —seqasd fo on ‘Ms loco) J a adobe pls, whan So! Tense Geuduad $0 PRs ano L'stedl, Sheu (On be Charg ed Mu eneeuhve order Hao. ae Voene ik absance, : a chews. = — jusisdi dion of, PRI J 0 7 Sto Tee ! caidas a Ba cata heh iy a > Ak _inwales—deudbutier. of _fpowoh_uni Ha_—togasol fo __ fuss, — a ard supordifune $0 Local bodied, yoo He pironcal Status of wd ae doodles oud Hen peieg tem te fica cid Ouenen fos plow uemb | ern entiation ob pa 7 Ho loco hat > Anosd ee ride. (Ocal —spocb'ed fo 2 pars ab pon Ihe focal needd mi ths to ake Cnparditute » Linanalal decanfira- dimbon Masholohe makes important, > Dispoval of peandal _sesporsthilidy sha coke cayman __ ent 4 ahahiSandal dbo. Financial Seodediaton 6 con Poke mony forink in chialgi: Baa i nasnc rare “3 Ens teal nee con ite Jer ae rm onmenrtal “trans ed shift 9 enero setae funn. taneh, neva dy a crdal a do Dncol goueurrrent t “40 Fered oh haan aot spel talaga Hea ,——ohil’ zo on. ithe votioral on to gottoveyn pete aa loan gu ahinbees ° =~ Date AF sar /2022 - Prar nee : - se 4 sess oat L peat dda’ ne do focal golonaee, pros rod a chequered bai sk a alii tiby ect of Me cal” oa - Das edwoys tae oar a — Aignificanrce oe lb ah distorical Sana, Ee | — 7 | Lond Mane! Jubion “adulocabed feed sales bat Maps rl ||, fom ated made. horponw Te stro Hug Dee fentbubeed i ‘ Lord Ripon's Pasi! At-rongly advocated Ste comso _ dna pr See ahetitan shmet Locl-+ 4 venaiig wshtuh’_ Obs» qt ib eat rotted, = ip agin, Casta) oy He Docal- Ferre We Pecod als ation C. see atin pst 904 The ae aay oy adie as 1414, Sid soduced oe ma m4 cae a Semaiatl hat and aed flsd ET a legal i , the Gal of dedi Ad. tas) Jidivodiiced q Ach Federal fo sm 4 qoute ‘and § savinctal, autores” way Poa oo a a qaienmed — ‘| foto cour ab © vt ‘ shined ‘ ; ‘ ” rage) Date __/ Peit= Srdeperdnce cag | de debate a decentyallization was At bef one She. Conshtuet adbenbly ‘vin fo post _ 1 sidleperd at eho. at pe | pntide oo He conmbidubel, war. SKpulativg Sot - “jo Abate shall Falko and aubhari Ob) May be necetary Fo ee fo junctiaf as unis “op = _gouamenks ”. \ Gn 1452 \ Communiby Devs Pxog vammes | wehe | dutyoduced ard Gin 1453) Nabional Cation Acheme wa adopted 3 Bub Hrete two {failed . _ $2 work rape eee ee eee 4 ii a txt 4 mal | Sinally, Sn asa, Wo Gor Afppoirted Who | Balwaht Rai Mehta: Comm. fo Mead uneh For. |beblek working op Pets and Hoey Submifted Wren I Feport mo November, ee \ : wal came iout with a Supedfian Of $hsree.— Z Fe structune op Susraol— tocol gout dati will be given a atadutowy stds and bon twhid | pho Vatdows, fonctions “ponfsumed by B* block. oss fo be“ deudyed Rajosthan wor Io fink state. fo “oxtablish, Pancho i Raf « ‘Jo. achemne. tals inaugurated by prt © Porime Mintater on, Q0ctaber , 057 93. Nidan, obisbaich, Ref aston was bleed ay Page Ne IL ener - _ Prodetbe “which alent Jes As _dy ie tn 1954. Dheheapten ; mest of dba 1 state. adophed ro — | system + Howe apten some Sime ait ete ___|| Raho vshok Mekta Commithes 2 dia Decembite! 1075 Jie, Tan ofa ovehnment cited Ihe Ashok Malta Comm. do a Sipps Sevive ond atragthear — tt rain chiosyadi maf burs, Pane countouy., a Problems! dential ty Ha Chom: regarding PRES Pragsanns ose. app and ajfecked Ho. funchon ali by of PRIS ard mode them —nan- funcd- dona. bade O Hnoncial sehoureeh. Recommendations elven lin. (978 3- We committer tee ommendedd wo = Heh agen Sober, Pano Mee - Hered ore, 9 ecard ly ik See ommoernded flo a distaicd should be int decatvali zation ae opapla slp ision — Ibdlow Jee fof, (31 a mee CM's Wak coniieneodl th 1099 anda wrod bill wok pepared. Se _toe _odloptcd bud Seo bill died ik! “unnotural —dlealh ab fo Tonto gud: fouled Bore _ committesh wera up by He cordial qovenment SE fe 2- Pogeno[——] Date __/__ [an an oeaelrlin canoe) pak as Swuhol Aevelopmest. di fesnay cai! bisicksme CE >| um Ainghat Committee =taag >t Basbona Committee -" igge =| Ghurgon Committee — 1998 : 44 ame On! _ptagrrannhs ods fodicich — 1992 oh 4 fu PC ba tas Pear ene cee emis eae eee | an a nutshell all He committees. econ orded _ dh fovaur of _Sncneasivng Sto Devel on Hosush of _facal sgateanance in dndia Wyant, A ntl tha ae postics. Se aoe rn - ; The Rajiv tran + indsoduced Ha 6 san para ubional “Amendment | Tuy 19 Woh a Lok Sabha but wos se ened toy leo at of. uth coe ut Sho: - fall of g aut: resulted tn lapre Hao bill. In Two (aa3 Py wi ean! Cam power ard Hus govt gave top prolly to tho Pets bd brought out tha 420d Amadmot Bul) qq) with He bill” no 051586 144} Biles ated elect Comm:}) the Come olin before “ $ho Sroukhe and “— a tr po Salat — pian: Pasbiamord oun Dec taa2 ad wos parsed Dec 22nd 1ag2 od Ih now Popaloaly Rrown af 1384 caR By April 234 iaqy ofl Hho Atala aa te So PFOcMs oy as yash ee strerpifan Pars,” oe Date 22/2), -73™ Constitutional mendenent adh of 992.0 This CAR aimed Jo ensue 3 Lapp Constifutional status to PR Is. © Oa rr te pce qakcobabit don, Adterghh ord stabil [te lane nt echueh webs “pulled esau Fallouing earl [ | ds hob mode Mond of oy es a Ho states fo Adt Hiree- Fier j i Pondway at pancho gt nomedy — Zila Pohishad (aisha level), Panchayat Sanit ( od iudoy Gren agak Cuilloge Jee) ~ Periodic election So ol) Hye Hou od raul. 4 svt ewwol.s ound a cis sales) eho $s fo held wilh tw ery Rebsuation a ani SCs ond STs in off Ha ‘ this palin all ie dn Pp epation to iste "sea a dn poo. eee meee = ao all 4 ot ol Jewels ore 40 be ied bby direct clechah» > Creation of Stade Ceehan Commimion 40 Conduch elect dus to Hw PRIs- A State chnance Comms sh each. Atote tuleny 5 yeans jnode fb row He sin anciod position Woy We PRTs | Date pedishen ul” 29 rinchark—Poaggate in tea Achedule . : Oe jorlzaloe of tha 1a ening of ene 4 De constitution cncap Ho! se se by foro to — : buch poner. saibea sab) ah ous dp. enable | ae doi Fumthen ab tn Fuflons of- ee wah god ond sud Jaw mw confiatn Toulsians Fat Sho dlevalution 4 oe “ab Jpaurh odd | Derpans' nilistien ’ upan tha panchayats od “opp rapricte level. However ae cwer eae Fundios hove nat bon tranfaned do RTs th Se Fae Aurre of ton as no defatted » eneasHve districts devaluing grord — sresp anbibi Liha, oh tiMohet fresh aT eRIs. hove been, + ve dssua, os : Date 20.01 2022 CUhene ig clean ota ond e epctiaas ab dU Fe eg aed Of power do pets: is stil) nat obpeniig —Atote pout of Kanata fo enample wh eT ae = | due Jo which PRIS! opten — te calequate tepid Foke a. toacktesf . Under ¢ exnmental llechiin ead eel us now dud ach hy mph She eu 2 os done, (udatntoker! aby She State is belng dene we lH He Lrond dat af will Clesnby Henky te Hurchoins be payor by PRIs. | Tats with tndp tn assess _ Sho dieverueh | seguitied and _ aust gniing Doi owes and [ tee tn ol, COU woul Pel in de she, sdevolutiait Of function aslek Je sper Hrese ac witieg ) Allo Sho pithntion ond jets + ePRIs Vong Fron | Atate fo" Sta _ 2) _sude_| Fhancal Auton anceh splay aw oot pe cal yaa aed yn at bere ‘doc out effi vay ee meat fu ook ate Soa Lanovative meh aumce mobilization Auch & Von of tn come, From entrepreneunial “ton gmat mat Sing Ded! dnc a m armen reek ching —_oraed Sncedives collechon a Page no] | Date __/__/. Besided pooper tan _ ee ot So Pon and muntel, Bevel ip svequi red. = Instead ob, depedi an 4 wm one we adlgred afl of past af Kailes ~ -tan eee cr¥ea Wi Pedi there puri, 3+ Lack -asdinafion? Anal | Sha fonckyouiig Sho Peis Jb Je2 | Jdeo of tack Co-ordivahion am Ho 8 Jevels of PRIs_ on ono and bu requemcy oh Ho oben, Jollowleg ase the prrcble- mS is Ambiquity rela to dist wubion of power Funchins. Lack of Claslty on Ho sue. of PRIS ab planning ard ont agencies > | pbsonce oF with segasd veegatd fo Hho. FelahasWh blu to PRs ound local Jewel voureaucracy » Problem 2pm ecratitiie bates See NGos Yo solve Sis spocbleny ob Jack of Coordination here SB equi usenet fo Weave ard develop a. rao ado sabpie preipeng cata — af), So ,. locod Aegordby Necem ay Saute ‘ghouls! be. vo wmode tn, tia PRs. ach. Date 22 /O1 /_2022 PPT Aabubing be es Pea There ig qs Abrus heed pupal add administra - jai cage ins De Pers and, ules nea do be mode poible Fx boll lavwing ond Implementation of *egesamns ad Stain’ capabilifes need — fo Lt otate ahi Deve (Dishit Rwal Develapmrat Agency) Jos bo sbe__yplaced _urd oh Ho covty al ee Sah _ —Subkent so Hat bho Sep rbudohve oh bo invdlued tn opted oh malvtain | trandpoddhoy in Jt. Jinplemetat: | don of rural dew ° schemes S02 gout econ ended Hd constitubon “gilance Coud. _ Wtowing committeo! th ea bldck» | eg: aims indicted Jin —recammn erdafiann — and entboliche ome such Committees Abrugthning RTs oar ae a ess oe weal = of: serial educated pl an Jo_be ited ear! poteple na be Son — Of a. whole _She_uncioning of PRES in vas Suh — tober during Sa ost 2 ded preeurted a mired icdtune jf Jos prtoulded an elumerd of corfinulhy aud “enlangd _ the_panliipstony “pana. ot Wo qecaust oat level, Page Na 4 Date yy rang . GaathD) Abandiv Committee onita, _ Rag Rajiv _Graxdb — Ftd psinlapmegt | sasha? Pa Report (2018) fa ested Fellows! wend utes 3 I. _ Suggested Following mMea- Lijantbrat Subes itp —atTegthen PRISt. | (4 Releasing ef urd cd — Ogrpee gu i a prop h—_ five oss | mredting’ “( Pxtrnade, ee _dvdepardent pasticipadion ne wld © Anicheabe Women pasicipti (a) Propo devallihon of (2) Rdbasing of Funds, coho, Pears | ; fanchoysts oe apecial wnenton . th UNDPT _ separ sad il t edisieed Bea Fac od yn | principle decaitralizing power. From corte $ pro. sdistrich ee enable _penple to —panhcipate tr decision mo a moe. Tai sth dou ja seal by Lt Alenply® Fab lond peor Fm eno ads Ui tes, t0 oe ANdthes .Dewasratic decetrabzaton | c sada — give voice fo Sho peop le but ae enhanc! rclpaflon eb pec 4 te t sg ally by eres th peu if ey | of Oncol forse? , ves Date /__ 2} Ubon Local. Bodieg 3- dh Constitution = Astide Uo a mentions about rts ard™UBs, uo UL@s for menhon Omny tin ll Ent dist 14 ah Schedule i ee a Extucd nd 2h Mee coi eh — ——<_| “_Conmrisstes’ 2 Comes ston’ ae [ toent Finance Bui by Committee (194 4a-51), She ce main rchon ad se commerndahon wah widen of tha” Sphere oy tanation fx Sts _usban a: 2 Tinodion Cequisy ( Committee (asa - ae at a ot at cobain stands should be. ed Av tot tt | Con be enclusluely [ is alt bol Gout. Commitee on Hho training of, Munic pall Erle ia (1963-65), Grains wing Jnbhtutes fo be sdk central od Atate Jewel. far “frag rausiclpal _errplyesd ane 4 || Rusol— Ussbare Relok ous hip Committee (1963-66) Aus committee dried . Jguine wo _ alll municipal Admin abradion Fram pasonnd ei Sanodiof. fo \tedepudence bw He bun Z oenenwoval dp inde. 5° || Committee of Minatend oh Augmentation of Sinan Respusce a ULBs (1963), af Sv fot shat! the UL@s wee Ad Sag Prepaid adds casumarked fer than J Sard —f— ma). _ Date__/__, * urdetake down planningen town demlabment . : shew ed ta local bodicste ref up Atatusory urban —desdaprpont Baan | Committee on Aewice Conditin’ of Municipal Crapopeh. (%5~68), a4 ested Sho const atin ee Municipal employers . __#| “Nakonal Commission on Urbanization Lage), —__||_tecomm ended Hho Feuitabizotion of Orban oes j —gouennnnesat | ee etre ese eeteaeeeS oo Cree tibolone oss ‘do Pug (98a, Rajiv Gandhi got dnd reduced Bo | 65 “Combtt ubioral Amendment Bi, he Bi Was pated b lok Sabha = but was ejected by Rajya, Aabha . ke _Nohinal Gro god unde UP: Singh indroduc. ed an arcthen “bill in taqo. ett Bo bill lapsed due so Yo, fall o dhe 9 Healy, hn iqq, PU: Naimha Ran's : ubredduced tunic pali'bios bi) asd 4a / Finally emesaed Os tho TH Cap af 1.942, ag Coun : info frre on Tune | 1qq ! 1? tt ae Date 24 /o1 /_2022 Provisions of FU Constitutional Amendment Act aol ste ack indented Cone ies Post 1X (A) Mat deals —uyjth. “Municipal tieg and its issues. — dt Becks fe etfoblich a Mineo — He Eachus 74ITTTITT YP” Consist Muni clpo anparahiah 4 Municipal Counci- [th and” wat Pon uM “t sya : ay se Uriftun. fonuke of Sycors or all Joe Stsee — Souel ULes avd “if cUssdyed cai Veoh cle chons $0 be theld wWittnl 6 monty, + Resewabion of not 1% Har 2/34 0} Sotal Acafs Fok women, “| Ros dwabton el desks far Sc] ST egal) Ma levds jn -prepsttion “fe | Hhei. population. 18D he 12 Achedule poouideh 18. auf fectt. on which Meo rousi cl pal _sbodtics can make tau ard Can _ in i ment Sho schemes fx Sodor economic dev dapment of Hhein own Sped pe and defined ahead . Foul. (etade abould) canidttute ay Sleds datnalce| Comms Jeno inh the finandal sposistion of ULB 1 so bie _ Constitution Districh Planing Commit fee (DPc) ond Meteropdita) Planning Commi tee 4 pepane ceydlspmertas plan. \ fied Gu, titulo of _Atadhe Geckan Commition $0 Cond ust Aedion of ULBs.. Provision gf watd committed,» Far. “beta FO yim ty with the’ Gtzens, : i agen.) Dateete eae Functioning. 4 urs. s ee A | Develution OF Seuncfiong t= PES aagatd tp Te — devebution Heo ures Shere Je oe eke ——t leas cut —undiovell j wusdichon , Home \ Atates “Lika Himachal Pradesh Rajabihon, Hosyor —Chattiteanl. Drove exrlued ib out 8 fur cians: fe ie ULBs of aan ie _{unchong_ ASM germnain with Sho authosttieg The Caro deciston snag pane —sditL ets iollb tte Abate qauks cs distaict_ac con eeHE bry situation though, VUalhoaponatdl Atote of Aone skates tithe" _Ketala ros Pvarsforned Ha eB “i dunds ard funchiong 5 Srowe tgp a e nfethe auc? asd contralli fo uh fa ine Bay ae Powe of _afpfoi -psometion unit — in a Zi Sirona Peony isi bythe tote iS tees hs rat Sorat i ULE. ot yee Sreveols a “yea i dove to depend _o a © Grom She Coitaabe and ifLbs yen ha 1 A i Tho 124% Ginance Commi loan. Sepak fob Aummad fp ss Imani 4prsbiem sh ULBs Auch of 3+ lp Pook i nevenue reabizahon: 100 i cl fal ek, ence on State trans john Encok eupendi tune etal be et wizivas | Nb )t ft T re ey ural, stote DisAdm, Coli © Date __/. IT] Lv dresequlan Aisbustement of compart afien, grat, i Peck. accounting oe “Teadicg fade sholasiy f 10H Fran col. si 2 Mount raid a Scat payee fh of pentin ad — EO) feta Dees (District Planving Committoo van tide | Assidle 2U3(AD) seccived “Conphtutioral akbar tho pate en Arnenden ot Ac, = she hove emai jue Ua Hebbel ede i age dn Sho. tikes Atates thea Rajastban Teri Nodit 9 UP Save given vi a So DeCse Biteaverats Uoik DPCs th Hanyang O damn fu «Th Vadbya. Pr sade be ministert Hrenmselued owe, been pode. n-gage op Here Decs which 1 a Vislahon Of _amerd Devs rang times is chairok by He _Atate naan i on_anathes prablera, — Ah ensused dhof $0 DPCs_ Wonks ab an asun of tobe — gout ard. His be came incapable of dirdeperderd Furctionlvg : Tssues] with ULBs—? || at ig due the ne feck he la Shs. ULBS egandiig spon 5 _ entation. 2 ware: jurds ond Gronot Jack. of palittical ond eistrafive with = She nate qa: dr contrayent on of iss own sutles conbtid ub ad he! Decs Se: A005 stn val distyids Nominating all) imembads susteod holding elections? ne Decs . ds Garred by wroke vntniStek ulich db an another Jssuen(——) Cee Saath aig pe iain 2 thes ehh} Ma? Saouss afk shed apeca ahokl be made) effective and Hho di abst plans pated Mor PRTs ard Me munial | Should a approved day Ha Hite pe aha J tk abi. desbable Seat feo Dees bbe guideline _ fo Lowey Devel wike dn asd fo Shes actual actor wound Je. Cank alidated. ! fae agen splans.: Tas a Fou Lune. Whe succes” 5h detent ralizahia = Natuke of dintfittutions chee. | Ente vo ard Ftnance’ fe Potton 4 plu Ust abut as eat groups Posdi cipatien of civil saclay AS a nobult of He 734 ond aur CAR Gucol | dem Sob " Joeen di |_ alton bFoadened, a4d. _sneprerent, wrt ton tent Aivensitied . “lhe new sypten oe geetiaeeuarars bob Tete an_ element ie poKupatty Proce ok Ba Dhe emp ence Jol vga do Sha Ake Wo ned fo loco) bodilet,, fo meat so Me derived Statards of Penance » an this pe cal Wes Atote Sora uitel fo vole , oot blished at + Vesrce — Ib ta raser eas eek . Qa : i Bee Goat he Cote fon a uihl_aale to playin proullg- “el A aS He “its ht need. Ha Shee al a a ent tp At *erg then de- cert ralization Bosides in Me 2a. of faedinfan the corto — ob well os Ho > will Srowe fo ypravide a caitfcal to Socal Jrattubors dn Sexy fl use ord institution build 8 globalization will Drove US impact _on village if Qe iat fccourtohilhy. Effect pl A @wiceh CON, tg that imply Sho olecent- lin patel Andie a =

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