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Relativity (Assignment)

1. Prove that x2 + y2 + z2 = c2 t2 is invariant under Lorentz transformation.

Sol. Let (x, y, z, t) and (x, y z t) be the coordinates of the same event observed by two

observers in frames S and S frespectively. Suppose, the frame S is moving with

velocity v relative to S in x-direction.

By Lorentz transformation, we have

Substituting these values in the given equation, we get


So the equation is invariant under Lorentz transformation.

2. Show by means of Lorentz transformation equations that

Sol. Let, (x, y, z, t) and (x’, y’, z’, t’) be the space-time coordinate of an event in inertial
According to Lorentz transformation equations,


Substituting these values in expression we get

= x2 – c2 t2
3. An observer O measures an event in frame S at x = 100 km, y = 10 km and z = 1 km at t
= 5 × 10–4 sec. What are the coordinates x’, y’, z’ and t’ of this event as determined by a
second observer O’ in another frame S’ moving relative to frame S with velocity – 0.8 c
along the common X-X’ axis?
Sol. From Lorentz transformation

= 367 km
= 12.8 × 10–4 sec.

4. A frame of reference S’ is moving with respect to frame S with velocity 0.8 c along the
common axis X-X’ axis. An event occurs in S’ at x’ = 120 m, and
Evaluate the space-time coordinates of this event in frame S.
Sol. According to Lorentz transformations


5. A rod has length 1 m. When the rod is in a satellite moving with a velocity that is one
half of the velocity of light relative to laboratory, what is the length of the rod as
determined by an observer (a) in the satellite, and (b) in the laboratory?
Sol. (a) The observer in the satellite is at rest relative to the rod and hence the length of the
rod as measured by him is 1 m.
(b) The length l of the rod in laboratory is given by

= 1 × (0.75)1/2 = 0.866 m

6. Calculate the velocity of the rod when its length will appear 90% of its proper length.
Sol. We know that

or or or v2 = 0.19 c2


7. A rocket ship is 100 metre long on the ground. When it is in flight, its length is 99 metre
to an observer on the ground. What is the speed?
Sol. We know that

Here, and




= 4.23 × 109 cm / sec

8. A particle with a mean proper life time of moves through the laboratory with a
speed of 0.9 c. Calculate its life time as measured by an observer in the laboratory.
Sol. The proper life-time of a particle is the life time in a frame of reference in which the
particle is at rest i.e., the frame of reference is moving relative to the laboratory with a
velocity equal to the speed of particle.
We know that

9. The proper life of a meson is 2 × 10–8 sec. Calculate the mean life of a meson moving
with a velocity of 0.8 c.
Sol. We know that

10. A stationary -meson decays in 2.2 × 10–8 sec. What will be length of its path if it is
moving towards the earth velocity 0.99 c?
Sol. We know that

Length of the path = (15.596 × 10–8) (0.99 × 3 × 108)

= 15.596 × 0.99 × 3 = 46. 332 metre

11. Two particles come towards each other with speed 0.8 c with respect to laboratory.
What is their relative speed?
Sol. We know that


Thus, the relative speed is 0.975 c.

12. An airforce rocket is chasing enemy’s spaceship. From earth, it is found that the speed
of airforce rocket is 2.55 × 1010 cm/sec while that of enemy ship is 2.25 × 10 10 cm/sec.
What is the relative velocity of
Enemy’s ship as seen by airforce rocket.

Sol. We know that


(i) Thus, the airforce rocket finds that the enemy ship is moving towards him with a
velocity 0.82 × 1010 cm / sec.

13. A man on Mars observes two space-ships coming towards him from opposite directions
at speeds of 0.8 c and 0.9 c respectively. What is the speed of second space-ship with
respect to first one?
Sol. The relativistic speed is given by


14. At what speed the mass of an object will be 2.25 times its rest mass?
Sol. We know that
Here, m = 2.25 m0

or or


15. The rest mass of an electron is 9.1 × 10 –31 kg. What will be its mass if it were moving
with (4/5)th the speed of light?
Sol. We know that


16. A particle is moving with 90% of the velocity of light. Compare its relativistic mass
with its rest mass.
Sol. We know that

17. How much electric energy could theoretically be obtained by annihilation of 1 gm of
Sol. m = 1 gm and c = 3 × 1010 cm/sec
E = 1 × (3 × 1010)2 = 9 × 1020 ergs.
Further, 1 eV = 1.602 × 10–12 ergs

18. If the total energy of a particle is exactly thrice its rest energy, what is the velocity of
the particle?
Sol. We know that E = mc2
Here, E = 3 m 0 c2 3 m0 c2 = mc2
or The variation of mass with velocity is expressed as

or or

v = 2.828 × 1010 cm/sec.

19. Calculate the relativistic mass of photon of energy 5 eV.

Sol. Given that E = 5 eV = 5 × (1.6 × 10–19) J = 8.0 × 10–19 J
Now, Momentum
The relativistic mass of photon

20. A particle of rest mass m0 moves with speed Calculate its total energy.
Sol. We know that


Total energy, E = m c2 = (1.41 m0) c2 = 1.41 m0 c2

Kinetic energy, K = E – m0 c2 = 1.41 m0 c2 = 0.41 m0 c2

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