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Top 20 Question for AA

S.No Question Syllabus Area

1 Saxophone Corporate Governance
2 Orange Financials Ethics
3 Magpie Audit Risk
4 Harlem Audit Risk
5 Blackberry Audit Risk
6 Hurling Audit Risk
7 Peach Audit Risk
8 Daley Internal Control
9 Equistrian Internal Audit + Control
10 Swift Internal Control
11 Castle Courier Internal Control
12 Raspberry Internal Audit + Control
13 Fressia Internal Control
14 Cammomile Internal Control
15 Pacific Substantive Procedures
16 Danube Substantive Procedures
17 Pineapple Beach Substantive Procedures
18 Gooseberry Substantive Procedures
19 Spadefish Going Concern
20 Hycinth Subsequent event

Prepared By : Ahmed Mumtaz

Extremely Important Instructions
1. Once you are done with the top top 20 Questions, please focus on
SECTION A QUESTIONS using Kaplan kit, Bpp kit and most importantly
ACCA study Hub Section A Questions.

2. Last but surely not least, solve and prepare all the A past papers
available on ACCA’s practice platform twice each with examiner’s

3. VIFHE’s FINAL MOCK EXAM IS ON 21st February.

On 18th and 19th of February, you must attempt couple of Mock Exams
and mark them by yourself so that you could attempt the final Mock
exam. It will ensure you are mentally and physically prepared for the
Torture on 21st February.

Prepared By : Ahmed Mumtaz

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