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Language Story writing

Setting: School
Characters: Aly, Ahmed (New Student), Principal, Teacher
- A new student comes in school and he turns out to be a trouble
maker. He starts getting into fights with other students. He also
ended up smuggling drugs as well. One day the student walks
into school and his eyes are bloody red. The teacher had a
suspicion of him doing drugs. The next time he went to the
washroom the janitor found him doing drugs. After that incident
he started a physical fight with an old student of the school
named Aly. Ahmed was taken to the principal’s office and he
ended up getting expelled.

Story Title: The Addict

Haque Academy my prestigious school is a home away from home. It is a place where
all the students go to study, laugh, smile and enjoy with their friends. When you enter
this imposing structure, you are greeted with an impressive façade with colorful
canvas panels depicting fun school activities. The front lobby has its administrative
office and one wing is dedicated for Sir Shan-Ul-Haque who was the head
administrative of the school. One is enthralled by the beautiful lush, green lawns on
either side of the walk way. All the classrooms overlook a huge courtyard which
celebrates many school events. Our School has always boasted of keeping a good
discipline which has given an immensely great reputation to the school.

However this reputation was marred when a new student named Ahmed joined the
school. His bio data showed that he shifted 3 schools within the last 4 months. Haque
Academy’s administration was quite suspicious about this but they were willing to
give Ahmed a chance. Ahmeds first day went quite smooth but the second day was
when he manifested his true colors.

The next day when he walked up into class, he started misbehaving with the teacher who had
just asked him for his assignment he hadn’t submitted. His exact words were “Extend the
deadline as I was very busy, I had no time for your useless work”. The teacher reported
this to the coordinator, but the coordinator simply said “Its his second day just forget it, if it
happens again, I will take action.
During lunch, Ahmed stole Aly's lunch for no reason and then physically abused him,
prompting the principal to scold Ahmed after catching the incident on camera. Ahmed, upset
about the potential impact on the school's reputation, was summoned to the principal's office
and warned of behavior probation, with expulsion looming if such actions recurred.
The next day, Ahmed walked into class with bloodshot eyes, attributing it to a sleepless night
when questioned by the teacher. Concerned, the teacher instructed the janitor to keep an eye
on Ahmed. Later, during a trip to the washroom, Ahmed was caught smuggling drugs by the
janitor. The principal called Ahmed twice in two days, ultimately resulting in his expulsion
from school.
This was the 5th time an incident like this with Ahmed took place and after this no other
school volunteered to accept him in their schools.

400 words- STORY ONLY

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