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| ‘Health and fitness, illness and treatment E1218 Look at these two pictures. Why are these meals healthy or unhealthy? salt fat Use the words in the box to complete the sentences below. vitamins” protein e “fibre carbohydrate eo : sugar ‘calories eo; eo 1 oe ! oe 1 oe eo Meal Ais high in . Meal B is high | E211 which of these things are generally good for you, and which are generally bad? Put Gin front of the good @" things, and a B in front of the bad things. e G fruit ~ Balt vegetables sugar exercise stress eo ~~ salad smoking chocolate alcohol water junk food e fsh cutting out fat putting on weight joining gym — goingone diet gettingenough sleep gq | e E131 ©) now usten toa sportsman talking about is Ufestye. As you Usten, underline the things above that @e he mentions. E.411 whet would the sportsman say to these statements? True or false? 1 Leat lots of fruit and vegetables. 2 Inever drink alcohol. 3 Ldeink lot of water. 4 P've cut down on chocolate. QE 5 lpptotee gym agua. ‘The word diet can mean the food and drink normally. 6 never have to go on a diet. ‘eaten by an individual or @ group of people: 7 make sure I get plenty of si Pmanothlete so eat a healthy diet. e 8 Teatak ae Rae ice is the staple diet of many people in India. e eat alot of junk food. But diets also used when someone eats particular 9 I'venever smoked, foods for. medical reasons or to lose weight: a 30 There's no stress in my life. Thedoctor put me on o low-salt cet. e ‘My Jeans are tight, so'm going on a diet. e oe e e o * 7 one exeingt tinplats > B38 Now secice whether the statements fn 1.4 are true or: them true for you. 3 eet ree mwtnore tenon > “Rk “join eet put on "eitdowd'on = 3 Ifyou want to stay healthy, (1)... MAKE... Sure you have a healthy diet, Eat plenty of frit, vegetables and salad and (2). ~» Salt, Fat and processed sugar. And if you want to avoid vee Weight, it's probably best to (4) . junk food completely, because {it contains all those things. And whatever your age, it's important to (5). sn @F10Ugh exercise, so think about (6) ....... wees & BYM, OF (7) stene a regular walk or run. false for you. Correct any false statements to make Ea even the ttest person suffers minor illnesses and injuries! Match the problem and the cause. Why would you 1 geta blister? ‘A you've been working in a very noisy office 2. havea stomach upset? B you're just recovering from flu 3. be sunburnt? © you're about to go down with a cold 4 geta splinter in your finger? you've eaten some undercooked meat 5 have a headache? E you've been making some bookshelves, - 6 feel run down? F you've just done a tong flight Bs 7 havea sore throat? you've spent too long lying on the beach - 8 be jet-lagged? H you've been wearing new shoes . VIIII085 de x DDU0BUUUU 2.28 choose the correct word. 1 Ifyou have burnt yourself badly, you go to the casualty department / local surgery. 2. Ifyou cut your hand and need scars / stitches the doctor will give you a local anaesthetic. If you suffer from hay fever, the doctor will give you antihistamines / antibiotics. 3 4 Ifyou need medicine, the doctor will give you a recipe / prescription to take to the local pharmacy, 5 Ifyou break your leg, the doctor will put a plester / bandage on it. 6 When you are a child, you have lots of injections / vaccinations for common ilinesses, 7 tyes bs tamperatrs, curve WM tas with a syringe / thermometer. Error warning fs 8, Ifyou need weighing, the nurse will ask you to step The words prescription ad recipe are often ‘on the stethoscope / scales, confused,” 9 If someone is seriously injured, they are lifted into [A precription Is the plece of paper on which the doctor writes the ‘medicines you need: The doctor. an ambulance on a stretcher / wheelchair. so Fadl pee ied TSR {recipe ia set of instriction® telling you how to prepare aoe My mathe gore rei ‘good recipe for bread. g e eo: AGoodttepln ©” e: Qa o |e ie, eo o o Es.28 sroms @) uistento five people aking about their heath Put a tick (ifthe are feting wellanda cross (X) if they are feeling unwell. | (eS See | - . B5.21 whieh words or expressions gave you the answer? Read the recording scripts for 1c and underline them. E 4. coumon expressions There ae lots of expressions with mate. Use one ofthe nouns below in each sentence, . arrangements changes decision’ phone call” effort mistake Speech 1 Before you go to the doctor’s, you need to make a(n) ... ent the surgery. 2 Carta made a very helpful... . about how the waiting room could be rearranged. 3 T've got to make a firm about which malaria tablets to take, 4 Ifyou're stressed, it's easy to make a really stupid .. ind have an accident. s sven to my local surgery and it looks really good now. 6 that the doctor made at his retirement party was hilarious. 7 The hospital has made a huge recently to improve the appointments system. 8 ’ gE OPO PSEP OEE By the end of the afternoon, they had made all the for the operation. It was noisy in the waiting room, so John went outside to make an Important e, e 5 punaSAL VERBS Read sentences 4-5, then match them tothe descriptions A-E. ' 1 Téida’t want to play hockey, so i made up a story A Someone is doing something good to compensate for, about twisting my ankle, ‘something they didn’t do before. : 2. She didn’t visit me when 1 was in hospital, Someone is heading ina particular direction. but she made up for it by buying me some Someone has decided to use something in a different» chocolates. way. Pe 3 Sophie didn’t know which ward her brother Someone has invented a reason for something which ‘was on, $0 she made for the information desk. happened to them. ‘The nurse spoke so softly that I couldn't make Someone was unable to hear what another perso out what she was saying about my medicine, was saying. The old operating theatres are no longer used, so the hospital has made them into accommodation for nursing staff, yyy LGee tee GUULLEL o +. Y \ \ 1 1 SSSSSSSSSSSHoGHH 06085 xxvvD00K \ Lh SSS USE OF ENGLISH Part 2 For questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which Emm Think about which word goes in each gap. Check that the word fits with what comes before and after it. best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There Is an ‘example at the beginning. ‘The Benefits of Physical Activity ‘The pace ((}...2f.... modem life is fast, and most people have busy and demanding lives. So eating (9} rensnn balanced diet and doing physical activity can (2) ........ @ big difference to overall health. Regular physical activity 4 good {8}... your whole body; from your brains to your bones. Yet many people do NOt Get (6) arinnne ‘exercise: The good news is that (5) ‘Your feet were rriade for walking, 60 use them {8}... You get the chancs. Walk around town. Ignore lifts and escalators and build up yor leg:muscles by cllmbing stairs. Next, get out and play, Kicking ball about is fun, and itis 2iso a great way to spend time together (10) a family. Finally, try doing two things (11) .......... onoel ‘While you talk on the phone’ of watch television, stretch, lit weights or (12)... Household chores. USE OF ENGLISH Part4 ‘Complete thie second sentence es tiriar rearing: ‘Make sure the second sentence ‘first sentence, Vang bowed gee Deintusectsereoene ‘includes all the information:in the first. ‘You must use between two and five words, including thé word given. Example ‘0 The staff wil have to work hard tomorrow to compensate for the time they've lost today. MAKE ‘The staff will have to work hard tomorr0w 10 ..n. wv the time they've lost today. ‘L've reduced the amount of chocolate | eat, but 'm nat losing any weight. CUTTING V0 tO enn ‘chocolate, but I'm not losing any weight. 2.No one appreciated that what Anna suggested was helpful, MADE Anna... .w-- but no one appreciated it 3 If you want to lose weight, you'll have to think about starting a diet, ‘@oING {you want to lose weight, you'll have to think ... WRITING Part 2: letter ‘This is part of a letter you have recelved from your English-speaking penfriend, Annie, Write a letter to your penfriend, giving her the information ahe asks for, Write 120-160 words. (ten collecting ideas for a project I'm doing called ‘Staying Fit and Healthy’. Could. you verike and tell me what you do to stay fit and keep healthy? Perhaps you can tell me about what physical activities you do, and what kind. of food. you eat, 1] Habitual actions 1 Laws of science and nature Permanent situations i | 4 '@ Timetables and programmed events am working youlwelthey are. working helshelit is working ws ® To describe a temporary action taking place ow or around the time of speaking ® For arrangements that wil take place in the near future & For a repeated action indicating annoyance (used ‘with always, constondy, etc) PRESENT TENSES am int Simpie & Conti a resent resent Perfect inudus, Stative Verbs, Simple & Continuous rt UyouWWelthiey don't work halshelit doesn’ work George always brushes his teeth in the Water bolls at 100°C The train leaves at 19.25. Form rm not working youlwelthey aren't working helshefic isn't working Jatie is preparing a meal now. Peter is having a party on Saturday. Do tiyoubeelthey Does helshele work? os ‘work? morning. He lives near the airport / She doesn’t work here. ‘Am | working? ‘Are youlwelthey working? Is he/shelit working? TTony is working in the library this summer. My sister Is always borrowing my dothes without asking. SS admire, appreciate, desire, like,” dislike, detest, fear, hate, love, mind, need, respect, want, wish agree, believe, expect, forget, imagine, know, mean, realise; recognise, remember, understand ‘own, belong, owe, possess, have rnotice, appear, matter, seem, sound, cost don’t agree with you. You don’t mean that. This hotel Belongs to my father. ie doesn’t matter whether you come or not. Some statve verbs can be used in continuous forms, but there isa change in meaning: Instead of describing a state, they describe an activity. % 5 ES “I have tio brothers.” ‘Shes having o holiday in France. experiencing) I feel tired." ‘The doctor is feeling her arm. (touching) 1 expect you're sory now. am expecting an-answer. (waiting for) This soup tastes fantastic. ‘She Is tasting the food. (stig the flavour) | see that you have got a new car. | I am seeing the doctor today. (meeting by appointment) This bread smells deficous. Why are you smelling the food? (snifing at) | think yeucte very ever | am thinking of buying a new car. (forming a possible plan in one’s mind) Note: Have cin also be used in continuous forms when combined with a party, a baby, a drink, a bath, a meal, etc. ‘She is having a baby in the summer. He can't come to the phone; he is having a bath, am having lunch with my mother tomorrow. i 1 Mrs Owen.,...7eGe¥eS..... (receive) a letter from her son every month. He .. (study) abroad and (never forget) to write to his mother. (G0) to the dentist, 1 (feel tense. 2 Whent 3 Kate (not remember) new words after studying them. She . ..(not seem) to be able to learn them. 4 She. . (watch) TV at the moment. She (watch) TV every night before she (g0) to bed. 5. ‘Hello, Suel What (you do) over there?” 6 4. + (try) to fix this radio. 1 (listen) to the radio every day after work! 7 Jane can't come to the phone because she ... (wash) hee hair 8 (wash) her hair every day. 9 (you / always / lock) your windows before you leave? 10 (snow). Ie (Geldom snow) at this time of year. " (see) a doctor about her headaches tomorrow morning. 2 (have) a wonderful house. 13 . (think) Mr Brown is avery good teacher. 4 . (think) of buying a new house. (cost) too much. 15 I can't afford to buy this house. It 16 (rain), Unfortunately, (not have) my umbrella with me. 7 (Get up), .. (Ge) 0 school. I. 18 Sue... (0) to the beach. 19 What time 20 i Choose the correct word or phrase. He one Kae soup athe moment to see ie needs mores, i ‘They are visting / vst their grandparents every Sunday. What do you think/are you thinklag the best way 2 O¥e Larry never goes / is going cout after midnight. ' a srcome stress ist 4 5 We think / are thinking of moving to Wales. ; 6 7 a 9 SINS ao uwwwweww 8 She thinks of moving to a new apartment. A ‘Write the questions to the answers. 7) , 1 AWhere -4! lly 0, at. the, weekend, B | usually go to my friend's house at the weekend. 2 AWhat time ... é B { leave school at four o'clock every day. 3) AWhere ... B My sister lives in London. 4° AWhat Jacke always is wearing / wears a sult to the office. . be Teisn’ true, | am not beleving / don't believe it. ¢ Please be quit. am tying /try to concentrate Ge Martha stays /is staying with Jil for the time belng, ; ' 10 Martyn doesn't watch / isnt watching horror fis. 1 How are you going / do you go to work every day? 4 i 12. ean’ come with you tonight. | am seeing /see an old friend. B | think / am thinking that you should find another job. f 14 Well done! { am admiring / admire your courage, 1 15 He is thinking / thinks of buying a house in the country. re 3! t Find the mistake and correct the sentence. I é Does Paul walks to work every day? 5 Nobody think that john will pass the test. a ‘Does Paul walk to work every day? oI t A t! {| 5 EO OE On OY - on Saturday night? 5 A. B No, 1am not. | think | will say at home. 6 AWhy B | feel rather cold today. 7M sssspespessesseonvosenssene B No, don't. only wear a heavy coat when its cold outside, j BA Wh aessssnssne iS 8 lam doing my homework. .. with us to the party on Sunday? . that woolly hat? aus a heavy coatt right now? rea ~ PO ww eu VVVVVVIOVIIVOVVOUUUGEY gapins Vevvvvwwvwoy sg Rewrite the sentences using the interrogative and the negative form. 1 We eat out during the week. A 2, ‘Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1 The children are doing, (do) their homework at the moment. 21 (have) lunch with Mary tomorrow. 3 Ugh. (Cravel) at 186,000 miles per second. 4t (work) in the sales department for a few days. 5S They {always try) t6 show how clever they are. It’s so annoying! 6 We (G0) to Santorini every summer. 7 The children ++ get) lots of presents every Christmas. 8 Now! (remember) her name! It's Juliette. (have) a small cottage in the country. . (get) thinner. (start) at eleven o'clock. (not go) shopping on Fridays. 10 The ice at the North Pole’ 11 The last performance 12 She... Present Perfect Tenses | Lhave been painting the. house. Note: With regular verbs, the past participle is formed by adding ~ed to the infinitive. With Iregular ‘Verbs, the past participle forms must be learnt. A list of the most common irregular verbs is on Page 192 at the back of this book, Present Perfect Simple effect on the preserit Bias et eer a wa pas hte do We have seen this-flm before. . een are not Interested in when They have vid nd © Achievements «+1, He has learnt three foreign languages. & The number of times something has happened | He's failed his driving test four times. | Actions which have occurred during an unfinished | I've done a lot of work this morning and it's only ten period of time o'dock. ‘Note: The Present Perfect Simple is also used with already, before, ever, just, never, up to now, yet, for, since. I've already told him about the problem. She's just finished her project. Thave lived here for two years. He has worked there since 1997. Present Perfect Continuous They have been studying for their exams since October Ihave been waiting’all moming! He's been looking after the chikrén; that’s why he's exhausted. 5 Actions which tare inthe past and ae til goingon ® To emphasise how long an action has been in progress 3 Actions which may or may not have stopped and are responsible for a present condition ‘Note: The Present Perfect Continuous is also used with all day/night, for, since, lately, recently. He has been training hard lately. ‘She has been decorating her house since Jonuary. ut the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous. “a age T Deceeean Havent been. (not go) to a party since Christmas. (Fain) all day. lt seers it will never stop! 3. People (call all morning to complain about the poor service and they are stil calling. 4 (you / finish) your homework yet? 5 1. (try) to contact Peter but his phone is always engaged. 6 He (ly) an aerdplane before but he doesn't think hé can do it now. 7 ‘What's all this mess? What .. 8 (you I be)? (look) for you for _ (work) in this company for 40 years and .. 10 Since the doctor warned him about his poor health, James 1 Someone (use) my towel, I's wet. (oa for you for alan hor. Why yu elo sy yo wou be st (not pay) your rent yet. You always forget. (make) up his mind not to accept the post. .. (give up) smoking, ” FEC CC CC RRO RAR OOOO RAR RAR aes | Lee oe Y \ VW VEY OO EVV UUVENUVOWOUY . VEV EFF FT VV TF UUUUYL s Correct the following seneences where necesary Put a tick (/) below those which do not need correcting, 1 Soméone has been smoking in'here, I can smell 5 ‘Its the first time she is playing golf wth us. cigretie smoke. ’ “ 6 We've been checking the records but we haven't 2. The house has belonged to the family from 1920. finished yet. ‘Tom has been missing the bus so hell be late, 4 Tebeen typing three letters so far this morning. 8 Her eyes are red because she has cried. ‘Study the example and, rewrite the sentences in the same way. 1 Jane has never played the guitar before. ‘This isthe first time .. 2 They have never visited a museum before. This isthe first time .. 3 My/brother has never had an accident before. This is the first time .. 4 I have never been to a rock concert before. Ie’s the first time 5 [have never sung in front of an audience before. Ie’s the first time 6 He has never listened to this kind of music before. les the frst time .. £ Pue the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous. Bae 1 We have miesed (miss) the bus, so we're walking to school. 2 They (swim) all morning. That's why they're exhausted. 3 He (buy) the book you wanted. 4 (catch) a cold three times this year. .» (earn) English? (go) to Italy for thelr holidays for ten years. look) for a new job since last year and stil hasn'e found one. ((orget) where they parked their car. (7) to repair the TV fortwo hours. | think she should give up nov. : _. (ose) some of her books. Bworvan

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