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Module 2: Finding Joy

Asynchronous Prompt
What is the BEST part of your job and what do you like the least
about your job? Why?

The best part of my job is being able to interact with many people (especially students) with
different backgrounds and abilities. Next, I can participate in developing and disseminating
knowledge through research and collaboration. I can also be directly involved with problems and
find solutions to them and have an impact that can be directly felt by the community. The
downside is being involved with overly complicated administrative processes that sometimes
force one to not be themselves.

Describe your ideal workday…

From 7am to 11am is the perfect time to do productive activities. During these
hours, our brain and body are still fresh, to start the day. There are not many
distractions happening yet, then there is the factor of the light yellow sun entering
the window and the airflow is still fresh.

Make a list of things you like to do outside of work. Who on your

team might like to do these activities too?

Chit chat
read books
make some exercises to
strech body and muscle

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