FNCS201 Reassessment June 2023

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DUE DATE: 09 JUNE 2023
Plagiarism Declaration:

1. I hereby declare that I have taken note of the contents of the Level 2 Semester 1 Public
Relations Management study guide with particular reference to plagiarism;

2. I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas, writings, works or inventions of
another as if they were one’s own. I know that plagiarism not only includes verbatim
copying, but also the extensive use of another person’s ideas without proper
acknowledgement (which includes the proper use of quotation marks). I know that
plagiarism covers this sort of use of material found in textual sources and from the Internet.

3. I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong.

4. I understand that my research must be accurately referenced. I have followed the rules and
conventions concerning referencing, citation and the use of quotations as set out in the
Departmental Guide.

5. This assignment is my own work, or my group’s own unique group assignment. I

acknowledge that copying someone else’s assignment, or part of it, is wrong, and that
submitting identical work to others constitutes a form of plagiarism.

6. I have not allowed, nor will I in the future allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention
of passing it off as their own work.


Mhlangu Samkelo 22266624

NB: Submit on FNCS201 Moodle Classroom by 12pm on 16 June 2023. No late submissions
will be accepted.
NB: Submit on FNCS201 Moodle Classroom by 12pm on 16 June 2023. No late
submissions will be accepted.
Fundamentals of Communication Science (FNCS201): Re-Assessment Rubric

Write an essay in which you discuss any two (2) mass communication media theories (Agenda Setting Theory, Spiral of Silence, Two-
Step Flow) that Always is trying to contest in their #LikeAGirl campaign. You also need to make mention of Stereotypes, Gender
roles, social norms etc.

Description of Assessment Mark StudentsMark

1. Introduction
Does your introduction provide an overview of the coverage and structure of your reflective 5

2. Body
Have you adequately discussed the points outlined in your assessment task?
3. Conclusion
Have you adequately summarised the key points made in the body of your reflective piece 5
and presented a distillation of what you have taken away from this experience?

4. Language
Has your work been proofread and edited for errors before submission?
Does your work demonstrate clarity of expression and the correct use of grammatical

5. Referencing
Has your work been referenced in-text, as well as in a bibliography at the end?
Do you have a minimum of 3 sources correctly referenced in Harvard style? 5
TOTAL 50 x 2
Lecturer’s Comments:

The #LikeAGirl campaign by Always is a powerful example of how mass communication media
can be used to challenge and contest dominant cultural narratives. The campaign aims to
empower young girls by challenging the stereotypes and gender roles that have been
perpetuated by the media for decades. In this essay, we will discuss two mass communication
media theories that the #LikeAGirl campaign is trying to contest: Agenda Setting Theory and
Spiral of Silence.

The Agenda Setting Theory

The agenda setting theory is a mass communication philosophy that assert news media
influences the publics agenda regarding which issues are most important. The notion suggest
that news media outlets, such as newspapers, magazines, radio or television, exert significant
control over political, cultural and social news stories. These outlets have the power to choose
which issues or events to prioritize and impact how the people perceives those news stories

By bringing attention to the problem of agenda stereotypes and contesting how girls and
women are portrayed in the media. The #LikeAGirl campaign aims to refute this theory. By
drawing attention to the negative impact of gender stereotypes and enticing people to
critically evaluate the media’s massage, the campaign hopes to change the conversation.

Spiral Of Silence

Originally proposed by the German political scientist, Elisabeth Noelle Neumann in 1994. The
theory suggests that people are more likely to remain silent in issues that they perceive to be
unpopular or controversial. The theory suggests that people are afraid of being ostracized or
criticized for expressing their opinions, so they remain silent.
The #LikeAGirl campaign is trying to contest this theory by encouraging women and girls to
speak out against gender stereotypes and challenges the existing quo in an effort to refute
the hypothesis. The initiative seeks to establish a secure environment where girls and women
may speak their thoughts and their experiences without worrying about rejection or criticism.

Stereotypes, gender role, social norms are all important factors that #LikeAGirl campaign is
trying to contest. Stereotypes are damaging because they restrict individuals potential and
reaffirm unfavorable views of particular groups of people. The fact that gender roles restrict
peoples options and encourage the notion that some behavior and activities are exclusively
suited for one gender makes them harmful. Social norms are detrimental because they
uphold that status quo determine people from questioning the prevailing cultural activities.


In conclusion, the #LikeAGirl campaign by Always is a protected of how mass communication

media may be utilized to challenge and high prevailing cultural norms. The agend s setting
theory and the spiral of silence are two mass communication media outlets ideas that the
campaign is attempting the refute. By enabling girls and women to speak up against gender
stereotypes and question the current quo, the campaign also aim to challenge stereotypes,
gender roles, and social norms. The initiative is crucial step forward building a more just and
inclusive society where everyone has the chance to release their full potential.

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