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DATE: 14/03/2023 MARKS: [25]


Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Each question has only
ONE correct answer. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A-D) next to the question
number (1.1-1.3) in the answer sheet.

1.1 Which ONE of the following forces always acts perpendicular to the surface on which a body
is placed?

A. Normal force
B. Frictional force
C. Gravitational force
D. Tension force

1.2 A net force F which acts on a body of mass m causes an acceleration a. If the same net force
F is applied to a body of mass 2m, the acceleration of the body will be ...

A. ¼a
B. ½a
C. 2a
D. 4a (2)

1.3 A constant horizontal force F is applied to a box resting on a horizontal, frictionless surface.

Which ONE of the following statements regarding force F is CORRECT?

Force F will cause the box to move with ...

A. constant acceleration
B. constant velocity
C. constant kinetic energy
D. constant momentum (2)


A learner constructs a push toy using two blocks with masses 1,5 kg and 3 kg respectively. The
blocks are connected by a massless, inextensible cord.

The learner then applies a force of 25 N at an angle of 30° to the 1,5 kg block by means of a light
rigid rod, causing the toy to move across a flat, rough, horizontal surface, as shown in the diagram

The coefficient of kinetic friction (µk) between the surface and each block is 0,15.

2.1 State Newton’s Second Law of Motion in words. (2)

2.2 Calculate the magnitude of the kinetic frictional force acting on the 3 kg block. (3)

2.3 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the 1,5 kg block. (5)

2.4 Calculate the magnitude of the:

2.4.1 Kinetic frictional force acting on the 1,5 kg block (3)

2.4.2 Tension in the cord connecting the two blocks (5)

2.5 How does the value, calculated in QUESTION 2.4.1, compare with the value of STATIC
friction for 1,5 kg block? Write down only LARGER THAN, SMALLER THAN or EQUAL TO.



Fnet = ma fsmax = µsN fk = µkN

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