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Writing a thesis can be an incredibly challenging and time-consuming process, especially when it

comes to topics that involve complex issues like private prisons. The research involved in crafting a
comprehensive paper on private prisons requires a deep dive into legal, social, and economic aspects.
It necessitates a thorough examination of data, policies, and the broader implications on society.

One of the primary challenges is the vast amount of information that needs to be sifted through.
From government reports and academic studies to news articles and firsthand accounts, the amount
of data can be overwhelming. Moreover, analyzing and synthesizing this information into a coherent
argument adds another layer of difficulty.

Additionally, the topic of private prisons is fraught with controversy and ethical considerations. It
involves critical analysis of the privatization of the penal system and its impact on incarceration rates,
prisoner rights, and the justice system at large. This complexity requires a nuanced understanding
and the ability to navigate sensitive topics with care and precision.

Given these challenges, many students and researchers find themselves seeking assistance with their
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Arguably, there has not been a resolution solely devoted to encouraging debate on prison reform at
the college level. The population of the US is not uniform, and there are many minority groups
widely present. Fewer prisoners m eans fewer crimes are being committed. Further, research points
to the need for transparency and accountability as it relates to fighting maladministration. You can
use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. The perimeters in such penitentiaries
have either walls or reinforced fences. Furthermore, the owners of the identified facilities often abuse
their rights by increasing profit margins with the help of the strategies affecting the rights of inmates
(e.g., quasi-slave labor). I learnt various things: first aid, how to manage a prisoner, how to talk, how
to deal with them, where to position myself. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
However, the demand for the services of private prisons has not declined over the years, and CCA
continues providing its services in the U.S. As a recent report states, there are approximately 92,500
beds across 67 prisons that are under CCA’s control. Whatever the intended function of prison is, the
reality is that they perform a role in our society. In this way, private prisons are able to act as a
supplement to public prisons by alleviating overcrowding. That includes contracts, some of which
are with private prison companies. Therefore, private prisons as a concept are intrinsically flawed. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. Debating prison reform could benefit the debate
community by addressing an important social issue and preparing students for careers in law, policy,
or social justice work. Therefore, profit becomes the leading principle that defines the choices made
by the owners of the facilities, which means that the objectives which must be pursued by the
organizations, such as the rehabilitation of criminals, is shifted into the background and is often
overlooked. Reform ! This information was all conceived only a few minutes after his birth. In
contrast for non-Hispanic whites the rate has been 164%. Prison Conditions, Neoliberalism, and
Public Choice” Aviram, Hadar. It is a system that imposes a sanction or penalty to prevent
commission of crimes in the future. “In the current economic climate, the problem will only worsen
as the federal system and many states struggle to deal with high levels of overcrowding. The United
States leads other industrialized nations in mass incarceration level due to high numbers of violent
crimes, porous borders with Mexico, which inflates drugs trafficking, racial turmoil, criminal justice
policies, and degradation of social safety net. A study looking at population trends in 1999 found no
evidence that changes in crime rate had an effect on the prison population. Conclusion In this paper,
the proponent presented some reasons why the prison system faced dramatic increase over the years
starting from 1980s. Recidivism refers to “a person’s relapse into criminal behavior, often after the
person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime. As stated earlier, there is a
considerable number of inmates in the United States that have series of committed crimes which
basically is the main reason of their being convicted within required sentence. In 2007, for example,
there were a little over one million people on parole from the federal prison system. It cannot be
argued that the increase of crime adds up the number of inmates in prison cells. He also explained
how the issue of privatisation shouldn't be at the forefront of the debate; there are more pressing
issues within the prison system. He said. Indeed, in small towns, where the facilities of the kind are
typically located, prisons often become the source of employment and, thus, the financial well-being
of an impressive number of residents.
Together these house about 8 percent of inmates around the U.S., according to government figures, a
number that has risen quickly in recent years. Furthermore, the very existence of private jails defies
one of the primary principles of democracy and human rights, i.e., the belief that one must be
considered innocent until proven guilty. Privatized prisons are publicized as being less expensive,
more efficient, constructed faster, and more rehabilitative. Abstract: “Neoliberal ideology has driven
privatization across the globe steadily since the 1970s, advocating that the only way to meet
macroeconomic objectives is to privatize public enterprise. Conclusion In this paper, the proponent
presented some reasons why the prison system faced dramatic increase over the years starting from
1980s. It summarizes data on jurisdiction, sentence length, race, and citizenship of prisoners, as well
as the race and gender of correctional officers. For example, incarceration and gang crimes are
strongly associated and have specific positive relationship (Kent et al., 2000). This interrelationship
strongly contributes to the increase of crime. For example, WE, a fighting show, has twenty million
viewers in a single week. They are often criticised for being more violent than public prisons, with
inexperienced staff and prisoners not feeling as safe. Dec 2016 Recent trends have shown
disapproval of prison system by public (Griffiths, 2007: 64) This essay opens with a discourse of
what prisons are in general, during seventeenth century which was selling criminals to America. It is
based on a review of 750 research papers from which 78 were identified as being high-quality
examinations of the effects of these programs. The results of the meta-analysis shows that prison
education programs are a net positive, both for taxpayers and former prisoners. Another duty played
by the Bureau is to ensure all prisons are operating at the acceptable national standards and all
operations adequately controlled. Finally I will outline the expected findings of the research as well
as any potential problems and limitations. As such, the government should be a shareholder in most,
if not all, of these prisons. References Fleisher, M. (1998). Strategic management in the federal
bureau of prisons. Failings in these inspections can result in improvement notices served or the prison
taken over by the public sector. While crime level appears to be driving some of this growth, much
of it is connected to sentencing rules and guidelines, the length of sentences, and a general public
intolerance of crimes. These factors include the increase of older population, the increase of crime
and productivity of inmates in the United States. In addition, inmates lack adequate essential
materials or programs due to unwillingness of state governments to commit funds to prison budgets.
Along with the implementation of harsher penalties and longer sentences, prison overcrowding
became a precursor to the popularity of private correctional facilities. About a half of the illegal
immigrants that were sentenced in the U.S. are also kept in private prisons, which may become the
reason for reinforcing the role of private jails during Trump’s administration given the recent changes
to the immigration laws (“Under Mr. Trump, Private Prisons Thrive Again”). This Article ends by
suggesting that, in a neoliberal capitalist environment, prohibitions and litigation alone cannot
improve prison conditions, and that policymakers need to consider proper market incentives
regulating both private and public prisons.”. This Article illustrates these arguments with several
examples of correctional response to the conditions caused by the Great Recession, showing how
public and private actors alike adopt a cost-minimizing, financially prudent approach, sometimes at
the expense of prison conditions and inmate human rights. In addition, CCA would insure that the
prisons it operated would meet the criterion establish by the same federal judge who had earlier
determined that the state's prison system violated of the U. Indeed, overcrowding contributes to high
transmission rate of communicable diseases in confinements. While few would argue with that
contention, others do contend that the primary purpose of the prison should be rehabilitate offenders
and get them ready to be positive contributors and law-abiding citizens in society upon their release.
Rather than simply having them serve time and then be released, only to return to prison because
their issues have never been dealt with, many federal prisons will offer drug rehabilitation programs.
Such programs are designed to get inmates away from drugs and to develop alternative means of
enjoyment, or employment, upon release. These will be chosen based on accessibility as well as the
ability to obtain permission to talk to prisoners and permission from the prisoners themselves. In
addition, hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants pass through privately run detention
centers each year. Dec 2016 Recent trends have shown disapproval of prison system by public
(Griffiths, 2007: 64) This essay opens with a discourse of what prisons are in general, during
seventeenth century which was selling criminals to America.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The amount of
individuals that are imprisoned and the treatment after is equal across races; however there is a
strong feeling of discrimination among black women, as higher levels of scrutiny and observation
results in them getting caught more often than their white counterparts. More time spent interacting
with prisoners out of their cells, on offence related courses leading to rehabilitation and preventative
measures being taught.”. It is also contradictory to the present correctional reforms that emphasize
maximizing the opportunities that are available to inmates (Farrington 222). The setting shows
genetic modification as a common ethical approach to achieving perfect lives. If rehabilitation were
the primary goal of all prisons it would have given my brother greater life opportunities and less
chance of reoffending. The body burns energy even while it is thesis a house completely at rest.
There are several ways to reduce prison overcrowding, more comprehensive alternative is house
arrest and community service, which are alternatives to incarceration, and new prison buildings.
Privatized prisons are publicized as being less expensive, more efficient, constructed faster, and more
rehabilitative. From 2000 to 2006, the US population increased by 6.39% but the overall population
growth rate slowed down by 17% (Geo Midpoint, 2011). In addition, the rate of racial minorities
being laid off is higher than that for whites. 9 Racial discrimination in sentencing and arrest is not
the only reason for the increased prevalence of minority groups, particularly African Americans in
prisons. The world of Gattaca is set in essay, the near future and biotechnology has an prison reform
research paper immense social influence. ISSN: 2349-0373. Abstract: “The privatization of
government services has been a means by which to increase efficiency, quality, and save money. On
their website they give 10 reasons why privatisation is so bad. Until the 1970s, our prison systems
revolved around the concept of rehabilitation. This is because prison management differs across
different prisons, with many being run privately, with the definition of capacity and the measures
used to find out the number of prisoners differing widely. Moreover, mass imprisonment creates a
group of ex-convicts which alginates from the local society. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Moreover, racial discrimination against
black Americans makes them more susceptible to criminal activities and imprisonment. Rehabilitation
is a critical to overcome the collateral consequences of being a convict which limit the convicted
individuals social, economic, and political opportuniti es after release (Pinard, 2006). It seems like
an outrageous idea, but at least it would work because inmates have nothing to lose; thus, they are
highly motivated to fight for their freedom. One disadvantage of this research is that it may be
difficult to get interviews with prisoners, and by necessity these must be somewhat close to the
researcher’s location, as the prisons must be visited physically. This issue is not just a matter of
influence, but there is a great portion of the subject about the number of population in the United
States and what comprises the most in it. The government has to come up with new ways to punish
the guilty, and still manage to keep American citizens satisfied that our prison system is still
effective. Contents Prison Population and Rates of Incarceration in the United States of America
among Racial Minority Populations 1 A Research Proposal 1 Abstract 2 Prison populations are
rapidly growing with no leveling off of growth rate in sight in the United States. By both measures,
the status quo is yielding questionable results. 51% of all prisoners released are returned to the
prison system and nearly 30% are returned within the first six months of their release (Lyles-
Chockley, 2009). Others, such as the progressive-leaning Americans Civil Liberties Union, argue that
they are, as the Justice Department found, less safe and less effective at reforming inmates. This cost
varies depending on the state or territory, and whether the person is in a public or private prison.
Because most people, especially those are under fifty, want to see violent scenes. As such, the
government should be a shareholder in most, if not all, of these prisons.
Interviews will be detailed and ask many questions about background of the prisoner, the driving
factors behind their crime, their plans upon release and their impression of the justice system as a
whole. Thus, the America’s measure to combat drug trafficking has led to more incarcerated persons
serving longer sentences. This issue is not just a matter of influence, but there is a great portion of
the subject about the number of population in the United States and what comprises the most in it.
Thesis Usman ! Individuals who continue to consume more each day are prone to being overweight
as the prison research paper body stores the excess energy as fat. Dec 2016 Recent trends have
shown disapproval of prison system by public (Griffiths, 2007: 64) This essay opens with a discourse
of what prisons are in general, during seventeenth century which was selling criminals to America.
ABC-CLIO, 2012. Tartaglia, Mike. “Private Prisons, Private Records.” Boston University Law
Review, vol. 94, no. 5, 2014, pp. 1690-1744. “Under Mr. Trump, Private Prisons Thrive Again.” New
York Times. 2017, Web. U.S. Department of Justice. The increase in crime rates results from a
number of socio-economic and legal factors. If we had lessened the number of prisoners, we could
have stopped deeding them and building new Jails. This allows them to engage low-cost offenders
while the backlog of high maintenance offenders go back to the public sector. Thus, considering that
the population in the United States is increasing which comprises a great portion of adults, there is
always a great probability that the younger generation will be strongly influenced by the latest
trending of behaviors and other related social concerns coming from people of the older generation.
The condition under which healthcare is provided deters inmates from accessing vital treatment, for
instance, prisoners are not accorded necessary privacy during treatment. The issue expands even
further when we address disabilities, as about 44% of inmates with disabilities do not finish high
school or obtain a GED, and approximately 38% of inmates who completed 11 years or less of
school did not have a job before they went to prison. In American criminal justice system, several
cases of racial-related arrests, pretrial and the sentencing have been witnessed, with people of color
being overrepresented in America criminal justice system. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. But are they effective in rehabilitating
prisoners. Add Books Studylists You don't have any Studylists yet. Although considered a
promising alternative to traditional public procurement in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, there
is a paucity of empirical data on the impact of PPPs on other important public values, such as
transparency or responsiveness, in the specific context of the penal sector. Moreover, the laws used
in the criminal justice system are male oriented and do not carter for women specific needs. The
minimum time our certified writers need to deliver. Certainly, a number of African-Americans have
been victimized due to their color. ICE interpreted this so-called “bed mandate” (or “immigrant
detention quota”) as an instruction to fill those beds, which it realized, in part, by turning to private
contractors. As prison populations continues to expand, it is likely that any effect that they have on
crime rates will decrease, as more low rate and low severity criminals are incarcerated. By both
measures, the status quo is yielding questionable results. 51% of all prisoners released are returned to
the prison system and nearly 30% are returned within the first six months of their release (Lyles-
Chockley, 2009). Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Racism is still prevalent in
America and this is reflected in levels of sentencing and incarceration as well as the proportion of
minority races in prisons. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy
source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Marguiles, Joseph. “This is
the real reason private prisons should be outlawed.” Time. 2013, Web. Remember! This is just a
sample You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers Get custom essay Price, Byron,
and John Charles Morris. Where possible the responses of prisoners will be recorded audibly so they
can be evaluated fully at a later date. Jun 2010 You can read the winning (and excellent) essays here
is chronically underfunded and ultimately useless in a system which is often referred. About a half of
the illegal immigrants that were sentenced in the U.S. are also kept in private prisons, which may
become the reason for reinforcing the role of private jails during Trump’s administration given the
recent changes to the immigration laws (“Under Mr. Trump, Private Prisons Thrive Again”).

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