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Possible question:

1. What is your research study all about?

 In this research, we aim to understanding how these study habits contribute toward becoming
professionally qualified accountants. It recognizes the demanding nature of the accountancy
profession and emphasizes the importance of effective study habits, including aspects such as
time management, study techniques, and learning environment. By delving into the study
habits and strategies employed by accountancy students, the research seeks to provide
valuable insights for educational institutions and students aspiring to excel in the field of
2. Why did you choose/conduct this study?
 By conducting this research, the researchers aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of
how these students approach their studies, the factors influencing their study choices, and the
effectiveness of their study methods.
3. Why did you choose this particular title for your research?
 Since we are also BSA student, we choose this particular title because we want to know and
also to gain the study habit that our co accountancy student are doing. For us also the
researcher to apply that, and to the future researcher can use this research title
4. what is the purpose of ur study?
 The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the study habits and strategies
employed by accountancy students who are actively pursuing professional qualifications in
5. Why did the current study choose Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) to explain accounting
students' intention to become qualified accountants, considering the availability of other
theories like Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)?
 The selection of Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) over alternatives such as Theory of Reasoned
Action (TRA) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is rooted in SCT's emphasis on self-
efficacy, aligning with our focus on understanding how students' belief in their ability to
achieve academic goals influences study habits
6. How does the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) emphasize the role of self-efficacy in
influencing study habits among accounting students?
 Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) underscores self-efficacy as a pivotal factor influencing study
habits. The theory posits that an individual's belief in their ability to succeed significantly
impacts their approach to learning and study practices.
7. In what ways does Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) differ from Social Cognitive
Theory (SCT) in explaining students' intention to become qualified accountants?
 While SCT focuses on self-efficacy, Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) as observed in
Schoenfeld et al.'s study encompasses a broader scope by incorporating social and
environmental factors. The choice of SCT in our study is based on its specific relevance to
understanding study habits in the context of becoming qualified accountants.
8. How does the Expectancy-Value Theory, contribute to understanding study habits,
specifically focusing on students' beliefs in their ability to succeed and the value they place
on academic outcomes?
 Expectancy-Value Theory provides valuable insights into study habits by highlighting the
importance of students believing in their ability to succeed and valuing academic outcomes.
High expectancy and value are associated with the development and maintenance of
effective study habits.
9. How does Locke and Latham's Goal Setting Theory provide insights into shaping study
habits for individuals aspiring to become qualified accountants, and how can its principles
be practically applied in the context of accounting education?
 Locke and Latham's Goal Setting Theory is relevant to shaping study habits in accounting
education. The theory's emphasis on clear, challenging goals aligns with the pursuit of
excellence in coursework and exams, providing a framework for students to set task-related
goals in their study routines.
10. How does Self-Determination Theory (SDT) offer a comprehensive framework for
understanding and enhancing study habits in the pursuit of professional qualification in
 Self-Determination Theory (SDT) emphasizes the importance of autonomy and self-
regulation in learning. In the context of study habits, SDT suggests that students who have
control over their learning and align their study practices with personal values are more
likely to establish consistent and effective study routines.
11. Can the chosen theoretical frameworks (SCT, Expectancy-Value Theory, Locke and
Latham's Goal Setting Theory, SDT) be integrated to provide a more holistic understanding
of the factors influencing study habits among accounting students?
 The integration of SCT, Expectancy-Value Theory, Locke and Latham's Goal Setting Theory,
and SDT could offer a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted factors influencing
study habits. Each theory contributes unique insights, collectively providing a holistic
perspective on the dynamics of study habits in accounting education.
12. How can the insights derived from these theoretical frameworks be practically applied in
accounting education to improve study habits and support students in their journey to
become professionally qualified accountants?
 The practical application of insights from these theories involves incorporating strategies that
enhance self-efficacy, goal setting, and autonomy in accounting education. Tailoring
interventions based on these theories can effectively support students in developing and
maintaining effective study habits on their path to becoming professionally qualified
13. What are the dependent and independent variables in your research?
 In our study “Accountancy students study habit to become professionally qualified
accountant”. The independent variable is the study habit while the dependent variable are the
professionally qualified accountants
14. How does implementing the IPO conceptual model impact accountancy students' study
 Implementing the IPO model provides a structured approach to understand and enhance
study habits. The model facilitates the analysis of inputs (study habits), processes (actions
taken), and expected outputs (academic outcomes), offering insights into effective
15. What outcomes are expected from interventions aligning with the IPO model to enhance
study habits?
 Anticipated outcomes include improved academic performance, increased consistency in
study routines, heightened self-awareness of learning styles, and a reduction in ineffective
study habits. These outcomes form the basis for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions
guided by the IPO model.
16. What are ur related studies/theories to come up with ur sop?
17. Why did you choose this research design and methodology?
 The researchers choose a quantitative method because our study involves collecting and
analyzing data from the survey questionnaire. Since we are studying the relationship
between the variables without experimenting, we will use the descriptive correlational
method as it measures the relationship between two variables without the researchers
controlling either of them according to McCombes.
18. What is the scope of your study?
 On the page 12 of our research, the scope of our study is the 1st to 4th year accountancy
student of university of eastern Pangasinan
19. Why did you choose this locale?
 We choose the university of eastern pang. Because we believe that this is the right place to
conduct our study and also it can give us a good response that is relevant in our sop.
20. What sampling techniques did you use? Why did you use this sampling?
 The sampling techniques that we use is the total enumeration sampling.
21. How many is ur respondents?
22. Why did you choose these statistical tools (Frequency and Distribution Percentage,
Weighted Mean, and Person Correlation)? What is the Formula of….?
 FDP- we choose frequency and distribution percentage for us to compute the % frequency
of different ages gender and year level from our total respondents
% Frequency= x 100

Where: f = Frequency count

N = Total number of students

 PC- because we want to know if there is a significance relationship between the two
 WM – we choose this statistical tool because its easy for us to compute the mean of every
question in order for us to indicate whether it is under strongly agree, agree, strongly
disagree, and disagree

X =Mean
Σ x =∑ of scores
N=Number of cases

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