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NAMA:I Komang Bayu Sukra Dinata


Mac and pc

The operating systems on PCs and Macs are largely the same, especially the x86-based CPUs
used by most Macs and PCs. Although some people use Mac OS on self-managed hardware,
Apple prohibits the use of Hackintoshes. However, from a hardware perspective, they are
quite similar.
The debate occurs because the two platforms have very different ecosystems. PC enthusiasts
prefer the natural freedom and openness of their platforms. They can use almost any
expansion hardware as long as it has the appropriate headers and ports. On the other hand,
Macs are very limited in terms of upgrades. Despite being in constant development, the
software on both platforms is a mixed bag.

Macs have operating systems that are tightly integrated with Apple hardware, making them
more stable and easy to repair. However, the limited hardware that can be used on a Mac
means there are fewer software options.

Overall, Macs are considered safer because the amount of malware targeted on them is less
compared to Windows PCs. However, these same limitations make the Mac an attractive
choice for users who want to perform simple tasks or for creative work.

The choice between PC and Mac depends entirely on the user's needs and how customizable
they are. If you need maximum freedom and customization, a PC may be a better choice.
However, if you want security, stability, and a simplified design, a Mac could be an attractive

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