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An important institutional element of the family is marriage. It is the cultural mechanism that ensures
the family's continuity. Marriage is an institutional practice with social definition and legal restrictions.

People marry for a combination of reasons: love, economic and emotional security, the parents' wishes,
escape from loneliness or unhappy home situation, money, companionship, protection, adventure, or
common interest.

Marriage is the foundation of the family, an inviolable social institution.

Forms of marriage

The form of marriage practice in a society affects the structure of the family is kinship group the
accepted for may be either monogamous or polygamous.


permits a man to take only one spouse at the time its advantage of a polygamy is that it offers a
more balanced division of labor and minimizes emotional and psychological tensions.


Is plural marriage and may assume three forms: polygyny polyandry, and group marriage.


Is the marriage of one man to two or more women at the same time. It is practiced by muslims and
confined to those in the upper socioeconomic levels, and is a status symbol for the man.


Is the marriage of a woman to two or more men at the same time. The practice is quite rare but is
reported to be practiced by the Kaingang of brazil.


There are two types of norms regarding the selection:


refers to the norms which dictate that one should marry within one's clan or ethnic group.


prescribes that one marries outside one's clan or ethnic group.

In addition to the above, some societies practice levirate or sororate norms.

Levirate norms prescribed that a video mary's to brother or nearest kin of the deceased husband.

Sororate norms prescribed that a widower marries the sister or nearest kin of the diseased wife.


As a social institution the family consisted of social structure providing a more or less stable framework
for the performance of reciprocal roles in certain functions to make the relationship enduring. The
nature of the familial structures has a bearing on personality development; and insight in this can shed
light on the personality type of the members, as well as questions concerning the family some degree of
relationship also exists between family patterns in the type of economy of the society.

The structure of the family varies from one culture to another. Within a given society, there may be
variations among the families. However, there can be a more or less dominant or typical type. The
classification of families in the categories can represent ideal types and number of anthropological and
sociological publications classify the forms of the family and kinship organizations in many ways.

Based on internal organization or membership

The family is classified as nuclear or extended.

It is composed of a husband and his wife in their children in a union recognized by the other
members of the family.

Murdock(1949:2-3) states that every normal adult in every society belongs to two kinds of nuclear
families, namely, the family of orientation and a family of procreation.

* The family of orientation (origin)

Is the family into which one is born, in which one is reared or socialized.

* The family of procreation

Is the family established through marriage and consists of a husband, a wife, sons and daughters.

(Bell and Vogel 1968:18-20)


is said to be a universal social institution found in every society. It is the smallest unit responsible
for the preservation of the value system of society. Its duty is to see the members are socialized into the
basic values system of the society.


is composed of two or more nuclear families is economically and socially related to each other.

Linton(Murdock 1949:3940) distinguishes two types of family structures corresponding to the nuclear
and extended families;

* Conjugal family

which considers the spouses and their offspring is of prime importance and which has a french of
comparatively important relatives.

* The consanguineal family

Which considers the nucleus a blood relative are more important than the smallest blood relationships
formed during childhood or emphasized.


Rules of descent imply culture cultural norms which affiliate a person with a particular group of kinsfolk
for certain social purposes and services, such as mutual assistance and regulation of marriage. The basis
of descent, the types of families are;


Descend affiliates a person with a group of relatives through his or her father.


Descent affiliates a person with a group of relatives related through his or her mother.


Descent affiliates a person with a group of relatives related both to his and her parents.

The basis of this classification is the preferred rule of residence.

* Patrilocal residence requires that the newly married couple live with or near the domicile of the
parents of the groom.

*Matrilocal residence requires definitely married couples live with or near the domicile of the parents of
the bride.

* Bilocal residence gives a couple a choice of staying with either the groom's parents or the bride's
parents, depending on factors like the relative wealth of the family's order status, the wish of the
parents, or certain personal preferences of the bride and or the groom.

* Avuncolocal residence prescribes that the newly married couple reside with or near the maternal
uncle of the groom.


Where is the authority vested– my family or kinship group?

Families are classified into the following types;

* The patriarchal Family

Is one in which the authority is vested in the oldest male in the family often the father.

*The matriarchal family

Is one in which the authority is vested on the mother's kin.

* The egalitarian family

Is one in which the husband in the wife exercises more or less an equal amount of authority.

* The matricentric family

It recently emerged type found usually in the suburbs of the united states. The father commutes
to work and his absence gives the mother a dominant position in the family, although the father may
also share with the mother in decision-making.

The family is the most universal of social institutions. The base institution in most societies, it is the girl
that ensures continua tea and socializes the child.
The family performs varied functions among them is sex and parental function, socialization and social
control, biological maintenance, status placement, and economic, religious, educational, recreational,
and political function.

The filipino family is usually bilaterally extended, embracing all relatives of the father and mother. The
family is consanguineal and egalitarian. In terms of residency family maybe bilocal and neolocal,
exogamy is practice.

Since the society is undergoing social change, the family has been affected with regards to its
values and more. This has led to certain social problems among these are conflicts, separation and
desertion, abortion, illegitimacy, prostitution, juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, and the like.

Study in advance.

1. The Land Reform of the Philippines

2. overseas employment

3. How has globalization affected the Philippine economy



Economy refers to the organization and utilization of natural human resources in accordance with
cultural patterns.

Economy is one of the social systems in the totality of social organization. It refers to the structuring and
functioning of the development and utilization of human and natural resources in the production,
processing, distribution, and consumption of material goods and services.

Economic systems are classified as agricultural for industrial, subsistence or mechanized, undeveloped,
developing or developed, capitalist, socialist, or communistic.


The components of sociology of the economy or property technology division of labor and
organization of work which is simultaneously interact with each other. Fundamentals in economic
development are the social subsystems of the economy.


Refers to the network of "rights and duties of one person as against all other persons and groups with
respect to some scarce goods. It may be private or public. Private property is relatively free from direct
state controls and is generally transferred from the owners to their duly designated heirs. Public
property is subject to governmental restraints and is controlled by the respective subsystems of


Consists of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to convert available resources into objects
people need or want.

Division of labor

represents the differentiation of functions performed by the individual members and small groups of
the society.

Organization of work

is concerned with application of sociological principles to the study of economic structures, changes
in the structures, and the values of ideologies related to them. It includes organizational problems such
as workers', morale, productivity, absenteeism, and turnover rates.


Economic systems move from agrarian to industrial, subsistence the mechanized, undeveloped to

Type of Economic Systems

1. Capitalism is an economic system that focuses on the right to own private property, to invest it as
capital productive enterprises, and to obtain profits from each investment.

2. Socialism spaced on a set of political theories that espouses the collective ownership of the means of
production and distribution of goods. It takes on measures such as public ownership of basic utilities and
in some countries, and extensive state control over economic planning and direction.
3. Communism is a social, political, and economic system whereby property is publicly owned.

Functions of the economy

As a social institution the economy carries out the following important functions:

1. Provides physical substance necessary for group survival in a society.

2. Generates social changes for the continuity of society.

3. Maintains a balance with the other social systems and its social subsystems in the production,
processing, distribution, and consumption of economic goods and services.

4. Indicates the nature of social stratification of society, social class, and mobility differences.


Globalization is the process by which money, goods, information, and people move across nations at the
base and on a magnitude made possible by the rapid advance in communication and travel.

Globalization, poverty and social conflict

Globalization has brought about more inequality between and within nations. It has not eliminated
poverty. Instant prosperity has been experienced only by a thin layer of society and the rest are confined
to marginality. This has brought about more insecurity in the working-class all over the world and has
dislocated the poor and the indigenous peoples.

The terms of globalization are being dictated by a few powerful organizations and treatises which
they have imposed. These organizations operate without transparency or democratic oversight. What
are these organizations and agreements?

1. World Trade Organization (WTO), established in 1995 as a powerful international body that develops
and enforces rules for trade and investment. Some analysts summarize WTO's dictum as: in a global
economy, corporations have all the rights, governments have all the applications, and democracy is left

2. World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund(IMF) provide loans to underdeveloped countries
but their terms make these countries remain in poverty. Their policies ensure the open market access
for big corporations and cut the opportunities of small ones while speaking of programs such as
education, healthcare, and production credits for poor farmers.
3. North American Free Trade Agreement includes the entire hemisphere. This is to be implemented by
2005. Negotiations take place behind closed doors with no input from the citizens but when plenty from
business interest groups.

4. International Free Trade Agreements provide great opportunities for corporations, but at the expense
of maintaining low wages and sacrificing environmental regulations. There are plenty of productions for
corporate profits but little for workers.


The government recognizes the valuable contribution of overseas filipino workers. Their remittances
spruce up the country's dollar reserves in sustained economic survival of many Filipino families. There
are, however, serious problems confronted by workers abroad and their families they leave behind.
Employment overseas provides useful and valuable employment alternatives but it should not be at the
fore for our labor policy. As a democracy, we recognize the right of our people for mobility. But the
government should not encourage them to go where their welfare is not clearly protected and

The philippine government recognizes the contributions of the overseas employment program which is
determining the economic survival of many Filipino families in the country as a whole however it should
not be at the fore of our employment policy.

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