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The K to 12 Framework is an education reform initiative implemented in the Philippines that aims to

improve the quality of education by adding two additional years to the previous 10-year basic education
program. This means that students now have to go through a Kindergarten year, six years of elementary
education, four years of junior high school, and two years of senior high school.

The most essential aspect of the K to 12 Framework is the inclusion of the two additional years of senior
high school. This enables students to choose from various tracks or specializations that are aligned with
their interests and career goals. These tracks include academic, technical-vocational-livelihood, and
sports and arts, among others.

The K to 12 Framework also emphasizes the importance of developing 21st-century skills, such as critical
thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and digital literacy. These skills are integrated into the
curriculum and are developed through various learning activities, projects, and assessments.

Another essential aspect of the K to 12 Framework is the focus on mother tongue-based multilingual
education. This means that students are taught using their native language or the language they are
most proficient in, before gradually introducing them to other languages, such as English and Filipino.
This approach is believed to improve learning outcomes and promote cultural diversity and

Overall, the K to 12 Framework aims to provide students with a more holistic and relevant education that
prepares them for college, career, and life in general.

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