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Chapter 18-20 test

1. Which of the following is NOT a level of the federal court system in the United States?
a) District Courts
b) Appellate Courts
c) Supreme Courts
d) Circuit Courts

2. What determines where a supreme court case is heard?

a) when they like it
b) Rule of four
c) when the chief justice decide to hear it
d) when the president approve the case

3. How many justices serve on the United States Supreme Court?

a) 7
b) 9
c) 11
d) 13

4. What is the term length for a federal judge?

a) 4 years
b) 6 years
c) 8 years
d) Life

5. Each supreme court term begins in __________ and ends in __________

a) October : september
b) The first Monday of October : June or July
c) The first Monday of January : The end of December
d) August : March

6. Which court handles cases involving disputes between states or cases involving ambassadors?
a) District Courts
b) Appellate Courts
c) Supreme Courts
d) Court of International Trade
7. Who nominates federal judges?
a) The President
b) The Senate
c) The Supreme Court
d) The Attorney General

8. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a trial by jury in civil cases?
a) Fourth Amendment
b) Fifth Amendment
c) Sixth Amendment
d) Seventh Amendment

9. How can we remove a Judge

a) Until they resign
b) Until they passed away
c) Impeaching
d) A and B
e) C and B
10. What amendment called the Due Process Clause
a) fourth and twelve
b) fifth and nineteenth
c) fifth and fourteenth
d) fourth and fifteen
11. What amend ments secures the right to bear arms
a) first amendment
b) second amendment
c) third amendment
d) fourth amendment
12. What is the only crime defined in the constitution
a) Treason
b) Communist
c) Vietnam War
d) Rob a bank
13. What did the 13th amendment do
a) abolish slavery
b) regulate world trade
c) dual process
d) right to bear arms
14. What is wiretapping
a) recording , listening parties without their consent
b) Prevents quartering soldiers in homes
c) To secretly catch someone doing something illegally
d) To say bad things about the government

15. Who have the rights to Privacy

a) The People of the United states of America
b) the Chinese Communist Party
c) the North Korea Communist Party
d) the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

Match the Supreme Court case with its corresponding significance or outcome.

16. McCulloch v. Maryland _______

17. United States v. Lopez _______
18. Engel v. Vitale _______
19. Wisconsin v. Yoder _______
20. Tinker v. Des Moines _______
21. New York Times Co. v. United States _______
22. Schenck v. United States _______
23. Roe v. Wade _______
24. McDonald v. Chicago _______
25. Baker v. Carr _______

a) Established the right to privacy and legalized abortion.

b) Affirmed the principle of judicial review and expanded federal power.
c) Upheld the First Amendment right to free speech in schools.
d) Ruled that state laws limiting handgun ownership violate the Second Amendment.
e) Determined that school-sponsored prayer in public schools violates the Establishment Clause
of the First Amendment.
f) Set the precedent for prior restraint in free speech cases.
g) Established the Lemon test for evaluating laws concerning religion in schools.
h) Affirmed the right to peacefully protest in public schools.
i) Set guidelines for apportionment in state legislatures.
j) Decided that federal government regulation of interstate commerce does not extend to
regulating activities within schools.

Fill in the blanks

26. A civil case usually involves ______, while a criminal case usually involves_____.
27. ___________ is the ability to be free from unwanted personal publicity.
28. The power of courts to interpret and determine the constitutionality of laws is called
29. ___________ prevents the government from using evidence that was obtained illegally in a
court case against somebody.
30. The principle that the government must follow fair procedures and respect individual rights is
called ___________.


31. a case needs the majority of justices agree on to decide . (True/False)

32. Most of the supreme court decisions is unanimous (True/False)
33. A judge gets the salary of 265000$ (True/False)
34. The term "checks and balances" refers to the power of the judiciary to check the actions of
the executive branch. (True/False)
35. Around 100-150 cases are heard by the supreme court each year (True/False)

Short Answer (10 points each)

36. Explain the process by which a case reaches the Supreme Court.

37. Describe the role of dissenting opinions in the Supreme Court's decision-making process.

38. What is the Rule of Four?

38. What is a bail ?

39. What is double jeopardy?


40. What is the importance of free expression?

41. What is the Lemon test?
42 why is the judicial branch important?

Free expression is fundamental to the function of democratic societies. It allows individuals to
voice their opinions, beliefs, and ideas without fear of censorship or reprisal. This freedom is
essential for the exchange of diverse perspectives, which fosters innovation, progress, and social
change. In a society where free expression is protected, individuals can engage in open discourse,
challenge authority, and hold those in power accountable. It is prioritized to be in the first
amendment of the constitution means it is extremely important to the people of the country

The Lemon test is a legal principle developed by the Supreme Court in Lemon v. Kurtzman
(1971) to assess whether a law violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the
United States Constitution. This clause prohibits the government from establishing or endorsing
a religion. The Lemon test consists of three criteria:

​ The law must have a secular legislative purpose.

​ Its primary effect must neither advance nor inhibit religion.
​ It must not result in excessive entanglement between government and religion.

This test serves as a guideline for courts to determine the constitutionality of laws concerning

religion and ensures the separation of church and state, a fundamental principle of American

The judicial branch plays a crucial role in the system of checks and balances established by the
Constitution. It interprets laws, resolves disputes, and upholds the Constitution as the supreme
law of the land. Through judicial review, the courts ensure that legislative and executive actions
comply with constitutional principles, safeguarding individual rights and liberties. The
independence of the judiciary from political influence is essential for maintaining the rule of law
and protecting against abuses of power. Additionally, the judiciary provides a forum for resolving
conflicts peacefully, promoting stability and fairness within society. Overall, the judicial branch
serves as a guardian of justice, ensuring equality before the law and the preservation of
democratic principles.

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