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Our ref: E-200267-276946


Company : HP Shipmanagement LLC

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your document (detailed below) has been reviewed.

Project Details

Project number CM000554

Project name DEV SHAKTI 65977-BWTS

Project Manager Mangesh Sathe

Project In-Charge

Document Details
Plan No. EN-640-02-NA-GA-001
Plan Title GA PLAN
Rev.No. 001
Upload.No. 3
Submitted Date 03-December-2023
Review Status Returned
Parent Plan Title

1. The review status Returned indicates:
The stated plan is Returned herewith unstamped with our comments. The plan is to be re-submitted for
approval incorporating our comments.
2. The list of remarks is part of this letter.

Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,

Vishal Bhosale
Sr. Surveyor

This is an electronically published document and does not require signature.

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Our Ref: E-200267-276946

Review Comments

Sr.No Comment Date Description Clearing

[Expected Close Date - Responsibility
For HO comments]

1 04-December-2023 After initial verification, we note that, plan indicate the For Info
equipment pertaining to BWTS installation, however, the
position of the indicated equipment are not as per the
approved BWTS plans. For example, In the profile view, ODU
and EQ37 are indicates above the deck level whereas the
approved plan shows is on deck level.
In view of this, kindly update the equipment location as per
the approved BWTS plans and re-submit for our scrutiny.
Hereby the plan is returned un-stamped.

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