Class 3

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NAME: Class 3 2nd bi Monthly

Q 1. Answer the following questions.

i. What did the king do after hearing the villager?

ii. Why did the king beat Sharfu?

iii. How did the prince spend the night?

iv. How did the dog take Karim to the pond?

v. What was the name of Quaid-e-Azam’s father?

vi. Write the names of poetry books of Allama Iqbal.

vii. When did Quaid-e-Azam start his life as a leader?

viii. How are trees useful for human beings and animals?

Q 2. Write T against the true and F against the false.

i. The king was unjust and cruel to his people.

ii. Abdul Karim was a farmer.

iii. The prince killed the lion with his sharp sword.

iv. The prince wanted to catch a deer alive.

v. The prince saw a deer drinking water at a stream.

vi. Sharfu ran away to the hills.

vii. The parrot saved the prince’s life.

viii. When Sharfu was caught, he was thrown into a lion’s cage.

ix. The dog could not bark because it was mute.

x. The dog was faithful to his master.

Q 3. Tick  the correct answer:

i. A big thorn had pricked into the lion’s hind leg fore leg

ii. The lion started licking Sharfu’s

roaring at Sharfu

iii. After some days Sharfu fled to the

was caught neighbouring

iv. The prince chased deer and caught it but couldn’t catch

v. The prince sat under an oak a palm tree

vi. The parrot disturbed the prince to make him afraid to save his life

vii. Allama Iqbal is the founder of national poet of

Pakistan Pakistan

viii. Allama Iqbal died on 21st April 1938 21st March 1938

ix. Put the tray on the table in the table

x. The batsman was playing on a bat with a bat

Q 4. Write which is the noun and pronoun

He is Ahmed. ____________________________________________

They are pupils. ____________________________________________

We are playing hide and seek. ____________________________________________

There is cat under the table. ____________________________________________

You are a Muslim. ____________________________________________

Q 5. Underline “______”verbs in these sentences:
i. They are walking fast.
ii. He travelled by a bus and reached school soon.
iii. On Friday they came ten minutes late.
iv. Work hard to stand for the first position.
v. He is working well now.

Q 6. Fill in the blanks:

i. When Quaid-e-Azam went to England he was only ________________ years


ii. Quaid-e-Azam died on ________________.

iii. He is the founder of ________________.

iv. Allama Iqbal was born ________________ in ________________.

v. Allam Iqbal went to England and passed ________________.

Q 7. Choose the write verb to fill in the blanks.

i. They will ________________ the lawn. mow mowing

ii. Nida will ________________ a pair of socks. knit knitting

iii. My uncle will _______________ in my birthday participate participating


iv. The servant will tea ________________. make making

v. They will ________________ by bus. travel travelling

vi. He will ________________ tomorrow. come coming

Q 9. Change the following into short forms:

Are not _______________________

Is not _______________________

Has not _______________________

Have not _______________________

Was not _______________________

Were not _______________________

Cannot _______________________

Shall not _______________________

Will not _______________________

cannot _______________________

Marks Scheme
Total Marks: 100 Obtained Marks:_______________
Percentage (%): __________________ Grade : ______________________
Question No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Total Marks
Obtained Marks

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