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Name: Nguyễn Quốc Anh

Student ID: 2157010032

Class: DH21EL01C

Define the Research Objective: The research objective is to identify and

evaluate career opportunities and job possibilities in the field of English
teaching. This involves understanding the demand for English teachers,
exploring different teaching environments, and identifying the key factors
that influence career decisions in this field.
Conduct a Situation Analysis: Conduct a situation analysis to understand
the current landscape of English teaching. Research the demand for English
teachers in different contexts, such as schools, language institutes, online
platforms, and international schools. Consider factors such as job growth,
geographic location preferences, language proficiency requirements, and
qualifications needed to teach English.
Identify Potential Employers: Based on the situation analysis, create a list
of potential employers or institutions that offer English teaching positions.
This can include schools, language centers, online teaching platforms, and
international organizations. Consider factors such as the reputation of the
institution, teaching methodologies used, student demographics, and
opportunities for professional development.
Define Target Audience: In this case, the target audience is potential
employers in the field of English teaching. Segment them based on criteria
such as educational institutions (schools, universities, language centers),
online teaching platforms, and international organizations. Consider factors
such as teaching levels (primary, secondary, higher education), location
preferences, and preferred qualifications.
Collect Data: Collect relevant data to assess the needs and preferences of
potential employers in the English teaching field. This can be done through
various methods, including online research, job portals, networking with
professionals in the field, attending teaching conferences or workshops, and
joining relevant professional associations. Gather information about job
requirements, preferred qualifications, teaching methodologies, and trends in
English language education.
Analyze and Interpret Data: Analyze the collected data to gain insights into
potential employers' expectations and requirements for English teachers.
Identify common patterns, trends, and preferences among different segments
of potential employers. This analysis will help in understanding the skills,
qualifications, and experiences that employers value the most in English
teaching candidates.
Develop a Marketing Strategy: Based on the insights gained from the data
analysis, develop a marketing strategy to position yourself as an attractive
English teaching candidate. Tailor your resume, cover letter, and teaching
philosophy statement to highlight relevant skills and experiences that align
with the needs of potential employers. Additionally, consider networking
strategies, professional development opportunities, and showcasing your
teaching portfolio or lesson plans to enhance your marketability.
Implement the Strategy: Put the marketing strategy into action by applying
for relevant English teaching positions, submitting applications to educational
institutions or online platforms, and leveraging professional networks.
Continuously refine and adapt the strategy based on feedback and market
Evaluate and Adjust: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your
marketing strategy by tracking job application success rates, interview
invitations, and job offers received. Seek feedback from potential employers
or industry professionals to gain insights into areas for improvement.
Additionally, consider joining teaching communities, attending job fairs, or
participating in teaching conferences to expand your network and stay
updated on industry trends.

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