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Intro to Customer Service

Customer Service Interaction Standards

Part 1: Scenario
You are running a new business and part of your business involves a helpline for your
customers. Your task for your company is to formulate Customer Service Interaction
Standards for your business. With your team, research and take notes on effective
communication, problem solving, and notetaking strategies you want your customer
service professionals to employ. Individually complete out Part 2 Customer Service
Interaction Standard area. Use different Font/Color to show your answers.

You will then as a team, create a training manual in MS Word and prepare a short lesson
about your company’s Customer Service Interaction Standards.

Your Name
Name of Business
Team Name
Team Members
What does your business
do? (Product and
What is your company

Who are your primary


What is the profile of

these customers?
• Demographic,
attitude, values,
lifestyle, habits,
location, culture,

Use the following resources for your research:

YouTube Videos
 Customer Service – What is communication in customer service (11.40)
 What is customer service? The 7 Essentials to Excellent Customer Service (12.27)
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Intro to Customer Service

Customer Service Interaction Standards

 Blog post + video: 7 Ways to get the most out of your sales notes

Find at least 1 other source not listed above.

Include source citations at the end of your CS Standards document.

Part 2 - Individual: Customer Service Interaction

Create customer service interaction standards and processes for your business. Answer the
following questions to formulate your standards. Respond to each of the prompts below in
5-6 sentences or bullets and cite specific sources that you used for your response

1. Effective Communication:
 What are important elements of effective
communication in customer service settings?
 What are your company’s communication

2. Understanding Customer Needs:

 How does a CS Rep discover what a customer needs?
 What are common customer needs?
 What should your employees look and listen for when
interacting with customers?

3. Solving Customer Problems:

 Detail the steps to find a solution to a customer’s issue.
 How can employees ensure the customer is satisfied Source
and the issue is resolved?
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Intro to Customer Service

Customer Service Interaction Standards

4. Documentation:
 Describe your company’s procedures for notetaking
and documenting information from a customer
interaction. Source
 What type of information should be documented in
customer interaction?

Part 3-Team: Training Guide/Lesson

Using the responses above, your team will create

1) Training Guide document that covers your company’s four standards of Customer
Service Standards in detail.
2) A brief training that teaches one of the four standards of customer service for
your company. Create a “facilitation plan” that outlines a script for your lesson.
Include the facilitation plan in your training document.

Overall Requirements:
 Use heading styles to professionally format and organize your Customer Service
Standards document.
 Use may use bullet points and paragraphs for written content. All content should be
original (not generated by AI or copied from other sources)
 Include cover page and table of contents
 Include page numbers and title of document in the header
 No spelling, grammar, or mechanics errors
 Any visuals (charts, graphs, etc.) should be clear and laid out well in the document.
 Consider your organization’s brand. Logos, graphic elements, language, text styles
can add to your message and enhance your themes.
 Layout is in balance and harmonious (not cluttered or overloaded)
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Intro to Customer Service

Customer Service Interaction Standards

 Fonts are professional and consistent.

 Color Palette is pleasing, professional, and consistent.
 Sources are cited at the end with active hyperlinks

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