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STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

Analysis of Navigation Satellite System based on the Ground

Control Points (GCP) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

K Suhaimi1, N M Sahar2* and K Badron1

Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, 53100
Selangor, Malaysia
Space Science Centre (ANGKASA), Institute of Climate Change,Universiti
Kebangsaan, Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
*Corresponding E-mail:

Abstract. This study presents data measurements to identify the best navigation system
in terms of its positioning accuracy. The data global positioning system measurements
is done using a GPS South device measured in four locations which are one random
point and three different places based on the Ground Control Points (GCP) in Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). The coordinates of these locations are already in the
Cassini Soldner Selangor Coordinate system. The results and analysis of signal noise to
ratio (SNR) and path loss is discussed to indicate the performance of positioning
accuracy among the four existing Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The
Global Positioning System (GPS) signal is dominant in location A and China's BeiDou
Navigation Satellite System (BDS) signal is also dominant for other three locations. In
general, the BDS signal had the highest number of signals detected in this experiment
which is total of 57 signals in four locations. By evaluating the positioning accuracy can
improve the environmental studies such as tracking, monitoring, surveying, and
mapping of climate change.
Keywords: BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), GNSS, GPS South device,
Ground Control Points (GCP)

1. Introduction
Satellite navigation, also known as Satnav, is a system that uses satellites to provide fully independent
geo-space positioning. Compact electronic receivers can specify their position in longitude, latitude and
altitude or elevation, to a peak degree of accuracy which is within a few inches to meters by means of
time signals transmitted by satellite radio along the line of sight. In early times, the motivation of
navigation satellites was merely intended for location as well as positioning. Today's revolutionary
satnav systems, on the other hand, are precise for computation that can be confirmed by a high accuracy

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STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

of only a few meters and, surprisingly, can reach into the interior of centimeters reference stations are
used. A Satnav receptor determines its position by scanning a range of satellite signals, determining the
signal travel time from one satellite to another, and then using this range of time to derive its own
location in relation to the satellite’s established position. The signals contain a pulse code which helps
the recipient to decide the amount of their time travelling and the satellite coordinates as well as the
updated time information [1].
Other countries are now designing and deploying their own satellite navigation systems in
anticipation of limited availability for reactivation. In particular, since some countries assume such space
services and infrastructures provide a strategic advantage, they are motivated not to rely on other nations
to own and run those networks, but to deploy a certain device themselves. A global satellite navigation
system (GNSS) has been fully operational for the Global Positioning System (GPS) of the United States,
Russia's Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
(BDS) and the European Union's Galileo [2].

1.1 Performance of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)

Today, satnav is undergoing a drastic, beneficial shift, with magnificent opportunities for increased and
more accurate and efficient GNSS application and operation by modernizing GPS and the two
contemporary and developing satnav systems, BDS and Galileo, as well as recovering from Russia's
GLONASS. The Multi-GNSS experiment (MGEX) was launched by the International GNSS Service
(IGS) to capture and analyse GPS, GLONASS, BDS and Galileo data, which is completely dedicated to
extending it to a real multi-GNSS operation [3][4]. The GPS and GLONASS systems are completely in
action, whereas Galileo and BDS has been able to function fully by 2020.
GNSS signals generally employ two RF frequencies, which are 1.2 GHz and 1.6 GHz, with a focus
on 10 MHz and a distributed bandwidth of around 2, 4, 8 or 20 MHz. Formulated using the above feature,
the two GNSS bands were processed with two RF front ends with discrete matching networks. In
addition, two IF channel (IFC) independents are manipulated to progress the resulting GNSS signals
with constant intermediate frequency (IF) of 15.902 MHz and 15.48 MHz [5].
Multi-GNSS increases the total number of observable satellites that enhance satellite geometry. For
kinematic multi-GNSS, a 20-30 percent improved positioning compared to GPS, as well as an 11 percent
improvement in comparison with GPS+GLONASS is accomplished. In addition, the convergence period
relative to GPS was decreased by roughly 45 percent, and GPS + GLONASS by 11 percent. In
comparison with GPS and GPS+GLONASS, shorter convergence periods of 30% and 8% were obtained
for static. However, the use of Galileo did not really enhance the static substantially [6].
By 2020, BDS was operated with 27 MEOs plus 5 GEOs in the Walker constellation and the current
3 regional system satellites. BDS has both a radio determination satellite service called Beidou(I) and a
radio navigation satellite service called Beidou(II), which includes not only navigation but also
communicate services [5][7]. It usually does not suffer from natural disasters and can easily increase
communication quality in the event of any distress, in order to satisfy the location-based services (LBS)
communication demand. The transceiver Beidou(I) is used by satellite communications to generate a
user’s location report and message transmission. The summary of the processed signals of GNSS is
listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Summary of The GNSS Processed Signals [3].

System Band Center Freq. (MHz) BW (MHz)
GPS L1 1575.42 2.046
L2 1227.60 2.046
L5 1176.45 20.46
GLONASS L1 1602 8.3
L2 1246 6.7
Galileo E1 1575.42 4.092
E5a 1176.45 20.46

STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

E5b 1207.14 20.46

BeiDou(II) B1 1561.098 4.092
B2 1207.14 20.46
B3 1268.52 20.46
BeiDou(I) S-band (RX) 2491.75 8.16
L-band (TX) 1625.68 (BPSK Mod.) 8.16

In this paper, the performance of positioning accuracy of Galileo, BeiDou, GLONASS and GPS
satellites are studied. Four locations are chosen to conduct the experiment based on the Ground Control
Points (GCP) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), where the coordinates are already in the
Cassini Soldner Selangor Coordinate system. In Section 2, the methods of operational GPS Receiver
device are presented. The data of satellite constellation and analysis of SNR and path loss are discussed
in Section 3. The effect of the multipath on the signals obtained is observed and studied as well.

2. Methodology
The performance of the global navigation satellite system is studied. Firstly, the data measurements are
done to collect the data, such as the PRN number of satellites, the azimuth, elevation and the SNR of the
satellites by using the GPS South device. After that, the field orientation has been used to verify the
location of the calculated points by looking at multipaths and other interferences.

2.1 Survey Location

The area for carrying out this research is located at UKM Bangi.The survey location can be seen in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Survey location.[8]

The locations are shown by the blue pinpoint in Figure 1. The first location is at the Earth Observation
Centre (Pusat Pencerapan Bumi) which is a building area. The other locations are Rumah Haiwan (forest
area), Pusat GENIUS @ Pintar Negara (hill and forest area), and finally, Fakulti Undang-Undang (free
space area).

2.2 Instrument
The study used the GPS South device to collect the data measurements of the satellite signals. The
instrument visualization can be seen in Figure 2.

STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

Figure 2. GPS South device.

2.3 GPS Receiver

The most significant piece of hardware in a GPS surveying operation is the receiver. A GPS receiver
must gather and then transform signals from the satellites into the data measurement of position,
velocity, and time. A satellite orbiting GPS transmitted its signal over a cone of around 28 degrees of
arc. In the satellite's view, this cone encompasses an important part of the whole planet around 11,000
miles above. Furthermore, when a GPS signal reaches a receiver, it has less strength than the noise level
of the receiver. Fortunately, the receiver may still recover the signal by means of correlation method and
obtain clear satellite tracking [9].

2.4 Principles of Operation

When the power is activated and the self-test of the receiver is completed, the 220 channels of the
receiver initialize and start tracking the visible satellites. Any GNSS signals can be monitored by each
channel of the receiver. The number of available channels enables the receiver to track all visible GNSS
satellites at any time and location. A low noise amplifier (LNA) is equipped inside the internal GPS L1
antenna and an RF device of the receiver is connected to a coaxial cable. The transmitted wide-band
signal is down-converted, filtered, digitized, and allocated to various channels. The process of signal
tracking is controlled by the processor of receiver. The signal is demodulated once it is locked into the
channel and appropriate signal parameters such as carrier and code phases are evaluated. Broadcast
navigation information is also recovered from the navigation frame.

2.5 Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) system

There are several methods for GPS receivers that can achieve sub-meter to sub-centimeter accuracy. The
rover method, differential GPS (DGPS), real-time GPS, static GPS, and other hybrid approaches are
among the technical features. In this project, the strategy used is the real-time kinematic (RTK) system.
The carrier phase solution is used for real-time kinematic surveying. There is often a radio link
between the rover and the base. On the RTK, the baseline length is usually 10 to 20 km. The receivers
are configured as a satellite constellation at a base station, and the rover is tracked when the base station
is in a known location. There is a transmission antenna used on the RTK. The adjustment signals are
transmitted to the rover in real time.
For the calculation data of free space path loss for all the PRN numbers, the position of the satellites
is being identified using the website. To begin tracking the satellite, simply enter the PRN
number of the satellites, and the data from the satellites will be displayed as shown in Figure 3. This
website also recognizes the satellite’s period, but the period value must be converted from minutes to

STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

Figure 3. To track the position of the satellites.[10]

Next, the distance is calculated where the position of the satellites and the destination points need
to be known. The distance is calculated between two latitude and longitude using the Equation 3. The
Haversine formula (Equation 1) is used to calculate the great-circle distance between two points. Lastly,
the free space path loss is calculated using the formula in Equation 4.
∆𝜑 ∆𝜆
𝑎 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 ( ) + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑1 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑2 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛 2 ( ) (1)
2 2

𝑐 = 2 ∙ 𝑎 tan 2(√𝑎, √(1 − 𝑎)) (2)

𝑑 =𝑅∙𝑐 (3)

where φ is latitude, λ is longitude, R is earth’s radius (mean radius = 6,371 km). Note that angles need
to be in radians to pass to trigonometric functions.

𝑃𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠, 𝐿𝑝 = 𝑃𝑡 − 𝑃𝑟 = 21.98 − 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝜆) + 20 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑑) (4)

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒, 𝜆 = (5)

3. Result and Analysis

The data measurements are discussed to analyse the GNSS signals in different locations. Few calculations
are deliberated to calculate the distance and free space path loss, so the performance of the GNSS satellites
can be examined. The graphs plotted from the data obtained to give better understanding on which GNSS
signal gives a good signal.

3.1 Location of GPS Measurements

In this study, there are 3 GCP and 1 random point has been selected to be measured which are at Earth
Observation Centre, Rumah Haiwan, Pusat GENIUS @ Pintar Negara, and Faculty of Law. For easier
analysis of data, these locations are named as A, B, C and D as depicted in Figure 4. These locations have
been considered for GPS measurement based on different obstacles such as trees, buildings and other
structures where the satellite radio signal might be distorted.

STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 4. (a Location A: Earth Observation Centre, UKM.) (b Location B: Rumah Haiwan, UKM.) (c)
Location C: Pusat GENIUS @ Pintar Negara, UKM (d) Location D: Faculty of Law, UKM.

The location A is the Earth Observation Centre (EOC) building. The latitude at this place is
N2°55’37.27860” while the longitude is E101°46’ 27.404”. Position of DOP (PDOP) at this area is 1.3
which the satellite geometry is considered strong. Location B is referred to is a forest area located at
2°54’52.6” latitude and 101°47’16.8” longitude. The value of PDOP in this area is 2.4. The value is
quite high compared to the above area because of the large amount of multipath (trees). GENIUS @
Pintar Negara has been chosen as location C. The latitude of this area is N2°52’32.484” and the longitude
is E101°48’54.936”. The value of PDOP in this area is quite high too, which is 2.5, since there are many
multipaths here. The last area that has been chosen is the free space area, which is in the Faculty of Law,
location D. This faculty is located at latitude N2°56’40.668” and longitude E101°47’7.0836”. Since this
place is a free space area with less multipath, the value of PDOP is low, which is 1.4. The uncertainty
of 3-dimensional locations is called position dilution of precision (PDOP) when both horizontal and
vertical components are combined. As the PDOP grows, the accuracy of the pseudo range positions is
likely to diminish, and as it drops, it is likely to improve.
The comparison of coordinates with the Cassini Soldner Selangor Coordinate System is tabulated in
Table 2. The data on latitude and longitude differs little between the GPS South Measurement and
Cassini Soldner Selangor Coordinate system. Cassini Soldner is one of the methods to measure the
coordinate that is used by Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM). In[11], the new GDM2000
was built based on the GPS space geodetic technology, referencing on the International Terrestrial
Reference Frame (ITRF2000) and the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80), which is the ellipsoid
for the new Cassini Soldner coordinates. The accuracy is estimated to be around 3.5mm to 4.5mm
(horizontal and vertical). Distortion may occur in terms of shape, distance, direction and scale.
The value of the percentage difference in Location B is -1.084% for latitude and 0.00196% for
longitude. In addition, for Location C, the percentage difference for latitude is 1.446% and for longitude
is 0.027% while for Location D it is 0.7665% in latitude and -0.015 in longitude. Overall, the percentage
difference for locations B, C, and D between GPS South Measurement and Cassini Soldner Selangor.

Table 2. Comparison of Coordinates with Cassini Soldner Selangor Coordinate System.

Location GPS South Measurement Cassini Soldner Selangor Coordinate
Latitude Longitude Height Latitude Longitude Height
(km) (km)
A 2°55’37.28” 101°46’27.40” 22.505 - - -
B 2°56’46.284” 101°47’9.312” 38.515 2°54’52.6” 101°47’16.8” 38.515
C 2°52’32.484” 101°48’54.936” 63.679 2°55’04.5” 101°47’16.0” 63.679
D 2°56’40.668” 101°47’7.0836” 44.851 2°55’19.8” 101°46’12.0” 44.851

STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

3.2 Data of Satellite Constellation

The GPS South measurement operation scheme refers to the operating scheme used to determine the
relative position between the stations with the help of GPS technology with high quality surveying. The
self-test of the receiver is completed when the 220 channels of the receiver initialize and start tracking
the visible satellites. The number of available channels enables the receiver to track all visible GPS,
GLONASS and BDS satellites at any time and location.
In location A, there was a total of 25 satellite’s signals. The relationship between the PRN and SNR
of the satellites at Location A is tabulated in Figure 5(a). It is obvious that there are many GPS satellites
in this area compared to other systems in terms of its satellites visibility. As the data fluctuates in ups and
downs, there is no pattern in this graph. The GLONASS signal has the highest SNR which is 52.0 dB.
For location B, the receiver detects a total of 37 satellite signals, which is more than the signals
detected at Location A. This is because this area consists of GCP, which means that this area is the Earth-
fixed reference system for GNSS measurement. The highest value of SNR is 52.0 dB, which is the
GLONASS signal too. The graph of PRN vs SNR at Location B is conveyed in Figure 5(b). Since the
number of BDS signals is the most detected signal, the BDS signal seems obvious in the graph. It is
followed by GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. Each satellite signal’s pattern is inaccurate because it
fluctuates in ups and downs. In terms of SNR, the GLONASS signal has the highest SNR among other
Location C is situated on a hill in the middle of a forest. There are 32 satellite signals detected within
this area. The number of signals detected in this area is a bit less than at Location B because of the
number of multipaths affected here and the value of PDOP that is quite high (2.5). The graph of PRN vs
SNR at Location C is exhibited in Figure 5(c). The BDS signal still looks obvious, like in the other
graphs. The GLONASS signal has the highest SNR compared to other systems, which is more than 50
dB. The pattern of the graph fluctuates up and down for each satellite signal.
Location D is at the Faculty of Law, UKM. This area comes with GCP 1 and it is a free space area.
The total of signals detected within this area is 34 satellite signals. Again, the BDS signal is the most
detected signal among the other systems and the GLONASS signal has the highest SNR value of 53 dB.
The graph of PRN vs SNR at Location D is manifested in Fig. 5(d). When compared to the SNR in other
areas, the SNR in this area is quite high for all satellite systems. Like before, the SNR of the GLONASS
signal is the highest among other signal systems. The BDS signal still looks obvious in the graph as the
number of satellites detected in this area is high. The pattern of this graph for each satellite system seems
consistent in this area, except for the GLONASS signals.

(a) (b)

STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

(c) (d)
Figure 5. Graph of PRN vs SNR at (a) Location A. (b) Location B. (c) Location C. (d) Location D.

3.3 Satellite Number, Satellite Visibility

The statistics for visible satellites in four locations are tabulated in Table 3. The receiver detects 10 GPS
signals, 6 GLONASS signals, 3 Galileo signals, and 6 BDS signals for Location A. At this location, the
GPS signal is dominant. In these location B, C and D, the BDS signal is also dominant. In general, the
BDS signal had the highest number of signals detected in this experiment which is total of 57 signals in
four locations.

Table 3. Statistics for Visible Satellites in Four Locations.

Location GPS GLONASS Galileo BDS
A 10 6 3 6
B 10 6 3 18
C 9 5 3 18
D 9 6 4 15

3.4 Analysis of SNR and Path Loss

The graph of the average SNR for each PRN number is shown in Figure 6(a). Starting with a low SNR
value at PRN 1 and 3, the graph gradually increased and fluctuated in ups and downs. At PRN 9, the
graph slightly decreases until PRN 102. Then, the graph started to fluctuate back up until PRN 128. The
pattern of the graph is consistent between 30 dB to 55 dB SNR.

(a) (b)
Figure 6. (a)Graph of average SNR. (b) Graph of Distance vs Path Loss.

STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

Table 4. Data of Current Satellites Constellation.

System Latitude Longitude Average Distance Frequency Path Loss
SNR (dB) (km) (MHz) (dB)
GPS S11°28’12” W146°16’48” 15.47 12 455 1575.42 178.29
GPS N27°46’12” W122°10’12” 15.44 14 198 1575.42 179.43
GPS N54°44’24” W138°45’0” 16.65 11 557 1575.42 177.64
GPS S1°53’24” W164°52’12” 16.13 10 384 1575.42 176.71
GPS S47°42’36” W95°4’47.999” 16.81 14 770 1575.42 179.77
GPS N47°13’12” W176°43’47.999” 14.36 9121 1575.42 175.59
GPS S43°55’48” W128°51’36” 16.33 13 273 1575.42 178.84
GPS S4°55’48” W110°17’24” 15.77 16 440 1575.42 180.70
GPS S22°15’0” W65°14’23.999” 16.58 17 438 1575.42 181.22
Galileo S29°33’0” W44°30’0” 16.63 15 381 1575.42 180.13
Galileo S54°38’24” E9°56’23.999” 16.81 10 386 1575.42 176.71
Galileo N22°23’60” E4°13’11.999” 16.43 10.651 1575.42 176.93
Galileo N35°46’12” E103°55’12” 16.23 3654 1575.42 167.64
BDS N19°58’48” E105°42’35.999” 16.05 1940 1268.52 160.26
BDS N55°22’12” E64°34’47.999” 16.10 6709 1268.52 171.04
BDS S40°9’36” W49°14’24” 16.43 14 945 1268.52 177.99
BDS S12°18’36” E89°13’48” 15.64 2190 1268.52 161.31
BDS N52°36’0” W141°2’23.999” 15.74 11 519 1268.52 175.73

The calculation data of free space path loss for all the PRN numbers is shown in Table 4. The
distance of GPS signal ranges from 9121 km to 17,438 km. For the Galileo signal, the distance is
between 3654 km to 15,381 km, while for the BDS signal, the distance is between 1940 km to 11,519
km. The longer the distance, the greater the path loss. From Table IV, it is concluded that the BDS signal
has a lower distance compared to the other GNSS signals. In terms of path loss, the GPS signal’s path
loss ranges from 175.59 dB to 181.22 dB, while for the Galileo signal, the path loss range from 167.64
dB to 180.13 dB, and the path loss of the BDS signal is between 160.26 dB to 177.99 dB. If the path
loss is high, the signal strength will become weak. It can be summarized that the BDS signal has the
lowest free space path loss, which means that the BDS signal has a better signal than the other GNSS.
There is no GLONASS signal for the current satellites constellation as shown in Table 4. In order
to identify the satellite’s position, the PRN number of satellites is needed. In GPS, Galileo and BDS
systems, the PRN number transmitted by each satellite identifies satellites individually. This ID is
normally available on most GPS, Galileo and BDS platforms which allow access to their satellite’s
signal information for the identification of the broadcast satellite. The GLONASS system presently does
not include the principle of a PRN number transmitted by each satellite. While the GPS, Galileo, and
BDS use Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), GLONASS uses Frequency Division Multiple
Access (FDMA). FDMA technology discriminate the signals of different satellites, while CDMA
technology distinguish between the satellites.
The graph of Distance vs Path Loss is tabulated in Fig. 6(b). The value of r is the correlation
coefficient, which tells us how strong the linear relationship is. From the graph, the value of r is 0.951,
which means that there is a strong relationship between the distance and the path loss. Furthermore, R2
is the coefficient determination which indicates how many points fall on the regression line. The value
of R2 in the graph is 0.9044, which means that 90.44% of the value fits into the model. The value of the
slope is 0.0013, so that the average path loss has increased by 0.0015 dB along the graph. Lastly, the
intercept of the graph is 161.463. The intercept value tells that the average path loss is 161.463 dB.

4. Conclusion
In conclusion, the idea of this study is to identify which GNSS is the best navigation system. The
concepts of the GNSS receiver have been discussed successfully in the form of theories and proved in

STACLIM-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1167 (2023) 012034 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1167/1/012034

the results and analysis section. The challenge of this study is to determine the position of the GLONASS
signal to identify the PRN number. On the other hand, satellites are uniquely identified by the PRN
number where the time information of each PRN number also should be considered for analysis. The
satellite assigned to broadcast a PRN number can be changed which also can cause the measurement
process. In that limitation, the SNR data can be detected but not the satellite signal. The results obtained
are almost same as the noise has been assumed low.

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Authors would like to thank Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) for partially supporting us in
conducting this research through the research grant GGPM 2019-057.

Reproduced with permission of copyright owner. Further reproduction
prohibited without permission.

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