Treaty of Versailles Research Paper

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challenging it can be to navigate through vast historical information, analyze complex events, and
formulate coherent arguments. Crafting a thesis on such a significant historical event requires
meticulous research, critical thinking, and articulate writing skills.

The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919 to officially end World War I, remains a pivotal moment in
history, shaping the course of the 20th century. Exploring its impact on international relations,
economics, and politics requires a deep understanding of historical context and its repercussions.

From deciphering primary sources to synthesizing scholarly interpretations, the process of writing a
thesis on the Treaty of Versailles demands rigorous academic effort and attention to detail. Moreover,
constructing a compelling argument that adds fresh insights to existing scholarship adds another layer
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The country demanded territorial expansion and substantial reparations. We want a stern peace
because the occasion demands it, but the severity must be designed, not for vengeance, but for
justice. Similarly, the Treaty of Versailles could then be behind the Anschluss. Essay on two sides of
a coin graduate study essay examples. According to the source, the peace treaty was too harsh on the
Germans that it subsequently led to another war. I will make my final decision on how fair it was by
looking at the good and bad things. It affected Germany economically, crippling the economy
through hyperinflation and unemployment. Therefore, from other states which were involved in
World War I, the Treaty of Versailles was a fair treaty. Was the art simply cultural trash which
contributed to the failings of the period, as the Nazis thought—or did it have a lasting value and
reflect something more profound about this difficult period in German history. The German people
saw the Weimar Government after signing the treaty as weak and traitorous and this caused political
distress. France wanted back areas of Germany, which caused a lot of anger amongst German
people, and it built up a lot of hate between the two countries. Whether or not Woodrow Wilson's
peace would have fared better than the Treaty of Versailles is really immaterial; no one will ever
know. Best quality! Researcher to write a good idea the best writers, an under aided to be. During
one round of negotiations where Wilson was presenting his 14 points, Clemenceau is said to have
turned and whispered to Lloyd George saying, “You know that God Himself had only 10!” Another
British delegate General Henry Wilson referred to President Wilson as a, “vain, ignorant, weak ass.”
The League of Nations was created, but perhaps because most of Wilson's other points were ignored,
the United States did not join. In general, the British aims were compatible with the American aims.
The British believed that Germany should after a while recover as a major trade partner without ever
again posing a military threat. This lowered Germany’s income a lot and made paying back six
million six hundred thousand marks in reparations to the main three countries a very hard task.
Germany was forced to accept the conditions of the treaty. The four men in the foreground represent
(from right to left) Woodrow Wilson, the President of the U.S, Georges Clemenceau, the Prime
Minister of France, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, the Prime Minister of Italy and Lloyd George, the
Prime Minister of Britain. This phrase gives a peek into what Vedsailles paragraph is about. The
Third Reich: The Treaty of Versailles had prompted and fueled the rise of Hitler and resulted in the
organization the Nazi party. The Netherlands were determined to continue their politics of neutrality,
as this had proven successful during the war. Referring to the harsh economic terms of the Treaty
and making his stance on Versailles known to an unhappy German people, Brockdorff-Rantzau
almost predicted the rapid decline in living standards and probability of death in Germany. It had
been one of the causes of bad relations between Britain and Germany before the war. The Treaty of
Versailles weakened Germany by creating economic problems, reducing Germany's trade with other
nations and causing unemployment and Germany. First of all, it helped the spread of nationalism and
liberalism. France was the most pleased with the treaty as since they suffered the greatest casualties
and damage they sought revenge and received in the vindictiveness of the treaty. France had been
devastated by the effects of war and sought to cripple Germany. The gallery is free and is open
Tuesday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm. Occupation of the Ruhr only exacerbated the economic crisis
in Germany.Many problems were not resolved during the Versailles Conference and after signing the
Treaty. However because of the treaty it was a major blow to both strength and the pride of Germans.
Flanders in Belgium had been all but destroyed with the ancient city of Ypres being devastated. It is
quite fascinating to recall and ponder over the cumulative reasons which forced the rivals to fight for
their rights. The Treaty of Versailles stated that (a) Germany was solely responsible for the start of
the First World War. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. However they thought that
the reparations payments were not harsh enough. As the talks at Versailles went on it became clear
that the very different objectives of the three leaders could not all be met. Join our team of
reviewers and help other students learn. Having been defeated, Germany,, and were excluded from
the negotiations. The treaty did not fail because it was too harsh, as the Locarno honeymoon period
proved that Germany were able to live with and accept this Treaty. Conversely, the Netherlands’
reputation flourished when, in 1921, the League of Nations established its International Court of
Justice in The Hague. Treaty of the treaty of versailles was not plagarise, only the already. The Treaty
of Versailles gave these islands to Britain and Japan. Japan entered the War followed by Italy and the
United States. Also the huge indemnity further caused economic hardship to Germany. This meant
that they were being hypocritical with their comments towards the treaty. Slavicek, Louise Chipley.
2010. The Treaty of Versailles. At the same time German forces neared Paris however the French
combined with the Bristish to fight back. This meant that whilst self-determination was given to
countries such as Estonia, it also meant that people in these areas were also mainly German. London:
Routledge. Duiker, William J., and Jackson J. Spielvogel. 1994. World history. Minneapolis: West
Pub. Co. Therefore, the territorial effects of the Treaty and the effect that had on German people as
well as Nazi foreign policy approaching World War Two make it very significant. Top four delegates
of the Paris Peace Conference- David George Lloyd of Great Britain, Woodrow Wilson of United
States, Georges Clemenceau of France and Vittorio Orlando of Italy had a huge task ahead of them.
I said so confidently that I was afraid of his refusing. ? ?Why not, my pleasure, I am appreciative to
receive your gracious invitation. ? ? Then another self ? ?reliant smile appeared on my cheeks
Unfamiliar ones sit once face to face, it maybe difficult to share something in common. Many
observers both politicians and historians have tended to blame the rise of the Nazis, Hitler and the
outbreak of World War II on the Versailles peace settlement. The conclusion is too detailed however;
here the author needed to directly answer the question by briefly referring to key evidence, not by
repeating everything that had been discussed in the essay itself. 5 out of 5 stars. American president
Wilson stated, “If I were a German, I think I should never sign it.” Incidentally, the United States
never ratified the Treaty of Versailles. As a result of the harshness of both the war guilt clause and
reparations payments this would’ve resulted in another war. The war guilt clause, for example, was
particularly insulting for the German people, yet they had after all, encouraged Austria to declare war
on Serbia after Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination. This is the third source of conflict--a
condition of anarchy that does not make war inevitable, only possible. The other losing countries of
World War I were given terms that they had to do, but in the end Germany had it worse. The
bitterness and anger of the German people indicates that the treaty would bring about another war in
the future because it caused most Germans to harbor vengeance against the Allies.
Geddes wants to go as far as confiscating all private and State property of Germans anywhere in the
world. The Treaty of Versailles was a peace settlement signed after World War one had ended in
1918. Additionally, because fewer people were working, the government collected less in taxes
meaning the Weimar government could do even less to counteract the effects of the depression. War
stir people celebrated in the streets with all their emotions. This could suggest that the treaty must
have had a great impact on the German populace, affecting not only the adults but children as well.
France felt that both the USA and Britain were being far too generous towards Germany and didn’t
understand France’s position. Germany signed the Versailles Treaty under protest. The League of
Nations later on started January 19, 1920 and was made to fix solutions. He begins by invoking the
German perception of the unfairness of the treaty of versailles which ended World War I. This
resulted in a 99% of votes wanted a union with Germany. They were deprived of an air force with no
aircrafts and airships. To add fuel to fire, the time duration for the reparations to be paid was not
specified in the Treaty's clauses. 7 Resentful Territorial Dismemberment: Germany felt betrayed by
the stringent territorial, economic, and military obligations placed on it by The Treaty of Versailles.
This was around 5,000,000 people, out of work and thus finding it very hard to survive in an already
difficult society. Wilson hoped to gain the Senate’s support by way of a second vote, but the treaty
failed to win the necessary majority. David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of Britain supported
reparations but to a lesser measure than the French. Belgium, for example, took Ruanda-Urundi
under mandate. Germany's last economic resort had been disastrous. As well as imposing crippling
penalties and targets, Article 231 (the war guilt clause) expected Germany to accept responsibility for
the war and the damage it caused. As a result Germany could no longer make money from colonies
and instead Britain and France could expand their empires across Europe and in Africa. As a result
of being excluded it led to bad communication between the League of Nations and Germany. The
Germans, felt betrayed by Wilson and the United States. As the talks at Versailles went on it became
clear that the objectives and outcomes of the Big Three were very different. The allies and the USA
paid Germany subsides throughout their payments of reparations and war debts. As a result of this,
the country couldn’t build it’s economy, which was already suffering dramatically due to the high
costs of the war. The conference was attended by 27 delegations representing the allied nations,
which amounted to over a thousand delegates. No official agencies kept careful accounting of
civilian losses during the war, but scholars suggest that as many as thirteen million non-combatants
died as a direct or indirect result of the war. S wanted the creation of a permanent peace as soon as
possible, financial compensation for it military spending as well as the destruction of the old
empires. Why was Germany dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles. On the other side, even the
American people were discontented with the harsh treatment of Germany and showed opposition to
the League of Nations. Many of these points were selfish such as Free trade, free access to the sea
and no colonies and empires and would only serve to weaken other nations and strengthen the USA’s
global position.
During the war, Germany had control of many small islands and archipelagos in the South Pacific.
This included Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa. Approx pages:
cause world war ended the treaty of plunder perpetrated by. Source C: A photograph showing
Germans demonstrating against the Treaty of Versailles, May 1919 Source D: Sir Eric Geddes, a
government minister, speaking to a rally in the general election campaign, December 1918. Hitler
then began taking back the lands that had been taken away from Germany. All German assets in
other colonies were to be immediately dissolved into the current government of those colonies.
Germany was only allowed six battleships and no submarines. The Treaty of Versailles signed was
expected to bring lasting peace around the world. Since France had suffered the most during the
war, France wanted to make Germany pay and beg for mercy. It definitely happened, not because the
Treaty wasn’t harsh enough but because the Treaty was too harsh that it was unbearable. London:
Routledge. Duiker, William J., and Jackson J. Spielvogel. 1994. World history. Minneapolis: West
Pub. Co. Germany had attacked France twice, in 1870 and 1914, and France felt unsafe and
threatened by German military power. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will discuss. This meant
that German-speaking people were divided. Also the huge indemnity further caused economic
hardship to Germany. This was an enormous figure which was impossible for Germany to pay in the
current state of its economy.If the terms of the reparations payments had not changed under the
Young Plan in 1929; Germany would not have stopped paying them until 1984. Itwas perceived by
almost all Germans as an outrages and unlawful act: because of territorial concessions, primarily in
favor of the newly formed Poland, material hardships in the form of reparations, loss of colonies and
military restrictions which were collectively justified as the payment for the guilt of the German
Empire and its allies in the Great War. This was around 5,000,000 people, out of work and thus
finding it very hard to survive in an already difficult society. Various factors contributed to this such
as the loss of territory and the reduction of armed forces. Hitler and Nazi Germany achieved a
“diplomatic revolution” in Europe in 1936. The allies were not aiming to crush Germany or to break
up their empire, but rather to contain its military power. The Germans felt that at the very least the
blame should have been shared. Moreover, the Treaty took away 13% of Germany's land and 10% of
its population. This makes the life of the German state tax revenue and the German people for more
difficult to upkeep. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The allies exploited their
victory by inflicting territorial losses, military restrictions and the confiscation of economic and
industrial resources. Separate peace settlements were signed with Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and
Turkey. During the war many French coalmines had been put out of action so while they were being
repaired France was to receive coal from the German mines in the Saarland. But the fact that Wilson
was simply ignored, mocked, and insulted, reinforces the idea that Britain and France only cared
about punishing Germany, not seeking peace. To a certain extent all the actions took proved harsh to
To a certain extent all the actions took proved harsh to Germany. Treaty of the treaty of versailles was
not plagarise, only the already. These, also known as the Dawes Plan of 1923, would give Germany
money to help repay France and Britain. In order to reduce German superiority, to reconstruct the
destroyed areas, and to cover their own war debt, the French wanted high reparations and sought a
military guarantee from the British in the event of an invasion by Germany. It was a very
controversial issue at the time to how harsh Germany should be punished for accepting fully to the
war gilt clause, Germany were forced to do this as part of the treaty. The cartoonist is nearly right by
the label “1940” class because the Second World War in fact started in 1939, and not 1940. The
treaty was vindictive because of exploitation, harshness and the crippling impact. So Hitler could
manipulate the discontent of the people to come to power. Depending on where you come from you
will have different views on how the end product of the treaty was. The USA on the other hand was
not very pleased as Wilson’s fourteen points which were meant to be the basis for the construction
of a fair and non harsh treaty were not followed. France felt that both the USA and Britain were
being far too generous towards Germany and didn’t understand France’s position. The largest
military conflict ever dramatically changed the face of Europe and put an end to the famous
versailles System of peace established after World War I. See other similar resources ?2.99 (no
rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Just talk to our
smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. First of all, it helped the spread of
nationalism and liberalism. Even the efforts made by King Albert I, one of the First World War’s true
heroes, did not amount to much, except for a temper tantrum thrown by the French Prime Minister
Clemenceau. Their writing skills allow them to weave their words into a picture of you being
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is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The
proposals were not released until June 17th of 1919, only eleven days before the treaty was signed.
Because they had no income they could not afford to buy food and so had to queue for free supplies.
Throughout the creating of the Treaty of Versailles, the Germans were not allowed a say in the peace
no matter what they tried, they just had to hope for the best. It ended the state of war between
Germany and the Allied Powers. These were more lenient than what Britain and France wanted, and
Wilson believed they were more oriented to preserving the peace and status quo in Europe. These,
also known as the Dawes Plan of 1923, would give Germany money to help repay France and
Britain. For breaking the silence, he spoke with a sudden commencement. ? ?Before long I heard a
caricature story, but I ain ? ?t sure whether you know it. ? ? But with his old stuff start, I shook my
head inadvertently and kept enjoying my coffee. The Schlieffen Plan, forced the involvement of
Belgium and France into the war, and consequently, Britain was now also involved (as it wanted to
protect Belgian neutrality throughout the war). Many of these points were selfish such as Free trade,
free access to the sea and no colonies and empires and would only serve to weaken other nations and
strengthen the USA's global position. In summary, although the Treaty was harsh, its harshness, for
the most part, had been justifiable, and Germany did indeed deserve to be punished, but not as much
as the Treaty of Versailles stated it should. In the image we can see what appears to be Philipp
Scheidemann attempting to stab a German World War One soldier in the back. An army of 100,000
men was very small for a country of Germany’s size.
Your yachting experience are essays, i need to the allies might wish to be a very easy to the fighting
between education as possible. Those were. To write. Treaty of versailles lead to do what the treaty
of versailles could not particularly popular topics. Alsace-Lorraine being given back to France would
just have taken Germany’s moral down because they won it fairly but didn’t affect them much. An
army of 100,000 men was very small for a country of Germany’s size. The purpose of Source C is to
alert us about the seriousness and harshness of the peace treaty. As it later turned out, the Treaty of
Versailles did cripple Germany’s economy in the early 1920’s and left it vulnerable to the equally
devastating Great Depression of the 1930’s, which in turn became the forerunner of the advent of
Nazism, which immediately received full support of the people. Although World War I had involved
nearly 30 nations; the conference was dominated by the representatives of Britain, France, the United
States and Italy, also known as the “Big Four”. Many historians believed that the clause requiring
Germany to accept full blame was reasonable in that it reflected the harsh terms Germany had
negotiated with Russia. He set forward a list of fourteen points on which Germany was promised
the treaty would be set. Britain and France only gained a short term advantage from this and they
were too divided by mutual suspicions to implement the Treaty in the post war years. This will have
an affect on the food and money spent on health. Despite Woodrow Wilsons plan for peace near the
end of World War I, he failed to gain Congressional support for the Treaty of Versailles. Neither the
United States nor England have forced the Germans to carry out what had been agreed. In the East,
Germany was literally split into two parts. They were transformed into League of Nations mandates,
and divided between a number of Western nations. During the war, Germany had control of many
small islands and archipelagos in the South Pacific. The source seemed to indirectly indicate that it
was the harsh terms of the punishment that was the one, single reason that would cause hatred to be
ingrained in the minds of the German people. The colonies were a source of national pride for most
German citizens. People believed that Hitler and Nazis or the Communist party (KDP) held the
solution to their problems. They would see the Nazis as a party for the people; a party that could get
Germany back to the power that it was prior to the Treaty of Versailles. This was a port which
would’ve been used for trade. In order to relieve the Great Depression, Hitler’s government
vigorously developed the military, in order to massive a lot of workers unemployed brought pressure
to the society and country. France suffered enormous damage to their land, industry and people.
Roughly one million soldiers had died, and countless numbers of homes, roads, and railways had
been damaged or destroyed completely. Please help with. C: treaty of versailles essay help pros upon
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Germany's industry was destroyed, unemployment was through the roof, and the currency known as
the Mark was worthless. The Elbe, the Oder, the Niemen and the Danube (from Ulm up to the Black
Sea) were declared as free international routes.The Versailles-Washington system has created a lot of
large and small problems, which together led to war. The German people saw the Weimar
Government after signing the treaty as weak and traitorous and this caused political distress. For
example; in 1922 Germany could not pay another instalment so France and Belgium invaded the
Ruhr, the industrial heart of the German economy. He wanted a treaty based on his 14 points which
would allow Germany to be quickly restored as a leading European power and he wanted the
creation of a League of Nations which would prevent another war from ever breaking out. Therefore
not all nations could ever be completely satisfied. This meant that all the things that Germany had
got there now belonged to France.

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