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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 11: Research Project

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Ho Le Quoc Bao Student ID GTD201729

Class GTD0904 Assessor name Pham Quang Tin

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 M1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

I. Introduction
I.1. Background of the topic

The pandemic has had a positive impact on office workers. That means that after the pandemic, many
people have chosen to work from home instead of going to the office as usual. Through the statistics of
the annual edition of Owl Labs, it is said that 70% of people say that virtual meetings make them less
stressful and 64% now prefer Hybrid meetings (OWL LABS, 2021). In addition, quite a lot of people
cannot fit this way of working from home, so there are problems with the quality of work. Thereby this is
the reason for doing this study. To be able to find and analyze the causes of this distraction in

Sacombank is the first leasing company in the field of joint stock banking, Sacombank-SBL has initially
entered the rental market in Vietnam while leasing services are still unfamiliar to businesses. However,
this difficult beginning cannot stop the collective efforts of SBL employees in turning challenges into
opportunities to become one of the pioneers in bringing rental services into the business. This creates an
effective capital flow for the economy and plays an important role in reducing pressure on the joint stock
banks - this is also the mission that Sacombank has carried out with Sacombank-SBL since its first
establishment. on July 10, 2006 (Sacombank - SBL, 2016).

Typically, the productivity of a given worker will be measured against the average of similar employees.
Because much of the success of any organization relies on the productivity of its workforce, employee
productivity is an important factor to consider for businesses. Therefore, for a large corporation like
Sacombank, it is always necessary to consider employee productivity in order to be able to specifically
assess the effectiveness of their company. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify and
examine the factors affecting “Employee Productivity”, based on secondary research articles

I.2. The reasons why you choose the topic

Sacombank is an organization that has the potential to train and develop employees with the above
context, especially young people with great talent and passion. Currently, in the world, there are many
Scientific research on factors affecting employee satisfaction working from home. This is a real topic that
requires data collection and evaluation analysis to identify various factors affecting employee
productivity at Sacombank. Therefore, specific research on this topic in the report will focus on Factors
Affecting Employee Productivity in Sacombank.
I.3. Objectives of the topic

The main objective of this report will be divided into 3 objectives which are:

 Systematize the theoretical basis of employee productivity and factors affecting employee
 Identify and analyze factors affecting employee productivity at Sacombank
 Proposing the best solutions for improvement to help Sacombank increase the employee's
budget so that the company can be better.

I.4. Research questions of the topic

Based on the objectives of the topic, this research paper will be made to:

 Systematize the theoretical basis of employee productivity and what factors affect employee
 What are the factors affecting employee productivity at Sacombank?
 How to propose the best improvement solutions to help Sacombank increase the budget for
employees so that the company gets better and better?

I.5. Scope of the topic

There are many factors that have been studied related to employee productivity in the company, but
limited scope of research will focus on factors such as: Staff Skills; Working Environment; Motivation;
Organizational culture and manager's attitude. This study was conducted through surveyed employees at
Sacombank from July 30 to August 4, 2021.

I.6. Meaning of the study

In this research report, we will identify the factors that affect the employees and assist the company in
improving the employee's working capacity, mainly to optimize the factors. raised to help the company
better for employees. Understanding employee needs and supporting them to overcome obstacles at
work to achieve top results and retain employees are all goals. Furthermore, using employee close-ups,
the analysis applies a number of techniques to see the aspects that affect management capacity in the
II. Literature review
II.1. Employee productivity

Employee productivity can be referred to as workforce productivity which is the assessment of the
performance of a worker or a recognized team (TechTarget Contributor, 2021). Productivity can be
assessed based on the output of an employee in a specific period of time. Typically, the productivity of a
given worker will be measured against the average of similar employees. Because much of the success of
any organization relies on the productivity of its workforce, employee productivity is an important factor
to consider for businesses. High-performance, effective organizations have a culture that encourages
employee engagement. As a result, employees are willing to participate in decision making, goal setting
or problem solving, which then leads to higher employee performance. According to Sibson (1994),
productivity means doing high quality work with great efficiency. In essence it is some output per man
hour. Output must be saleable and usable and of good quality. Other simple definitions include the
amount of output per unit of input (labour, equipment, and capital).

II.2. Factors affecting Employees' productivity

According to Lawrence (2010) argues that skills development in organizations is an important plank in
improving organizational performance. For an organization to be competitive, it must have the skills
required for its field. This means that organizations that strive to get their employees to acquire the
necessary skills will ultimately outperform those who frown at such undertakings. Armstrong (2006)
defines motivation as the psychological process that arouses and directs people's goal-oriented
behaviour. They ask why people do the things they do and they answer that they are mainly motivated
to fulfill their wants and their needs. They continue to suggest that motivation can result from two types
of rewards. First is extrinsic reward which is the pay off, such as money a person receives from others for
performing a given job. The second is intrinsic reward which is the satisfaction in performing the task
itself and a feeling of accomplishment.

III. Research model and Research Hypothesis

III.1. Research
III.2. Research Hypothesis

IV. Methodology

- Mean
- Reliability Cronbach’s Alpha Scale
- Exploratary Factors Analysis
- Creating The Value Of Factors
- Multiple Regression Model

V. Data and data sources

V.1. Design survey

V.2. Collecting Data

VI. Conclusion

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