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Petr Kulaty

English grammar
PDF exercises with answers

Grammar exercises ______________________

Present simple and continuous exercises 3

Past simple and continuous exercises 40
Future simple and continuous 78
Present perfect simple and continuous 113 2

Past perfect simple and continuous 155

Future perfect simple and continuous 195
Irregular verbs 237
Will + going to + present tenses for future 244
Modal verbs can, must, have to, needn't 271
Be able to 292
Be allowed to 299
Gerund and infinitive 306
Imperative 337
Passive voice 350
Conditional tense 404
Conditional sentences (if-clauses) 413
Time clauses 453
Relative clauses 464
Direct and indirect object 475
Indirect questions 484
Question tags 493
Reported speech 500
Nouns 519

Present simple and continuous exercises ________

● Present simple
Exercise 1 - verb to be 4

Exercise 2 - yes/no questions 6

Exercise 3 - yes/no questions 8

Exercise 4 - wh questions 10 3

Exercise 5 - wh questions 12

Exercise 6 - negative 14

Exercise 7 - third person 16

Exercise 8 - all forms 18

● Present continuous
Exercise 1 - affirmative 20

Exercise 2 - affirmative 22

Exercise 3 - negative 24

Exercise 4 - questions 26

● Present simple vs continuous

Exercise 1 - affirmative 28

Exercise 2 - affirmative 30

Exercise 3 - questions 32

Exercise 4 - questions 34

Exercise 5 - negative 36

Exercise 6 - all forms 38

Present simple: exercise 1 - verb to be _________________

Complete the sentences with the present simple forms of the verb to be.

A: Where are we now?

B: You ............. just in front of our house.

A: Are you hungry?

B: Yes, I ................ a little bit hungry.


A: Is your sister at school?

B: No, she ............... at school.

A: Where are your parents?

B: My mum and dad ................ at work.

A: Is Peter your friend? And what about Bill?

B: Peter and Bill ............... my best friends.

A: I think these stories are very interesting.

B: Really? The stories ................ interesting at all.

A: How often are you ill?

B: Quite often. I ................ very healthy.

A: Are Susan and Marion good at sport?

B: Well, Susan ................ quite good at athletics, but Marion isn't.

A: Am I the best student in our class?

B: No, you ................ . I'm the best.

A: Where are you, Simon?

B: I'm afraid Simon ............. here. He is at the shop.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple: exercise 1 - verb to be

Answer key

You are (you're) just in front of our house.

Yes, I am (I'm) a little bit hungry.

No, she is not (isn't) at school.

My mum and dad are at work.

Peter and Bill are my best friends. 5

Really? The stories are not (aren't) interesting at all.

Quite often. I am not (I'm not) very healthy.

Well, Susan is quite good at athletics, but Marion isn't.

No, you are not (aren't). I'm the best.

I'm afraid Simon is not (isn't) here. He is at the shop.

Present simple: exercise 2 - yes/no questions ___________

Complete this dialogue with do or does to make present simple questions.


Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school.

Ann: (he - get up early?) Does he get up early?

Sue: My brother Mark goes to primary school.

Ann: (he - get up early?) ...........................................................................................................................

Sue: Yes, very early. His friends Jim and Kevin travel with him every day.

Ann: (they - travel by bus?) .......................................................................................................................

Sue: Sometimes. On Mondays and Fridays Jim's father takes them by car. He is a teacher.

Ann: (he - teach at the same school? .......................................................................................................

Sue: Yes. he does. He teaches English and history.

Ann: (your brother - like English?) ............................................................................................................

Sue: English is his favourite subject.

Ann: (you - help him with his homework?) ...............................................................................................

Sue: Never. My brother is the best student in his class.

Ann: (Jim and Kevin - attend the same lessons?) ....................................................................................

Sue: No, they don't. They are two years older. But they meet for lunch.

Ann: (Mark - eat at a school canteen?) .....................................................................................................

Sue: Yes, because our mum and dad don't have the time to prepare his lunch.

Ann: (your parents - go to work?) .............................................................................................................

Sue: Yes, they do. My mum is a nurse and my dad is a doctor.

Ann: (they - work at a hospital?) ...............................................................................................................

Sue: Only my mum.

Ann: (your brother - want to be a doctor?) ................................................................................................

Sue: I don't know. But I want to be a nurse.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple: exercise 2 - yes/no questions

Answer key

Does he get up early?

Do they travel by bus?

Does he teach at the same school?

Does your brother like English?

Do you help him with his homework? 7

Do Jim and Kevin attend the same lessons?

Does Mark eat at a school canteen?

Do your parents go to work?

Do they work at a hospital?

Does your brother want to be a doctor?

Present simple: exercise 3 - yes/no questions ___________

Find mistakes and correct them. If a question is correct, put a tick next to it.


Do your sister plays tennis? - Does your sister play tennis?

Does Sarah learn Spanish? Ѵ

1. Does your parents live in a house? ................................................................................... in a house?

2. Do your brother and sister eat meat? ........................................................................................ meat?


3. Does Sam works on a computer? ............................................................................... on a computer?

4. Do you think she is your best friend? ........................................................................ your best friend?

5. Do she thinks you are her best friend? ....................................................................... her best friend?

6. Do Jill's cat catch mice at night? ................................................................................... mice at night?

7. Does Claire and Brad help in the garden? ............................................................ help in the garden?

8. Do Tim's dogs eat bones? ....................................................................................................... bones?

9. Does her classmates do their homework? ................................................................ their homework?

10. Does your uncle and aunt watch football on TV? ...................................................... football on TV?

11. Do Mike's friend speaks English? ........................................................................................ English?

12. Do lions live in India? ........................................................................................................... in India?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple: exercise 3 - yes/no questions

Answer key

1. Do your parents live in a house?

2. Ѵ
3. Does Sam work on a computer?

4. Ѵ
5. Does she think you are her best friend?

6. Does Jill's cat catch mice at night?

7. Do Claire and Brad help in the garden?

8. Ѵ
9. Do her classmates do their homework?

10. Do your uncle and aunt watch football on TV?

11. Does Mike's friend speak English?

12. Ѵ

Present simple: exercise 4 - wh questions ______________

Liz is taking her English exam. Read the answers and complete the examiner's questions.
Use why, what, where, who, how and the present simple forms.

Examiner: Your name is Elizabeth. ....................... your friends ............... you?

Liz: My friends call me Liz.

Examiner: All right, Liz. .................................................................................... ?

Liz: I live near here. Just round the corner.

Examiner: .............................................................................. in your free time?
Liz: I play a lot of sports. And I sometimes read books.

Examiner: ......................................................................................................... ?
Liz: My favourite sport is basketball.

Examiner: ...................................................................................... basketball?

Liz: Not very often. I usually play it once a week. At weekends.

Examiner: ............................................................................ play it more often ?

Liz: Why? I don't play it more often because I have a lot of exams this year.

Examiner: And with ?

Liz: I play it with my friends from our neighbourhood. And sometimes with my
schoolmates, too.

Examiner: Now I want to ask you about your friends, Liz.

.......................................................................................................................... ?
Liz: My best friend is Marjorie. Definitely.

Examiner: Marjorie, you say. ................................................... Marjorie do?

Liz: She finished school last year. And now she works as a nurse.

Examiner: ......................................................................................................... ?
Liz. She works at the local hospital.

Examiner: Thank you, Liz. And say hello to Marjorie. Good bye.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple: exercise 4 - wh questions

Answer key

What do your friends call you?

Where do you live?

What do you do in your free time?

What is your favourite sport?

How often do you play basketball? 11

Why don't you play (do you not play) it more often?

And who do you play basketball with?

Who is your best friend?

What does Marjorie do?

Where does she work?

Present simple: exercise 5 - wh questions ______________

Complete the following wh-questions in the present simple tense.


Who ............................................................................................ to school? (take-you)

Who takes you to school?

Who ................................................................................................... most? (you-miss)

Who do you miss most?

Who ................................................................................................... with? (you - stay)

Which ................................................................................................. first? (car - start)

Why ........................................................................................... fruit? (Derek - not eat)

What ............................................................................................. about it? (he - think)

Where ................................................................................... ? (Joe and his wife - live)

How ........................................................................................... it? (your grandpa - do)

Who .................................................................................................... with you? (work)

Which ...................................................................................... ? (colour - you -prefer)

Why ........................................................................ with housework? (Mary - not help)

What ..................................................................................................... ? (annoy - you)

Where .............................................................................................. his bag? (he - put)

How .............................................................................. ? (Mimi and her friend - speak)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple: exercise 5 - wh questions

Answer key

Who do you stay with?

Why doesn't Derek eat (does Derek not eat) fruit?

What does he think about it?

Where do Joe and his wife live?

How does your grandpa do it?

Who works with you?

Which colour do you prefer?

Why doesn't Mary help (does Mary not help) with housework?

What annoys you?

Where does he put his bag?

How do Mimi and her friend speak?

Present simple: exercise 6 - negative __________________
Correct the wrong information. Use don't - doesn't in the present simple.


Mel Gibson comes from Britain.

Mel Gibson doesn't come from Britain. He comes from Australia.

The Earth moves around the Sun 150,000 kms away from it.

The Earth ................................ around the Sun 150,000 kms away from it. It's 150,000,000 kms.

Tourists go to Africa to see the Niagara Falls.


Tourists ........................ to Africa to see the Niagara Falls. They go to America to see them.

People in Switzerland speak Swiss.

People in Switzerland ................................ Swiss. They speak German, French and Italian.

The Amazon River ends in the Pacific Ocean.

The Amazon River ............................. in the Pacific Ocean. It ends in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Ayers Rock lies in the east of Australia.

The Ayers Rock ........................... in the east of Australia. It is in the middle of the continent.

The oldest skyscraper in the world stands in New York.

The oldest skyscraper in the world .......................................... in New York. It's in Chicago.

The tallest trees in the world grow in France.

The tallest trees in the world .................................. in France. They are in California.

The cheetahs run up to 60 kilometres per hour.

The cheetahs .............................. up to 60 kms per hour. Their maximum speed is 120 kms per hour.

The ostrich lives in Australia.

The ostrich ...................................... in Australia. It lives in Africa.

The Japanese people make Samsung mobile phones.

The Japanese people ................................... Samsung mobile phones. They are made in South Korea.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple: exercise 6 - negative

Answer key

The Earth does not (doesn't) move around the Sun 150,000 kilometres away from it.

Tourists do not (don't) go to Africa to see the Niagara Falls.

People in Switzerland do not (don't) speak Swiss.

The Amazon River does not (doesn't) end in the Pacific Ocean.

The Ayers Rock does not (doesn't) lie in the east of Australia. 15

The oldest skyscraper in the world does not (doesn't) stand in New York.

The tallest trees in the world do not (don't) grow in France.

The cheetahs do not (don't) run up to 60 kilometres per hour.

The ostrich does not (doesn't) live in Australia.

The Japanese people do not (don't) make Samsung mobile phones.

Present simple: exercise 7 - third person _______________

Test 1

Fill the gaps with verbs in the simple present tense and use words ending in -s, -es and -ies.

Why Samuel wakes up early

Every day little Samuel ............... (get) up early in the morning. He .................... (hurry) downstairs

and into the backyard. Where is she? Over there. His black and white kitten always ............... (play)

in the grass. Little Samuel ................... (catch) her with both hands, ................. (grab) her under her
soft belly, .................. (lift) her into the air and ..................... (kiss) her on her pink nose. Then he

.................. (carry) her into the kitchen to give her a small bowl of milk. But sometimes he just

.................... (watch) his kitten running on the grass. What a fast cat she is! She never ..................

(miss) a mosquito that .................. (fly) low above the ground.

Test 2

Use the following verbs in the present simple to complete the sentences.

choose - finish - go - practise - cry - love - push - make - study - mix - put - start - do - pass - help - fry
serve - taste - take - wash - fix - crash - let

My dear family

1. My brother Mike ..................... biology at university. He ..................... several exams every year and

he always .................... all his exams. He ................... summer terms in June and ................... the next
term at the end of September.

2. My sister Frances ..................... guitar lessons and ..................... every day.

3. My aunt Fiona ..................... watching romantic stories and she sometimes ................... .

4. My mum usually ..................... shopping on Fridays. She ..................... a lot of things in her trolley

and then she ..................... it in front of her.

5. My dad is crazy about cars. He always ..................... the best car he can afford. He ...................... it

every weekend and ..................... all the breakdowns. He is a careful driver. He never ...................... .

6. My grandma ..................... the best goulash in the world. My grandpa usually ..................... her. He

.................... beef meat and onions in oil and later ................... the ingredients. My grandma ..............

the goulash in the freezer for a couple of days before she ..................... it. It ..................... much better!

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple: exercise 7 - third person

Answer key

Test 1

gets up
kisses 17

Test 2

1. My brother Mike studies biology at university. He takes/does several exams every year and he
always passes all his exams. He finishes summer terms in June and starts the next term at the end
of September.

2. My sister Frances takes guitar lessons and practises every day.

3. My aunt Fiona loves watching romantic stories and she sometimes cries.

4. My mum usually goes shopping on Fridays. She puts a lot of things in her trolley and then she
pushes it in front of her.

5. My dad is crazy about cars. He always chooses the best car he can afford. Then he washes it
every weekend and fixes all the breakdowns on his own. He is a careful driver. He never crashes.

6. My grandma makes the best goulash in the world. My grandpa usually helps her - he fries beef
meat and onions in oil and later mixes the ingredients. My grandma lets the goulash in a freezer for a
couple of days before she serves it. It tastes much better!

Present simple: exercise 8 - all forms __________________

Complete the dialogues with correct forms of the present simple tense.

What .......... the longest river in the world? (be)

The longest rivers ........... the Amazon and the Nile. (be)

What ............................ in your free time? (do)

I .............................. anything. I just get bored. (not do)


Mrs Jolie, your son .......................... in my lessons. (sleep)

Oh, no. How long ................................. ? (sleep)

.............. this your bag? (be)

No, it ..................... mine. (not be)

What about your children? ................................ to the same school? (go)

Annie ............................... to school. She is four. (not go)

Sue and Kam .................. well-dressed today. (be)

Are you crazy? They .................... well-dressed at all! (not be)

............... your husband a good driver? (be)

Well, he always ...................... his best. (try)

Greg is the best player in our team. He never ............................ the goal. (miss)

Really? How often ............................................? (score)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple: exercise 8 - all forms

Answer key

What is (What's) the longest river in the world?

The longest rivers are the Amazon and the Nile.

What do you do in your free time?

I do not (don't) do anything. I just get bored.

Mrs Jolie, your son sleeps in my lessons. 19

Oh, no. How long does he sleep?

Is this your bag?

No, it is not (isn't) mine.

What about your children? Do they go to the same school?

Annie does not (doesn't) go to school. She is four.

Sue and Kam are well-dressed today.

Are you crazy? They are not (aren't) well-dressed at all!

Is your husband a good driver?

Well, he always tries his best.

Greg is the best player in our team. He never misses the goal.

Really? How often does he score?

Present continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative _____________

Complete sentences with the verbs in brackets.


Listen. Little Gabriela .......................................................... again. (cry)

Listen. Little Gabriela is crying again.

Don't talk to me. I ................................................. an email now. (write)


Susan is ill. She ..................................... in the bed at the moment. (lie)

I'm not at home. I ....................................... in London this month. (stay)

Peter ...................................... this week. He has a part-time job. (work)

Can you smell it? Mum and dad ............................... something. (cook)

Don't turn off the TV, please. I ......................................... a film. (watch)

I can hear Dominic. He .............................. from school. At last! (come)

I'm afraid my sister isn't here. She ........................... the shopping. (do)

Garry, please, stop. You .............................................. so loudly. (sing)

What am I doing? I ...................................... an interesting book. (read)

Where is Sam? - He ................................ his car in the garage. (mend)

What are you doing? - We ..................................... to start the car. (try)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

Don't talk to me. I am (I'm) writing an email now.

Susan is ill. She is (She's) lying in the bed at the moment.

I'm not at home. I am (I'm) staying in London this month.

Peter is (Peter's) working this week. He has a part-time job.

Can you smell it? Mum and dad are cooking something.

Don't turn off the TV, please. I am (I'm) watching a film.

I can hear Dominic. He is (He's) coming from school. At last!

I'm afraid my sister isn't here. She is (She's) doing the shopping.

Garry, please, stop. You are (You're) singing so loudly.

What am I doing? I am (I'm) reading an interesting book.

Where is Sam? - He is (He's) mending his car in the garage.

What are you doing? - We are (We're) trying to start the car.

Present continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative _____________

Use the verbs in brackets to make sentences in the present continuous.


I'm waiting here.

(I - in Hastings - learn English)

................................................................................................................ this summer. 22

(in the street - Sarah and Sue - play)

............................................................................................................. at the moment.

(decorate - Maria - in York - her flat)

................................................................................................................... these days.

(just - look - we)

Can I help you? No, thank you. ...................................................................................

(a shower - Luke - in the bathroom - take)

............................................................................................................................. now.

(the sun - shine - and - sunbathe - we)

The weather is perfect. ................................................................................................

(lie - I - in bed)

..................................................................................... because I am not feeling well.

(nothing - do - you)

You can help me with the housework. ........................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

I am (I'm) learning English in Hastings this summer.

Sarah and Sue are playing in the street at the moment.

Maria is (Maria's) decorating her flat in York these days.

Can I help you? We are (We're) just looking.

Luke is (Luke's) taking a shower in the bathroom now. 23

The weather is perfect. The sun is (The sun's) shining and we are sunbathing.

I am (I'm) lying in bed because I am not feeling well.

You can help me with the housework. You are (You're) doing nothing.

Present continuous: exercise 3 - negative _____________

Make negative answers.


Are your friends cooking now?

No, they are not cooking now.

Is your best friend eating chocolate?

No, my best friend .................................................................. chocolate. 24

Are you drinking milk right now?

No, I ................................................................................ milk right now.

Is your brother playing the piano at the moment?

No, he ............................................................. the piano at the moment.

Am I writing this test with you?

No, you ......................................................................... this test with me.

Are your parents singing a song at the moment?

No, they ............................................................... a song at the moment.

Are you wearing your grandma's shoes today?

No, I ........................................................... my grandma's shoes today.

Are you and your neighbours riding bikes just now?

No, we ............................................................................ bikes just now.

Is your uncle and aunt sitting near you?

No, they .................................................................................... near me.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present continuous: exercise 3 - negative

Answer key

No, my best friend is not (isn't) eating chocolate.

No, I am not (I'm not) drinking milk right now.

No, he is not (isn't) playing the piano at the moment.

No, you are not (aren't) writing this test with me.

No, they are not (aren't) singing a song at the moment. 25

No, I am not (I'm not) wearing my grandma's shoes today.

No, we are not (aren't) riding bikes just now.

No, they are not (aren't) sitting near me.

Present continuous: exercise 4 - questions _____________

Part 1: Make positive questions.

What .............................................................................. at the moment?

I am writing a test.

Which ................................................................................................... ?
I am doing exercise 1.

.............................................................................................................. ?
No, nobody is helping me.
Which ................................................................................................... ?
Well, I am making question 3.

................. your friends ........................................................................ ?

No, they are not making question 3.

And what ........................................................................................ now?

I'm sorry, I don't know what they are doing.

Part 2: Make negative questions.


Our English teacher is speaking too fast.

(speak slowly)
Why isn't she speaking slowly?

My brother is sleeping.

Why ........................................................................................ ? (get up)

I am working at a hotel now.

Why .......................................................................... ? (learn for exams)

Our daughter is waiting over there.

Why .............................................................................. ? (wait with you)

They are flying to Mumbai.

Why ............................................................................. ? (fly to Calcutta)

My mum and dad aren't doing anything.

Why ............................................................................... ? (watch a film)

I'm tired, so I'm drinking tea.

Why ............................................................................... ? (drink coffee)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present continuous: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

Part 1:

What are you writing/doing at the moment?

Which exercise are you doing?

Is anybody helping you?

Which question are you making?

Are your friends making question 3?

And what are they doing now?

Part 2:

Why isn't he getting up? Why is he not getting up?

Why aren't you learning for exams? Why are you not learning for exams?

Why isn't she waiting with you? Why is she not waiting with you?

Why aren't they flying to Culcutta? Why are they not flying to Calcutta?

Why aren't they watching a film? Why are they not watching a film?

Why aren't you drinking coffee? Why are you not drinking coffee?

Present simple and continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative ___

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

Look. He ............................................................................ to us. (listen)

We ................................................................ at a hotel this week. (stay)

I .............................................................. to bed early on Sundays. (go)


My mum is at the shop. She .................................... a new dress. (buy)

Jill ........................................................................ a lot of money. (have)

My grandma and grandpa usually ........................... on Sunday. (leave)

Please, slow down. You .................................................. so fast. (drive)

We ................................................................ in Berlin each year. (meet)

Marion ............................................................ to discos on Fridays. (go)

He normally ................................................................... on time. (come)

I can't hear you. I ......................................................... a shower. (have)

Sam ............................................................ his homework at night. (do)

James is a student. But he ..................................... this summer. (work)

We .............................................................. our friends very often. (see)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple and continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

Look. He is (He's) listening to us.

We are (We're) staying at a hotel this week.

I go to bed early on Sundays.

My mum is at the shop. She is (She's) buying a new dress.

Jill has a lot of money. 29

My grandma and grandpa usually leave on Sunday.

Please, slow down. You are (You're) driving so fast.

We meet in Berlin each year.

Marion goes to discos on Fridays.

He normally comes on time.

I can't hear you. I am (I'm) having a shower.

Sam does his homework at night.

James is a student. But he is (he's) working this summer.

We see our friends very often.

Present simple and continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative ___

Jumbled sentences - make sentences with words in brackets.


(live/here/I) - I live here.

(make - a phone call - Peter - now)

................................................................................................................................................................... 30

(my car - I - on Saturdays - wash)


(daily - practise - Joe and Bill)


(I - at Oxford - study - this summer)


(long hours - work - my brother)


(just - dinner - have - Jill)


(move - very often - we)


(at the moment - Jim and Susan - watch TV)


(teach - she - in New York - these days)


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple and continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

Peter is (Peter's) making a phone call now.

I wash my car on Saturdays.

Joe and Bill practise daily.

I am (I'm) studying at Oxford this summer.

My brother works long hours. 31

Jill is (Jill's) just having dinner.

We move very often.

Jim and Susan are watching TV at the moment.

She is (She's) teaching in New York these days.

Present simple and continuous: exercise 3 - questions ___

Make questions.

What time ............................................................................. every day?

I start work at 7.

.......................................................................................... at weekends?

No, I don't work at weekends.


What .............................................................................. at the moment?

I'm doing some research. I'm looking for something on the Internet.

..................................................................... much time on the Internet?

Yes, I do. I spend a lot of time working on my websites.

................. your wife ............................................................................ ?

No, she does't go to work.

And what ....................................................................................... now?

She is doing some shopping, I think.

Where .................................................................................................. ?

She usually does the shopping at a shopping centre.

Who ....................................................................... with shopping bags?

Our son helps her.

....................................................................................... together today?

No, they aren't shopping together today.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple and continuous: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

What time do you start work?

Do you work at weekends?

What are you doing now?

Do you spend much time on the Internet?

Does your wife go to work? 33

And what is (what's) she doing now?

Where does she do the shopping?

Who helps her with shopping bags?

Are they shopping together today?

Present simple and continuous: exercise 4 - questions ___

Make questions with the verbs in brackets.

(where - work - you) - Where do you work?

(make - lunch - Joyce - at the moment)

.................................................................................................................................. ?
(travel - London - every week - they)

.................................................................................................................................. ?

(you - what - do - right now)

.................................................................................................................................. ?

(where - your brother - work)

.................................................................................................................................. ?

(want - you - some cake)

.................................................................................................................................. ?

(any help - your teacher - need)

.................................................................................................................................. ?

(Simon - why - now - cry)

.................................................................................................................................. ?

(just - my parents - come)

.................................................................................................................................. ?

(go out - your friends - at weekends)

.................................................................................................................................. ?

(do - at the moment/you - anything)

.................................................................................................................................. ?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple and continuous: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

Is Joyce making lunch at the moment?

Do they travel to London every week?

What are you doing right now?

Where does your brother work?

Do you want some cake? 35

Does your teacher need any help?

Why is Simon crying now?

Are my parents just coming?

Do your friends go out at weekends?

Are you doing anything at the moment?

Present simple and continuous: exercise 5 - negative _____

Make negative answers.


Do you work at night? - I don't work at night.

Is your best friend wearing pyjamas now?

No, my best friend .................................................................... pyjamas.

Does your father get up at 9 every day?


No, he ............................................................................. at 9 every day.

Are you drinking hot milk right now?

No, ............................................................................ hot milk right now.

Are your parents still sleeping?

No, they ................................................................................... anymore.

Does your neighbour sleep fifteen hours every day?

No, my neighbour ............................................. fifteen hours every day.

Do all your friends play cricket on Fridays?

No, they .................................................................... cricket on Fridays.

Does your mother come from Brixham?

No, she ............................................................................. from Brixham.

Is anybody watching you at the moment?

No, nobody ............................................................... me at the moment.

Am I helping you with this test?

No, you ....................................................................... me with this test.

Do all people in your country speak English?

No, they ..................................................................................... English.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple and continuous: exercise 5 - negative

Answer key

No, my best friend is not (isn't) wearing pyjamas.

No, he does not (doesn't) get up at 9 every day.

No, I am (I'm) not drinking hot milk right now.

No, they are not (aren't) sleeping anymore.

No, my neighbour does not (doesn't) sleep fifteen hours every day. 37

No, they do not (don't) play cricket on Fridays.

No, she does not (doesn't) come from Brixham.

No, nobody is (nobody's) watching me at the moment.

No, you are not (aren't) helping me with this test.

No, they do not (don't) speak English.

Present simple and continuous: exercise 6 - all forms ____

Complete each pair of sentences with the words in brackets.

(he - do)

Oh, no! Look! What ................................................................?

What ..................................................................... for a living?

She ............................................... jumpers all the year round.

She ................................................... a new jumper this week.

(your dad - speak)

....................................................................... French fluently?

.................................................................. on the phone now?


Don't give him this magazine. I ............................................ it.

I sometimes buy this magazine. I ......................................... it.

(Sarah - take)

The bathroom is occupied. .................................... a shower?

............................ a shower in the morning or in the evening?

(not watch)

We ................................ the film anymore. You can turn it off.

We .............................................. thrillers. We don't like them.


When we are in Spain, we ............................ in an apartment.

We are on holiday. We .................................. in an apartment.

(not work)

Pete ............................... on the computer. He prefers tablets.

Pete ..............................on the computer. He is in the garden.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple and continuous: exercise 6 - all forms

Answer key

Oh, no! Look! What is (What's) he doing?

What does he do for a living?

She wears jumpers all the year round.

She is (She's) wearing a new jumper this week.

Does your dad speak French?

Is your dad speaking on the phone now?
Don't give him this magazine. I am (I'm) reading it.
I sometimes buy this magazine. I read it.

The bathroom is occupied. Is Sarah taking a shower?

Does Sarah take a shower in the morning or in the evening?

We are not (aren't) watching the film anymore. You can turn it off.
We do not (don't) watch thrillers. We don't like them.

When we are in Spain, we stay in an apartment.

We are on holiday. We are (We're) staying in an apartment.

Pete does not (doesn't) work on the computer. He prefers tablets.

Pete is not (isn't) working on the computer. He is in the garden.

Past simple and continuous exercises ________

● Past simple
Exercise 1 - was, were 41

Exercise 2 - was, were 43

Exercise 3 - regular and irregular verbs 45

Exercise 4 - questions 47

Exercise 5 - questions 49

Exercise 6 - positive and negative 51

Exercise 7 - negative 53

● Past continuous
Exercise 1 - affirmative 55

Exercise 2 - affirmative 57

Exercise 3 - questions 59

Exercise 4 - questions 61

Exercise 5 - negative 63

Exercise 6 - negative 65

● Past simple and continuous

Exercise 1 - affirmative 67

Exercise 2 - affirmative 69

Exercise 3 - questions 71

Exercise 4 - negative 73

Exercise 5 - all forms 75

Past simple: exercise 1 - was, were ____________________

Complete the answers.

A: Were you hungry?

B: Yes, I ........................ a little bit hungry.

A: Was your sister at school?


B: No, she ........................ at school.

A: Were your parents at work?

B: Yes, my mum ........................ at work. But my dad ........................ at work. He was ill.

A: Was Peter your friend? And Bill?

B: Peter and Bill ...................... my best friends.

A: I think the first story was quite interesting and the second story was great.

B: Really? No, the stories ....................... very interesting.

A: Was I often ill when I was a child?

B: Not really. You .................... much healthier than your brother.

A: Were Susan and Marion good at sport?

B: Well, Susan ............. quite good at athletics, but Marion ......................... good at any sport.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple: exercise 1 - was, were

Answer key

Yes, I was a little bit hungry.

No, she was not (wasn't) at school.

Yes, my mum was at work. But my dad was not (wasn't) at work.

Peter and Bill were my best friends.

No, the stories were not (weren't) very interesting. 42

Not really. You were much healthier than your brother.

Well, Susan was quite good at athletics, but Marion was not (wasn't) good at any sport.

Past simple: exercise 2 - was, were ____________________

Complete the interview.

A: Patrick, when .................... you eighteen years old?

B: I .................. eighteen years old in 2019.

A: And when ......................... you born?


B: I ...................... born on 30 June.

A: .................. your birthday party on the same day?

B: No, it ...................... . It ..................... a week later.

A: Why ..................... your birthday party on the same day?

B: I have a twin brother and he .................... at home. He ............... in France.

A: ............... you and your brother born at the same time?

B: No, we ....................... . I ...................... born one hour after him.

A: ................... your parents happy to have twins?

B: Yes, they ......................... . But our grandma ........................ She ................. shocked.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple: exercise 2 - was, were

Answer key

A: When were you eighteen years old?

B: I was eighteen years old in 2016.

A: And when were you born?

B: I was born on 30 June.

A: Was your birthday party on the same day?

B: No, it wasn't. It was a week later.
A: Why wasn't your birthday party (was your birthday party not) on the same day?
B: I have a twin brother and he wasn't at home. He was in France.

A: Were you and your brother born at the same time?

B: No, we weren't. I was born one hour after him.

A: Were your parents happy to have twins?

B: Yes, they were. But our grandma was not (wasn't). She was shocked.

Past simple: exercise 3 - regular and irregular verbs ______

Complete the the e-mail with the verbs in brackets.

Dear Jane,

How are you doing? I feel miserable, I must admit. And I'm going to tell you why.

Yesterday I ..................... (do) my homework, ..................... (tidy) my bedroom and .....................


(decide) to go out. The weather ..................... (be) perfect and so I ..................... (go) to the park. And

do you know who I ..................... (see) there? Jason, my boyfriend. I ..................... (want) to say hello

to him, but then I ..................... (stop), because I ..................... (can) see a girl coming to him. Guess

what ..................... (happen). They ..................... (meet) in the middle of the road and he .....................

(kiss) her. My Jason! Jason and I ..................... (be) in the park three times and he never .....................

(try) to kiss me!

I didn't know what to do. I just ..................... (run) away. When I ..................... (come) back home, I

..................... (cry). Just a little bit, you know. Then I ..................... (say) to myself: Forget about

Jason. There are plenty more fish in the sea!

What do you think of him? Is he worth it? Please, write back soon.



See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple: exercise 3 - regular and irregular verbs

Answer key

How are you doing? I feel miserable, I must admit. And I'm going to tell you why.

Yesterday I did my homework, tidied my bedroom and decided to go out. The weather was perfect and

so I went to the park. And do you know who I saw there? Jason, my boyfriend. I wanted to say hello

to him, but then I stopped, because I could see a girl coming to him. Guess what happened. They

met in the middle of the road and he kissed her. My Jason! Jason and I were in the park three times 46

and he never tried to kiss me!

I didn't know what to do. I just ran away. When I came back home, I cried. Just a little bit, you know.

Then I said to myself: Forget about Jason.

Past simple: exercise 4 - questions ____________________

Jumbled sentences - make past simple questions.


you | clean | room | the

Did you clean the room?

Bill | arrive | on time

.............................................................................................................. ? 47
not know | you | it

.............................................................................................................. ?

be | Marion | at the party

.............................................................................................................. ?

you | why | leave | so early

.............................................................................................................. ?

they | be | in their office

.............................................................................................................. ?

think of | what | he | our house

.............................................................................................................. ?

the trip | like | Mr. and Mrs. Gregson

.............................................................................................................. ?

you | how | do | that

.............................................................................................................. ?

they | their address | not tell | you

.............................................................................................................. ?

get there | how | Joe

.............................................................................................................. ?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

Did Bill arrive on time?

Didn't you know it? Did you not know it?

Was Marion at the party?

Why did you leave so early?

Were they in their office? 48

What did he think of our house?

Did Mr. and Mrs. Gregson like the trip?

How did you do that?

Didn't they tell you their address? Did they not tell you their address?

How did Joe get there?

Past simple: exercise 5 - questions ____________________

Correct mistakes.

Did your students their homework?

.............................................................................................................. ?

Who did go with you?

.............................................................................................................. ? 49

Did you worked all day yesterday?

.............................................................................................................. ?

Which jeans liked you best?

.............................................................................................................. ?

Why was Tim and Greg so unhappy?

.............................................................................................................. ?

Why did not you answer the phone?

.............................................................................................................. ?

Didn't they be at the hospital on Sunday?

.............................................................................................................. ?

Did you have a shower this morning?

.............................................................................................................. ?

What did make you so angry?

.............................................................................................................. ?

What you made for dinner yesterday?

.............................................................................................................. ?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple: exercise 5 - questions

Answer key

Did your students do their homework?

Who went with you?

Did you work all day yesterday?

Which jeans did you like best?

Why were Tim and Greg so unhappy? 50

Why did you not answer (didn't you answer) the phone?

Were they not (Weren't they) at the hospital on Sunday?

Did you have a shower this morning?

What made you so angry?

What did you make for dinner yesterday?

Past simple: exercise 6 - positive and negative __________

Correct the following information.


Columbus discovered America in 1592.

Columbus did not discover America in 1592. He landed on an island in the Caribbean in 1492.

Princess Victoria became Qeen of the United Kingdom in 1901.

Victoria ............................................... queen in 1901. She .................. (rule) Britain from 1837 to 1901. 51

Shakespeare was the author of the tragedy called "As You Like It".

"As You like It" ................................ a tragedy. Shakespeare .............................. (write) it as a comedy.

Julius Caesar died in a war in 44 BC.

Caesar ...................................... in a war. The Roman senators ........................ (kill) him in the Senate.

Sandro Botticelli created the portrait known as Mona Lisa.

Botticelli ............................................... Mona Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci ..................................... (paint) it.

Shah Jahan, the Mughal emperor in India, built Taj Mahal for his oldest daughter.

Shah Jahan ................................. Taj Mahal for his daughter. It ............. (be) the tomb of his third wife.

Spain participated in the World War II.

Spain ....................................................... in the World War II. Only volunteers .................. (fight) in the
German army.

The fisherman from Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea was from California.

The old fisherman ................................... from California. The novel ..................... (take) place in Cuba.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple: exercise 6 - positive and negative

Answer key

Victoria did not (didn't) become queen in 1901. She ruled Britain from 1837 to 1901.

"As You Like It" was not (wasn't) a tragedy. Shakespeare wrote it as a comedy.

Caesar did not (didn't) die in a war. The Roman senators killed him in the Senate.

Botticelli did not (didn't) create Mona Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci painted it.

Shah Jahan did not (didn't) build Taj Mahal for his daughter. It was the tomb of his third wife. 52

Spain did not (didn't) participate in the World War II. Only volunteers fought in the German army.

The old fisherman was not (wasn't) from California. The novel took place in Cuba.

Past simple: exercise 7 - negative _____________________

Complete the story with negative forms.

Blue Monday

I .................................. (not have) a good day yesterday. I ......................... (cannot) stay in bed

late, because it was Monday and I had to go to school. Unfortunately, I ....................................


(not get) up on time and I ................................ (not catch) the bus. I wanted to take a taxi, but

I ........................ (not be) lucky. There ........................... (not be) any taxis in our street.

I ....................................... (not want) to ask my dad to take me by car, because I thought

it ........................... (not be) a very good idea.

I went to school on foot and as I ....................... (not be) used to long walks, I was pretty tired.

I .......................................... (not listen) to our English teacher and when we wrote a revision

test I ..................................... (not pass) it. Believe me, my parents ......................... (not be) very happy

about it.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple: exercise 7 - negative

Answer key

I didn't (did not) have a good day yesterday. I couldn't (could not) stay in bed late, because it was

Monday and I had to go to school. Unfortunately, I didn't (did not) get up on time and I didn't (did

not) catch the bus. I wanted to take a taxi, but I wasn't (was not) lucky. There weren't (were not) any

taxis in our street. I didn't (did not) want to ask my dad to take me by car, because I thought it wasn't

(was not) a very good idea. 54

I went to school on foot and as I wasn't (was not) used to long walks, I was pretty tired.

I didn't (did not) listen to our English teacher and when we wrote a revision test I didn't (did not) pass

it. Believe me, my parents weren't (were not) very happy about it.

Past continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative ________________

Look at Jane's diary. What was she doing at these times?

My diary

Monday morning take a driving test

Monday 4.30 - 5.30 p.m have an appointment at the dentist's
Tuesday 7 - 8 p.m play tennis with Mimi
Wednesday 8 - 10 p.m. watch the Black Widows
Thursday 8.30 - 9.30 p.m. revise for an English test 55
Friday 5 - 7 p.m. do the shopping with Carrol
Saturday 11.30 - 12.30 a.m. cook lunch
Saturday after lunch relax in the garden with parents
Sunday 9 - 10 a.m. tidy the house with mum

On Monday at 10 a.m. Jane ......................................... a driving test.

On Monday at 5 p.m. she ........................................... an appointment at the dentist's.

On Tuesday between 7 - 8 p.m. Jane and Mimi ......................................... tennis.

On Wednesday at 9 o'clock she ......................................... the Black Widows.

On Thursday from 8.30 to 9.30 she ......................................... for an English test.

On Friday at 6 o'clock Jane and Carrol ......................................... the shopping.

On Saturday between 11.30 and 12.30 she ......................................... lunch.

On Saturday after lunch Jane and her parents ................................................. in the garden.

On Sunday at 9.30 Jane and her mum ......................................... the house.

But I don't know what she ......................................... at 12 p.m. on Sunday. Was she sleeping?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

On Monday at 10 a.m. Jane was taking a driving test.

On Monday at 5 p.m. she was having an appointment at the dentist's.

On Tuesday between 7 - 8 p.m. Jane and Mimi were playing tennis.

On Wednesday at 9 o'clock she was watching the Black Widows.

On Thursday from 8.30 to 9.30 she was revising for an English test.

On Friday at 6 o'clock Jane and Carrol were doing the shopping.

On Saturday between 11.30 and 12.30 she was cooking lunch.

On Saturday after lunch Jane and her parents were relaxing in the garden.

On Sunday at 9.30 Jane and her mum were tidying the house.

But I don't know what she was doing at 12 p.m. on Sunday. Was she sleeping?

Past continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative ________________

The Thompson family. What were they doing on Sunday at 7 o'clock?

Mr. Thompson ........................................... dinner in the kitchen. (cook)

Mrs. Thompson ........................................... their car in front of their house. (clean)

Jack and Eve ........................................... in the hall near the fireplace. (sit)

Jack, their 11 years old son, ........................................... Shakespeare's sonnets. (read)

Eve, at the age of 16, ........................................... with Barbies. (play)

Their grandma and grandpa ........................................... a good time. (have)

Their grandma ........................................... in the gym. (exercise)

Their grandpa ........................................... shirts and socks in the living room. (iron)

They also had two pets. And do you know what they ........................................... ? (do)

Spot, the puppy, ........................................... mice in the garden. (catch)

And Kitty, the little cute kitten, ........................................... with neighbour's dog. (fight)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

Mr. Thompson was cooking dinner in the kitchen.

Mrs. Thompson was cleaning their car in front of their house.

Jack and Eve were sitting in the hall near the fireplace.

Jack, their 11 years old son, was reading Shakespeare's sonnets.

Eve, at the age of 16, was playing with Barbies.

Their grandma and grandpa were having a good time.

Their grandma was exercising in the gym.

Their grandpa was ironing shirts and socks in the living room.

They also had two pets. And do you know what they were doing ?

Spot, the puppy, was catching mice in the garden.

And Kitty, the little cute kitten, was fighting with neighbour's dog.

Past continuous: exercise 3 - questions ________________

Julie saw Tim and Matt at the swimming pool. Make past continuous questions to complete the

Sue: What ................................................................. when you saw them? (Tim and Matt | do)

Julie: Tim was swimming in the pool, but I didn't see Matt first.

Sue: ................................................... in the pool, too? (you | swim) 59

Julie: No, I wasn't. I was just looking. But then I saw Matt, too.

Sue: What .......................................... ? (he | do)

Julie: He was diving in the pool.

Sue: Diving, you say. ........................................... to dive? (he | not | just | try) He can't dive.

Julie: You're right. He was just trying to do it. And all his friends were watching it.

Sue: ............................................ ? (they | laugh)

Julie: Of course, they were. Matt was pretty funny. He splashed the water all over the place.

Sue: ....................................... faces when he came up to the surface of the pool? (Matt | make)

Julie: Yes, he was. He was grinning and making faces at me.

Sue: At you? Vow! And what about Tim? ............................................. Matt, too? (he | watch)

Julie: Not really. He was looking at me instead.

Sue: Oh, no! You're kidding. ......................................... your new swimsuit? (you | wear)

Julie: Yes, I was. Why?

Sue: Now I know why Tim and Matt were watching you, Julie.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past continuous: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

Sue: What were Tim and Matt doing when you saw them?

Julie: Tim was swimming in the pool, but I didn't see Matt first.

Sue: Were you swimming in the pool, too?

Julie: No, I wasn't. I was just looking. But then I saw Matt, too.

Sue: What was he doing? 60

Julie: He was diving in the pool.

Sue: Diving, you say. Wasn't he just trying to dive? (Was he not just trying to dive?) He can't dive.

Julie: You're right. He was just trying to do it. And all his friends were watching it.

Sue: Were they laughing ?

Julie: Of course, they were. Matt was pretty funny. He splashed the water all over the place.

Sue: Was Matt making faces when he came up to the surface of the pool?

Julie: Yes, he was. He was grinning and making faces at me.

Sue: At you? Vow! And what about Tim? Was he watching Matt, too?

Julie: Not really. He was looking at me instead.

Sue: Oh, no! You're kidding. Were you wearing your new swimsuit?

Julie: Yes, I was. Why?

Sue: Now I know why Tim and Matt were watching you, Julie.

Past continuous: exercise 4 - questions ________________

Simon and his girlfriend Sharon were at a restaurant during their lunch break. Make questions
in the past continuous to ask about them.

Where ............... Simon and Sharon ................................?

At a table by the window.

What .................. they ................................................ ?

Coffee with milk and a glass of apple juice.

What .................. Simon ................................... ?

The apple juice.

................. they ................................... anything?

No, nothing. They were not hungry.

What ................... Sharon .....................................?

A white pullover and black jeans.

................ they ........................ anything special?

Not really. They were just talking.

............... you ...................................... to them?

No, I wasn't. I never listen to other people.

Ha, ha. What ........................................................ about?

About their friends from school.

How ............. Simon ......................... at the restaurant?

He was quite happy and relaxed.

And what about Sharon? ............ she ..................... a good time, too?
Yes, she was. She is always happy with Simon.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past continuous: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

Where were Simon and Sharon sitting?

At a table by the window.

What were they drinking?

Coffee with milk and a glass of apple juice.

What was Simon drinking?

The apple juice.
Were they eating anything?
No, nothing. They were not hungry.

What was Sharon wearing?

A white pullover and black jeans.

Were they doing anything special?

Not really. They were just talking.

Were you listening to them?

No, I wasn't. I never listen to other people.

Ha, ha. What were they talking about?

About their friends from school.

How was Simon feeling at the restaurant?

He was quite happy and relaxed.

And what about Sharon? Was she having a good time, too?
Yes, she was. She is always happy with Simon.

Past continuous: exercise 5 - negative _________________

Complete the dialogues with negative forms of the past continuous tense.

A: Were you talking to Bob during dinner?

B: I ................................................. to anybody. I was alone.

A: Were you watching a football match when I phoned you?

B: I ................................................. TV. I was listening to music.

A: Was I wearing the blue tie at the party?

B: You ................................................. any tie as far as I can remember.

A: Guess what I was doing between 5 and 6 o'clock.

B: You ................................................. anything, your sister told me.

A: When I met them, Sam was buying some meat and Jill was buying drinks.

B: I don't understand why they ............................................... things together.

A: I wasn't waiting for them when they arrived.

B: Why ................................................. for them? What happened?

A: Eve was looking at me when we got out of the car.

B: It's not true! She ................................................. at you.

A: You weren't feeling very happy at the beginning of the English lesson.

B: And why .................................................. happy? I didn't want to write the test!

A: Sam was working in the garden and Sue was helping him when I saw them in the morning.

B: But they ..................................................... in the garden this morning.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past continuous: exercise 5 - negative

Answer key

I was not (wasn't) talking to anybody.

I was not (wasn't) watching TV.

You were not (weren't) wearing any tie as far as I can remember.

You were not (weren't) doing anything, your sister told me.

I don't understand why they were not (weren't) buying things together. 64

Why were you not waiting (weren't you waiting) for them?

She was not (wasn't) waving at you.

And why was I not feeling (wasn't I feeling) happy?

But they were not (weren't) working in the garden this morning.

Past continuous: exercise 6 - negative _________________

Make negative sentences - statements and questions.


.......................................................... anything special when you came to see me. (I / not do)

I was not doing anything special when you came to see me.

.......................................................... a shower at 6 o'clock. (I | not have) 65

.......................................................... computer games when I came back home? (you | not play)

.......................................................... on the beach all day. (I | not lie)

.......................................................... when you saw us. (we | not argue)

.......................................................... between one and two o'clock? (Jane and Katy | not work)

.......................................................... on your seat when you wanted to sit down. (Dick | not sit)

.......................................................... anything at that moment. (they | not do)

.......................................................... to the airport at 11 o'clock? (Mr. Jones | not travel)

.......................................................... the journey on the way to Spain? (we | not enjoy)

.......................................................... the car when it crashed. (Lara | not drive)

.......................................................... even if I tried to give him some advice. (Tom | not listen)

.......................................................... when you broke your leg? (you | not ski)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past continuous: exercise 6 - negative

Answer key

I was not (wasn't) having a shower at 6 o'clock.

Were you not playing (Weren't you playing) computer games when I came back home?

I was not (wasn't) lying on the beach all day.

We were not (weren't) arguing when you saw us.

Were Jane and Katy not working (Weren't Jane and Katy working) between one and two o'clock? 66

Dick was not (wasn't) sitting on your seat when you wanted to sit down.

They were not (weren't) doing anything at that moment.

Was Mr. Jones not travelling (Wasn't Mr. Jones travelling) to the airport at 11 o'clock?

Were we not enjoying (Weren't we enjoying) the journey on the way to Spain?

Lara was not (wasn't) driving the car when it crashed.

Tom was not (wasn't) listening even if I tried to give him some advice.

Were you not skiing (Weren't you skiing) when you broke your leg?

Past simple and continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative ______

Choose the correct option.

As the stranger came | was coming to the station, a car stopped | was stopping behind him.

My grandma often watched | was often watching TV. And she sometimes read | was sometimes
reading books.

I started | was starting work at 6 o'clock.

While we hiked | were hiking in the mountains, we met | were meeting a herd of cows.

He got up | was getting up and switched off | was switching off the light.

When I finished | was finishing my homework, I cooked | was cooking dinner.

While we listened | were listening to the news, the telephone rang | was ringing. Kate stood up | was

standing up and answered | was answering it.

As I drove | was driving to work last Friday, a car crashed | was crashing in front of me.

I stepped | was stepping on the brakes.

Yesterday Carrol wrote | was writing emails from 10 to 11 and then from 5 to 7 again.

We arrived in Cannes at 2.30. The sun shone | was shining, people sunbathed | were sunbathing on

the beach and big yachts sailed | were sailing near the harbour. We parked | were parking our car and

went | were going to the beach.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple and continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

As the stranger was coming to the station, a car stopped behind him.

My grandma often watched TV. And she sometimes read books.

I started work at 6 o'clock.

While we were hiking in the mountains, we met a herd of cows.

He got up and switched off the light.

When I finished my homework, I cooked dinner.

While we were listening to the news, the telephone rang. Kate stood up and answered it.

As I was driving to work last Friday, a car crashed in front of me. I stepped on the brakes.

Yesterday Carrol wrote emails from 10 to 11 and then from 5 to 7 again.

We arrived in Cannes at 2.30. The sun was shining, people were sunbathing on the beach and big

yachts were sailing near the harbour. We parked our car and went to the beach.

Past simple and continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative ______

Find mistakes and correct them.

I was doing my homework first and then I had a rest.


My mum was often driving her car when she was younger.

While daddy did something in the garage, Susan put his key in her pocket.


I needed to talk to her. And at 10 I was calling her.


I saw you with Jill at the cafe. You talked about something.


Your English is very good. I'm sure you were studying it at university.


As they walked along the river, they saw something in the water.


I was taking her to Dover. We had a great time.


The weather was perfect when the sun was shining. But it was changing soon.


When he met her, she wore a hat.


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple and continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

I did my homework first and then I had a rest.

My mum often drove her car when she was younger.

While daddy was doing something in the garage, Susan put his key in her pocket.

I needed to talk to her. And at 10 I called her. 70

I saw you with Jill at the cafe. You were talking about something.

Your English is very good. I'm sure you studied it at university.

As they were walking along the river, they saw something in the water.

I took her to Dover. We had a great time.

The weather was perfect when the sun was shining. But it changed soon.

When he met her, she was wearing a hat.

Past simple and continuous: exercise 3 - questions ______

Read these sentences and make questions.

When I met him, he was talking on the telephone.

Who ............................................................... to? (he | talk)

The company wanted to finish this house last week.

And when ............................................................... it? (they | start)

I saw your wife last night. She was driving a car.

What car ...............................................................? (she | drive)

I tried to get in touch with you last weekend.

Why ............................................................... to get in touch with me? (you | want)

My sister was not listening when I wanted to tell her.

What ............................................................... ? (your sister | do)

When I came to his bedroom, he was snoring.

How ............................................................... ? On his back? (he | lie)

I was so angry when I heard the news from Josh.

What ......................................... you? (he | tell)

At 10 o'clock I was watching a documentary film.

Which channel ............................................................... ? (you | watch)

I had an accident on Monday.

What ............................................................... ? (happen | you)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple and continuous: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

Who was he talking to?

And when did they started it?

What car was she driving?

Why did you want to to get in touch with me? 72

What was your sister doing?

How was he lying?

What did he tell you?

Which channel were you watching?

What happened to you?

Past simple and continuous: exercise 4 - negative _______

Make negative sentences.

A: Eve couldn't find her purse.

B: She ........................................................ her purse. It was her credit card. (not lose)

A: Bill was riding too fast. That's why he had the accident.

B: No way. He ................................................. because he was riding too fast. (not crash) 73

A: They were making much noise at midnight. What happened?

B: They .................................................... at midnight because they had an argument. (not sleep)

A: They came quite early. At seven they were already in the hall.

B: Are you sure? They ............................................. in the hall, they were just coming to it. (not wait)

A: We were sitting at the table when someone smashed the window with a stone.

B: But they .................................. it with a stone. They broke it with a stick. (not do)

A: Sarah ran away because she didn't want to see me.

B: She ............................ away because she didn't want to meet you. She had to catch a bus. (not go)

A: The sun appeared in the sky at about 6.45.

B: It ......................................... at 6.45. It was half an hour earlier. (not rise)

A: And between 5.30 and 6 o'clock the sun was setting.

B: Not at all. The sun ............................................... even between 4.30 and 5 o'clock. (not shine)

A: Maria was talking to Tim when I appeared at the door.

B: She ........................................... with Tim. It was Ben. (not chat)

A: We were jogging in the park before dinner. I think I saw you there at about 6 o'clock.

B: I ....................................... in the park at that time. You couldn't see me. (not run)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple and continuous: exercise 4 - negative

Answer key

She did not (didn't) lose her purse.

He did not (didn't) crash because he was riding too fast.

They were not (weren't) sleeping at midnight because they had an argument.

Are you sure? They were not (weren't) waiting, they were just coming at seven. 74
But they did not (didn't) do it with a stone. They broke it with a stick.

She did not (didn't) go away because she didn't want to meet you. She had to catch a bus.

It did not (didn't) rise at 6.45. It was half an hour earlier.

Not at all. The sun was not (wasn't) shining even between 4.30 and 5 o'clock.

She was not (wasn't) chatting with Tim. It was Ben.

I was not (wasn't) running in the park at that time. You couldn't see me.

Past simple and continuous: exercise 5 - all forms _______

A) Complete the story.

Every day James Lullaby travels to London. Yesterday he ..................................... (drive) his car, when

he ....................... (see) a dog in the middle of the road. The dog .................................. (watch) the car.

James ............................. (stop) and ......................... (get) out of his car. As he ............................ (get)

out, the dog .......................... (run) away. James ............................ (go) back to his car. While he

............................. (get) in it, the dog ................................ (appear) again and ................................ (sit) 75

down in the middle of the road. James ..................... (start) the engine, but the dog ...............................

(not move). James ............................. (jump) out of the car and ................................ (shout) at the dog.

The dog ....................... (bark) at him and .................... (start) to run. James ............................ (follow)

the dog. Suddenly, he ................. (spot) two girls lying on the grass. They ................................ (bleed).

B) Make these sentences negative.


James heard a dog on the road.

No, he didn't hear a dog on the road.

James was riding a motorbike.


James ran over the dog.


James threw a stone at the dog.


The dog was barking at James all the time.


The dog bit James.


The girls were sitting on the grass.


C) Make the policeman's questions.

Policeman: ................................................................................................................... ?
(what | do | yesterday at 8 o'clock)

James: I was driving to work.

Policeman: ................................................................................................................... ?
(what time | meet | the dog)

James: I saw him at about 8.30.

Policeman: ................................................................................when you saw the dog?

(drive | fast) 76
James: No, I wasn't.

Policeman: ................................................................................................................... ?
(what/the dog/do)

James: He ran away.

Policeman: ................................................................................................................... ?
(how/find/the two girls)

James: I followed the dog, when he came back.

Policeman: ................................................................................................................... ?
(see/anyone else)

James: No, I didn't.

Policeman: ................................................................................................................... ?
(call/an ambulance)

James: No, I didn't. I drove the girls to the hospital.

Policeman: ................................................................ when you arrived at the hospital?

(the girls | still bleed)

James: Yes, they were.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple and continuous: exercise 5 - all forms

Answer key

Every day James Lullaby travels to London. Yesterday he was driving his car, when he saw a dog in

the middle of the road. The dog was watching the car. James stopped and got out of his car. As he

was getting out, the dog ran away. James went back to his car. While he was getting in it, the dog

appeared again and sat down in the middle of the road. James started the engine, but the dog did not 77
move. James jumped out of the car and shouted at the dog. The dog barked at him and started to run.

James followed the dog. Suddenly, he spotted two girls lying on the grass. They were bleeding.

James was not (wasn't) riding a motorbike.

James did not (didn't) run over the dog.

James did not (didn't) throw a stone at the dog.

The dog was not (wasn't) barking at James all the time.

The dog did not (didn't) bite James.

The girls were not (weren't) sitting on the grass.

What were you doing yesterday at 8 o'clock?

What time did you meet the dog?

Were you driving fast when you saw the dog?

What did the dog do?

How did you find the two girls?

Did you see anyone else?

Did you call an ambulance?

Were the girls still bleeding when you arrived at the hospital?

Future simple and continuous exercises ________

● Future simple
Exercise 1 - affirmative 79

Exercise 2 - affirmative 81

Exercise 3 - questions 83
Exercise 4 - questions 85

Exercise 5 - positive and negative 87

Exercise 6 - negative 89

● Future continuous
Exercise 1 - affirmative 91

Exercise 2 - affirmative 93

Exercise 3 - questions 95

Exercise 4 - questions 97

Exercise 5 - positive and negative 99

Exercise 6 - negative 101

● Future simple and continuous

Exercise 1 - affirmative 103

Exercise 2 - affirmative 105

Exercise 3 - questions 107

Exercise 4 - questions 109

Exercise 5 - negative 111

Future simple (will): exercise 1 - affirmative _____________

Complete the sentences with the future simple (will). Keep the same meaning.


I think Jim's birthday party is on Saturday. (have)

I think Jim will have his birthday party on Saturday.

You can't take my car. I use it at weekends.

You can't take my car. I ................................... it next weekend. (need) 79

Waiter, we would like two glasses of orange juice.

Waiter, we ...................................... two glasses of orange juice. (have)

Do you think our English teacher is preparing a test for tomorrow?

Do you think we ............................................... a test tomorrow? (write)

I don't mind going to the cinema if you help me with the housework.

I ........................ to the cinema if you help me with the housework. (go)

I can't come, I have a lot of work to do in the evening.

I can't come, I .............................................. a lot in the evening. (work)

Dad can't take you to the station. There is a football match on TV.

Dad can't take you to the station. He .............................. a football match. (watch)

This film is worth having.

I ................................................. this film. (download)

There is a museum on our programme for tomorrow.

We .................................. a museum tomorrow. (visit)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple (will): exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

You can't take my car. I will (I'll) need it next weekend.

Waiter, we will (we'll) have two glasses of orange juice.

Do you think we will (we'll) write a test tomorrow?

I will (I'll) go to the cinema if you help me with the housework.

I will (I'll) work a lot in the evening.

Dad can't take you to the station. He will (he'll) watch a football match.

I will (I'll) download this film.

We will (We'll) visit a museum tomorrow.

Future simple (will): exercise 2 - affirmative _____________

Complete the sentences with the future simple (will) and the verbs in the box.

be help meet play fly relax make end cry buy

Lionel Messi ............................. for Real Madrid this season.

Next year I ............................. fifteen years old.

If you are a good boy, your mum ............................. you a big ice cream.

We don't want to go by car. We ............................. instead.

I can't watch this film or I ............................. again.

OK. At 5 o'clock we ............................. you outside the shopping centre.

Wait a minute, please. The concert ............................. soon.

Are you hungry? I ............................. you a hamburger.

Sam doesn't want to work in the garden. He ............................. .

You can't take all this luggage on your own. I ............................. you.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple (will): exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

Lionel Messi will play for Real Madrid this season.

Next year I will (I'll) be fifteen years old.

If you are a good boy, your mum will buy you a big ice cream.

We don't want to go by car. We will (We'll) fly instead.

I can't watch this film or I will (I'll) cry again.

OK. At 5 o'clock we will (we'll) meet you outside the shopping centre.

Wait a minute, please. The concert will end soon.

Are you hungry? I will (I'll) make you a hamburger.

Sam doesn't want to work in the garden. He will (He'll) relax.

You can't take all this luggage on your own. I will (I'll) help you.

Future simple (will): exercise 3 - questions ______________

Jumbled sentences - make future simple questions.


you | tidy | room | your

Will you tidy your room?

Bill | arrive | when

................................................................................................................... ? 83
not work | your mum | late tonight

................................................................................................................... ?

be | Marion | tomorrow | at school

................................................................................................................... ?

you | what time | leave

................................................................................................................... ?

in their classroom | your classmates | be

................................................................................................................... ?

my new hairstyle | think of | what | Matt

................................................................................................................... ?

the concert | enjoy | Mr. and Mrs. Gregson

................................................................................................................... ?

till Sunday | you | not stay | there

................................................................................................................... ?

you | your eamil address | tell | me

................................................................................................................... ?

the hotel | how | Joe | find

................................................................................................................... ?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple (will): exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

When will Bill arrive?

Will your mum not work late tonight?

Will Marion be at school tomorrow?

What time will you leave?

Will your classmates be in their classroom?

What will Matt think of my new hairstyle?

Will Mr. and Mrs. Gregson enjoy the concert?

Will you not stay there till Sunday?

How will Joe find the hotel?

Will you tell me your email address?

Future simple (will): exercise 4 - questions ______________

Make questions in the future simple tense.

I am not sure if I can offer this room. .......................................................... it? (our guest | like)

Can I borrow your laptop tonight? ............................................... it? (you | need)

We arrive in Aberdeen at 2 o'clock. ................................................ time for lunch? (we | not have)

The show starts at 8. Please, ............................................... me there? (you | drive)

Your journey will be so long. How ....................................................... your time? (you | spend)

Why doesn't he want to go with us? .......................................................... it? (he | not regret)

I've just missed the train. How .............................................. to school? (I | get)

I'd like to see your project. When .................................................... on it? (you | work)

Your teacher asked you to help her. .............................................. it for her? (you | not do)

They don't have a map. ............................................................... ? (they | not get lost)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple (will): exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

I am not sure if I can offer this room. Will our guest like it?

Can I borrow your laptop tonight? Will you need it?

We arrive in Aberdeen at 2 o'clock. Will we not have (Won't we have) time for lunch?

The show starts at 8. Please, will you drive me there?

Your journey will be so long. How will you spend your time?

Why doesn't he want to go with us? Will he not regret (Won't he regret) it?

I've just missed the train. How will I get to school?

I'd like to see your project. When will you work on it?

Your teacher asked you to help her. Will you not do (Won't you do) it for her?

They don't have a map. Will they not get lost (Won't they get lost)?

Future simple (will): exercise 5 - positive and negative ____

Complete the sentences with positive (will) or negative (will not) forms of the future simple.


If you don't learn for the exam, you ........................ it. (pass)
If you don't learn for the exam, you won't pass it.

Don't leave the key on the table or you ......................................... it. (forget)

If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we ......................................... our umbrellas. (take)

Susan ........................................ it if you come late. (like)

Anna ...................... on holiday next week. But she promissed to write to us. (be)

I'm told you are ill. I hope you ................................. better again. (feel)

I have no idea how to do it. I .......................................... it. (make)

Turn on your laptop tonight. We .................................. a little bit. (chat)

I ....................................... a doctor, because I didn't finish my studies. (become)

You needn't wear your cap. It .............................. cold today. (be)

I am really tired. I ....................................... a rest. (have)

OK. I ..................................... the office to get the information right now. (phone)

Betty is a vegan. She .................................... fish and chips. (eat)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple (will): exercise 5 - positive and negative

Answer key

Don't leave the key on the table or you will (you'll) forget it.

If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will not (won't) take our umbrellas.

Susan will not (won't) like it if you come late.

Anna will be on holiday next week. But she promissed to write to us.
I'm told you are ill. I hope you will (you'll) feel better again.

I have no idea how to do it. I will not (won't) make it.

Turn on your laptop tonight. We will (We'll) chat a little bit.

I will not (won't) become a doctor, because I didn't finish my studies.

You needn't wear your cap. It will not (won't) be cold today.

I am really tired. I will (I'll) have a rest.

OK. I will (I'll) phone the office to get the information right now. (phone)

Betty is a vegan. She will not (won't) eat fish and chips.

Future simple (will): exercise 6 - negative _______________

Combine these words and finish the text about Tom. Use the negative form of the future

get up lunch at a school canteen.

meet to bed early.
wear to catch the bus.
listen for school tonight.
hurry early in the morning.
write at home late in the afternoon.
have his school uniform.
be his friends from school.
learn to the teacher all the time.
go any tests.

It's Sunday tomorrow. Tom won't go to school.

He ................................................................................................................................................










See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple (will): exercise 6 - negative

Answer key

He will not (won't) get up early in the morning.

He will not (won't) hurry to catch the bus.

He will not (won't) wear his school uniform.

He will not (won't) meet his friends from school.

He will not (won't) listen to the teacher all the time.

He will not (won't) write any tests.

He will not (won't) have lunch at a school canteen.

He will not (won't) be at home late in the afternoon.

He will not (won't) learn for school tonight.

He will not (won't) go to bed early.

Future continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative ______________

It's Sunday, 10 o'clock in the morning and the Scott family are enjoying their free time.
Use the verbs in brackets to write what they will be doing this time on Monday.


Peter is playing games on his new laptop.

This time on Monday he will be writing an English test.

Mr. Scott is cleaning his car in the garage.


This time on Monday he ................................................ to the airport. (drive)

Mrs. Scott is reading a fashion magazine.

This time on Monday she ............................................... meals at the restaurant. (cook)

Marion, their daughter, is playing with a ball in the garden. And her grandma is watching her.

This time on Monday Marion ............................................. a geography lesson. (have)

And her grandma ............................................. a doctor. (see)

Ben, the oldest son, is still sleeping. And his grandpa is trying to wake him up.

This time on Monday Ben .................................................. football in his club. (practise)

And his grandpa ............................................. for grandma at the doctor's. (wait)

Samuel, the youngest son, is chasing their dog Spot around the house.

This time on Monday Samuel ............................................... in a physical education lesson. (exercise)

But we have no idea what Spot .................................... tomorrow. (do)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

This time on Monday he will (he'll) be driving to the airport.

This time on Monday she will (she'll) be cooking meals at the restaurant.

This time on Monday Marion will be having a geography lesson.

And her grandma will be seeing a doctor.

This time on Monday Ben will be practising football in his club.

And his grandpa will be waiting for grandma at the doctor's.

This time on Monday Samuel will be exercising in a physical education lesson.

But we have no idea what Spot will be doing tomorrow.

Future continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative ______________

Complete the sentences with the future continuous (will be doing) and the verbs in the box.

lie see use sleep watch take work wait decorate listen

When you come back home I ................................................... in my bed.

In a few days' time we .............................................. on the beach.

I'll call Jim at six. - No, don't. He ............................................... in his office then.

I'll tell him. I .............................................. him on the train as usual.

We can't meet you on Saturday. We .............................................. our house at the weekend.

In a ten years' time most people .............................................. electric cars.

I'll come at one o'clock. - OK. I .............................................. for you.

It won't be easy to get in. The warden .............................................. the gate closely.

Will you help me tonight? - Sorry, I .............................................. to the concert on the radio.

This time tomorrow my sister .............................................. her entrance exam.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

When you come back home I will (I'll) be sleeping in my bed.

In a few days' time we will (we'll) be lying on the beach.

I'll call Jim at six. - No, don't. He will (He'll) be working in his office then.

I'll tell him. I will (I'll) be seeing him on the train as usual.
We can't meet you on Saturday. We will (We'll) be decorating our house at the weekend.

In a ten years' time most people will be using electric cars.

I'll come at one o'clock. - OK. I will (I'll) be waiting for you.

It won't be easy to get in. The warden will be watching the gate closely.

Will you help me tonight? - Sorry, I will (I'll) be listening to the concert on the radio.

This time tomorrow my sister will be taking her entrance exam.

Future continuous: exercise 3 - questions ______________

Jumbled sentences - make future continuous questions.


you | tonight | watch TV

Will you be watching TV tonight?

Jack | work | what time | on it

................................................................................................................................................................ ?

have | you | your lunch break | at one o'clok

................................................................................................................................................................ ?

in Leeds | live | in a few years' time | I

................................................................................................................................................................ ?

the tide | come in | at nine tonight

................................................................................................................................................................ ?

where | during the match | sit | you

................................................................................................................................................................ ?

in a few weeks | he | walk

................................................................................................................................................................ ?

at the party | you | wear | what

................................................................................................................................................................ ?

interview | tomorrow morning | you | who

................................................................................................................................................................ ?

do | between the lectures | you | what

................................................................................................................................................................ ?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future continuous: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

What time will Jack be working on it?

Will you still be having your lunch break at one o'clock?

Will I be living in Leeds in a few years' time?

Will the tide be coming in at nine tonight? 96

Where will you be sitting during the match?

Will he be walking in a few weeks?

What will you be wearing at the party?

Who will you be interviewing tomorrow morning?

What will you be doing between the lectures?

Future continuous: exercise 4 - questions ______________

Make questions in the future continuous tense (will be going). Use the words in brackets.

I can take you to the airport.

It would be nice. ..................................................................................... that way? (you | go)

Shall I say hello to her? 97

Why not? ................................................................................................ to her? (you | write)

Marion and Jimmy can stay up late tonight.

Really? ................................................................................................... for me? (they | wait)

He won't be there at ten o'clock.

It's a shame. ........................................................................................... the new contract? (he | sign)

I'll be in the forest.

In the forest? What ..................................................................................? (you | do)

There won't be enough oil in a couple of decades.

Do you think so? What ............................................................................ instead? (we | use)

This time next week I'll be in Madrid.

Lucky you! ............................................................................................... at a hotel? (you | stay)

Don't ring Sue up at 6 o'clock.

Thanks for telling me. .............................................................................. her baby? (she | bathe)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future continuous: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

Will you be going that way?

Will you be writing to her?

Will they be waiting for me?

Will he be signing the new contract?

What will you be doing?

What will we be using instead?

Will you be staying at a hotel?

Will she be bathing her baby?

Future continuous: exercise 5 - positive and negative _____

Complete the sentences with positive or negative forms of the future continuous tense.

On my holiday I ....................................................... at 6 o'clock as usual. I want to relax a lot. (get up)

You are so late! Everybody ....................................................... when you arrive at the office. (work)

You think that Derek ....................................................... tennis at seven? Why not? (play)

Computers ....................................................... all texts in a couple of years. It's impossible. (translate)

Mary ....................................................... in the arrivals hall this time. She is ill. (wait)

Can I take your camera? You ....................................................... it this morning, will you? (use)

The cinema ....................................................... any films next week. (show)

They ....................................................... parcels even on the New Year's Eve. (deliver)

He can find her easily in her red coat. - But she ....................................................... the red coat. (wear)

I won't be here this time tomorrow. I ....................................................... to Rome. (travel)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future continuous: exercise 5 - positive and negative

Answer key

On my holiday I will not (won't) be getting up at 6 o'clock as usual. I want to relax a lot.

You are so late! Everybody will be working when you arrive at the office.

You think that Derek will not (won't) be playing tennis at seven? Why not?

Computers will not (won't) be translating all texts in a couple of years. It's impossible.
Mary will not (won't) be waiting in the arrivals hall this time. She is ill.

Can I take your camera? You will not (won't) be using it this morning, will you?

The cinema will not (won't) be showing any films next week.

They will (They'll) be delivering parcels even on the New Year's Eve.

He can find her easily in her red coat. - But she will not (won't) be wearing the red coat.

I won't be here this time tomorrow. I will (I'll) be travelling to Rome.

Future continuous: exercise 6 - negative ________________

Rewrite these sentences in the future continuous. Use negative forms.

Tomorrow morning I won't be on my way to Florida.

Tomorrow morning I ..................................................... to Florida. (not travel)

I have no plans for the weekend.

I ........................................................... anything at the weekend. (not do)

The test starts at 9 o'clock and you have to finish at 9.30.

We ........................................................... the test at 9.30. (not write)

I have no work to do in the evening.

I ........................................................... in the evening. (not work)

Dad can take you to the 7.30 train tomorrow morning. He has a day off.

Dad can take you to the 7.30 train tomorrow morning. He ........................................... to work. (not go)

I have new contact lenses. No glasses next time!

I ........................................................... glasses when you see me next time. (not wear)

You can come at one o'clock. We want to prepare the meal before that.

You can come at one o'clock. We ........................................................... the meal anymore. (not cook)

By the middle of this century there won't be any newspapers.

By the middle of this century people ........................................................... any newspapers. (not read)

Please, don't come back home at midnight. I don't want to wait for you so long.

If you come back home at midnight, I ........................................................... for you. (not wait)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future continuous: exercise 6 - negative

Answer key

Tomorrow morning I will not (won't) be travelling to Florida.

I will not (won't) be doing anything at the weekend.

We will not (won't) be writing the test at 9.30.

I will not (won't) be working in the evening.

He will not (won't) be going to work.

I will not (won't) be wearing glasses.

We will not (won't) be cooking the meal anymore.

I will not (won't) be waiting for you.

Future simple and continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative ____

Correct the underlined forms. Use the future simple or continuous.

Don't call me at 10 o'clock. I am going to fly to Spain.

Don't call me at 10 o'clock. I ............................................. to Spain.

I suppose we are going to stay at a hotel next summer.

I suppose we ............................................. at a hotel next summer.

When you come to see me in the afternoon, I work in the garden.

When you come to see me in the afternoon, I ............................................. in the garden.

Do you think it is snowing at the weekend?

Do you think it ............................................. at the weekend?

Is the coat OK.? - Yes, I am taking it.

Is the coat OK.? - Yes, I ............................................. it.

This time on Sunday we are going to ski in France.

This time on Sunday we ............................................. in France.

I don't know if I will stay here. Perhaps I move to a big city one day.

I don't know if I will stay here. Perhaps I ............................................. to a big city one day.

Every student is using a computer in the near future.

Every student ............................................. a computer in five years' time.

I will be in bed when you return from the cinema. I sleep.

I will be in bed when you return from the cinema. I ............................................. .

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple and continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

Don't call me at 10 o'clock. I will (I'll) be flying to Spain.

I suppose we will (we'll) stay at a hotel next summer.

When you come to see me in the afternoon, I will (I'll) be working in the garden.

Do you think it will (it'll) snow at the weekend?

Is the coat OK.? - Yes, I will (I'll) take it.

This time on Sunday we will (we'll) be skiing in France.

I don't know if I will (I'll) stay here. Perhaps I will move to a big city one day.

Every student will be using a computer in ten five years' time.

I will be in bed when you return from the cinema. I will (I'll) be sleeping.

Future simple and continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative ____

Complete the sentences with one of the options in brackets.

Shall I say hello to Sharon? I ............................................. to her today. (write | will be writing)

Can I help you? I ............................................. you that blouse. (will show | will be showing)

The engine has stopped. - No problem. Bill ................................. a look at it. (will have | will be having)

Why don't you have dinner with us? I ............................................. anyway. (cook | will be cooking)

This time next week we .......................................... round the Aegean Sea. (are sailing | will be sailing)

If you take three DVDs, you .................................... one DVD free. (will get | you will be getting)

I ............................................. my work completely before they arrive. (will finish | will be finishing)

By the end of this century everyone .......................................... English. (is speaking | will be speaking)

If I can, I ............................................. for an IT company. (will work | will be working)

Tom won't be here at 10.30. He ........................................... a new contract. (will sign | will be singning)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple and continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

Shall I say hello to Sharon? I will (I'll) be writing to her today.

Can I help you? I will (I'll) show you that blouse.

The engine has stopped. - No problem. Bill will have a look at it.

Why don't you have dinner with us? I will (I'll) be cooking anyway.
This time next week we will (we'll) be sailing round the Aegean Sea.

If you take three DVDs, you will (you'll) get one DVD free.

I will (I'll) finish my work completely before they arrive.

By the end of this century everyone will be speaking English.

If I can, I will (I'll) work for an IT company.

Tom won't be here at 10.30. He will (He'll) be signing a new contract.

Future simple and continuous: exercise 3 - questions ____

Ask questions to get more information.

My students will be taking part in the show.

What kind of show .......................................................................... part in?

She'll make something to eat for you.

What .............................................................?

We won't give any presents to him.

Why ............................................................. any presents to him?

I'll be decorating my office next week.

............................................................................ your office on Monday?

I hope we will go on holiday in summer.

Where ............................................................?

This time tomorrow we'll be watching a comedy.

.............................................................. a romantic comedy?

Do you like it? I'll buy it for you.

And ............................................. it for my brother, too?

In a short time many more people will be using electric cars.

.................... anybody .................................. petrol engines?

I'm sorry, I can't help you tomorrow at 11.30. I'll be taking an exam.

.................................................................. the entrance exam?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple and continuous: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

What kind of show will they (will your students) be taking part in?

What will she make?

Why will you not give (won't you give) any presents to him?

Will you be decorating your office on Monday?

Where will you go?

Will you be watching a romantic comedy?

And will you buy it for my brother, too?

Will anybody be using petrol engines?

Will you be taking the entrance exam?

Future simple and continuous: exercise 4 - questions ____

Make questions with the verbs in brackets.

I am not sure if I can make pasta.

.............................................................................. it? (your children | eat)

Where will you be at 5 p.m.?

......................................................................... ? (you | work) 109

We arrive in Barcelona at 1 o'clock.

.............................................................................. time for lunch? (the passengers | have)

The shop opens at 9 o'clock.

Please, ......................................................................... me there? (you | take)

Your journey will be so long.

......................................................................... a book while you are on the train? (you | read)

I've just missed the train.

How ......................................................... to the airport? (I | get)

I'd like to help you a little bit.

.............................................................................. the trees if I join you at 3.30? (you | plant)

I don't know if you can go there .

.............................................................................. there too? (your teacher | be)

I'll be tidying our house tomorrow morning.

What ......................................................................... while I am cleaning the windows? (you | do)

So you want to go by coach.

......................................................................... a taxi if the coach is fully booked? (you | take)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple and continuous: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

Will your children eat it?

Will you be working?

Will the passengers have time for lunch?

Please, will you take me there?

Will you be reaading a book while you are on the train?

How will I get to the airport?

Will you be planting the trees if I join you at 3.30?

Will your teacher be there too?

What will you be doing while I am cleaning the windows?

Will you take a taxi if the coach is fully booked?

Future simple and continuous: exercise 5 - negative ______

Make negative sentences.

The New Year ......................................... on 31 December. (not start)

I'll be sleeping in the afternoon. I ................................................ housework. (not do)

We'll be in beds. We .......................................................... to Nice when the sun rises. (not drive)

I forgot to tell her. But I ...................................... her now. It's too late. (not call)

My best friend will still be in Sydney tonight. He ................................................. to England. (not return)

You can't meet me at the supermarket. I ...................................................... in the afternoon. (not shop)

Is Bill at school? - No, he isn't. I suppose he ............................................. . (not come)

I can't stand Simon. I hope he .................................... there. (not be)

We .......................................... our luggage this time tomorrow. We'll already be on the way. (not pack)

If you are careful, the cars ............................................ you down. (not knock)

Thank you, I'm not thirsty. I .......................................... anything to drink. (not have)

We .................................................... in the classroom this time next week. The holidays start. (not sit)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple and continuous: exercise 5 - negative

Answer key

The New Year will not (won't) start on 31 December.

I'll be sleeping in the afternoon. I will not (won't) be doing housework.

We'll be in beds. We will not (won't) be driving to Nice when the sun rises.

I forgot to tell her. But I will not (won't) call her now. It's too late.
My best friend will still be in Sydney tonight. He will not (won't) be returning to England.

You can't meet me at the supermarket. I will not (won't) be shopping in the afternoon.

Is Bill at school? - No, he isn't. I suppose he will not (won't) come.

I can't stand Simon. I hope he will not (won't) be there.

We will not (won't) be packing our luggage this time tomorrow. We'll already be on the way.

If you are careful, the cars will not (won't) knock you down.

Thank you, I'm not thirsty. I will not (won't) have anything to drink.

We will not (won't) be sitting in the classroom this time next week. The holidays start.

Present perfect simple and continuous exercises __

● Present perfect simple

Exercise 1 - affirmative 115

Exercise 2 - signal words 117

Exercise 3 - positive and negative 119

Exercise 4 - statements and questions 121

Exercise 5 - questions 123

Exercise 6 - all forms 125

● Present perfect continuous

Exercise 1 - affirmative 127

Exercise 2 - affirmative 129

Exercise 3 - affirmative 131

Exercise 4 - questions 133

Exercise 5 - negative 135

● Present perfect simple and continuous

Exercise 1 - statements 137

Exercise 2 - statements and questions 139

Exercise 3 - questions 141

Exercise 4 - all forms 143

Exercise 5 - signal words 145

● Present perfect vs past simple
Exercise 1 - statements and questions 147

Exercise 2 - all forms 149

Exercise 3 - all forms 151

Exercise 4 - all forms 153


Present perfect simple: exercise 1 - affirmative __________

Rewrite these sentences in the present perfect simple.

Example: I went to shops on Saturday. - I have already gone to shops.

I was in Spain last summer.

I ................................................... to Spain three times.

We bought the tickets on Monday. 115

We ................... already ....................... the tickets.

My girlfriend was there. She arrived on time.

My girlfriend is here. She .................. finally ................................. .

The team wasn't successful. They lost.

The team isn't successful. They .................. just ................... .

I found my keys. I could open the door.

I ......................................... my keys. I can open the door now.

The postman delivered the parcel yesterday morning.

The postman ........................................... the parcel this morning.

I cut my finger. It hurt.

I ................................... my finger. It hurts.

They worked in Wales for a week in May.

They ............................................ in Wales since last week.

She was on her holiday for a month. She came back yesterday.

She ............................. on her holiday for a month. She ............... just ...................... back.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

I have (I've) been to Spain three times.

We have (We've) already bought the tickets.

My girlfriend is here. She has (She's) finally arrived.

The team isn't successful. They have (They've) just lost.

I have (I've) found my keys. I can open the door now.

The postman has delivered the parcel this morning.

I have (I've) cut my finger. It hurts.

They have (They've) worked in Wales since last week.

She has (She's) been on her holiday for a month. She has (She's) just come back.

Present perfect simple: exercise 2 - signal words ________

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets and the signal words in the box below.

never ever for since already just yet so far recently up to now


I ...................................... it. (do)

I have already done it.

I ....................................................... a ghost. (see) But I would like to.

.............. Peter .................................. his studies ............? (finish) - No, not yet.

............... you ................................ anyone famous? (meet) - No, never.

What ........... Greg .................. since the morning .........................? (do) - Quite a lot of things.

I feel so relaxed. I ................................................ back from my holiday. (get)

You should send him an email. - But I him. (write)

My grandma .................................. in the same place ..................... she was born. (live) - Really?

This is Fiona. She .............................. my best friend .............. a long time. (be)

I have my leg in plaster. I ....................................................... it. (break)

How many jobs ................. you .........................................? (have) - Not very many.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple: exercise 2 - signal words

Answer key

I have (I've) never seen a ghost. But I would like to.

Has Peter finished his studies yet? - No, not yet.

Have you ever met anyone famous? - No, never.

What has Greg done since the morning up to now? - Quite a lot of things.
I feel so relaxed. I have (I've) just got back from my holiday.

You should send him an email. - But I have (I've) already written to him.

My grandma has (My grandma's) lived in the same place since she was born. - Really?

This is Fiona. She has (She's) been my best friend for a long time.

I have my leg in plaster. I have (I've) recently broken it.

How many jobs have you had so far? - Not very many.

Present perfect simple: exercise 3 - positive + negative ___

What has Matt done since he got back from his trip round the world?


+ give presents to everyone - go to work

He has given presents to everyone. He hasn't gone to work.

+ see his family - unpacked his luggage
+ meet his friends - exchange foreign money
+ go out with his girfriend - print any photos
+ check his emails - find a job
+ rent a flat - buy a car











See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple: exercise 3 - positive + negative

Answer key

He has (He's) seen his family.

He has (He's) met his friends.

He has (He's) gone out with his girlfriend.

He has (He's) checked his emails.

He has (He's) rented a flat.

He has not (hasn't) unpacked his luggage.

He has not (hasn't) exchanged foreign money.

He has not (hasn't) printed any photos.

He has not (hasn't) found a job.

He has not (hasn't) bought a car.

Present perfect simple: exercise 4 - statements + questions

Complete the questions and answers in the present perfect tense.

A ............................................. Kim yet? (see)

B Not yet. But I am going to see her on Friday.

A Has Karl ever been to England?

B No, never. But he ......................................................... to Scotland twice. (already go)


A How many foreign languages have you learned?

B Unfortunately, I ............................................................... any foreign languages so far. (not study)

A ......................................... the email from me? (get)

B I'm afraid I haven't received any email from you since last week.

A Why is Mary crying? What ................................................ to her? (happen)

B Poor Mary. Her mum has been ill for a long time.

A Where ........................................................ so long? (be)

B I'm sorry, I missed the bus.

A Look. The sun .................................................... (disappear)

B It's fascinating. It has been covered by the moon.

A Have you called your grandma?

B Oh, no! I ............................................................. her yet. (not telephone)

A It's quite cold in here, isn't it?

B Is it? I .......................................................... the window. (just open)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple: exercise 4 - statements + questions

Answer key

Have you seen Kim yet?

But he has (he's) already gone to Scotland twice.

Unfortunately, I have not (haven't) studied any foreign languages so far.

Have you got the email from me?

What has happened to her?

Where have you been so long?

The sun has (The sun's) disappeared.

I have not (haven't) telephoned her yet.

I have (I've) just opened the window.

Present perfect simple: exercise 5 - questions ___________

Make questions to complete the conversation between Ben and his mum.


..........................................? (do - the shopping) - Have you done the shopping?

Ben: Can I go out, mum?

Mum: ...................................................................................? (do - your homework) 123

Ben: Mum? It's Saturday tomorrow.

Mum: Is it? And ..................................................................? (tidy - your room)

Ben: Yes, I have. You can have a look.

Mum: All right. ...................................................................? (dust - the furniture)

Ben: The furniture? I forgot. But I'll do it tomorrow morning, I promise.

Mum: ..................................................................................? (take out - the rubbish)

Ben: Of course, I have. Anything else, mum?

Mum: Ehm... What about the carpet? ...................................................................? (vacuum - it)

Ben: I did it yesterday. Can I go out now? Sam is waiting for me.

Mum: Sam? .......................................................... you? (he - call)

Ben: No, he hasn't. But we've arranged to meet at 5 o'clock.

Mum: By the way, Susan has called you. She'd like to see you.

Ben: Really? ................................................................. from Greece? (she - come back)

Mum: She is on her way back home. How long .................................................. in Greece? (she - be)

Ben: For a month. I'm sorry, mum, I must be off now. I'm leaving for the airport.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple: exercise 5 - questions

Answer key

Have you done your homework?

And have you tidied your room?

Have you dusted the furniture?

Have you taken out the rubbish?

Have you vacuumed it?

Has he called you?

Has she come back from Greece?

How long has she been in Greece?

Present perfect simple: exercise 6 - all forms ____________

Use the words in brackets to complete the conversation.

A: How long ......................................... unemployed? (you | be)

B: ............................................ any job since May. (I | not have) But ......................................................

a job as a waiter. (I | just | apply for)


A: .............................................................. as a waiter. (you | never | work)

B: ................................................ at a wedding reception twice or three times. (I | help)

A: .............................................................. you about their choice yet? (they | contact)

B: No, they haven't. ................................................ in touch with me since the interview. (nobody | get)

A: And ................................................... to them? (you | write)

B: Should I? ............................................... the courage to do that. (I | not find)

A: If ..................................................... it yet, you should do it as soon as possible. (you | not do)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple: exercise 6 - all forms

Answer key

How long have you been unemployed?

I have not (haven't) had any job since May. But I have (I've) just applied for a job as a waiter.

You have (You've) never worked as a waiter.

I have (I've) helped at a wedding reception twice or three times.

Have they contacted you about their choice yet?

Nobody has (Nobody's) got in touch with me since the interview.

And have you written to them?

Should I? I have not (haven't) found the courage to do that so far.

If you have not (haven't) done it yet, you should do it as soon as possible.

Present perfect continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative ______

It's Saturday morning. What have Tim and his school friends been doing since they got up?

Tim - decorate his bedroom

Patrick - work on his biology project
Sam and Matt - practise rugby
Joe and Peter - watch Sam and Matt
Raymond - do nothing
Sue and Jane - shop
Melanie - help with housework
Maria and Julie - chat on the Internet
Fiona and Eve - do community work 127
Kate - read a book

Tim ........................................................................................................................

Patrick ...................................................................................................................

Sam and Matt ........................................................................................................

Joe and Peter .........................................................................................................

Raymond ...............................................................................................................

Sue nad Jane ..........................................................................................................

Melanie ..................................................................................................................

Maria and Julie ......................................................................................................

Fiona and Eve ........................................................................................................

Kate .......................................................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

Tim has (Tim's) been decorating his bedroom.

Patrick has (Patrick's) been working on his biology project.

Sam and Matt have been practising rugby.

Joe and Peter have been watching Sam and Matt.

Raymond has (Raymond's) been doing nothing.

Sue and Jane have been shopping.

Melanie has (Melanie's) been helping with housework.

Maria and Julie have been chatting on the Internet.

Fiona and Eve have been doing community work.

Kate has (Kate's) been reading a book.

Present perfect continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative ______

Respond to the following situations.

Why are you so tired?

Because I ................................................................ the wheels on my car. (replace)

Your French is perfect.

Really? I .................................................................. French for ten years. (learn) 129

Look at Jane. She's so nervous.

No wonder. She ....................................................... for her boyfriend for ages. (wait)

Bill is sunburnt.

Yes, he really is. He ............................................................... since the morning. (sunbathe)

Your parents look relaxed.

They ............................................................................. all the weekend. (relax)

All the footballers are so wet.

They .................................................................... in the rain since the match started. (play)

Have you talked to Richard yet?

Not yet. But I ............................................................ to phone him since you told me. (try)

Is Grace your neighbour?

Yes, she is. She .............................................................. next door for six years now. (live)

Why are Patt and Matt so dirty?

They ..................................................................... their bedroom. (paint)

Shall I wake Doris up?

Yes, please. She ............................................................ all day long. (sleep)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

Because I have (I've) been replacing the wheels on my car.

Really? I have (I've) been learning French for ten years.

No wonder. She has (She's) been waiting for her boyfriend for ages.

Yes, he really is. He has (He's) been sunbathing since the morning. 130
They have (They've) been relaxing all the weekend.

They have (They've) been playing in the rain since the match started.

Not yet. But I have (I've) been trying to phone him since you told me.

Yes, she is. She has (She's) been living next door for six years now.

They have (They've) been painting their bedroom.

Yes, please. She has (She's) been sleeping all day long.

Present perfect continuous: exercise 3 - affirmative ______

Complete the lines with one of the options.

I've been reading that book you lent me. .........................................................................

Do you need it? It was great.

George has been going to a restaurant to have dinner. ..................................................

He'll be back soon. He likes it there.

I've been cooking all day. .................................................................................................

I'm finished. I'm exhausted.

Sarah has been living with me .........................................................................................

until she moves to a new place but she moved to a new place

We've been writing ............................................................................. since the morning.

a lot of letters letters

They've been renovating their house. ..............................................................................

They hope to finish it soon. It's ready to use again.

I've been travelling to Africa .............................................................................................

three times for three years

My dad became a salesman and he's been moving around the country .........................

once more ever since

Somebody has been drinking my coke. ...........................................................................

The glass is nearly empty. The glass is empty.

I've been texting my friends...............................................................................................

repeatedly all day long

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect continuous: exercise 3 - affirmative

Answer key

I've been reading that book you lent me. Do you need it?

George has been going to a restaurant to have dinner. He likes it there.

I've been cooking all day. I'm exhausted.

Sarah has been living with me until she moves to a new place.
We've been writing emails since the morning.

They've been renovating their house. They hope to finish it soon.

I've been travelling to Africa for three years.

My dad became a salesman and he's been moving around the country ever since.

Somebody has been drinking my coke. The glass is nearly empty.

I've been texting my friends all day long.

Present perfect continuous: exercise 4 - questions _______

Make present perfect continuous questions. Use the words in brackets.

How long ...................................................................... for me? (you | wait)

What .............................................................. since he returned? (John | do)

Why .............................................................................. meat lately? (you | not eat) 133

There's so much snow on the road. .......................................................................... all night? (it | snow)

Why ................................................................................. for such a long time? (Sam and Mary | argue)

.......................................................................... my shampoo? There's not much left. (you | use)

How long ......................................................................... glasses? (Jill | not wear)

......................................................................... since you decided to take the exam? (you | revise)

Where .............................................................................. lately? (your dad | work)

Your hands are covered with chocolate. ................................................................ a cake? (you | make)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect continuous: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

How long have you been waiting for me?

What has John been doing since he returned?

Why have you not been eating (haven't you been eating) meat lately?

Has it been snowing all night?

Why have Sam and Mary been arguing for such a long time?

Have you been using my shampoo?

How long has Jill not been wearing (hasn't Jill been wearing) glasses?

Have you been revising since you decided to take the exam?

Where has your dad been working lately?

Have you been making a cake?

Present perfect continuous: exercise 5 - negative ________

Complete the conversations with positive and negative forms of the present perfect

A: George, how long .............................................. Japanese? (learn)

B: Japanese? Wait a minute. For about five years.

A: What a lovely smell!

B: My mum ........................................................ some cakes. (bake)


A: Why are your hands so dirty?

B: I .................................................................. my car. (clean)

A: You look so tired. You should have a rest.

B: Should I? But I ................................................................. so hard. (not work)

A: Why ...................... Sarah ................................................ out lately? (not go)

B: She broke her leg while she was skiing.

A: Peter, why are you so noisy? I want to sleep!

B: Do you mean it? I ............................................................ any noise since I got up. (not make)

A: ................... you ................................................ for a long time? (cough)

B: Not really. It started the day before yesterday.

A : Mr. Gregson, how long ....................... you .................................................. English? (not teach)

B: To tell the truth I've never taught English. But I'd like to try it.

A: Hi, Sam. How is your new girlfriend doing?

B: Susan? She ............................................................. to me since we had an argument. (not speak)

A: Have you heard about the bank robbery in King Street?

B: Yes, I have. The police ........................................................ for the robbers day and night. (look)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect continuous: exercise 5 - negative

Answer key

George, how long have you been learning Japanese?

My mum has (My mum's) been baking some cakes.

I have (I've) been cleaning my car.

But I have not (haven't) been working so hard.

Why has Sarah not been going (hasn't Sarah been going) out lately?

I have not (haven't) been making any noise since I got up.

Have you been coughing for a long time?

Mr. Gregson, how long have you not been teaching (haven't you been teaching) English?

She has not (hasn't) been speaking to me since we had an argument.

The police have been looking (has been looking) for the robbers day and night.

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 1 _______

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the simple and continuous forms
in each pair.


We can go home. We ................................................................ three cars today.

We ................................................................... cars since the morning and we aren't finished.


She .......................................................... puddings all day. She's pretty tired.

She ............................................... three puddings so far.

(look for)

I .................................................................... my keys since we came home. Where are they?!

I .................................................................... my keys several times. But I haven't found them.


Sam is so angry with you. I'm sure you ............................................... something nasty to him.

You are so dirty! I'd like to know what you ......................................................... .

(not work)

Joy .......................................................... on this computer yet.

Joy .......................................................... on the computer these days. It is broken.


We .................................................. this car for many years.

She .......................................................... the shower for ages. I badly need the bathroom.

(not sleep)

I'm shattered. I .............................................................. well lately.

Is the new bed comfortable? I ...................................................... on it so far.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 1

Answer key

We have (We've) mended three cars today.

We have (We've) been mending cars since the morning...

She has (She's) been making puddings all day. 138

She has (She's) made three puddings so far.

I have (I've) been looking for my keys since we came home.

I have (I've) looked for my keys several times.

I'm sure you have (you've) done something nasty to him.

I'd like to know what you have (you've) been doing.

Joy has not (hasn't) worked on this computer yet.

Joy has not (hasn't) been working on the computer for some time.

We have (We've) had this car for many years.

She has (She's) been having the shower for ages.

I have not (haven't) been sleeping well lately.

I have not (haven't) slept on it so far.

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 2 _______
statements and questions

When Mr. Jones comes back home, he finds his son Tom sitting on the stairs in front of their
house. Complete their conversation.

Tom: Where .......................................... so long, Dad? (be)

Dad: I ................................................. late today. (work) What's the matter?


Tom: I ...................................... my key, I'm afraid. (lose)

Dad: Do you mean that? You ................................................ your keys since you were born. (lose)

How long ............... you ....................................... here? (wait)

Tom: For two hours.

Dad: And what ................ you .................................. all that time? (do)

Tom: Nothing, really.

Dad: Are you sure that you ....................................... the key? (lose)

Tom: Yes, I am.

Dad: ............... you ......................... your bag? (try)

Tom: My bag? I don't think ... Oh no, my key!

Dad: Oh, dear. You ....................................................... here all afternoon doing nothing (sit)

and your key ........................................ in your bag all the time! (be)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 2
statements and questions

Answer key

Tom: Where have you been so long, Dad?

Dad: I have (I've) worked late today.

Tom: I have (I've) lost my key, I'm afraid.

Dad: You have (You've) been losing your keys since you were born.

How long have you been waiting here?

Dad: And what have you been doing all that time?

Dad: Are you sure that you have (you've) lost the key?

Dad: Have you tried your bag?

Dad: You have (You've) been sitting here all afternoon doing nothing and your key has (your key's)

been in your bag all the time!

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 3 _______

Use the underlined words to make questions.

Sandra is a journalist. She publishes her interviews in American newspapers.

How long .............. she ....................................................... her articles in the American newspapers?

My wife is learning Japanese.

............. she .................................... Japanese before?

I met Cosby a few years ago. I know him.

How many years ................. you ............................... him?

I haven't done this for such a long time!

What ................ you ................................... instead of it all the time?

My hotel is quite prosperous. I run it myself.

How long ................ you ............................... the hotel?

She wanted to borrow some money from me.

................. she .................................... the money yet?

I have a camera. I can take a picture of you.

Good idea! ................ you ................................... pictures for a long time?

It's 10 o'clock and he isn't here yet. I'm not going to wait for him any longer.

It's terrible. How long ............... you ........................................ for him?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

How long has she been publishing her articles in the American newspapers?

Has she learned | learnt Japanese before?

How many years have you known him?

What have you been doing instead of it all the time? 142
How long have you been running the hotel?

Has she borrowed the money yet?

Have you been taking pictures for a long time?

How long have you been waiting for him?

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 4 _______
all forms

Tick the correct tenses. If a tense is not correct, write the correct form.


I have never been seeing a ghost. I have never seen a ghost

I have been running so long and I am not tired yet. I Ѵ so long and I'm not tired yet.

Look. The girl has been buying four books. The girl ....................................... four books.

I haven't eaten anything since I arrived. I .............................. anything since I arrived.

Let's stop for a while. You've driven all morning. You ........................................... all morning.

Have you ever been sleeping in a tent? ....................................................... in a tent?

He's been sleeping too long. Wake him up! He ................................................... too long.

I'm sorry. How long have you been waiting? How long ................................................... ?

I've been meeting your sister several times. I ............................ your sister several times.

I've been knowing him since he was born. I ............................... him since he was born.

Help yourself. Mum has been making delicious toasts. Mum ................................... delicious toasts.

He is sunburnt. He's been lying on the beach all day. He ............................... on the beach all day.

I've gone to LA for 10 years now. I ............................... to LA for 10 years now.

Don't give up. You haven't been trying this way yet. You ........................................... this way yet.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 4 - all forms

Answer key

Look. The girl has been buying four books. The girl has bought four books.

I haven't eaten anything since I arrived. Ѵ

Let's stop for a while. You've driven all morning. You've been driving all morning.

Have you ever been sleeping in a tent? Have you ever slept in a tent?
He's been sleeping too long. Wake him up! Ѵ

I'm sorry. How long have you been waiting? Ѵ

I've been meeting your sister several times. I've met your sister several times.

I've been knowing him since he was born. I've known him since he was born.

Help yourself. Mum has been making delicious toasts. Mum has made delicious toasts.

He is sunburnt. He's been lying on the beach all day. Ѵ

I've gone to LA for 10 years now. I've been going to LA for 10 years now.

Don't give up. You haven't been trying this way yet. You haven't tried this way yet.

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 5 _______
signal words

Complete the sentences with one of the options.

I have been staying at this hotel ..................................................

for a long time
a long time ago

My father has been going to work ................................................

since he left school 145

Have you told the manager ....................................................... ?

in the morning

We .................................................................. had a radio so far.

have never
never have

She hasn't been eating meat .......................................................


I've bought it ................................................................................

for you

The airline hasn't cancelled the flight ...........................................

last time

.................................................. have you been studying abroad?

how often
how long

I've been trying to contact him ......................................................

all day

We've never been .........................................................................

in Africa
to Africa

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect simple and continuous: exercise 5 - signal words

Answer key

I have been staying at this hotel for a long time.

My father has been going to work since he left school.

Have you told the manager yet?

We have never had a radio so far.

She hasn't been eating meat lately.

I've bought it for you.

The airline hasn't cancelled the flight yet.

How long have you been studying abroad?

I've been trying to contact him all day.

We've never been to Africa.

Present perfect vs past simple: exercise 1 ______________

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.

This winter .............................. long. When is it going to end? (be)

He ................................ an accident. He isn't able to walk. (have)

When ............. Arthur .....................? (leave)


I ............................................ beer up to now. (never drink)

................. you already ........................ about the times of trains? (ask)

Look at him. He ............................................ asleep. (just fall)

I ................................................ the USA before 1998. (never visit)

I ........................................ to England three times so far. (be)

How long ......................................... in Berlin now? (you - be)

How long ........................................ in Paris before that? (you - live)

.................. you ................................ your meal yet? (finish)

Where .................................... when I called you? (you - be)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect vs past simple: exercise 1

Answer key

This winter has (This winter's) been long. When is it going to end?

He has (He's) had an accident. He isn't able to walk.

When did Arthur leave?

I have (I've) never drunk beer up to now.

Have you already asked about the times of trains?

Look at him. He has (He's) just fallen asleep.

I never visited the USA before 1998.

I have (I've) been to England three times so far.

How long have you been in Berlin now?

How long did you live in Paris before that?

Have you finished your meal yet?

Where were you when I called you?

Present perfect vs past simple: exercise 2 ______________

Use the underlined words to complete questions or statements.

She sometimes wears a wig.

When ............... she last ...................... it?

I can't find my keys. I keep loosing them.

.................. you ................ your keys again?


I left the house early in the morning.

What time ................ you ........................ the house yesterday?

Can you lock the door please?

I ......................................... it. Here's the key.

It's time we had breakfast.

Marry and me ............................... something to eat already.

I've just finished reading this book.

How long ................... you ........................ it?

Do you eat avocado?

Avocado? I ................................................ yet.

We got married and built our house.

How long ................ you .................... your house?

My mum retired when she was 60 years old.

.............. your father ............................. later?

Where did you buy this knife?

But I ................................ it. I found it in the backyard.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect vs past simple: exercise 2

Answer key

When did she last wear it?

Have you lost your keys again?

What time did you leave the house yesterday?

I have (I've) locked it.

Marry and me have had something to eat already.

How long have you read it?

I have not (haven't) eaten it yet.

How long did you build your house?

Did your father retire later?

But I did not (didn't) buy it.

Present perfect vs past simple: exercise 3 ______________

Correct mistakes.


Did you meet him before? - Have you met him before?

He has waited for an hour. Then he left. He .............................. for an hour. Then he left.

Here is your car. I just washed it. Here is your car. I ........................................... it. 151

Have you closed the door before you left? .................................... the door before you left?

Were you here before? ....................................................... here before?

Did you order the magazine yet? .............................................. the magazine yet?

I didn't see the film so far. I .................................................. the film so far.

He didn't finish the letter yet. He ..................................................the letter yet.

We haven't done anything like this at that time. We ....................... anyhing like this at that time.

It's quite complicated. Have you understood? It's quite complicated. ...................................... ?

She always loved Spain. She is in León now. She .............................................. Spain. She is
in León now.

Aren't you hungry? When have you eaten? Aren't you hungry? When ................................ ?

We just missed the bus! What shall we do? We ........................................................ the bus!
What shall we do?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect vs past simple: exercise 3

Answer key

He waited for an hour. Then he left.

Here is your car. I have (I've) just washed it.

Did you close the door before you left? (Had you closed the door before you left?)

Have you been here before?

Have you ordered the magazine yet?

I have not (haven't) seen the film so far.

He has not (hasn't) finished the letter yet.

We did not (didn't) do anything like this at that time.

It's quite complicated. Did you understand?

She has (She's) always loved Spain. She is in León now.

Aren't you hungry? When did you eat?

We have (We've) just missed the bus! What shall we do?

Present perfect vs past simple: exercise 4 ______________
Write the correct response. Choose from one of the options.

Your house is finished. ................................................................................................

▪ How long you worked on it? ▪ How long did you work on it?

We live in a village now. ..............................................................................................

▪ But you lived in a big city for 5 years. ▪ But you lived in a big city lately.

Can I borrow your car? ................................................................................................

▪ Did you drive a car yet? ▪ Have you ever driven a car?

Where is Elizabeth? ....................................................................................................

▪ She went to school already. ▪ She has already gone to school.

I've had good lunch today. ......................................................................................

▪ Where did you have the lunch? ▪ Where have you had the lunch?

Do you think you can do it for me? ..............................................................................

▪ I'm sorry, I didn't understand. ▪ I'm sorry, I haven't understood.

Do you know James Stuart? .......................................................................................

▪ Yes, I've known him since 1997. ▪ Yes, I knew him since 1997.

Peter is back from London. .........................................................................................

▪ Did he bring any postcards for me? ▪ Has he brought me any postcards?

Have you seen the headmaster? ................................................................................

▪ Yes, I've seen him in his office. ▪ Yes, I saw him when I was in his office.

Your sister speaks English very well. ..........................................................................

▪ She studied English since she was six. ▪ She's studied English since she was six.

Could I speak to Mr. Daly? ..........................................................................................

▪ I'm sorry. He didn't come back yet. ▪ I'm sorry. He hasn't come back yet.

Nice to meet you! ........................................................................................................

▪ How long have you been here? ▪ How long were you here?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect vs past simple: exercise 4

Answer key

Your house is finished. - How long have you worked on it?

We live in a village now. - But you lived in a big city for 5 years.

Can I borrow your car? - Have you ever driven a car?

Where is Elizabeth? - She has already gone to school.

I've had good lunch today. Where did you have the lunch?

Do you think you can do it for me? - I'm sorry, I didn't understand.

Do you know James Stuart? - Yes, I've known him since 1997.

Peter is back from London. - Has he brought me any postcards?

Have you seen the headmaster? - Yes, I saw him when I was in his office.

Your sister speaks English very well. - She's studied English since she was six.

Could I speak to Mr. Daly? - I'm sorry. He hasn't come back yet.

Nice to meet you! How long have you been here?

Past perfect simple and continuous exercises _____

● Past perfect simple

Exercise 1 - affirmative 157

Exercise 2 - statements and questions 159

Exercise 3 - positive and negative 161

Exercise 4 - questions 163

Exercise 5 - all forms 165

● Past perfect continuous

Exercise 1 - affirmative 167

Exercise 2 - affirmative 169

Exercise 3 - affirmative 171

Exercise 4 - questions 173

Exercise 5 - all forms 175

● Past perfect simple and continuous

Exercise 1 - affirmative 177

Exercise 2 - affirmative 179

Exercise 3 - affirmative 181

Exercise 4 - positive and negative 183

Exercise 5 - statements and questions 185

● Past perfect vs past simple
Exercise 1 - affirmative 187

Exercise 2 - affirmative 189

Exercise 3 - statements and questions 191

Exercise 4 - all forms 193


Past perfect simple: exercise 1 - affirmative _____________

Join the sentences with expressions in brackets.


They graduated. They got married. (as soon as)

They got married as soon as they had graduated.

They entered the restaurant. They were served. (after)

................................................................................................................................................................... 157

I didn't use my credit card. I lost it. (because)


They didn't tell me. Easyjet cancelled the flight. (that)


I couldn't go out. I broke my leg. (because)


He took up a job. He left school. (as soon as)


Susan fell in love with Jack. She told her parents. (after)


I was in Paris for a week. I met Ann there. (when)


Jim called Jane from his office. He came back home. (before)


Maria finished the meal. And I arrived. (by the time)


Messi scored the goal. The fans went wild. (as soon as)


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

After they had (They'd) entered the restaurant they were served.

I didn't use my credit card because I had (I'd) lost it.

They didn't tell me that Easyjet had cancelled the flight.

I couldn't go out because I had (I'd) broken my leg.

He took up a job as soon as he had (he'd) left school.

After Susan had fallen in love with Jack she told her parents.

When I had (I'd) been in Paris for a week, I met Ann there.

Jim had called Jane from his office before he came back home.

Maria had finished the meal by the time I arrived.

As soon as Messi had scored the goal, the fans went wild.

Past perfect simple: exercise 2 - statements + questions __

Complete the sentences with expressions in brackets.

He couldn't go skiing, because he .......................................... ill the night before. (fall)

.................................................... off the lights before you left home? (you - switch)

The plane crashed because the engines ............................................. fire. (catch) 159

After Sam .............................. the bank, he got into his car. (leave)

When he arrived at the office, everyone .................................... gone. (be)

.................................................. anything else to eat before you fed him? (the dog - have)

By the time Joseph returned home Sarah ............................ to get in touch with him several times. (try)

Why .......................................... me before you refused their offer? (you - call)

I was so sad because Jill ................................................... somewhere in Spain. (disappear)

What ................................................... with the computer before you called the technician? (you - do)

Before we reached the top of the mountain, we ................................... a long break. (have)

..................................................... the noise before they went to bed? (anybody - hear)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple: exercise 2 - statements + questions

Answer key

He couldn't go skiing, because it had rained the night before.

Had you switched off the lights before you left home?

The plane crashed because the engines had caught fire.

After Sam had left the bank, he got into his car.
When he arrived at the office, everyone had been gone.

Had the dog had anything else to eat before you fed him?

By the time Joseph returned home Sarah had tried to get in touch with him several times.

Why had you called me before you refused their offer?

I was so sad because Jill had disappered somewhere in Spain.

What had you done with the computer before you called the technician?

Before we reached the top of the mountain, we had (we'd) had a long break.

Had anybody heard the noise before they went to bed?

Past perfect simple: exercise 3 - positive + negative ______

What had Betty done before she went to bed?


+ cook dinner - go out with her friends

She had cooked dinner. She hadn't gone out with her friends.


+ wash the dishes - dry the dishes 161

+ walk her dog - feed her cat
+ watch a video - listen to music
+ have a shower - wash her hair
+ say good night to her mum - set her alarm clock

Before she went to bed:

Betty .................................................... the dishes.

She ...................................................... her dog.

She ..................................................... a video.

She ...................................................... a shower.

She ...................................................... good night to her mum.

She ..................................................... a video.

She ...................................................... the dishes.

She ..................................................... her cat.

She ...................................................... to music.

She ...................................................... her hair.

She ..................................................... her alarm clock.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple: exercise 3 - positive + negative

Answer key

She had (She'd) washed the dishes.

She had (She'd) walked her dog.

She had (She'd) watched a video.

She had (She'd) had a shower.

She had (She'd) said good night to her mum.

She had not (hadn't) dried the dishes.

She had not (hadn't) fed her cat.

She had not (hadn't) listened to music.

She had not (hadn't) washed her hair.

She had not (hadn't) set her alarm clock.

Past perfect simple: exercise 4 - questions ______________

Respond to the following situations.


I didn't clean my teeth after breakfast. - Why not? Had you done it before breakfast?

I didn't watch the film.

Why? .................................................. it before? (you | see)


I wasn't surprised by the birthday present.

Really? ........................................................................... about it? (you | already | know)

I didn't know how to withdraw money from the cash machine.

What a shame! .............................................................. it before? (you | not do)

I got to the airport on time, but I missed my plane.

How come? .............................................. your ticket at home? (you | leave)

I didn't have to do my English homework at home.

Why not? ............................................................ it at school? (you | write)

I was so sick when I went to bed!

What ............................................................ before that? (you | eat)

I got lost on my way to your place.

That's a pity. ..................................................................... you the way? (Sharon | not tell)

I saw Jane for the first time at your party last Saturday.

Are you sure? .......................................................... Jane at my previous party? (you | not meet)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

Had you seen it before?

Had you already known about it?

Had you not done (hadn't you done) it before?

Had you left your ticket at home?

Had you written it at school?

What had you eaten before that?

Had Sharon not told (hadn't Sharon told) you the way?

Had you not met (hadn't you met) Jane at my previous party?

Past perfect simple: exercise 5 - all forms _______________

Mark is telling his sister Eve about his friend's garden party. Use the words from the box to
complete their conversation.

never be eat not buy never meet not eat play not drink not have finish

Eve: Did you enjoy the party?

Mark: Not at all. I ....................................................... to such a party before. It was a disaster.


Eve: A disaster?

Mark: Exactly. When I arrived at the party, they .............................. all the sausages. There was
nothing to eat.

Eve: ................................................. enough sausages for everyone?

Mark: No, they hadn't. The house was full of people I ................................................ before.

Eve: So you were hungry all afternoon.

Mark: I was pretty hungry. I ................................................... anything before I left home.

Eve: Did you dance?

Mark: No, I didn't. There was a DJ at the party, but after he .................................... a couple of
songs, he disappeared.

Eve: What did you do then?

Mark: Fortunately, they ................................... all the wine before I came. I had two or three glasses
of red wine and went home.

Eve: Mark? You told me you .................................... anything to eat. You must have got drunk!

Mark: To tell the truth, when I ....................................... the third glass, I felt a little bit dizzy. But I am
all right now. Am I not?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple: exercise 5 - all forms

Answer key

I had (I'd) never been to such a party before.

When I arrived at the party, they had (they'd) eaten all the sausages.

Had they not (Hadn't they) bought enough sausages for everyone?

The house was full of people I had (I'd) never met before. 166
I had not (hadn't) eaten anything before I left home.

There was a DJ at the party, but after he had (he'd) played a couple of songs, he disappeared.

Fortunately, they had not (hadn't) drunk all the wine before I came.

You told me you had not (hadn't) had anything to eat.

To tell the truth, when I had (I'd) finished the third glass, I felt a little bit dizzy.

Past perfect continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative _________

The plane landed at the airport. What had these passengers been doing before it landed?

Mr. Clark - read a newspaper

Mrs. Clark - look out of the window
Julie - play with her teddy bear
Peter - learn how to use his new phone
Mr. Gregson - sleep
Mrs. Gregson - take photos
Melanie - draw pictures
Fiona and Eve - talk to each other
Ben - listen to Fiona and Eve
Miss Smith, the flight attendant - deliver food to passengers

Mr. Clark ......................................................................................................................................

Mrs. Clark ....................................................................................................................................

Julie .............................................................................................................................................

Peter ............................................................................................................................................

Mr. Gregson ................................................................................................................................

Mrs. Gregson ..............................................................................................................................

Melanie .......................................................................................................................................

Fiona and Eve .............................................................................................................................

Ben ..............................................................................................................................................

Miss Smith ...................................................................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

Mr. Clark had been reading a newspaper.

Mrs. Clark had been looking out of the window.

Julie had been playing with her teddy bear.

Peter had been learning how to use his new phone.

Mr. Gregson had been sleeping.

Mrs. Gregson had been taking photos.

Melanie had been drawing pictures.

Fiona and Eve had been talking to each other.

Ben had been listening to Fiona and Eve.

Miss Smith had been delivering food to passengers.

Past perfect continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative _________

Respond to the following situations.

Why were you so red?

Because I ................................................................ before we met. (jog)

Your test was absolutely correct.

Really? I .................................................................. for it so long. (revise)


Did you see Jane? She was so angry.

No wonder. She ....................................................... with her brother all day. (argue)

Bill was exhausted.

Yes, he really was. He ............................................................... too long. (work)

Your parents went to bed very late.

They ............................................................................. all afternoon. (have a rest)

Why were all the players so dirty at the end of the match?

Because they .................................................................... in mud. (play)

Did you get in touch with Richard in time?

Not really. But I ............................................................ to contact him all the time. (try)

Was Grace your classmate?

No, she wasn't. But she ...................................................... Class B for a year before she left. (attend)

Why were Matt and Sue so pale when they returned?

Because they ..................................................................... in their room all their holiday. (stay)

What time did Doris get up?

She ............................................................ till ten o'clock. (sleep)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

Because I had (I'd) been jogging before we met.

Really? I had (I'd) been revising for it so long.

No wonder. She had (She'd) been arguing with her brother all day.

Yes, he really was. He had (He'd) been working too long.

They had They'd) been having a rest all afternoon.

Because they had (they'd) been playing in mud.

Not really. But I had (I'd) been trying to contact him all the time.

No, she wasn't. But she had (she'd) been attending Class B for a year before she left.

Because they had (they'd) been staying in their room all their holiday.

She had (She'd) been sleeping till ten o'clock.

Past perfect continuous: exercise 3 - affirmative _________

Complete the lines with one of the options.

I had been using that phone for a year ............................................................................

▪ when I bought it ▪ when it stopped working

George had been phoning Kate ........................................................

▪ before he crashed ▪ several times

............................................................... because I'd been exercising all afternoon.

▪ I have enough of it ▪ I had enough of it

Sarah had been going out with me ........................................................................................

▪ until she changed her job ▪ after she changed her job

We'd been writing ........................................ before lunch.

▪ three tests ▪ tests

They had been decorating their bedroom. .............................................................................

▪ The paint was everywhere. ▪ It was ready to use again.

I'd been eating vegetarian meals ....................................................... when I gave up.

▪ three times ▪ for three years

.................................................... he had been sailing on big ships.

▪ Before my dad retired ▪ My dad was a sailor and

Somebody had been drinking my apple juice. ..........................................................................

▪ There was nothing left. ▪ The glass was nearly empty.

I'd been chatting with my friends................................................................................................

▪ that's why my mum was angry ▪that's why my mum had been angry

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect continuous: exercise 3 - affirmative

Answer key

I had been using that phone for a year when it stopped working.

George had been phoning Kate before he crashed.

I had enough of it because I'd been exercising all afternoon.

Sarah had been going out with me until she changed her job.
We'd been writing tests before lunch.

They had been decorating their bedroom. The paint was everywhere.

I'd been eating vegetarian meals for three years when I gave up.

Before my dad retired he had been sailing on big ships.

Somebody had been drinking my apple juice. The glass was nearly empty.

I'd been chatting with my friends that's why my mum was angry.

Past perfect continuous: exercise 4 - questions __________

Make past perfect continuous questions.

How long ...................................................................... before you crashed? (you | drive)

Why were Marion's eyes so red? ..........................................................? (she | cry)

The road was covered with snow in the morning. .................................................. all night? (it | snow)

How long .................................................................... when you got up? (you | sleep)

.......................................................................... my wine? The bottle was nearly empty. (you | drink)

How long ......................................................................... before you sat the exam? (you | revise)

Your hands were covered with chocolate. ............................................................. a cake? (you | make)

How many days ......................................................... when they reached the port? (Bill and Jack | sail)

Kate knew all about it. .................................................................... to our conversation? (she | listen)

Why were your trousers so dirty? ................................................................... on the ground? (you | sit)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect continuous: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

How long had you been driving before you crashed?

Had she been crying?

Had it been snowing all night?

How long had you been sleeping when you got up?
Had you been drinking my wine?

How long had you been revising before you sat the exam?

Had you been making a cake?

How many days had Bill and Jack been sailing when they reached the port?

Had she been listening to our conversation?

Had you been sitting on the ground?

Past perfect continuous: exercise 5 - all forms ___________

Complete the conversations with positive and negative forms of the past perfect continuous.

A: Sam, how long .................................................... the laptop before it started working? (you | repair)

B: The laptop? It took me five hours to repair it.

A: I was so tired at the end of the hike!

B: But ............................................................................ so much. (we | not walk)

A: Why was your shirt full of stains?

B: ................................................................... my car. (I | clean)

A: You looked so exhausted.

B: Really? But .................................................................. so hard. (I | not work)

A: Why did Sarah get sunburnt?

B: Because .............................................................. on the beach all day. (she | lie)

A: Mr. Clark, why were you so annoyed?

B: Because ............................................................. to my arguments at all. (they | not listen)

A: .................................................................. for a long time when you saw the doctor? (you | cough)

B: Not really. For two or three days.

A: Miss Jones, how long ................................................................... French when you moved to

France? (you | learn)

B: To tell the truth I'd never learned French before that.

A: Hi, Sam. Did you talk to Susan at last?

B: Yes, I did. But .......................................................... to me for a week before that. (she | not speak)

A: The police finally caught the bank robbers early in the morning.

B: I know. .................................................................. for them day and night. (they | look)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect continuous: exercise 5 - all forms

Answer key

Sam, how long had you been repairing the laptop before it started working?

But we had not (hadn't) been walking so much.

I had (I'd) been cleaning my car.

But I had not (hadn't) been working so hard.

Because she had (she'd) been lying on the beach all day.

Because they had not (hadn't) been listening to my arguments at all.

Had you been coughing for a long time when you saw the doctor?

Miss Jones, how long had you been learning French when you moved to France?

Yes, I did. But she had not (hadn't) been speaking to me for a week before that.

I know. They had (They'd) been looking for them day and night.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 1 __________

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

I had to have a break. I ................................................................. so long. (drive)

Before we parked our car we .......................................................... the ticket. (collect)


I arrived on Sunday. I ..................................................... at home for two days. (not be)

The roads were blocked in the morning. It ...................................................... all night. (snow)

They got to the beach after they .......................................................... for hours. (walk)

She called the police when she ............................................... the light in the hall. (see)

His English was perfect. He ................................................... it since he started school. (study)

I was really hungry. I ........................................................ anything since the morning. (not eat)

She didn't go to work because she .................................................. her leg. (break)

As soon as Betty ................................................... the door, the burglar alarm went off. (open)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

I had to have a break. I had (I'd) been driving so long.

Before we parked our car we had (we'd) collected the ticket.

I arrived on Sunday. I had not (hadn't) been at home for two days.

The roads were blocked in the morning. It had been snowing all night.
They got to the beach after they had (they'd) been walking for hours.

She called the police when she had (she'd) seen the light in the hall.

His English was perfect. He had (He'd) been studying it since he started school.

I was really hungry. I had not (hadn't) eaten anything since the morning.

She didn't go to work because she had (she'd) broken her leg.

As soon as Betty had opened the door, the burglar alarm went off.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 2 __________
Answer the questions. Use the expressions in brackets.

Example: Why did he call you? (just arrived) - He called me because he had just arrived.

When did they finish the house?

They ......................................... the house after they ................................................ it for a year. (build)

Why didn't she eat anything? 179

She ................................... anything because she ................................................. lunch. (already have)

What did he tell her?

He ....................... her that he ...................................... her before. (see)

Why was he so exhausted?

He ........................ so exhausted because he ...................................................... the grass all day. (cut)

When did they land?

They ............................... when the storm ............................................ . (end)

Why was he so dirty?

He ............................ so dirty because he ........................................................ the hole in the rain. (dig)

When did they accept your offer?

They ................................ my offer after they ..................................................... it for a month. (refuse)

What did you forget?

I ................................... that I ...................................... to buy some bread. (want)

How did she know that?

She ............................... that because someone ............................................ her before. (tell)

Why was it so hot in the kitchen?

It ............................... so hot in the kitchen because Sue .................................................. cakes. (bake)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

They finished the house after they had (they'd) been building it for a year.

She didn't eat anything because she had (she'd) alreday had lunch.

He told her that he had (he'd) seen her before.

He was so exhausted because he had (he'd) been cutting the grass all day.
They landed when the storm had ended.

He was so dirty because he had (he'd) been digging the hole in the rain.

They accepted my offer after they had (they'd) been refusing it for a month.

I forgot that I had (I'd) wanted to buy some bread.

She knew that because someone had told her before.

It was so hot in the kitchen because Sue had (Sue'd) been baking cakes.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 3 __________

Rewrite the sentences and keep the same meaning.

After finishing his drink he got up.

After he .................................................... his drink he got up.

His driving too fast caused an accident.

He had an accident as he .......................................................... too fast.

Everyone sat down. The show started.

The show started when everyone ............................................. down.

It was 5 °C. Then the snow disappeared.

The snow disappeared because it ................................................. 5°C.

After switching on the radio she heard the news.

After she ................................................... on the radio she heard the news.

The ship sailed for two days. It landed in Nice.

The ship landed in Nice after it ......................................................... for two days.

He moved furniture. He started at 9 o'clock and finished at 3 o'clock.

At 3 o'clock he .......................................................... furniture for 6 hours.

Ben made a mistake. He apologized.

Ben apologized that he ............................................ a mistake.

I read the book. I didn't want to read it again.

I didn't want to read the book again because I ............................................ it.

After swimming all day they were hungry.

They were hungry because they ................................................................. all day.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 3 - affirmative

Answer key

After he had (he'd) finished his drink he got up.

He had an accident as he had (he'd) been driving too fast.

The show started when everyone had sat down.

The snow disappeared because it had been 5°C.

After she had (she'd) switched on the radio she heard the news.

The ship landed in Nice after it had been sailing for two days.

At 3 o'clock he had (he'd) been moving furniture for 6 hours.

Ben apologized that he had (he'd) made a mistake.

I didn't want to read the book again because I had (I'd) read it.

They were hungry because they had (they'd) been swimming all day.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 4 __________
positive + negative

Use the following expressions to answer the questions.

try to get Jill on the phone repair my computer all night

go to a wrong departure lounge lose his temper
forget the map not take a sunbath all day
take too many pills not buy any food
not ask me already drive for hours

Why did Sam have a headache? 183

Because he ...............................................................................................................................................

Why did you miss the plane?

Because I ..................................................................................................................................................

Why were you so sleepy in the morning?

Because I ..................................................................................................................................................

Why didn't you call me earlier?

Because I .................................................................................................................................................

Why wasn't Liz sunburnt in the afternoon?

Because she .............................................................................................................................................

Why did the teacher shout?

Because he ...............................................................................................................................................

Why didn't you eat anything?

Because I ..................................................................................................................................................

Why did you get lost?

Because we ..............................................................................................................................................

Why did you stop to have a rest?

Because I ..................................................................................................................................................

Why didn't you help him?

Because he ..............................................................................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 4 - positive + negative

Answer key

Because he had (he'd) taken too many pills.

Because I had (I'd) gone to a wrong departure lounge.

Because I had (I'd) been repairing my computer all night.

Because I had (I'd) been trying to get Jill on the phone.

Because she had not (hadn't) been taking a sunbath all day.

Because he had (he'd) lost his temper.

Because I had not (hadn't) bought any food.

Because we had (we'd) forgotten the map.

Because I had (I'd) already been driving for hours.

Because he had not (hadn't) asked me.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 5 __________
statements + questions

Tick the correct sentences. If a tense is not correct, write the correct form.


Before that I had never been seeing a ghost.- Before that I had never seen a ghost.
When I returned, my sister had been gone. - When I returned, my sister Ѵ .

We sold our new house after we had bought a new one.

We sold our new house before we ............................................... a new one. 185

The road was blocked because a tree had been falling on it.

The road was blocked because a tree ........................................ on it.

The street was icy in the morning as it had frozen all night.

The street was icy in the morning as it ..................................................... all night.

I was full of energy because I had been having big lunch.

I was full of energy because I ....................................... big lunch.

Had you ever slept in a tent before your holiday in Italy?

...................................................... in a tent before your holiday in Italy?

He'd been sleeping too long. That's why he was so morose!

He ............................................ too long. That's why he was so morose!

There was no egg left. How many eggs had you been cooking?

There was no egg left. How many eggs .......................................................?

I'd been calling Jane five times before she picked up the phone.

I ............................................... Jane five times before she picked up the phone.

How long had you repaired the car when John appeared?

How long ............................................................... the car when John appeared?

She had taught for 40 years by the time she retired.

She ....................................................... for 40 years by the time she retired.

In 2016 I had gone to France for five years.

In 2016 I ................................................ to France for five years.

Had you been failing many times before you gave up?

.................................................. many times before you gave up?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect simple and continuous: exercise 5
statements + questions

Answer key

We sold our new house after we had bought a new one. Ѵ

The road was blocked because a tree had been falling on it. had fallen

The street was icy in the morning as it had frozen all night. had been freezing

I was full of energy because I had been having big lunch. had had 186
Had you ever slept in a tent before your holiday in Italy? Ѵ

He'd been sleeping too long. That's why he was so morose! Ѵ

There was no egg left. How many eggs had you been cooking? had you cooked

I'd been calling Jane five times before she picked up the phone. had called

How long had you repaired the car when John appeared? had you been repairing

She had done yoga for 40 years by the time she retired. had been doing

In 2016 I had gone to France for five years. had been going

Had you been failing many times before you gave up? Had you failed

Past perfect and past simple: exercise 1 - affirmative _____

Complete the stories. Use the past perfect or past simple and the verbs in brackets

Story 1

It ............................. (be) 11 o'clock. Carol Parker ........................................ (arrive) at the

Shaw Hotel five minutes before. She ................................. (try) to find the hotel several times.

Carol ........................................ (never be) to Dublin. She ........................... (have) a detailed map 187

in her hanbag, but she ....................... (cannot) read it. She ............................. (call) the reception

and asked about the way, but it .................................. (not help) her.

Finally, Carol ............................... (find) the hotel. She was dying for a cup of tea and a hot shower.

Story 2

When I ............................ (be) 18 years old I ............................................. (decide) to spend some time

in America. But until I ................................. (save) enough money I ........................................ (not tell)

anybody. My mum ................................... (be shocked), because we .................................... (never be)

abroad. At that time I ........................... (have) a penfriend in Vermont for nearly three years

and I .......................................... (always want) to see her. I .............................. (know) that my English

...................... (be) very good as I ................................. (pass) Cambridge exams with grade A.

Before I .................................. (start) to write to Wendy, it ............................................... (never come)

to my mind that I could go to the States on my own. But after I ................................... (decide) to set off

I just ............................... (have) to go.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect and past simple: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

Story 1

It was 11 o'clock. Carol Parker had arrived at the Shaw Hotel five minutes before. She had (She'd)

tried to find the hotel several times. Carol had never been to Dublin. She had a detailed

map in her hanbag, but she could not (couldn't) read it. She had called the reception and had asked

about the way, but it had not helped her. Finally, Carol found the hotel. She was dying for a cup of tea 188

and a hot shower.

Story 2

When I was 18 years old I decided to spend some time in America. But until I saved enough money

I had not (hadn't) told anybody. My mum was shocked, because we had (we'd) never been abroad. At

that time I had (I'd) had a penfriend in Vermont for nearly three years and I had (I'd) always wanted to

see her. I knew that my English was very good as I had (I'd) passed Cambridge exams with grade A.

Before I started to write to Wendy, it had never come to my mind that I could go to the States on my

own. But after I had (I'd) decided to set off I just had to go.

Past perfect and past simple: exercise 2 - affirmative _____

Answer the questions and use the words in brackets.


Why did he call you? (just arrived)

He called me because he had just arrived.

When did they return?

They .............................. after they ............................................. all the museums. (visit) 189

Why didn't Pete drink anything?

He ...................... nothing because he .............................. something to drink. (have)

When did the birthday party start?

It ............................. as soon as Jackie .......................................... the cake. (bring)

What did they announce?

They ................................... they ......................................... the main road. (block)

When did the kids go to bed?

They ........................ to bed when they ................................... good night to their grandma. (say)

Why was Joseph so angry?

He ..................... so angry because he ...................................... an argument with Sue. (just have)

What did you remember?

I ..................................... that I ................................................... the man. (already see)

Why did Maria decide to help you?

She ............................... to help me after my dad .............................. her. (tell)

What did you say?

I ..................... that I .................................................... it before. (never do)

When did Betty leave?

She ......................... as soon as she .............................................. her work. (finish)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect and past simple: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

They returned after they had (they'd) visited all the museums.

He drank nothing because he had (he'd) had something to drink.

It started as soon as Jackie had brought the cake.

They announced that they had (they'd) blocked the main road.

They went to bed when they had (they'd) said good night to their grandma. 190

He was so angry because he had (he'd) just had an argument with Sue.

I remembered that I had (I'd) already seen the man.

She decided to help me after my dad had told her.

I said that I had (I'd) never done it before.

She left as soon as she had (she'd) finished her work.

Past perfect and past simple: exercise 3 ________________
statements + questions

Use the underlined words to make questions.

She sometimes swims in the sea in winter.

When ............ she last ...................... in the sea?

I couldn't find my keys. I probably lost them.

................ you ever ................ your keys before that?

He arrived home early in the morning.

What time ................ he ...........................?

Can you shut the window in the bedroom please?

I ................................. it before I came downstairs.

Why didn't Marry want to have dinner with us?

Because she .............................. something to eat already.

I just finished reading the last part of Harry Potter.

What ............ you ................... after that?

Did you eat avocado for the first time?

Avocado? I ............... already.......................... it several times.

We got married and started to live in a new house.

Where ............ you .................. up to your marriage?

My dad retired when he was 65 years old.

........... your mum ............................. earlier?

Did you finally find the adddress ?

Yes, I did. I ........................... it later in the drawer.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect and past simple: exercise 3 - statements + questions

Answer key

When did she last swim in the sea?

Had you ever lost your keys before that?

What time did he arrive?

I had (I'd) shut it before I came downstairs.

Because she had (she'd) had something to eat already.

What did you read after that?

I had (I'd) already eaten it several times.

Where had you lived up to your marriage?

Had your mum retired earlier?

I found it later in the drawer.

Past perfect and past simple: exercise 4 - all forms _______

There is one mistake on each line. Find the mistakes and correct them.


Did you ever see her before you met her at school? Had you ever seen...?

She played the flute and then she had sung in the choir. ..................................................................

I borrowed your car. Had you known about it? ..................................................................


After the lessons had finished we run out of school. ..................................................................

Had you be there before? - Yes, the previous year. ..................................................................

Did you liked the article in the magazine? ..................................................................

I recognized him because I did see him before. ..................................................................

I hadn't gone out because I hadn't finished my homework. ..................................................................

We had done nothing like this at that time. ..................................................................

It was quite difficult. I had had no idea what to do. ..................................................................

As far as I'd known she had always had some pets. ..................................................................

When I met Jim he was already a soldier for three years. ..................................................................

He had gone to the office because somebody had told him. ..................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect and past simple: exercise 4 - all forms

Answer key

She played the flute and then she had sung in the choir. she sang

I borrowed your car. Had you known about it? Did you know

After the lessons had finished we run out of school. we ran

Had you be there before? - Yes, the previous year. Had you been

Did you liked the article in the magazine? Did you like 194

I recognized him because I did see him before. had seen

I hadn't gone out because I hadn't finished my homework. didn't go out

We had done nothing like this at that time. We did

It was quite difficult. I had had no idea what to do. I had no idea

As far as I'd known she had always had some pets. I knew

When I met Jim he was already a soldier for three years. he had already been

He had gone to the office because somebody had told him. He went

Future perfect simple and continuous exercises ___

● Future perfect simple

Exercise 1 - affirmative 197

Exercise 2 - affirmative 199

Exercise 3 - positive and negative 201

Exercise 4 - questions 203

Exercise 5 - all forms 205

● Future perfect continuous

Exercise 1 - affirmative 207

Exercise 2 - affirmative 209

Exercise 3 - affirmative 211

Exercise 4 - positive and negative 213

Exercise 5 - questions 215

● Future perfect simple and continuous

Exercise 1 - affirmative 217

Exercise 2 - affirmative 219

Exercise 3 - affirmative 221

Exercise 4 - statements and questions 223

Exercise 5 - questions 225

Exercise 6 - positive and negative 227

● Future perfect vs future continuous
Exercise 1 - affirmative 229

Exercise 2 - affirmative 231

Exercise 3 - statements and questions 233

Exercise 4 - positive and negative 235


Future perfect simple: exercise 1 - affirmative ___________

Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.


We ................... breakfast before you get up. - (make) We will have made breakfast before you get up.

I'll tell you tomorrow. I ........................................................... by then. (decide)


When you come next time, we ........................................................ in a new house. (move)

By the time we reach the coast, the storm ................................................... . (end)

In two years's time I ........................................................ my university studies. (finish)

He .............................................................. the film before he retires. (complete)

Next year we ................................................... in Spain for ten years. (be)

Don't worry. I ............................................................ the manager by noon. (contact)

The dinner will be ready when we get back. Mum ...................................................... it. (cook)

Please, call again later. Mr. Jones ............................................................ by two o'clock. (return)

The garden party will be in July. The grass ....................................................... before that. (grow)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

I'll tell you tomorrow. I will (I'll) have decided by then.

When you come next time, we will (we'll) have moved in a new house.

By the time we reach the coast, the storm will have ended.

In two years's time I will (I'll) have finished my university studies.

He will (He'll) have completed the film before he retires. 198

Next year we will (we'll) have been in Spain for ten years.

Don't worry. I will (I'll) have contacted the manager by noon.

The dinner will be ready when we get back. Mum will have cooked it.

Please, call again later. Mr. Jones will have returned by two o'clock.

The garden party will be in July. The grass will have grown before that.

Future perfect simple: exercise 2 - affirmative ___________
Rewrite the sentences with expressions in brackets.


The meal will be ready sooner than at 6 o'clock. (finish)

I will have finished the meal by 6 o'clock.

You will get the photographs on Friday.

I ....................................................... the photographs by the end of the week. (take)

Call me later. I will know the information.


When you call me I .......................................................... the information. (find out)

I will be here tomorrow, but Tim is going to leave today.

I will still be here tomorrow, but Tim ........................................... . (leave)

Clare will have nothing to do in half an hour.

Clare .......................................................... her work in half an hour. (finish)

In summer there will be two new houses in this field.

By next winter they ............................................... two new houses in this field. (build)

When we come to the station, the train will be already there.

The train ....................................................... at the station before we come there. (arrive)

I will have 150 lessons in the English course.

I ................................................................. 150 lessons when the English course ends. (attend)

We will have no bread tomorrow.

We .............................................................. all that bread by tomorrow. (eat)

They will be in the middle of the journey when they reach York.

They .................................................... half of the journey in York. (do)

If you don't hurry, you won't meet anyone at the party.

Hurry up or everyone .............................................. home by the time you get to the party. (go)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

I will (I'll) have taken the photographs by the end of the week.

When you call me I will (I'll) have found out the information.

I will still be here tomorrow, but Tim will have left.

Clare will have finished her work in half an hour.

By next winter they will (they'll) have built two new houses in this field. 200

The train will have arrived at the station before we come there.

I will (I'll) have attended 150 lessons when the English course ends.

We will (We'll) have eaten all that bread by tomorrow.

They will (They'll) have done half of the journey in York.

Hurry up or everyone will have gone home by the time you get to the party.

Future perfect simple: exercise 3 - positive + negative ____

What will Marion have done by the time she gets married?


+ prepare the wedding reception - buy wedding rings

She will have prepared the wedding reception. She won't have bought wedding rings.

Marion 201
+ send wedding invitations - regret her decision
+ order a photographer - receive wedding gifts
+ try on her wedding dress - change her surname
+ find a place for the wedding reception - leave for her honeymoon
+ book hotel rooms for wedding guests - move to a new place











See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple: exercise 3 - positive + negative

Answer key

She will (She'll) have sent wedding invitations.

She will have ordered a photographer.
She will have tried on her wedding dress.
She will have found a place for the wedding reception.
She will have booked hotel rooms for wedding guests.

She will not (won't) have regretted her decision. 202

She will not have received wedding gifts.
She will not have changed her surname.
She will not have left for her honeymoon.
She will not have moved to a new place.

Future perfect simple: exercise 4 - questions ____________

Make questions in the present perfect to complete the dialogues. Use the following verbs.

start reach cover read clean turn paint do change update

What time ................ you ..................................... the windows?

By 5 o'clock, I hope.

When ............... Samantha ................................................... the book?
She'll give it back to you in two weeks' time, she promissed.

How many projects .................. you ................................................... when you finish this one?
This is only my second project.

When ................. Susan ............................................... the portrait?

Before the end of the day, I would say.

............... you ................................................. the oil before we collect our car?

Yes, I will. I'll have done it by one o'clock.

............... the show ................................................ if we come in two hours?

I'm afraid it will start in an hour.

............... Angie ................................................ her CV by the time she goes to the interview?
She's already done it.

When ............... you ........................................................... all the topics?

When I finish my lectures.

............... we .................................................. the top of the mountain before the sun sets?
Don't worry. It's just two hours' walk.

............... my hair ............................................ grey in a ten years' time?

Who knows?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

What time will you have cleaned the windows?

When will Samantha have read the book?

How many projects will you have done when you finish this one?

When will Susan have painted the portrait?

Will you have changed the oil before we collect our car? 204

Will the show have started if we come in two hours?

Will Angie have updated her CV by the time she goes to the interview?

When will you have covered all the topics?

Will we have reached the top of the mountain before the sun sets?

Will my hair have turned grey in a ten years' time?

Future perfect simple: exercise 5 - all forms _____________

Correct mistakes.

In two years' time we will have reconstruct our house.

In two years' time we ......................................................................... our house.

Will have your father returned by Sunday?

.................................................................................................... by Sunday?

My friend won't taken up a new job before summer.

My friend ............................................................................ a new job before summer.

Will you prepared everything for me when I arrive?

.................................................................... everything for me when I arrive?

Will you have gone to bed until midnight?

..................................................................... to bed ...................................... ?

By the end of next week Sharon has come back from Greece.

By the end of next week Sharon ............................................................. from Greece.

We will have tidy up the rooms before our guests appear.

We ................................................................. the rooms before our guests appear.

Next month we will be married for five years.

Next month ............................................................. married for five years.

The translation won't be ready when you need it. Greg isn't going to do it by then.

The translation won't be ready when you need it. Greg ................................................ it by then.

At the end of this exercise I will correct ten mistakes.

At the end of this exercise I ................................................................ ten mistakes.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple: exercise 5 - all forms

Answer key

In two years' time we will (we'll) have reconstructed our house.

Will your father have returned by Sunday?

My friend will not (won't) have taken up a new job before summer.

Will you have prepared everything for me when I arrive?

Will you have gone to bed by/at midnight? 206

By the end of next week Sharon will have come back from Greece.

We will (We'll) have tidied up the rooms before our guests appear.

Next month we will (we'll) have been married for five years.

The translation won't be ready when you need it. Greg will not (won't) have done it by then.

At the end of this exercise I will (I'll) have corrected ten mistakes.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative _______
How long will Francis and his friends have been doing the following things by the end of their
school holidays?


Francis - stay at his grandma's place

Francis will have been staying at his grandma's place for three weeks.

Samantha - travel round the world

Melanie - work at a summer camp
Robert - learn Spanish at a language school
Kevin - work on his house 207
Carol - practise beach volleyball
Peter - do community work
Naomi - take care of her neighbour's dog
Judy - attend driving school
Ben - climb mountains
Tom - do nothing

Samantha ............................................................................................................. for a month.

Melanie ................................................................................................................ for six weeks.

Robert .................................................................................................................. for two months.

Kevin ................................................................................................................... all the time.

Carol .................................................................................................................... for more than a month.

Peter ..................................................................................................................... for three weeks.

Naomi .................................................................................................................. for a couple of weeks.

Judy ..................................................................................................................... for quite a long time.

Ben ...................................................................................................................... for a fortnight.

Tom ..................................................................................................................... all the time.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

Samantha will have been travelling round the world for a month.

Melanie will have been working at a summer camp for six weeks.

Robert will have been learning Spanish at a language school for two months.

Kevin will have been working on his house all the time.

Carol will have been practising beach volleyball for more than a month. 208

Peter will have been doing community work for three weeks.

Naomi will have been taking care of her neighbour's dog for a couple of weeks.

Judy will have been attending driving school for quite a long time.

Ben will have been climbing mountains for a fortnight.

Tom will have been doing nothing all the time.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative _______

Respond to the following situations.

Why are you so angry?

They .......................................................................................... the road by the end of this year. (repair)

Your French is not perfect.

Don't worry. I ......................................................................... it for a year by the time I leave for France.

Look at Jane. She's so nervous.

No wonder. She ................................................................... for Tim for five hours when his plane finally
arrives. (wait)

Bill is a good teacher.

Definitely. He .......................................................................... for five years by the time he's 30. (teach)

I could help you pick apples on Sunday.

We ...................................................................... apples for a week by Sunday. We'll be finished. (pick)

Do you think you will pass the exam?

I hope so. I ............................................................................. for it for two weeks when I take it. (revise)

Is Grace your neighbour?

Yes, she is. She ........................................................................... next door for a year next month. (live)

We could buy Lisa a new piano for her birthday.

Good idea. When she turns twenty, she ................................................................................... the piano
for twelve years. (play)

Shall I wake Doris up?

Yes, please. At nine o'clock she ............................................................................. for ten hours. (sleep)

Your parents are experienced workers.

Yes, they are. They ................................................................... together for 35 years before they retire.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

They will (They'll) have been repairing the road by the end of this year.

Don't worry. I will (I'll) have been learning it for a year by the time I leave for France.

No wonder. She will (She'll) have been waiting for Tim for five hours when his plane finally arrives.

Definitely. He will (He'll) have been teaching for five years by the time he's 30.

We will (We'll) have been picking apples for a week by Sunday. We'll be finished. 210

I hope so. I will (I'll) have been revising for it for two weeks when I take it.

Yes, she is. She will (She'll) have been living next door for a year next month.

Good idea. When she turns twenty, she will (she'll) have been playing the piano for twelve years.

Yes, please. At nine o'clock she will (she'll) have been sleeping for ten hours.

Yes, they are. They will (They'll) have been working together for thirty five years before they retire.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 3 - affirmative _______

Rewrite the following sentences. Use the underlined verbs and keep the same meaning.

It will rain for 24 hours and it will stop raining in the morning.

When it stops raining in the morning, it ............................................................................... for 24 hours.

I'll learn French for seven years and then I leave school.

I ........................................................................................ French for seven years before I leave school. 211

We moved in Hastings 18 years ago and we will live here for another two years.

In a two years's time we ............................................................................ at this place for two decades.

I'll work in my office for a couple of hours and you'll get up at last.

By the time you get up I ..................................................................... in my office for a couple of hours.

The farmer's family started picking strawberries last Friday and they will continue till Friday.

On Friday the farmer's family ............................................................................ strawberries for a week.

In Monaco it will be one month since Darren started sailing on his yacht.

Darren ..................................................................... on his yacht for a month when he lands in Monaco.

The computer will update its operating system first. It will start working in five minutes.

The computer ........................................................................ its operating system for about five

minutes before it starts working.

We used the Internet for the first time nearly twenty years ago.

By the end of this year we ......................................................................... the Internet for twenty years.

In July it will be one year since Maggie started singing in the choir.

In July Maggie ...................................................................................................... in the choir for a year.

Shall I turn off the gass? It will be 10.15 and the water has nearly been boiling for twenty minutes.

Shall I turn off the gass? The water .................................................................................... for twenty
minutes at 10.15.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 3 - affirmative

Answer key

When it stops raining in the morning, it will (it'll) have been raining for 24 hours.

I will (I'll) have been learning French for seven years before I leave school.

In a two years's time we will (we'll) have been living at this place for two decades.

By the time you get up I will (I'll) have been working in my office for a couple of hours.

On Friday the farmer's family will have been picking strawberries for a week. 212

Darren will have been sailing on his yacht for a month when he lands in Monaco.

The computer will have been updating its operating system for about five minutes before it starts

By the end of this year we will (we'll) have been using the Internet for twenty years.

In July Maggie will have been singing in the choir for a year.

Shall I turn off the gass? The water will have been boiling for twenty minutes at 10.15.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 4 __________________
positive + negative

Complete the conversations.

A: How long are you going to stay at this hotel?

B: On Sunday we ..................................................................... here for two weeks and we'd like to stay
one more week. (stay)

A: Do you think Matt will finish the report in time?

B: I don't think so. He ........................................................................................ on it for more than three
days tomorrow. (not work)

A: Are you worried about your job interview in Paris?

B: Not really. When I leave for France, I ............................................................................ for it for more
than a month. (prepare)

A: We are going to the party at 6 o'clock. Will you join us?

B: I'm afraid I'll be tired. I .................................................................................. trees for five hours when
the party starts. (plant)

A: Is the electric engine the future of cars?

B: I don't think so. In a ten years' time people ..........................................................................................

more cars with electric engines than with internal combustion engines. (not drive)

A: How long has Patricia been learning English?

B: At the end of this course she .............................................................................. English for six years.

A: How many countries has your sister visited during her journey?

B: I don't really know. But she ................................................................................... the world for a year
before she gets back home. (backpack)

A: Do you like endless soap operas?

B: I love them. By the end of this year I .............................................................................. Guiding Light

for two decades. (watch)

A: Is the chicken ready?

B: Not at all. At 12.30 I ....................................................................................... it for more than an hour

and it is not enough. (not bake)

A: Isn't this chess game a little bit boring?

B: Boring? I'm afraid they ........................................................................................ for a long time when

it ends. (not play)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 4 - positive + negative

Answer key

On Sunday we will (we'll) have been staying here for two weeks and we'd like to stay one more week.

I don't think so. He will not (won't) have been working on it for more than three days tomorrow.

Not really. When I leave for France, I will (I'll) have been preparing for it for more than a month.

I'm afraid I'll be tired. I will (I'll) have been planting apple trees for five hours when the party starts.

I don't think so. In a ten years' time people will not (won't) have been driving more cars with electric 214
engines than with internal combustion engines.

At the end of this course she will (she'll) have been studying English for six years.

I don't really know. But she will (she'll) have been backpacking the world for a year before she gets
back home.

I love them. By the end of this year I will (I'll) have been watching Guiding Light for two decades.

Not at all. At 12.30 I will not (won't) have been baking it for more than an hour and it is not enough.

Boring? I'm afraid they will not (won't) have been playing for a long time when it ends.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 5 - questions ________

Complete the questions with the words in brackets.

....................................................................................................................... their house for two or three

years by the end of this year? (the Clarks - renovate)

How long ................................................................................................... your Spanish by the time you

leave for Madrid? (you - refresh)

How many days ................................................................................. for the message before he gets it?
(Tom - wait)

.............................................................................................. with this company for more than five years

by the time he is 30? (Ben - work)

How long .................................................................................................... cakes by the end of the day?

(your grandma - bake)

..................................................................................................... for the driving test for at least a month

when you take it? (you - practise)

.................................................................................................. with you for four or five years by the end

of this year? (Marion - live)

How many years ................................................................................... the flute when she turns fifteen?
(your daughter - play)

.................................................................................... for at least twelve hours when you wake him up?
(little Sam - sleep)

How long ........................................................................................... the report before you hand it over?

(you - write)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect continuous: exercise 5 - questions

Answer key

Will the Clarks have been renovating their house by the end of this year?

How long will you have been refreshing your Spanish by the time you leave for Madrid?

How many days will Tom have been waiting for the message before he gets it?

Will Ben have been working with this company for more than five years by the time he is 30?

How long will your grandma have been baking cakes by the end of the day? 216

Will you have been practising for the driving test for at least a month when you take it?

Will Marion have been living with you for four or five years by the end of this year?

How many years will your daughter have been playing the flute when she turns fifteen?

Will little Sam have been sleeping for at least twelve hours when you wake him up?

How long will you have been writing the report before you hand it over?

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 1 ________

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

In five years' time there will be no houses in this street. (demolish)

In five years' time they ................................................................................. all the houses in this street.

The Christmas tree will be ready before our children come back. (decorate)
We ............................................................................ the Christmas tree before our children come back.

This is my tenth year of teaching experience. (teach)

I ........................................................................................ for ten years this year.

I am going to finish my second book by the end of this year. (publish)

My second book ............................................................................. by the end of this year.

Greg will call me and I must think about his proposal before that. (consider)

Before Greg calls me, I ............................................................................ his proposal all the time.

You will be hot until you open the window. (sweat)

You .................................................................................. until you open the window.

On Thursday we will have all the needed information. (receive)

By Friday we ............................................................................. all the needed information.

We planted the trees nearly three years ago. (grow)

This year the trees ........................................................................... for three years.

We will be in Paris sooner than at 5 p. m. (arrive)

We ............................................................................ in Paris by 5 p. m.

Our English workshop will start at 8 o'clock and it will finish at 12 o'clock. (work)

At noon we ................................................................................ on our English project for four hours.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

In five years' time they will (they'll) have demolished all the houses in this street.

We will (We'll) have decorated the Christmas tree before our children come back.

I will (I'll) have been teaching for ten years this year.

My second book will have been published by the end of this year.

Before Greg calls me, I will (I'll) have been considering his proposal all the time. 218

You will (You'll) have been sweating until you open the window.

By Friday we will (we'll) have received all the needed information.

This year the trees will have been growing for three years.

We will (We'll) have arrived in Paris by 5 p. m.

At noon we will (we'll) have been working on our English project for four hours.

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 2 ________
Write the correct endings of the sentences. Choose one of the options for each sentence.

We will have rehearsed the play ...............................................................................................................

We will have been rehearsing the play .....................................................................................................

▪ for two months in September ▪ by September

I will have found enough mushrooms .......................................................................................................

I will have been looking for mushrooms ...................................................................................................
▪ for a couple of hours before lunch ▪ before you start cooking

By Friday they will have dug up ................................................................................................................

Until Friday they will have been digging up ..............................................................................................

▪ the roads in King Street and George Street ▪ the roads in our town

When he retires ........................................................................................................................................

If he finishes his last film ...........................................................................................................................

▪ he'll have been shooting films for 30 years ▪ he'll have shooted 30 films

In two weeks' time ....................................................................................................................................

On 30 June ...............................................................................................................................................
▪ I will have given up smoking ▪ I will have been trying to give up smoking for more than a month

By the end of this season he will have played ..........................................................................................

By the end of this season he will have been playing ................................................................................

▪ for 10 months in this team ▪ 50 games in this team

She will have eaten her dinner .................................................................................................................

She will have been eating her dinner ........................................................................................................

▪ for an hour at 7 o'clock ▪ by 7 o'clock

I'll have sent him an e-mail .......................................................................................................................

I'll have been sending him e-mails for a couple of days ...........................................................................
▪ before I leave the office ▪ today

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative

Answer key

We will have rehearsed the play by September.

We will have been rehearsing the play for two months in September.

I will have found enough mushrooms before you start cooking.

I will have been looking for mushrooms for a couple of hours before lunch.

By Friday they will have dug up the roads in King Street and George Street. 220

Until Friday they will have been digging up the roads in our town.

When he retires he'll have been shooting films for 30 years.

If he finishes his last film he'll have shooted 30 films.

In two weeks' time I will have given up smoking.

On 30 June I will have been trying to give up smoking for more than a month.

By the end of this season he will have played 50 games in this team.

By the end of this season he will have been playing for 10 months in this team.

She will have eaten her dinner by 7 o'clock.

She will have been eating her dinner for an hour at 7 o'clock.

I'll have sent him an e-mail before I leave the office.

I'll have been sending him e-mails for a couple of days today.

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 3 ________

Use the verbs in brackets to complete the dialogue.

A: How long have you been preparing your campaign, Derek?

B: By the end of this month I .............................................................................. on it for a year. (work)

A: For a year? And do you think you ...................................................... it by the end of June? (launch)

B: I hope so. I suppose we ............................................... all the posters and TV shots by then. (make)

A: Why has it taken you so long?

B: We needed a lot of data to support our arguments. Before we start it in July, several teams of

experts .................................................................................... data for six months. (collect) And we'll

have to sort them out. But we ................................................................ it by the end of June. (finish)

A: I wish you all good luck, Derek. And I hope that before your campaign ends, the public transport

in our city ................................................................. for the better. (change)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 3 - affirmative

Answer key

A: How long have you been preparing your campaign, Derek?

B: By the end of this month I will (I'll) have been working on it for a year.

A: For a year? And do you think you will (you'll) have launched it by the end of June?

B: I hope so. I suppose we will (we'll) have made all the posters and TV shots by then.

A: Why has it taken you so long? 222

B: We needed a lot of data to support our arguments. Before we start it in July, several teams of

experts will have been collecting data for six months. And we'll have to sort them out. But we will

(we'll) have finished it by the end of June.

A: I wish you all good luck, Derek. And I hope that before your campaign ends, the public transport

in our city will have changed for the better.

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 4 ________
statements + questions

Correct mistakes. Use the future perfect simple or continuous.

In two years' time Meg will have been graduating.

In two years' time Meg ..............................................................................................................................

Next year we will live in this house for two decades.

Next year we ............................................................................ in this house for two decades.

Will you have been booking your holiday by Christmas?

.............................................................................. your holiday by Christmas?

I will have been copying all the materials by noon.

I ............................................................................ all the materials by noon.

This time next week we will sail in the Pacific for a month.

This time next week we .................................................................................. in the Pacific for a month.

Will you have been coming back by Sunday?

.................................................................................. by Sunday?

He will have been passing the driving test by the end of this week.

He ............................................................................ the driving test by the end of this week.

Will you have been making dinner before Bill comes home?

............................................................................ dinner before Bill comes home?

The scientists will have been discovering a drug against cancer by the end of this decade.

The scientists ................................................................. a drug against cancer by the end of this


How long will Jane have learnt Spanish when she leaves school?

How long ............................................................................ Spanish when she leaves school?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 4
statements + questions

Answer key

In two years' time Meg will have graduated.

Next year we will (we'll) have been living | will have lived in this house for two decades.

Will you have booked your holiday by Christmas?

I will (I'll) have copied all the materials by noon. 224

This time next week we will (we'll) have been sailing in the Pacific for a month.

Will you have come back by Sunday?

He will (He'll) have passed the driving test by the end of this week.

Will you have made dinner before Bill comes home?

The scientists will have discovered a drug against cancer by the end of this decade.

How long will Jane have been learning Spanish when she leaves school?

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 5 ________

Make questions to complete the dialogues.

A: When ............................................................. the dinner? (you | cook)

B: By 7 o'clock.

A: How long ............................................................................ the book this year? (Sam | write)

B: For three or four years. 225

A: How many continents ...................................................... after your journey to Australia? (you | visit)
B: It will be my fifth continent.

A: When ............................................................................. her project? (Sarah | finish)

B: Before Friday.

A: How long ................................................................................... the course this week? (you | attend)

B: For six weeks or so.

A: ........................................................................ the refrigerator before we leave? (they | deliver)

B: Yes, by 10 o'clock.

A: ........................................................................ in this house for a long time before they pull it down?
(you | live)
B: Yes, for more than ten years.

A: ............................................................ her new car by the time she goes on holiday? (Sheila | buy)
B: I have no idea.

A: ......................................................................................... for a long time before we reach the island?

(we | sail)
B: Yes, it'll be a tiring voyage.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 5 - questions

Answer key

When will you have cooked the dinner?

How long will Sam have been writing the book this year?

How many continents will you have visited after your journey to Australia?

When will Sarah have finished her project?

How long will you have been attending the course this week? 226

Will they have delivered the refrigerator before we leave?

Will you have been living | have lived in this house for a long time before they pull it down?

Will Sheila have bought her new car by the time she goes on holiday?

Will we have been sailing for a long time before we reach the island?

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 6 ________
positive + negative

Answer the following questions with the verbs in brackets.

When will you send the parcel?

We ............................................................................ it by Friday. (deliver)

How long does it take you to rewrite such a report?

Tomorrow I ........................................................................ on it for three days. (work)

And I .......................................................................... it by 6 p.m. (finish)

What time shall we have a break?

At about 5 o'clock. We ..................................................................... for nearly four hours. (travel)

Can I have a look at your photos tomorrow?

No, I'm sorry. I ....................................................................... them by tomorrow. (not develop)

Can we start the party at 3 o'clock?

I don't think so. All our guests ................................................................. by then, I'm afraid. (not arrive)

Will Sam be ready for the test on Monday?

He .............................................................................. for more than a week. (not revise)

And he ............................................................................ everything by Monday. (not revise)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 6
positive + negative

Answer key

We will (we'll) have delivered it by Friday.

Tomorrow I will (I'll) have been working on it for three days.

And I will (I'll) have finished it by 6 p.m.

We will (We'll) have been travelling for nearly four hours. 228
I will not (won't) have developed them by tomorrow.

All our guests will not have arrived by then, I'm afraid.

He will not (won't) have been revising for more than a week.

And he will not (won't) have revised everything by Monday.

Future perfect and future continuous: exercise 1 _________

Complete the sentences with the future perfect (will have done) or the future continuous (will
be doing) and the verbs in the box.

disappear arrive cook watch replace move finish fly teach listen

When we reach Portsmouth we ............................................................. our voyage.


When I drive my car I ..................................................... to the new CD.

In a twenty years' time thousands of species ............................................................ from this planet.

In a few hours' time we ...................................................... on the plane.

I'll meet you at four o'clock. - At four? I'm afraid I ...................................................... English.

We ............................................................... the wheels before you come back from the shop.

Shall I buy a pizza? - There's no need. I ..................................................... as usual.

I'm sorry, we can't come tonight. We .................................................. the new documentary on TV.

My new PC .............................................................. by the end of this week.

The Johnsons ............................................................. in their new house by Christmas.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect and future continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative

Answer key

When we reach Portsmouth we will (we'll) have finished our voyage.

When I drive my car I will (I'll) be listening to the new CD.

In a twenty years' time thousands of species will have disappeared from this planet.

In a few hours' time we will (we'll) be flying on the plane.

I'll meet you at four o'clock. - At four? I'm afraid I will (I'll) be teaching English. 230

We will (We'll) have replaced the wheels before you come back from the shop.

Shall I buy a pizza? - There's no need. I will (I'll) be cooking as usual.

I'm sorry, we can't come tonight. We will (We'll) be watching the new documentary on TV.

My new PC will have arrived by the end of this week.

The Johnsons will have moved in their new house by Christmas.

Future perfect and future continuous: exercise 2 ________

Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

In a ten years' time most people ................................................ smart watches. (wear)

Hurry up or the coach ................................................... before we reach the station. (leave)

Shall I say hello to Ann? I ................................................ to her. (talk)

When you get up tomorrow morning, I .............. already ..................................... to Cork. (drive)

When you get back the decorators ........................................................... all the work. (finish)

By this time tommorow we ..................................................... our new car in the garage. (have)

Can we meet at 5 o'clock? - Sorry, I .............still .................................... . (work)

This time next week we .............................................. at the seaside. (relax)

On 1 July Marion ................................................... engaged for a year. (be)

By the time we get to the cinema the film ...................................................... . (end)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect and future continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative
Answer key

In a ten years' time most people will be wearing smart watches.

Hurry up or the coach will have left before we reach the station.

Shall I say hello to Ann? I will (I'll) be talking to her.

When you get up tomorrow morning, I will (I'll) already be driving to Cork.

When you get back the decorators will have finished all the work.

By this time tommorow we will (we'll) have had our new car in the garage. 232

Can we meet at 5 o'clock? - Sorry, I will (I'll) still be working.

This time next week we will (we'll) be relaxing at the seaside.

On 1 July Marion will have been engaged for a year.

By the time we get to the cinema the film will have ended.

Future perfect and future continuous: exercise 3 ________
statements + questions

Correct mistakes. Be careful, some sentences are correct.

In two years' time I will have finish my studies.

In two years' time I ..............................................................................................................................

Will they be renovating the restaurant by the end of this year?

................................................................................... the restaurant by the end of this year?

Tomorrow at 8 o'clock I will travelling to my office as usual.

Tomorrow at 8 o'clock ................................................................ to my office as usual.

Paul has quitted his job before summer.

Paul ................................................................................. his job before summer.

Will you have waited for me when I arrive at the airport?

......................................................................... for me when I arrive at the airport?

Will you be returning by midnight?

....................................................................................... by midnight?

This time next week Marion will have been playing tennis at Wimbledon.

This time next week Marion .................................................................. tennis at Wimbledon.

Our specialists will have find a solution before it is too late.

Our specialists ...................................................................... a solution before it is too late.

Smart phones will have communicated with more and more devices in a few years' time.

Smart phones ................................................................... with many more devices in a few years' time.

Can I drop in for a while? Will be you working on Saturday?

Can I drop in for a while? ............................................................... on Saturday?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect and future continuous: exercise 3
statements + questions

Answer key

In two years' time I will have finished my studies.

Will they have renovated the restaurant by the end of this year?

Tomorrow at 8 o'clock I will be travelling to my office as usual.

Paul will have quitted his job before summer. 234

Will you be waiting for me when I arrive at the airport?

Will you have returned by midnight?

This time next week Marion will be playing tennis at Wimbledon.

Our specialists will have found a solution before it is too late.

Smart phones will be communicating with more and more devices in a few years' time.

Can I drop in for a while? Will you be working on Saturday?

Future perfect and future continuous: exercise 4 ________
positive and negative
Rewrite these sentences in the future perfect or future continuous. Use the verbs in brackets.


This time tomorrow I'll be on my way to London. - (drive) This time tomorrow I'll be driving to London.
We won't live in a house at the end of this year. - (not move) We won't have moved in a house by the
end of this year.

I have no homework for tomorrow.

I ..................................................... any homework tonight. (not do) 235

I am going to do my homework tonight.

I ..................................................... my homework by tomorrow. (finish)

The show starts at 9 p. m. and it ends an hour later.

We ................................................... the show between 9 and 10 p.m. (watch)

The show ends just a few minutes after ten o'clock.

The show ............................................. by ten o'clock. (not end)

You can play with your grandpa. He doesn't have to cut the grass today.

You can play with your grandpa. He ............................................. grass today. (not cut)

Marion won't be waiting for you if you come late.

Hurry up or Marion ............................................... by the time you arrive there. (leave)

In 2050 the Internet will be accessible everywhere.

In 2050 everyone ................................................... the Internet. (use)

In 2050 everyone will be connected to the Internet.

By 2050 everyone .................................................... the Internet one way or the other. (access)

How will I recognize you? - According to my red dress.

How will I recognize you? - I ...................................................... a red dress. (wear)

I have to wear this dress at the party. I can't buy a new one before that.

I have to wear this dress at the party. I ...................................................... a new one by then. (not buy)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future perfect and future continuous: exercise 4
positive + negative

Answer key

I will not (won't) be doing any homework tonight.

I will (I'll) have finished my homework by tomorrow.

We will (We'll) be watching the show between 9 and 10 p.m.

The show will not (won't) have ended by ten o'clock. 236
You can play with your grandpa. He will not (won't) be cutting grass today.

Hurry up or Marion will have left by the time you arrive there.

In 2050 everyone will be using the Internet.

By 2050 everyone will have accessed the Internet one way or the other.

How will I recognize you? - I will (I'll) be wearing a red dress.

I have to wear this dress at the party. I will not (won't) have bought a new one by then.

Irregular verbs exercises _______________________

● Past simple
Exercise 1 - two parts 238

● Past simple and past participle

Exercise 2 - two parts 240

Exercise 3 - two parts 242

Irregular verbs: exercise 1 - past simple ________________

Part 1 stand .....................

Fill in the missing forms. take .....................

wake .....................
be .....................
write .....................
begin .....................

..................... broke 238

Part 2
buy .....................
Find the past simple forms of regular and
..................... could irregular verbs. Write them with infinitives.

come ..................... Example:

..................... cut grew - grow

eat .....................
a) grewentaughtoldranknewondidug
fall .....................
.................................... ....................................
..................... got
.................................... ....................................
give .....................
.................................... ....................................
..................... had
.................................... ....................................
hear .....................
.................................... ....................................
hurt .....................

..................... left b) woreadrewokeptsangthoughtoredrove

make ..................... .................................... ....................................

..................... met .................................... ....................................

put ..................... .................................... ....................................

ride ..................... .................................... ....................................

..................... ran .................................... ....................................

..................... send

sit .....................

..................... slept See the Answer Key on the next page.

Irregular verbs: exercise 1 - past simple

Answer key

Part 1 Part 2

be was, were a) grewentaughtoldranknewoneededid

begin began
break broke grow - grew
buy bought go - went
can could teach - taught
come came tell - told
cut cut drink - drank
eat ate know - knew
fall fell win - won
get got do - did
give gave dig - dug
have had
hear heard b) woreadrewokeptsangthoughtoredrove
hurt hurt
leave left wear - wore
make made read - read
meet met draw - drew
put put wake - woke
ride rode keep - kept
run ran sing - sang
send sent think - thought
sit sat tear - tore
sleep slept drive - drove
stand stood
take took
wake woke
write wrote
Irregular verbs: exercise 2 - past simple + past participle __

Part 1 Part 2

Fill in the past simple and past participle Underline mistakes and write the irregular
forms of the verbs in brackets. verbs correctly.

The arctic wind .......................... from the north bear - bored - born ..............................
yesterday morning. (blow)
beat - beat - beat ..............................
Look at my hand! The dog has .........................
me. (bite) built - built - built ..............................
I'm ill. I have .......................... a cold, I'm afraid. cost - cost - costen ..............................
feel - fell - felt ..............................
Which shoes have you ................................... ?
(choose) forget - forgot - forgot ..............................

I .......................... the cat a moment ago. (feed) freeze - froaz - frozen ..............................

My dad ................. a Swiss watch on a beach. hid - hid - hidden ..............................

held - held - held ..............................
Have you ever ........................... by plane? (fly)
lead - lead - led ..............................
He ........................ me and I started to cry. (hit)
lend - lended -lent ..............................
I .................. him go because he wanted to see
the match so much. (let) mean - ment - meant ..............................

Imagine! She .................... in bed till noon! (lie) pay - payed - paid ..............................

Where is my key? I have ..................... it! (lose) ring - rung - rung ..............................

We have ..................... everything. We have no rise - rose - rose ..............................

more Latin music. (sell)
sit - set- set ..............................
Have I ..................... you my new mobile phone
yet? (show) shut - shat - shut ..............................

I ....................... English a lot when we were on sing - sang - sang ..............................

holiday. (speak)
smel - smelt - smelt ..............................
Someone ....................... my bike in front of the
shop. (steal) spent - spent - spent ..............................

Greg has never .................... in the sea. (swim) stand - stood - stoden ..............................

We ..................... the old clock away. We didn't stick - stack - stuck ..............................
need it anymore. (throw)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Irregular verbs: exercise 2 - past simple + past participle

Answer key

Part 1 Part 2

The arctic wind blew from the north yesterday bear - bored - born bore
beat - beat - beat beaten
Look at my hand! The dog has bitten
me. built - built - built build 241

I'm ill. I have caught a cold, I'm afraid. cost - cost - costen cost

Which shoes have you chosen? feel - fell - felt felt

I fed the cat a moment ago. forget - forgot - forgot forgotten

My dad found a Swiss watch on freeze - froaz - frozen froze

a beach.
Have you ever flown by plane? hid - hid - hidden hide

He hit me and I started to cry. held - held - held hold

I let him go because he wanted to see the lead - lead - led led
match so much.
lend - lended -lent lent
Imagine! She lay in bed till noon!
mean - ment - meant meant
Where is my key? I have lost it!
pay - payed - paid paid
We have sold everything. We have no more
Latin music. ring - rung - rung rang

Have I shown you my new mobile phone yet? rise - rose - rose risen

I spoke English a lot when we were on holiday. sit - set- set set

Someone stole my bike in front of the shop. shut - shat - shut shut

Greg has never swum in the sea. sing - sang - sang sung

We threw the old clock away. We didn't need it smel - smelt - smelt smell
spent - spent - spent spend

stand - stood - stoden stood

stick - stack - stuck stuck

Irregular verbs: exercise 3 - past simple + past participle __
Part 1 Part 2

Fill in the missing forms. Complete the sentences. Keep the same
meaning. Choose from these verbs.

be was, were .....................

ring run see send
beat ..................... beaten shoot shut spend draw
..................... bit bitten winsteal swim teach speak
wake up
..................... brought brought
He closed the window and went to bed. 242
can .....................
He ................ the window and went to bed.
choose ..................... chosen
I have worked as a teacher for three years.
..................... cost cost
I .................................. for three years.
do did .....................
The fish moved away from the bridge.
drive drove .....................
The fish ................. away from the bridge.
..................... fell fallen
Who has made this picture?
..................... fed fed
Who .................................. this picture?
fight fought .....................
The bell made a lof noise.
..................... flew flown
The bell ............... very loudly.
freeze ..................... frozen
We talked to them last week.
give gave .....................
We ................. with them last week.
grow ..................... grown
Someone has killed the bird with a gun.
have ..................... had
Someone .................................. the bird.
..................... hid hidden
How long have you worked on it?
hold held .....................
How much time ............ you ............ on it?
..................... kept kept
The dog came quickly to his master.
..................... led led
The dog ................. to his master.
leave left .....................
She was the first in the race.
let ..................... let
She ................. the race.
..................... lost lost
Has Joy opened her eyes?
mean ..................... meant
Has Joy .................................. ?
..................... paid paid
They have taken it from the shop illegaly.
read read .....................
They ................................. it from the shop.
I posted the letter on Monday.

I ................. the letter on Monday.

I haven't met you for ages.

See the Answer Key on the next page.
I ............................................. you for ages.
Irregular verbs: exercise 3 - past simple + past participle

Answer key

Part 1 Part 2
be was, were been He shut the window and went to bed.

beat beat beaten I have taught for three years.

bite bit bitten The fish swam away from the bridge.

bring brought brought Who has drawn this picture?

can could The bell rang very loudly.
choose chose chosen We spoke with them last week.

cost cost cost Someone has shot the bird.

do did done How much time have you spent on it?

drive drove driven The dog ran to his master.

fall fell fallen She won the race.

feed fed fed Has Joy woken up?

fight fought fought They have stolen it from the shop.

fly flew flown I sent the letter on Monday.

freeze froze frozen I haven't seen you for ages.

give gave given

grow grew grown

have had had

hide hid hidden

hold held held

keep kept kept

lead led led

leave left left

let let let

lose lost lost

mean meant meant

pay paid paid

read read read

Will + going to + present tenses for future ______________

● Going to
Exercise 1 - future plans 245

Exercise 2 - future predictions 247

Exercise 3 - future plans + predictions 249

Exercise 4 - questions 251

Exercise 5 - all forms 253

● Present simple and continuous for future

Exercise 1 - statements + questions (dialogue) 255

Exercise 2 - statements + questions (jumbled words) 257

Exercise 3 - positive and negative 259

Exercise 4 - all forms 261

● Will + going to + present continuous

Exercise 1 - gap-filling 263

Exercise 2 - three parts 265

Exercise 3 - short dialogues 267

Exercise 4 - multiple choice 269

Going to: exercise 1 - future plans _____________________

What are Jim, Susan and Eve going to do after school? And what aren't they going to do?


+ watch a film
- eat lunch

Jim is going to watch a film.

He isn't going to eat lunch.

Jim Susan and Eve
+ see his friends + do some shopping
+ call Susan and Eve + wash their hair
- cook - play computer games
- do housework - visit Jim

Jim .................................................................... Susan and Eve ..............................................

He ..................................................................... They ..............................................................

He ..................................................................... They ..............................................................

He ..................................................................... They ..............................................................

What are you going to do tonight? And what aren't you going to do? Write true answers.

read a book
have a party
go to bed early
talk to my family





See the Answer Key on the next page.

Going to: exercise 1 - future plans

Answer key

Jim is (Jim's) going to see his friends.

He is (He's) going to call Susan and Eve.

He is not (isn't) going to cook.

He is not (isn't) going to do housework.

Susan and Eve are going to do some shopping.

They are (They're) going to wash their hair.

They are not (aren't) going to play computer games.

They are not (aren't) going to visit Jim.

(Your own answers.)

I am (I'm) going to read a book.

I am not (I'm not) going to have a party.


Going to: exercise 2 - future predictions ________________

Use the following sentences to respond to situations in 1 - 8.

He is going to win.
You are going to fail.
I'm going to be ill.
It isn't going to rain.
We aren't going to beat them.
I'm not going to fall ill.
You aren't going to fail.
It's going to rain.
He isn't going to win.
We're going to starve.

Look at the clouds. ....................................................................................................................................

Why don't you learn for the test? ..............................................................................................................

I'm so tired. ...............................................................................................................................................

The sun is shining. ....................................................................................................................................

You are learning so hard. .........................................................................................................................

I'm OK. ......................................................................................................................................................

George is playing so well. .........................................................................................................................

There's nothing in the fridge. ....................................................................................................................

He is the worst tennis player of all. ...........................................................................................................

Their team is much better. ........................................................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Going to: exercise 2 - future predictions

Answer key

Look at the clouds. It's going to rain.

Why don't you learn for the test? You are going to fail.

I'm so tired. I'm going to fall ill.

The sun is shining. It isn't going to rain.

You are learning so hard. You aren't going to fail. 248

I'm OK. I'm not going to be ill.

George is playing so well. He is going to win.

There's nothing in the fridge. We're going to starve.

He is the worst tennis player of all. He isn't going to win.

Their team is much better. We aren't going to beat them.

Going to: exercise 3 - future plans + predictions _________

Complete the email with following verbs and 'going to'.

tell change move not buy like find not travel kill not tidy work

Hi, Ben!

I'm writing to you to let you know that I ................................................... to Devon. I can't wait anymore!
Everything ................................................................ in my life. We want to live in a house near the sea.

We ........................................................... a big house, because we ........................................................

it all weekends. Do you know Devon? If not, you must come to see us. I'm sure you ............................ there.

My wife and I ....................................................... some new jobs too, because Brighton is too far away

and we ............................................................. to work for hours every day. We ...................................

............................................................. somewhere near our home. My boss doesn't know about it, but

I ..................................................... him soon. He ..................................................... me!

I have to go now. Please, write back soon.

Bye for now,


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Going to: exercise 3 - future plans + predictions

Answer key

Hi, Ben!

I'm writing to you to let you know that I am (I'm) going to move to Devon. I can't wait anymore!

Everything is going to change in my life. We want to live in a house near the sea. We are not (aren't)

going to buy a big house, because we are not (aren't) going to tidy it all weekends. Do you know

Devon? If not, you must come to see us. I'm sure you are (you're) going to like it there. 250

My wife and I are going to find some new jobs too, because Brighton is too far away and we are not

(aren't) going to travel to work for hours every day. We are (We're) going to work somewhere near our

home. My boss doesn't know about it, but I am (I'm) going to tell him soon. He is (He's) going to kill


I have to go now. Please, write back soon.

Bye for now,


Going to: exercise 4 - questions _______________________

Make questions with the verbs in brackets. Use "going to".


Why do you need your driving licence? (you | drive)

Are you going to drive?

What are your New Years' resolutions?

............................................................................................ more? (you | work)


Doctor, is it serious?

.........................................................................................................? (he | die)

Why are you taking your gloves?

..................................................................................................... cold? (it | be)

You stopped the project.

........................................................................... in future? (you | not continue)

Your parents are over sixty-five years old.

.............................................................................................? (they | not retire)

Eve is a bit overweight.

.................................................................................. any diet? (she | not start)

Look at the snow on the roof.

.................................................................................................. down? (it | fall)

You've decided to be number one in our country.

How .................................................................................... that? (you | reach)

The dog looks quite dangerous.

..................................................................................................... me? (it | bite)

Why do you want to take a day off?

What ...............................................................................................? (you | do)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Going to: exercise 4 - questions

Answer key

What are your New Years' resolutions?

Are you going to work more?

Doctor, is it serious?

Is he going to die?

Why are you taking your gloves?

Is it going to be cold?

You stopped the project.

Are you not (Aren't you) going to continue in future?

Your parents are over sixty-five years old.

Are they not (Aren't they) going to retire?

Eve is a bit overweight.

Is she not (Isn't she) going to start any diet?

Look at the snow on the roof.

Is it going to fall?

You've decided to be number one in our country.

How are you going to reach that?

The dog looks quite dangerous.

Is it going to bite me?

Why do you want to take a day off?

What are you going to do?

Going to: exercise 5 - all forms ________________________

Use the words in brackets and "going to" to do the following:

1. Complete the question.

2. Correct the wrong information.
3. Write the correct answer.


(you | have) ...................................................................................... a new car?

(we | not buy) .................................................................................... a new car.
(we | look for) ................................................................................... a used car.
Are you going to have a new car?
We aren't going to buy a new car.
We are going to look for a used car.

(you | cut) ........................................................................................ the grass?

(I | not work) ............................................................................... in the garden.

(I | clean) ..................................................................................... the windows.

(the Scotts | build) ...................................................................... a new house?

(they | not have) ................................................................................. a house.

(they | rent) .............................................................................................. a flat.

(your dad | watch) ............................................................. the football match?

(he | not stay) ..................................................................................... at home.

(My parents | do) .................................................................... some shopping.

(your sister | fly) ................................................................................. to India?

(she | not travel) .................................................................................. to India.

(my friends | visit) .................................................................................... India.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Going to: exercise 5 - all forms

Answer key

Are you going to cut the grass?

I am (I'm) not going to work in the garden.

I am (I'm) going to clean the windows.

Are the Scotts going to build a new house? 254

They are not (aren't) going to have a house.

They are (They're) going to rent a flat.

Is your dad going to watch the football match?

He is not (isn't) going to stay at home.

My parents are going to do some shopping.

Is your sister going to fly to India?

She is not (isn't) going to fly to India.

My friends are going to visit India.

Present tenses for future: exercise 1 ___________________
statements + questions

Complete the conversation with the verbs in the box in the present simple or present
continuous. Some verbs are used twice.

take start leave go do depart get come

The Big Day

A: Have you heard of Brad and Mimi?

B: Brad and Mimi? What's happened?

A: They ...................................... married on Saturday.

B: You're joking. I didn't know that Mimi fancied Brad. When .............. the wedding ................. place?

A: It ................ place on Saturday. Didn't you listen to me?

B: Of course I did. But what time .............. it ....................?

A: The wedding ceremony ....................... at 11 o'clock in the All Saints church.

B: ............. you ........................?

A: Yes, I'm. They've invited me.

B: Do you think I could join you?

A: Why not? I'm sure the church is going to be full. But I ................................. early in the morning,

because my dad ........................ to work by car on Saturday and he can take me to the All Saints.

B: If your dad doesn't mind...

A: No problem. The more, the merrier, he always says. By the way, ........... you ............... anything

tomorrow morning? We could buy some present for them.

B: Good idea. We can get the bus to the Macy's Shopping Gallery. It ......................... at 9.35.

A: All right. See you at the bus stop. Bye.

B: Bye-bye.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present tenses for future: exercise 1 - statements + questions

Answer key

The Big Day

A: Have you heard of Brad and Mimi?

B: Brad and Mimi? What's happened?

A: They are (They're) getting married on Saturday.

B: You're joking. I didn't know that Mimi fancied Brad. When does the wedding take place? 256

A: It takes place on Saturday. Didn't you listen to me?

B: Of course I did. But what time does it start?

A: The wedding ceremony starts at 11 o'clock in the All Saints church.

B: Are you coming?

A: Yes, I'm. They've invited me.

B: Do you think I could join you?

A: Why not? I'm sure the church is going to be full. But I am (I'm) leaving early in the morning,

because my dad is (my dad's) going to work by car on Saturday and he can take me to the All


B: If your dad doesn't mind...

A: No problem. The more, the merrier, he always says. By the way, are you doing anything

tomorrow morning? We could buy some present for them.

B: Good idea. We can get the bus to the Macy's Shopping Gallery. It departs at 9.35.

A: All right. See you at the bus stop. Bye.

B: Bye-bye.

Present tenses for future: exercise 2 ___________________
statements + questions

Make sentences in the present simple or continuous.

to the dentist | go | I

.......................................................................................................... tomorrow.

have dinner | with our business partner | we 257

.............................................................................................................. tonight.

begin | the school holidays

...................................................................................................... on 10th July.

depart | the train | from platform 5

........................................................................................................... at 11.30.

to Africa | you | when exactly | fly

When exactly .................................................................................................?

end | the art exhibition

When .............................................................................................................?

go | to the garden party | Miss Pitt

...................................................................................................... on Sunday?

the plane | take off

.............................................................................................. at 9.45 as usual?

you | give | Jill | anything for her birthday

.......................................................................................................... this year?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present tenses for future: exercise 2 - statements + questions

Answer key

I am (I'm) going to the dentist tomorrow.

We are (We're) having dinner with our business partner tonight.

The school holidays begin on 10th July.

The train departs from platform 5 at 11.30.

When exactly are you flying to Africa?

When does the art exhibition end?

Is Miss Pitt going to the garden party on Sunday?

Does the plane take off at 9.45 as usual?

Are you giving Jill anything for her birthday this year?

Present tenses for future: exercise 3 ___________________
positive + negative

The present simple or the present continuous? Choose the correct form.

Tomorrow the sun ................................... at 6.44.

▪ rises
▪ is rising

I .......................................... anything tonight. I want to relax. 259

▪ don't do
▪ am not doing

Don't forget. We ...................................... John on Sunday afternoon.

▪ meet
▪ are meeting

This year the school ............................... on 28 June.

▪ ends
▪ is ending

After the reconstruction the supermarket ..................................... on Monday again.

▪ opens
▪ is opening

I can't help you. I .................................. the doctor this afternoon.

▪ see
▪ am seeing

We've already booked our holiday. We ............................... to Rome in May.

▪ go
▪ are going

Could you meet us at the airport tomorrow morning? The plane ............................... at 10.15.
▪ lands
▪ is landing

The piano concert ..................................... at 8 o'clock. It is cancelled.

▪ doesn't start
▪ is not starting

But I ........................................ my birthday party this week. It's next week.

▪ do not have
▪ am not having

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present tenses for future: exercise 3 - positive + negative

Answer key

Tomorrow the sun rises at 6.44.

I am not doing anything tonight. I want to relax.

Don't forget. We are meeting John on Sunday afternoon.

This year the school ends on 28 June.

After the reconstruction the supermarket opens on Monday again. 260

I can't help you. I am seeing the doctor this afternoon.

We've already booked our holiday. We are going to Rome in May.

Could you meet us at the airport tomorrow morning? The plane lands at 10.15.

The piano concert doesn't start at 8 o'clock. It is cancelled.

But I am not having my birthday party this week. It's next week.

Present tenses for future: exercise 4 - all forms __________
1. Underline the time expressions.
2. Use the verbs in brackets to complete sentences in the present simple or continuous.

I ...................................... Peter tonight. He ..................................... us to a restaurant. (meet, take)

The ferry .......................... at 9.00 from Dover and ............................. at 10.45 in Calais. (leave, land)

My parents ................................................ their wedding anniversary next Sunday. They ...................... 261
to Paris. (celebrate, go)

I ........................................ any lectures this afternoon. And I .............................................. tomorrow

either. (not give, not teach)

The shopping centre ...................................... till midnight next Friday. It's Black Friday. (not close)

Why .................... the exhibition ................... tomorrow? When .............. it ................... place instead?
(not open, take)

How .............. you .................... to the party tonight? .............. you ........................ a bus? (get, catch)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present tenses for future: exercise 4 - all forms

Answer key

I am (I'm) meeting Peter tonight. He is (He's) taking us to a restaurant.

The ferry leaves at 9.00 from Dover and lands at 10.45 in Calais.

My parents are celebrating their wedding anniversary next Sunday. They are (They're) going to Paris.

I am (I'm) not giving any lectures this afternoon. And I am (I'm) not teaching tomorrow either.

The shopping centre does not (doesn't) close till midnight next Friday. It's Black Friday. 262

Why doesn't the exhibition open tomorrow? (Why does the exhibition not open tomorrow?) When does
it take place instead?

How are you getting to the party tonight? Are you catching a bus?

Will + going to + present continuous: exercise 1 _________

Use the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences in the most appropriate form.

You must take an umbrella. It ................................................. (rain)

I ......................................... to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket. (go)

A: Are you planning any summer holiday? 263

B: I don't know yet. Perhaps I ........................................ at home. (stay)

A: You look pretty tired. You should have a break.

B: OK. I .................................................. a rest. (have)

Betty is taking driving lessons, because she ....................................................... a car. (buy)

A: I've just missed my train!

B: No problem. I ......................................... you there. (drive)

I can't eat anything today. I ......................................... an appointment at the hospital tomorrow. (have)

The Sharks are much better! I'm sure they .................................................. the Dolphins today! (beat)

A: What does your son want to do in future?

B: I hope he ......................................... a dentist. (become)

Not at 5 o'clock. Look at the diary. We ................................................ Mr. Clark at three o'clock. (meet)

Please, buy some eggs. I ............................................................ a cake. (make)

My dad has already booked the holiday. We ................................................... to France on 2 July. (fly)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Will + going to + present continuous: exercise 1

Answer key

You must take an umbrella. It is (It's) going to rain.

I am (I'm) going to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket.

A: Are you planning any summer holiday?

B: I don't know yet. Perhaps I will (I'll) stay at home.

A: You look pretty tired. You should have a break. 264

B: OK. I will (I'll) have a rest.

Betty is taking driving lessons, because she is (she's) going to buy a car.

A: I've just missed my train!

B: No problem. I will (I'll) drive you there.

I can't eat anything today. I am (I'm) having an appointment at the hospital tomorrow.

The Sharks are much better! I'm sure they are (they're) going to beat the Dolphins today!

A: What does your son want to do in future?

B: I hope he will (he'll) become a dentist.

Not at 5 o'clock. Look at the diary. We are (We're) meeting Mr. Clark at three o'clock.

Please, buy some eggs. I am (I'm) going to make a cake.

My dad has already booked the holiday. We are (We're) flying to France on 2 July.

Will + going to + present continuous: exercise 2 _________

Part 1. Tim is going shopping. Mary asks him to get some things for her.

T: I'm going shopping. Do you need anything?

M: We've run out of coffee.

T: OK. I .................................. some. (buy)

M: And there's only one carton of milk left in the fridge.

T: I ............................... two cartons. I can make a milk shake. (get) 265

M: You ............................ vanilla sugar to make a milk shake, too. (need)

T: Good idea. Anything else?

M: I don't think so. What time .................. back? (come)

Part 2. Match a sentence in A with a sentence in B.

Why are you taking that knife? He is going to lose.
Look at that man on the ladder. He is going to fail.
John hasn't revised for the exam at all. Now I am going to tell you parents.
So you want to buy Sue a present. He is going to fall!
I've had enough of you. What are you going to do?
Roger is playing so badly today. What are you going to give her?

Part 3. Look at Greg's diary for this weekend. What is he doing on Saturday and Sunday?

morning meet his friends morning do nothing
afternoon play volleyball afternoon visit his grandpa
evening have dinner with Pat evening go to the theatre

On Saturday morning Greg ..............................................................................

On Saturday afternoon he ................................................................................

On Saturday evening he....................................................................................

On Sunday morning he ....................................................................................

On Sunday afternoon he ..................................................................................

On Sunday evening he .....................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Will + going to + present continuous: exercise 2

Answer key

Part 1

I will (I'll) buy some.

I will (I'll) get two cartons.
You will (You'll) need vanilla sugar to make a milk shake, too.
What time will you come back?

Part 2 266

Why are you taking that knife? - What are you going to do?
Look at that man on the ladder. - He is going to fall!.
John hasn't revised for the exam at all. - He is going to fail..
So you want to buy Sue a present. - What are you going to give her?
I've had enough of you. - Now I am going to tell you parents.
Roger is playing so badly today. - He is going to lose.

Part 3

On Saturday morning Greg is (Greg's) meeting his friends.

On Saturday afternoon he is (he's) playing volleyball.
On Saturday evening he is having dinner with Pat.
On Sunday morning he is doing nothing.
On Sunday afternoon he is visiting his grandpa.
On Sunday evening he is going to the theatre.

Will + going to + present continuous: exercise 3 _________

Complete the dialogues with the verbs in the box.

go read give stay have see buy take get rain

A: Why are you switching on the light?

B: Because I ........................................................ for a while.

A: I'm dying for a drink. 267

B: Are you? I ....................................................................... you a glass of juice.

A: Don't forget to get in touch with Mr Clark.

B: Don't worry. I ................................................... him a ring as soon as I arrive.

A: Can we meet after school?

B: I'm sorry, but Sam .......................................... me out to a cafe this afternoon.

A: What a perfect day! The sun is shining...

B: But look at those clouds over there. It ..................................................... Definitely.

A: You look so happy! What's the matter?

B: Jill and I ......................................................... a baby.

A: Do you have a headache again?

B: I have a splitting headache! But I ............................................ the doctor tomorrow at 10.30.

A: What are your plans for the weekend?

B: Nothing special. I suppose that we ........................................... at home as usual.

A: Do you think we could come to see you at the beginning of July?

B: At the beginning of July? We've already booked our holiday. We ...................................... to Greece.

A: Why do you need my photo?

B: I ................................................................ a framework for it.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Will + going to + present continuous: exercise 3

Answer key

A: Why are you switching on the light?

B: Because I am (I'm) going to read for a while.

A: I'm dying for a drink.

B: Are you? I will (I'll) get you a glass of juice.


A: Don't forget to get in touch with Mr Clark.

B: Don't worry. I will (I'll) give him a ring as soon as I arrive.

A: Can we meet after school?

B: I'm sorry, but Sam is (Sam's) taking me out to a cafe this afternoon.

A: What a perfect day! The sun is shining...

B: But look at those clouds over there. It is (It's) going to rain. Definitely.

A: You look so happy! What's the matter?

B: Jill and I are going to have a baby.

A: Do you have a headache again?

B: I have a splitting headache! But I am (I'm) seeing the doctor tomorrow at 10.30.

A: What are your plans for the weekend?

B: Nothing special. I suppose that we will (we'll) stay at home as usual.

A: Do you think we could come to see you at the beginning of July?

B: At the beginning of July? We've already booked our holiday. We are (We're) going to Greece.

A: Why do you need my photo?

B: I am (I'm) going to buy a framework for it.

Will + going to + present continuous: exercise 4 _________

Choose the more appropriate option.

I hope Ben .......................................... from his illness sooner or later.

▪ is recovering
▪ will recover

I've already decided. I ............................................... him any money.

▪ won't lend
▪ am not going to lend

I can see your luggage is quite heavy. I .................................................. it.

▪ will take
▪ am going to take

............................................. anything tonight? We could go to the cinema.

▪ Will you do
▪ Are you doing

The weather forecast says it .......................................... soon.

▪ will warm up
▪ is warming up

Sorry, I can't go out with you tonight. Jim and I ......................................... at the cafe.
▪ are meeting
▪ will meet

Do you need an architect, because you ................................................... a new shop?

▪ are opening
▪ are going to open

We've already booked the tickets. We ................................................ by the 10.15 train.

▪ are leaving
▪ are going to leave

Please, put the vase back on the table or you ........................................... it.
▪ will break
▪ are breaking

I've bought this old house, because I .............................................................. it.

▪ am reconstructing
▪ am going to reconstruct

Dad can't take you to school. He ........................................... an appointment at the dentist's at 8.30.
▪ is going to have
▪ is having

Where are you going? - To the garden. I .................................................. the hedges.

▪ am trimming
▪ am going to trim

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Will + going to + present continuous: exercise 4

Answer key

I hope Ben will recover from his illness sooner or later.

I've already decided. I am not going to lend him any money.

I can see your luggage is quite heavy. I will take it.

Are you doing anything tonight? We could go to the cinema.

The weather forecast says it will warm up soon. 270

Sorry, I can't go out with you tonight. Jim and I are meeting at the cafe.

Do you need an architect, because you are going to open a new shop?

We've already booked the tickets. We are leaving by the 10.15 train.

Please, put the vase back on the table or you will break it.

I've bought this old house, because I am going to reconstruct it.

Dad can't take you to school. He is having an appointment at the dentist's at 8.30.

Where are you going? - To the garden. I am going to trim the hedges.

Modal verbs can, must, have to, needn'd _______________

● Can - Can't
Exercise 1 - statements (rewrite sentences) 272

Exercise 2 - statements (match sentences) 274

Exercise 3 - questions 276


● Must - Mustn't
Exercise 1 - complete sentences 278

Exercise 2 - rewrite sentences 280

Exercise 3 - respond to situations 282

● Must - Mustn't - Needn't

Exercise 1 - must, needn't 284

Exercise 2 - mustn't, needn't 286

● Must - Have to, Needn't - Don't have to

Exercise 1 - must, have to 288

Exercise 2 - needn't, don't have to 290

Modal verb can - can't: exercise 1 - statements __________

Use modal verbs can or can't to make similar sentences.

Don't park your car here. It is illegal.

You ............... park your car here.

Why don't you stay with us? No problem!

You ............... stay with us.


I don't think this car is expensive. It's ten years old.

This car expensive.

I am not good at basketball.

I .................. play basketball.

Let's take a taxi.

We .................. take a taxi.

Listen. There's someone speaking in the hall.

I .................. hear some voices in the hall.

The doctor said: "No sweeets."

We .................. eat sweets.

Do the shopping on Sunday. The shop is open.

You .................. buy it on Sunday.

Please, help me. The luggage is too heavy.

I .................. carry all this luggage on my own.

You are not ill. Why don't you go to work?

You .................. go to work. You are not ill.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verb can - can't: exercise 1 - statements

Answer key

Don't park your car here. It is illegal.

You can't park your car here.

Why don't you stay with us? No problem!

You can stay with us.


I don't think this car is expensive. It's ten years old.

This car can't be expensive.

I am not good at basketball.

I can't play basketball.

Let's take a taxi.

We can take a taxi.

Listen. There's someone speaking in the hall.

I can hear some voices in the hall.

The doctor said: "No sweeets."

We can't eat sweets.

Do the shopping on Sunday. The shop is open.

You can buy it on Sunday.

Please, help me. The luggage is too heavy.

I can't carry all this luggage on my own.

You are not ill. Why don't you go to work?

You can go to work. You are not ill.

Modal verb can - can't: exercise 2 - statements __________

Choose the correct endings from B to match the sentences in A.

It's a secret. ..............................................................................................................................................

Let's go on a trip. ......................................................................................................................................

She is so different. .................................................................................................................................... 274

My phone bill is so big. .............................................................................................................................

Do you know Greg's address? ..................................................................................................................

Yes, she is over there. ..............................................................................................................................

Your rucksack is so heavy. .......................................................................................................................

I speak Spanish. .......................................................................................................................................

Alison has a camera. ................................................................................................................................

I know that the soup isn't very good. ........................................................................................................

Bill has his licence again. ..........................................................................................................................

You are lying to me. ..................................................................................................................................

It can't be true.
I cannot pay it.
We can see her.
She can't be your sister.
I can't remember it.
We can rent a car.
She can take a picture of it.
You cannot carry all that.
I can translate it for you.
I can't cook.
I cannot tell you about it.
He can drive his car now.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verb can - can't: exercise 2 - statements

Answer key

It's a secret. I cannot tell you about it.

Let's go on a trip. We can rent a car.

She is so different. She can't be your sister.

My phone bill is so big. I cannot pay it.

Do you know Greg's address? I can't remember it. 275

Yes, she is over there. We can see her.

Your rucksack is so heavy. You cannot carry all that.

I speak Spanish. I can translate it for you.

Alison has a camera. She can take a picture of it.

I know that the soup isn't very good. I can't cook.

Bill has his licence again. He can drive his car now.

You are lying to me. It can't be true.

Modal verb can - can't: exercise 3 - questions __________

Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

me | hear | you | can


you | song | sing | can't | this


come | why | can't | Peter | on Sunday


your brother | fast | can | run


where | can | tonight | sleep | we


two milkshakes | can | we | have


now | do | cannot | it | you


the dance | can | I | to | go


can't | quiet | Sophie | be


eat | your son | can't | what


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verb can - can't: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

Can you hear me?

Can't you sing this song?

Why can't Peter come on Sunday?

Can your brother run fast?

Where can we sleep tonight? 277

Can we have two milkshakes?

Cannot you do it now?

Can I go to the dance?

Can't Sophie be quiet?

What can't your son eat?

Modal verb must - mustn't: exercise 1 __________________
You are going to a language school tomorrow morning. What must or mustn't you do?
Use the verbs in the box.

come forget be wear listen panick buy make oversleep look sit answer

I .............................................. in the morning.

I .............................................. my new T-shirt.

I .............................................. late for the lessons.

I .............................................. my new T-shirt.

I .............................................. up a bus in the timetable.

I .............................................. bus tickets.

I .............................................. my dictionary at home.

I .............................................. with Jack, my best friend.

I .............................................. to the teacher all the time.

I .............................................. when the teacher asks me something.

I .............................................. all her questions.

I .............................................. mistakes in the test.

And I .......................................back home with my classmates.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verb must - mustn't: exercise 1

Answer key

I mustn't oversleep in the morning.

I must wear my new T-shirt.

I mustn't be late for the lessons.

I must look up a bus in the timetable.

I must buy bus tickets. 279

I mustn't forget my dictionary at home.

I must sit with Jack, my best friend.

I must listen to the teacher all the time.

I mustn't panick when the teacher asks me something.

I must answer all her questions.

I mustn't make mistakes in the test.

And I must come back home with my classmates.

Modal verb must - mustn't: exercise 2 __________________

Complete the sentences with must or mustn't and keep the same meaning.

Put the flashdisk in the computer first.

You .......................... put the flashdisk in the computer first.

Never drive a car when you are sleepy.

You .......................... drive a car when you are sleepy.


This is a non-smoking restaurant.

You .......................... smoke in this restaurant.

There is no photography allowed in the gallery.

You .......................... take photos in the gallery.

You can stay in the hotel room until 10 o'clock.

You .......................... leave the hotel room at 10 o'clock.

Just do your homework and then you can go out.

You .......................... do your homework before you go out.

No swimming in the Blue Lake.

You .......................... swim in the Blue Lake.

Wear a helmet when you go cycling.

You .......................... wear a helmet on your bike.

Be quiet in my lessons.

You .......................... speak in my lessons.

Don't eat sweets anymore.

You .......................... stop eating sweets.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verb must - mustn't: exercise 2

Answer key

You must put the flashdisk in the computer first.

You mustn't drive a car when you are sleepy.

You mustn't smoke in this restaurant.

You mustn't take photos in the gallery.

You must leave the hotel room at 10 o'clock. 281

You must do your homework before you go out.

You mustn't swim in the Blue Lake.

You must wear a helmet on your bike.

You mustn't speak in my lessons.

You must stop eating sweets.

Modal verb must - mustn't: exercise 3 __________________

Use must or mustn't to respond to the situations.

Can you stay a little longer?

I'm sorry, I .......................... go.

I'm so tired. Let's go back home.

No, never. We .......................... give up.


Can you smell it?

Yes, I can. There .......................... be a fire somewhere near.

Ouch, my back hurts!

You .......................... exercise so much.

Do you want to study in Boston?

Yes, I do. But I .......................... improve my English first.

Why are your neighbours so angry?

We .......................... make so much noise at night.

I want to be the best.

OK. But you .......................... cheat.

Mum, can I go out now?

Not now. You .......................... tidy your room first.

I'm afraid it will rain.

We .......................... take an umbrella.

There are two yellow lines on the road.

We .......................... stop here.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verb must - mustn't: exercise 3

Answer key

Can you stay a little longer?

I'm sorry, I must go.

I'm so tired. Let's go back home.

No, never. We mustn't give up.


Can you smell it?

Yes, I can. There must be a fire somewhere near.

Ouch, my back hurts!

You mustn't exercise so much.

Do you want to study in Boston?

Yes, I do. But I must improve my English first.

Why are your neighbours so angry?

We mustn't make so much noise at night.

I want to be the best.

OK. But you mustn't cheat.

Mum, can I go out now?

Not now. You must tidy your room first.

I'm afraid it will rain.

We must take an umbrella.

There are two yellow lines on the road.

We mustn't stop here.

Modal verbs must - needn't: exercise 1 _______________

Complete the sentences with must or needn't and verbs from the box.

write help taste see buy wash wear be worry hurry

You ......................................... up. I'll do it.

I ......................................... my mum. She looks tired.

You ......................................... about the dinner. We are not hungry.

You ......................................... the tickets. I want to see the film.

The boy is so similar to Dan. He ......................................... his son.

You ......................................... to us. We'll call you.

I ......................................... the match. It's the finals.

We ......................................... . We have plenty of time.

You ......................................... the seatbelt anymore.

You ......................................... this salad. It's so delicious.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verbs must - needn't: exercise 1

Answer key

You needn't wash up. I'll do it.

I must help my mum. She looks tired.

You needn't worry about the dinner. We are not hungry.

You must buy the tickets. I want to see the film.

The boy is so similar to Dan. He must be his son. 285

You needn't write to us. We'll call you.

I must see the match. It's the finals.

We needn't hurry.We have plenty of time.

You needn't wear the seatbelt anymore.

You must taste this salad. It's so delicious.

Modal verbs mustn't - needn't: exercise 2 _______________

Use mustn't or needn't to make sentences with similar meanings.

My daughter can't drink milk.

My daughter ........................... drink milk.

There are no parking places for visitors there.

Visitors ........................... park their cars there.


Don't call him. He knows about it.

You ........................... call him. He knows about it.

Teachers aren't allowed to beat children.

Teachers ........................... beat children.

No more sweets. I am on a diet.

I ........................... eat sweets. I am on a diet.

I don't need a lift to the station. I can walk.

You ........................... drive me to the station. I can walk.

I don't want you to clean the windows.

You ........................... clean the windows.

Let's hurry up or we will be late.

We ........................... be late.

It is not necessary to be there.

We ........................... be there.

Don't ring the bell. I have a key.

You ........................... ring the bell. I have a key.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verbs mustn't - needn't: exercise 2

Answer key

My daughter can't drink milk.

My daughter mustn't drink milk.

There are no parking places for visitors there.

Visitors mustn't park their cars there.


Don't call him. He knows about it.

You needn't call him. He knows about it.

Teachers aren't allowed to beat children.

Teachers mustn't beat children.

No more sweets. I am on a diet.

I mustn't eat sweets. I am on a diet.

I don't need a lift to the station. I can walk.

You needn't drive me to the station. I can walk.

I don't want you to clean the windows.

You needn't clean the windows.

Let's hurry up or we will be late.

We mustn't be late.

It is not necessary to be there.

We needn't be there.

Don't ring the bell. I have a key.

You needn't ring the bell. I have a key.

Modal verbs must - have to: exercise 1 _________________

Complete these sentences with must or have to.

The bus goes at 10.15. She ....................... leave at 10 if she wants to catch it.

The British Library: Coats and bags ....................... be left at the coakroom or in a locker.

Jim can't see very well. He ....................... wear glasses. 288

You ....................... see the film. It's fantastic.

Johny, you ....................... be nice to your mum.

Oh, no. It's Monday tomorrow. I ....................... go to school again.

English children ....................... stay at school till they are 16.

OK. You can go to the party, but you ....................... be back before midnight.

A flight attendant: "All mobile phones ....................... be switched off during the takeoff."

The metro station is closed. I ....................... get a taxi.

Marion is staying at work till six o'clock these days. She ....................... work long hours.

Mum looks a bit oveworked. I ....................... help her with housework.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verbs must - have to: exercise 1

Answer key

The bus goes at 10.15. She has to leave at 10 if she wants to catch it.

The British Library: Coats and bags must be left at the coakroom or in a locker.

Jim can't see very well. He has to wear glasses.

You must see the film. It's fantastic.

Johny, you must be nice to your mum. 289

Oh, no. It's Monday tomorrow. I have to go to school again.

English children have to stay at school till they are 16.

OK. You can go to the party, but you must be back before midnight.

A flight attendant: "All mobile phones must be switched off during the takeoff."

The metro station is closed. I have to get a taxi.

Marion is staying at work till six o'clock these days. She has to work long hours.

Mum looks a bit oveworked. I must help her with housework.

Modal verbs needn't - don't have to: exercise 2 __________

Complete these sentences. Use needn't or don't have to and the words in brackets.

We ............................................................ in the office at the same time. Our boss told us. (be)

You .............................................................. . I'll get the tickets for you. (worry)

Most students in America ............................................................... uniforms. (wear) 290

I have plenty of time. You .............................................................. it now. (do)

Sarah ................................................................ glasses, because she wears contact lenses. (use)

Spanish children ..................................................... to school for three months in summer. (go)

I am Ben. You ...................................................... me Mr. Clark. (call)

It's a holiday tomorrow. We .......................................................... . (work)

You ........................................................... me with the housework. I'll do it on my own. (help)

We ........................................................ dad about it. Do you agree? (tell)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Modal verbs needn't - don't have to: exercise 2

Answer key

We don't have to be in the office at the same time. Our boss told us.

You needn't worry. I'll get the tickets for you.

Most students in America don't have to wear uniforms.

I have plenty of time. You needn't do it now.

Sarah doesn't have to use glasses, because she wears contact lenses. 291

Spanish children don't have to go to school for three months in summer.

I am Ben. You needn't call me Mr. Clark.

It's a holiday tomorrow. We don't have to work.

You needn't help me with the housework. I'll do it on my own.

We needn't tell dad about it. Do you agree?

Be able to _________________________________________

Exercise 1 - all tenses (complete sentences) 293

Exercise 2 - can vs be able to (multiple choice) 295

Exercise 3 - could vs would be able to (rewrite) 297


Be able to: exercise 1 - all tenses ______________________

Complete the sentences with positive or negative forms of ‘be able to‘.

Our cat ………………………………... climb trees anymore because she was injured.

If you help us tomorrow, we ………………………………………. finish on time.

I ……………………………...…………. use my mobile since I updated the operating system. It helped. 293

We overslept. Fortunately, we ………………………………... catch the 7.30 train.

They are short of time. They ………………………………… renovate the house by the end of the year.

Before I found the instructions on the Internet, I ………………………………………….. fix the problem.

Sarah ……………………………………… admit her mistake since they had an argument. What a pity!

Ouch, it hurts! I ……………………………..……. move my arm at all.

You can ask Tom. But I am afraid he ……………………………………….. translate the article till Friday.

No problem. We ……………………………………………………………... visit the castle by noon.

Josh ……………………………... eat five sandwiches for a snack. He is a big eater.

We enjoyed the online lesson after we ……………………………………………….. join it.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Be able to: exercise 1 - all tenses

Answer key

Our cat was not able to climb trees anymore because she was injured.

If you help us tomorrow, we will be able to finish on time.

I have been able to use my mobile since I updated the operating system. It helped.

We overslept. Fortunately, we were able to catch the 7.30 train.

They are short of time. They will not have been able to renovate the house by the end of the year. 294

Before I found the instructions on the Internet, I had not been able to fix the problem.

Sarah has not been able to admit her mistake since they had an argument. What a pity!

Ouch, it hurts! I am not able to move my arm at all.

You can ask Tom. But I am afraid he will not be able to translate the article till Friday.

No problem. We will have been able to visit the castle by noon.

Josh is able to eat five sandwiches for a snack. He is a big eater.

We enjoyed the online lesson after we had been able to join it.

Can - be able to: exercise 2 ___________________________

Complete the sentences with one of the options to express present and past ability or

……………………….……….. find a job when you lived in Spain?

▪ Could you ▪ Were you able to

The shop is closed. We …………………......…… go there on Sunday.

▪ can’t ▪ aren’t able to

Ann feels much better. She …………………………...…… go out tomorrow, I hope.

▪ can ▪ will be able to

The police …………………...…………… catch the burglar because he’d set off the alarm.
▪ could ▪ were able to

I am sorry for my English. I …………………...……...……...…… speak without mistakes.

▪ could never ▪ have never been able to

Can you remember Jane? You ………...…………...…… see her at Brian’s party last Saturday.
▪ could ▪ were able to

Are you free tomorrow night? …………………………... meet at Mario’s pizzeria?

▪ Can we ▪ Are we able to

Mum is ill. I’m afraid she ………………...…...…… cook at the weekend.

▪ can’t ▪ won’t be able to

Fortunately, I can speak Spanish a little bit. I ……...……………...…… give them directions.
▪ could ▪ was able to

Peter had nothing to do yesterday morning. He ……………..............…… cut the grass before it started
to rain.
▪ could ▪ was able to

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Can - be able to: exercise 2

Answer key

Were you able to find a job when you lived in Spain?

The shop is closed. We can’t go there on Sunday.

Ann feels much better. She will be able to go out tomorrow, I hope.

The police were able to catch the burglar because he’d set off the alarm.
I am sorry for my English. I have never been able to speak without mistakes.

Can you remember Jane? You could see her at Brian’s party last Saturday.

Are you free tomorrow night? Can we meet at Mario’s pizzeria?

Mum is ill. I’m afraid she won’t be able to cook at the weekend.

Fortunately, I can speak Spanish a little bit. I was able to give them directions.

Peter had nothing to do yesterday morning. He could cut the grass before it started to rain.

Could - would be able to: exercise 3 ___________________
Rewrite the sentences with positive or negative forms. Use conditional forms of ‘be able to’.


I could live in Scotland, I think.

I would be able to live in Scotland, I think.

If Terry hadn’t been injured, he could have played.

If Terry hadn’t been injured, he would have been able to play.

Why didn’t you go to hospital? They could have helped you.

Why didn’t you go to hospital? They …………………………………………..……..……... you.

Excuse me, could you replace the wheel on my car?

Excuse me, …………………………………………..……..……... the wheel on my car?

There was no internet access. We couldn’t have sent you the report.

There was no internet access. We …………………………………………..……..……... you the report.

Maria, if I were fifty years younger, I could do it for you.

Maria, if I were fifty years younger, I …………………………………………..……..……... it for you.

I couldn’t use this website without my ID and a password.

I …………………………………………..……..……... this website without my ID and a password.

We could have won the match if we had practised more.

We …………………………………………..……..……... the match if we had practised more.

Could you have given me a hand if I had asked you for it?

…………………………………………..……..……... me a hand if I had asked you for it?

If I needed to go to the airport next week, could you take me by car?

If I needed to go to the airport next week, …………………………………………..……..……... me by


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Could - would be able to: exercise 3

Answer key

Why didn’t you go to hospital? They would have been able to help you.

Excuse me, would you be able to replace the wheel on my car?

There was no internet access. We wouldn’t have been able to send you the report.

Maria, if I were fifty years younger, I would be able to do it for you.

I wouldn’t be able to use this website without my ID and a password.

We would have been able to win the match if we had practised more.

Would you have been able to give me a hand if I had asked you for it?

If I needed to go to the airport next week, would you be able to take me by car?

Be allowed to ______________________________________

Exercise 1 - all tenses (complete sentences) 300

Exercise 2 - can vs be allowed to (multiple choice) 302

Exercise 3 - can vs be allowed to (complete an email) 304


Be allowed to: exercise 1 - all tenses ___________________

Complete the sentences with positive or negative forms.

I wanted to go with you. But I .............................................................. go out. My dad said no.

Sarah is on a diet. ................................................................... eat any milk products?

Mum, I am eighteen and I ........................................................................... spend my holidays with my 300

friends yet.

..................................................................... use your dad's car tomorrow if you ask him for it?

Before they were twelve years old, our children .............................................................................. have
a mobile phone.

We ........................................................................... take only one bag of up to 20 kg. It wasn't enough.

My parents never let me do what I want. For example, I .................................................................. play

football after school unless I finish my homework.

How long .......................................................................................... see your kids again since your wife
agreed to it?

Marion ................................................................................... have a day off next week on condition that

the work is finished.

It's OK. Peter paid by my credit card only after he ........................................................................... do it.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Be allowed to: exercise 1 - all tenses

Answer key

I wanted to go with you. But I was not (wasn't) allowed to go out. My dad said no.

Sarah is on a diet. Is she allowed to eat any milk products?

Mum, I am eighteen and I have not (haven't) been allowed to spend my holidays with my
friends yet.

Will you be allowed to use your dad's car tomorrow if you ask him for it?

Before they were twelve years old, our children had not (hadn't) been allowed to have a
mobile phone.

We were allowed to take only one bag of up to 20 kg. It wasn't enough.

My parents never let me do what I want. For example, I am not allowed to play football after
school unless I finish my homework.

How long have you been allowed to see your kids again since your wife agreed to it?

Marion is allowed/will be allowed to have a day off next week on condition that the work is

It's OK. Peter paid by my credit card only after he had been allowed to do it.

Can - be allowed to: exercise 2 - multiple choice _________
Complete the sentences with one of the options.

Fortunately, I …………………….....…...........…...…….. watch the horror yesterday night.

▪ could ▪ was allowed to

................................................................. go to Paris with you next year?

▪ Can I ▪ Am I allowed to 302

Female students ........................................................................ study at British universities since 1868.

▪ could ▪ have been allowed to

Britney and Jane ............................................................... come to Mike's birthday party.

▪ couldn't ▪ wasn't allowed to

Before I spent three weeks at the University of Aberdeen, I ...................................................... teach

English at our school.

▪ couldn't ▪ hadn't been allowed to

Excuse me, madam, .......................................................... ask you a few questions?

▪ could I ▪ am I allowed to

We ............................................................ leave the classroom after we had finished the test.

▪ could ▪ were allowed to

You ............................................................ see Susan until you apologize to her parents.

▪ can not ▪ won’t be allowed to

My grandpa .......................................................... go for long walks because he is not very healthy.

▪ cannot ▪ is allowed to

............................................................ use your new computer when it arrives from the shop?

▪ Can I ▪ Will I be allowed to

Can - be allowed to: exercise 2 - multiple choice

Answer key

Fortunately, I was allowed to watch the horror yesterday night.

Can I go to Paris with you next year?

Female students have been allowed to study at British universities since 1868.
Britney and Jane couldn't come to Mike's birthday party.

Before I spent three weeks at the University of Aberdeen, I hadn't been allowed to teach
English at our school.

Excuse me, madam, could I ask you a few questions?

We were allowed to leave the classroom after we had finished the test.

You won't be allowed to see Susan until you apologize to her parents.

My grandpa cannot go for long walks because he is not very healthy.

Can I use your new computer when it arrives from the shop?

Can - be allowed to: exercise 3 - complete an email _______
Complete the email with 'can' or 'be allowed to' and the words in brackets.


At last, I ............................. out with Dan yesterday. (go)

At last, I was allowed to go out with Dan yesterday.

Dear mum,

I'm writing to explain why I've left home. I'm so sorry about it. 304

When I was a little girl, I ......................................................................... (not - visit) my friends.

On the other hand, Sarah and Betty, my classmates, ...................................................... (see)

each other every day. They ................................................ (go) to the cinema or to a birthday

party, but I .................................................................. (never - join) them. Before I was twelve,

I ....................................................................... (not - watch) TV after eight o'clock. And I didn't

know what my friends were talking about the next day.

Mum, can you remember what you promised when I was fifteen?

'You ........................................................ (do) whatever you will want when you are eighteen.'

Now I am twenty and so far I .............................................................. (not - spend) any holiday

with my boyfriend. Last year, I ................................................................ (stay) overnight at his

parents' cottage, but my younger brother had to accompany me. It's absurd.

............ I ................................................ (invite) my friends to our house one day? Or .............

I ............................................... (drive) our car since I received my driving licence? No, never.

Now I am twenty and I've had enough of it. I want to be free. That's why I've moved to

Sarah's place for the time being.

I'll keep in touch. Please, write back soon.



By the way, .......... I ................................... (come) for dinner on Saturday?

Can - be allowed to: exercise 3 - complete the email

Answer key

Dear mum,

I'm writing to explain why I've left home. I'm so sorry about it.

When I was a little girl, I couldn't visit/wasn't allowed to visit my friends. On the other hand,

Sarah and Betty, my classmates, could see/were allowed to see each other every day. They
could go/were allowed to go to the cinema or to a birthday party, but I could never join/was

never allowed to join them. Before I was twelve, I hadn't been allowed to watch TV after eight

o'clock. And I didn't know what my friends were talking about the next day.

Mum, can you remember what you promised when I was fifteen?

'You can do/will be allowed to do whatever you will want when you are eighteen.' Now I am

twenty and so far I haven't been allowed to spend any holiday with my boyfriend. Last year, I

was allowed to stay overnight at his parents' cottage, but my younger brother had to

accompany me. It's absurd.

Will I be allowed to invite my friends to our house one day? Or have I been allowed to drive

our car since I received my driving licence? No, never.

Now I am twenty and I've had enough of it. I want to be free. That's why I've moved to

Sarah's place for the time being.

I'll keep in touch. Please, write back soon.



By the way, can/could I come for dinner on Saturday?

Gerund and infinitive ________________________________

● Gerund
Exercise 1 - gerunds after prepositional phrases 293

Exercise 2 - gerunds after prepositional phrases 295

Exercise 3 - verbs followed by gerunds 297

Exercise 4 - expressions followed by gerunds 299

Exercise 5 - gerunds with possessive adjectives 301

● Infinitive
Exercise 1 - verbs followed by infinitives 303

Exercise 2 - expressions followed by infinitives 305

Exercise 3 - bare infinitive (without 'to') 307

Exercise 4 - continuous infinitive 309

Exercise 5 - perfect infinitive 311

● Gerund or infinitive
Exercise 1 - gap-filling 313

Exercise 2 - multiple choice 315

Exercise 3 - correct mistakes 317

Exercise 4 - complete a dialogue 319

Exercise 5 - complete sentences 321

Gerunds after prepositional phrases: exercise 1 _________

Complete the sentences with prepositions + gerunds (-ing forms).


My dad is used ................................... up early. (get)

My dad is used to getting up early.

My brother is good ........................................ . (dive)

I'm not very keen .................................... computer games. (play)

I have no objection ..................................... the football match tonight. (watch)

She is afraid .............................. her boyfriend. (lose)

We are fed ............................... nothing all the weekend. (do)

I'm tired .................................... in the queues at the airports. (wait)

We had difficulty ..................................... the way to the museum. (find)

Are you interested .................................... your professional career? (build)

There's no point ................................. an old car. (buy)

I disapprove ................................ in restaurants. (smoke)

We are happy .................................. a new house. (have)

My daughter dreams .......................................... a film star. (become)

John can't cope ............................. unemployed. (be)

Sarah is thinking ................................ to Greg's place. (move)

The children were accused .................................. the window. (smash)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Gerunds after prepositional phrases: exercise 1

Answer key

My brother is good at diving.

I'm not very keen on playing computer games.

I have no objection to watching the football match tonight.

She is afraid of losing her boyfriend.

We are fed up doing nothing all the weekend. 308

I'm tired of waiting in the queues at the airports.

We had difficulty in finding the way to the museum.

Are you interested in building your professional career?

There's no point in buying an old car.

I disapprove of smoking in restaurants.

We are happy about having a new house.

My daughter dreams of | about becoming a film star.

John can't cope with being unemployed.

Sarah is thinking of | about moving to Greg's place.

The children were accused of smashing the window.

Gerunds after prepositional phrases: exercise 2 _________
Use the words in brackets to respond to the following situations.


Do you mind queues? (not care for | stand)

I don't care for standing in queues.

Have you seen the film?

No, I haven't. But I am ........................................................................... it tonight. (look forward | to see)

How did you get rid of the dogs?

Fortunately, they ...................................................... . (leave off | bark)

Why didn't Jack do his homework?

He ........................................... his homework till he fell asleep. (put off | do)

Have you ever played darts?

Of course, I have. I ................................................. them a couple of years ago. (take to | play)

Let's go to the zoo on Sunday.

I'm sorry. I .................................................. wild animals in cages. (be against | keep)

Are you going to take the driving test again?

Yes, I am. I would never ........................................ my driving licence. (give up | get)

Why were you so angry with Matt?

I wanted to talk to him, but he just .............................................. at me. (keep on | shout)

Are you going on holiday next week? What are you going to do with your cats?

Our neighbour promised that she would ..................................................... them. (see about | feed)

Did your daughter enjoy her birthday party?

Not at all. Her best friend didn't come and she ........................................................ . (end up | cry)

I am told that Sarah split up with her boyfriend last week. (go on | pretend)

She couldn't .............................................. that everything was fine with all his affairs. (go on | pretend)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Gerunds after prepositional phrases: exercise 2

Answer key

Have you seen the film?

No, I haven't. But I am looking forward to seeing it tonight.

How did you get rid of the dogs?

Fortunately, they left off barking.


Why didn't Jack do his homework?

He put off doing his homework till he fell asleep.

Have you ever played darts?

Of course, I have. I took to playing them a couple of years ago.

Let's go to the zoo on Sunday.

I'm sorry. I am (I'm) against keeping wild animals in cages.

Are you going to take the driving test again?

Yes, I am. I would never give up getting my driving licence.

Why were you so angry with Matt?

I wanted to talk to him, but he just kept on shouting at me.

Are you going on holiday next week? What are you going to do with your cats?

Our neighbour promised that she would see about feeding them.

Did your daughter enjoy her birthday party?

Not at all. Her best friend didn't come and she ended up crying.

I am told that Sarah split up with her boyfriend last week.

She couldn't go on pretending that everything was fine with all his affairs.

Verbs followed by gerunds: exercise 3 _________________

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

complain become sell play cheat eat lie tell work get leave write do wake have

He admitted ........................... on the test.

You should avoid ............................... so much meat.


Please, consider ............................. your house if you need money.

I detest ...................... up when it's dark outside.

She denied ................................. the taxi without paying.

I enjoyed ........................ on the beach all day.

My sister fancies ................................ a pop star.

We finished ................................. our essays before noon.

The job in the supermarket involved ............................ at night.

I don't mind ...................... homework. Ha, ha.

My colleague kept ............................... all the time. It was annoying.

I took my umbrella. I didn't want to risk ......................... wet.

She practised ............................ the piano all day.

I really appreciate ......................... your advice.

She couldn't resist ......................... us what she'd found out.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Verbs followed by gerunds: exercise 3

Answer key

He admitted cheating on the test.

You should avoid eating so much meat.

Please, consider selling your house if you need money.

I detest waking up when it's dark outside.

She denied leaving the taxi without paying.

I enjoyed lying on the beach all day.

My sister fancies becoming a pop star.

We finished writing our essays before noon.

The job in the supermarket working at night.

I don't mind doing homework. Ha, ha.

My colleague kept complaining all the time. It was annoying.

I took my umbrella. I didn't want to risk getting wet.

She practised playing the piano all day.

I really appreciate having your advice.

She couldn't resist telling us what she'd found out.

Expressions followed by gerunds: exercise 4 ____________

Complete the sentences with the following expressions.

spend my time have a hard time it's no use can't stand it's no good
can't help it is worth have fun waste no time have no problem

I ....................................... waiting in queues. It's so annoying.

We ....................................... laughing when we watch our kittens playing.

....................................... crying over spilt milk.

It isn't so costly. ....................................... buying.

....................................... telling him. He won't listen.

My colleagues ....................................... trying to escape from traffic jams in rush hours.

We always ....................................... dancing with each other. We like it so much.

They ....................................... getting to work. They always arrive on time.

I ....................................... tidying my bedroom every Saturday. But I don't mind.

When I come to the beach I ....................................... putting sun cream on my skin.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Expressions followed by gerunds: exercise 4

Answer key

I can't stand waiting in queues.

We can't help laughing when we watch our kittens playing.

It's no use crying over spilt milk.

It is worth buying.

It's no good telling him. 314

My colleagues have a hard time trying to escape from traffic jams in rush hours.

We always have fun dancing with each other.

They have no problem getting to work.

I spend my time tidying my bedroom every Saturday.

When I come to the beach I waste no time putting sun cream on my skin.

Gerunds with possessive adjectives: exercise 5 _________

Respond to these situations. Use possessive adjectives (my, your, his, our...) with gerunds.


'Why did you work so late?' he asked me.

He disliked ...................... so late. - He disliked my working so late.

'You must wash the car,' she told me.

She insisted on ...................................... the car.

'He shouldn't be so rude,' he said.

He didn't approve of ................................. so rude.

'She is eighteen. She can wear makeup,' he thought.

He didn't mind .................................... makeup.

'Why don't you ring up Carol?' she said.

She suggested ................................... Carol.

'I saw them come from work late at night,' she told the police officer.

She remembered .................................... from work late at night.

'I'm glad you are here,' he said.

He appreciated ............................... there.

'I don't know why they get up so early at weekends,' he wondered.

He didn't understand ..................................... so early at weekends.

'We can't make private calls on this phone,' he told me.

He objected to ..................................... private calls on that phone.

'Don't laugh at me,' she said.

She was angry with ....................................... at her.

'They arrive late to class,' he argued.

He resented ......................................... late to class.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Gerunds with possessive adjectives: exercise 5

Answer key

She insisted on my | our washing the car.

He didn't approve of his being so rude.

He didn't mind her wearing makeup.

She suggested my ringing up Carol.

She remembered their coming from work late at night. 316

He appreciated my | our being there.

He didn't understand their getting up so early at weekends.

He objected to our making private calls on that phone.

She was angry with my | our laughing at her.

He resented their arriving late to class.

Verbs followed by infinitive: exercise 1 _________________

A) Use the verbs from the box to complete these sentences.

arrive survive be work renovate contact answer talk

I asked him several times but he didn't bother ................................. my question.

Finallly, we agreed ........................... on the project together.

I demand ......................... to your boss.


Jack usually fails .............................. on time.

Domestic animals somehow managed ............................. the fire.

We're not planning ......................... the hotel much longer.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate ............................... me.

Was she just pretending ........................ your friend?

B) Use the nouns and the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences.


Our parents allowed ................. out tonight. (we - go)

Our parents allowed us to go out tonight.

These glasses will enable ................................... (she - read)

My uncle advised ................................... architecture. (I - not study)

Our teacher encouraged .................................... in the competition. (we - take part)

They persuaded ..................................... the army. (she - not join)

We are training .................................... blind people. (they - help)

The policeman forced ................................ down. (he - lie)

My mum always reminds ................................. late for school. (I - not be)

The traffic warden warned ................................... on double yellow lines. (we - not park)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Verbs followed by infinitive: exercise 1

Answer key


I asked him several times but he didn't bother to answer my question.

Finallly, we agreed to work on the project together.

I demand to talk to your boss.

Jack usually fails to arrive on time. 318

Domestic animals somehow managed to survive the fire.

We're not planning to renovate the hotel much longer.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Was she just pretending to be your friend?


These glasses will enable her to read.

My uncle advised me not to study architecture.

Our teacher encouraged us to take part in the competition.

They persuaded her not to join the army.

We are training them to help blind people.

The policeman forced him to lie down.

My mum always reminds me not to be late for school.

The traffic warden warned us not to park on double yellow lines.

Expressions followed by infinitive: exercise 2 ___________

Complete the sentences with the following verbs.

answer tell pay win leave do announce climb be discover

I always do my best .......................... well at school.

We were proud ................................. the birth of our baby.


Sarah is about ............................. . Can you see her off?

The young man turned out ........................ my classmate.

We can't afford ............................. for luxuries these days.

Columbus set out .................................. America in 1492.

I made an effort ............................. the race, but I didn't succeed.

The children were afraid .......................... the truth.

The manager took the trouble ................................. personally.

Once he made up his mind .............................. the mountain, there was no stopping him.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Expressions followed by infinitive: exercise 2

Answer key

I always do my best to do well at school.

We were proud to announce the birth of our baby.

Sarah is about to leave. Can you see her off?

The young man turned out to be my classmate.

We can't afford to pay for luxuries these days. 320

Columbus set out to discover America in 1492.

I made an effort to win the race, but I didn't succeed.

The children were afraid to tell the truth.

The manager took the trouble to answer personally.

Once he made up his mind to climb the mountain, there was no stopping him.

Bare infinitive (without 'to'): exercise 3 _________________

Use the words to make sentences.


may | take | you | it - You may take it.

wash up | today | needn't | you

................................................................................................................................................................... 321
yesterday | in the sea | we | swim | see | you


someone | last night | hear | I | cry


birds | we | fly | watch | to the south | every year


for you | me | do | it | let


so often | laugh | they | make | me


have | I'd | a milkshake | rather


start | better | immediately | we'd


the house | her | decorate | I | help | last month


your | must | parents | listen | you | to


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Bare infinitive (without 'to'): exercise 3

Answer key

You needn't wash up today.

We saw you swim in the sea yesterday.

I heard someone cry last night.

We watch birds fly to the south every year.

Let me do it for you. 322

They make me laugh so often.

I'd rather have a milkshake.

We'd better start immediately.

I helped her decorate the house last month.

You must listen to your parents.

Continuous infinitive: exercise 4 ______________________
Use the continuous infinitive to rewrite the following sentences.


I'm sure that he is coming tomorrow. - He must be coming tomorrow.

It appears that Sam is living in Madrid. - Sam appears to be living in Madrid.

Maybe they are watching a video.

They might ........................................... a video.

It seems that he is working for IBM.


He seems .............................................. for IBM.

She promised she would be waiting at the arrivals hall.

She promised ........................................... at the arrivals hall.

She pretended that she was crying.

She .....................................................................

It happened that he was sitting near me when I collapsed.

He .................................................................. near me when I collapsed.

It's a pity that you aren't listening to me.

You should ............................................... to me.

It appears that they are enjoying the party.

They .............................................................. the party.

I hoped I would be living in Rome in a year's time.

I hoped .................................................. in Rome in a year's time.

Everybody believes that Marion is studying mathematics.

Marion is believed ................................................... mathematics.

People think that our son is playing for FC Barcelona.

Our son is ........................................................... for FC Barcelona.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Continuous infinitive: exercise 4

Answer key

Maybe they are watching a video.

They might be watching a video.

It seems that he is working for IBM.

He seems to be working for IBM.


She promised she would be waiting at the arrivals hall.

She promised to be waiting at the arrivals hall.

She pretended that she was crying.

She pretended to be crying.

It happened that he was sitting near me when I collapsed.

He happened to be sitting near me when I collapsed.

It's a pity that you aren't listening to me.

You should be listening to me.

It appears that they are enjoying the party.

They appear to be enjoying the party.

I hoped I would be living in Rome in a year's time.

I hoped to be living in Rome in a year's time.

Everybody believes that Marion is studying mathematics.

Marion is believed to be studying mathematics.

People think that our son is playing for FC Barcelona.

Our son is thought to be playing for FC Barcelona.

Perfect infinitive: exercise 5 __________________________

Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences.

It is possible that he left.

He might .................................
 left  have left

I was listening to Sue and Jill.

You shouldn't ................................................................. to them.

 be listening to them  have been listening 325

I'm sure they sent the parcel.

They must ....................................... the parcel.

 have sent  have been sent

It is impossible that she was having a bath.

She couldn't ....................................................... a bath.

 have been having  be having

He seems to have been ill.

It seems that he ........................ ill.

 is  was

I happened to have bought such a bike before.

It happened that I ................................. such a car before.

 bought  had bought

She pretended to have been smiling at him.

She pretended that she ............................................ at him.

 was smiling  had been smiling

John appears to have been suffering for a long time.

It appears that John ................................................ for a long time.

 had been suffering  has been suffering

He is known to have abandoned his family.

Everybody knows that he ...................................... his family.

 had abandoned  abandoned

They are believed to have been telling the truth.

People believe that they ................................... the truth.

 were telling  are telling

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Perfect infinitive: exercise 5

Answer key

He might have left.

You shouldn't have been listening to them.

They must have sent the parcel.

She couldn't have been having a bath.

It seems that he was ill. 326

It happened that I had bought such a car before.

She pretended that she had been smiling at him.

It appears that John has been suffering for a long time.

Everybody knows that he abandoned his family.

People believe that they were telling the truth.

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 1 ________________________

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets.

I've always disliked ........................... . (smoke)

Where did you learn ........................... French? (speak)

Is the exhibition worth ...........................? (visit)

You'd better ........................... him now. (contact) 327

This hall wants ............................ . (paint)

I didn't dare ........................... it. (try)

I don't mind ........................... early. (get up)

We'd love ........................... with you. (come)

She seems ........................... this place. (know)

I'm sorry ........................... that Jane is ill. (hear)

Finally, he set out ........................... his horse. (find)

Did you miss ........................... TV? (watch)

I was made ........................... their offer. (accept)

Dentists recommend ........................... teeth twice a day. (clean)

My teacher recommended me ........................... at university. (study)

They chose ........................... a shower first. (have)

Oh, dear. I can't help ............................ . (cry)

He was so noisy. I asked him to stop ........................... . (talk)

I hate housework. But I like ........................... everything in order. (have)

We felt the plane ........................... in the storm. (shake)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 1

Answer key

I've always disliked smoking.

Where did you learn to speak French?

Is the exhibition worth visiting?

You'd better contact him now.

This hall wants painting. 328

I didn't dare to try it.

I don't mind getting up early.

We'd love to come with you.

She seems to know this place.

I'm sorry to hear that Jane is ill.

Finally, he set out to find his horse.

Did you miss watching TV?

I was made to accept their offer.

Dentists recommend cleaning teeth twice a day.

My teacher recommended me to study at university.

They chose to have a shower first.

Oh, dear. I can't help crying.

He was so noisy. I asked him to stop talking.

I hate housework. But I like to have everything in order.

We felt the plane shake | shaking in the storm.

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 2 ________________________

Choose the correct forms to complete these sentences.

I thought you were about ........................... .

 leaving  to leave

Please, forgive me ........................... you.

 for interrupting  to interrupt

I need ........................... a stamp on this letter.

 put  to put
My father suggested ........................... a BMW.
 to buy  buying

Have you ever heard her ........................... a joke?

 tell  to tell

I promise I'll attempt ........................... on computer.

 working  to work

He won't admit ........................... the money.

 taking  to take

She is so noisy! I can't stand ........................... to her.

 to listen  listening

I'd rather ........................... them later.

 to meet  meet

As far as I know he agreed ........................... it.

 doing  to do

They persuaded me ........................... more money.

 to change  change

I'm beginning ........................... the problem.

 to understand  understanding

Students hate ........................... homework.

 to do  doing

It's my fault. I'm really sorry ........................... you.

 for hitting  to hit

He wanted to see it. He stopped ........................... around.

 to look  looking

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 2

Answer key

I thought you were about to leave.

Please, forgive me for interrupting you.

I need to put a stamp on this letter.

My father suggested buying a BMW.

Have you ever heard her tell a joke? 330

I promise I'll attempt to work on computer.

He won't admit to take the money.

She is so noisy! I can't stand listening to her.

I'd rather meet them later.

As far as I know he agreed to do it.

They persuaded me to change more money.

I'm beginning to understand the problem.

Students hate doing homework.

It's my fault. I'm really sorry for hitting you.

He wanted to see it. He stopped to look around.

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 3 ________________________

Underline mistakes and correct them.


I can't stand to get up early. getting up

He helped me solving my problems. _____________

The policeman ordered me stop. _____________ 331

You shouldn't risk to lose your reputation. _____________

My hair wants to cut. _____________

I advised him accepting the offer. _____________

Excuse me, may I to ask you a question? _____________

Why did you pretend eating my hamburger? _____________

Excuse me to be late. _____________

Don't worry. I'll remember calling you tonight. _____________

They invited me coming. _____________

Did you watch them to play cricket? _____________

Listen, Derek failed passing his final exams! _____________

I dared not telling him! _____________

It's no use to spend so much money on such a thing. _____________

The test turned out being easy. _____________

It's no good to go out in such a weather. _____________

My phone isn't working. Can I try to use your phone? _____________

Would you prefer playing games on a PC monitor or television? _____________

We needed repairing the washing machine. _____________

The boys always make me laughing. _____________

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 3

Answer key

He helped me solving my problems. solve | to solve

The policeman ordered me stop. to stop

You shouldn't risk to lose your reputation. losing

My hair wants to cut. cutting

I advised him accepting the offer. to accept 332

Excuse me, may I to ask you a question? ask

Why did you pretend eating my hamburger? to eat

Excuse me to be late. for being late

Don't worry. I'll remember calling you tonight. to call

They invited me coming. to come

Did you watch them to play cricket? playing | play

Listen, Derek failed passing his final exams! to pass

I dared not telling him! tell

It's no use to spend so much money on such a thing. spending

The test turned out being easy. to be

It's no good to go out in such a weather. going out

My phone isn't working. Can I try to use your phone? using

Would you prefer playing games on a PC monitor or television? to play

We needed repairing the washing machine. to repair

The boys always make me laughing. laugh

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 4 ________________________

Complete this dialogue with gerunds or infinitives.

Kate: Why has Mike moved out of your house? Let him ......................... (explain) what he means

........................ (do) now.

Beryl: No, never. I gave up ....................... (try) to understand him a long time ago.

Kate: Still - would you consider ....................... (get) in touch with him if I called him?

Beryl: I can't forbid you ................... (call) him, but I warn you .......................... (not tell) him that I know
about it.

Kate: I don't understand .................. (do) such stupid things. I'd hate .................... (find) my house
empty one day.

Beryl: I hate ..................... (find) it empty every day. My mother suggests ........................ (stay) with

me for a couple of weeks, but I've made up my mind .................... (get) over it on my own.

Kate: I always advise ...................... (go) out in such cases. It helps you ........................... (forget).

Beryl: Please, don't advise me ............ (go) out, if it means ............... (go) out alone.

Kate: O.K. I'll try ................... (call) Mike first and then we'll see.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 4

Answer key

Kate: Why has Mike moved out of your house? Let him explain what he means to do now.

Beryl: No, never. I gave up trying to understand him a long time ago.

Kate: Still - would you consider getting in touch with him if I called him?

Beryl: I can't forbid you to call him, but I warn you not to tell him that I know about it.

Kate: I don't understand doing such stupid things. I'd hate to find my house empty one day. 334

Beryl: I hate finding it empty every day. My mother suggests staying with me for a couple of weeks, but
I've made up my mind to get over it on my own.

Kate: I always advise going out in such cases. It helps you forget | to forget.

Beryl: Please, don't advise me to go out, if it means going out alone.

Kate: O.K. I'll try to call Mike first and then we'll see.

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 5 ________________________

Complete these sentences with the verbs in the box.

shout have swim clean text read water ski ask work
watch iron live go come play listen ride travel cut

You needn't ......................... the flowers.

We suggested ......................... to a restaurant. 335

Did you enjoy ......................... the horse?

We stopped ......................... a rest after three hours drive.

Have you finished ......................... in the garden?

Go on ......................... the article.

Did you hear him ......................... home?

I can't stand ......................... shirts.

Stop ......................... at me.

I'm looking forward to ......................... in the mountains.

Let the children ......................... with the toys.

We'd prefer ......................... in a house.

We saw her ......................... in the lake.

Are you intrested in ......................... to foreign countries?

It's no use ......................... them about it.

When did you start ......................... the windows?

I prefer ......................... to classical music.

Your grass needs ......................... .

I'm sorry for ......................... the message to you. It was rude.

I simply love ......................... romantic comedies on TV.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Gerund or infinitive: exercise 5

Answer key

You needn't water the flowers.

We suggested going to a restaurant.

Did you enjoy riding the horse?

We stopped to have a rest after three hours drive.

Have you finished working in the garden? 336

Go on reading the article.

Did you hear him coming | come home?

I can't stand ironing shirts.

Stop shouting at me.

I'm looking forward to skiing in the mountains.

Let the children play with the toys.

We'd prefer to live in a house.

We saw her swim | swimming in the lake.

Are you intrested in travelling to foreign countries?

It's no use asking them about it.

When did you start cleaning | to clean the windows?

I prefer listening to classical music.

Your grass needs cutting | to be cut.

I'm sorry for texting the message to you. It was rude.

I simply love watching romantic comedies on TV.

Imperative _________________________________________

● Second person imperative

Exercise 1 - rewrite sentences 324

Exercise 2 - complete sentences 326

Exercise 3 - complete dialogues 328


● First and third person imperative

Exercise 1 - rewrite sentences 330

Exercise 2 - jumbled words 332

Exercise 3 - complete dialogues 334

Second person imperative: exercise 1 __________________

Use positive or negative imperatives to rewrite the following sentences.


You can take my umbrella. - Take my umbrella.

You mustn't use your dictionary. - Don't use your dictionary.

You must have a shower first.

................................................................................................................................................................... 338

You mustn't do such things.


You can't go this way.


No problem if you get a taxi.


You can make dinner earlier today.


You mustn't think I'm stupid.


You must take Jim with you.


You'll be in trouble if you come late.


It isn't a good idea to use phones in English lessons.


It's all right if you give it to me tomorrow.


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Second person imperative: exercise 1

Answer key

You must have a shower first.

Have a shower first.

You mustn't do such things.

Don't do such things. 339

You can't go this way.

Don't go this way.

No problem if you get a taxi.

Get a taxi.

You can make dinner earlier today.

Make dinner earlier today.

You mustn't think I'm stupid.

Don't think I'm stupid.

You must take Jim with you.

Take Jim with you.

You'll be in trouble if you come late.

Don't come late.

It isn't a good idea to use phones in English lessons.

Don't use phones in English lessons.

It's all right if you give it to me tomorrow.

Give it to me tomorrow.

Second person imperative: exercise 2 __________________

Choose words from the box to complete these imperative sentences.

don't show don't move talk don't begin run don't say put don't keep help don't turn play feel

.............................. the books on the shelf.

.............................. us waiting.

.............................. the lesson before 10.45.

.............................. your grandma with her bags.

.............................. to you father first.

.............................. the radio on now.

.............................. the present to Jill.

.............................. the second song from the list.

.............................. away from school.

.............................. the furniture again and again.

.............................. free to contact me.

.............................. such silly things.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Second person imperative: exercise 2

Answer key

Put the books on the shelf.

Don't keep us waiting.

Don't begin the lesson before 10.45.

Help your grandma with her bags.

Talk to you father first. 341

Don't turn the radio on now.

Don't show the present to Jill.

Play the second song from the list.

Run away from school.

Don't move the furniture again and again.

Feel free to contact me.

Don't say such silly things.

Second person imperative: exercise 3 __________________

Use positive or negative imperatives to complete these dialogues.

A: What should I do to live a happy life?

B: L _ _ _ the life of your dreams.

A: Where shall we meet?

B: W _ _ _ for me outside the hotel.


A: I left the photos in my bedroom.

B: B _ _ _ _ them here, I want to have a look at them.

A: I'm sorry, what did you say, teacher?

B: D _ _ _ w _ _ _ _ with your pen, use your pencil instead.

A: _ _ _ _ s _ _ on this chair.

B: Why? Is it dirty?

A: OK, let's make a photo now. Where shall I be?

B: S _ _ _ _ back a little bit, you are too close to me.

A: Here are your new keys. And _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ them again.

B: But I lost my keys only once!

A: P _ _ by credit card on your holiday.

B: Why? Is it cheaper?

A: Do you enjoy your English lessons? They are so boring.

B: B _ _ _ _ _ _ me or not, I find them quite interesting.

A: What's the matter?

B: Ouch, _ _ _ _ h _ _ _ my hand so tightly.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Second person imperative: exercise 3

Answer key

Live the life of your dreams.

Wait for me outside the hotel.

Bring them here, I want to have a look at them.

Don't write with your pen, use your pencil instead.

Don't sit on this chair. 343

Stand back a little bit, you are too close to me.

And don't lose them again.

Pay by credit card on your holiday.

Believe me or not, I find them quite interesting.

Ouch, don't hold my hand so tightly.

First and third person imperative: exercise 1 ____________

Use positive or negative imperatives to rewrite the following sentences.


He can take it. - Let him take it.

We mustn't forget about it. - Let's not forget about it.

I must see it first.

........................................ it first.

We mustn't worry about it.

.............................................................. about it.

He can go there.

........................................ there.

We should get up early.

........................................ early.

I want to know about it.

........................................ about it.

She could go to the party.

....................................... to the party.

We shouldn't be late.

....................................... late.

I'd like to do it for you.

....................................... it for you.

It is a good idea to use tablets in English lessons.

....................................... tablets in English lessons.

No problem if he stays with us.

....................................... with us.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

First and third person imperative: exercise 1

Answer key

Let me see it first.

Let's not worry about it. | Don't let's worry about it.

Let him go there.

Let's get up early.

Let me know about it. 345

Let her go to the party.

Let's not be late. | Don't let's be late.

Let me do it for you.

Let's use tablets in English lessons.

Let him stay with us.

First and third person imperative: exercise 2 ____________

Use these words to make positive or negative imperative sentences.


again | it | do | let | him - Let him do it again.

throw away | let's | this food | don't - Don't let's throw away this food.

at | let | look | him | your photos


make | let's | such noise | don't


my job | you | me | tell | let | about


let's | day and night | work | on it


her | do | on her own | let | it


talk | about it | let's | not | now


try | me | your laptop | let | to use


once more | about it | ask | him | let


the game | let's | play | together


leave | her | the luggage | let | somewhere else


See the Answer Key on the next page.

First and third person imperative: exercise 2

Answer key

Let him look at your photos.

Don't let's make such noise.

Let me tell you about my job.

Let's work on it day and night.

Let her do it on her own. 347

Let's not talk about it now.

Let me try to use your laptop.

Let him ask about it once more.

Let's play the game together.

Let her leave the luggage somewhere else.

First and third person imperative: exercise 3 ____________

Complete these dialogues with "let" and the words in brackets.


A: Is it a good idea to visit them? A: John, you can't travel alone.

B: No, it isn't. Let's not go there. (go) B: Mum, please, let me do it. (do)

A: When do you think we should start?

B: ........................ it right now. (do)

A: Where shall Susan meet you?

B: .................................. for me in the arrivals hall. (wait)

A: Oh, no! I left my driving licence at home.

B: Call your brother. ..................................... it to you. (bring)

A: I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you.

B: All right. ............................................ it once more. (repeat)

A: .............................................. the rock. (climb)

B: Oh, come on. We should try it at least.

A: We can't copy the document. The copier doesn't work.

B: .................................... a photo of it then. (take)

A: Wait a minute, please. I'm washing the dishes.

B: And where's Tim? ................................................... (wash up)

A: Have you ever seen this picture?

B: No, I haven't. ........................................ a look. (have)

A: What did you say about my parents, Miss?

B: ................................................ to school. I want to talk with them. (come)

A: Is Sheila faster than Mary?

B: Definitely. ......................................... the emails. (type)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

First and third person imperative: exercise 3

Answer key

A: When do you think we should start?

B: Let's do it right now.

A: Where shall Susan meet you?

B: Let her wait for me in the arrivals hall.


A: Oh, no! I left my driving licence at home.

B: Call your brother. Let him bring it to you.

A: I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you.

B: All right. Let me repeat it once more.

A: Let's not climb the rock.

B: Oh, come on. We should try it at least.

A: We can't copy the document. The copier doesn't work.

B: Let's take a photo of it then.

A: Wait a minute, please. I'm washing the dishes.

B: And where's Tim? Let him wash up.

A: Have you ever seen this picture?

B: No, I haven't. Let me have a look.

A: What did you say about my parents, Miss?

B: Let your parents come | Let them come to school. I want to talk with them.

A: Is Sheila faster than Mary?

B: Definitely. Let Sheila type the emails.

Passive voice ______________________________________

● Present simple passive

Exercise 1 - statements 352

Exercise 2 - positive + negative 354

Exercise 3 - questions 356


● Present continuous passive

Exercise 1 - statements 358

Exercise 2 - positive + negative 360

Exercise 3 - questions 362

● Past simple passive

Exercise 1 - statements 364

Exercise 2 - positive + negative 366

Exercise 3 - questions 368

● Past continuous passive

Exercise 1 - complete sentences 370

Exercise 2 - rewrite sentences 372

Exercise 3 - questions 374

● Future simple passive
Exercise 1 - statements 376

Exercise 2 - positive + negative 378

Exercise 3 - questions 380

● Present perfect passive

Exercise 1 - statements 382

Exercise 2 - positive + negative 384

Exercise 3 - questions 386

● Past perfect passive

Exercise 1 - statements 388

Exercise 2 - positive + negative 390

Exercise 3 - questions 392

● Mixed tenses passive

Exercise 1 - present simple + continuous 394

Exercise 2 - past simple + present perfect 396

Exercise 3 - past simple + past perfect 398

Exercise 4 - present perfect + past perfect 400

Exercise 5 - all tenses 402

Present simple passive: exercise 1 - statements _________

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple passive.

Most common internet activities

E-mails ............................... and received by most internet users. (send)

Information about goods and services ................................. . (find)


Goods and services ...................................... in e-shops. (buy)

Online newspapers and magazines .................................... , mostly by adult users. (read)

Computer games ........................................ , mostly by young people. (play)

The internet ................................. for social networking, especially by young people. (use)

Telephone and video calls ........................................ . (make)

Videos and films ........................................ . (watch)

Listening and music streaming activities ............................................... . (carry out)

Articles ....................................... by bloggers all over the world. (write)

Hotel accommodation ............................................... by travellers. (search for)

Financial transactions through internet banking............................................ . (do)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple passive: exercise 1 - statements

Answer key

E-mails are sent and received by most internet users.

Information about goods and services is found.

Goods and services are bought in e-shops.

Online newspapers and magazines are read, mostly by adult users.

Computer games are played, mostly by young people. 353

The internet is used for social networking, especially by young people.

Telephone and video calls are made.

Videos and films are watched.

Listening and music streaming activities are carried out.

Articles are written by bloggers all over the world.

Hotel accommodation is searched for by travellers.

Financial transactions through internet banking are done.

Present simple passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative ___

Use the passive voice to rewrite these sentences.

We use this room for our guests.

This room ..................................................................................................................................................

They don't feed the lions at the zoo every day.

The lions at the zoo .................................................................................................................................. 354

You can open the bottle with this opener.


Too many emails stress people.


My parents don't give me any pocket money.


Poachers kill hundreds of tigers every year.


Most African governments protect rhinos.


He doesn't expect us to offer him the job.


Students at this course do a lot of homework.


They don't make these cars in Japan.


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative

Answer key

This room is used for our guests.

The lions aren't fed at the zoo every day.

The bottle can be opened with this opener.

People are stressed by too many emails.

I am not given any pocket money by my parents. 355

Hundreds of tigers are killed by poachers every year.

Rhinos are protected by most African governments.

We aren't expected to offer him the job.

A lot of homework is done by students at this course.

These cars aren't made in Japan.

Present simple passive: exercise 3 - questions __________

Make questions in the passive to complete the interview with Ken Fry, the manager in KFP.

How are fried potatoes made in KFP (Kentucky Fried Potatoes)?

Interviewer: Your fried potatoes have just won the industry award for the best producer in the United
States. What's behind your success?

Ken Fry: It's simple - the best potatoes, the best recipe and hard work.
Interviewer: Where ................................................................................? (your potatoes - grow)

Ken Fry: In our fields in Washington.

Interviewer: How ...................................................................................? (they - store)

Ken Fry: We put them in special textile bags.

Interviewer: ........................................................ into small or big pieces? (your potatoes - cut)

Ken Fry: Machines cut them into very small pieces.

Interviewer: ........................................................ first? (the potatoes - peel)

Ken Fry: Yes, of course. Otherwise they are a bit bitter.

Interviewer: .......................................................before you fry them? (they - cook)

Ken Fry: We don't cook them, we parboil them.

Interviewer: .......................................................................... in vegetable oil? (they - fry)

Ken Fry: We always fry them in the mixture of vegetable oil and butter.

Interviewer: When ...............................................................? (flavourings and salt - add)

Ken Fry: We only add salt, no flavourings.

Interviewer: And ........................................................ before you fry them? (the salt - add)

Ken Fry: We add the salt after we fry the potatoes.

Interviewer: And my last question. How often ............................................................................

in your family? (Kentucky Fried Potatoes - eat)

Ken Fry: Do you really want to know? We never eat them. We prefer rice and pasta.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present simple passive: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

How are fried potatoes made in KFP (Kentucky Fried Potatoes)?

Interviewer: Your fried potatoes have just won the industry award for the best producer in the United
States. What's behind your success?

Ken Fry: It's simple - the best potatoes, the best recipe and hard work.

Interviewer: Where are your potatoes grown?

Ken Fry: In our fields in Washington.

Interviewer: How are they stored?

Ken Fry: We put them in special textile bags.

Interviewer: Are your potatoes cut into small or big pieces?

Ken Fry: Machines cut them into very small pieces.

Interviewer: Are the potatoes peeled first?

Ken Fry: Yes, of course. Otherwise they are a bit bitter.

Interviewer: Are they cooked before you fry them?

Ken Fry: We don't cook them, we parboil them.

Interviewer: Are they fried in vegetable oil?

Ken Fry: We always fry them in the mixture of vegetable oil and butter.

Interviewer: When are flavourings and salt added?

Ken Fry: We only add salt, no flavourings.

Interviewer: And is the salt added before you fry them?

Ken Fry: We add the salt after we fry the potatoes.

Interviewer: And my last question. How often are Kentucky Fried Potatoes eaten in your family?

Ken Fry: Do you really want to know? We never eat them. We prefer rice and pasta.

Present continuous passive: exercise 1 - statements _____

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present continuous passive.

Look at that! A new supermarket ............................................. in this street. (build)

You car will be ready soon. It ............ just ......................................... . (wash)

You can't see the horses, they ............................................... now. (feed)


A really good film ................................................ in the cinema today. (show)

Wait a minute please. The dinner ...................................................... for you. (prepare)

Because of the fire children ..................................................... outside their classrooms. (teach)

I can't use my PC. A new operating system ........................................................... on it. (instal)

The pool is clean now because swim caps ................................................. in it. (use)

Christmas is coming and much more goods .................................................. in shops. (display)

Wake up. It's 9 o'clock. Breakfast ........................................................ . (serve)

Something has to be done about it. Big cities ................................................ by cars nowadays. (block)

The man who robbed the bank ........................................... in prison right now. (keep)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present continuous passive: exercise 1 - statements

Answer key

Look at that! A new supermarket is being built in this street.

You car will be ready soon. It is just being washed.

You can't see the horses, they are being fed now.

A really good film is being shown in the cinema today.

Wait a minute please. The dinner is being prepared for you. 359

Because of the fire children are being taught outside their classrooms.

I can't use my PC. A new operating system is being installed on it.

The pool is clean now because swim caps are being used in it.

Christmas is coming and much more goods is being displayed in shops.

Wake up. It's 9 o'clock. Breakfast is being served.

Something has to be done about it. Big cities are being blocked by cars nowadays.

The man who robbed the bank is being kept in prison right now.

Present continuous passive: exercise 2 ________________
positive + negative

Use the present continuous passive to rewrite these sentences.

I am afraid that somebody else is using my laptop.

I am afraid that my .....................................................................................................

They aren't feeding the lions at the moment.

The lions ................................................................................... at the moment.

Someone is speaking Spanish in this classroom.

Spanish ............................................................................. in this classroom.

The red light is on because doctors are operating a patient.

The red light is on because a ..........................................................................................

They are putting books on shelves.

.................................................................................. on shelves.

Look, they are killing the ants.

Look, the .......................................................................................................

Can you see that? The policemen are chasing a robber.

Can you see that? A ......................................................................................................

I don't know why they aren't cutting the trees today.

I don't know why the ........................................................................... today.

They are writing a test in this lesson.

A ......................................................................................... in this lesson.

They aren't decorating the hall because Sam is ill.

The ..................................................................................... because Sam is ill.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present continuous passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative

Answer key

I am afraid that my laptop is being used by somebody else.

The lions aren't being fed at the moment.

Spanish is being spoken in this classroom.

The red light is on because a patient is being operated (by doctors).

Books are being put on shelves. 361

Look, the ants are being killed.

Can you see that? A robber is being chased by the policemen.

I don't know why the trees aren't being cut today.

A test is being written in this lesson.

The hall isn't being decorated because Sam is ill.

Present continuous passive: exercise 3 - questions ______

Make questions in the present continuous passive to complete the conversations.

Use the words in brackets.

A: The entrance hall at the railway station is closed.

B: Why? ...................................................................? (it - reconstruct)

A: Why .................................................................... off the ground? (the car - lift)

B: Because it must be towed away.


A: Our house has been burgled three times this month!

B: Really? ................................................................ by the police now? (it - guard)

A: All the main roads in our town are in bad condition.

B: How much .......................................................... on the roads this year? (money - spend)

A: We'll have a new theatre till the end of this year.

B: By the way, why .....................................................................? (the old theatre - pull down)

A: Oh, no! ............................................................................. again? (this film - show)

B: Do you mean it? We watched it last week.

A: Why ...............................................................................................? (all the trees - cut down)

B: Because they are too old.

A: Excuse me. ...........................................................................? (my parcel - deliver)

B: Yes, it is. It will arrive in the afternoon.

A: They aren't playing anymore.

B: Why? ...................................................................... off the field? (the injured player - carry)

A: Where ...................................................................... now? (our valuables - keep)

B: In a hotel safe.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present continuous passive: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

Why? Is it being reconstructed?

Why is the car being lifted off the ground?

Really? Is it being guarded by the police now?

How much money is being spent on the roads this year?

By the way, why is the old theatre being pulled down? 363

Oh, no! Is this film being shown again?

Why are all the trees being cut down?

Excuse me. Is my parcel being delivered?

Why? Is the injured player being carried off the field?

Where are our valuables being kept now?

Past simple passive: exercise 1 - statements ____________

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple passive.

Life in the 19th century in Britain

Lamps and candles ............................... for light, because there was no electricity. (use)

A coach instead of a car ................................. to move from place to place. (buy)


By the 1860's bicycles ................................. along with horses. (ride)

A simple small house ...................................... by a poor family. (build)

Luxurious palaces .................................... by wealthy aristocratic families. (own)

Top hats and suits with tails ................................. by men in cities. (wear)

A dress ........................................ to hide woman's legs. (design)

Girls from well-off families ........................................ at home. (educate)

Boys from rich families ........................................ to public schools. (send)

A child from a poor family ........................................ to work. (force)

People ................................................... by trains from town to town for the first time. (transport)

A huge demand for goods and services ............................................... . (create)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple passive: exercise 1 - statements

Answer key

Lamps and candles were used for light, because there was no electricity.

A coach instead of a car was bought to move from place to place.

By the 1860's bicycles were ridden along with horses.

A simple small house was built by a poor family.

Luxurious palaces were owned by wealthy aristocratic families. 365

Top hats and suits with tails were worn by men in cities.

A dress was designed to hide woman's legs.

Girls from well-off families were educated at home.

Boys from rich families were sent to public schools.

A child from a poor family was forced to work.

People were transported by trains from town to town for the first time.

A huge demand for goods and services was created.

Past simple passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative _____

Use these words to make sentences in the past simple passive.


two | break | glasses - Two glasses were broken.

What happened after a birthday party

not tidy up | the room 366


some sandwiches | on the table | leave


not empty | the waste bin


with coke | stain | the sofa


plates and forks | everywhere | leave


empty bottles | under the bed | put


damage | some flowers


fill | the kitchen sink | dirty dishes | with


not switch off | most lights


not close | the front door


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative

Answer key

The room wasn't tidied up.

Some sandwiches were left on the table.

The waste bin wasn't emptied.

The sofa was stained with coke.

Plates and forks were left everywhere. 367

Empty bottles were put under the bed.

Some flowers were damaged.

The kitchen sink was filled with dirty dishes.

Most lights weren't switched off.

The front door wasn't closed.

Past simple passive: exercise 3 - questions _____________

Make questions in the past simple passive to complete the interview.

After the storm

A: There was a storm on the coast last night.

B: ...........................................................................................? (anything | damage)

A: Yes. Some trees fell on cars. 368

B: How many cars .................................................? (crush)

A: More than twenty.

B: .............................................................................................? (the cars | completely | destroy)

A: Not all of them. But two or three cars were ruined.

B: And what about buildings? ................................................................. too? (they | devastate)

A: Not really. Just some windows were smashed and roof tiles were torn off. But the harbour
was hit hard by the winds.

B: What happened? ....................................................................? (any boats | wreck)

A: Yes, they were. Two of them were drifted on rocks and completely destroyed.

B: What about the other boats? ..............................................................? (they | blow away)

A: Some of them were driven miles away from the shore.

B: ....................................................................... during the storm? (anybody | kill)

A: I don't think so.

B: And .................................................................................................? (many people | injure)

A: There were some injuries, but nothing serious as far as I know.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past simple passive: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

After the storm

A: There was a storm on the coast last night.

B: Was anything damaged?

A: Yes. Some trees fell on cars.

B: How many cars were crushed?

A: More than twenty.

B: Were the cars completely destroyed?

A: Not all of them. But two or three cars were ruined.

B: And what about buildings? Were they devastated too?

A: Not really. Just some windows were smashed and roof tiles were torn off. But the harbour
was hit hard by the winds.

B: What happened? Were any boats wrecked?

A: Yes, they were. Two of them were drifted on rocks and completely destroyed.

B: What about the other boats? Were they blown away?

A: Some of them were driven miles away from the shore.

B: Was anybody killed during the storm?

A: I don't think so.

B: And were many people injured?

A: There were some injuries, but nothing serious as far as I know.

Past continuous passive: exercise 1 ___________________
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

It was really noisy on the beach. A new hotel ....................................... next to it. (build)

I couldn't use my car because it .......................................................... . (service)

When we entered the lion pavilion, the lions ................... just .................................... . (feed) 370

We had to take a detour because the road surface ........................................................ . (repair)

The kitchen was in a mess. Meals for thirty diners ...................................................... . (cook)

The engine broke down because it .............................................................. . (overload)

My PC slowed down when the new update ............................................................ on it. (instal)

When the garages caught fire, our cars ........................................................... there. (not - park)

We stopped in front of the shop because new goods ................................................................... in the

shop window. (display)

It was 10 o'clock and new orders .............................................................. anymore. (not - take)

I couldn't cross the road because the snow .................................................... from it. (clear)

Harry forgot that the interview ....................................................... at three o'clock. (not - hold)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past continuous passive: exercise 1

Answer key

It was really noisy on the beach. A new hotel was being built next to it.

I couldn't use my car because it was being serviced.

When we entered the lion pavilion, the lions were just being fed.
We had to take a detour because the road surface was being repaired.

The kitchen was in a mess. Meals for thirty diners were being cokked.

The engine broke down because it was being overloaded.

My PC slowed down when the new update was being installed on it.

When the garages caught fire, our cars were not (weren't) being parked there.

We stopped in front of the shop because new goods was being displayed in the shop window.

It was 10 o'clock and new orders were not (weren't) being taken anymore.

I couldn't cross the road because the snow was being cleared from it. (clear)

Harry forgot that the interview was not (wasn't) being held at three o'clock.

Past continuous passive: exercise 2 ___________________
Rewrite the sentences and keep the same meaning.

I was sure that someone else was using my mobile.

I was sure that my mobile .................................................... by someone else.

They weren't cutting down the trees when I saw them.

The .............................................................................................. when I saw them.

I could hear that nobody was speaking Polish at the hotel lobby.

I could hear that Polish ............................................................ by anybody at the hotel lobby.

We were on the platform when the train was approaching it.

We were on the platform when it ..................................................................... by the train.

The shop was closed because they were rearranging the shelves.

The shop was closed because the shelves .......................................................................... .

I didn't want to look when they were beating our team.

I didn't want to look when our team .................................................................. .

Did you see that? The police were arresting our neighbour.

Did you see that? Our neighbour .................................................................... by the police.

I didn't listen when our teacher was explaining the mystery.

I didn't listen when the mystery ......................................................................... by our teacher.

They were not writing any tests at the beginning of the lesson.

No tests .................................................................. at the beginning of the lesson.

The decorators weren't painting the walls when I came to the office.

The walls ....................................................................... when I came to the office.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past continuous passive: exercise 2

Answer key

I was sure that my mobile was being used by someone else.

The trees were not (weren't) being cut down when I saw them.

I could hear that Polish was not (wasn't) being spoken at the hotel reception.

We were on the platform when it was being approached by the train.

The shop was closed because the shelves were being rearranged.

I didn't want to look when our team was being beaten.

Did you see that? Our neighbour was being arrested by the police.

I didn't listen when the mystery was being explained by our teacher.

No tests were being written at the beginning of the lesson.

The walls were not (weren't) being painted when I came to the office.

Past continuous passive: exercise 3 ___________________
Make questions with the verbs in brackets.

A: We couldn't sit down at the departure lounge at the airport.

B: Why? ...................................................................? (the seats - replace)

A: I saw your car hanging in the air. Why ............................................ onto the lorry? (it - put)

B: Because it had to be towed away.


A: I woke up and heard some noises in the living room!

B: Really? ......................................................... ? (it - burgle)

A: All the public buildings in our town were in bad condition last year.

B: ........... the townhall ......................................... when I was there last time? (not reconstruct)

A: I didn't you go out with Marion last night.

B: Why not? ................................................................................... ? (the finals - play)

A: I switched off the TV. And do you know why?

B: I'll try to guess. ........................................................................ again? (the same film - show)

A: They didn't finish their work on time.

B: What was the problem? ..................... still .......................... at two o'clock? (the car - check)

A: The roof caught fire and the house was badly damaged.

B: Why did it happen? ............................................................................. ? (the roof - renovate)

A: Susan couldn't answer the phone because she was on a surgical ward.

B: ...........................................................................? (she - operate)

A: Where ......................................................... when they disappeared? (your valuables - keep)

B: In a hotel safe.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past continuous passive: exercise 3

Answer key

Were the seats being replaced?

Why was it being put onto the lorry?

Was it being burgled?

Wasn't the townhall being reconstructed when I was there last time? (Was the townhall not being

Were the finals being played?

Was the same film being shown again?

Was the car still being checked at two o'clock?

Was the roof being renovated?

Was she being operated?

Where were your valuables being kept when they disappeared?

Future simple passive: exercise 1 - statements __________

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the future simple passive.

Life in the middle of the century

Everything about you .................................................. . (monitor)

Your pulse ............................................... by mirror in your bathroom. (take) 376

Your weight ............................................. by bathroom scales built into the floor. (check)

Your feelings ................................................... by sensors in your mobile phone. (analyse)

Your kitchen robot ......................................... to make your tea when you get up. (set up)

Your daily menu .......................................................... to match your activities. (optimise)

Your food .................................................. online by your fridge. (order)

Your pizza ................................................. by a 3D printer. (make)

Solar panels ........................................ into building materials to power your house. (build)

Nuclear waste ....................................... to produce eletricity. (use)

New jobs such as space tour guides .................................................... . (create)

And everything ................................................... to your own needs. (tailor)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple passive: exercise 1 - statements

Answer key

Life in the middle of the century

Everything about you will be monitored.

Your pulse will be taken by mirror in your bathroom.

Your weight will be checked by bathroom scales built into the floor.
Your feelings will be analysed by sensors in your mobile phone.

Your kitchen robot will be set up to make your tea when you get up.

Your daily menu will be optimised to match your activities.

Your food will be ordered online by your fridge.

Your pizza will be made by a 3D printer.

Solar panels will be built into building materials to power your house.

Nuclear waste will be used to produce eletricity.

New jobs such as space tour guides will be created.

And everything will be tailored to your own needs.

Future simple passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative ____

Use the passive voice to rewrite these sentences.

We will deliver your parcel as soon as possible.

Your parcel ...............................................................................................................................................

They won't polish the wooden floor.

The wooden floor ...................................................................................................................................... 378

We'll cut the grass by a hand mower.


So many presents will surprise her.


I hope the wind will not blow away our tent.

I hope ........................................................................................................................................................

Hunters will shoot more and more wolves.


They'll show the film at 8 o'clock.


He won't tell us to go away.


Your grandma will read the story.


Little Jane will draw the picture.


They won't beat Manchester City in this match.


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative

Answer key

Your parcel will be delivered as soon as possible.

The wooden floor won't be polished.

The grass will be cut by a hand mower.

She'll be surprised by so many presents.

I hope our tent will not be blown away. 379

More and more wolves will be shot by hunters.

The film will be shown at 8 o'clock.

We won't be told to go away.

The story will be read by your grandma.

The picture will be drawn by little Jane.

Manchester City won't be beaten in this match.

Future simple passive: exercise 3 - questions ___________

Make questions in the future simple passive to complete the interview with John Talbot, the
mayor of the town of Ripley.

Interviewer: I've read your investment plan for the town of Ripley. When ..............................................

................................. by the local council? (the plan - adopt)

John Talbot: I suppose that the local council will adopt it during our next meeting in March.
Interviewer: How much money ............................................................? (invest)

John Talbot: Five million pounds in three years. We want to renovate the town centre and make it
more attractive.

Interviewer: How ............................................................... more attractive? (the centre - make)

John Talbot: We'll give the town a facelift. The old trees and benches will be removed....

Interviewer: ............................................................................... instead? (new trees - plant)

John Talbot: Yes, they will. But we will plant them in better locations.

Interviewer: And ..............................................................................? (new benches - buy)

John Talbot: We will increase the number of benches, but they will be relocated, too.

Interviewer: You also want to make the town pedestrian friendly. .............................................

..................................................? (pavements - reconstruct)

John Talbot: Definitely. By the end of next year. And we'll also build a new car park.

Interviewer: And where ............................................................................? (the car park - build)

John Talbot: Just outside the town centre.

Interviewer: What about street lighting? ....................................................................................? (any

new lamps - install)

John Talbot: We are planning to place new lamps around the square.

Interviewer: Do you think that other towns .......................................................... by your plan?


John Talbot: Let's wait and see. But I hope that our citizens will welcome all these changes.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Future simple passive: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

Interviewer: I've read your investment plan for the town of Ripley. When When will the plan be
adopted by the local council?

John Talbot: I suppose that the local council will adopt it during our next meeting in March.

Interviewer: How much money will be invested?

John Talbot: Five million pounds in three years. We want to renovate the town centre and make it
more attractive.

Interviewer: How will the centre be made more attractive?

John Talbot: We'll give the town a facelift. The old trees and benches will be removed....

Interviewer: Will new trees be planted instead?

John Talbot: Yes, they will. But we will plant them in better locations.

Interviewer: And will new benches be bought?

John Talbot: We will increase the number of benches, but they will be relocated, too.

Interviewer: You also want to make the town pedestrian friendly. Will pavements be reconstructed?

John Talbot: Definitely. By the end of next year. And we'll also build a new car park.

Interviewer: And where will the park be built?

John Talbot: Just outside the town centre.

Interviewer: What about street lighting? Will any new lamps be installed?

John Talbot: We are planning to place new lamps around the square.

Interviewer: Do you think that other towns will be inspired by your plan?

John Talbot: Let's wait and see. But I hope that our citizens will welcome all these changes.

Present perfect passive: exercise 1 - statements _________

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect passive.

Our house has finally been renovated

The old roof ........................................................................ . (repair)

The chimney ....................................................................... . (knock down)


Some inner walls ................................................................ . (move)

All the windows .................................................................. . (replace)

All the inner doors .............................................................. . (repaint)

A new exterior door ............................................................ . (buy)

A new bathroom ................................................................. . (build)

Central heating ................................................................... . (install)

Exterior walls ...................................................................... . (insulate)

New plumbing systems ....................................................... . (use)

New floors .......................................................................... . (lay)

The facade ......................................................................... . (decorate)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect passive: exercise 1 - statements

Answer key

The old roof has been repaired.

The chimney has been knocked down.

Some inner walls have been moved.

All the windows have been replaced.

All the inner doors have been repainted.

A new exterior door has been bought.

A new bathroom has been built.

Central heating has been installed.

Exterior walls have been insulated.

New plumbing systems have been used.

New floors have been laid.

The facade has been decorated.

Present perfect passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative __

Use the passive voice to rewrite these sentences.

We haven't checked your car yet.

Your car ........................................................................................................................................

They have not done anything about it so far.

Nothing ......................................................................................................................................... 384

Someone has cut this tree with this saw.


Too many people have used the same methods.


My classmates have decorated our classroom.


Children have eaten all the biscuits.


Property developers have bought this land.


They haven't asked us to give them a hand.


Charities in this country have done a lot of good work.


They haven't built the new bridge yet.


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative

Answer key

Your car hasn't been checked yet.

Nothing has been done about it so far.

This tree has been cut with this saw.

The same methods have been used by too many people.

Our classroom has been decorated by my classmates. 385

All the biscuits have been eaten by children.

This land has been bought by property developers.

We haven't been asked to give them a hand.

A lot of good work has been done by charities in this country.

The new bridge hasn't been built yet.

Present perfect passive: exercise 3 - questions __________

Make questions to complete the following texts.

............... you been ............................ money? Be careful, you can become a victim of fraud. (promise)

Have ........................................................................... by us for research? Please, use the link below to

answer our questions. (you | contact)

............................................................................................... with Dell products? Thank you in advance
for giving me a tip. (anybody | ever satisfy)

..........................................................................................................? There is no announcement on the

departure board. (the flight | cancel)

...............................................................................................? Please, let us know. (the issue | resolve)

.................................................................................................... by the police? I'm just curious to know.

(you | ever stop)

................................................................................................... by pop-up virus? Contact your technical

support immediately. (your computer | block)

.................................................................................? You need to prepare for job interviews as soon as

you can. (you | fire)

...............................................................................................................? Any damage or loss should be

reported in writing. (your baggage | damage)

.................................................................................................... by a girl? Don't panic. There are plenty

more fish in the sea. (you | reject)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present perfect passive: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

Have you been promised money? Be careful, you can become a victim of fraud.

Have you been contacted by us for research? Please, use the link below to answer our questions.

Has anybody been ever satisfied with Dell products? Thank you in advance for giving me a tip.

Has the flight been cancelled? There is no announcement on the departure board.

Has the issue been resolved? Please, let us know. 387

Have you ever been stopped by the police? I'm just curious to know.

Has your computer been blocked by pop-up virus? Contact your technical support immediately.

Have you been fired? You need to prepare for job interviews as soon as you can.

Has your baggage been damaged? Any damage or loss should be reported in writing.

Have you been rejected by a girl? Don't panic. There are plenty more fish in the sea.

Past perfect passive: exercise 1 - statements ____________

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the past perfect passive.

Before we collected our car in a car service

A lot of things had been ................................................... . (do)

Worn tyres ....................................................................... . (replace) 388

Tyre pressure .................................................................. . (measure)

Filters and oil ................................................................... . (change)

The engine ....................................................................... . (clean)

The battery ...................................................................... . (charge)

Brakes .............................................................................. . (check)

All the fluids ..................................................................... . (top up)

The air conditioner ........................................................... . (inspect)

New carpets ..................................................................... . (lay)

The car ............................................................................. . (wash)

And everything ................................................................... in the car service book. (write)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect passive: exercise 1 - statements

Answer key

A lot of things had been done.

Worn tyres had been replaced.

Tyre pressure had been measured.

Filters and oil had been changed.

The engine had been cleaned. 389

The battery had been charged.

Brakes had been checked.

All the fluids had been topped up.

The air conditioner had been inspected.

New carpets had been laid.

The car had been washed.

And everything had been written in the car service book.

Past perfect passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative _____

Use the passive voice to rewrite these sentences.

They hadn't made the meals before we arrived.

The meals ............................................................................. before we arrived.

The flowers were dead because nobody had watered them.

The flowers were dead because they ............................................................................. . 390

We couldn't board the plane because we had left our passports at home.

We couldn't board the plane because our ...................................................................... at home.

The lights went off because they hadn't paid the electricity bill.

The lights went off because ....................................................................................................... .

We were hungry. Someone had eaten all the sandwiches.

We were hungry. .......................................................................................................... .

The fire damaged the hotel which they had built a year before.

The storm damaged the hotel which .................................................... a year before.

The waitress brought a salad. But nobody had ordered it.

The waitress brought a salad. But ................................................................................ .

The cat felt sleepy after they had fed it.

The cat felt sleepy after ............................................................. .

The windows were so dirty because nobody had cleaned them.

The windows were so dirty because ........................................................................... .

I coudn't use my phone. I hadn't charged it.

I coudn't use my phone. .............................................................. .

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect passive: exercise 2 - positive + negative

Answer key

The meals hadn't been made before we arrived.

The flowers were dead because they had not been watered.

We couldn't board the plane because our passports had been left at home.

The lights went off because the eletricity bill hadn't been paid.

We were hungry. All the sandwiches had been eaten. 391

The fire damaged the hotel which had been built a year before.

The waitress brought a salad. But it had not been ordered.

The cat felt sleepy after it had been fed.

The windows were so dirty because they had not been cleaned.

I coudn't use my phone. It hadn't been charged.

Past perfect passive: exercise 3 - questions _____________

Make questions to complete the following texts.

Why did you come to Marion's party? ................ you been .....................................? (invite)

The meeting was so chaotic. Had .......................................................... by anyone? (it | plan)

How long .............................................................................................. before the scientists found it?

(the body | freeze) 392

....................................................................................... to the police when he turned up in the town?

(the man | know)

How many times ............................................................................................ before you succeeded?

(your application | reject)

Why did you take your raincoat? .......................................................................................................?

(rainy weather | forecast)

.......................................... just .................................................. when I arrived? (the parcel | deliver)

How long .............................................................................. before it was allowed again? (it | forbid)

Why did the police arrive along with the firemen? ................................................................. on fire?
(the house | set)

I didn't get the money on Friday. .................................................................. a long time before that?
(it | send)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past perfect passive: exercise 3 - questions

Answer key

Why did you come to Marion's party? Had you been invited?

The meeting was so chaotic. Had it been planned by anyone?

How long had the body been frozen before the scientists found it?

Had the man been known to the police when he turned up in the town?

How many times had your application been rejected before you succeeded? 393

Why did you take your raincoat? Had rainy weather been forecast | forecasted?

Had the parcel just been delivered when I arrived?

How long had it been forbidden before it was allowed again?

Why did the police arrive along with the firemen? Had the house been set on fire?

I didn't get the money on Friday. Had it been sent a long time before that?

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 1 _______________
present simple + continuous

Complete these sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use passive forms of the present simple
or continuous.

German ........................................... in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. (speak)

In most countries cigarettes ............................................ to anyone under 18. (not sell)

Two films ............................................. at the cinema at the moment. (show)

Every year millions of people ................................................. for cancer. (treat)

Don't switch off the computer. New updates ....................................................... . (install)

GPS: Wait a moment. Your new route ............................................................. . (calculate)

It ........................................................ to take photos inside. (forbid)

Your room will be available at 10 o'clock. It ................................................... now. (tidy)

Look at the car in front of us. It ..................................................... by the police. (stop)

Bangladesh .................................. to be facing the worst floods in over 100 years. (think)

You can't use this road at the moment. It .............................................. with water. (flood)

The members of the British Parliament .......................................... at five-year intervals. (elect)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 1
present simple + continuous

Answer key

German is spoken in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

In most countries cigarettes are not sold to anyone under 18.

Two films are being shown at the cinema at the moment.

Every year millions of people are treated for cancer. 395

Don't switch off the computer. New updates are being installed.

GPS: Wait a moment. Your new route is being calculated.

It is forbidden to take photos inside.

Your room will be available at 10 o'clock. It is being tidied now.

Look at the car in front of us. It is being stopped by the police.

Bangladesh is thought to be facing the worst floods in over 100 years.

You can't use this road at the moment. It is being flooded with water.

The members of the British Parliament are elected at five-year intervals.

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 2 _______________
past simple + present perfect

Use these words to make sentences in passive forms.


nothing | say | last time - Nothing was said last time.

nothing | do | yet - Nothing has been done yet.

the mistake | make | a long time ago


such a lion | not see | so far


I | give | this watch | last year


I | not tell | anything | since my arrival


the problem | put aside | after our meeting


how long | rugby | play?


the furniture | move | on Monday


the matches | play | late at night


nothing | lose | up to now


when | these documents | create?


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 2
past simple + present perfect

Answer key

The mistake was made a long time ago.

Such a lion has not been seen so far.

I was given this watch last year.

I haven't been told anything since my arrival. 397

The problem was put aside after our meeting.

How long has rugby been played?

The furniture was moved on Monday.

The matches were played late at night.

Nothing has been lost up to now.

When were these documents created?

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 3 _______________
past simple + past perfect

Write correct forms or words next to each sentence.

The site was blocked | had been blocked as it had provided pirate copies. ...........................................

They escaped. They were warned | had been warned by somebody. ...........................................

The cat was sleepy after it was fed | had been fed with chicked breast. ........................................... 398

Jill didn't know what to do. She was confused | had been confused. ...........................................

I refused the idea which I was presented | had been presented before. ...........................................

The doctor put my leg in plaster. It was broken | had been broken. ...........................................

We liked the solution and so it was accepted | had been accepted. ...........................................

Before we arrived at the party all food was eaten | had been eaten. ...........................................

The cake was cut | had been cut into pieces and disappeared. ...........................................

The conference wasn't over even if everything was said | had been said. ...........................................

Sue was happy again after her dog was found | had been found. ...........................................

The ancient tomb was discovered | had been discovered a long time ago. ...........................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 3
past simple + past perfect

Answer key

The site was blocked | had been blocked as it had provided pirate copies. was blocked

They escaped. They were warned | had been warned by somebody. had been warned

The cat was sleepy after it was fed | had been fed with chicked breast. had been fed

Jill didn't know what to do. She was confused | had been confused. was confused 399
I refused the idea which I was presented | had been presented before. had been presented

The doctor put my leg in plaster. It was broken | had been broken. was broken

We liked the solution and so it was accepted | had been accepted. was accepted

Before we arrived at the party all food was eaten | had been eaten. had been eaten

The cake was cut | had been cut into pieces and disappeared. was cut

The conference wasn't over even if everything was said | had been said. had been said

Sue was happy again after her dog was found | had been found. had been found

The ancient tomb was discovered | had been discovered a long time ago. was discovered

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 4 _______________
present perfect + past perfect

Write these sentences in passive forms.

Look. They haven't changed anything in this room.

Look. Nothing ..............................................................................................................................

I realized that they had misunderstood my idea.

I realized that my idea ..................................................................................................................

Nobody informed me that the director had postponed the meeting.

Nobody informed me that the ......................................................................................................

Listen. McDonald's have offered you the job.

Listen. ...........................................................................................................................................

My partners accepted my proposal after they had considered it carefully.

My partners accepted my proposal after ...................................................................... carefully.

I left the restaurant because nobody had served me for half an hour.

I left the restaurant because ............................................................................... for half an hour.

The parcel should arrive tomorrow. We have already sent it.

The parcel should arrive tomorrow. .............................................................................................

Why have teenagers chosen coca-cola as a number one drink?

Why ........................................................................................................ as a number one drink?

Had they caught the burglars before they left your house?

......................................................................................................... before they left your house?

To be honest, my parents have never supported me.

To be honest, ................................................................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 4
present perfect + past perfect

Answer key

Look. Nothing has been changed in this room.

I realized that my idea had been misunderstood.

Nobody informed me that the meeting had been postponed by the director.

Listen. You have been offered the job by McDonald's. 401

My partners accepted my proposal after it had been considered carefully.

I left the restaurant because I had not been served for half an hour.

The parcel should arrive tomorrow. It has already been sent.

Why has coca-cola been chosen by teenagers as a number one drink?

Had the burglars been caught before they left your house?

To be honest, I have never been supported by my parents.

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 5 _______________
all tenses

Complete the conversation with Steve Hobs, the manager at Grapple Phones.

Interviewer: Your new Smartphone Z ............................................... now. (sell) Does it bring any new

Steve Hobs: Yes, it does. Smartphone Z ............................................... last week (launch) with all the

revolutionary features which .................................................... (develop) for the previous 402

Smarthone Y. And two new funcionalities .................................................................. now

to generation Z. (add)

Interviewer: Could you give us more details?

Steve Hobs: There is no home button in Smartphone Z. The home screen ..........................................

(access) by tapping on the screen.

Interviewer: And the second funcionality?

Steve Hobs: Unlocking the device ................................. (done) with a new voice recognition system.

It means that your phone can recognize your voice and it unlocks if you ask it to do so.

Interviewer: It is something like the facial recognition system in other phones.

Steve Hobs: Exactly. But the voice recognition system .........................................................................

(design) for Smartphone Z because your voice, unlike your face, never changes.

Interviewer: Are you planning any other revolutionary features for the next generation of your


Steve Hobs: Next year we want to release a phone which, apart from other functions, ........................

......................... (use) as a microwave oven.

Interviewer: Pardon?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Passive voice: mixed tenses - exercise 5
all tenses

Answer key

Interviewer: Your new Smartphone Z is being sold now. Does it bring any new features?

Steve Hobs: Yes, it does. Smartphone Z was launched last week with all the revolutionary features

which had been developed for the previous Smarthone Y. And two new funcionalities

have been added now to generation Z. 403

Interviewer: Could you give us more details?

Steve Hobs: There is no home button in Smartphone Z. The home screen is accessed by tapping on

the screen.

Interviewer: And the second funcionality?

Steve Hobs: Unlocking the device is done with a new voice recognition system. It means that your

phone can recognize your voice and it unlocks if you ask it to do so.

Interviewer: It is something like the facial recognition system in other phones.

Steve Hobs: Exactly. But the voice recognition system has been designed for Smartphone Z

because your voice, unlike your face, never changes.

Interviewer: Are you planning any other revolutionary features for the next generation of your


Steve Hobs: Next year we want to release a phone which, apart from other functions, will be used as

a microwave oven.

Interviewer: Pardon?

Conditional tense ___________________________________

● Present and past conditional tense

Exercise 1 - present conditional tense 405

Exercise 2 - past conditional tense 407

Exercise 3 - present + past conditional tense 409

Exercise 4 - present + past conditional tense 411

Present conditional tense: exercise 1 __________________

Part 1: Positive statements.

Sam is planning his weekend. Complete the sentences with the modal verbs in brackets and
the words in the box.

come tidy spend do ask make help have

If had more money, I .............................. some shopping. (would)

I .............................. a day in the mountains. (could)

I .............................. Irene out on Friday night. (might)

If Irene agreed, we .............................. something to eat in a restaurant. (would)

Peter .............................. to see me on Saturday afternoon. (could)

If I called John, he .............................. me with my homework. (would)

My mum .............................. an apple pie for us. (ought to)

I .............................. my bedrroom, just a little bit. (should)

Part 2: Questions.

Sam has bought a lottery ticket. He is asking his friend what he would do if he won a lot of

Example: ___ to a new place? (move) - Would you move to a new place?

................................................ anyone in your family? (tell)

................................................ a sports car? (buy)

................................................ on an exotic holiday? (go)

................................................ any money in a bank? (deposit)

................................................ any money to charity? (give)

Part 3: Negative forms.

What would Sam not do if he won a lot of money?

He ................................................ his lifestyle. (not change)

He ................................................ his job. (not leave)

He ................................................ away from where he lives. (not move)

He ................................................ his best friends. (not lose)

And he ................................................ any money. (not invest)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present conditional tense: exercise 1

Answer key

Part 1: Positive statements.

If had more money, I would (I'd) do some shopping.

I could spend a day in the mountains.

I might ask Irene out on Friday night.

If Irene agreed, we would (we'd) have something to eat in a restaurant. 406

Peter could come to see me on Saturday afternoon.

If I called John, he would (he'd) help me with my homework.

My mum ought to make an apple pie for us.

I should tidy my bedrroom, just a little bit.

Part 2: Questions.

Would you tell anyone in your family?

Would you buy a sports car?

Would you go on an exotic holiday?

Would you deposit any money in a bank?

Would you give any money to charity?

Part 3: Negative forms.

He would not (wouldn't) change his lifestyle.

He would not (wouldn't) leave his job.

He would not (wouldn't) move away from where he lives.

He would not (wouldn't) lose his best friends.

And he would not (wouldn't) invest any money.

Past conditional tense: exercise 2 - all forms ____________

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.


Judith had her hair cut. She ___ it ten years ago. (would not do)
Judith had her hair cut. She would not have done it ten years ago.

It was too late. You ................................................................ him the message. (should | not send)

I wanted to meet you at the airport. But I .................................................... you. (would | not regognize)

Why did I marry Fred? I ....................................................... Jack. (could | marry)

A: .................... we ................................................ their offer? (should | refuse)

B: Why? It was a very good offer.

A: .................. she ...................................... you with your homework? (would | help)

B: I don't think so. She was too busy.

Beatriz ........................................................... in Madrid ten years ago. I think she worked in Barcelona.
(might | not work)

I'm afraid Jill has failed the exam. Otherwise she ......................................... us yesterday. (would | call)

Why didn't you tell me? I ..................................................... it for you. (would | do)

Mike ................................................ the window. He was there when I heard the noise. (might | smash)

It has taken us fifteen hours to get here by train. It ............................................................. us two hours
by plane. (could | take)

They ............................................................... it over before they answered the fax. (should | think)

What ....................................................................... if the hurricane had hit the island? (could | happen)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Past conditional tense: exercise 2 - all forms

Answer key

It was too late. You should not (shouldn't) have sent him the message.

I wanted to meet you at the airport. But I would not (wouldn't) have recognized you.

Why did I marry Fred? I could have married Jack.

A: Should we have refused their offer?

B: Why? It was a very good offer.
A: Would she have helped you with your homework?
B: I don't think so. She was too busy.

Beatriz might not have worked in Madrid ten years ago. I think she worked in Barcelona.

I'm afraid Jill has failed the exam. Otherwise she would (she'd) have called us yesterday.

Why didn't you tell me? I would (I'd) have done it for you.

Mike might have smashed the window. He was there when I heard the noise.

It has taken us fifteen hours to get here by train. It could have taken us two hours by plane.

They should have thought it over before they answered the fax.

What could have happened if the hurricane had hit the island?

Present + past conditional tense: exercise 3 _____________

Complete the sentences. Use modal verbs (would, should, could, might...) and the verbs in


___ you ___ it tonight? (would do)

Would you do it tonight?

Jim ___ us if I had asked him. (would help)

Jim would have helped us if I had asked him.


............. you .................................... this parcel? Please, do it right now. (could | deliver)

I .......................................................... him. But there was no chance. (would | ask)

They ...................................................... longer. Why did they leave so early? (could | stay)

If I were you, I .......................................... the sweater on. It's not so cold. (would | not put)

She ................................................... away. I can't see her anywhere. (might | go)

You ............................................ on time. They are not going to wait for you. (should | arrive)

Why .................. you ......................... it? Look. Everyone likes it. (would | not eat)

I ................................................. TV all day long. But there was nothing to do there. (would | not watch)

We ...................................................... the car if we hadn't needed the money. (would | not sell)

Speak to Mr. Hill. He ................................. in his office. (might | be)

We ..................................... good-bye to them before we leave. (should | say)

She ................................................................. then. It was her fault. (ought to | apologize)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present + past conditional tense: exercise 3

Answer key

Could you deliver this parcel? Please, do it right now.

I would (I'd) have asked him. But there was no chance.

They could have stayed longer. Why did they leave so early?

If I were you, I would not (wouldn't) put the sweater on. It's not so cold.

She might have gone away. I can't see her anywhere. 410

You should arrive on time. They are not going to wait for you.

Why would you not eat it? (Why wouldn't you eat it?) Look. Everyone likes it.

I would not (wouldn't) have watched TV all day long. But there was nothing to do there.

We would not (wouldn't) have sold the car if we hadn't needed the money.

Speak to Mr. Hill. He might be in his office.

We should say good-bye to them before we leave.

She ought to have apologized then. It was her fault.

Present + past conditional tense: exercise 4 _____________
Choose one of the options and write correct forms.

How did he learn about it? Margaret might ........................................... him.

 tell  have told

They should ......................................... their mind now.

 make up  have made up

Don't do it. You could ................................... the computer.

 destroy  have destroyed 411

It was quite rude. You shouldn't ..................................... like that.

 behave  have behaved

I wanted to ask Sarah out. But I wouldn't ............................ any chance.

 have  have had

Don't lock the door. She might ........................... later.

 come  have come

I don't know what to do now. What would you .......................... ?

 do  have done

Why did I buy the red dress? I could ................................ the blue one.
 buy  have bought

The lessons start at 8.30. Hurry up! You shouldn't .............................. the bus.
 miss  have missed

He should .................................... at the hotel. It was comfortable.

 stay  have stayed

We would ..................................... it for you. But we didn't have any paper.

 print  have printed

They might ............................ happy. Why are they so sad?

 be  have been

She shouldn't .......................... such a lipstick. She looks funny.

 use  have used

Carol would not ................................... it. But she was so frightened.

 admit  have admitted

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Present + past conditional tense: exercise 4

Answer key

How did he learn about it? Margaret might have told him.

They should make up their mind now.

Don't do it. You could destroy the computer.

It was quite rude. You shouldn't have behaved like that.

I wanted to ask Sarah out. But I wouldn't have had any chance. 412

Don't lock the door. She might come later.

I don't know what to do now. What would you do?

Why did I buy the red dress? I could have bought the blue one.

The lessons start at 8.30. Hurry up! You shouldn't miss the bus.

He should have stayed at the hotel. It was comfortable.

We would have printed it for you. But we didn't have any paper.

They might be happy. Why are they so sad?

She shouldn't use such a lipstick. She looks funny.

Carol would not have admitted it. But she was so frightened.

Conditional sentences (if-clauses) _____________________

● Zero conditional
Exercise 1 - two parts 415

Exercise 2 - gap-filling 417

Exercise 3 - correct mistakes 419


● First conditional
Exercise 1 - rewrite sentences 421

Exercise 2 - gap-filling 423

Exercise 3 - correct mistakes 425

Exercise 4 - multiple choice 427

● Second conditional
Exercise 1 - rewrite sentences 429

Exercise 2 - gap-filling 431

Exercise 3 - correct mistakes 433

Exercise 4 - multiple choice 435

● Third conditional
Exercise 1 - rewrite sentences 437

Exercise 2 - gap-filling 439

Exercise 3 - multiple choice 441

Exercise 4 - jumbled words 443

● Mixed forms
Exercise 1 - first + second conditional 445

Exercise 2 - second + third conditional 447

Exercise 3 - all conditionals 449

Exercise 4 - mixed conditionals (combined) 451


Zero conditional: exercise 1 __________________________

Part 1: Choose the beginnings of the sentences to complete the text.


If a lion joins a group of other lions

If lions go hunting
If a lion roars
If lions are active
If male lions use scent marking


......................................................................................................., it can be heard over five miles away.

................................................................................................, it usually stays with them for three years.

.................................................................................................................................., they work in teams.

....................................................................................................................., they establish their territory.

................................................................................................................................., it is usually at night.

Part 2: Choose the endings of the sentences to complete the text.

they are blind for six days.

they show their affection.
the loser often dies.
they have to leave their mothers.
lions fight them off.

If lions rub each other's heads, ................................................................................................................

If any strange males try to enter their territory, .........................................................................................

If lions start fighting, ..................................................................................................................................

If cubs are born, ........................................................................................................................................

If male cubs are two years old, .................................................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Zero conditional: exercise 1

Answer key

Part 1

If a lion roars, it can be heard over five miles away.

If a lion joins a group of other lions, it usually stays with them for three years.

If lions go hunting, they work in teams.

If male lions use scent marking, they establish their territory. 416

If lions are active, it is usually at night.

Part 2

If lions rub each other's heads, they show their affection.

If any strange males try to enter their territory, lions fight them off.

If lions start fighting, the loser often dies.

If cubs are born, they are blind for six days.

If male cubs are two years old, they have to leave their mothers.

Zero conditional: exercise 2 __________________________

Complete the sentences with verbs in brackets.

Peter, what do you do if your parents are at home?

If my parents .................... at home at weekends, I have to help with housework. (stay)

If my mother .................... at home, I do the washing up or hoovering. (be)

If she .................... at home, I wash the car or work in the garden with my dad. (not be)

If they .................... at home on weekdays, I do my homework first and then go out. (be)

If my father ................................ in the evening, we play games on his computer. (not work)

And what do you and your sister do if your parents are not at home?

We ............................... the housework if they leave the house. (not do)

I just .............. in bed if there is nothing to watch on TV. (lie)

Or I ................ with my friends on Skype if they feel like chatting. (chat)

My little sister usually .................. with her best friend if she comes to our place. (play)

But she ................................ what to do if her friend can't come. (not know)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Zero conditional: exercise 2

Answer key

If my parents stay at home at weekends, I have to help with housework.

If my mother is at home, I do the washing up or hoovering.

If she is not (isn't) at home, I wash the car or work in the garden with my dad.

If they are (they're) at home on weekdays, I do my homework first and then go out.

If my father does not (doesn't) work in the evening, we play games on his computer. 418

We do not (don't) do the housework if they leave the house.

I just lie in bed if there is nothing to watch on TV.

Or I chat with my friends on Skype if they feel like chatting.

My little sister usually plays with her best friend if she comes to our place.

But she does not (doesn't) know what to do if her friend can't come.

Zero conditional: exercise 3 __________________________

Underline the mistakes and correct them.


I stay in bed if I was ill. am

If you not pay on time, you have to pay a fine. _______________

If you never showered, you are sweaty and smelly. _______________ 419

If you park your car on double yellow lines, your car would be pulled away. _______________

If you weren't at home, you can collect your parcel at the post-office. _______________

If you will delete an email, it stays in your trash for 30 days. _______________

Normally, you would be charged late fees, if you return your car late. _______________

Please, read what happens if you cancelled your booking. _______________

I don't have any breakfast if I overslept. _______________

Find out what you can do if you will travel without a ticket. _______________

I always take my umbrella if it rained. _______________

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Zero conditional: exercise 3

Answer key

If you not pay on time, you have to pay a fine. do not pay

If you never showered, you are sweaty and smelly. shower

If you park your car on double yellow lines, your car would be pulled away. is

If you weren't at home, you can collect your parcel at the post-office. aren't

If you will delete an email, it stays in your trash for 30 days. delete 420

Normally, you would be charged late fees, if you return your car late. are

Please, read what happens if you cancelled your booking. cancel

I don't have any breakfast if I overslept. oversleep

Find out what you can do if you will travel without a ticket. travel

I always take my umbrella if it rained. rains

First conditional: exercise 1 __________________________
Rewrite the sentences and use the first conditional. Keep the same meaning.


My car will be out of order. I won't drive you there. - If my car is out of order, I won't drive you there.

We'll have a nap after lunch. We'll be sleepy.

We'll have a nap after lunch if we ...................... sleepy.

I won't know his phone number. I won't be able to give him a ring.

If I ................................. his phone number, I won't be able to give him a ring.

John will be at work. He won't go with us.

As long as John .................. at work, he won't go with us.

He won't like the monitor. He can send it back to the shop.

Provided that he ............................. the monitor, he can send it back to the shop.

We won't help you. We won't have enough time.

We won't help you if we .............................. enough time.

You will choose some other hotel. You won't be happy about it.

You will choose some other hotel unless you ................. happy about it.

Take up this course. You will like it.

If you .......................... this course, you will like it.

Don't tell your parents. They will be surprised.

Unless you ...................... your parents, they will be surprised.

You won't eat anything. You'll be hungry.

If you ......................... anything, you'll be hungry.

We'll set off tomorrow. The weather will be good.

We'll set off tomorrow on condition that the weather ................. good.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

First conditional: exercise 1

Answer key

We'll have a nap after lunch if we are sleepy.

If I don't know his phone number, I won't be able to give him a ring.

As long as John is at work, he won't go with us.

Provided that he doesn't like the monitor, he can send it back to the shop.

We won't help you if we don't have enough time. 422

You will choose some other hotel unless you are happy about it.

If you take up this course, you will like it.

Unless you tell your parents, they will be surprised.

If you don't eat anything, you'll be hungry.

We'll set off tomorrow on condition that the weather is good.

First conditional: exercise 2 __________________________

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

We ...................................... dinner if we arrive so late. (not have)

I'll sell the piano in case I ................................. some money. (need)

Sue will be unhappy if she ................................ any present. (not get)


I can lend you some money on condition that you .............................. it back soon. (give)

I ................................ you know if you don't take you mobile phone with you. (not let)

Even if I .................... to talk to him, he won't listen. (try)

It won't be possible unless they ........................... us. (support)

If you ........................ a bath, there will be no hot water left. (have)

She won't be slim if she ................................. eating so much chocolate. (not stop)

The tea ............................... strong enough if you don't use three teabags. (not be)

If Sarah ...................................... to my email, I'll phone her. (not reply)

Will you tell me if you ................................. ? (go out)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

First conditional: exercise 2

Answer key

We will not have dinner if we arrive so late.

I'll sell the piano in case I need some money.

Sue will be unhappy if she does not get any present.

I can lend you some money on condition that you give it back soon.

I will not let you know if you don't take you mobile phone with you. 424

Even if I try to talk to him, he won't listen.

It won't be possible unless they support us.

If you have a bath, there will be no hot water left.

She won't be slim if she does not stop eating so much chocolate.

The tea will not be strong strong enough if you don't use three teabags.

If Sarah does not to my email, I'll phone her.

Will you tell me if you go out?

First conditional: exercise 3 __________________________

There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline it and correct it.


If you will help me, we will finish in time. help

Sarah doesn't come to the party if you don't invite her. _______________

If we'll order the new TV set tomorrow, we'll get it on Friday. _______________

Nobody will like you if you won't change your behaviour. _______________

You won't be able to use grammar correctly unless you don't understand it. _______________

As long as you won't make a mess in my bedroom, you can share it with me. _______________

You'll get a discount providing you'll have their loyalty card. _______________

Suppose they will win the match, will they be in the finals? _______________

I get rid of my old car if you don't need it. _______________

We'll take some sandwiches with us in case we'll be hungry. _______________

He'll speak to us on condition that we won't mention his name in the article. _______________

If the plane lands on time, we catch the 10.30 train. _______________

See the Answer Key on the next page.

First conditional: exercise 3

Answer key

Sarah doesn't come to the party if you don't invite her. won't come

If we'll order the new TV set tomorrow, we'll get it on Friday. we order

Nobody will like you if you won't change your behaviour. don't change

You won't be able to use grammar correctly unless you don't understand it. you understand
As long as you won't make a mess in my bedroom, you can share it with me. don't make

You'll get a discount providing you'll have their loyalty card. you have

Suppose they will win the match, will they be in the finals? they win

I get rid of my old car if you don't need it. I'll get rid

We'll take some sandwiches with us in case we'll be hungry. we are

He'll speak to us on condition that we won't mention his name in the article. don't mention

If the plane lands on time, we catch the 10.30 train. will catch

First conditional: exercise 4 __________________________

Choose one of the options and write the correct forms.

Give it to him if you ................................. him.

 meet  will meet

Unless she ..................................... a rest, she'll have a headache.

 has  doesn't have

Even if I drive fast, we ..................................... on time, I'm afraid.
 don't come  won't come

What will you do if Bob ......................................?

 will refuse  refuses

If we ........................... a car, we can visit a lot of places.

 rent  will rent

He'll join us on Monday as long as he ............................. a day off.

 'll have  has

If the weather is nice tomorrow, we .......................... the trees.

 plant  'll plant

You will get the job on condition that you ............................ hard.
 work  will work

The plane will take off on time provided that the runway .................. free.
 is  will be

As long as there's a suitable train, we ....................... there before dinner.

 are  'll be

Suppose everybody .............................. to the party, how many chairs will we need?
 comes  will come

Your purse will get stolen unless you ........................ careful.

 are  won't be

See the Answer Key on the next page.

First conditional: exercise 4

Answer key

Give it to him if you meet him.

Unless she has a rest, she'll have a headache.

Even if I I drive fast, we won't come on time, I'm afraid.

What will you do if Bob refuses?

If we rent a car, we can visit a lot of places. 428

He'll join us on Monday as long as he has a day off.

If the weather is nice tomorrow, we'll plant the trees.

You will get the job on condition that you work hard.

The plane will take off on time provided that the runway is free.

As long as there's a suitable train, we'll be there before dinner.

Your purse will get stolen unless you are careful.

Second conditional: exercise 1 _______________________
Rewrite the sentences and use the second conditional. Keep the same meaning.


My car is out of order. I won't drive you there. - If my car wasn't out of order, I would drive you there.

I don't know his address. I can't contact him.

If I .............................. his address, I could contact him.

He is ill. He can't go skiing. 429

If he wasn't ill, he ........................... skiing.

He doesn't like tomatoes. He won't eat the salad.

If he .......................... tomatoes, he would eat the salad.

I travel on my own because I speak English.

I wouldn't travel on my own if I ........................................... English.

We don't have enough room in our house. You can't stay with us.

If we ...................... enough room in our house, you could stay with us.

You aren't lucky. You won't win.

If you were lucky, you .................................... .

I go to bed early because I work so hard.

I wouldn't go to bed early if I ........................................ so hard.

I am eighteen. I can vote.

If I ......................... eighteen, I couldn't vote.

Go to Corfu. You may like it.

If you went to Corfu, you .................................... it.

You'll manage it. Don't panic.

You would manage it if you .............................................. .

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Second conditional: exercise 1

Answer key

If I knew his address, I could contact him.

If he wasn't ill, he could go skiing.

If he liked tomatoes, he would eat the salad.

I wouldn't travel on my own if I didn't speak English.

If we had enough room in our house, you could stay with us. 430

If you were lucky, you would win.

I wouldn't go to bed early if I didn't work so hard.

If I wasn't | weren't eighteen, I couldn't vote.

If you went to Corfu, you might like it.

You would manage it if you didn't panic.

Second conditional: exercise 2 _______________________

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

I can't tidy my room now. If I ............................. more free time, I ................................... it. (have | tidy)

My job isn't well-paid. Provided that I ............................ a lot of money, however, I ...............................
round the world. (earn | travel)

I spend a lot of time learning English. If I ................................. English, I ................................. studying 431
Spanish or French. (not learn | try)

I have to meet my business partner. But if I .............................. some time to spare, I ............................
a museum. (have | visit)

I don't know if my friend needs help. Suppose he ............................... my help, I ....................................

(need | not refuse)

I can't imagine that there would be someone in my bedrrom. I ..................................... if I .....................

a stranger in it. (scream | find)

My teachers are OK. If I ................................. my teachers, however, I ......................................... them.

(can't stand | never tell)

I've never won a lottery. But I ................................... my job if I ........................ a million. (not quit | win)

You can rely on Jim. But if he ............................. about it, I ................................... him. (forget | remind)

Do you want me to pay in advance? I ................................ in advance on condition that I ......................

a discount. (pay | get)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Second conditional: exercise 2

Answer key

If I had more free time, I would tidy it.

Provided that I earned a lot of money, however, I would travel round the world.

If I did not learn English, I would try studying Spanish or French.

But if I had some time to spare, I would visit a museum.

Suppose he needed my help, I would not refuse. 432

I would scream if I found a stranger in it.

If I couldn't stand my teachers, however, I would never tell them.

But I would not quit my job if I won a million.

If he forgot about it, I would remind him.

I would pay in advance on condition that I got a discount.

Second conditional: exercise 3 _______________________

There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline it and correct it. Keep the short or long


If you helped me, we will finish in time. would finish

I can't go out. Believe me, I wouldn't stay at home if I'm not ill. _______________

If my mum was younger, she studied at university. _______________

I can't afford this car. But I'd buy it if I have more money. _______________

I don't speak French. If I'd speak French, I'd live in Provence. _______________

If you aren't my best friend, I wouldn't tolerate your behaviour. _______________

Paul is unemployed. He would be happier if he founded a job. _______________

He doesn't want to do the exam. But he could enter university if he'd pass it. _______________

I don't know his phone number. I'll text him if I knew it. _______________

They wouldn't travel to Egypt if they can't stand hot weather. _______________

If I were you, I should listen to your parents. _______________

We should take some coins in case we would need a trolley in the shop. _______________

Suppose I want to renovate the house, would you give me a hand? _______________

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Second conditional: exercise 3

Answer key

I can't go out. Believe me, I wouldn't stay at home if I'm not ill. I wasn't | weren't

If my mum was younger, she studied at university. would study

I can't afford this car. But I'd buy it if I have more money. had

I don't speak French. If I'd speak French, I'd live in Provence. I spoke

If you aren't my best friend, I wouldn't tolerate your behaviour. weren't 434

Paul is unemployed. He would be happier if he founded a job. found

He doesn't want to do the exam. But he could enter university if he'd pass it. he passed

I don't know his phone number. I'll text him if I knew it. I'd text

They wouldn't travel to Egypt if they can't stand hot weather. couldn't stand

If I were you, I should listen to your parents. would listen

We should take some coins in case we would need a trolley in the shop. needed

Suppose I want to renovate the house, would you give me a hand? wanted

Second conditional: exercise 4 _______________________

Choose one of the options and write the correct forms.

What would you wish if you ................... three wishes?

 have  had

Tim ............................................. if he asked for a pay-rise.

 wouldn't be fired  wasn't fired

Suppose you had to marry Rachel, what ....................................... first?
 would you do  you would do

I wouldn't accept the job on condition that I .................................................... very early.

 had to get up  would have to get up

If we ............... a TV set, we could watch the Olympic games.

 buy  bought

He'd go with us in case we ................................. help.

 needed  would need

If the flowers were dry, ......................................... them?

 will you water  would you water

We would deliver the parcel today on condition that you .................... extra charge.
 paid  payed

We would support your project provided that you .............................. it till the end of this year.
 finished  finish

If you gave me your address, I .......................... send someone to have a look at it.
 will be able  could

Jim would be happier if you .................................. him about it.

 don't tell  didn't tell

............................................. to the beach if it were cloudy?

 would not we go  would we not go

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Second conditional: exercise 4

Answer key

What would you wish if you had three wishes?

Tim wouldn't be fired if he asked for a pay-rise.

Suppose you had to marry Rachel, what would you do first?

I wouldn't accept the job on condition that I had to get up very early.

If we bought a TV set, we could watch the Olympic games. 436

He'd go with us in case we needed help.

If the flowers were dry, would you water them?

We would deliver the parcel today on condition that you paid extra charge.

We would support your project provided that you finished it till the end of this year.

If you gave me your address, I could send someone to have a look at it.

Jim would be happier if you didn't tell him about it.

Would we not go to the beach if it were cloudy?

Third conditional: exercise 1 _________________________
Rewrite the sentences and use the third conditional. Keep the same meaning.


My car was out of order. I did not drive her there.

If my car had not been out of order, I would have driven her there.

She did not give me her phone number. I could not call her.

If she ............................................. me her phone number, I could have called her.

He was at work. He could not go with us. 437

If he had not been at work, he ............................................. with us.

My dad did not buy any sugar. My mum did not make any cake.

If my dad ..................................... some sugar, my mum would have made some cake.

I travelled round the world because I had won the lottery.

I wouldn't have travelled round the world if I ................................................ the lottery.

We did not have enough money. We could not afford to eat in restaurants.

If we .................................. enough money, we could have afforded to eat in restaurants.

You were not prepared. You could not pass the exam.

If you had been prepared, you .................................................... the exam.

I came back home late because I had worked long hours.

I would not have come back home late if I .................................................. long hours.

I was so young. I had no experience.

If I .......................................... so young, I would have had some experience.

They did not go on holiday. They did not have any rest.

If they had gone on holiday, they .................................... some rest.

You did not know what to do because you had not listened to me.

You would have known what to do if you .............................................. to me.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Third conditional: exercise 1

Answer key

If she had given me her phone number, I could have called her.

If he had not been at work, he could have gone with us.

If my dad had bought some sugar, my mum would have made some cake.

I wouldn't have travelled round the world if I had not won the lottery.

If we had had enough money, we could have afforded to eat in restaurants. 438

If you had been prepared, you could have passed the exam.

I would not have come back home late if I had not worked long hours.

If I had not been so young, I would have had some experience.

If they had gone on holiday, they would have had some rest.

You would have known what to do if you had listened to me.

Third conditional: exercise 2 _________________________

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

I couldn't help you because I was ill. If I ......................................... ill, I ........................................... you.
(not fall | help)

I didn't apply for the job. Provided that I ................................................ the position, I ............................

................ to move to New York. (be offered | have)


I asked about the way. But if I ......................................... the GPS, I .......................................................

the place. (not have | not find)

We were on the beach all day. But if we ............................. in the shade, we .........................................
(keep | not get sunburnt)

We didn't see the film. Suppose our dad .................................................. the football match, we ...........

......................................... the film. (not prefer | watch)

She got up at 5 o'clock. She ............................................... the train if she .............................................

later. (miss | get up)

My new classmates were friendly. If my teachers ............................................ in a friendly manner too,

I .................................................... the new school. (behave | like)

I never ate sushi in Japan. I was afraid that I ........................................ sick if I .................................. it.
(feel | try)

You couldn't believe Jill. If you ............................ her a secret, she ............................................ it away.
(tell | give)

Did they want you to work overtime? They ............................................... you to do it on condition that

they .............................................. you a bonus. (can ask | pay)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Third conditional: exercise 2

Answer key

I couldn't help you because I was ill. If I had not fallen ill, I would have helped you.

I didn't apply for the job. Provided that I had been offered the position, I would have had to move to
New York.

I asked about the way. But if I had not had the GPS, I would not have found the place.

We were on the beach all day. But if we had kept in the shade, we would not have got sunburnt.
We didn't see the film. Suppose our dad had not preferred the football match, we would have watched
the film.

She got up at 5 o'clock. She would have missed the train if she had got up later.

My new classmates were friendly. If my teachers had behaved in a friendly manner too, I would have
liked the new school.

I never ate sushi in Japan. I was afraid that I would have felt sick if I had tried it.

You couldn't believe Jill. If you had told her a secret, she would have given it away.

Did they want you to work overtime? They could have asked you to do it on condition that

they had paid you a bonus.

Third conditional: exercise 3 _________________________

Choose one of the options and write the correct forms.

What birthday present would you have bought for me if you ..................................................... about it?
 have not forgotten  had not forgotten

Marion ............................................................................ if you had told her the truth.

 would have been shocked  would be shocked

Suppose you had wanted to apply for the job, how ............................................................................. it?
 would you have done  you would have done

I would have agreed with the contract on condition that I .................................................... enough time
to think it over.
 would have had  had had

If we ............................................... the decision in time, we wouldn't have missed the chance.

 would have made  had made

He would have worked on the project provided he ............................................. some funds.

 had raised  would have raised

If the trees had died, what ............................................................... instead of them?

 had you planted  would you have planted

We would have rented the car on condition that it .......................................... so expensive.

 wasn't  hadn't been

We would have ordered the new PC provided that they ................................................. it immediately.
 would have delivered  had delivered

If you had lent me the money, I ..................................................... it back to you the following week.
 had given  would have given

I couldn't stay with you. I wouldn't have left if I ............................................ the appointment.
 didn't have  hadn't had

My sister didn't want to marry Jim. If he had proposed to her, she ........................................................ .
 would refused  would have refused

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Third conditional: exercise 3

Answer key

What birthday present would you have bought for me if you had not forgotten about it?

Marion would have been shocked if you had told her the truth.

Suppose you had wanted to apply for the job, how would you have done it?

I would have agreed with the contract on condition that I had had enough time to think it over.

If we had made the decision in time, we wouldn't have missed the chance. 442

He would have worked on the project provided he had raised some funds.

If the trees had died, what would you have planted instead of them?

We would have rented the car on condition that it hadn't been so expensive.

We would have ordered the new PC provided that they had delivered it immediately.

If you had lent me the money, I would have given it back to you the following week.

I couldn't stay with you. I wouldn't have left if I hadn't had the appointment.

My sister didn't want to marry Jim. If he had proposed to her, she would have refused.

Third conditional: exercise 4 _________________________

Use the words to make the third conditional statements and questions.


I would have played with you if .................................................................................................................

(help me | with the housework | you)

I would have played with you if you had helped me with the housework.

I wouldn't have done it if ...........................................................................................................................

(not tell | you | me) 443

Suppose ................................................................................................, we would have arrived on time.

(a taxi | take | we)

........................................................................................................................ if you had known about it?

(to the party | you | come)

Tony would have managed to do it if ........................................................................................................

(you | a chance | give him)

If you had met Marry at the disco, ..........................................................................................................?

(ask her | you | for a dance)

We should have taken our camera in case ...............................................................................................

(need | to take | we | some photos)

............................................................................................................................. if it had been cheaper?

(book | they | the holiday)

We would have agreed with the price on condition that ...........................................................................

(include | it | delivery)

Suppose he had started earlier, ..............................................................................................................?

(the work | finish | he)

Would you have talked to Sue if .............................................................................................................?

(she | so rude | not be)

We couldn't buy the house. But we would have done it provided .............................................................
(have | enough money | we)

If he hadn't been the best player in the team, ........................................................................................ ?

(so much | earn | he)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Third conditional: exercise 4

Answer key

I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't told me.

Suppose we had taken a taxi, we would have arrived on time.

Would you have come to the party, if you had known about it?

Tony would have managed to do it if you had given him a chance.

If you had met Marry at the disco, would you have asked her for a dance? 444

We should have taken our camera in case we had needed to take some photos.

Would they have booked the holiday if it had been cheaper?

We would have agreed with the price on condition that it had icluded delivery.

Suppose he had started earlier, would he have finished the work?

Would you have talked to Sue if she had not been so rude?

We couldn't buy the house. But we would have done it provided we had had enough money.

If he hadn't been the best player in the team, would he have earned so much?

First + second conditional: exercise 1 _________________

Respond to the following situations. Use the first or second conditional.

My sister is ill. She won't go out.

If my sister wasn't ill, she ........................... out.

I won't cook for you. I'll be busy at the weekend.

I won't cook for you if I ...................... busy at the weekend.


Won't he drink anything? He'll be thirsty.

If he .................................... anything, he'll be thirsty.

I don't have a driving licence. I can't drive you there.

If I ................... a driving licence, I could drive you there.

We'll go to the beach. The weather will be sunny.

We'll go to the beach on condition that the weather ............. sunny.

I feel so tired because I don't sleep well.

I .............................. so tired if I slept well.

I don't know how to do it. I can't help you.

I could help you provided I .................... how to do it.

Try this meal. You will like it.

If you ..................... this meal, you will like it.

Marion is much older than me. I won't marry her.

If Marion ......................... much older, I'd marry her.

I'll give you this map. You won't get lost.

I'll give you this map in case you ................... lost.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

First + second conditional: exercise 1

Answer key

If my sister wasn't ill, she would go out.

I won't cook for you if I am busy at the weekend.

If he doesn't drink anything, he'll be thirsty.

If I had a driving licence, I could drive you there.

We'll go to the beach on condition that the weather is sunny. 446

I would not feel so tired if I slept well.

I could help you provided I knew how to do it.

If you try this meal, you will like it.

If Marion wasn't | weren't much older, I'd marry her.

I'll give you this map in case you get lost.

Second + third conditional: exercise 2 _________________

There is a mistake in each sentence. Underline it and correct it. Use the second or third


If you helped me yesterday, we would have finished in time. had helped

I'm sorry. I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't so angry. _______________


If I were you, I wouldn't have done it now. _______________

I can't join you. But I could have gone with you later if you didn't mind. _______________

I didn't speak German. If I spoke German, we wouldn't have got lost. _______________

If you hadn't stayed with me last night, I would feel so frightened. _______________

Sam feels lonely. He would be happier if he had been married. _______________

Liz doesn't want to apply for the job. But she would have got it if she tried it. _______________

The taxi driver didn't know the address. I would have arrived on time if he knew it. _______________

He invited you to the party. He wouldn't do it if they hadn't wanted it. _______________

If I could live anywhere in the world in future, I would have chosen Provence. _______________

We came late. Suppose we took a taxi, we wouldn't have arrived late. _______________

Let's take a ferry. We can reach Dover at 6 o'clock provided that it left on time. _______________

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Second + third conditional: exercise 2

Answer key

I'm sorry. I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't so angry. hadn't been

If I were you, I wouldn't have done it now. wouldn't do

I can't join you. But I could have gone with you later if you didn't mind. could go

I didn't speak German. If I spoke German, we wouldn't have got lost. had spoken

If you hadn't stayed with me last night, I would feel so frightened. would have felt 448

Sam feels lonely. He would be happier if as he had been married. was | were

Liz doesn't want to apply for the job. But she would have got it if she tried it. would get

The taxi driver didn't know the address. I would have arrived on time if he knew it. had known

He invited you to the party. He wouldn't do it if they hadn't wanted it. wouldn't have done

If I could live anywhere in the world in future, I would have chosen Provence. would choose

We came late. Suppose we took a taxi, we wouldn't have arrived late. had taken

Let's take a ferry. We can reach Dover at 6 o'clock provided that it left on time. could reach

Conditionals: exercise 3 - all forms ____________________

Choose one of the options and write the correct forms.

I don't have any breakfast if I ............................... to school.

 go  will go

Say hello to Lilly if you ................................. her.

 see  will see

We would have returned in time on condition that the sea ............................. so stormy.
 wasn't  hadn't been

Unless you ..................................... enough, you won't win the race.

 practise  don't practise

If he orders coffee in a restaurant, he ....................................... cappuccino.

 would have  usually has

If we needed your help, we ........................... you know.

 would let  let

Where will we stay if the hotel .......................................... full?

 will be  is

Suppose you ....................................... in summer, would you apply for a job?

 will graduate  graduated

If the flight had been cancelled, how ...................................................... to Cairo?

 had we got  would we have got

I'd take a box of matches in case we ............................. to make fire.

 wanted  would want

You would have to register by the end of this month if you ......................................... to take the exam.
 decided  had decided

Terry wasn't a good player. He ............................................ much better if he had practised regularly.
 would be  would have been

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Conditionals: exercise 3 - all forms

Answer key

I don't have any breakfast if I go to school.

Say hello to Lilly if you see her.

We would have returned in time on condition that the sea hadn't been so stormy.

Unless you practise enough, you won't win the race.

If he orders coffee in a restaurant, he usually has cappuccino. 450

If we needed your help, we would let you know.

Where will we stay if the hotel is full?

Suppose you graduated in summer, would you apply for a job?

If the flight had been cancelled, how would we have got to Cairo?

I'd take a box of matches in case we wanted to make fire.

You would have to register by the end of this month if you decided to take the exam.

Terry wasn't a good player. He would have been much better if he had practised regularly.

Mixed conditionals: exercise 4 ________________________

Complete the mixed conditionals with the verbs in brackets.

I didn't invite them for dinner. But I ......................................................................... if I was a good cook.
(not hesitate)

If we had bought a good map, we .............................................. in the middle of nowhere now. (not be)
If I wasn't afraid of flying, I ......................................................... you in California a long time ago. (visit)

I'd have my driving licence if I ............................................ at the traffic lights. (stop)

If you had sold your business, you ...................................... life now. (can enjoy)

If I were you, I ................................................. the job after the pay drop. (quit)

I'd be a happy man if I ........................................ Marion when we were young. (marry)

If we didn't trust them, we .................................................... them to stay with us last summer. (not ask)

He'd study at university if he ......................................... the entrance exam. But he didn't. (pass)

Ben is really clever. He wouldn't have graduated from Oxford if he .................... so intelligent. (not be)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Mixed conditionals: exercise 4

Answer key

I didn't invite them for dinner. But I wouldn't have hesitated if I was a good cook.

If we had bought a good map, we wouldn't be in the middle of nowhere now.

If I wasn't afraid of flying, I would have visited you in California a long time ago.

I'd have my driving licence if I had stopped at the traffic lights.

If you had sold your business, you could enjoy life now. 452

If I were you, I would have quitted the job after the pay drop.

I'd be a happy man if I had married Marion when we were young.

If we didn't trust them, we wouldn't have asked them to stay with us last summer.

He'd study at university if he had passed the entrance exam. But he didn't.

Ben is really clever. He wouldn't have graduated from Oxford if he wasn't (weren't) so intelligent.

Time clauses _______________________________________

● Future time clauses

Exercise 1 - future tenses (gap-filling) 454

Exercise 2 - future tenses (rewrite sentences) 456

Exercise 3 - future tenses (multiple choice) 458

Exercise 4 - future perfect (gap-filling) 460

Exercise 5 - future perfect (multiple choice) 462

Time clauses: exercise 1 - future tenses ________________

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

I'll be ready as soon as you ................................ . (be)

We'll stay here till she ................................ . (return)

Please, call us when you ................................ . (arrive) 454

I'm going to tell her before she ................................ . (leave)

I'll tell you know when the party ................................ . (start)

He'll drive you there whenever you ................................ . (need)

The moment summer ................................ here, the garden will be so beautiful! (be)

I am going to take the exam after I ................................ all these books. (study)

He will wait for you until you ................................ back. (be)

Don't worry! I'll watch you while you ................................ in the lake. (swim)

As soon as I ................................ in Mumbai, I'll let you know. (be)

Before he ................................ down, he should wash his hands. (sit)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Time clauses: exercise 1 - future tenses

Answer key

I'll be ready as soon as you are.

We'll stay here till she returns.

Please, call us when you arrive.

I'm going to tell her before she leaves.

I'll tell you know when the party starts. 455

He'll drive you there whenever you need.

The moment summer is here, the garden will be so beautiful!

I am going to take the exam when I study all these books.

He will wait for you until you are back.

Don't worry! I'll watch you while you are swimming in the lake.

As soon as I am in Mumbai, I'll let you know.

Before he sits down, he should wash his hands.

Time clauses: exercise 2 - future tenses ________________

Rewrite the sentences. Keep the same meaning.

We'll get there. We'll send a message.

Soon after we ....................... there, we ........................... a message.

I would like to finish it. It will get dark.

I would like to finish it before it .......................... dark.

We are going to have a rest. We'll be on holiday.

While we .................... on holiday, we are going to have a rest.

Can you water the flowers? We'll leave the house.

Can you water the flowers when we .............................. the house?

We will go to the shop. We will be walking the dog.

We ....................... to the shop while we ................................ the dog.

Jack is seeing the doctor tomorrow. He will be all right.

Soon after Jack ............................ the doctor tomorrow, he ..................... all right.

We are going to get married. We will live in Bristol.

As soon as we ......................... married, we .......................... in Bristol.

You'll be hungry. You can take anything from the fridge.

Whenever you ................... hungry, you can take anything from the fridge.

I'm going to change my job. I must tell my boss.

Before I ..................... my job, I must tell my boss.

They will be waiting for me. They will have enough time to prepare it.

While they ............................. for me, they ........................... enough time to prepare it.

Peggy is coming tonight. She will help you.

As soon as Peggy ........................ tonight, she .............................. you.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Time clauses: exercise 2 - future tenses

Answer key

We'll get there. We'll send a message.

Soon after we get there, we'll send a message.

I would like to finish it. It will get dark.

I would like to finish it before it gets dark.

We are going to have a rest. We'll be on holiday.

While we are on holiday, we are going to have a rest.
Can you water the flowers? We'll leave the house.
Can you water the flowers when we leave the house?

We will go to the shop. We will be walking the dog.

We will go to the shop while we are walking the dog.

Jack is seeing the doctor tomorrow. He will be all right.

Soon after Jack sees the doctor tomorrow, he will be all right.

We are going to get married. We will live in Bristol.

As soon as we get married, we will live in Bristol.

You'll be hungry. You can take anything from the fridge.

Whenever you are hungry, you can take anything from the fridge.

I'm going to change my job. I must tell my boss.

Before I change my job, I must tell my boss.

They will be waiting for me. They will have enough time to prepare it.
While they are waiting for me, they will have enough time to prepare it.

Peggy is coming tonight. She will help you.

As soon as Peggy comes tonight, she will help you.

Time clauses: exercise 3 - future tenses ________________

Choose one of the options and write the correct forms.

I have to tidy my room before my mum .................................

 appears  will appear

He is going to stay in our flat while we ................ in Scotland.

 are  will be 458

You ............................. some job when you read advertisements.

 find  will find

What .............................. while I am in my office?

 will you do  will you be doing

She won't sleep till you ........................ a fairy-tale to her.

 read  will read

I'll be with you while you .................................. for the train.

 will wait  are waiting

Eat your meal before it ....................... cold.

 gets  is getting

Are they going to visit Rome while they ................ in Italy?

 are  will be

............................................. him the moment you see him?

 Will you be recognizing  Will you recognize

Get in touch with him as soon as I ....................... to him.

 write  am writing

Come to see me whenever you ..................... alone.

 feel  will feel

I'm not going to apologize to Peter until he .......................... his behaviour.

 changes  doesn't change

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Time clauses: exercise 3 - future tenses

Answer key

I have to tidy my room before my mum appears.

He is going to stay in our flat while we are in Scotland.

You will find some job when you read advertisements.

What will you be doing while I am in my office?

She won't sleep till you read a fairy-tale to her. 459

I'll be with you while you are waiting for the train.

Eat your meal before it gets cold.

Are they going to visit Rome while they are in Italy?

Will you recognize him the moment you see him?

Get in touch with him as soon as I write to him.

Come to see me whenever you feel alone.

I'm not going to apologize to Peter until he changes his behaviour.

Time clauses: exercise 4 - future perfect ________________

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use perfect forms.

After Phil ...................................... his injections, he'll feel awful. (have)

As soon as I .................................. here for two years, I'll ask for a pay-rise. (be)

You should drive carefully till your car ..................................... 2,000 kilometres. (do) 460

When we ...................................... our lunch, we'll walk our dog. (finish)

We'll go shopping after we ............................... the cathedral. (see)

Paul won't go home until he ................................ all the vegetables. (sell)

When this bottle of wine ............................ opened for two or three days, it isn't fit to drink. (be)

The porter will show you your room the moment you ................................. the hotel register. (sign)

After all students ................................... the classroom, the teacher will lock the room. (leave)

You can't play golf on this course until you ............................................ your membership. (renew)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Time clauses: exercise 4 - future perfect

Answer key

After Phil has had his injections, he'll feel awful

As soon as I have been here for two years, I'll ask for a pay-rise.

You should drive carefully till your car has done 2,000 kilometres.

When we have finished our lunch, we'll walk our dog.

We'll go shopping after we have seen the cathedral. 461

Paul won't go home until he has sold all the vegetables.

When this bottle of wine has been opened for two or three days, it isn't fit to drink.

The porter will show you your room the moment you have signed the hotel register.

After all students have left the classroom, the teacher will lock the room.

You can't play golf on this course until you have renewed your membership.

Time clauses: exercise 5 - future perfect ________________

Choose one of the options and write the correct forms.

After my lesson .................................. , I'll come round.

 will end  has ended

I'll do it as soon as I ........................................... over this project.

 will be handing  have handed
I'll ring you up after they ............................................. my telephone.
 are going to repair  have repaired

The moment I .................................... the shower, you can use it.

 am cleaning  have cleaned

Will you help me as soon as you ..................................... your homework?

 will do  have done

My parents are coming after they ................................ dinner.

 had  have had

We aren't going to sign the contract until they ..................................... to our prices.
 have agreed  haven't agreed

I'm afraid Jill won't go out before she ................................ her examination.
 is taking  has taken

As soon as you ................................ in the form, click here.

 will fill  have filled

When I ............................... my driving test, I will buy a used car.

 am going to pass  have passed

The moment Dan ........................................... in the garage, we can have a cup of coffee.
 is finishing  has finished

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Time clauses: exercise 5 - future perfect

Answer key

After my lesson has ended, I'll come round.

I'll do it as soon as I have handed this project.

I'll ring you up after they have repaired my telephone.

The moment I have cleaned the shower, you can use it.

Will you help me as soon as you have done your homework? 463

My parents are coming after they have had dinner.

We aren't going to sign the contract until they have agreed to our prices.

I'm afraid Jill won't go out before she has taken her examination.

As soon as you have filled in the form, click here.

When I have passed my driving test, I will buy a used car.

The moment Dan has finished in the garage, we can have a cup of coffee.

Relative clauses ____________________________________

● Defining relative clauses

Exercise 1 - who, which, that 465

Exercise 2 - who, which, whose 467

Exercise 3 - omissions of relative pronouns 469


● Non-defining relative clauses

Exercise 1 - rewrite sentnecs 471

Exercise 2 - defining + non-defining relative clauses 473

Defining relative clauses: exercise 1 - who, which, that ____
Replace 'that' with 'who' or 'which' in the defining relative clauses.


This is the car that parked in our parking place. - This is the car which parked in our parking place.

A soldier is someone that works in the army.

A soldier is someone ................. works in the army.

A student is a person that goes to school. 465

A student is a person ................. goes to school.

An ostrich is a bird that cannot fly.

An ostrich is a bird ................. cannot fly.

A cook is someone that makes meals at a restaurant.

A cook is someone ................. makes meals at a restaurant.

A tire is a thing that you can find on a wheel.

A tire is a thing ................. you can find on a wheel.

A stick is a piece of wood that is long and thing.

A stick is a piece of wood ................. is long and thing.

I saw a boy that ran out of your office.

I saw a boy ................. ran out of your office.

Where is the T-shirt that I gave you?

Where is the T-shirt ................. I gave you?

This is the girl that I told you about.

This is the girl ................. I told you about.

The doll that you want costs 14 pounds.

The doll ................. you want costs 14 pounds.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Defining relative clauses: exercise 1 - who, which, that

Answer key

A soldier is someone that works in the army.

A soldier is someone who works in the army.

A student is a person that goes to school.

A student is a person who goes to school.

An ostrich is a bird that cannot fly.

An ostrich is a bird which cannot fly.
A cook is someone that makes meals at a restaurant.
A cook is someone who makes meals at a restaurant.

A tire is a thing that you can find on a wheel.

A tire is a thing which you can find on a wheel.

A stick is a piece of wood that is long and thing.

A stick is a piece of wood which is long and thing.

I saw a boy that ran out of your office.

I saw a boy who ran out of your office.

Where is the T-shirt that I gave you?

Where is the T-shirt which I gave you?

This is the girl that I told you about.

This is the girl who I told you about.

The doll that you want costs 14 pounds.

The doll which you want costs 14 pounds.

Defining relative clauses: exercise 2 - who, which, whose _
Complete the sentences. Use 'who', 'which' or 'whose'.

I admired the stuntman. His part was so dangerous.

I admired the stuntman ............................................. so dangerous.

We ate the cake. It was on the cupboard.

We ate the cake ............................. on the cupboard.

She found the bag. It belonged to her. 467

She found the bag ......................................... to her.

Can you see the car? Its door is scratched.

Can you see the car ............................................................?

You are the partner. I want to work with you.

You are the partner ................................ to work with.

I couldn't help the students. Their tests were a failure.

I couldn't help the students ........................................ a failure.

This is the guy. I got it from him.

This is the guy ............................. it from.

I liked the house. Its roof was made of red tiles.

I liked the house .............................................. of red tiles.

I can't respect politicians. Their only ambition is to be in power.

I can't respect politicians ......................................................... to be in power.

This is the man. We bought the ring from him.

This is the man .................................... the ring from.

Where is the article? We read it.

Where is the article .........................................?

The film is about a king. His brother kills him.

The film is about a king ................................................ him.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Defining relative clauses: exercise 2 - who, which, whose

Answer key

I admired the stuntman. His part was so dangerous.

I admired the stuntman whose part was so dangerous.

We ate the cake. It was on the cupboard.

We ate the cake which was on the cupboard.

She found the bag. It belonged to her.

She found the bag which belonged to her.
Can you see the car? Its door is scratched.
Can you see the car whose door is scratched?

You are the partner. I want to work with you.

You are the partner who I want to work with.

I couldn't help the students. Their tests were a failure.

I couldn't help the students whose tests were a failure.

This is the guy. I got it from him.

This is the guy who I got it from.

I liked the house. Its roof was made of red tiles.

I liked the house whose roof was made of red tiles.

I can't respect politicians. Their only ambition is to be in power.

I can't respect politicians whose only ambition is to be in power.

This is the man. We bought the ring from him.

This is the man who we bought the ring from.

Where is the article? We read it.

Where is the article which we read?

The film is about a king. His brother kills him.

The film is about a king whose brother kills him.

Defining relative clauses: exercise 3 ___________________
omissions of relative pronouns

Complete the sentences with 'who', 'which' or 'that'. Use the option in brackets if it is possible
to leave out the relative pronoun.


I've borrowed the book ___ you recommended.

I've borrowed the book (which) you recommended.
Would you recognize the person ___ stopped you?
Would you recognize the person that stopped you?

We want to book the hotel ................. we saw in the advert the other day.
 that  (that)

The man ................. you see in the street is my new neighbour.

 who  (who)

Never buy any meat ................. smells.

 which  (which)

I've brought something ................. would interest you.

 which  (which)

We saw a girl ................. looks like you.

 that  (that)

The picture ................. she has just finished is unique.

 that  (that)

Was the phone number ................. you gave me correct?

 which  (which)

We must find someone ................. can repair the PC.

 who  (who)

Can you remember the tall boy ................. you met at the bus stop?
 who  (who)

The eco-friendly car is a vehicle ................. causes less air pollution.

 which  (which)

The tree ................. I planted when Joseph was born is dead.

 which  (which)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Defining relative clauses: exercise 3
omissions of relative pronouns

Answer key

We want to book the hotel ......... we saw in the advert the other day.
that (that)

The man ........... you see in the street is my new neighbour.

who (who)

Never buy any meat .... smells. 470

which (which)

I've brought something ........... would interest you.

which (which)

We saw a girl ........ looks like you.

that (that)

The picture .......... she has just finished is unique.

that (that)

Was the phone number ........ you gave me correct?

which (which)

We must find someone ......... can repair the PC.

who (who)

Can you remember the tall boy ... you met at the bus stop?
who (who)

The eco-friendly car is a vehicle ... causes less air pollution.

which (which)

The tree ............. I planted when Joseph was born is dead.

which (which)

Non-defining relative clauses: exercise 1 _______________

Rewrite the sentences. Keep the same meaning.


My girlfriend is 22. She comes from Madrid.

My girlfriend, who is 22, comes from Madrid.

Her purse has been stolen. It was full of money.

Her purse ........................................................................ has been stolen.

My mother is at hospital. She is seriously ill.

My mother ............................................................ is seriously ill.

My sister gave the present to her boyfriend. He was really pleased.

My sister gave the present to her boyfriend ........................... really pleased.

David's girlfriend comes from India. Her parents are over there.

David's girlfriend ........................................................................................... comes from India.

Our house is pretty old. It has three bedrooms.

Our house ............................................................. has three bedrooms.

My wife was unemployed. She has a new job.

My wife .................................................... has a new job.

Jack is my neighbour. He lived in the USA.

Jack ....................................................... lived in the USA.

I asked Jill. She explained it to me.

I asked Jill ......................................... it to me.

Mr. Craig's office is upstairs. He can help you.

Mr. Craig .......................................................................... can help you.

Your map was very helpful. It is on the table now.

Your map ...................................................................... is on the table now.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Non-defining relative clauses: exercise 1

Answer key

Her purse has been stolen. It was full of money.

Her purse, which was full of money, has been stolen.

My mother is at hospital. She is seriously ill.

My mother, who is at hospital, is seriously ill.

My sister gave the present to her boyfriend. He was really pleased.

My sister gave the present to her boyfriend, who was really pleased.
David's girlfriend comes from India. Her parents are over there.
David's girlfriend, whose parents are over there, comes from India.

Our house is pretty old. It has three bedrooms.

Our house, which is pretty old, has three bedrooms.

My wife was unemployed. She has a new job.

My wife, who was unemployed, has a new job.

Jack is my neighbour. He lived in the USA.

Jack, who is my neighbour, lived in the USA.

I asked Jill. She explained it to me.

I asked Jill, who explained it to me.

Mr. Craig's office is upstairs. He can help you.

Mr. Craig, whose office is upstairs, can help you.

Your map was very helpful. It is on the table now.

Your map, which was very helpful, is on the table now.

Defining + non-defining relative clauses: exercise 2 ______

Choose one of the options and complete the defining and non-defining relative clauses.

My neighbour, .............. is 70 now, is a nice person.

 who  that

We used my car, .............. was more comfortable.

 which  that
When my dad was driving to work, he hit a horse .............. was crossing the road.
 who  that

His work, .............. is quite boring, is important to him.

 which  that

Her sister Jane, .............. is three years younger, is a bright student.

 who  that

Sam, .............. we saw at the dance, is going to start a new company.

 whom  that

My new television, .............. I bought last month, is out of order.

 which  that

We listened to an old woman .............. told us her life story.

 which  that

My English teacher, .............. methods were quite extraordinary, is retired now.

 which  whose

He sent the book to his Irish pen-friend, .............. really liked it.
 who that

I enjoy spending time with girls and songs .............. I like.

 who  that

The birds .............. feathers are so shiny are starlings.

 who  whose

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Defining + non-defining relative clauses: exercise 2

Answer key

My neighbour, who is 70 now, is a nice person.

We used my car, which was more comfortable.

When my dad was driving to work, he hit a horse that was crossing the road.

His work, which is quite boring, is important to him.

Her sister Jane, who is three years younger, is a bright student. 474

Sam, whom we saw at the dance, is going to start a new company.

My new television, which I bought last month, is out of order.

We listened to an old woman that told us her life story.

My English teacher, whose methods were quite extraordinary, is retired now.

He sent the book to his Irish pen-friend, who really liked it.

I enjoy spending time with girls and songs that I like.

The birds whose feathers are so shiny are starlings.

Direct and indirect object ____________________________

● Verb objects
Exercise 1 - jumbled words 476

Exercise 2 - complete short dialogues 478

Exercise 3 - gap-filling 480

Exercise 4 - correct mistakes 482

Direct and indirect object: exercise 1 ___________________

Use the words in brackets to complete sentences. Don't add any other words.


I wanted to give ___ . (a doll/her)

I wanted to give her a doll.

I promissed to deliver ................................................ . (the parcel | her)

We have already shown ........................................................ . (Sam | to | the project)

We will write .................................................... . (a letter | John)

I can lend ........................................ . (the book | her)

They will immediately send ........................................................ . (us | to | an email)

Keep ....................................................... . (the place | her | for)

They've bought ......................................................... . (daughter | a flat | their)

Show ............................................................... . (him | the room | to)

You should give ....................................................................... . (some flowers | your teacher)

My mum made ......................................................... . (for | a cake | me)

We always read ............................................................. . (to | stories | our son)

No problem. I'll bring ....................................... . (you | for | it)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Direct and indirect object: exercise 1

Answer key

I promissed to deliver her the parcel.

We have already shown the project to Sam.

We will write John a letter.

I can lend her the book.

They will immediately send an email to us. 477

Keep the place for her.

They've bought their daughter a flat.

Show the room to him.

You should give your teacher some flowers.

My mum made a cake for me.

We always read stories to our son.

No problem. I'll bring it for you.

Direct and indirect object: exercise 2 ___________________
Complete the sentences. If necessary, add a preposition.


A: Did you give Jim the key? B: Yes, I gave ___ . (it - him) - Yes, I gave it to him.

A: Did you send Mary the postcard?

B: Yes, I sent ............................ . (it - her)

A: Go to bed, Sam!
B: Mum, I can't sleep. Will you read .......................... ? (me)

A: You should offer them your car.

B: But I've already offered ............................... . (it - them)

A: Why don't we bring them some toasts?

B: You can't bring ............................................... . They won't eat them. (our kids - toasts)

A: Has Rosy seen these photos?

B: Yes, I've already shown ...................... . (her)

A: Please, give me your phone number.

B: Sorry. I can't give ............................ . (it - you).

A: Will you write him an e-mail?

B: I think I should write ...................... as soon as possible. (him)

A: Have you heard the story?

B: No, I haven't. Please, tell ...................... . (me)

A: Did you give her the parcel?

B: No, I didn't. But I'll give .......................... tomorrow. (it - her)

A: Could you send the message to Vince?

B: I can't send .................................................. . He is at school. (Vince - the message)

A: Do you have a present for Jill?

B: No, I don't. But I want to buy ..................................... . (a mobile - her)

Direct and indirect object: exercise 2

Answer key

A: Did you send Mary the postcard?

B: Yes, I sent it to her.

A: Go to bed, Sam!
B: Mum, I can't sleep. Will you read to me?

A: You should offer them your car.

B: But I've already offered it to them.
A: Why don't we bring them some toasts?
B: You can't bring our kids toasts. They won't eat them.

A: Has Rosy seen these photos?

B: Yes, I've already shown her.

A: Please, give me your phone number.

B: Sorry. I can't give it to you.

A: Will you write him an e-mail?

B: I think I should write to him as soon as possible.

A: Have you heard the story?

B: No, I haven't. Please, tell me.

A: Did you give her the parcel?

B: No, I didn't. But I'll give it to her tomorrow.

A: Could you send the message to Vince?

B: I can't send Vince the nessage. He is at school.

A: Do you have a present for Jill?

B: No, I don't. But I want to buy her a mobile.

Direct and indirect object: exercise 3 ___________________

Complete the sentences. If necessary, add a preposition.

Please, will you bring .....................................................? (a cup of coffee | me)

Will you show ........................... ? (it/her)

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson sold .............................................................. . (my sister | their house)

I would like to send ............................................ . (Jane | this card)

You should write ....................................................... as soon as you can. (your parents)

Please, don't tell .............. about my exams. (him)

I've bought .................................... . (Helen | it).

My father gave .............................. a couple of years ago. (me | it)

Will you read ....................... before we go to bed? (us | it)

Why don't you offer ............................................... when he needs it? (Brad | your help)

Please, try to get in touch with your lawyer. Promise ........... . (me)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Direct and indirect object: exercise 3

Answer key

Please, will you bring me a cup of coffee?

Will you show it to her?

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson sold my sister their house.

I would like to send Jane this card.

You should write to your parents as soon as you can. 481

Please, don't tell him about my exams.

I've bought it for Helen..

My father gave it to me a couple of years ago.

Will you read it to us before we go to bed?

Why don't you offer Brad your help when he needs it?

Please, try to get in touch with your lawyer. Promise me.

Direct and indirect object: exercise 4 ___________________

Correct mistakes.

What did you do? Can you tell me it?

What did you do! Can you .............. ?

My brother wrote to Dan a long email yesterday.

My brother wrote ................... yesterday.


They gave a lot of presents Simon.

They gave ................ .

This picture is so nice. Can you show to me?

This picture is so nice. Can you ........... ?

I have brought for your sister this book.

I have brought ................ .

Please, will you pass the salt me?

Please, will you pass .... ?

I'm looking forward to your reply. Write me soon.

I'm looking forward to your reply. Write ........... soon.

Grandma, could you read me?

Grandma, could you read .......... ?

Don't smoke anymore. Will you promise to me?

Don't smoke anymore. Will you promise .............. ?

My mum made a big cake to Betty for her birthday.

My mum made ......................................................... for her birthday.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Direct and indirect object: exercise 4

Answer key

What did you do? Can you tell me it?

What did you do! Can you tell me?

My brother wrote to Dan a long email yesterday.

My brother wrote a long email to Dan yesterday. (My brother wrote Dan a long email.)

They gave a lot of presents Simon.

They gave Simon a lot of presents. (They gave a lot of presents to Simon.)
This picture is so nice. Can you show to me?
This picture is so nice. Can you me? (Can you show it to me?)

I have brought for your sister this book.

I have brought this book for your sister. (I've brought your sister this book.)

Please, will you pass the salt me?

Please, will you pass me the salt? (Please, will you pass the salt to me?)

I'm looking forward to your reply. Write me soon.

I'm looking forward to your reply. Write to me soon.

Grandma, could you read me?

Grandma, could you read to me?

Don't smoke anymore. Will you promise to me?

Don't smoke anymore. Will you promise me? (Will you promise it to me?)

My mum made a big cake to Betty for her birthday.

My mum made a big cake for Betty for her birthday. (My mum made Betty a big cake for her birthday.)

Indirect question ___________________________________

● Direct and indirect question

Exercise 1 - direct questions to indirect questions 485

Exercise 2 - correct mistakes 487

Exercise 3 - multiple choice 489

Exercise 4 - indirect questions to direct questions 491

Indirect question: exercise 1 __________________________

Change direct questions into indirect questions.


What did she do? - Can you tell me what she did?
Do we have enough sugar? - I wonder if we have enough sugar.

Why did she cry? - Can you tell me ..........................................?

Does she speak Greek? - I'd like to know ........................................ Greek.

Where is Joe? - Do you know ......................................?

What time does the show start? - Do you have any idea .......................................................................?

Is he all right? - I wonder .............................. all right.

What did he want? - Would you mind telling me ..............................................?

Whose car was it? - Could you let me know .........................................................?

Is this the right train? - Do you have any idea ....................................... the right train?

When will they get married? - I wonder .......................................................................... .

How long has she known him? - I'd like to know .................................................................. him.

Could you babysit tonight? - I was wondering ................................................................. tonight.

What is her name? - Can you tell me ......................................................?

Do they have any free tickets? - Could you let me know ............................................ some free tickets?

Where were the boxes? - Can you remember .............................................................?

Which countries did she visit? - Do you know ..............................................................................?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Indirect question: exercise 1

Answer key

Why did she cry? - Can you tell me why she cried?

Does she speak Greek? - I'd like to know if (whether) she speaks Greek.

Where is Joe? - Do you know where Joe is?

What time does the show start? - Do you have any idea what time the show starts?
Is he all right? - I wonder if (whether) they will be all right.

What did he want? - Would you mind telling me what he wanted?

Whose car was it? - Could you let me know whose car it was?

Is this the right train? - Do you have any idea if (whether) this is the right train?

When will they get married? - I wonder if (whether) they will get married.

How long has she known him? - I'd like to know how long she has known him.

Could you babysit tonight? - I was wondering if (whether) you could babysit tonight.

What is her name? - Can you tell me what her name is?

Do they have any free tickets? - Could you let me know if (whether) they have some free tickets?

Where were the boxes? - Can you remember where the boxes were?

Which countries did she visit? - Do you know which countries she visited?

Indirect question: exercise 2 __________________________

Find mistakes and correct them. If a sentence is correct, tick it off ( Ѵ).

I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.

I wonder .............................................................. tomorrow.

I'd like to know what is the population of Spain.

I'd like to know ......................................................................


Can you tell me whether is it possible?

Can you tell me whether ................. possible?

Do you know many words have you learnt?

Do you know .........................................................................................................?

Do you have any idea how much this car is?

Do you have any idea ......................................................?

Can you remember what day did the show start?

Can you remember ...................................................................?

I was wondering what will we have for dinner.

I was wondering ..........................................................................

I wonder how much money have they got.

I wonder .......................................................................................

I'd like to know who is she.

I'd like to know .....................................

Do you know when was he born?

Do you know ........................................................?

Could you let me know what would she do?

Could you let me know ....................................................?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Indirect question: exercise 2

Answer key

I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. Ѵ

I'd like to know what the population of Spain is.

Can you tell me whether it is possible?

Do you know many words you have learnt?

Do you have any idea how much this car is? Ѵ
Can you remember what day the show started?

I was wondering what we will have for dinner.

I wonder how much money they have got.

I'd like to know who she is.

Do you know when he was born?

Could you let me know what she would do?

Indirect question: exercise 3 __________________________

Choose one of the options and complete the indirect questions.

Would you mind telling me .........................................................................?

 who is your boyfriend  who your boyfriend is

Do you have any idea ................................................................................?

 what time did Sam go to bed  what time Sam went to bed
I was wondering ...................................................................................
 why you were upset  why were you upset

Do you know .......................................................................................?

 where your classmates are  where are your classmates

Could you tell me ...................................................?

 what time is it  what time it is

Can I ask you .......................................................................................... ?

 how long the lecture will be  how long will the lecture be

I'd like to know ..............................................................

 when it happened  when did it happen

Can you remember .........................................?

 where was it  where it was

I want to know ...........................................................................?

 what their real names are  what are their real names

Do you know ..........................................................?

 what you should do  what should you do

I wonder .................................................................................
 how long he's been here  how long has he been here

I'd like to know .................................................................

 why is Sue annoyed  why Sue is annoyed

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Indirect question: exercise 3

Answer key

Would you mind telling me who your boyfriend is?

Do you have any idea what time Sam went to bed?

I was wondering why you were upset.

Do you know where your classmates are?

Could you tell me what time it is? 490

Can I ask you how long the lecture will be?

I'd like to know when it happened.

Can you remember where it was?

I want to know what their real names are.

Do you know what you should do?

I wonder how long he's been here.

I'd like to know why Sue is annoyed.

Indirect question: exercise 4 __________________________

Change indirect questions into direct questions.


Do you know where Marion lives?

Where does Marion live?

Would you mind telling me how old Jane is? - .................................................. ?

I was wondering if Joe could help me. - ................................................. me?

I wonder what the weather will be like next week. - ............................................................... next week?

Can you tell me where you have been so long? - ........................................................... so long?

Do you know what Greg does? - ................................................. ?

I'd like to know whether they agree. - ................................................ ?

Could you tell me why you didn't come? - ........................................................ ?

Do you have any idea how much it cost? - .................................................... ?

Do you know when it started? - ....................................................... ?

I wonder what you think about it. - .................................................... about it?

I'd like to know if Mary will join us. - ............................................... us?

Could you let me know where Ben was? - ........................................ ?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Indirect question: exercise 4

Answer key

How old is Jane?

Could Joe help me?

What will the weather be like next week?

Where have you been so long?

What does Greg do ? 492

Do they agree?

Why didn't you (did you not) come ?

How much did it cost?

When did it start?

What do you think about it?

Will Mary join us?

Where was Ben?

Question tags ______________________________________

● Question tags
Exercise 1 - make question tags 494

Exercise 2 - complete a dialogue 496

Exercise 3 - correct mistakes 498


Question tags: exercise 1 ____________________________
Make question tags in the following sentences.

Example: Your bike is quite good, ___ ? - Your bike is quite good, isn't it?

Samantha doesn't like cats very much, .......................................... ?

You'd like to stay with us next week, .......................................... ?

Peter, you shouldn't work so much anymore, .......................................... ?

You are pretty tired after the football match, .......................................... ?

Everyone is happy about the decision, .......................................... ?

Kim has just finished her documentary film, .......................................... ?

Your parents aren't watching TV at the moment, .......................................... ?

I suppose I am taller than George, .......................................... ?

Sarah can hardly ever be a pop-star when she grows up, .......................................... ?

You weren't allowed to buy the new mobile phone, .......................................... ?

Let's have a rest for a while, .......................................... ?

He'd tried to climb the mountain before 2020, .......................................... ?

I must answer this email immediately, .......................................... ?

None of you have succeeded in the English test, .......................................... ?

You rarely ate meat and milk products, .......................................... ?

I don't believe anyone will want to join us, .......................................... ?

You wouldn't take their offer very seriously, .......................................... ?

Can you hear? Someone opened the door, ............................. ?

I'm afraid she's gone, ...................................................... ?

Teddy hasn't come back from his holiday yet, .................. ?

Nobody wanted to work on Saturday, ............... ?

Doctor, I'm not seriously ill, ................. ?

You can take us to the airport tomorrow, ............... ?

Question tags: exercise 1

Answer key

Samantha doesn't like cats very much, does she?

You'd like to stay with us next week, wouldn't you?

Peter, you shouldn't work so much anymore, should you?

You are pretty tired after the football match, aren't you?
Everyone is happy about the decision, aren't they?

Kim's just finished her documentary film, hasn't she?

Your parents aren't watching TV at the moment, are they?

I suppose I am taller than George, aren't I?

Sarah can hardly ever be a pop-star when she grows up, can she?

You weren't allowed to buy the new mobile phone, were you?

Let's have a rest for a while, shall we?

He'd tried to climb the mountain before 2020, hadn't he?

I must answer this email immediately, mustn't I?

None of you have succeeded in the English test, have you?

You rarely ate meat and milk products, did you?

I don't believe anyone will want to join us, will they?

You wouldn't take their offer very seriously, would you?

Can you hear? Someone opened the door, didn't they?

I'm afraid she's gone, isn't she?

Teddy hasn't come back from his holiday yet, has he?

Nobody wanted to work on Saturday, did they?

Doctor, I'm not seriously ill, am I?

You can take us to the airport tomorrow, can't you?

Question tags: exercise 2 ____________________________
Complete the following dialogue.

A: Let's turn off the TV, .................................? We must get ready for the concert.

B: Wait a minute, please. The match will finish in ten minutes.

A: We should hurry up, ...............................? The concert starts at seven, .............................?

B: No, it doesn't. It starts at eight.

A: We've already bought the tickets, .................................?

B: No, we haven't. But I've booked the tickets. We'll just collect them at the box office.

A: The Clarks wanted to go to the concert too, .................................?

B: The Clarks? No. The Hopkins wanted to go, but Mrs. Hopkins has fallen ill. Listen, John,

you are a bit confused, .................................?

A: You're right, Jessie. I'm a bit absent-minded these days, .................................?

B: Oh, no. You are not absent-minded these days. You've been absent-minded since I first
met you.

A: You don't mean it. You've never complained, .................................?

B: Sorry, I'm just joking. Not a good joke, .................................?

A: Nobody likes your jokes, .................................?

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Question tags: exercise 2

Answer key

A: Let's turn off the TV, shall we? We must get ready for the concert.

B: Wait a minute, please. The match will finish in ten minutes.

A: We should hurry up, shouldn't we? The concert starts at seven, doesn't it?

B: No, it doesn't. It starts at eight. 497

A: We've already bought the tickets, haven't we?

B: No, we haven't. But I've booked the tickets. We'll just collect them at the box office.

A: The Clarks wanted to go to the concert too, didn't they?

B: The Clarks? No. The Hopkins wanted to go, but Mrs. Hopkins has fallen ill. Listen, John,

you are a bit confused, aren't you?

A: You're right, Jessie. I'm a bit absent-minded these days, aren't I?

B: Oh, no. You are not absent-minded these days. You've been absent-minded since I first
met you.

A: You don't mean it. You've never complained, have you?

B: Sorry, I'm just joking. Not a good joke, is it?

A: Nobody likes your jokes, do they?

Question tags: exercise 3 ____________________________
Find mistakes in the question tags and correct them.

Your younger sister is quite tall, is she?

Your younger sister is quite tall, ............................?

He'd arrived home just before you got up, wouldn't he?

He'd arrived home just before you got up, ............................?

Mum, I must wash up today after dinner, needn't I?

Mum, I must wash up today after dinner, ............................?

Noone agreed with his stupid proposal, did he?

Noone agreed with his stupid proposal, ............................?

I hope you'll do it for me sooner or later, will you?

I hope you'll do it for me sooner or later, ............................?

You can hardly read the the small text, can't you?

You can hardly read the the small text, ............................?

I'm the best student in this class, am I?

I'm the best student in this class, ............................?

Kate's just left for work, isn't she?

Kate's just left for work, ............................?

Greg, you rarely listen to my advice, don't you?

Greg, you rarely listen to my advice, ............................?

You haven't tried to get in touch with the agency yet, did you?

You haven't tried to get in touch with the agency yet, .......................?

I don't think anyone will accept your idea, will he?

I don't think anyone will accept your idea, ............................?

You studied biology and chemistry at university, did you?

You studied biology and chemistry at university, ............................?

Question tags: exercise 3

Answer key

Your younger sister is quite tall, isn't she?

He'd arrived home just before you got up, hadn't he?

Mum, I must wash up today after dinner, mustn't I?

Noone agreed with his stupid proposal, did they?

I hope you'll do it for me sooner or later, won't you?

You can hardly read the the small text, can you?

I'm the best student in this class, aren't I?

Kate's just left for work, hasn't she?

Greg, you rarely listen to my advice, do you?

You haven't tried to get in touch with the agency yet, have you?

I don't think anyone will accept your idea, will they?

You studied biology and chemistry at university, didn't you?

Reported speech ___________________________________

● Reported statements
Exercise 1 - direct speech to reported speech 501

Exercise 2 - direct speech to reported speech 503

Exercise 3 - reported speech to direct speech 505

Exercise 4 - changes of time 507

Exercise 5 - changes of tenses, time, place, pronouns 509

● Reported questions and commands

Exercise 1 - direct questions to reported questions 511

Exercise 2 - reported questions to direct questions 513

Exercise 3 - make reported commands and requests 515

Exercise 4 - corect reported commands and requests 517

Reported speech: exercise 1 __________________________

Complete these sentences in the reported speech.


"I went to shops." - John said he had gone to shops.

"It is so sad." - I said .................................................................................................................................

"I've already done it." - He claimed that .................................................................................................... 501

"I saw you at the station." - Kim told me ...................................................................................................

"I can't help you." - Dan explained that .....................................................................................................

"I could fail the exam." - He was afraid that ..............................................................................................

"The Amazon is the biggest river." - He knew that ...................................................................................

"I may come a bit late." - Bill told me that .................................................................................................

"I've been reading a book." - He replied that ............................................................................................

"David must be on a diet." - The doctor said ............................................................................................

"You haven't written the essay." - The teacher thought that .....................................................................

"I was with her." - Jim admitted that ..........................................................................................................

"I'm texting my boyfriend." - She said .......................................................................................................

"I will finish the picture." - Marion promissed ............................................................................................

"I would accept it." - She said ...................................................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Reported speech: exercise 1

Answer key

"It is so sad." - I said it was so sad.

"I've already done it." - He claimed that he had already done it.

"I saw you at the station." - Kim told me she had seen me at the station.

"I can't help you." - Dan explained that he coudn't help me.

"I could fail the exam." - He was afraid that he could fail the exam. 502

"The Amazon is the biggest river." - He knew that the Amazon was | is the biggest river.

"I may come a bit late." - Bill told me that he might come a bit late.

"I've been reading a book." - He replied that he had been reading a book.

"David must be on a diet." - The doctor said David had to be on a diet.

"You haven't written the essay." - The teacher thought that I hadn't written the essay.

"I was with her." - Jim admitted that he had been with her.

"I'm texting my boyfriend." - She said she was texting her boyfriend.

"I will finish the picture." - Marion promissed she would finish the picture.

"I would accept it." - She said she would accept it.

Reported speech: exercise 2 __________________________

Choose one of the options and complete the sentences.

"I wish you were with me."

Trevor said he wished ...............................................................................................................................

 I was with him  I had been with him

"While I was having dinner, the phone rang."

He told me that ............................................................................................................... the phone rang.

 while he was having dinner  while he had been having dinner 503

"Fiona started her project when she had raised enough funds."

I knew that ...................................................................................... when she had raised enough funds.

 Fiona started her project  Fiona had started her project

"We used to work long hours."

She claimed that .................................................................................................................... long hours.

 they had used to work  they used to work

"It is time we got up."

Sue suggested that it was time .................................................................................................................

 we had got up  we got up

"You must be tired after work."

He said that ............................................................................................................................. after work.

 I must be tired  I had to be tired

"Sam may contact you."

My dad thought .........................................................................................................................................

 Sam may contact me  Sam might contact me

"I'm enjoying my holiday."

Carmen says that .................................................................................................................. her holiday.

 she is enjoying  she was enjoying

"If I got a new job, I would move."

My friend was convinced that ........................................................................ a new job, he would move.

 if he had got a new job  if he got a new job

"I shall appreciate your support."

The manager informed us that ............................................................................................. our support.

 he shall appreciate  he would appreciate

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Reported speech: exercise 2

Answer key

Trevor said he wished I was with him.

He told me that while he was having dinner the phone rang.

I knew that Fiona had started her project when she had raised enough funds.

She claimed that hey used to work long hours.

Sue suggested that it was time we got up. 504

He said that I must be tired after work.

My dad thought Sam might contact me.

Carmen says that she is enjoying her holiday.

My friend was convinced that if he got a new job a new job, he would move.

The manager informed us that he would appreciate our support.

Reported speech: exercise 3 __________________________

Change the reported speech into the direct speech.

He said that he had never seen me.

".................................................................... ," he said.

We told them that we were working on it.

"................................................. on it," we told them.


She said she lived in York.

"................................ in York ," she said.

Paul claimed that he had been exercising for several years.

"......................................................................... for several years," claimed Paul.

He said that at one o'clock he had been having lunch.

"At one o'clock .............................................. lunch," he said.

They replied that they had started on time.

"........................................... on time," they replied.

Phil said he wanted to be a lawyer.

".............................................. a lawyer," said Phil.

Mary told us she wouldn't be in her office.

"................................................... office," told us Mary.

He claimed that he had always been my friend.

"........................................................ friend," he claimed.

Betty told me that she hadn't known about the email I had sent to her.

"................................... about the email ............................................................. ," told me Betty.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Reported speech: exercise 3

Answer key

He said that he had never seen me.

"I have never seen you," he said.

We told them that we were working on it.

"We are working on it," we told them.

She said she lived in York.

"I live in York," she said.
Paul claimed that he had been exercising for several years.
"I have been exercising for several years," claimed Paul.

He said that at one o'clock he had been having lunch.

"At one o'clock I was having lunch," he said.

They replied that they had started on time.

"We started on time," they replied.

Phil said he wanted to be a lawyer.

"I want to be a lawyer," said Phil.

Mary told us she wouldn't be in her office.

"I won't be in my office," told us Mary.

He claimed that he had always been my friend.

"I have always been your friend," he claimed.

Betty told me that she hadn't known about the email I had sent to her.
"I didn't know about the email you had sent to me," told me Betty.

Reported speech: exercise 4 __________________________

Use one of the time expressions to complete the sentences in the reported speech.

On Monday: "We will set off tomorrow."

A week later: They said they would set off ...............................................................................................
 tomorrow  the next day

In the morning: "I'm going to meet Greg tomorrow."

In the evening: Marion said she was going to meet Greg .........................................................................
 tomorrow  the following day

"I don't want to do it next week."

Mark told me last week he didn't want to do it ..........................................................................................
 that week  the following week

On 1 June: "I invited him last week."

On 10 June: She told me that she had invited him ...................................................................................
 the previous week  last week

On Thursday: "We went to see our grandma last week."

On Friday: They said they had gone to see their grandma .......................................................................
 the previous week  last week

At school: "We are writing a test today."

After school: Jim told me they were writing a test .....................................................................................
 today  that day

"I will resign today."

Last Friday Tina announced that she would resign ..................................................................................
 today  that day

"I entered the university the day before yesterday."

Yesterday Peter said he had entered the university .................................................................................
 two days before  in two days' time

"I got my driving licence two years ago."

Betty told me today she had got her driving licence .................................................................................
 two years ago  in two years' time

Yesterday: "I'll manage to finish the project the day after tomorrow."
Today: Bob promised he would manage to finish the project ...................................................................
 in two days' time  the day after tomorrow

"We can do it now."

My mum said we could do it .....................................................................................................................
 now  then

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Reported speech: exercise 4

Answer key

On Monday: "We will set off tomorrow."

A week later: They said they would set off the next day.

In the morning: "I'm going to meet Greg tomorrow."

In the evening: Marion said she was going to meet Greg tomorrow.

"I don't want to do it next week."

Mark told me last week he didn't want to do it the following week. 508

On 1 June: "I invited him last week."

On 10 June: She told me that she had invited him the previous week.

On Thursday: "We went to see our grandma last week."

On Friday: They said they had gone to see their grandma last week.

At school: "We are writing a test today."

After school: Jim told me they were writing a test today.

"I will resign today."

Last Friday Tina announced that she would resign that day.

"I entered the university the day before yesterday."

Yesterday Peter said he had entered the university two days before.

"I got my driving licence two years ago."

Betty told me today she had got her driving licence two years ago.

Yesterday: "I'll manage to finish the project the day after tomorrow."
Today: Bob promised he would manage to finish the project in two days' time.

"We can do it now."

My mum said we could do it then.

Reported speech: exercise 5 __________________________

Change the reported speech to the direct speech (changes of tenses, time, places, pronouns).

Jim promised he would come the following day.

"......................................................................... ," promised Jim.

We told them that we had started working on it two days before.

"...............................................................................................," we told them.


Liz said she lived in a new house then.

".............................................................................," said Liz.

Joseph claimed that he had been learning French since the previous year.

"......................................................................................................," claimed Joseph.

He said that he had not eaten anything that day.

"........................................................................................... ," he said.

They replied they were going to set off in two days' time.

".....................................................................................................," they replied.

Peter pointed at the shirt and said he wanted to take that.

"...................................................," said Peter.

Marion told us she would like to join us the next day.

"..............................................................................," told us Marion.

Tim said he had worked with the company the previous month.

".............................................................................. ," said Tim.

Naomi looked around and told us she didn't know what to do there.

"................................... ......................................... ," told us Naomi.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Reported speech: exercise 5

Answer key

Jim promised he would come the following day.

"I will come tomorrow," promised Jim.

We told them that we had started working on it two days before.

"We started working on it the day before yesterday," we told them.

Liz said she lived in a new house then.

"I live in a house now," said Liz.
Joseph claimed that he had been learning French since the previous year.
"I have been learning French since last year," claimed Joseph.

He said that he had not eaten anything that day.

"I have not eaten anything today," he said.

They replied they were going to set off in two days' time.
"We are going to set off the day after tomorrow," they replied.

Peter pointed at the shirt and said he wanted to take that.

"I want to take this," said Peter.

Marion told us she would like to join us the next day.

"I would like to join you tomorrow," told us Marion.

Tim said he had worked with the company the previous month.
"I worked with the company last month," said Tim.

Naomi looked around and told us she didn't know what to do there.
"I don't know what to do here," told us Naomi.

Reported questions: exercise 1 _______________________

Report Tim's questions.

Tim: "Did you pass your exam, Sue?"

Sue: "Yes, I did. But it was extremely difficult."
Tim: "How long did it take?"
Sue: "Four hours. I was really exhausted."
Tim: "How much had you revised for it?"
Sue: "Quite a lot. I started two weeks before the exam."
Tim: "What is the most difficult part?"
Sue: "I don't know. Use of English? Or reading?"
Tim: "Have you celebrated your success?"
Sue: "Not yet." 511
Tim: "And are you going to celebrate it?"
Sue: "Yes, I am. I'd like to go to a pub with my friends."
Tim: "Will you invite Sarah?"
Sue: "Definitely. Sarah is my best friend."
Tim: "Er... Sue, can I come too?"
Sue: "Of course, you can. You fancy Sarah, don't you?"

Tim asked Sue ..........................................................................................................................................

He also wanted to know ............................................................................................................................

Tim wondered ...........................................................................................................................................

Then he asked ..........................................................................................................................................

He wanted to know ...................................................................................................................................

And he asked ............................................................................................................................................

Tim was curious ........................................................................................................................................

Finally, he enquired ..................................................................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Reported questions: exercise 1

Answer key

Tim: "Did you pass your exam, Sue?"

Tim asked Sue if (whether) she had passed her exam.

Tim: "How long did it take?"

He also wanted to know how long it had taken.

Tim: "How much had you revised for it?"

Tim wondered how much she had revised for it. 512

Tim: "What is the most difficult part?"

Then he asked what the most difficult part was.

Tim: "Have you celebrated your success?"

He wanted to know if (whether) she had celebrated her success.

Tim: "And are you going to celebrate it?"

And he asked if (whether) she was going to celebrate (she would celebrate it).

Tim: "Will you invite Sarah?"

Tim was curious if (whether) she would invite Sarah.

Tim: "Er... Sue, can I come too?"

Finally, he enquired if (whether) he could come too.

Reported questions: exercise 2 _______________________

Change the reported speech questions into the direct speech.


Sam wanted to know why I hadn't come.

"Why didn't you come?"

Betty asked me what I expected from her.

................................................................................................................................................................... 513

Liam wondered if we had finished two days before.


My mum wanted to know why I was laughing.


Dan asked me whether I would come again the following year.


The car mechanic started the engine and enquired if he should test that car.


Brian wondered whether he might have a look at my photos.


The manager wanted to know if I had already thought his suggestion over.


Marion asked us why we had been working there so long.


The teacher wanted to know why I had been crying at the concert.


The receptionist asked us if we were going to leave the following day.


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Reported questions: exercise 2

Answer key

Betty asked me what I expected from her.

"What do you expect from me?"

Liam wondered if we had finished two days before.

"Did you finish the day before yesterday?"

My mum wanted to know why I was laughing.

"Why were you laughing?"
Dan asked me whether I would come again the following year.
"Will you come again next year?"

The car mechanic started the engine and enquired if he should test that car.
"Shall I test this car?"

Brian wondered whether he might have a look at my photos.

"May I have a look at your photos?"

The manager wanted to know if I had already thought his suggestion over.
"Have you already thought my suggestion over?"

Marion asked us why we had been working there so long.

"Why have you been working here so long?"

The teacher wanted to know why I had been crying at the concert.
"Why were you crying at the concert?"

The receptionist asked us if we were going to leave the following day.

"Are you going to leave tomorrow?"

Reported commands and requests: exercise 3 ___________

Complete the sentences in the reported speech.

"Have something to eat."

He told me ................................................................................................................................................

"Don't travel alone."

They warned me .......................................................................................................................................


"Leave your room."

He asked me .............................................................................................................................................

"Jim, dance with Lola."

She persuaded .........................................................................................................................................

"You mustn't drive so fast."

He urged me .............................................................................................................................................

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Johnson."

I advised ...................................................................................................................................................

"Children, you must finish your work."

The teacher ordered .................................................................................................................................

"Stop shouting at me, Linda," asked Marry.

Marry .........................................................................................................................................................

"Don't be silly," my mum advised my sister.

My mum advised my sister .......................................................................................................................

"Derek, you mustn't use your brother's phone," Sally warned him.

Sally warned Derek ...................................................................................................................................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Reported commands and requests: exercise 3

Answer key

"Have something to eat."

He told me to have something to eat.

"Don't travel alone."

They warned me not to travel alone.

"Leave your room."

He asked me to leave my room.
"Jim, dance with Lola."
She persuaded Jim to dance with Lola.

"You mustn't drive so fast."

He urged me not to drive so fast.

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Johnson."

I advised Mrs. Johnson not to worry about it.

"Children, you must finish your work."

The teacher ordered the children to finish their work.

"Stop shouting at me, Linda," asked Marry.

Marry asked Linda to stop shouting at her.

"Don't be silly," my mum advised my sister.

My mum advised my sister not to be silly.

"Derek, you mustn't use your brother's phone," Sally warned him.
Sally warned Derek not to use his brother's phone.

Reported commands and requests: exercise 4 ___________
Find mistakes in the reported speech, underline them and correct them.


"Take this glass."

My mum told me in the kitchen to take this glass. that

"Sit down here by the window."

The teacher told me in the classroom to sit down here by the window. ____________________

"Don't leave your keys in the car!"

My dad reminded me to not leave my keys in the car. ____________________

"Play football behind your house, please."

Our neighbour asked us to play football behid their house. ____________________

"Do not do it."

Joe told me I didn't do it. ____________________

"Please, text Mr. Clark today."

Two days ago the secretary asked me to text Mr. Clark today. ____________________

"Don't start the course tomorrow."

The director told us on Monday not to start the course tomorrow. ____________________

"Buy it now!"

The shop assistent in the department store advised me to buy it now. ____________________

"Don't feed the animals!"

The zoo-keeper told us we didn't feed the animals. ____________________

"Stop smoking!"

The doctor asked me stop smoking. ____________________

"Hand in your application form the day after tomorrow."

The clerk reminded me to hand in my application after two days. ____________________

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Reported commands and requests: exercise 4

Answer key

"Sit down here by the window."

The teacher told me in the classroom to sit down here by the window. there

"Don't leave your keys in the car!"

My dad reminded me to not leave my keys in the car. not to leave

"Play football behind your house, please." 518

Our neighbour asked us to play football behid their house. our

"Do not do it."

Joe told me I didn't do it. not to do

"Please, text Mr. Clark today."

Two days ago the secretary asked me to text Mr. Clark today. that day

"Don't start the course tomorrow."

The director told us on Monday not to start the course tomorrow. the next | following day_

"Buy it now!"
The shop assistent in the department store advised me to buy it now. then

"Don't feed the animals!"

The zoo-keeper told us we didn't feed the animals. not to feed

"Stop smoking!"
The doctor asked me stop smoking. to stop

"Hand in your application form the day after tomorrow."

The clerk reminded me to hand in my application after two days. in two days' time

Nouns ____________________________________________

● Singular and plural nouns

Exercise 1 - make plural forms 520

Exercise 2 - rewrite sentences with singular forms 522

Exercise 3 - complete sentences with correct options 524
Exercise 4 - singular and plural with different meaning 526

● Countable and uncountable nouns

Exercise 1 - complete sentences with a/an if necessary 528
Exercise 2 - little/a little, few/a few, much/many 530

Exercise 3 - complete sentences with correct options 532

Exercise 4 - choose correct quantifiers 534

● Compound nouns
Exercise 1 - open compound nouns (two words) 536

Exercise 2 - closed compound nouns (one word) 538

Exercise 3 - hyphenated compound nouns 540

Exercise 4 - mixed compound nouns (all types) 542

● Group (collective) nouns

Exercise 1 - subject - verb agreement 544
Exercise 2 - people and animals 546

Exercise 3 - things 548

● Proper nouns
Exercise 1 - proper nouns vs. common nouns 550

Exercise 2 - proper nouns with the/without the 552

Singular and plural nouns: exercise 1 __________________
Part 1. Make the plural forms of the following nouns.

box woman crisis

sky kid phenomenon

toy child hero

tomato sheep bacterium

piano leaf life 520

knife goose oasis

roof ox medium

datum trout dish

Part 2. Complete the sentences with nouns in brackets.

First, cut all ..................................... into two ...................... . (potato, half)

We saw a lot of historic .................................. at the Military Aviation Museum. (aircraft)

Many poisonous ................................ have names such as Death Cap or Destroying Angel. (fungus)

One of the most famous ....................... in the world is in San Diego. (zoo)

Several new ......................................... for global warming have been suggested recently. (hypothesis)

There are numerous ............................ in the countryside in European ...................... (crucifix, country)

Jim, don't forget to brush your .......................... before you go to bed. (tooth)

You should not eat ............................ before dinner. (candy)

Our ............................ are influenced by other people much more than we admit. (life)

Original ..................... represent what .................................. are all about. (logo, business)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Singular and plural nouns: exercise 1

Answer key

Part 1

box boxes woman women crisis crises

sky skies kid kids phenomenon phenomena

toy toys child children hero heroes

tomato tomatoes sheep sheep bacterium bacteria

piano pianos leaf leaves life lives

knife knives goose geese oasis oases

roof roofs ox oxen medium media

datum data trout trout dish dishes

Part 2

First, cut all potatoes into two halves.

We saw a lot of historic aircraft at the Military Aviation Museum.

Many poisonous fungi have names such as Death Cap or Destroying Angel.

One of the most famous zoos in the world is in San Diego.

Several new hypotheses for global warming have been suggested recently.

There are numerous crucifixes in the countryside in European countries.

Jim, don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed.

You should not eat candies before dinner.

Our lives are influenced by other people much more than we admit.

Original logos represent what businesses are all about.

Singular and plural nouns: exercise 2 __________________
Rewrite the sentences. Use singular forms.

Hippopotami spend up to 16 hours a day in water to keep their massive bodies cool.

The ........................................ spends up to 16 hours a day in water to keep its massive ............. cool.

I don't think that two loaves of bread will be enough.

I don't think that one .......................... of bread will be enough.


Two extraterrestrial spacecraft were spotted in the sky yesterday night.

One extraterrestrial spacecraft .......................... spotted in the sky yesterday night.

The first automatic torpedoes were produced in 1868 by Robert Whitehead, a British engineer.

The first automatic ............................. was produced in 1868 by Robert Whitehead, a British engineer.

Migrating Canada geese are able to fly astonishing 1,500 miles in just 24 hours.

The migrating Canada ........................ is able to fly astonishing 1,500 miles in just 24 hours.

Mice live for about one year in the outdoors and up to two or three years in your house.

An average ............................ lives for about 1 year in the outdoors and up to 3 years in your house.

If you want to get relevant information, you have to add correct data to your database.

If you want to get relevant information, you have to one more ........................... to your database.

What are the most influential mass media in modern society?

What is the most influential mass ........................................ in modern society?

Lice are very small insects that live in the hair of people and animals.

The .......................... is a very small insect that lives in the hair of people and animals

Our analyses show a small content of plastic in bottled water.

Our ........................................... shows a small content of plastic in bottled water.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Singular and plural nouns: exercise 2

Answer key

The hippopotamus spends up to 16 hours a day in water to keep its massive body cool.

I don't think that one loaf of bread will be enough.

One extraterrestrial spacecraft was spotted in the sky yesterday night.

The first automatic torpedo was produced in 1868 by Robert Whitehead, a British engineer.
The migrating Canada goose is able to fly astonishing 1,500 miles in just 24 hours.

An average mouse lives for about 1 year in the outdoors and up to 3 years in your house.

If you want to get relevant information, you have to one more datum to your database.

What is the most influential mass medium in modern society?

The louse is a very small insect that lives in the hair of people and animals

Our analysis shows a small content of plastic in bottled water.

Singular and plural nouns: exercise 3 __________________
Choose the correct options and complete the sentences.

Measles typically ....................... with a temperature, a runny nose and a sore throat.
• begins • begin

Binoculars ................ invented by the Austrian optician and inventor in 1823.

• was • were

Athletics ............. my favourite sport. That's why I love watching the Olympic games. 524
• is • are

The outskirts of our town .............. really pretty.

• is • are

Where ............. my pyjamas? I have no idea.

• is • are

We have to do ................................................... every day.

• much homework • a lot of homeworks

I can't find my headphones. Where did you put ................... ?

• it • them

The charity is going to raise ................... to support immigrants.

• fund • funds

There ................ been a lot of news about natural disasters on TV recently.

• has • have

IBM reported earnings .................... much higher than expected.

• was • were

Excuse me. How much ...................................... tights?

• is this • are these

We need ........................................................... before we come to a decision.

• much more information • many more informations

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Singular and plural nouns: exercise 3

Answer key

Measles typically begins with a temperature, a runny nose and a sore throat.

Binoculars were invented by the Austrian optician and inventor in 1823.

Athletics is my favourite sport. That's why I love watching the Olympic games.

The outskirts of our town are really pretty. 525

Where are my pyjamas? I have no idea.

We have to do much homework every day.

I can't find my headphones. Where did you put them?

The charity is going to raise funds to support immigrants.

There has been a lot of news about natural disasters on TV recently.

IBM reported earnings were much higher than expected.

Excuse me. How much are these tights?

We need much more information before we come to a decision.

Singular and plural nouns: exercise 4 __________________
Complete each sentence with a correct word.

arm, arms

I hurt my right .................... when I was playing basketball.

A Farewell to ................... is a novel by Ernest Hemingway, set in Italy during World War I.

content, contents
I'm sure you'll find it if you look at the table of ............................... .

She has millions of followers because everyone loves her ................................. .

wood, woods

You should collect some ........................... to make the fire.

When I want to calm down, I love to walk in the .............................. .

force, forces

The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the armed ................................... .

The ........................... of the water badly damaged roads and bridges in large areas.

good, goods

It's no ...................... crying over spilt milk.

Supermarkets sell a wide range of consumer ............................ .

colour, colours

Sarah, what .............................. are your boyfriend's eyes?

You can see national ................................. on the flagpoles at the United Nations headquarters.

glass, glasses

I have to wear ............................... when I want to work on my computer.

The room was full of bright light because its ceiling was made of .......................... .

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Singular and plural nouns: exercise 4

Answer key

I hurt my right arm when I was playing basketball.

A Farewell to Arms is a novel by Ernest Hemingway, set in Italy during World War I.

I'm sure you'll find it if you look at the table of contents.

She has millions of followers because everyone loves her content.

You should collect some wood to make the fire. 527

When I want to calm down, I love to walk in the woods.

The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
The force of the water badly damaged roads and bridges in large areas.

It's no good crying over spilt milk.

Supermarkets sell a wide range of consumer goods.

Sarah, what colour are your boyfriend's eyes?

You can see national colours on the flagpoles at the United Nations headquarters.

I have to wear glasses when I want to work on my computer.

The room was full of bright light because its ceiling was made of glass.

Countable and uncountable nouns: exercise 1 ___________
Complete the sentences with a/an if necessary.

Don't forget to buy .......... milk. And we also need .......... loaf of .......... bread.

A: Excuse me. Can you give me .......... information about flights departing from Heathrow tonight?

B: Here you are. This is .......... complete list of departures.


We are moving next week. We'll need .......... new furniture. We've already ordered .......... sofa

and .......... small table. And .......... new cooking equipment, too.

I think .......... grey hair on .......... elderly woman looks better than .......... artificial hairstyle.

Children need .......... more sleep than adults. If we don't sleep enough in _____ childhood, it can

cause several problems including .......... decreased brain development and frequent negative


Are you coming to the party on Saturday? Could you bring .......... bottle of .......... wine?

The price includes .......... travel and .......... accommodation, but we have to pay for .......... food.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Countable and uncountable nouns: exercise 1

Answer key

Don't forget to buy milk. And we also need a loaf of bread.

A: Excuse me. Can you give me information about flights departing from Heathrow tonight?
B: Here you are. This is a complete list of departures.

We are moving next week. We'll need new furniture. We've already ordered a sofa and
a small table. And new cooking equipment, too.
I think grey hair on an elderly woman looks better than an artificial hairstyle.

Children need more sleep than adults. If we don't sleep enough in childhood, it can cause
several problems including decreased brain development and frequent negative emotions.

Are you coming to the party on Saturday? Could you bring a bottle of wine?

The price includes travel and accommodation, but we have to pay for food.

Countable and uncountable nouns: exercise 2 ___________
Complete the sentences with little/a little, or few /a few or much/many.

few/a few

All I wanted when I was young was ........................... reliable friends.

Maria is so busy all the time. She has ........................... moments on her own.

........................... people know about this beach. That's why it's so clean.
We spent ........................... days in Barcelona and we really enjoyed it.

little/a little

Ben made a lot of mistakes. He had ........................... time to answer the questions.

I preferred a cup of coffee because I'd already had ........................... tea before that.

You have to take up the job. You have _______________ choice.

I have ........................... money. I can afford a short holiday in France.


How ........................... students are taking part in the competition?

How ........................... rice should I cook for one person?

Susan isn't having ........................... luck today, is she?

They didn't have ........................... real problems, as far as I know.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Countable and uncountable nouns: exercise 2

Answer key

few/a few

All I wanted when I was young was a few reliable friends.

Maria is so busy all the time. She has few moments on her own.

Few people know about this beach. That's why it's so clean. 531
We spent a few days in Barcelona and we really enjoyed it.

little/a little

Ben made a lot of mistakes. He had little time to answer the questions.

I preferred a cup of coffee because I'd already had a little tea before that.

You have to take up the job. You have little choice.

I have a little money. I can afford a short holiday in France.


How many students are taking part in the competition?

How much rice should I cook for one person?

Susan isn't having much luck today, is she?

They didn't have many real problems, as far as I know.

Countable and uncountable nouns: exercise 3 ___________
Choose the correct word or phrase and complete the sentences.

Are you ready to order? - Yes, please. Can I have .............................. and rice?
• chicken • a chicken

......................................................... do you have in your henhouse?

• How much chicken • How many chickens

....................................... is a candy made from cacao beans.
• Chocolate • A chocolate

OK. You can choose ..................................... from my box, but I'll take one from your box.
• chocolate • a chocolate

Do as ............................................. as you can and you'll improve your English in a month or two.
• much exercise • many exercises

Sharon, you should take more ................................ if you want to lose weight.
• exercise • exercises

Josh has ...................................................... in the kitchen, but he does know how to make really good
scrambled eggs.
• little experience • few experiences

I met my boss only once and it was ........................................... I will never forget.
• experience • an experience

Don't forget to turn all the ................... off before you leave the house.
• light • lights

Our apartment is surrounded by tall trees so it doesn't get .........................

• light • a light

Excuse me. Do you have ...................................... at your hotel for tonight?

• free room • a free room

I got rid of some old books to make ......................... for contemporary American writers.
• room • a room

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Countable and uncountable nouns: exercise 3

Answer key

Are you ready to order? - Yes, please. Can I have chicken and rice?

How many chickens do you have in your henhouse?

Chocolate is a candy made from cacao beans.

OK. You can choose a chocolate from my box, but I'll take one from your box. 533
Do as many exercises as you can and you'll improve your English in a month or two.

Sharon, you should take more exercise if you want to lose weight.

Josh has little experience in the kitchen, but he does know how to make really good scrambled eggs.

I met my boss only once and it was an experience I will never forget.

Don't forget to turn all the lights off before you leave the house.

Our apartment is surrounded by tall trees so it doesn't get light.

Excuse me. Do you have a free room at your hotel for tonight?

I got rid of some old books to make room for contemporary American writers.

Countable and uncountable nouns: exercise 4 ___________
Choose the correct quantifier and complete the sentences.

When I was eighteen, my grandfather gave me a ........................ of advice I've never forgotten.
• stroke • word

Can you pass me ........................ of paper, please?

• a sheet • an item

The only thing you need to succeed in your business is a ........................ of luck.
• stroke • box

Sarah took my joke very seriously. But it was just a ........................ of fun.
• item • bit

Make sure that you dust the floor under every ........................ of furniture.
• item • carton

I have no idea where I've left the ........................ of matches.

• box • piece

Ben is going to play a ........................ of music by Chopin at his birthday party.

• sheet • piece

Do you think that three ........................ of milk will be enough?

• cartons • pieces

Don't forget to buy two ........................ of bread for the barbecue.

• bits • loaves

How many ........................ of salami should I put on each plate?

• strokes • slices

My younger brother is hooked on Coca-Cola. He drinks three or four ........................ every day.
• cans • bits

I was eating my dinner when a news ........................ on TV caught my attention.

• sheet • item

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Countable and uncountable nouns: exercise 4

Answer key

When I was eighteen, my grandfather gave me a word of advice I've never forgotten.

Can you pass me a sheet of paper, please?

The only thing you need to succeed in your business is a stroke of luck.

Sarah took my joke very seriously. But it was just a bit of fun.
Make sure that you dust the floor under every item of furniture.

I have no idea where I've left the box of matches.

Ben is going to play a piece of music by Chopin at his birthday party.

Do you think that three cartons of milk will be enough?

Don't forget to buy two loaves of bread for the barbecue.

How many slices of salami should I put on each plate?

My younger brother is hooked on Coca-Cola. He drinks three or four cans every day.

I was eating my dinner when a news item on TV caught my attention.

Open compound nouns (two words): exercise 1 _________
Match the words from column 1 with the words in column 2.

column 1 column 2 compound noun

full estate

dining cheese

real coaster 536

disk page

memory room

cream aid

apple card

web mug

fire office

roller moon

first game

video band

coffee drive

post wave

upper pie

sweet exit

vice deck

rubber tooth

radio hockey

ice president

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Open compound nouns: exercise 1

Answer key

full moon
dining room
real estate
disk drive
memory card
cream cheese
apple pie
web page
fire exit
roller coaster
first aid
video game
coffee mug
post office
upper deck
sweet tooth
vice president
rubber band
radio wave
ice hockey

Closed compound nouns (one word): exercise 2 _________
Make compound nouns to match the definitions.

a human figure created with snow s __ __ __ m __ __

a cat living in forests or mountains w __ __ __ c __ __

someone who is in the same class at school c __ __ __ __ m __ __ __

a cosmetic product that makes your lips look colourful l __ __ s __ __ __ __ 538

a strip of ground for the landing and takeoff of planes r __ __ w __ __

an arch of colours seen in the sky when the sun shines through rain r __ __ __ b __ __

a person with reddish hair r __ __ h __ __ __

a public place where children can play p __ __ __ g __ __ __ __ __

a son of your son or daughter g __ __ __ __ s __ __

the time when the sun first appears in the sky s __ __ r __ __ __

the line of short hairs above your eyes e __ __ b __ __ __

a sudden bright light used in taking photos f __ __ __ __ l __ __ __ __

a tower with a light to guide ships at sea l __ __ __ __ h __ __ __ __

a set of buttons used for typing on a computer k __ __ b __ __ __ __

a book used for taking notes n __ __ __ b __ __ __

a place where you can buy books b __ __ __ s __ __ __

a puzzle in which you write words horizontally and vertically c __ __ __ __ w __ __ __

a thing placed between the pages of a book to find a place b __ __ __ m __ __ __

a mark made on a surface by a foot f __ __ __ p __ __ __ __

a style in which your hair is shaped h __ __ __ c __ __

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Closed compound nouns: exercise 2

Answer key


Hyphenated compound nouns: exercise 3 ______________
Complete the definitions with compound nouns. Use the word in brackets, add one or two
words and hyphens.

A .................................. is someone who finished second in a competition. (runner)

Your ................................................... is the father of your husband or wife. (law)

In a ......................................... system you are not served, but collect goods or food yourself. (self)
A ............................................ is a ride for children that turns round and has seats in the form
of animals. (merry)

A ............................. is a modern building with many floors. (rise)

A ............................. is a person you work with, typically in a similar role. (co)

An .......................... is a woman someone is no longer married to. (ex)

A ......................... is an extra game in a tennis match when the score is 6 : 6. (break)

An .................... is used by doctors if they need to take pictures of bones or organs in your body. (ray)

A ................................. is a person who walks past someone or something. (by)

A ........................ is the point at which someone registers. (check)

A ........................ is something which is produced in the process of making something else. (product)

A ........................ is a company establishing its new business. (up)

A ........................ is an illegal entry of a building, usually by damaging a door or window. (in)

A .......................... is a person who tries to be friendly with important people to get an advantage.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Hyphenated compound nouns: exercise 3

Answer key

A runner-up is someone who finished second in a competition.

Your father-in-law is the father of your husband or wife.

In a self-service system you are not served, but collect goods or food yourself.

A merry-go-round is a ride for children that turns round and has seats in the form of animals. 541

A high-rise is a modern building with many floors.

A co-worker is a person you work with, typically in a similar role.

An ex-wife is a woman someone who is no longer married to.

A tie-break is an extra game in a tennis match when the score is 6 : 6.

An X-ray is used by doctors if they need to take pictures of bones or organs in your body.

A passer-by is a person who walks past someone or something.

A check-in is the point at which someone registers.

A by-product is something which is produced in the process of making something else.

A start-up is a company establishing its new business.

A break-in is an illegal entry of a building, usually by damaging a door or window.

A hanger-on is a person who tries to be friendly with important people to get an advantage.

Mixed compound nouns (all types): exercise 4 ___________
Choose the correct options and complete the sentences.

living room, living-room

I hear you have new furniture in your ...........................................

website, web-site

We are sorry, this ....................................... is currently under construction.

self defense, self-defense

My sister attends ....................................... lessons for women once a week.

coorganizer, co-organizer

We should contact one of the .............................................. of the trade fair.

teaspoon, tea-spoon

People are advised to never use a household .................................. to take medicines.

fire engine, fire-engine

The .......................................... has put the fire out, but a lot of damage has been done.

firefighter, fire-fighter

When I was about ten years old, I wanted to be a ..................................... like my father.

check out, check-out

Please, don't forget that the ............................ is between nine at ten o'clock.

sun set, sunset

My girlfriend and I sat on the beach enjoying a romantic .............................

book shelf, bookshelf

Adding a .............................. or two to your bedroom can make it much cosier.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Mixed compound nouns: exercise 4

Answer key

I hear you have new furniture in your living room.

We are sorry, this website is currently under construction.

My sister attends self-defense lessons for women once a week.

We should contact one of the co-organizer of the trade fair.

People are advised to never use a household teaspoon to take medicines.

The fire engine has put the fire out, but a lot of damage has been done.

When I was about ten years old, I wanted to be a firefighter like my father.

Please, don't forget that the check-out is between nine at ten o'clock.

My girlfriend and I sat on the beach enjoying a romantic sunset.

Adding a bookshelf or two to your bedroom can make it much cosier.

Group nouns (subject - verb agreement): exercise 1 ______
Complete the sentences with words in brackets.

The police ................ chasing the bank robbers in their police helicopter. (be)

When the jury ................ reached its decision, the verdict will be read out. (have)

The jury ................................... among themselves on this issue. (disagree)


The herd usually ....................... together in its fold all night. (stay)

The herd .................. been running in all directions since they started to panic. (have)

The old .............. usually wiser than the young. (be)

Our family ............ mostly vegetarians or even vegans. (be)

Kate's family .................... the winter holiday in its cottage in the mountains each year. (spend)

The poor ............................. the government's support and social services. (require)

The team ................. each practising different skills today. (be)

The team has won all the matches and ........... in the finals now. (be)

The committee ................ decided to put forward its next meeting to Wednesday. (have)

The comittee ............... been discussing their proposals since the morning. (have)

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Group nouns (subject - verb agreement): exercise 1

Answer key

The police are chasing the bank robbers in their police helicopter.

When the jury has reached its decision, the verdict will be read out.

The jury disagree among themselves on this issue.

The herd usually stays together in its fold all night. 545
The herd have been running in all directions since they started to panic.

The old are usually wiser than the young.

Our family are mostly vegetarians or even vegans.

Kate's family spends the winter holiday in its cottage in the mountains each year.

The poor require the government's support and social services.

The team are each practising different skills today.

The team has won all the matches and is in the finals now.

The committee has decided to put forward its next meeting to Wednesday.

The comittee have been discussing their proposals since the morning.

Group nouns (people and animals): exercise 2 ___________
Choose the correct words from the list and complete the sentences.

squad cloud peep gang party board tribe shoal pod circle pack mob swarm

The anti-drug ................ struggled with the trafficking of drugs among young people.

When Jason went to study in Dublin, he met a ................ of friends.

A ................ of tourists booked four rooms in our hotel, but they didn't arrive.

When I came out after the game, there were the ................ of kids waiting for my autograph.

Every big business should have a ................ of directors to oversee its operations.

Small, angry groups formed one large ................ of rioters in mere minutes.

The United States government officially recognizes 574 Indian .................

A ................ of bees, ants or other insects is a large group of them, especially when in motion.

After locating the locust ................, the government began applying insecticides to the swarm.

The most common collective noun for a group of young chickens is a ................ of chickens.

Download our game and go fishing for food as a hungry shark swimming in a ................ of fish.

Like many other animals, wolves live in extended families which are called .................

Dolphins are social mammals that swim together, protect each other and hunt for food in .................

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Group nouns (people and animals): exercise 2

Answer key

The anti-drug squad struggled with the trafficking of drugs among young people.

When Jason went to study in Dublin, he met a circle of friends.

A party of tourists booked four rooms in our hotel, but they didn't arrive.

When I came out after the game, there were the gang of kids waiting for my autograph. 547
Every big business should have a board of directors to oversee its operations.

Small, angry groups formed one large mob of rioters in mere minutes.

The United States government officially recognizes 574 Indian tribes.

A swarm of bees, ants or other insects is a large group of them, especially when in motion.

After locating the locust cloud, the government began applying insecticides to the swarm.

The most common collective noun for a group of young chickens is a peep of chickens.

Download our game and go fishing for food as a hungry shark swimming in a shoal of fish.

Like many other animals, wolves live in extended families which are called packs.

Dolphins are social mammals that swim together, protect each other and hunt for food in pods.

Group nouns (things): exercise 3 ______________________
Complete each sentence with the correct word.

heap, grove

I saw a woman in the backyard poking through a .................... of rubbish with a stick.

You can find many orange .................... in Florida offering to pick your own oranges.

bunch, series
The prime minister's reputation has been harmed by a .................... of scandals.

A .................... of flowers that someone has arranged in an attractive way is called a bouquet.

fleet, clump

There is a .................... of bushes at the edge of our garden.

The Spanish Armada, an enormous 130 .................... of ships, was defeated by the English in 1588.

battery, bundle

A .................... of guns guarded the harbour against naval ships.

We give a .................... of clothes to charity every summer.

flight, range

My grandma has to climb three .................... of stairs to get to her bathroom.

The Rocky Mountains are a 4,800 km long mountain .................... in western North America.

round, block

We went to a pub and John ordered a .................... of drinks for our group.

Unfortunately, the middle of the town was dominated by a huge .................... of flats.

ring, pack

Buy a .................... of playing cards and get the best deal at the lowest price.

Check out our key .................... selection for the handmade pieces from our shop.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Group nouns (things): exercise 3

Answer key

I saw a woman in the backyard poking through a heap of rubbish with a stick.
You can find many orange groves in Florida offering to pick your own oranges.

The prime minister's reputation has been harmed by a series of scandals.

A bunch of flowers that someone has arranged in an attractive way is called a bouquet.

There is a clump of bushes at the edge of our garden. 549

The Spanish Armada, an enormous 130 fleet of ships, was defeated by the English in 1588.

A battery of guns guarded the harbour against naval ships.

We give a bundle of clothes to charity every summer.

My grandma has to climb three flights of stairs to get to her bathroom.

The Rocky Mountains are a 4,800 km long mountain range in western North America.

We went to a pub and John ordered a round of drinks for our group.
Unfortunately, the middle of the town was dominated by a huge block of flats.

Buy a pack of playing cards and get the best deal at the lowest price.
Check out our key ring selection for the handmade pieces from our shop.

Common vs. proper nouns: exercise 1 _________________
Complete the sentences with the same word. Capitalize the proper noun.


Emmanuel Macron was reelected ................................ of France in 2022.

"I'm asking you to believe. Not in my ability to create change - but in yours," said .......................

day 550

My favourite ............ of the week is definitely Saturday.

For most countries, Labour ........... is celebrated on 1 May and in many countries it is a public holiday.


The Scandinavian .................................. are the longest mountain range in Europe (1,762 kilometres).

The highest ........................... in Europe are situated in the Caucasus Range in Russia. (5,642 metres)


The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, founded in 1636, is Harvard .....................

I graduated from ............................... three years ago with a degree in computer science.


Excuse me, what time is the next ..................... train to Edinburgh?

Active in over 160 different territories, American ................. is the world's largest issuer of credit cards.


In April 1770, ........................ Cook landed in Australia and claimed the region for the British crown.

The ship was sinking and the ....................... gave the order to abandon it.


The largest city located on the West ................ is Los Angeles with the population of four million.

There are a lot of seaside resorts on the east ................ of Italy.

See the Answer Key on the next page.

Common vs. proper nouns: exercise 1

Answer key

Emmanuel Macron was reelected president of France in 2022.

"I'm asking you to believe. Not in my ability to create change—but in yours," said President Obama.

My favourite day of the week is definitely Saturday.

For most countries, Labour Day is celebrated on 1 May and in many countries it is a public holiday.

The Scandinavian Mountains are the longest mountain range in Europe (1,762 kilometres). 551
The highest mountains in Europe are situated in the Caucasus Range in Russia. (5,642 metres)

The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, founded in 1636, is Harvard University.
I graduated from university three years ago with a degree in computer science.

Excuse me, what time is the next express train to Edinburgh?

Active in over 160 different territories, American Express is the world's largest issuer of credit cards.

In April 1770, Captain Cook landed in Australia and claimed the region for the British crown.
The ship was sinking and the captain gave the order to abandon it.

The largest city located on the West Coast is Los Angeles with the population of four million.
There are a lot of seaside resorts on the east coast of Italy.

Proper nouns with the / without the: exercise 2 __________
Complete the sentences with 'the' where necessary.

........ Philippines, officially the Republic of the Philippines, is a country in ........ Southeast Asia.

........ Malaysia is a country lying just north of ........ Equator.

Denali, also known as ........ Mount McKinley, is the highest peak in ........ North America.

........ Rocky Mountains stretch from the north of ........ Canada to the south of ........ United States. 552

The smallest country in ........ United Kingdom is ........ Northern Ireland. It is smaller than ........ Wales.

........ University of Oxford and ........ Harvard University are the oldest iniversities in ........ Britain

and ........ America.

........ Missouri River is the longest river and ........ Lake Superior is the largest lake in ........ USA.

........ National Gallery is an art museum in ........ Trafalgar Square in ........ City of Westminster, in

Central London.

........ Oxford Street is the world's biggest high street offering 1.5 miles of shops, including ........


I saw ........ Clintons during Hillary's presidential campaign at a college campus in ........ Nevada.

We are going to see ........ St Paul's Cathedral and ........ Tower of London tomorrow.

You find over 130 species in ........ Central Park Zoo, which is situaded in the southeast corner of ........

Central Park in ........ New York City.

We travelled from ........ Heathrow Airport and London by bus and then we took a taxi to ........ Kew


See the Answer Key on the next page.

Proper nouns with the / without the: exercise 2
Answer key

The Philippines, officially the Republic of the Philippines, is a country in Southeast Asia.

Malaysia is a country lying just north of the Equator.

Denali, also known as Mount McKinley, is the highest peak in North America.

The Rocky Mountains stretch from the north of Canada to the south of the United States. 553
The smallest country in the United Kingdom is Northern Ireland. It is smaller than Wales.

The University of Oxford and Harvard University are the oldest universities in Britain and America.

The Missouri River is the longest river and Lake Superior is the largest lake in the USA.

The National Gallery is an art museum in Trafalgar Square in the City of Westminster, in Central

Oxford Street is the world's biggest high street offering 1.5 miles of shops, including Selfridges.

I saw the Clintons during Hillary's presidential campaign at a college campus in Nevada.

We are going to see St Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London tomorrow.

You find over 130 species in the Central Park Zoo, which is situaded in the southeast corner of Central
Park in New York City.

We travelled between Heathrow Airport and London by bus and then we took a taxi to Kew Gardens.


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