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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

Murder In Mahim
S01 - E01 to E08
+male sex worker
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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# transgender Abusing to
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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# Hijda mafia gang up

and demand 25,000 in
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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# transgender Abusing to
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Exploitative and greedy or misunderstood and desperate? The debate on eunuchs
who make their living dancing and singing outside homes celebrating weddings or
births has been a long-standing one. Now, some citizens here say they have been
harassed enough and have launched a helpline to deal with the “eunuch menace”.
The 24X7 helpline set up by the Veteran Sahayata Samiti (VSS) in this Uttar
Pradesh capital hopes to help those at the receiving end of ‘hijras’, the broad term
for transgender and crossdressers who move around in loud, raucous groups and
are frequently seen in celebrations in cities and villages across India. They usually
disperse after they are given money. Pic used for representational purposes only.

The Samiti has begu distributing stickers and flyers in the Indiranagar
neighbourhood.The aim is to set up small but effective clusters of influential people
in all localities of the city to deal with the eunuch menace, say VSS volunteers,
pointing out that hijras are sometimes just lumpen, unemployed elements – not
really eunuchs at all. “We face a resource crunch and cannot reach the distressed
people in time. By the time we reach the place, these goondas in the garb of
eunuchs generally flee,” retired Col Mohan Chandra Papnai, the man behind the
campaign, told IANS. Eighteen months ago, Papnai himself faced harassment from
eunuchs when his pregnant daughter returned from Mumbai for delivery. It is
believed that the gods have especially graced eunuchs, since they are neither male
nor female. They have been given, it is believed, special talents for dancing and
singing. The general belief is that when they dance or sing on a special occasion
like a wedding or a birth many blessings come the way of the family. There are
occasions though when eunuchs make exorbitant demands for money; people are
often also intimidated by them. Papnai recalled his own experience: “I cannot
explain the terror I felt. My wife sent me an SOS that these eunuchs had barged into
the house. She had bolted the bedroom from inside to escape them.” The 70-year-
old retired colonel says that he has since remained in a state of preparedness: there
are now several sticks in the house, ready to be wielded as weapons in case of
need. Papnai’s friends too admit that the demands eunuchs have made in the past
have been “scary and stunning”. The Samiti has now also set up a drop box at the
busy Pratap Market where people are free to drop any complaints.

The Samiti is working on forming 40 committees across the city, which would have
the local station house officer (SHO) from the police, the local corporator, the sector
warden of civil defence and some influential people as members. Papnai has also
written to Lucknow mayor Dinesh Sharma for help. The mayor’s suggestion that
fixed slabs be introduced for eunuchs so that everyone knows how much money to
part with on what occasion was dismissed. “Some people are out to defame the
community by engaging in forcible collection of money. In (Uttar Pradesh’s) Avadh
region, it has always been a happy affair,” Payal, the leader of a eunuch group, said.

She added that eunuchs she knows are happy to receive what they are given,
without making any demands. She, however, admitted that there were lumpen
elements that had infiltrated the community and might be responsible for such
instances of extortion. Papnai has asked influential pressure groups in different
localities to educate people not to get “petrified at the sight of clapping eunuchs.” He
has urged the people to seek help instead. There are an estimated 2,500 eunuchs in
Lucknow alone, though police officials say many of the people who actually extort
money may be unemployed youth who are not really eunuchs.

The helpline number is: 9838847403/9452960001

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# All india CBO.s SCAMS..??

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# All india CBO.s SCAMS..??

Corruption in the Name of HIV/AIDS MSM
CBO/NGO, Funders
NACP I, II , III has gone and NACP IV, Why is
the Need of Global Fund ?
To The Project Director and AllToday what problem I faced during taking Bini to the
operation theatre, how whole day spent outside the operation theatreonly I can
understand the situation and problem. Lots of many are spending on HIV/AIDS
awareness and Target intervention,but realty is different. I am facing lots of
financial problem during this for Binni. Nobody is here to help Binni either
financiallyor physically. End of this day, understand that there is no use spending
time and working for HIV/AIDS.I wish I would be in other corporate sector then I
would be more successfully and empowered.In Kolkata which is a big Metropolitan
city and capital of West Bengal but where our TG/Hijra community facing such kind
of problems, then we can think of other rural area of West Bengal.One person
can’t handle everything and I feel there should be a some one beside Binni all the
time, my health condition isbecoming bad day by day, its is not possible for a one
person to take care of Binni bringing medicine, writing mail , talk withdoctors ,
spending money on her food and cloth maintaining and other stake holders. How
long it will becontinue…………………………?

I think I am the only one person who has no work , no office , no family nothing
personal life but other’s Agencies, Activist,NGO, CBO, Network, funders etc
HIV/AIDS sector field so busy in their world .People are giving duty as the time of
visiting hour but no one is here at the time of operation, all are busy in their project
andmoney making ,I am really feeling very ashamed and trited from such kind of
people .NACP I, II , III has gone and IV is coming and lots and lots of money has
been spent on making strategies and meeting butwhen our community face such
kind of critical situations or problems where lots of stigma and discrimination are

Butthere is no help up from HIV/AIDS sector.Global fund has come for our
TG/Hijra community but people who belong to Global fund are giving consolation
but nobody ishelping directly and standing beside us then what is the need of
global fund?Some so called Transgender who are actually not but unfortunately
represent TG representative in National and Internationalmeeting, they also did
not come one day to meet Bini. Not only this from his organization and network
who claim that theyare also strarted working with TG/Hijra, I did not find anyone of
them beside us and Bini. This kind of fake CBOs and Network’slament people and
other Agencies entertain.Care and Support will be not there in TI or Pehchan then
what is the need of working with…..? Fade up with this duplicity andfake promises
by these people.Where is care and support unit? We have not that much capacity
to handle such kind of situation and problem. Now Iunderstood one thing which is
very clear and true at this moment for me, that you don’t belong to our community
so you can’tunderstand our pain and problems, you are behaving like that you are
a giver and I am a receiver like street begger.You cangive services to us but when
GOD knows.My last 10 to 12 years I am giving time to my community and
becoming old day by day, spending my deposit but not gettingany help and
support and one penny for HIV/AIDS project or HIV/AIDS sector for my
community. As A leader of ourTransgender community I raised oppose wrong thing
for betterment for our community and this is the reason that my self andour
organization Bandhan’s members all faced discrimination.After seen and knowing
all this still you are saying we don’t havepaper or documents for empanelled.
Paper is important or work?You are evaluating us but who will evaluate or judge of
your work?How long this discrimination will be continuing with us and money
which comes for our community will be misuse…………?
Regards Ranjit Sinha ATHB/Bandhan

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# All india CBO.s SCAMS..??

Financial corruption in MSM NGO/CBO
at Secunderabad funded by NACO
This is to inform you that an NGO/CBO based at Secunderabad has been
involved in a huge financial corruption andfraud during following 1 year. The
concerned NGO/CBO has been granted a MSM (PLHA) DIC along
withProphylaxis Treatment and MSM TI has done so…….

Office Rent:
The Concerned NGO/CBO for MSM (PLHAs)project has Rs.7333.33/ per
month towards Office rentwhere another TI project has been running in the
same premises for which separate funds upto Rs.12000 has
beensanctioned for DIC and Office . From 5 months it has become more
problem for MSM PLHAs as they feelstigmatised to share same DIC with
the Non-PLHA MSMs hence they stopped coming to PLHA DIC. The
fundsallotted for such DIC, Clinic and Office rent under TI project has been
already withdrawn and shown as used in thefinancial reports of the
organisation by management.

Medicines Cost:
The Concerned NGO/CBO for MSM (PLHAs) has been granted Rs.3951.5/-
per month but for 10months for purchase of medicines for PLHA’s ,a single
MSM PLHA has not been granted such costs for their medicines but the
amount has been consumed by the management producing fake bills.

Electricity Charges:
The Concerned NGO/CBO for MSM (PLHAs)project has been granted
Rs.337/- per monthtowards electricity charges but, in the same office
premises the DIC, clinic and Administrative Offices of the other
projects(Crisis and TI) has been maintained which has been already
granted separate amount of Rs.800/-per monthunder those concerned
projects ,same electricity bills are produced as proof in all the projects.

Advocacy Expenses:
Concerned NGO/CBO has been granted Rs.12000 half yearly to do an
event to mobilize,building network and sensitise the MSM (PLHAs) project
network ,where only 1 event has been done and the other event has been
claimed producing fake bills and report.

Community Event:
The Concerned NGO/CBO working for MSM TI project has been granted
Rs.10000/- towardsone Community Event to be conducted in 1 quarter till
date not have been done.

Equipment for DIC:

The Concerned NGO/CBO working for MSM TI has been granted
Rs.20000/- towardsPurchase of TV, DVD and playing things in DIC but till

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# All india CBO.s SCAMS..??

Financial corruption in MSM NGO/CBO
at Secunderabad funded by NACO
Equipment for DIC:
The Concerned NGO/CBO working for MSM TI has been
granted Rs.20000/- towardsPurchase of TV, DVD and playing
things in DIC but till today no such equipment has found in DIC
or Office but theamount for the same has been withdrawn by

Peer Educator Honorarium and Travel :

The Concerned NGO/CBO working for MSM TI has been

granted 20 Peer Educators to various hotspots but they have
not been appointed fully till today ,the HRGs are not, delivered
condomsat such hotspots .Honorarium to such Peer Educators
where ever self has been paid has been withdrawn andutilised
by management itself.

If this is all regarding financial corruption above all we pleased

to inform you that so called NGO/CBO has 5BENAMI directors
for whom such lakhs of project has been handed over for a
proper cause please checkthe signatures of all the directors.

We request the funders that huge amount of funds flow in the

HIV/AIDS sector for a proper cause, but because of these
cheaters and fraud the objectives behind such need has not
been fulfilled and today if you go to any ICTCsworking around
Secunderabad HIV prevalence has been increased from 7% to
12 %.

“THINK” and “ACT”, it would be better to discuss on issue of ”

Financial corruption ” Awake,Arise and Act now

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# All india CBO.s SCAMS..??

Financial corruption in MSM NGO/CBO
at Secunderabad funded by NACO
is alwaysseem to a so-called “Failure” of the Stimulus program…If the
actual objectives behind so huge funds which flows into thetargeted
interventions for the prevention of HIV/AIDS

with well planned components designed byexpertise of this field if not have
been expended properly what is the use?Who actually comes to the rescue
of the community today when there are any crises?The community
persons? The intellectuals? The Community Leaders? Who?Are there still
so called cruising sites and the targeted community there in that area
existingor have been scattered over to other metro cities, Ring roads or
Highways is this the resultof continuous taken place on long run?Have we
in real able to create such atmosphere around us that when we stepped out
of our houses with a different sexual identity there are no such looks around
us with same stigmaand discrimination in the society which are before the
so called interventions have beenstarted? What are the reasons for such
failures? And what could be the suggestivesolutions to such problems?
What I mean to say is that there are such funds provided inthese
interventions for doing all necessary activitiesfor creating such environment
with preplanned targets. But due to hugefinancial corruptionthe real funds
meant for such activities are not expended for real cause hence there
hasbeen a reverse effect of such interventions.Enough is enough If One
person plays all the vital roles every time every where this will bethe result.
Let this ideal country of Democracy make its principles enshrine in its each
andevery organization. Let us learn the right way to respect the rights of all
our fellow specieswithout any reservations like Education, sexuality or
intellectuality.All these years as

LGBT community
we have experienced a large gaps when come to theimplementation of
various Programmes like HIV Prevention, Care and Support,Human rights
Sensitization where as huge funds havebeen given by some great hearted
people to work on this issues.
“THINK” and “ACT”, it would be better to discuss on issue of ” Financial
corruption “Awake,Arise and Act now

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# transgender Mafia income..??

# Hindu transgender Mafia

GOD Business Daily income
: 5000 to 50,000
One Trans Gender...???
10000000000 Tgs..?????

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# transgender Mafia income..??

# transgender Begging Mafia

in TRAINs - Daily income:
5000 to 20,000 & Harassed
by eunuchs in Trains..???
One Trans Gender...???

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# All india CBO.s SCAMS..??

# Christian transgender Mafia

GOD Business
Daily income : 5000 to 50,000
One Trans Gender...???

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# transgender Mafia income..??

# transgender Mafia Prostitution

Daily income by one transgender
is Rs 5000 to Rs 50,000
Gold & Money theft income
one transgender Rs 5000 to
Unlimited income

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# transgender Mafia income..??

# transgender Mafia Prostitution

or SEX work + Gold&Money theft
income one transgender
Rs 5000 to Unlimited income

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# transgender Mafia income..??

# transgender Mafia hejadapan

income - Guru selling one Chela
to other Guru income Rs50K to
Rs5lakhs - one to 100nos
how much income they make ..??

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# VikyThomas insluting
laxmi Narayan tripathi

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

Global Vision NGO Fraud

by Laxmi Narayan Tripathi
– Astitva-Trust NGO

Global vision NGO is being running by the top

leaders of Mumbai Mr.D.B.Chand … Chand as
Member and Board of Management and
Trustee, Laxmi Narayan

ASTITVA – An Organisation for the Support &

Development of Sexual Minorities

Address: C/O Laxmi Narayan Tripathi ,

Poonam Apts, Sahakar Nagar Opp Vartak
Mane gas agency, Shastri Nagar, Thane West
Maharashtra, India. Pin : 400606

Description: ASTITVA wants to promote

health and general well being of LGBT
community in the whole. The Trust wants to
eradicate stigma and discrimination of LGBT
in the general society.

Projects: Outreach, Condom promotion and

distribution, Referrals and Linkages, Human
Rights, Implementing Targeted Interventions
Year Founded: 2007

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

Global Vision NGO Fraud

by Laxmi Narayan Tripathi
– Astitva-Trust NGO
Consumer Complaint Reviews
GLOBAL VISION NGO – hiii this is RAJ SALVI frOM INDIA whatever
complaint writen on this page about global vision thatz the completly fake
if that is true come and say openly becouse be an responsible citizen of india
before reaction we should know about the reality..if above girlz is right if she
can proove that organisation is froud..come openly and talk to their
management..iam with you iam also x employee of above organisation..
they trained verry nicely.. they have their on traning style…may be some time
door to door or corporate to corporate… whoever you are you dont deserve to
saying all faltu things on googal ..
and verry soon this organisation going to catch you complainer our cyber
crime officer had already start surching you…be carefull your self.. or
surrender yourself in police station.. in thane..
I competely agree with this complaint not because they have said it but I
you what salary you want and they will say ok you will get whatever you
want!!! the reason is that the salay is given through the funds collected by
you. almost 25% of the funds collected is your own salary and the rest 75% is
divied into your team managers salaries & administrative expenses. The gift
vouchers & other benefits are also given through this fund. I wonder how
mush is left for the poor patients???? They show some fake certificates as if
given by tata memorial trust regarding operation & chemotherapy expenses &
income certificate of the patient’s father so that people believe them & give out
whatever they can as these collectors say that the operation is just after 3
days!!! All of us should stop entertaining such fake practices of money
making. I suggest Tata Memorial Trust should disclose the truths to public
through all newspapers about this fraud.
abe e raj salvii…chup baith smjha…in my family all are in politics and many in
police chup cha baith..give your details want to meet u
personlly…want to ask how much u give tell in front of janch
commission..ok…will check how true u r and giving dhamki to surrender..on
what bases ..u brainless creature…giving comments on public booth site is
not crime u bloody ###!!!u r goo khau kutta of this ### organization mind
that..even i m social worker..even president will be hang if he is cheating his
own country..ok u ghannchhakkkar creature on earth..let the people do what
they want..if public found that this organization is making fool then..tere baap
ka kya jata he be..publich apni khoon pasine se kamati he…to sach jannanaa
unka adhikar he..tum jaise harami ko palne k liye nahi donate karegi aj ki
public..samjha…u surrender your self for biegn part of this making fool
company.ok or else u have to pay for it…galat ka sath dene wala bhi gunegar
hota he..balki jyada gunegar hota he

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

Global Vision NGO Fraud

by Laxmi Narayan Tripathi
– Astitva-Trust NGO
Consumer Complaint Reviews
cheating – what the girl said is true even i was asked to do the same fucking
ppl they use girls to go for high profile begging and the so called “trainees” are
not even allowed to talk or share each others number which is still disgusting
!!!one word for this SO called NGO AND ITS FUCKING RULES! AND
cheating – hi guys this is latest complain frm global vision that recently they
have celebrate 2nd annual function and they called big celebraty on that day
mr. ramesh chand who is the branch manager in gv raped one girl and today
she is mum bcoz he is blakmailing her, ms. balkate suffering from this pain
and mr.D.B.chand knows abt everything but he is not taking such action, this
ngo hiring girls on the base of hr job but giving work of collecting money which
is not right, thay have collecting monthly 15lacks in each branch and they
have more than 15 managers so think how much donation they have
collecting from people and helping cancer needy patient. pls guys dnt support
this activity stop it right now.
cheating – I am not agree with this, as i have worked for this organisation,
they have mentioned everything in appointment letter, every manager is very
much co-operative. They do not force for anything. I left that job because of
travelling problems as i am married lady, but i have seen the distribution of
amount to cancer patients, i have got my salary every month on time. Every
marketing organisation sends you on field, so this was a kind of field where
you not only build your confidence but also supporting to poor one. Every
person has its own plannings and criteria to fulfill that plan, so this
organisation is doing best in fulfilling their responsibilities in terms of social
service to our society. Thanks and sorry for Fake suggestions given above in
terms of complaints.
cheating – HIiii alll i too worked in bangalore branch i got the real view in the
first day itself… they are using little child photo saying they are suffering from
cancer… but reality is never like dis…now come to the crucial reality of dis
company…specialy mai kuch logo ki naam waha mention karna…miss called F*** radha nd khusboo as well as bastard ravi.
these people are real backbone of f***ing ngo… who cheat people like
anything… they say they help cancer patients… but bloody people only earn
for themself and their kutta md d.b chand.. Screw these people…
cheating hi everybody!
let me tell you the truth about this NGO. I had worked in this NGO for 10 days.
there girls go for begging. First they’ll tell donors that there is no demand.
when donor gives 100 rs they’ll start bargaining.During training they told us
that if donor is ready to give 100 rs we have to bargain for 500 rs means 5
times more. They’ll tell us “pricing me dhyan do” if they are doing bargaining
then this type of act could not be called charity. So please don’t waste your
money for this fake NGO. Be careful girls.

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

ండర షం ం ,
వ . అ

ద : నగరం మ ం
ం . న ల ,
వృ ల వ నగరం ం
ోన అ రణ
ండ .. మ ర
ం , ర ,
బ ం ఇతర ప న జం న దగర
ండర షం ం పజల
ఇబ ం ల న ప అ
.ఈ 15 మం న
ండ .. ఐ హ ల
అ న .
ం నఈ ం స ఆడ త
ఇం , , గ వద హం
ం వ ళ ల ర

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

Begging in the guise of transgenders,

Collections. Bihari gang arrested

Hyderabad: Police busted

another begging gang in the city.
While the gang that is bringing
small children and old people
and doing begging in the city is
being detained and interrogated.
The police said that 15 fake
transgenders in this gang, five
managers have been arrested by
the police. Belongs to Bihar

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

Wife killed transgender

husband by giving supari to him

A wife killed her husband who became

transgender and harassed her by giving supari
to her. This incident took place in Siddipet
district. Venkatesh, a resident of Boigalli,
Siddipet, got married in 2014 to Veda Srila.
A baby was born to them in 2015. After some
years there were changes in Venkatesh's
behavior. He used to tie a sari, put earrings in
his ears and wear glasses. Eventually they
started harassing the wife for additional dowry.
Then in 2019, she became transgender and
changed her name to Roja

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# ం లమ
బ న ండ మల

ం లమ బ న మల నం ఎ
అవ న ండ మల * నం ఎ
* మల* * ర తద , అ
తద ఇప వర
య … అం ఆలయం
* *చ వర ౖ వ అన ండ ల
ం , భగవం కన మరక
ఎ వన ,* * ఇంత ద కట ల అ
అ మల* ️ ం మహం ళమ
నం ఎ అవ శం ఇ న అన మత
మరకల ఎం ఆశ ం , అమ నకం
వ ంద …. ట *

So far I did not know that a transgender Jogini Shyamala

who lost the opportunity to lift the first bonam of the black
women who hurt the sentiments of the Hindus *Bonam Utthi
Shivalette *Jogini Shyamala* *I do not know that it will not go
to the yoke of Peerla, that too will not remove even a speck
from the face… Jogini means marrying a god in a temple *
*Muttaiduvavi till death* Mundamopi la bottutisavendi, the
stain of Godʼs eye is too much for you.

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# Harassment by hijras
on trains and platforms >>

Everytime I board the train, a group of Hijras

come and demand for money. If not given any
money to them, they use a very bad language
and even get ready to manhandle or try to
remove clothes. I give them some money
everytime to avoid beaten by them. This is bad
and I complained to police many times. They
dont even respond at all. I even saw one police
taking money from a hijra at bangalore cty jn
station. This proves that some police are
indirectly encouraging hijras to go and demand
people and annoy them during travel. First of
all, why are those hijras on the platform and in
the train without a ticket? Will the ticket collector
leave any normal person if he travels without a
ticket? Why do officials keep quiet when these
hijras do all these nonsense in public places.
Are officials wantedly sending these hijras on to
people for their money collections so that they
too have a share from these hijras? I think there
should be strict laws made against these hijra
criminals. File a Complaint

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# Harassment by hijras
on trains and platforms >>

I got harrassed by a transgender in local train

A bunch of railway commuters are venting ire against the transgender
community for allegedly ‘harassing’ them in the suburban Mumbai
locals between Dadar and Marine Lines… These hijras are really a
nuisance …. Not only in Mumbai suburban but everywhere ….. Last
tym while travelling on Surat-Bhusaval line I encountered a same
situation in Navjeevan Express….. The Hijra just undressed itself and
started taunting when I refused to pay him….. Cops at the situation
merely stood watching the scene like an audience
Posting this in every indian subreddit so that i get some idea of what i
get some advices and ofc to relieve some of my trauma through rant
hopefully it doesnt break subreddit rules). So me (18M) was travelling
in some local train to experience how it was. Train was considerably
empty since it was afternoon (or idk what was the reason lol) a
transgendered person came to me for money. I said “nahi dunga”. She
said if ain’t give the money, she will curse my whole family to die and
it’ll become true. I knew this shraap bullshit was comming up and said
haa dedo idc. Usne literally hath pakda and she almost dragged me
inside a bathroom. I pushed her and i fucking got brain fogged and
didnt know what to do. Then she grabbed my penis and asked if i’m
giving her money or not. Since i know some boxing, i threw her combo
of 2 solid punches to her nose. She said “agar tu marad hai toh idhar
rukh mai abhi apne logo ke lekar aata hu”. Idk what was going to
happen so i waited for train to reach other station praying for them to
not show up and ran for my life. Man how tf are we gonna travel if
these people keep harrassing people for money? I’m traumatised by
that incident and even had to hide it since i really get embarrassed to
share it with anyone. Exept i’ve shared it to only a friend of mine and
he suggested me that i should have complained about it in police
station. Idk how efficient is that so left it. There were some uncles in
my coach. I thought they would halp but all they did was laughed at
me. Fuck this society man.

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# Harassment by hijras
on trains and platforms >>

chocoboyc – There is a entire mafia behind many of these

people, it’s an organized extortion. Govt is least interested
because they don’t live among us. Same with beggers on
streets. Everyone should be seperated from their kids and
thrown in jail for life.

kagam98 – म एक बात बताऊँ, ऐसे कभी मत बोलना क नही ं गा। नीचे क

ओर दे खके हाथ जोड़ दो, चाहे वे कतना ही बोले क दे दो दे दो। हाथ जोड़ के रखो
बस और गदन हलाके न न करदो, वन भाव से। कभी भी पीछे नही पड़े गा।
जो तुमने बोला न क “नही ं गा”, वो उससे आवेश म आ गया। कलयुग है भैया,
आजकल भखा रय म भी अकड़ ह,ै हर कोई अपनी अलग ही चौड़ म चल रहा ह।ै
और ये तो क र ह जनके तो कभी मुँह भी नही लगना; सरकार, शासन,
शासन कुछ नही करने वाली, अपनी र ा आप ही करो और जतना हो सके
पंग म पड़ो ही मत। इनका कुछ नही जाना, लग काटके तु भी अपने समुदाय
का बना दगे और कोई चूं नही करने वाला।

Traditional_Juice583 – In Chennai suburban trains and MRTS

trains I found the transgenders to be respectful. If I say I don’t
have any money, they just leave me without any harrasment.
Idk if Chennai people here feel the same way. But I’ve been
harrassed countless times in Coimbatore gandhipuram bus
terminus. One time a transgender person started chasing me
after I said i don’t have any money and left. Luckily a police
person helped me

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# Harassment by hijras
on trains and platforms >>

chocoboyc – There is a entire mafia behind many of these

people, it’s an organized extortion. Govt is least interested
because they don’t live among us. Same with beggers on
streets. Everyone should be seperated from their kids and
thrown in jail for life.

kagam98 – म एक बात बताऊँ, ऐसे कभी मत बोलना क नही ं गा। नीचे क

ओर दे खके हाथ जोड़ दो, चाहे वे कतना ही बोले क दे दो दे दो। हाथ जोड़ के रखो
बस और गदन हलाके न न करदो, वन भाव से। कभी भी पीछे नही पड़े गा।
जो तुमने बोला न क “नही ं गा”, वो उससे आवेश म आ गया। कलयुग है भैया,
आजकल भखा रय म भी अकड़ ह,ै हर कोई अपनी अलग ही चौड़ म चल रहा ह।ै
और ये तो क र ह जनके तो कभी मुँह भी नही लगना; सरकार, शासन,
शासन कुछ नही करने वाली, अपनी र ा आप ही करो और जतना हो सके
पंग म पड़ो ही मत। इनका कुछ नही जाना, लग काटके तु भी अपने समुदाय
का बना दगे और कोई चूं नही करने वाला।

Traditional_Juice583 – In Chennai suburban trains and MRTS

trains I found the transgenders to be respectful. If I say I don’t
have any money, they just leave me without any harrasment.
Idk if Chennai people here feel the same way. But I’ve been
harrassed countless times in Coimbatore gandhipuram bus
terminus. One time a transgender person started chasing me
after I said i don’t have any money and left. Luckily a police
person helped me

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# Harassment by hijras
on trains and platforms >>

398 transgenders fined for harassing passengers in Visakhapatnam

The inter-state eunuchs are causing more inconveniences than the local hijras.
The Indian Railways have started acting tough against transgenders after the National Human
Rights Commission had sought a reply from the railway authorities asking about the steps taken
to handle the problem. (Representational image)

The Indian Railways have started acting tough against transgenders after the National Human
Rights Commission had sought a reply from the railway authorities asking about the steps taken
to handle the problem. (Representational image)

Visakhapatnam: As the harassment by transgenders is found to be one of the major

dissatisfaction for railway passengers, the Waltair division of East Coat Railway has fined 398
transgender in the last financial year as part of its safety and security drive. The fines were
imposed on the eunuchs for harassing the passengers, arguing with TTEs and violating basic
rules, said a railway official.

In last year’s fortnight-long programme on Passenger and Customer Facilitation, passengers had
complained that eunuchs were resorting to forcible collection of money and causing trouble to
them. Hence, the enforcement officials had been asked to take stringent action against the
eunuchs indulging in such practices.

The Indian Railways have started acting tough against transgenders after the National Human
Rights Commission had sought a reply from the railway authorities asking about the steps taken
to handle the problem.

Government Railway Police, Vizag said that they have noticed that some transgenders of Odisha,
West Bengal and also Bihar have migrated to Vizag and Vizianagaram areas.

The inter-state eunuchs are causing more inconveniences than the local hijras. Inspector of
Government Railway Police, Vizag, and G. Koteswara Rao said they are taking stringent action
against the hijras to curb such menace. “The cops are counselling the hijras at regular intervals to
bring a change in their mindset,” he said.

Riyaz Shaik – from Gurgaon, Haryana

It is true that people have been harassed by those criminals everyday. There will not be any
solution for this problem until common public change their mindset. We can observe that most of
the people prefer to through some money and keep quiet, saying that we should we mess with
those people. Sometimes when they harass some one, others will be laughing at that. Common
public do not have unity which is the strength of those b***ards. Politicians seems to be worried of
losing their support if they make any move. I wish to know whether passenger safety is the
responsibility of railways or not. Lot of NGOs are there to protect those criminals who abuse,
sexually harass innocent persons. Can we take this issue to the Ministry of Railways? Use
Pepper Sprays? or shove them from running trains?
Its ‘Throw some Money’. sorry for the typo

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# Harassment by hijras
on trains and platforms >>

Pravii Kumar
from Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Yeah, this is happening very frequently, I do see people are afraid when ever hijras gang
enter into train bogi. I don’t understand the responsibility of Railway Police Protection. I do
see hijras are manhandling innocent passenger in General bogis. Does this mean general
bogi passengers are least bothered? Railway ministry must take necessary action against

Chhatrapal sahu
from Durg, Chhattisgarh
Dear sir
Today I and my 2 friends travel durg to Bilaspur.In the train Hijra come to our birth and
demand money, my 2 friends gives money but when i refuse to give money because of my
friends already gives money to hijra, than hijra use bad language for me and also harass
physically.Sir pls take strict action for these type of situations in the train.

Ipsita Das123
This type of harrassment at the hand of transgender is a common scene even at Kolkata
local train. 7-8 months back, while traveling in local train from khardah to Barrackpore, two
hijras demanded money from me and threatened if I don’t give they willl not allow me to
depart from the train at Barrackpore.In order to avoid the situation I thought of giving few
bucks but by force they took around 3k .At that time I was not sure if complaint in railway
police would had helped me but suddenly today I came across this forum and thought of
sharing my experience. Currently I am not working and hardly travel by local train, if
required I prefer traveling by others transport just to avoid such situations. Earlier when I
was working at Kolkata, I had to travel from Barrackpore daily on train and most of the day
I had to pay them as I found others passenger paying them.

There’s a video on net, trans pulls a boy in train’s toilet, take his/her time inside. Then
comes out with a grin. After some time, the young boy comes out, with teary-eyed smile,
adjusting his clothes. Felt really bad. Glad that you knew how to punch! Fight them, people
can stand with you in any other problem, but not this.

The best thing to do when they approach you is . ~Dont make eye contact . ~Dont open
your mouth , not even to say *”paise nahi hai” , “aage chalo” .*Keep your mouth shut .
Most of the time this works , because these days , they wont just accept 10 Rupee or 20
Rupee , they need at least 50 or 100

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# Harassment by hijras
on trains and platforms >>

What The Indian Railways Completely

Ignored When It Arrested 73,000 Trans
In the last four years, the Indian Railways has
arrested over 73,000 transgender persons for
extorting money from commuters. Of these, a
total of 13,546 were arrested in 2015, 19,800
in 2016, 18,526 in 2017 and 20,566 in 2018, it
said. As many as 1,399 transgender persons
were arrested in January this year, the
ministry said. This was revealed in a reply to
an RTI.

According to Mumbai Live, it collected ₹2.24

lakhs by fining trans people begging in
Mumbai’s local trains within a period of five
months in 2018. In return, the number of jobs
provided to the transgender people has been
nearly zero. The only ray of hope in this dark
landscape was the Kochi Metro, which hired
23 transgender employees.

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

# Harassment by hijras
on trains and platforms >>

Railways to keep track on transgender Mafia


The Railways Superintendent of Police, M Kantha Rao, has warned transgenders

(hijras) against causing inconvenience and harassing passengers travelling in trains.

At a special counselling programme held for the hijras at Kazipet here on Thursday,
the SP said he was forced to conduct the session in view of increased complaints
from the passengers that they were resorting to forcible collection of money and
causing untold misery with their peculiar acts.

Addressing a huge gathering of hijras, Mr. Kantha Rao said they would deal sternly
with the erring persons.

“The Indian railways will not allow anyone board a train or come on to platform
without ticket. You must not move in the trains seeking money from the passengers
and attacking the innocent passengers,” he told them.

Speaking on behalf of the community, Laila and Goutami said they were not
harassing any passengers. They were only forced to beg due to lack of
opportunities to make a decent living.

They in turn alleged that the railway police were booking false cases against
them and collecting heavy penalties. They said the money they earn begging
would often go to payment of fines as sometimes four to five cases are booked
against one hijra. “Sometimes the penalty is Rs. 2,500. How can we pay such
an amount when we do not earn that much even begging the whole day,” they

They said they would stop begging if they were provided any employment by
the officials and plan a better way of living.

Responding to their pleas, Mr. Kantha Rao said that he would consult the
district administration and explore possibilities to provide an alternate means
of earning for the hijras. The SP gave away Rs. 7,000 financial assistance to a
society run by the hijras.

Railways Divisional Manager Ravinder, Kazipet DSP K. Dakshina Murthy and

others were present.

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# Dark truth of CBO SCAMS & transGender’s Criminal Activies

NALSA Judgement
NALSA Judgement Which Ensured Equal
Rights To India’s Trans Community
April 15 marks the 6th anniversary of the NALSA judgment. It was a
remarkable step in the constitutional history of India. It guaranteed
rights to an extremely marginalized community. The transgender
community has been isolated, stigmatized, ostracized and denied
basic human rights for decades despite the operation of a
Constitution and functioning of a democracy. The community had
been subject to gender-based violence, harassment, abuse and
rape. They have been denied access to public toilets, healthcare,
education, employment. The landmark 2014 judgment put an end to
a very long history of injustice to this community.

It was a far overdue action on the part of justice in the social

democracy that India is called. In the following paragraphs, I
summarise the judgement of National Legal Services Authority v
Union of India. The way the judgement is worded is crucial. It
reminds us of what Indian constitutional values of equality, liberty and
justice truly stands for.Transgender is described as an umbrella term
for persons whose gender identity and/or gender expression does
not conform to their biological sex. It includes members from various
sections of the community, hijras, eunuchs, kothis, aravanis, jogtas,
kinnars etc. They are a socio-culturally and economically
marginalized community facing utmost discrimination, oppression
and exploitation. Discrimination is so large and pronounced in terms
of education, employment, healthcare and social exclusion in every
other sphere of living. They are even denied access to public toilets,
shops, restaurants, theatres etc. Gender identity is integral to a
person’s dignity and freedom. Forcing individuals to undergo medical
sex reassignment, surgery, sterilization, hormonal therapy for legal
recognition of their gender identity is against their right to self-
determination. Non-recognition of gender identity makes them
vulnerable to sexual assault, harassment, rape.

Non-recognition of gender identity leads to violation of the right to life

and dignity. Discrimination based on gender identity is a denial of
equality and freedom. Non-recognition of rights is also a violation of
international law obligations.Also read:Everything That’s Wrong With
India’s New ‘Progressive’ Transgender Rights Bill

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