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Laclede Steel Company

Laboratory tests were made on single dowels encased in concrete to observe
the characteristics of failure and the rate of deflection of transversely loaded
dowels in concrete The rate at which the concrete reacts under a deflecting
dowel IS called modulus of dowel reaction
Loaded } in from the face of the concrete, J-in hard grade dowels failed at
6000 lb dowel load and 1-in intermediate grade dowels at 9000 lb dowel load,
when encased m 3000 lb per sq in concrete Warning of failure is given by
surface spalling under the dowel, commencing at loads considerably less than
the ultimate Ultimate failure is accompamed by crushing of the concrete
immediately under the dowel The 5-in dowels are all permanently bent at
failure Relationship of dowel strength to the strength of the concrete and
to the yield point of the steel is indicated
A reasonable value for the modulus of dowel reaction for ^-in and 1-in greased
dowels in 6-and 7-in concrete pavements on yielding subgrade is deduced from
these tests to be 300 times the unit crushing strength of cylinders of the concrete

D O W E L F O R M U L A S AND M A T E R I A L CHAR- distnbution of the stress in the concrete

ACTERISTICS and to the subgrade underneath the con-
crete as well as the mfluence of the con-
To determine the action of a loaded
crete over the dowel also may not be
dowel crossing an open jomt m a con-
theoretically determined K may there-
crete structure, it is necessary to know
fore best be established experimentally
the rate at which the concrete reacts
against deflection of the dowel, referred For mathematical expediency, instead
to as modulus of dowel reaction This of K in the stress formulas for dowels is
quantity is for convenience considered used the dowel constant, j3, established as.
as a constant factor so that the pressure K b
of the concrete on the surface of the /3 (2)
4£. I
dowel is proportionate to the deflection
of the dowel m the concrete at any in which h is the width, E, the modulus of
point The modulus of dowel reaction K elasticity, and / the moment of inertia of
is defined as the load m pounds per the dowel
square mch necessary to cause a 1-in Complete design formulas for dowels
deflection at the beanng in the concrete have been developed', based upon the
For a body of concrete with the height h, exact mathematical solution of the prob-
subjected to uniform stress, K would be lem presented by S Timoshenko and
related to the modulus of elasticity of J M Lessels'' Apphcations to concrete
the concrete, Ec, in the manner pavement joints m that work were
based on a value of K of 1,000,000 lb
per i n ' I n this research, dowel
K = (1)
• "Design of Dowels m Transverse Joints
of Concrete Pavements," Bengt Fnberg, Pro-
For dowels in transverse joints of
ceedings, A S C E Nov 1938, p 1809
pavements, K is not so easily estabhshed ' Applied Elasticity," S Timoshenko and
theoretically The pressure against the J M Lessels, Westinghouse Technical Night
dowel is not uniformly distributed The School press, pp 133-141

strengths and moduli! of dowel reaction concrete pavements. However, where

are expenmentally established in relation the modulus of subgrade reaction will
to the most important variables of ma- be on the order of a few hundred lb per
terials and dimensions in.', the modulus of dowel reaction will
For a dowel loaded with a downward range up to 2,000,000 lb. per in ^
shear, P, and a moment, Mo, turning
clockwise, at the face of the concrete,
the downward deflection, 3/0, at the face DOWEL CHARACTERISTICS

of the concrete is established by the As no experimentally established values

formula of the modulus of dowel reaction have
been reported for use in pavement de-
P - pMo sign, a number of experiments have been
yo = (3)
2/3" £ . / • made on a simple dowel-concrete struc-

iMtrror - MvTor on


Figure 1. Arrangement of Concrete Specimens with Single Dowels for Observations and

The slope of the dowel at the face of the ture, to establish this matenal constant
concrete is also established as for varymg conditions of concrete
strength and construction The modulus
dy 2fiMo - P
(4) of dowel reaction is clearly dependent
2^ E.I upon the depth of concrete below the
B y the observation of dowel deflection at dowel. As the concentration of stress
the face of the concrete or the slope of as well as the dissipation of this stress
the dowel m front of the concrete, /3 immediately below the dowel is of con-
may easily be computed, and for known siderable influence, the size of the dowel
dowel dimensions and concrete may be may also mfluence the matenal constant
used directly in the formulas, or know- The tests were planned to give an indi-
ing fi, the modulus of dowel reaction K cation of these variables
may be computed The modulus of Little is known of the strength of
dowel reaction is analogous with the dowels in transverse jomts The tests
modulus of subgrade reaction, k, em- which have been made on completed
ployed for computation of stresses in joint structures have necessarily been

few, difficult to observe, and therefore makes the values easily applicable to
subject to experimental variations in a dowels in the completed pavement joint
major degree. To supply much needed structure.
information on dowel strengths, these Test Specimens and Observations. The
tests have been made in the laboratory specimens consisted of concrete blocks,
on single dowels, extending from one 8 in. wide and generally 6 or 9 in. long,
body of concrete only, so that during with a dowel extending through the
the progress of the experiment the dowels concrete and projecting perpendicularly
and the surface of the concrete could be to the face at center height. The depth
examined for progressive failures. In below the dowel varied from 2 1 to 8 5 in.,
that manner it has been possible to ob- and the dowel .sizes are f in., 1 in., and
tain fairly accurate data on the failure for one test, 1\ in. The concrete above

Figure 2. Head Raised. Specimen Under Load

Specimen in Place in Testing Machine

of concrete surrounding dowels as well the dowel is grooved to { in. back from
as on the complete behavior of dowels the face to permit exact position of the
of different sizes in concrete specimens of dial extension point on top of the dowel
considerable variation in size. It has flush with the face of the concrete.
also been possible to include enough Each test was planned for three dupli-
specimens in the observations so that cate specimens, a, b, and c.
the influence of experimental variations The concrete in all instances contained
has been minimized. The testing ar- a crushed limestone coarse aggregate
rangement permitted readings to be and Meramec River sand; the cement is
made for both dowel deflections and high early strength "Incor" obtained in
dowel slopes. The availability of con- the local market. The composition in
venient design formulas, nevertheless, most instances is 1 : 1 5 : 1 5 by weight.

water 45 per cent of the cement. The to be without mfluence Two mirrors,
specimens were tested at two to three the one placed 1 | m away from the
days' age dowel and the other 3 in away, gave
Most of the specimens when tested exactly the same readings at all loads
were clamped in position directly upon a The deflection readings above and
steel base in the testmg machme I n a below the dowel gave uniform results in
few tests a sponge-rubber mat, simulat- most instances The deflection readings
ing soil subgrade, was placed under the below the dowel were introduced after
concrete, or the specimen was placed on it was found on two specimens that the
steel flats so that no bearmg existed concrete was cracked in such manner that
except at the sides of the specimen The the top dial and the entire front portion
load appUcation consisted of a tool steel of the concrete moved downward with
edge, appljong the load on top of the the dowel The deflection readings un-
dowel exactly § in from the face of der the dowel provide a check against
the concrete The failure of the con- such incorrect results For most speci-
crete underneath the dowel could there- mens the deflection at the face of the
fore be observed as the test progressed concrete was entirely sufficient to es-
Observations have been made of the tablish the action of the dowel
deflection of the dowel in the concrete Table 1 gives in summary form the
exactly at the face of the concrete, the typ\ca\ dimensions of the specimens,
dial gauge being mounted on the upper strengths of 6 by 12 in cyhnders, dowel
surface of the concrete away from the loads at failure, and modulus of dowel
dowel. Simultaneously, slope readmgs reaction for all the different tests as the
of the dowels were taken, one mirror average of each group of three (or less,
bemg mounted directly on the dowel a as indicated by letters)
short distance in front of the load apph- In each test, the three specimens were
cation point, a second mirror bemg fairly uniform I n some specimens voids
mounted on the face of the concrete in which formed under the dowels affected
level with the dowel and approximately the deflection diagrams This was par-
3 in away On some specimens a dial ticularly the case in early specimens
gauge was used to show the deflection having a considerable amount of con-
under the dowel, some distance from the crete underneath the dowels It has
face of the concrete, as well, the dial been possible in some of these instances
bemg clamped to the concrete near the to use the part of the deflection diagram
bottom surface and at the outer comers developed after the dowel had settled
of the specimen Typical specimen di- through this small porous area for com-
mensions, as well as the clampmg of the putation of K The condition was prob-
specimens, the dial gauge mountmgs, ably caused by swelhng of the wood
and mirror arrangement are shown dia- forms which lifted the dowels I t was
grammatically in Figure 1, and as set eliminated entirely on some of the later
up m the testmg machme m Figure 2 specimens, for which the forms did not
The point of support of the dial gauges rest directly on the steel pallet
did not mfluence the results In one
test the deflection of the concrete top D O W E L LOAD C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
surface 3 in directly over the dowel was Concrete Strength and Dowel Failure
measured No deflection could be ob- A significant feature of these tests is that
served at this pomt until near failure of the initial; visible distress of the concrete
the specimen The position of the mirror comes a considerable time before the
on the face of the concrete also was found ultimate load is reached The imtial
Width of Specimens 8 in unless noted Length Same as Dowel Embedment
Beanng On steel unless noted
Dowels }-in round, 1-in round, IJ-in round '
Y i e l d Point 60500 lb per sq in , 48400 lb per sq in , 53900 lb per sq in , except when noted
Tensile Strength 101000 lb per sq in , 85500 lb per sq in , 85000 lb per sq in , except when noted
Dowels not coated except when noted

Dowel Concrete Progressive Failure* Modulus of Dowel Reaction

and Initial Ultimate T o Dowel Load of lb) Remarks
Speci- Em- Depth Strength Method of
mens Sue bed- Below 5 by 12 m Dowel Observation
ment Dowel Cyl Dowel Visible Sign Type of Failure 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Load Load

[6 per sq lb U> m lUton IEl per m s

tn tn tn tn
2 6 4200 3500 Spall 7000 Spall, vert crack Top defl 3 go 2 10 1 85 1 55 1 06 0 20
labc 0 75 6
Slope 3 60 2 80 1 8

2 5 3100 6000 Spall, horis gooo Spall, vert crack Top defl 1 25 1 00 0 96 0 88 0 85 0 66
2abc 1 00 6
crack Slope 1 80 1 40 1 16

6 2 4 3100 7000 Hons crack 12000 SpaU, vert crack Top defl 1 20 0 71
Sabc 1 25 0 80
Slope 1 65

e 3 0 3500 6500 Horis crack 10000 SpaU, vert crack Top defl 1 00 0 98 0 67
4abc 1 00
Slope 1 80 1 26 1 16

5500 Spall 7500 Vert split Top defl 0 77 0 67 0 56 Duphcates of No 4 on rubber

21abc 1 00 6 3 0 3500
Slope 1 40 0 96 1 00

6 4 0 3600 5500 SpaU - 0600 SpaU. vert crack Top defl 0 50 0 48

Sabo 1 00 0 67
Slope 0 70

3000 Hons crack 9200 Spall Top defl 0 40 0 30 Cast on end, 7 in wide
6abo 1 OO 6 8 5 3200
Slope 0 47 0 45 Specimens b & e, excessive watergain

8000 Hons crack 13500 SpaU Readings nappli cable, curing cracks Cast on end, 7 in thick
22ab 1 00 6 8 6 3600
Top defl 2 80 2 05 1 65 Tested on side 14 in wide
22c 1 00 6 3 0 3600
Slope 1 00
Bot defl 2 00 1 70 1 25 1 15 Tested on end, 7 in wide
22c 8 6 Tested after bond test 295 lb pei sq in ,
8 6 0500 Spall 12000 SpaU Bot defl 1 70 1 70 2 00
22a 0 26 in movement

7300 Spall, horn 9800 Spall, vert crack Top defl 1 40 1 30 1 05

7abc\ 1 00 6 3 0 2700
crack Slope 2 30 2 00 1 60 1 40
3500 Spall 6200 Vert crack Top defl (1 25 0 85) ^Short Dowel length makes
9abc 0 76 3 2 6 3400 jK-computation approximate
Slope (1 30 0 83)

3400 5000 Spall 7000 Spall Top defl 2 50 1 40 1 25 1 05 0 65

lOabc 0 75 6 2 6
Slope 3 20 1 80 1 70
Uabo 0 75 9 2 6 3600 5000 Spall 7500 SpaU Top defl 3 10 2 30 1 30
Slope 3 70 2 00
12abc 0 75 6 2 6 4500 5500 Spall 8000 SpaU Top defl 1 75 1 66 1 55 Dowels greased a & b to failure,
Slope 2 60 2 20 2 00 c stopiied at 2000 lb
12c SOOO Crushing in Top defl 1 20 0 91 0 86 0 67 Tested after 0 6 in movement bond
bond funnel Slope 1 40 0 91 0 74 0 52 110 lb per sq in
13abc 0 75 9 2.6 4500 4500 Spall 6500 SpaU Top defl 1 26 1 16 1 05 0 91 Dowels greased, a & b tested to failure,
Slope 2 50 1 55 1 50 1 26 c stopped at 2000 lb
13c 4000 Spall 7000 Spall Top defl 1 05 1 15 1 40 1 SO Tested after 0 5-in movement, bond.
Slope 2 80 1 20 1 30 1 20 42 lb per sq in
14abc 1 00 9 3 0 3000 5200 Spall 8200 SpaU Top defl 0 88 Dowel Y P 31700 lb per sq in
Slope 1 15 T S 48100 lb per sq in
Bot defl 0 85
ISsbo 1 00 9 3 0 3000 6300 Spall 12200 SpaU Top deS 2 20 1 80 1 56 1 30 Dowel Y F 561001b per sq i n .
Slope 2 10 T S 100700 lb per sq in
Bot defl 2 40 2 00 1 60 1 45 No 16b excessive watergain
16ab 1 00 9 3 0 3300 5500 Spall 10300 SpaU Top defl 1 36 1 01 0 80 0 67 0 62 0 34
Slope 1 40 0 81
Bot defl 1 72 1 17 0 93 0 71 0 62 0 47
17bc 0 75 6 2 6 2600 2500 Spall 4500 Spall Top defl 0 61 0 43 0 39 Dowel Y P 406001b persq in
Slope 0 48 0 48 0 43 T S 66200 lb per s q in
Bot defl 0 61 0 46 0 43
23a 1 00 6 3 0 3000 Top defl 2 90 Supported on steel
Bot defl 1 16 Loaded to 2000 lb
4000 45" diag tension Top defl 2 26 2 25 Supported at sides only
Bot defl 0 76
24a 1 00 6 3 0 2700 Top defl 2 26 1-40 1 15 1 10 Supported on rubber
Slope 1 60 1 40 1 30 Loaded to 4000 lb
6500 Spall 9000 Test interrupted Top defl 0 85 1 16 1 30 1 46 1 40 Supported on steel
Slope 0 72 1 00 1 25 1 35
24c 1 00 6 3 0 2700 6000 Spall 8000 Vert crack Top defl 1 80 1 26 0 84 0 72 Tested after 0 1-m movement, bond
Slope 1 80 1 15 0 77 3101b p e r s q in
Bot defl 2 30 1 30 0 93 0 67
28a 1 00 9 3 0 2800 5500 Spall 10500 SpaU Top defl 2 25 1 50 1 10 1 00 0 88 0 73 Dowel greased, not puUed, tested o a
Bot defl 2 60 1 90 1 30 1 10 1 00 0 78 steel

28c 1 00 9 3 0 2800 6500 SpaU 8000 Vert split Top defl 1 60 1 30 1 06 0 93 0 93 0 78 IDowel greased, pulled 0 3 in , bond
Bot defl 1 60 1 30 1 10 0 97 0 96 0 88 > 40 lb per sq in Tested on rubber
J mat
31a 0 75 6 3 0 5700 No sp Eill either joint 21000 Bend failure E n d , top 6 00 4 00 3 20 2 70 Specimen F i g 0
center block Center, top 2 40 2 40 2 10
concrete Across j n t 4 00 4 00 3 00 2 30
32a 0 76 9 &6 3 0 5100 No spall either joint 17000 Bend faUure E n d , top 1 60 1 70 1 76 Specimen F i g 9
center block Center, top 1 15 1 45 1 36 1 36
concrete Across j n t 1 20 1 60 1 66 2 00
> Progressive failure terms indicate (a) Initial Spall A fine crack i to 1 in below and around the dowel (b) Horuontal crack A fine crack from the dowel, merging mto spall (c) VerticaL
crack Extending to bottom and/or top of specimen and some distance back (d) SpUt Sudden crack through the concrete

warning almost always consisted of a extending from top to bottom of the

small spalling underneath the dowel, specimen; those on rubber pads split
first noticeable as a fan-shaped crack completely through as sudden failures.
from J in. to I 5 in. away from the dowel. Figure 3 shows the specimens of tests
In the deeper specimens, the first evi- Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 21 after failure, illustrat-
dence would be a very small, horizontal ing the fan-shaped compression failures
crack, extending from the dowel toward underneath the dowels in each instance.
each side, merging into a fan-shaped In Figure 4 is shown some initial spalling
failure as the load increased. Consider- and ultimate loads at 6-in. embedment
ably greater loads were taken after the for f-in., 1-in., and Ij-in. dowels; and
appearance of this first spall, usually the corresponding dowel deflections.
with appearance of fan-shaped cracks The strength of Ij-in. dowels was not
further away from the dowel. Ultimate fully developed with 6-in. length. The
. I
>^ U/hmoM toad
/4C0O ^ V
^ Lood 0^ //rs/ spa//
fVumben /ndicc



Doive/3/ze, /nc/i, round
Figure 4. Critical Dowel Loads and Rate of
Figure 3. Specimens of Tests Nos. 4, 5, 6, and Deflection at Face for -in., 1-ln. and l>-ln.
21 after loading, showing typical failures Dowels.

failure occurred after extensive spalling specimens on rubber pads split after
underneath the dowel, frequently to a initial spalling at considerably smaller
depth of about f in. from the face with loads than did those bearing on steel.
fractures through pieces of aggregate, Such splitting would probably not occur
even toward the lower feather edge. in the field. As shown in Figure 4, the
The concrete underneath the dowel, first spalling occurs at a load approxi-
after failure, could be crumbled, and in mately two-thirds of that which causes
some instances aggregate particles im- failure.
mediately underneath the dowels could In Figure 5 have been plotted the ulti-
be crumbled completely as well. In mate load values of f-in. and 1-in. dowels
the shallow specimens and in those relative to concrete cylinder strength.
resting on rubber pads, ultimate failure For 1-in. dowels, the loads appear to be
was accompanied by a vertical crack substantially proportionate to the con-

Crete cylinder strength Within a prac- fore be in bending, although the initial
tical limit the same relation applies to warning was concrete compression at the
f-in dowels All f-in dowels ui these surface of the joint
tests were permanently bent at comple- Influence of Dowel Length I t is of
tion of the tests The proportionahty practical importance to be able to use
between ultimate dowel load and con- the least dowel length which utihzes the
crete cylinder strength is therefore not full strength of the concrete and the
clear for the higher concrete strengths dowels Theoretical stress determina-
at which the bending stress in the dowel tions indicate that | - i n dowels gain httle
rathei than the compression stress under- effectiveness over 5-in embedment, and
neath it caused failure 1-in dowels over 7-in embedment
Dowel Strength and Steel Strength These results are substantiated by tests
Failure by excessive bending stresses in on different dowel lengths, illustrated
the dowel is dependent upon the yield
point of the steel Steel with different
yield points in the | and the 1-in sizes
was therefore included in the tests
The initial crack and ultimate failures for i/oooa
I and 1-in dowel sizes are shown in
Figure 6 For f-in dowels, both the ^aooo
initial crack and the ultimate failures are
substantially proportionate to the yield %60oa
point of the steel For the 1-m dowels
the initial crack is clearly independent M/miars /neZ/eafe Teat
of the yield point of the steel, whereas
the ultimate load shows a fair propor- %looo\ o /'i /ndmduol yb/ue
tionality to the yield point The data
indicate that for | - m dowels of up to
lOOO 2S00 30OO SSOO 4OO0 •*SOO
60,000 lb per sq in yield point at least, Concrefe Cy/inc/er Jfrength / 4 per sq in
with 3000 to 3500 lb per sq in concrete,
both initial spalling of the concrete and Figure 5. Ultimate Dowel Loads for Concretes
failure of the dowel are due to excessive of Varying Strength
bendmg stresses in the dowel The
maximum dowel moment and bending for \ and 1-in dowels for both initial
stress occurs more than J in away from spall and ultimate load in Figure 7
the face As the yield point is exceeded, With decreasing lengths of dowels, the
the bearing stress shifts toward the face, supportmg arrangement for the dowels
which is evidenced as spalling of the must be increasingly accurate to hold
concrete For 1-in dowels, the initial them in correct alignment withm a
warning appears to be excessive compres- reasonable degree This requirement is
sion in the concrete underneath the dowel, no less important for short dowels than
the spall being independent of the dowel for those of greater length
yield point strength As the reaction to
the dowel load moves away from the DOWEL DEFLECTION CHAHACTEHISTICS
face of the concrete, the moment on the Modulus of Dowel Reaction Determi-
dowel increases, and at the same time nations. From Equation 3, /3 may be
the strength of the concrete away from obtained when the observed deflection
the surface becomes greater For 1-in. at the face of the concrete is known m
dowels, the ultimate failure may there- relation to the dowel load and moment.

From the values of /3, the modulus of face may be established as the sum of
dowel reaction K for any range of load- the deflections at the face, the deflection
ing may be computed (Equation 2). of the dowel cantilever to the point of
The values of K have been established for load apphcation and the deflection of the
the various dowel sizes, loads, concrete remainder of the distance A at the even
strengths, and depths of concrete below slope a. I t IS
the dowels
The slope, a, of the dowel in front of D =
the point of load apphcation on the dowel
IS the sum of the slope of the dowel at (6)
A - 5
the face of the joint (Equation 4), and

/ UltimahLood The observations of these deflections,

made under the dowels in some of the
Numbara indicofe test
and concrete sfrength
ultimate ioM
yLoodol fii^iflo/t

Numbers Indicate Tiif

S * S « 7 e 9^
30000 .40000 SOOOO 60000 Length of Dotve/ fmbedmenf, inchei
Yield Point of Dowe/y /h per so in
Figure 7. Initial Spall and Ultimate Loads
Figure 6. Initial Spall and Ultimate Load for for Dowels with 3-ln., 6-in., and 9-in. Em-
Dowels of Varying Yield Point Strength bedment.

the slope of the dowel cantilever from the tests, also permit computation of /S
face of the joint to the point of load and K.
application. I t is: Values of K established by the different
methods mcluded in Table I , generally

« = 8-1/(1+0- (5) agree quite well,- except for small dowel

This angular change with increasing The modulus of dowel reaction vaned
load has been obtamed m the observa- considerably with the dowel load Fig-
tions as the difference in slope between ure 8, showing in separate graphs the
the ground glass mirrors on the face of secant modulus of dowel reaction for
the concrete and on the dowel, respec- 1-in. and | - i n dowels for several different
tively, penmtting a second method of tests, illustrates this fact For loads up
establishing j8 and the modulus of dowel to 2000 lb dowel loads with f-in dowels
reaction K. and up to 3000 and 4000 lb dowel loads
The deflection, D, of the dowel at a for I-in dowels in bond with the con-
distance A in front of the concrete crete, K is fairly high The observa-

tions on greased dowels, shown in Figure a slight decrease in K In most in-

8, having no such variation, indicate stances, however, the modulus of dowel
that at low dowel loads bond between reaction remained unchanged after move-
the dowel and the concrete is effective in ment For one specimen with 1-in
transferring stress from the dowel to dowels, a 2000 lb dowel load was apphed
the concrete This bond may be active ten consecutive times without any in-
both vertically simulating an increased crease in deflection under load but with a
size of the dowel, and horizontally simu- permanent set, unloaded, of 0 001 in
lating an increased dowel stiffness At The decrease in modulus of dowel reac-
intermediate loads the value of the tion due to greasing and dowel movement,
modulus of dowel reaction is fairly uni- according to these tests, averages less
form until it decreases sharply at the than 20 per cent The variation in K
higher loads near failure For dowel due to dowel coatings certainly is much
\\ 1

n /found Oonre/s
\\ f in fic <und Doifveti

1 V \\
f eraqe^

£0 oon base
28 c-on rubber pad

J 1 1
Load on Domf, pounds Load onDouve/, pounds

Figure 8. Secant Modulus of Dowel Reaction for Varying Dowel Loads

design the values of dowel reaction ob- less than may be occasioned by water
tained for intermediate loads, represent- gain or disturbance of the dowel in fresh
ing most nearly the condition of dowels concrete
in opening and closing transverse joints, Influence of Yielding Base and Concrete
should be used Depth The steel base under the speci-
Influence of Dowel Greasing and Dowel men does not represent the condition ex-
Movement The tests on specimens with isting under a pavement on 3aelding
greased dowels covered both undis- subgrade Some data relative to this
turbed dowels and those which had been factor are derived by companng the
pulled i in to ^ in before testing The tests of specimens resting on the steel
bond resistance of the greased dowels base with (a) tests of duplicate speci-
averaged 50 lb per sq in for f and 1-in mens resting on rubber (tests 4 and 21,
dowels, as compared to 300 lb per sq in 28a and 28c), (b) tests on the same
for dowels not coated For a few speci- specimens supported on rubber (test 24),
mens, the longitudmal movement caused and (c) tests on the same specimens

resting on steel but supported at the were cast directly on the steel base to
sides so that no support existed over a which the end blocks were clamped dur-
6-in width immediately underneath the ing testing There was no support under
dowel (test 23) The sponge-rubber pad the center block, which was loaded at
was selected to give approximately the center over the 14-in width Face
same yield as the subgrade, after com- deflections, observed both at end block
pression from its original thickness of and center block, and observation of
0 5 in down to 0 2 in before the start deflections across one joint give repre-
of the loadmg sentative values of modulus of dowel

Depth of Concrete above Dowels 3 in
All Dowels in Bond, except Test 28, Dowels Greased
Modulus of Dowel Reaction
Based on Average
Decrease on
Modulus of Yielding
Test No K m d of Support
Dowel R e - Support
Deflection Deflection Slope Readings action
to Top Bottom

milUon lb per million lb per million lb per million lb per

in • tn ' m * m ' %

4 Steel 0 98 Not observed 1 25 1 12\

21 Rubber 0 67 Not observed 0 96 0 82/

23 Steel 2 90 1 15 2 0 \ 25
23 Air 2 25 0 76 1 5 /

24 Rubber 1 10 Not observed 1 30 1 20\

24 Steel 1 45 Not observed 1 35 1 40/

28a Steel 1 10 1 30 Not observed 1 20\ 10

28c Rubber 1 05 1 10 Not observed 1 07/

31 Across Joint* 3 0 \ 12
Steel 3 20\ 3 2 /
Air 2 40/

32 Across Joint* 1 65\ 12

Steel 1 75\ 1 75/ 23
Air 1 35/
* The decrease in Modulus of Dowel Reaction is assumed as double the difference between
average value and that for steel

On the loaded side of a joint the pres- reaction, both with and without sub-
sure on the dowel is from the concrete on grade support The detail data are in-
top of it, which therefore lacks bound- cluded m Table 1, for the two tests,
ary support entirely This condition specimens 31a and 32a
was easily duplicated with test specimens, Table 2 gives the values of the modulus
as shown in Figure 9 A center block 11 of dowel reaction observed by all the
in long and 14 m wide was supported by different methods of support for 3-in
two dowels 8 in center to center across depth of concrete below the dowel
two 1-in wide open joints to end blocks The decrease in K for specimens restmg
of the same width To prevent initial on a yielding base or without boundary
bending in the dowels, the specimens support I S less than 25 per cent for this

depth of concrete The decrease is less the distance Assuming a stress dis-
than the variation in K due to changes tribution in the concrete which is not
in the concrete material influenced by the support, the total
Values of modulus of dowel reaction deflection vertically under the dowel can
for different depths of concrete below be obtained by integration The theo-
the dowels show considerable variation retical value of K obtamed in that
because of excessive water gam or voids manner has been mdicated in Figure 10
underneath the dowels, especially for and gives some venfication of the trend
the greater depths of concrete To of the expenmental data
overcome this condition the specimens of Modulus of Dowel Reaction and Con-
test 22 were cast on the side, and tested crete Strength Some relation between
on the side and in upright position The modulus of dowel reaction and strength

Dial for face deflection

Dial for Face deflection

Dial For deflection
across |omt

\2 <5'% 1<i^

Specimens 14 wide, cost on steel base

Figure 9 Specimens with Two Dowels, Loaded at Center of Concrete Block, Supported on Plain

results of two specimens were inapplica- of concrete should exist, similar to the
ble because of cunng cracks The relation for modulus of elasticity of the
meager data on mfluence of concrete concrete upon which factor the modulus
depth are shown m Figure 10 They of dowel reaction ultimately is dependent
show clearly a decrease of K with increas- In Figure 11 the computed values of
ing depth of concrete below the dowels, modulus of dowel reaction for f-m, 1-m ,
but the data are not sufficient to show and \\-m dowels have been plotted
an average relationship against the concrete cyhnder strengths of
The dissipation of stress m an elastic the different tests Considermg the van-
mass subjected to fine loading at a ations m dowel size and in depth of
boundary surface is well established' concrete below the dowels, and the m-
and decreases in reverse proportion to clusion of greased dowels with the re-
' See note' page 140 mamder of the values, the agreement is

good, and the trend of the data is clearly

evident The average of the different
tests vanes only a small amount from
that representated by straight propor- |»« n,r
le qreestit
tionahty of K = 400 times the concrete %IS\

cyhnder strength for the two depths of

m qreostd
3 and 3J in to the center of the dowels
•• llb/ue for^'t Omni
The value for 1-in dowels at a uniform S, e emhtlimenf
•Ofalaefor /V Ootrel
depth probably should be slightly higher, i-OlXJof/itet/.
A Hilot toil^'p Oonal
especially when cognizance is taken of niiiptamm 3'<indj£'dtplh io center otdbtiiel
the fact that the 1-m dowels in the tests 2500 SOOO SSOO 'tOOO 4SOO sooo 55^5

had I m greater depth of concrete than ^ Concrete Cylinder 3tienqltj, Itk per sq in

the f m. size I n 6-in pavements, for Figure 11 Modulus of Dowel Reaction for
Concretes of Varying Strength

l/a/ut3 of/f based on Oef/ectiona

•>i^alue3ofK based on 5/opeMaosurements
Y^'^-zpteorelical value based on E^'ZOOOOoo,
Vdepthfo center of do.^ f Permissible Dowel Loads In all of
the tests the load on the dowel was ap-
phed exactly | in from the face of the
concrete Assuimng that the dowel load
acts at the center of the jomt, the tests
give the stresses in 1 m wide, open jomts
The load at first spall as well as the ul-
tunate load on the dowel is m these tests
fairly independent of the depth of the
concrete below the dowel and of dowel
Numbers Indicofe Taaf coatings as well The tests may then
z 4- e a be applied directly to field conditions for
V Depfh of Concrefe be/ow Dowel, inc/)es same strength concrete and yielding
Figure 10 Modulus of Dowel Reaction for subgrade I n pavement design, where
Varying Depth of Concrete Below 1-in. the dowels are used for pavement stress
Dowels. rehef, the dowel shear should be limited
to not more than half of the load at first
spall, f-in dowels should not be re-
1-in. dowels, K would approximate 500
quired to transfer over 2000 lb dowel
tunes the concrete cylinder strength
shear, and 1-in dowels, not over 3000 lb
For common pavement thicknesses, more dowel shear for 3000 lb per sq in
than one value is hardly justified and concrete
500 times the concrete cyhnder strength Dowels remam effective far beyond
will represent both f and 1-in dowels the first spalhng at the surface of the
for the maximum loads to be expected concrete Although at such loads the
(The value for test 3, l | - i n dowels, is rates of deflection of the dowels are sufli-
considerably below the average, but i t ciently high to make them meffective for
should be remembered that this test stress rehef where normal subgrade sup-
was made with short embedment for the port exists, f-in dowels loaded up to
size of dowel.) 3500 lb. and 1-m dowels loaded up to

5000 lb would still remain eflScient to 0 and 1 in , respectively. The maximum

maintam the jomt m substantial align- values should not be exceeded by com-
ment where subgrade support is lacking bmed wheel load and nusahgnment
Such higher values of dowel loads may stresses Actually, dowel shear rather
occur also under the added condition of than stress should govern for the dimen-
extreme dowel misahgnment sionmg of dowels
Dowel Effectiveness for Pavement Stress Bowel Stiffness and Pavement Stiffness
Relief The rate at which dowels trans- The greater amount of bending of the
fer loads from one pavement edge to the dowel takes place inside the concrete
adjacent slab is dependent entirely upon The angle of bend in the protruding
the rate of deflection of the pavement portion of a dowel may safely be neg-
edge, the moment of inertia of the dowels, lected Average values of dowel slopes
and the modulus of dowel reaction. at the face, of the concrete, established
These tests estabhsh K with a reasonable in these tests, are (for dowel loads of
degree of certamty for average pavement small values).
thicknesses of 6 and 7 in Adjustmg the
For f-in dowels Angular change 0 0025
expenmentally established value to con- per 1000 lb dowel shear
ditions govemmg m the field with greased For 1-in dowels Angular change 0 0012
dowels and a yielding subgrade, each per 1000 lb dowel shear
accounting for approximately 20 per cent For li-in dowels Angular change 0 0006
decrease m K, the modulus of dowel re- per 1000 lb dowel shear
action may reasonably be estimated at
1,000,000 lb per in * for 3000 lb. per sq The rates of angular change of pave-
in concrete This value of K corre- ment edges under wheel loads are very
sponds with that for which stress relief much less on normal subgrade On
has been computed in connection with silt-loam subgrade', the values for pave-
pavement on a silt-loam subgrade^ ment comers would approximate
Under those conditions, j - m dowels may
For 7-in pavement corner 0 0002 per
be counted upon to transfer from 20 to 1000 lb wheel load
30 per cent and l-m dowels from 25 For 9-in pavement corner. 0 0001 per
to 35 per cent of the wheel load, across 1000 lb wheel load
the pavement joint, when the wheel is
placed directly over the dowel. Cor- The rate of bendmg m dowels of l-m
rectly installed f-in dowels would ac- and i-m size is therefore from five
cordmgly be sufficient for wheel loads to ten times the rate of bendmg in the
over the dowel up to 5000 lb and l-m pavement For practical design with
dowels up to 8000 lb round dowels of these sizes, the jomt
faces can therefore well be considered
For a modulus of dowel reaction of as remaining parallel during loading, and
1,000,000, dowel shear of 1000 lb gives the dowel reaction may be considered as
maximum bearmg stress in the concrete a load concentrated at the center of the
of 2000 to 3000 lb per sq in for ^-in joint
dowels and 1300 to 1800 lb per sq in The same results indicate that dowels
for 1-in dowels Maximum shears of of customary sizes can give but bttle
2000 and 3000 lb respectively, therefore, restraint to jomt curling action under
correspond to concrete stresses on the changing temperatures
diameter of the dowel from 4000 to
6000 lb per sq in for joint widths of ' "The Structural Design of Concrete Pave-
ments," L W Teller and E C Sutherland,
* See note' page 140. Public Roads. Nov 1935, Part 2.

CONCLUSIONS base, the modulus of dowel reaction at

loads of from 2000 to 4000 lb was above
Laboratory tests on smgle dowels en-
400 tunes the concrete cylmder strength
cased in 3000 lb per sq in concrete
and loaded § in from the face of the The tests indicate that greasing the
concrete gave ultunate loads of about dowel decreases the modulus of dowel
6000 lb per dowel for hard grade | - m reaction, and that the influence is great-
dowels and 9000 lb for 1-in dowels est for small loads At loads of from
These loads were reached with both 2000 to 4000 l b , the decrease does not
plain and coated dowels in concrete exceed 20 per cent Movement of the
having up to 8^ in below the dowel greased dowel does not further decrease
the modulus of dowel reaction
Imtial wammg of failure is given by
The tests on jaelding support under the
fine cracks in the concrete under and
concrete mclude complete absence of
concentnc with the dowels at loads § less
support at the face of the joint, and
than failure loads
showed 10-27 per cent decrease in
Both load at imtial crack and ulti-
modulus of dowel reaction for yielding
mate strength of f-in dowels and the
support of the concrete 3 and 3 | in
ultimate strength of 1-m dowels m-
away from the dowel
creased with mcreasmg yield pomt of
the dowel steel and with mcreasmg con- Based on these tests it seems justifi-
crete strength The imtial crack under able, to propose for f and 1-m greased
1-m. dowels was independent of steel dowels m 6 and 7-m concrete pavements
yield pomt strength on yieldmg subgrade a modulus of dowel
reaction equal to 300 times the concrete
The Modulus of dowel reaction in-
cylmder strength, governing for the
creased with concrete strength and de-
maximum design loads on the dowels
creased with mcreasmg concrete depth
below the dowel The modulus of dowel Acknowledgment All tests were made m
reaction was of the same magnitude for the laboratory of the Laclede Steel Company,
' f and 1-m dowels For dowels bonded St Louis, Missouri Valuable assistance was
given by W E Bradbury, B S , in the prepara-
in concrete 3 and 3 | m above a rigid tion and testing of the specimens


PROF F E RICHART, University of directly to the subgrade and none trans-
Illinois I have been very much inter- ferred through the dowel The effective-
ested in the deflection of dowels across an ness of a dowel might be defined as twice
expansion jomt Havmg tested many the percentage of load transferred
dowelled jomts m the past 3 or 4 years, through the dowel
I am impressed with the fact that a dowel Consider a jomt, with load on the left-
must be fairly ngid m order to be effective hand edge Let the deflection or settle-
m transmittmg shear and m reducmg ment of the left edge be di, that of the
flexural stress m the adjacent slab right edge, d,, and the difference di —
Probably the simplest approach is to dr = Ad Now if V is the shear trans-
consider a smgle dowel across the openmg mitted across the jomt, by definition,
of an expansion jomt I f the dowel is the dowel effectiveness is
perfectly rigid, as the load approaches the
jomt, at most one-half of i t may be 2V
e = (1)
expected to be transferred to the hitherto
unloaded slab I f the dowel is very The values of di and d, may be computed
flexible, all the load may be carried as the deflection of the free edge of a

slab under concentrated load, assummg V IS the concentrated load (shear

that the deflection of the subgrade under transmitted)
one edge is unaffected by the deflection k IS the modulus of subgrade reaction
under the other edge a short distance 1 is the radius of relative stiffness
away Let the deflection due to a load For a 7-in pavement, with modulus of
P on the edge of a slab be Ze, then elasticity of concrete equal to 3,000,000
lb per sq m , k and 1 may have the fol-
, V lowmg values
dr = p Ze,
soil k = 50, 1 = 36, kl' = 64,800
A P - V Medium soil k = 100, I = 30, kl» = 90,000
dl = Ze
Stiff soil k = 250, 1 = 22, kP = 125,000
and From the foregomg equations, it is evi-
^, P - 2V . dent that the effectiveness of a dowel
Ad = — 5 — = (1 - e)zo depends not only upon its own flexibihty,
mdicated by Ad, but also upon the stiff-
whence ness of the subgrade and the thickness
Ad and stiffness of the concrete as shown by
e = 1 - (2)
Zv I t is fau-ly easy to determme the
wherem deflection, Ad, of a dowel by laboratory
Ad IS the deflection across the joint due tests, and thence to compute the effec-
to a shear V which is transmitted tiveness of dowels in transmittmg shear,
across the jomt, by computmg Zv for the soils to be en-
Ze is the maxmium deflection of a free countered Better still would be field
tests m which both quantities would be
edge of the slab under a concentrated
foimd expenmentaUy and m which a
load P, at the edge
study of the variation m dowel efficiency
Equation (2) may be written m another
could be made after vanous periods of
form by mtroducmg a new term,
Zv = maximum deflection of a free
edge of the slab under a concentrated One happy conclusion from Eq (3)
load equal to the shear V. is that a dowel will show its highest
effectiveness on a flexible subgrade where
Then it IS needed, and its lowest effectiveness
eze J 1
on a stiff subsgrade where i t is not partic-
Zv = and e ularly needed
2 . , Ad (3)
Further study of the distnbution of a
2zv concentrated load among several dowels
The values of Zymay be computed from IS needed This is difficult to do in the
Westergaard's equation' laboratory, I beUeve i t should be done as
a field test on a subgrade of well-known
0 433V
(4) characteristics and on sufficiently" large
kP scale to produce a large volume of statis-
wherem tical data Dr Westergaard,'' m his
ZT is the maximum edge deflection of analysis of the distribution of a load
the slab among a Ime of dowels, assumed absolute
ngidity of dowels, his analysis, I beheve,
• Westergaard, H M "Computation of
Stresses in Concrete Roads," Proceedings, ' Westergaard, H M "Spacing of Dowels,"
Highway Research Board, Vol 6, p 90-112 Proceedings, Highway Research Board, Vol 8,
(1926) p. 154-158 (1928)

could be modified by the mtroduction of load on the loaded slab edge is (1 - R)W,
the deflection of the dowel itself Ap- while the load applied by the dowel on
parently, dowel deflections should have the unloaded edge, which is also the shear
the effect of reducmg the shear concen- on the dowel, is RW I f d is the free-
tration on any smgle dowel, thus produc- edge deflection of the slab as produced by
mg some unprovement m the theoretical a load of umty and A the dowel deflection
group effectiveness of dowels in the wider caused by a shear of umty, then, smce
spacmgs the difference between the deflections of
the loaded and unloaded slab edges must
M R R D BRADBURY, Wire Reinforce- equal the deflection of the dowel, one
ment Institute M r Fnberg'a mterestmg may wnte
mvestigation is a commendable attempt
to evaluate one of the basic factors affect- ( l - R ) W d - RWd = RW
mg dowel action—namely, that property
of the surroundmg concrete termed the
"modulus of dowel reaction " This pro-
R =
perty, which may be defined as the rate
at which the concrete adjacent to the
dowel deforms under an mcreasmg mten-
sity of pressure as applied by the dowel, Although not referred to m the paper
IS an important factor m governmg dowel here presented, Mr Friberg has derived
action Hence, its value must neces- this same basic expression for load trans-
sarily be known if one attempts to com- fer m another paper wherem he discusses
pute by rational analysis either the flex- the theoretical analysis of dowels ' Thus
ural stress induced in the dowel, the pres- it IS seen that the "percentage" of load
sure which i t exerts on the concrete, or transferred by a dowel is mdependent of
the amount which it permits one slab the magnitude of the applied wheel load
edge to deflect with respect to the other. as long as the stresses mduced thereby
Professor Richart raises the question do not exceed the elastic resistance of
of dowel effectiveness I f we mean by the dowel m flexure or its bearmg on the
the term "effectiveness" merely the abil- concrete Moreover, the above expres-
ity of a dowel to transfer load across a sion clearly shows that the effectiveness
pavement jomt, then we are concerned of a given dowel, m terms of the percent-
primarily with dowel deflection, because age of the applied load transferred, is not
the effectiveness of a dowelmg unit in the same m all thicknesses of slab or on
performmg this function is obviously all kmds of subgrade, the effectiveness of
dependent only upon the extent to which the dowel dimmishmg with mcrease m
the dowel prevents the loaded slab edge slab thickness and/or mcrease m the stiff-
from takmg its full free-edge deflection ness of the subgrade That the same
when a wheel load is apphed on one side type and size of dowel may have a widely
of the joint That this is a function of varymg load-transfer effectiveness, de-
the simple ratio of dowel deflection to pendmg upon thickness of slab and char-
slab deflection may be shown by consid- acter of subgrade, may be illustrated by
enng the case of a smgle dowel located application of the above formula to two
directly beneath a wheel load apphed on extreme cases—a thm slab on a soft
one edge of a pavement joint subgrade and a thick slab on a firm sub-
Calling W the wheel load and R the
proportion of W transferred across the • Proceedings Am Soc C E November
joint by the dowel, then the net resultant 1938, Vol. 64, page 1809

Assume, for example, that it has been what would otherwise be a free slab edge
found (preferably by test) that a certam as a wheel load passes across the joint.
type and size of dowel extendmg across a The magnitude of the upward or negative
given jomt opening will undergo a deflec- reaction that any mdividual dowel exerts
tion A = 0 0065 m per 1,000 lb of shear « against the loaded slab edge is, of course,
Now, suppose that such a dowel extends equal to the part of the ajfmlied load which
across a jomt in a 5-m pavement on a that particular dowel tr^sfers But the
soft subgrade—one havmg a subgrade effectiveness of that negative reaction in
modulus of say k = 50 lb per m ' As- reducmg edge stress at the center of wheel
summg that the concrete has a modulus load apphcation is not alone dependent
of elasticity E = 4,000,000 lb per m ' and upon its magnitude I t is mfluenced
a Poisson's Ratio u = 0 15, one finds, also, and to an even greater degree, by
according to Westergaard,' that the max- the amount that its pomt of apphcation
imum free-edge deflection of such a slab IS distant from the wheel load And one
is d = 0.0094 mches per 1,000 lb. of ap- has only to examme the moment curves
developed by Westergaard' for the case
plied wheel load. Substitutmg these
values for A and d in the above expression TABLE 1
for load transfer gives the value R = L O A D - T R A N S F E R C A P A C I T Y O F AN A 8 S D B 4 E D
0 372, or 37 2 per cent Similar compu- DOWEL* IN SLABS OF D I F F E R E N T THICK-
tations usmg the same dowel, but for the N E S S E S AND ON D I F F E R E N T S U B G R A D E B
case of a 9-in slab on a subgrade having Percent of Load Transferred by Dowel
a modulus k = 200 lb. per in.,' gives a Thickness
of Slab Subgrade Modulus k (lb per m >)
value R = 0 188 or 18 8 per cent; which (inches)
mdicates that the same dowel with the k = 60 k ° 100 k = 200 k°400

same jomt openmg may be twice as 5 37 2 33 7 29 7 25 3

efficient in the feature of load transfer 6 34 4 30 5 26 3 22 2
when used m a thm slab on a soft sub- 7 32 0 27 7 23 3 19 2
grade as i t is m a thick slab on a fairly 8 29 6 25 2 20 9 16 8
9 27 4 23 0 18 8 14 9
stiff subgrade. Values of the load-trans-
fer effectiveness of the same dowel for * Based on a dowel which is assumed to
other combmations of slab thickness and deflect 0 0065 mches per 1,0001b of shear
subgrade modulus are given m Table 1.
of edge loadmg to appreciate how rapidly
While the feature of load transfer is,
a dowel, regardless of its reaction magni-
of course, the basic function performed
tude, loses its stress-reducing effect as its
by a dowel, stiU the mere ability of a
distance from the apphed wheel load
doweling imit to transfer load is not in
itself of major importance—it is only a mcreases Thus, the efficiency of a group
means to an end The ultimate purpose of dowels as commonly used m concrete
of utihzmg dowels at transverse jomts m pavements can not be fully appraised by
concrete pavements is to rely upon dowel- considenng only the feature of load trans-
mg action to effect an appreciable reduc- fer The combmed effect of two different
tion in the stress that would be induced m phases of dowel action must necessarily
be considered (a) the flexural behavior
' Friberg's theoretical analysis indicates of each dowel unit, which governs the
that this 18 the dowel deflection that would be amount of load i t transfers across the
expected to occur with a J-m round dowel jomt, and (b), dowel spacmg, which is
spanning a J-m joint opening
the all-important factor m fixmg the
' See Proceedings, Highway Research
Board, Vol 5, page 90 stress-reducmg effectiveness of the group.

MR. GEO. A RAHN, Pennsylvania discussion, gives the accepted formula

Highway Department: I n the design of for smgle dowel load transfer. The
transverse jomts, there are several fea- formulas are identical; of the two factors,
tures on which I am earnestly m search of dowel load transfer and dowel effective-
information I think we all recogmze ness, the first mentioned is more directly
the vulnerabiliW of that particular part obtamed and usable
of a concrete *avement I n order to For application of smgle dowel per-
offset certam objectionable features we formance to pavement design, the total
weaken the cross-section through the in- deflection between adjacent concrete
sertion of a series of dowels Do we take slabs I S the govemmg quantity, mcludmg
mto consideration the resultant forces the increments of dowel deflections withm
set up by that system of dowels m that both bodies of concrete, and the deflection
particular section of the pavement' I
think we are mtroducmg other resultant TABLE A
forces that we are not forced to coimte- COMPUTED DEFI/ECTION ACROSS J O I N T F O R
nance m an undoweled jomt Another 1000-LB D O W E L S H E A R
thmg, m our enthusiasm to develop a All values in inches
jomt which wiU transfer the load, are we K = 1,000,000 1b per in »
not neglectmg the feature of the actual E , = 28,000,000 lb per in '
placmg of that joint m the structure? Deflection to Cent«r of Joint
Through the mtroduction of an mtrioate Width of Increment of
Total De-
system of dowels, reinforcement, chairs Jomt
Across Joint
Face Slope
and tie rods the proper placement of Cantilever
Deflection Deflection Bending
concrete is comphcated at a recognized
vital spot m the structure. i-m Dowels

0 0 0022 0 0 0 0043
0 50 0 0026 0 0006 0 00001 0 0065
M R FRIBERG, Author's closure: I n 1 00 0 0030 0 0016' 0 00010 0 0094
formulas establishing the action of dowels 1 50 0 0035 0 0029 0 00030 0 0134
crossmg jomts of varymg opemngs, only
] -in Dowels
one material constant occurs which is not
established by past experience—the mod- 0 0 0013 0 0 0 0026
ulus of dowel reaction The tests de- 0 50 0 0015 0 0003 0 0 0036
scribed m the paper were planned to give 1 00 0 0017 0 0007 0 00003 0 0049
1 50 0 0019 0 0013 0 00010 0 0066
particular information regardmg the
value of this important matenal factor
for round dowels That the accepted of the portion of the dowel between
formulas represent closely the actual jomt faces due to dowel slope and shear.
stress distribution is apparent from the All of the quantities are proportionate
good agreement between the values of to the amount of dowel load; m addition,
modulus of dowel reaction obtamed by the width of jomt openmg influences the
mdependent methods of measurement
magnitude of deflection The relative
and calculation, and with dowels of
different size magnitude of the individual deflection
increments is shown m Table A The
Professor Richart m his equation No 3
deflection mcrement due to bendmg m the
gives an expression for smgle dowel
effectiveness as related to dowel deflec- free portion of the dowel can evidently
tion and pavement deflection (influenced be neglected
largely by pavement thickness and sub- The deflection "A" across a jomt "a"
grade stiffness) M r Bradbury, m his mches wide for a deflection "yo" at the

face of the jomt is closely approximated of tests reported m the paper the vertical
by the formula deflections at the face of the concrete and
the total angular deflections at loads up
A = 2y( to 4000 lb , includmg 18 plam 1-m dow-
els, 8 plam J-m dowels, and 6 greased
This formula permits rapid computation f-m dowels The concrete strength for
of face deflections for any estabhshed or these specimens with 1-in dowels aver-


Def/ec/ion Face Deflecfion af Face
12 "High ircjioe, bonded
Individuo/ i/afue, bonded

flt'eraqe fa/ue, borx/ed
•'/lirerage yo/ue, greased ^
Indiyidoa/ iralcieigreased
oooe ' 2 o * f yo/ue, bonded •




ooiz 3lope of Doi/vel 5/ope 6f£>on'e/.



eooo sooo o /ooo zooo sooo 4000

loacf on Ooive/, pounds
Figure 1 Deflections at Face and Angular Deflections for 1-ln. and f-in. Dowels. Spread of
observations is also shown.

observed value of total deflections across aged 3100 lb per sq m , for those with
jomts, and gives suflSciently close values plam f-m. dowels 3800 lb per sq m , and
for jomts up to 1| m wide for greased |-m dowels 4500 lb per sq
Figure 1' shows graiJhically for a m The spread of the experimental data
number of typical mdividual specimens is mdicated by Imes through the high and
low values for dowels in bond and by
' Figure 1 and this paragraph have been in-
cluded to provide experimental observations individual deflection values. Specimens
suggested by F E Richart. showmg an erratic deflection diagram

have not been included in the graphs; vail, resulting in better alignment
however, the relatively high individual between the dowels, load transfer obser-
observations, especially at low loads, for vations m the field on pavements con-
some of the 1-in. dowels are undoubtedly structed durmg the last few years might
influenced by voids at the dowels caused be expected to give valuable and appli-
by the method of fonmng the specimens cable information
Although the spread of the experimental Information on the effect of dowel
data IS considerable, the averages give misalignment, published by A R Smith
representative values for both plam and and S. W Benham," mdicates for extreme
greased dowels jomt movements shght spalhng at 1 per
Prior to 1935 the few dowels used m cent and at 4 per cent misahgnment com-
transverse joints of concrete pavements plete failure of the concrete aroimd the
were installed with little regard for align- dowel The stresses mcidental to these
ment Excessive misahgnment between structural failures have been computed
dowels will undoubtedly, as Mr Rahn usmg a modulus of dowel reaction of
has suggested, produce stresses around 1,000,000. Some distress apparently at-
the dowels exceedmg those due to traffic tended stresses of 3000 lb per sq m
loads Fortunately, m those mstances computed magnitude, and complete fail-
where stresses due to misahgnment alone ure occurred at stresses of 10,000 to
have exceeded the strength of the con- 13,000 lb per sq m Employing the
crete, they have been relieved by local same modulus of dowel reaction for com-
failure around the dowels rather than by putation of bearing stresses m the load
structural failure of the pavement slab tests descnbed in the paper, the mitial
While a wheel load over a badly mis- warning of failure corresponds to stresses
aligned dowel may mcrease the stress of not less than 6000 lb per sq m (dis-
between the dowel and the concrete, tnbuted evenly across the diameter of
dowel shears due to misahgnment will not the dowel) The ultimate failures cor-
add to the wheel load to increase the respond to computed bearmg stresses of
critical tension stress in the pavement well over 15,000 lb per sq in The
edge because the misahgnment will be added fnctional stresses could easily
relieved by the deflection under wheel account for the decrease m strength ob-
load. Although badly aligned dowels tamed m the Smith and Benham tests
accordmgly may have become meffective The terms "dowel rigidity," "dowel
for stress rehef of the joint edges, they load transfer," "dowel stress rehef," and
wiU not in combmation with wheel loads "dowel effectiveness," should be used
cause structural failure of the pavement with careful consideration of their limita-
The relatively high frequency of crack tion
occurrence perpendicular to the trans- The dowel rigidity is proportionate to
verse joints m the pavement lanes on the moment of mertia, whereas the per-
existmg roads mdicates the need for care- formance of the dowel expressed by load
ful attention to obtam effective dowels transfer is dependent upon the total de-
Some means for edge stress relief is par- flection, influenced pnmanly by the de-
ticularly necessary m pavements with flection of the concrete around the dowel
more than 10-ft wide lanes, because the for some distance away from the face of
mcreasing curhng stresses are, for certain the jomt Thg load transfer of dowels of
conditions of loading, added to the wheel
load edge stresses. • "Effect of Dowel-Bar Misahgnment Across
Concrete Pavement Joints," by Arthur R
With the better design and construc- Smith and Sanford W Benham, Transactions,
tion practices which now generally pre- Am Soc C E , Vol 103, p 1133 (1938)

increasing size changes very much less used to evaluate the performance of single
than the moment of mertia of the dowels load transfer elements for a given rate of
A Ij-m round dowel has a moment of pavement edge deflection The term
mertia ten times that of a |-m round "dowel stress rehef" should be used to eval-
dowel, however, the amount of load uate the decrease m maximum edge stress,
transfer offered by a smgle Ij-m dowel dependent upon the performance of the
(see Table 4, page 1821, ASCE Pro- single dowel, the subgrade, and the
ceedings, November, 1938) is generally dowel spacmg Computations of stress
less than double that transferred by a relief require the assumption that the
|-in dowel The great advantage of wheel load on the surface of the pavement
mcreased dowel size is m the decrease of and the load introduced by shear in the
bearmg stress on the concrete with the dowel produced identical stress distribu-
use of the larger sizes tion in the pavement section
The term "dowel effectiveness" has It is smcerely hoped that field experi-
been used m the past to compare different ments will clarify the issue of the stress
load transfer devices with each other by relief obtainable with load transfer de-
companng the maximum stresses at vices The action of the smgle dowel
joints provided with the particular de- IS suflSciently well established that such
vices or with the stresses at edges without experiments should be susceptible to
load transfer provisions So defined, the mtelhgent interpretation The experi-
term "dowel effectiveness" is very much ments should be particularly helpful to
dependent upon the spacmg of the load establish the influence of spacmg of the
transfer devices, and it is accordmgly load transfer devices
suggested that the term "dowel effective- The maximum stresses at the pavement
ness" should not be apphed to smgle edge under a wheel load occur m a lim-
dowel performance The designer is ited area directly under this wheel load
directly interested in the possible decrease The primary purpose of load transfer
of a maximum stress to a safe figure by
devices must always be to decrease this
means of a load transfer device for corner
critical stress The fact that for greatly
or edge loadmg on a pavement of given
deflectmg dowels the shear is less concen-
thickness This decrease is established
trated on any single dowel is therefore not
by the percentage of stress relief, directly
an mdication of retamed effectiveness of
obtamable by experiments and computa-
tion, and mvolves the important variable dowels on wider spacmg for the perfor-
of dowel spacing It is suggested that mance of their essential function of
the term "dowel load transfer" should be stress rehef

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