Lab Practice (Seat No 11505)

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Dattakala Group of Institution’s

Faculty of Engineering
Opp. P une -Soplapur H ighway, Swami Chincholi,
Bhigwan – 41 313 0, Maharashtra State, In dia



Name : - Pooja Kumar Budhner

Class : - ME First Year 2020-21
Seat No : - 11505
Contact No. : - 7507654046
Subject :- Lab Practice I
Dattakala Group of Institution’s
Faculty of Engineering
Opp. P une -Soplapur H ighway, Swami Chincholi,
Bhigwan – 41 313 0, Maharashtra State, In dia




Sr. Page
Title Date Remark
No. No.

Computer program to find the Eigen values 1 To 7

using numerical method.

Computer program of Fourier and Laplace 8 To 11

transform for an engineering application

Measurement of strain in cantilever beam 12 To 20

using strain gauges

4 Contact stress analysis using FEM software 21 To 27

Elasto-plastic analysis of a tensile test

5 28 To 36
specimen using FEM software

Determination of full range stress strain curve 37 To 40

6 for mild steel and aluminium specimen as per

Assignment on instrumentation and data 41 To 46

47 To 50
8 Assignment on research proposal

PG Coordinator Head of Department Principal

Dattakala Group of Institution’s
Faculty of Engineering
Opp. P une -Soplapur H ighway, Swami Chincholi,
Bhigwan – 41 313 0, Maharashtra State, In dia


This is to certify that Mr. /Miss. Pooja Kumar Budhner. of ME Mechanical Design

Engineering, Roll No 11504, Examination Seat No……………....……… has satisfactorily

completed the lab work/assignments in the subject Lab Practice I as prescribed by
University of Pune, during the academic year 2020 – 21.

Date: …………………. Place: Swami-Chincholi

PG Coordinator Head of Department Principal

DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering


Title: - Computer program to find the Eigen values using numerical method.

Some equations of motion observed in an on track testing of a Military Vehicle is found


We can rearrange these into a matrix form (and use α and β for notational convenience).

Assume a Form of Solution

Now we proceed by assuming the form of solution (just as with differential equations).
In this case, since there is no damping, we choose a purely oscillatory solution.


M.E.Mech-Design Engg. | Lab Practice I 1

DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering

This is obviously just an eigenvalue problem.

Now , Solve the Eigen value/Eigenvector Problem

We can solve for the Eigen values by finding the characteristic equation (note the "+"
sign in the determinant rather than the "-" sign, because of the opposite signs of λ and ω 2).

To make the notation easier we will now consider the specific case where k 1=k2=m=1 so

Now we can also find the eigenvectors. For the first eigenvector:

which clearly has the solution:

So we'll choose the first eigenvector (which can be multiplied by an arbitrary constant).

For the second eigenvector:

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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering

A General Solution for the Motion of the System

We can come up with a general form for the equations of motion for the two-mass
system. The general solution is

Note that each frequency is used twice, because our solution was for the square of the
frequency, which has two solutions (positive and negative). We will use initial condition to
solve for the unknown coefficients, just like we did with differential equations. For a real
response, the quantities c1 and c2 must be complex conjugates of each other, as are
c3 and c4. The equation can then be re-written (the ordering of theγ coefficients becomes
clear in a few steps):

We can use initial conditions to solve for the unknowns

Now let's consider the case when the initial condition on velocity is zero, and there is an
arbitrary initial condition on position (this is the case we'll most often use):

Using the zero condition on initial velocity, we can write

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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering

which leads to the set of equations

Since we know that the frequencies are not equal to zero, we know the only solution is

Therefore, if the initial velocities are zero, only the cosine terms are needed and a
general form for the solution simplifies to:

(Now the choice of the ordering of the γ coefficients is clear; this equation has γ1 and γ2 instead of γ1 and γ3)

Finding Unknown Coefficients

We can find the coefficients γ1 and γ2 from the initial conditions.

This yields a 2×2 set of equations that can be solved in a number of ways. Not
surprisingly, the easiest way when using a computer is to formulate it as a matrix equation
and solve. Start by forming a 2x2 matrix v whose columns are the eigenvectors of the

The equation for the initial conditions then becomes

The coefficient γ1 and γ2 are then easily found as the inverse of v multiplied by x(0)

Example: Modes of vibration and oscillation in a 2 mass system

Consider the case when k1=k2=m=1, as before, with initial conditions on the masses of

Assuming a solution of

we know that

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We can write this as a set of two equations in two unknowns.


Thus the equations of motion is given by


Note: The two unknowns can also be solved for using only matrix manipulations by
starting with the initial conditions and re-writing:

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Now it is a simple task to find γ1 and γ2. This is the method used in the MatLab code
shown below.



>> A=[-2 1;1 -2]; %Matrix determined by

equations of motion.

>> [v,d]=eig(A) %Find Eigenvalues and

vectors. The eigenvectors are the columns of
"v," the eigenvectors are

%the diagonal elements

of "d"

v =

0.7071 0.7071

-0.7071 0.7071

d =

-3.0000 0

0 -1.0000

>> x0=[1 0]' %Initial conditions

x0 =

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>> gamma=inv(v)*x0 %Find unknown coefficients

gamma =



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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering


Title :- Computer program of Fourier and Laplace transform for an engineering application.
1) Fourier Transform :
The Transform Domain Technique involves the transformation of the time domain signal into a frequency domain
one. The available methods of implementing the transformation are
Discrete Fourier Transform . Fast Fourier Transform


#define pi 3.1415

#define PTS 64

float X[PTS];



float XR[PTS],XI[PTS];




for (k=0;k<N;k++)



for (n=0; <N; n++)





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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering

1) Laplace Transform :

Program for laplase

#include <stdio.h>



float a[20][20],l,r,t,b;

FILE *fp;


fp=fopen("c:\\laplace.dat","w"); //output will be stored in this file


printf("\tProgram to solve Laplace's equation by finite difference method\n");

printf("\t****************** Developed by Mahesha M G *******************\n");


printf("\tEnter boundary conditions\n");

printf("\tValue on left side: ");


printf("\tValue on right side: ");


printf("\tValue on top side: ");


printf("\tValue on bottom side: ");


printf("\tEnter length in x direction: ");


printf("\tEnter number of steps in x direction: ");

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printf("\tEnter length in y direction: ");


printf("\tEnter number of steps in y direction: ");



n++; //number of mesh points is one more than number of steps

for(i=1;i<=m;i++) //assigning boundary values begins






} //assigning boundary values ends



a[i][j]=t; //initialization of interior grid points





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} //calculation by Gauss-Seidel Method






printf("\nData stored\nPress any key to exit...");


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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering



The Strain Gauge

While there are several methods of measuring strain, the most common is with a strain gauge, a device
whose electrical resistance varies in proportion to the amount of strain in the device. For example, the
piezoresistive strain gauge is a semiconductor device whose resistance varies nonlinearly with strain. The
most widely used gauge, however, is the bonded metallic strain gauge.
The metallic strain gauge consists of a very fine wire or, more commonly, metallic foil arranged in a grid
pattern. The grid pattern maximizes the amount of metallic wire or foil subject to strain in the parallel
direction (Figure 2).
The cross sectional area of the grid is minimized to reduce the effect of shear strain and Poisson Strain. The
grid is bonded to a thin backing, called the carrier, which is attached directly to the test specimen.
Therefore, the strain experienced by the test specimen is transferred directly to the strain gauge, which
responds with a linear change in electrical resistance. Strain gauges are available commercially with
nominal resistance values from 30 to 3000 , with 120, 350, and 1000 being the most common values.

It is very important that the strain gauge be properly mounted onto the test specimen so that the strain is
accurately transferred from the test specimen, though the adhesive and strain gauge backing, to the foil
itself. Manufacturers of strain gauges are the best source of information on proper mounting of strain
gauges. A fundamental parameter of the strain gauge is its sensitivity to strain, expressed quantitatively as
the gauge factor (GF). Gauge factor is defined as the ratio of fractional change in electrical resistance to the
fractional change in length (strain):

The Gauge Factor for metallic strain gauges is typically around 2.

Ideally, we would like the resistance of the strain gauge to change only in response to applied strain.
However, strain gauge material, as well as the specimen material to which the gauge is applied, will also
respond to changes in temperature. Strain gauge manufacturers attempt to minimize sensitivity to
temperature by processing the gauge material to compensate for the thermal expansion of the specimen
material for which the gauge is intended. While compensated gauges reduce the thermal sensitivity, they do
not totally remove it. For example, consider a gauge compensated for aluminum that has a temperature
coefficient of 23 ppm/C. With a nominal resistance of 1000 , GF = 2, the equivalent strain error is still
11.5 /C. Therefore, additional temperature compensation is important.


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Historically, the development of strain gages has followed many different paths, and various methods
have been developed based on mechanical, optical, electrical, acoustic and pneumatic principles. In spite
of the very wide variations in the strain gage designs, they all have four basic and common
characteristics. These are gage length, gage sensitivity, measuring range, and, accuracy and
Gage Length: Strains cannot be measured at a point with any type of gage, and as a consequence non-
linear strain fields and local high strains are measured with some degree of error being introduced. In
these cases, the error will definitely depend on the gage length Lo. In selecting a gage for a given
application, gage length is one of the most important considerations.
Gate Sensitivity: Sensitivity is the smallest value of strain which can be read on the scale associated with
the strain gage.
Range: It represents the maximum strain which can be recorded without resetting or replacing the strain
Accuracy: Accuracy is the closeness to an accepted standard value or set of values, and is numerically
equal to the referred error value.
Reproducibility: Reproducibility is the closeness or agreement between two or more measurements of
the same quantity taken at different times.


1- The calibration constant for the gage should be stable and it should not vary with either time or
2- The gage should have the capability of measuring strains with an accuracy of ± 1 με (i. e. 10-6
3- Gage size should be as small as possible to adequately estimate the strain at a point.
4- It should be portable to read the gage either on location or remotely.
5- Changes in temperature should not influence the signal output from the gage during the readout
6- Installation and operation of the gage system should be simple.
7- The gage should exhibit a linear response to strain.
8- The gage should be suitable for use as the sensing element in other transducer systems where an
unknown quantity such as force, torque or pressure is sensed by changes in strain.
The electrical resistance strain gages very closely meet the requirements
stated above.

Strain Gauge Measurement

In practice, the strain measurements rarely involve quantities larger than a few millistrain (10–3).
Therefore, to measure the strain requires accurate measurement of very small changes in resistance. For
example, suppose a test specimen undergoes a substantial strain of 500 . A strain gauge with a gauge
factor GF = 2 will exhibit a change in electrical resistance of only 2(500 10–6) = 0.1%. For a 120
gauge, this is a change of only 0.12 . To measure such small changes in resistance, and compensate for
the temperature sensitivity discussed in the previous section, strain gauges are almost always used in a
bridge configuration with a voltage or current excitation source. The general Wheatstone bridge, illustrated
below, consists of four resistive arms with an excitation voltage, VEX, that is applied across the bridge.

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Figure 3. Wheatstone Bridge

The output voltage of the bridge, VO, will be equal to:

From this equation, it is apparent that when R1/R2 = RG1/RG2, the voltage output VO will be zero. Under
these conditions, the bridge is said to be balanced. Any change in resistance in any arm of the bridge will
result in a nonzero output voltage.
Therefore, if we replace R4 in Figure 3 with an active strain gauge, any changes in the strain gauge
resistance will unbalance the bridge and produce a nonzero output voltage. If the nominal resistance of the
strain gauge is designated as RG, then the strain-induced change in resistance, R, can be expressed as R
= RGGF. Assuming that R1 = R2 and R3 = RG, the bridge equation above can be rewritten to express
VO/VEX as a function of strain (see Figure 4). Note the presence of the 1/(1+GF/2) term that indicates
the nonlinearity of the quarter-bridge output with respect to strain.

Figure 4. Quarter-Bridge Circuit

By using two strain gauges in the bridge, the effect of temperature can be avoided. For example, Figure 5
illustrates a strain gauge configuration where one gauge is active (RG + R), and a second gauge is placed
transverse to the applied strain. Therefore, the strain has little effect on the second gauge, called the dummy
gauge. However, any changes in temperature will affect both gauges in the same way. Because the
temperature changes are identical in the two gauges, the ratio of their resistance does not change, the
voltage VO does not change, and the effects of the temperature change are minimized.

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Figure 5. Use of Dummy Gauge to Eliminate Temperature Effects

Alternatively, you can double the sensitivity of the bridge to strain by making both gauges active, although
in different directions. For example, Figure 6 illustrates a bending beam application with one bridge
mounted in tension (RG + R) and the other mounted in compression (RG – R). This half-bridge
configuration, whose circuit diagram is also illustrated in Figure 6, yields an output voltage that is linear
and approximately doubles the output of the quarter-bridge circuit.

Figure 6. Half-Bridge Circuit

Finally, you can further increase the sensitivity of the circuit by making all four of the arms of the bridge
active strain gauges, and mounting two gauges in tension and two gauges in compression. The full-bridge
circuit is shown in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7. Full-Bridge Circuit

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Title:- Measurement of strain in cantilever beam using strain gauges.

Objective: Calibration and use of Strain gages.

Strain gage
Specimen bar
Bar holder
Weight hanger
Standard weights (in Newtons)
Strain Indicator model P-3500

Strain Gage (SG) Links:

MM Guide for SG Technology
Experimental Stress-Strain
HBM products*Appl Notes* Wheatstone Bridge
Specification of Strain Indicator used in this experiment
Make : Measurements Group - Instruments division
Model : P 3500
Gage factor range: 0.5 to 9.99
Type of strain gages: 120  and 350  strain gages
Operation: Battery Operated
Readings: Displays strain as micro strain
The instrument supports the strain gages to be connected as Quarter, Half and Full bridge circuits.
The display can be set normal display (absolute value) or with a magnification factor of 10.
Verify data given in NOTES 1&2

Electrical resistance of a piece of wire is directly proportional to the length and inversely to the area of the

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cross section. Resistance strain gage is based on that phenomenon (see Sec.11.3 Resistance Strain Gauges,
Text p.488-494 or similar reference). If a resistance strain gage is properly attached onto the surface of a
structure which strain is to be measured, the strain gage wire/film will also elongate or contract with the
structure, and as mentioned above, due to change in length and/or cross section, the resistance of the strain
gage changes accordingly. This change of resistance is measured using a strain indicator (with the
Wheatstone bridge circuitry), and the strain is displayed by properly converting the change in resistance to
strain. Every strain gage, by design, has a sensitivity factor called the gage factor which correlates strain
and resistance as follows:

Gage factor (F) = ( R / R)/ 

where: R = Resistance of un-deformed strain gage

 R = Change in resistance of strain gage due to strain
 = Strain

As specified by the manufacturer of strain indicator, we set the initial gage factor (as 2.005 for example)
and take the measurements. In our experiment, we will also assume that we do not know the gage factor of
the strain gage in order to calibrate it. We may do so by calculating the theoretical strain using the
appropriate formula and adjust the gage factor setting so that we get the theoretical strain value on the
display of the indicator. The set gage factor for which the display coincides with the theoretical strain is the
calibrated gage factor of our strain gage as applied on a particular structure (a beam in our case).


1. Attach the strain gage to the bar (beam) surface using five basic steps: i.e. degreasing, surface
abrading, burnishing, conditioning and neutralizing.

2. Set the specimen bar (beam) to the bar holder so that the bar acts as a cantilever beam. Measure
the span (L), breadth (b) and thickness (t, see NOTE 1) of the bar.

3. Measure the resistance of the strain gage using the multimeter and note it down. Connect the two
ends of the strain gage as a QUARTER bridge as shown on the inner side of the strain indicator‟s

4. Depress the GAGE FACTOR button and set the (initial) gage factor to 2.005. This value is
supplied by the strain indicator manufacturer to calibrate strain gages.

5. Depress the AMP ZERO button and rotate the knob so that the display is set to zero.

6. Depress the RUN button and see what the display shows. Using the BALANCE knob, set the
display to a convenient value (zero or any other value). Since the readings are going to be relative
with respect to a point, it does not make any difference if the initial setting is zero or not as long as
it is taken into account. If the initial setting is not zero, the initial value should be subtracted from
the reading value.

Please NOTE:
Strain displayed by the strain indicator is in micro-strain (), ie. the strain equals display reading times 10-

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7. Measure the weight of the hanger (WH, see NOTE 2) and convert it into Newtons (SI unit). Add
the standard weights (W) to the hanger and hang it from the free end of the beam. Note down the
strain indicated (). Repeat the measurements for at least several (8) times and note down the
weights and strain. Make sure the weight of the hanger is included. Weight of the beam itself does
contribute to the strain and may also be considered. However, since we zeroed instrument under the
load of the beam weight it is irrelevant for our measurements.


Observations: (SET I)

Serial Weight Strain

Number W [N]  [ ]

NOTE 1: WH = mH g = 0.166kg*9.81m/s2; P = W + WH; thickness t=1/8 inch, to be verified.


1. To calculate theoretical strain, we use the following formula.

 = E 

NOTE 2: Young‟s Modulus E = 200  109 N/m2 for steel, or E = 70  109 N/m2 for aluminum.

For a cantilever beam with a point load at its end,

M \I =  / y


M is the moment applied, (P*x) where „x‟ is the distance between the point of loading and the
mid-section at which strain gage is fixed.

I is the moment of inertia about the neutral axis of bending,

 is the value of stress at a point which is at a distance of

y from the neutral axis and y = t / 2 because the strain gage is fixed to the surface of the

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Finally, the formula for strain is:

 = (6 * P * x) /( E * b* t2 )

2. Calculate the theoretical strain values for at least 5 known values of "P". Convert it into micro strain by
multiplying it with 106.

3. Measure the distance "x" between the loading point and the strain gage (see figure).

4. Note down the initial value (without load) of display on the strain indicator and zero it. Load the beam
with hanger and the first value of known standard weight for which theoretical strain is calculated.

5. Keeping the indicator in RUN mode, rotate the GAGE FACTOR knob so that the display shows a strain
value equal to calculated (theoretical) strain. Depress the GAGE FACTOR button and note down the gage
factor value.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for rest of the "P" values and tabulate the readings below.


Serial Weight (W) Theoretical Strain Gage Factor

Number (N) ( ) F = F( )

NOTE: WH = mH g; P = W + WH

You should expect that the gage factor for all the steps in the second part of the experiment be the same
irrespective of different values of loads. This implies that gage factor is a constant for a strain gage and is
dependent upon its design. However, due to different sources of errors, the above gage factors will differ
somewhat and the average value may be used.


Observations: (SET I)

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Serial Weight Strain

Number W [N]  [ ]

1 2 154

2 4 240

3 5 282

4 7 369

5 9 446

6 10 508

7 12 590

8 14 689

NOTE: WH = mH g; P = W + WH


Serial Weight Theoretical Gage Factor

Number W [N] F = F( )
( )

1 2 134.81 2.381

2 4 209.15 2.274

3 5 246.32 2.268

4 7 320.67 2.280

5 9 395.01 2.282

Average 2.297

Average of all the 5 gage factors is 2.297

Conclusion: - Hence we found that the gage factor for all the steps in the second part of the experiment is
same irrespective of different values of loads. This implies that gage factor is a constant for a strain gage
and is dependent upon its design. However, due to different sources of errors, the above gage factors will
differ somewhat and the average value may be used.

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Contact stress analysis using FEM software

Surface failure modes apply to situations in which relative motion between the surfaces may be pure
sliding or pure rolling. When two surfaces are in pure rolling contact, or are primarily rolling in
combination with small percentage of sliding, a different surface mechanism comes into play, called
surface fatigue. Many applications of this condition exist such as ball and roller bearings, cams with roller
followers, spur or helical gear tooth in contact.

The stresses introduced in two materials contacting at rolling interface are highly dependent on the
geometry of surfaces in contact as well as loading and material properties. The general case allows any
three dimensional geometry on each contacting member, and as would be expected, its calculation is most
complex. Two special geometry cases are of practical interest and also somewhat simpler to analyze. These
are sphere on sphere and cylinder on cylinder. In all cases, the radii of curvature of mating surface, the
special cases can be extended to include sub cases of sphere on plane, sphere in cup, cylinder on plane and
cylinder in trough. It is only necessary to make radii of curvature of one element to obtain a plane, or
negative radii of curvature a concave cup, or concave trough surface. For example, some ball bearings can
be modeled as sphere on plane and some roller bearings as cylinders in trough.

As a ball passes over another surface, the theoretical contact patch is point of zero dimension. A roller
against a cylindrical or flat surface theoretically contacts along a line of zero width. Since the area of each
of these theoretical contact geometry is zero, any applied force will create an infinite stress. This cannot be
true, as the materials would instantly fail. In fact, materials must deflect to create sufficient contact area to
support the load at some finite stress. This deflection creates semi-ellipsoidal pressure distribution over the
contact patch. In the general case the contact patch is elliptical. Spheres will have a circular contact patch
and cylinders create a rectangular contact patch.

Consider the case of a spherical ball rolling in straight line against a flat surface with no slip, and under
constant normal load. If the load is such as to stress the material only below its yield point, the deflection in
the contact patch will be elastic and the surface will return to its original curved geometry after passing
through contact. The same spot on the ball will contact the surface again on each succeeding revolution.
The resulting stresses in the contact patch are called contact stresses or Hertzian stresses. The contact
stresses in the small volume of ball are repeated at the ball‟s rotation frequency. This creates a fatigue
loading situation that eventually leads to fatigue failure.

This repeated loading is similar to tensile fatigue loading. The significant difference in this case is that the
principal contact stresses at the center of the contact patch are all compressive, not tensile. Fatigue failures
are considered to be initiated by shear stress and continued to failure by tensile stress. There is also shear
stress associated with these compressive contact stresses, and it is believed to be cause of crack formation
after many stress cycles. Crack growth then eventually results in failure by pitting – the fracture and
dislodgement of small pieces of material from surface. Once the surface begins to pit, its surface finish is
compromised and rapidly proceeds to failure by spalling – the loss of large pieces of surface. If the load is
large enough to raise the contact stress above the material‟s compressive yield strength, then the contact
patch deflection will create a permanent flat on the ball. This condition sometimes called false brinelling as
it has similar appearance to the indentation made to test a material‟s Brinell hardness. Such a flat on even
one of its balls (or rollers) make a ball or roller bearing useless.

Contact stress analysis investigates starting with relatively simple geometry of sphere on sphere, and next
dealing with cylinder on cylinder case and finally the most general case.
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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering

1. The contact geometries

2. Pressure distribution
3. Stresses
4. Deformations in rolling contacts

Derivations of the equations of these cases are among the more complex sets of examples from the theory
of elasticity.

The equations for the area of contact, deformation, pressure distribution and contact stress on the centerline
of the two bodies were originally derived by Hertz in 1881. Many others have since added to the
understanding of this problem.

The contact problem, which in practice, represented by wheel-on-rail configuration, is well known in
engineering. Also, the characteristic feature of the contact is that, nominally contact between elements
takes place along line. In reality, this is never the case due to unavoidable elastic deformations and surface
roughness. As a consequence of that, surface contact is established between elements.


An overhead crane wheel runs slowly on a steel rail. What is the size of the contact patch between
wheel and rail and what are the stresses? What is the depth of the maximum shear stress?


The wheel is 12 inch diameter by 0.875 inch thick and the rail is flat. Both parts are steel. The radial
load is 5000 lb


The rotational speed is sufficiently slow that this can be considered a static loading problem.


1. First determine the size of the contact patch, for which the geometry constant and
material constants are found as:

+ )= + ) = 0.083

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Note the infinite radius of curvature for R2.

Note both materials are same in this example. The material and geometry constants can now be used in

√ √ ( ) = 0.0518 inch

Where a is the half width of the contact patch. The rectangular contact patch area is

2. The average and maximum contact pressure are found from the equations

3. The maximum normal stress in center of the contact patch at the surface are then foundfrom the

= = -70243 psi

=- = - 39336 psi

4. The maximum shear stress and its location (depth) are found as

5. All the stresses found exist on z axis and normal stresses are principal. These stresses apply to the wheel
and rail, as both are steel.

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Note that the problem is making use of inch-pound-second system.

Finite Element Analysis of Contact Problem using Ansys

In finite element analysis, advantage could be taken of inherent symmetry of the model. Therefore
analysis will be carried out on quarter-symmetry model only.

The objective of the analysis is to observe the stresses in cylinder and rail when external load is
imposed on them.

In finite element analysis, SI system of units is adopted.

Following are appropriate conversions used in FEA modeling.

Diameter of wheel = 0.3048 m

Radius of wheel = 0.1524 m
Thickness of wheel = 0.0222 m
Modulus of elasticity = 207 GPa
Poisson’s ratio = 0.28
Radial load = 2268 kg

Step I:
Preprocessing – Geometric Modeling – Material Properties – Meshing - Creation of Contact Pair

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Step II:
Solution –Application of Boundary Conditions – Application of Loads - Solution

Step III:
Post Processing –Plotting Results -

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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering

Results and Conclusion:

Contact stress variation is from -447 MPa to -562 MPa ( - sign indicates compressive stress) as
against -484 MPa from theoretical considerations.

Shear stress is 182 MPa as against 147 MPa from theoretical considerations.It approximately at a
depth of 1 mm from the rail surface in contact with the wheel.

Further work suggested:

Plotting of principal, maximum shear and von Mises stress distributions in static loading conditions.

M.E.Mech-Design Engg. | Lab Practice I 27

DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering


Title :-Elasto-plastic analysis of a tensile test specimen using FEM software

Introduction :-
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is an important engineering tool used to assist in approximatingand
verifying how a component will react under various external and internal
loading conditions

One of the major topics within Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is how to interpreter results and verify
whether the results accurately depict the loading condition. Inaccuracies within the FEA results can stem
from various sources including modelling, input of material properties (fully elastic, elastic-plastic,
thermal, fluid, etc.), mesh density, unrealistic stress concentrations, loading conditions, environment, etc.

Engineers understand FEA is an approximation tool and the analysis has to be validated by
handcalculations, test results, or inspection to confirm the validity of the results. Hand calculutions are
sufficient for calculating theoretical solutions for a piece part component under a single or simple loading
condition. But as the design increases in complexity, as various loads are applied, and as the environment
complexity increases, the engineer requires assurance that the FEA results are correct. Multiple loading and
environment conditions make hand calculations complex, where multiple assumptions have to be made to
simplify the solution which could lead to inaccurate results. The more assumptionsmade will lead to
questionable results.

Material selection and understanding how material properties interact within FEA ABAQUS is a major
factor in confirming the results.We will analyze the use of elastic-plastic material properties to investigate
how FEA ABAQUS analyzes elastic-plastic deformation under a high loading condition of High Strength
Steel (HSS).

The predicted FEA results will look like Figure 1 that shows a stress-strain curve for HSS from actual
test data. Hand calculations are used to verify the linear geometry to obtain a better understanding how
hand calculations compare to FEA results. Figure 1 depicts the fully elastic range and the transition into the
plastic range for HSS from lab testing. Another method to validate the FEA results is by hand calculations.
Hand calculations are simpler in the elastic range because of the linear relationships that can be developed
between stress, strains, and deflections. Hand calculations can be used in the plastic range but nonlinear
analysis is not simple and typically requires numerous assumptions


To investigate and analyze Finite Element Analysis (FEA) ABAQUS for elasto-plastic deformation on a
High Strength Steel (HSS) tensile test specimen.

To obtain a better understanding how FEA ABAQUS analyzes fully elastic and elastic-plastic material
properties under high tensile loading and material conditions.

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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering

A tensile test specimen will be modeled in FEA ABAQUS as if it was being loaded in a tensile
testapparatus to validate the material properties. Multiple analyses will be investigated including:

1. Elastic-plastic material properties under high tensile load

Figure 1 shows various engineering stress vs engineering strain curves because the test specimen was
pulled at different strain rates. Various strain rates has its advantages for work hardening of materials. The
curve means a lot of different things too many people depending on the information they are trying to
extract. The material‟s elastic behaviour in tension (Young‟s modulus, yield stress) will determine the
stiffness and load bearing capability while the plastic behaviour (Ultimate strength, breaking strain) will
give a first indication about brittleness and notch sensitivity [1].

Elastic-Plastic :-
Plastic deformation is defined as permanent change in shape or size of a solid body without fracture
resulting from the application of sustained stress beyond the elastic limit [5]. Prior to looking at the
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physical defects of elastic-plastic analysis, it is important to review the plastic stress-strain relationship at
the atomic / crystal level. Plasticity in metals is usually a consequence of dislocations within the structure
[5]. Plasticity will occur beyond the yield point of the material.

For HSS the yield point is 54,000 psi which is found in MIL-S-22698, Rev C, and condition AH-36.

For many ductile metals, including HSS, tensile loading applied to a test specimen will cause it to
behave in an elastic manner [6]. Once the load exceeds the yield strength threshold, there is more of a rapid
increase in stress than in the elastic range, and when the load is removed some amount of the extensions
still exists which results in permanent deformation [6].
Elastic-plastic analysis uses the Modulus of Elasticity from the elastic material properties but FEA
ABAQUS requires yield stress and plastic strains of the material in the plastic range to be manually loaded
into the material properties. If the plasticity data has not been entered into FEA ABAQUS, the stress/strain
relationship will continue to be linear. This will not provide an accurate result of stress in the plastic range.
The concern with mathematically analyzing plastic deformation is that the existing theories are constructed
largely on the basis of mathematical considerations and involve a number of arbitrary assumptions of
uncertain validity [6]. More experimental data needs to be obtained to validate the numerical solutions.
FEA is a method of using the experimental data from plastic deformation (yield stress and plastic
strain) and analyzing the deformation in the plastic range [6]. As a result, this reduces the number of
assumptions and leads to a more accurate result. Significant work has been done to provide a more
analytical method for calculating stress in the plastic range [6] [8] but a significant number of assumptions
would have to be made that will lead to an inaccurate mode of comparison. Each of the stress-strain curves
will be provided within their respective sections.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) ABAQUS

FEA ABAQUS is an approximation tool and is only as accurate as the operator allows it to be. The
operator has to input all of the material technical data that can be found in various material science books,
military and commercial specifications, and various published works. If the material data is not manual
uploaded, the program will not know it exists, i.e. density, thermal conductivity, plasticity. Defects and
dislocations have to be modelled into the program or FEA ABAQUS will assume a theoretical perfect
metal with no defects.

This experiment will use FEA to run an analysis mimicking a tensile test on High Strength Steel (HSS).
The tensile test will be place under various loading conditions to investigate how FEA analyzes the results.
Test Specimen 1 from ASME E8, Figure 3 will be modelled in FEA ABAQUS and pulled using elastic-
plastic material properties from HSS. The results will demonstrate how FEA ABAQUS analyzed elastic
and plastic deformation at a high load.

2. Methodology
2.1 Modeling:

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2.1.1 Created Test Specimen in FEA

Perhaps one of the most important tests performed on a material is the tensile test. In a tensile test, one end
of a rod is clamped in a loading frame while the other end is subjected to a controlled displacement [9]. A
transducer is typically connected in series with the specimen to provide an electronic reading of the load
corresponding to the displacement [9]. The analysis included in this report will model a cylindrical test
specimen from ASTM E8 as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

The dimensions from Figure 3, test specimen 1 from ASME E8 were then modeled into FEA ABAQUS
Because this is a cylindrical specimen, the revolve function was used in FEA. Half of the longitudinal cross
section was modeled as shown in Figure 4 and revolved around the y-axis (centerline).

With the sketch complete, the part is revolved around the centerline to develop the final solid shape that
will be analyzed as shown in Figure 5. Radii have been applied to all sharp corners because sharp corners
on any component are a source of high stress concentrations. To alleviate this, radii are applied to the edges
and this will provide a more accurate result.
To perform the elastic-plastic analysis, the elastic mechanical properties are still required because this will
provide the stress-strain relationship up to the yield point but additional information is required to ensure
the plastic range is accurately developed.
To develop the plastic range in FEA, the yield stress and plastic strain need to be manually loaded into
the material properties. Figure 7 shows a small portion of the yield stress and plastic strain that was
manually loaded from the excel file from Figure 1. To perform this analysis 283 yield stresses and plastic

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strains points were manually loaded into the plastic material properties module. This is sufficient because
of the small change between each stress-strain point.
Note that the fully elastic material properties are also present in the material properties to ensure that
stress applied up to the yield point is elastic. The way ABAQUS analyzes an elastic-plastic problem is by
using the fully elastic material properties until the yield point is achieved and then it starts to apply the
plastic material properties. FEA ABAQUS will abort its analysis if there is too large of a gap in stress
between the yield point and the start of the plastic stress values.

2.1.3 Mesh
The mesh of the HSS test specimen is an important element to modelling the test specimen because a
poorly meshed component could show stresses that are not realistic. If the elements are too large then the
stresses between each element can be magnified but if the mesh is too fine then the part might take up too
much memory space within the computer and will take too long to run. A really fine mesh will not produce
a more
accurate result than if the mesh density was correct..

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2.1.4 Boundary Conditions

For FEA to simulate this test, one end of the test specimen is fixed from displacing or rotating in the x, y,
and z direction. This simulates the test specimen being threaded into the test apparatus where it would not
be able to deflect, rotate, or translate.

2.1.5 Loading
A tensile load is then applied to the opposite end of the test specimen. To apply the load, a reference was
created at the top surface of the test specimen. The load was then applied to the reference point and pulled
a positive 15,000 lbf in the y-direction. The load was selected at 15,000 lbf because the calculate force to
yield the test specimen was 10,014 lbf.
To ensure test specimen goes well beyond the yield stress, a load of 15,000 lbf was applied. This same
force can be applied to the fully elastic and elastic-plastic model to determine how ABAQUS analyzes
these results. The minimum load is calculated using Yield Stress= Load/(pi/4 *D^2), where D is the
Diameter of specimen neck. Yield stress is taken from Material standard.

3. Results, Discussions, Conclusion

The FEA results include Von Mises stress, displacement, and stress-strain curves from the FEA
ABAQUS program. The results will include analysis for the fully elastic tensile loading condition, elastic-
plastic material properties under the various loading conditions.
The maximum stress in the FEA model is located in the centre of the test specimen at 59,692 psi as shown
in Figure 16. For this analysis, fully elastic material properties (young‟s modulus, density, and Poisson‟s
ratio) are used until the yield point is reached.
The plastic material properties are then applied by ABAQUS beyond the yield point, 51,000 psi. This
provides a maximum FEA ABAQUS stress of the test specimen of 59,692 psi.
The elastic-plastic analysis shows the maximum stress to be in the centre of the HSS test specimen. The
stress between the fully elastic and the elastic-plastic analysis is directly related to the material properties
loaded into each model. The fully elastic material property does not allow for nonlinear interactions beyond
the yield point and would continue to show invalid results. The elastic-plastic analysis manually loaded the
plastic strain and stress to obtain realistic results beyond the yield point.

Maximum deflection in FEA ABAQUS is 0.007853 inches as shown in Figure 17.

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With the plastic data, the model can react nonlinearly beyond the yield point which allows for work
hardening and will reduce elongation. The stress-strain curve in section will no longer increase as
more force is applied. At this point the ultimate stress has been surpassed, material can no longer withstand
a high load, and the test specimen will continue to deflect at a high rate until the rupture point is reached.
Without defining a rupture point in FEA ABAQUS, the test specimen will continue to deflect and stretch to
an infinitesimal small diameter.
As force is applied in the plastic range and the strain is increased, the deflection will be nonlinear. Work
hardening will reduce the deflection and that is why the deflection is much lower than in the fully elastic
model. As the part is continuously placed in tension, nonlinear deflection will increase at a different rate as
shown in Figure 17.
The stress-strain curve for the elastic-plastic case is shown in Figure 18. The elastic range of the curve is
linear until it reaches the yield point of 51,000 psi. At this point the strain is approximately 0.005. Beyond
the 51,000 psi stress, the plastic material properties that were manually loaded govern the shape of the
curve. From inspection, the curve on Figure 18 has a slight curve to it but only reads up to a strain of 0.10.
This happens because the maximum plastic strain that was manually loaded was up to 0.10.

Figure 18: Elastic-Plastic Stress-Strain Curve at center of test specimen

3.1.2 Actual Test Results.

Actual test results can be provided and obtained by various material testing companies that provides
various industries with physical material properties. The test data provided in Figures 23 is excel data that
depict various curves for different strain rates at the center of the test specimen. A slower strain rate
provides many benefits especially when obtaining strain hardening data because more stress can be applied
increasing the ultimate strength and rupture point. Strain hardening is also dependent on the ductility of the
material and HSS is a moderate ductile material.
Figure 23 only shows a small portion of the total curve but these curves best represent what was loaded
into FEA ABAQUS to obtain an accurate stress and strain relationship during periods of high stress. The
linear portion (fully elastic) occurs during very low strains for High Strength Steel (HSS). The nonlinear
portion used in FEA ABAQUS for the elastic-plastic analysis contained in this report is at Rate_1 that has a
sharp transition into the plastic range. The transition is sharp based on the Modulus of Elasticity because of
HSS ductility and its ability to deform under higher stresses.

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Figure 23: Elastic-Plastic Stress-Strain Curve at various strain rates

The plastic range appears to have a slight curve but almost acts linear which occurs because of the strain
increments. The smaller the increment, the more linear the curve looks because of the small steps between
strains in the plastic range. This small range was chosen for the FEA analysis to obtain a more accurate
method for comparing the values FEA values to the graphs. With just reviewing a small section of the
graph, more imperfections can be viewed. The fully elastic range is difficult to evaluate based on Figure 23
due to the small strain for the elastic range. To evaluate the fully elastic range hand calculations were
performed but for the elastic-plastic analysis, for any discussion on accuracy, the FEA results would have
to be compared to Figure 23. Nonlinear
calculations require several assumptions that could create discrepancies between the two methods of

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3.1.3 Elastic-Plastic FEA Discussion

Performing an elastic-plastic FEA ABAQUS model requires manual input the modulus of elasticity and
plastic strain values from actual test data. The rate at which the load is applied and the amount of force
applied plays a role in the final shape of the stress-strain curve in the elastic-plastic regions.
Non time dependent analysis does not allow the operator to control the strain rate. FEA ABAQUS will
apply the force based on the step but will do it at a set rate. To vary the strain rate, a time dependent
problem needs to be modeled which increases the difficulty of the FEA analysis.For optimal results, the
operator should select a strain rate that best suits the application and the environment from which the
component is operated. Material selection catalogues and other material documents provide the metal in
various conditions including hardening properties, yield strengths, ultimate strengths, and ductility.
FEA ABAQUS results only show the HSS test specimen elongating and does not show the HSS test
specimen necking or rupturing. This occurs because of the element structure within FEA. The elements are
structured in such a way that true necking will not occur but will continue to show a decrease in cross
sectional area based on the element geometry. Figure 23 shows the results from a real pull test that failed.
The area within the center of the HSS test specimen physically changed in diameter and reduced in size
creating the “necking”. Ultimately the test specimen failed at this location. FEA ABAQUS does not show
necking or the fracture point. The elastic-plastic result shows the area does decrease in size but that
decrease in size is constant throughout the wholetest specimen. Compared to the fully elastic results that
show no change in cross sectional area, the elastic-plastic results are more accurate but do not accurately
depict the point of failure of the test specimen. Typically in a structural design, any stress over yield is
undesirable and will require a redesign but in some applications plastic deformation is desirable, example
forgings. During a forging, the operator wants the piece of metal to plastically deform to obtain a new
shape but if too much force is applied the shape could be distorted and unusable. Strain rates play a vital
role in obtaining the final shape of a forging and assist in developing the final ultimate strength of the

4 Conclusion:
FEA ABAQUS is an approximation tool that provides representative values to complicated problems.
FEA is only as accurate as the fidelity implemented by the operator. The elastic-plastic material properties
showed that for pure tension, the plastic strains and stress governs the shape of the stress-strain curve. This
investigation demonstrated FEA ABAQUS‟s ability to solve problems using elastic and elastic-plastic
material properties. In general, the results showed similar results as that predicted.

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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering

Determination of full range stress strain curve for aluminum.

Determination of full range stress strain curve for aluminum specimen as per ASTM –E8M on UTM

Equipment’s used:
1. UTM
2. Vernier Caliper


Tensile Testing:
It is fundamental material science test in which sample is subjected to uniaxial tension load until its

The results from this test are commonly used to select material for application for quality control and to
predict how material react with other type of fories parameters that are directly measure via tensile test are
ultimate tensile strength maximum deformation and reaction in area .

ASTM F8M Specification

For measuring the final elongation and initial elongation the bench marks are made on the specimen

When elongation measured of 40mm or wide range of specimen is not required. A minimum length of
reduced section of 75 mm may be used with all other dimensions to those of plate of type specimen.

It is desirable if possible to make the length of grip section large enough to allow specimen to extent in
to grip distance equal to two third or more of length of the grip.

When yield strength is determined a suitable extensor is used.

Universal testing machine

The most common machine used in tensile testing is universal testing machine. This type of machine
has two cross heads one is adjustment for length of specimen and other is driven to the specimen.

There are two types of UTM.

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1. Hydraulic powered
2. Electromagnetically powered.
The machine must have proper capabilities for the test the specimen being tested there are three
main parameters.

Test Speciman:
A tensile test specimen is a standard sample cross-section. It has two shoulders and gauge in between.
The shoulders are large so they can be readily gripped whereas the gauge section had a smaller cross
section area.

Experimental procedure:
1. Punch the specimen on the pen mark on punching stand by light hammering and finally measure the
gauge length by vernier caliper.
2. Measure original diameter at least 4 times along the gauge length.
3. Turn on UTM, fix one end of specimen with fix end of extensometer by grip holder.
4. Fix another end of specimen cross head end by adjusting movable cross head.
5. Make zero extension by pushing the corresponding button on the machine.
6. Click test button then extension button.

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7. As sample gets fractured push the stop button and collect the readings
8. Measure the final gauge length and final diameter.

1. Percentage reduction in area

% reduction in area X 100

2. Percentage elongation X 100

3. Ultimate tensile strength

4. Cross section area of speciman X d2

SR. NO Load(KN) Deflection(mm) Stress(N/mm^2) Strain

1 7.6 2 0.1 67 0.00033

2 8.16 3.6 72 0.012

3 9.7 5.6 85 0.0189

4 11.7 6.5 103 0.0219

5 31.5 12 278 0.0405

Failure 38.34 33.4 339 0.1128

1. Elongation Length=33cm
Original Length = 29.6cm
2. Diameter of specimen=12mm
As area of specimen = 113.09mm^2

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Neck diameter=10mm
From the above experiment

The calculated stress is ϭ=339N/mm^2



Hence we have studied that stress strain curve for aluminum and concluded that there is no separate
yield point for aluminum

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DGOIFOE Department of Mechanical Engineering

Title: - Assignment on Instrumentation and Data Collection


There have been significant developments in the field of instrumentation in recent times. Now, it
encompasses almost all the areas of science and technology. Even in our day to day life, instrumentation is
indispensable. For e.g, the ordinary watch, an instrument for measuring time is used by everybody.
Likewise, an automobile driver needs an instrument panel to facilitate him in driving the vehicle properly.

These days instrumentation is very vital to modern industries too. The use of instrumentation in systems
like power plants, process industries, automatic production machines, various safety devices etc. have
revolutionized old concepts. Additionally the instrument systems act as extensions of human senses and
quite often facilitate retrieving information from complex situations. Further, it has contributed
significantly to the developing sector of the economy and has tremendous potential of useful applications
in the terms of future projections.

Typical Applications of instrument systems :-

The objectives of performing experiments are too numerous to be enumerated. However, certain
common motivating factors for carrying out the measurements are as follows.

 Measurement of System Parameters Informations.

 Control of certain process or operation.
 Simulation of System Conditions.
 Experimental Design Studies.
 To perform various manuipulations.
 Testing of materials, Maintenance of standards and specifications of products.
 Verification of phusical phenomenon / Scientific theories.
 Quality Control in Industry.

Static performance characteristics of Instruments :-

The detailed specifications of the functional chareteristics of any instrument are termed its performance
characteristics. There are in general indicative of the capabilities and limitations of the instruments for the
particular application. Therefore the knowledge of the performance characteristics is quite important as it
enables us to have quantitative estimates of the positive as well as negative points of various commercially
available instruments. Consequently, one can select the optimum type of instrument for the given

Instrument performance characteristics can be broadly classified as

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 Static characteristics
 Dynamic characteristics

In a number of situations, the desired input to the instrument may be constant or varying slowly with
respect to time. In these situations, the dynamic characteristics are not important. Therefore, the various
static performance parameters like accuracy, precision, resolution, sensitivity, linearity, hysteresis, drift,
overload capacity, impedance loading, etc. are usually good enough to give meaningful quantitative
descriptions of the instrument.

Thus it may be noted that in general, the overall quantitative performance qualities of the instruments
are represented by both their static an dynamic characteristics. However, for time-independent signals, only
the static characteristics need be considered.

Types of Errors :-

Error can be defined as the difference between the measured and the true value (as per standard). The
different types of errors can be broadly classified as follows.

 Systematic or cumulative Errors

 Instrument Errors
 Environmental Errors
 Loading Errors
 Accidental or Random Errors
 Inconsistencies Associated with Accurate Measurement of Small Quantities
 Presence of Certain System Defects
 Effect of Unrestrained and Randomly Varying Parameters

Miscellaneous Type of Gross Errors

There are certain other errors that cannot be strictly classified as either systematic or random as they are
partly systematic and partly random. Therefore such errors are termed as miscellaneous types of gross
errors, This class of errors is mainly caused by the following.

 Personal or Human Errors

 Errors due to faulty components / Adjustments
 Improper application of the instrument

Dynamic Characteristics of Instruments :-

When dynamic or time varying quantities are to be measured, it is necessary to find the dynamic
response characteristics of the instrument being used for the measurement. The dynamic inputs to an
instruments may be of following types :

1) Periodic input – varying cyclically with time or repeating itself after a constant interval. The input
may be of harmonic or non harmonic type.

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2) Transient input – varying non-cyclically with time. The signal is of definite duration and becomes
zero after certain duration of time.
3) Random input – varying randomly with time, with no definite period and amplitude. This may be
continuous but not cyclic.

To mention examples of the above types of signals, vibration excitation due to unbalance of a rotating
body is harmonic, pressure variation in an interval combustion engine periodic while forces due to an
explosion are transient. Further, pressure pressure fluctuations in a fluid flow due to turbulence are of
random type.

For studying the dynamic characteristic of n instrument or a combination of instruments, it is

necessary to represent each instrument by its mathematical model, from which the governing relation
between its input and output is obtained.

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Data Collection

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proforma for submisson of proposal under the sceme


The sceme aims modernise and remove obsolescence in the labroteries/workshops/computing facileties
(libraries are excluded),so as to enhance the functoinalefficency of technical instituation for teaching
.traning and experimatingporpose

it also supports new enovations in class room and labrotories /teaching technology,devolopment of lab
instructional material and appropriate technology to ensure that the practical work and project work to be
carried out by students is contemporary and suited to the needs of the industry .

the equipment and finance under the scemeuptoalimit of rs 20 lakhs/- could ideally used for up graduation
of equipment in exiestinglabs,enhancement of performance parameter specification of existing equipment
,incorporation of latest devolopment in the field and replacement of old depreciated equipment by

In addition to above major ojectives, the eqipment installed through MODROBS can be used for indirect
benifits to faculty/student through continues educations and prograns,training programs for local industries
and consultancy works.

Name of institute


Contact details

Permanent id of

Application id


Lab to be funded

Current lab utilisation

Application id-

M.E.Mech-Design Engg. | Lab Practice I 47

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1. To carry out sliding friction analysis of material and film at elevated temperature and environment
conditions .
2. To carry out sliding friction at analysis at elevated temperature and conditions.

Project impact –expected outcome

The PhD/PG students shall be able to do study and research work on tribological behavior of matels and non metals
and film/coating at elevated temp. of environmental condition

Technical consultancy/revenue generation

1. Atlascopcoindia ltd nasik-piston ring material testing

2.P.Dr.V.V.P. Sugar factory bearing material testing

3. in campus and out campus PG students carry out their research project work

Budget istimate- non recurring

Proposed equipment/s specification No. of Cost in Rs justification


Pin on disc TR-20,upto 1 495000 Wear testing rig


Pin heating Ambient to 1 195000 To conduct test at elevated

400Degc temperature

Environment chamber 1 30000 To conduct at different

environmental condition

Chamber heating Ambient to 1 225000 To conduct test at elevated

600degc temperature

Lubrication module 1 3000 To conduct wet friction test

Electrical contact Film 1 195000 film measurement between pin

resistance measurement and disc
between pin
and disc

Pear non contact 1 165000 Temperature measurement



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Budget estimates-recuring

Estimate for year1 (R1)

Consumables &contigencies Manpower -4000



other Installation and training -12500


Total 97500

Payment disbursement schedule Advance installment Total[mass 20 lakhs ]

1 NR R1 RzNR-R1

1606434 97500 1703934

Details of project coordinator

Name Mr. Pawar D.S.

Exact designation Assistant Profeesor Date of Joining 17/07/2007

Appointment type Sale of Oppointment

Department M.E. Mechanical

Qualification UG PG phd

Experience in Year Teaching Industry Research

Relevant Experience

Other Information

Application ID

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Phone no.

Email id


Details of earlier grants awarded to the institute

Scheme Name of the co- Amt. sanctioned Sanctioned letter Funds utilization Utilization
ordinator detail position as on Certificate
today details for
NR R non-
submission of

By singing the certificate ,we undertake to

 Abide by all the rules/regulation regarding utilization of amount that may be granted to the institute
 Submit timely progress report about grant utilization
 Submit grant utilization certificate duly authenticated by CA on/before project period is over.
 Return full/partial unutilized grant amount to the council.

Project forwarded to AICTE

Signature of the head of institution

Institute Seal

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