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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
101.It was not until he took off his dark glasses _______ I realized he was a famous film star.
A. as B. that C. though D. since
102.I only tell my secrets to my _______ friend as she never reveals them to anyone.
A. creative B. enthusiastic C. trustworthy D. unrealizable
103.Everyone thinks that the concert last night was extremely successful, _______?
A. don’t they B. doesn’t he C. was it D. wasn’t it
104.In developed world, there are hardly _______ jobs left which don’t use computers to carry
out many daily tasks.
A. some B. any C. none D. much
105.Graham was disappointed because he _______ for the bus for an hour.
A. was waiting B. waited C. has been waiting D. had been
106.Attempts must be made to _______ the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the two
A. break down B. set up C. get off D. pass over
107.Quang Hai’s _______ in the final match between Vietnam and Uzbekistan was voted the
most beautiful goal on AFC’s website.
A. corner kick B. free kick C. penalty D. goal kick
108.Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural ____________ of the country.
A. custom B. diversity C. alternation D. minority
109.She _________ him for her father’s death.
A. accused B. charged C. complained D. blamed
110.John proposed __________Mary on a fine day at the crowded beach in their hometown.
A. to B. of C. on D. with
111.“Have you __________ this contract yet?” – “Not yet. I’ll try to read it this weekend.”
A. looked over B. looked out C. looked up D. looked into
112.He left the country ________ arrest if he returned.
A. in fear of B. under threat of C. with fear of D. with threat
113.She brought three children up __________.
A. single-handed B. single-mindedly C. single-handedly D. single-
114.He was a natural singer with a voice that was as clear as __________.
A. a bell B. a mirror C. a waterfall D. a lake
115.He may be shy now, but he will soon come out of his __________when he meets the right
A. shoe B. hole C. shed D. shell
116.The city has _________ of young consumers who are sensitive to trends, and can, therefore,
help industries predict the potential risks and success of products.
A. a high proportion B. a great level C. a high rate D. a high
117.It’s not easy to make Lisa furious. The girl is very gentle by _________.
A. herself B. nature C. personality D. reaction
118.________ eighty percent of the students in our school are eager to work with foreign
teachers, aren’t they?
A. Most B. Most of C. Almost D. Mostly
119._______ we work with her, we get confused because of her fast speaking pace.
A. So that B. Although C. Whenever D. Lest
120.Dr. Evans has___________a valuable contribution to the life of the school.
A. done B. created C. caused D. made
121.It was difficult to guess what her __________ to the news would be.
A. feelings B. reaction C. capital D. opinion
122.Sportsmen_________their political differences on the sports field.
A. take part B. put aside C. take place D. keep apart
123.It is a biological fact that children __________ their parents.
A. take after B. take to C. look up D. care for
124.I can’t__________who it is. He is too far away.
A. take in B. stand for C. make out D. look for
125.Looking down at the coral reef, we saw _________ of tiny, multi-coloured fish.
A. teams B. flocks C. shoals D. swarms
126.A bridge must be strong enough to support its own weight_______the weight of the people
and vehicles that use it.
A. as far as B. as long as C. so well as D. as well as
127.I must take this watch to be repaired as it _________ over 20 minutes a day.
A. accelerates B. increases C. progresses D. gains
128.The hall was very crowded with over a hundred people _______ into it.
A. stuck B. packed C. pushed D. stuffed
129.Vietnamese parents normally do not let their children make a decision ________ their own
future career.
A. in B. of C. on D. for
130.The move to a different environment brought about a significant ________in my cousin’s
state of mind.
A. change B. impact C. effect D. influence
131.When finding a new house, parents should _________all the conditions for their children's
education and entertainment.
A. take into account B. take actions C. put pressure D. put up with
132.Since he failed his exam, he had to_________for it again.
A. pass B. make C. take D. sit
133.Is there_________at all I can help?
A. everything B. anything C. something D. one thing
134.Don’t worry. He’ll do the job as_________as possible.
A. economizing B. econimic C. economical D.
135.Only when you grow up, _________the truth.
A. you will know B. you know C. do you know D. will you
136.My brother left his job last week because he did not have any_________to travel.
A. position B. chance C. ability D. location
137.John paid $2 for his meal, _________he had thought it would cost.
A. not as much B. not so much as C. less as D. not so many
138.It is very important for a film or a company to keep_________the changes in the market.
A. pace of B. track about C. touch with D. up with
139.I’m sure you’ll have no_________the exam.
A. difficulty passing B. difficulties to pass C. difficulty to pass D. difficulties
of passing
140.I_________this letter around for days without looking at it.
A. carry B. must carry C. have been carrying D. am carrying
141.Vietnam’s rice export this year will decrease_________about 10%, compared with that of
last year.
A. with B. at C. by D. on
142.I won’t change my mind_________what you say.
A. whether B. no matter C. because D. although
143.My car isn’t_________. It’s always letting me down.
A. believable B. reliable C. colorable D. conceivable
144.Paul is a very _______ character, he is never relaxed with strangers.
A. self-conscious B. self-satisfied C. self-directed D. self-
145.Mary’s lawyer advised her_______ anything further about the accident.
A. not saying B. telling C. not to say D. not tell
146.Many of the pictures_______ from outer space are presently on display in the public library
A. sending B. sent C. having sent D. were sent
147.The authorities _______ actions to stop illegal purchase of wild animals and their associated
products effectively. However, they didn’t do so.
must have taken B. had to take C. needed have taken D. should have
148.Although he is my friend, I find it hard to _______ his selfishness
A. put up with B. catch up with C. keep up with D. come down
149.The U23 Vietnamese football team’s performance has garnered _____ from around the
world and shown promise for Vietnam’s soccer horizon.
A. attentive B. attention C. attend D. attentively
150.The joke would not be funny if it _______ into French.
A. has been translated B. be translated C. was be translated D. were
151.John congratulated us _____ our exam with high marks.
A. on passing B. for passing C. to pass D. on pass
152.We expected him at eight, but he finally _______at midnight.
A. turned up B. came off C. came to D. turned in
153.Everybody is tired of watching the same commercials on TV every night,_______?
A. are they B. aren’t they C. haven’t they D. don’t they
154.The 1 week of classes at university is a little ______ because so many students get lost,
change classes or go to the wrong place.
A. uncontrolled B. arranged C. chaotic D. notorious
155.After he _____ his work, he went straight home.
A. would finish B. has finished C. had finished D. has been
156.I haven’t read any medical books or articles on the subject for a long time, so I’m
________with recent developments.
A. out of reach B. out of the condition C. out of touch D. out of the
157.Kate didn’t enjoy the roller coaster ride because it was________ experience of her life.
A. the most terrifying B. the most terrified C. a most terrified D. far more
158.I assume that you are acquainted ________this subject since you are responsible
________writing the accompanying materials.
A. to/for B. with/for C. to/to D. with/with
159.Everyone in both cars________injured in the accident last night, ________?
A. was/weren’t they B. were/ weren’t they C. was/ wasn’t he D. were/ were
160.When the Titanic started sinking, the passengers were________.
A. horrifying B. apprehensive C. panic-stricken D. weather-
161.Jack has a collection of ________.
A. old valuable Japanese postage stamps C. old Japanese valuable postage stamps
B. valuable Japanese old postage stamps D. valuable old Japanese postage stamps
162.By appearing on the soap powder commercials, she became a ________ name.
A. housekeeper B. housewife C. household D. house
163.Jenny: “Was Linda asleep when you came home?” Jack: “No. She ________TV.”
A. watched B. had watched C. was watching D. has been
164.This class, _____is a prerequisite for microbiology, is so difficult that I would rather drop it.
A. that B. when C. where D. which
165.During the campaign when Lincoln was first a(n)________ for the Presidency, the slaves on
the far-off plantations, miles from any railroad or large city or daily newspaper, knew what the
issues involved were.
A. competitor B. contestant C. applicant D. candidate
166.Peter: “What________ your flight?”
Mary: “There was a big snowstorm in Birmingham that delayed a lot of flights.”
A. held up B. postponed up C. delayed up D. hung up
167.________ his poor English, he managed to communicate his problem very clearly.
A. Because B. Even though C. Because of D. In spite of
168.The old woman accused the boy _________ window
A. in breaking B. on breaking C. at breaking D. of breaking
169.The more you study during semester, _________ the week before the exam.
A. you have to study the less B. the less you have to study
C. the least you have to study D. the study less you have
170.Neither the students nor their lecturer _________ English in the classroom
A. have used B. use C. are using D. uses
171.In order to make the house more beautiful and newer, the Browns had it _________
A. to be repainted B. repaint C. repainted D. to repaint
172.Last summer he _________ to Ha Long Bay
A. went B. has been going C. has gone D. was going
173.Universities send letters of _________ to successful candidates by post
A. accept B. acceptance C. acceptably D. acceptable
174.Many people lost their homes in the earthquake. The government needs to establish more
shelters to care for those _________ have homes
A. which doesn’t B. who doesn’t C. which don’t D. who don’t
175.I love _________ films but I seldom find time to go to the cinema.
A. seeing B. see C. saw D. seen
176.We’re going to freeze out here if you don’t let us _________ the bus
A. come up B. go into C. take off D. get on
177.I saw him hiding something in a _________ bag
A. black small plastic B. plastic small black C. small plastic black D. small black
178.George won five medals at the competition. His parents _________ very proud of him.
A. could have been B. can’t have C. can’t be D. must have
179.She spent _________ her free time watching TV.
A. a few B. most of C. a lot D. most
180.I regret going to the cinema. I wish I ______.
A. hadn’t gone there B. haven’t gone there C. didn’t go there D. would not go
181.He may be quick ______ understanding but he isn't capable ______ remembering anything
A. of/at B. at/of C. on/at D. in/of
182.Vitamin D is necessary to aid the ______ of calcium from food.
A. absorption B. absorbent C. absorbance D. absorbency
183.The ______ were told to fasten their seat belts as the plane began its descent.
A. flyers B. customers C. passengers D. riders
184.I get quite depressed when I think about the damage we are ______ to the environment.
A. having B. taking C. making D. causing
185.Unfortunately, we’ve made ______.
A. little progress B. a few progresses C. little progresses D. few progress
186.______, Mozart was an accomplished composer while still a child.
A. Remarkable as it seems B. As it seems remarkable
C. No matter remarkable it seems D. Remarkable however it seem
187.______ parents of Thomas claimed that he was at ______ the time of ______ robbery.
A. The-the-the B. X-X-the C. The-X-the D. X-X-a
188.Like most marine mammals and land mammals, whales are ______ creatures
A. blood-warmed B. warm-blood C. warm-blooded D. warm-
189.We insist that more money ______ in education.
A. investing B. invested C. invests D. be invested
190.Certainly, man must ______ the future, and find ways of providing for his need.
A. look for B. put off C. put on D. look to
191.After I ______ from college, I ______ as a teacher.
A. had graduated/ worked B. had graduated/ work
C. graduate/ work D. graduated/ worked
192.Coffee is the second most valuable _____ after oil
A. ware B. production C. producing D. commodity
193.We _____ on the beach now if we hadn’t missed the plane
A. might have lain B. would lie C. could be lying D. would have
194.The noise from the nearby factory kept me _____
A. awake B. awakened C. waking D. woken
195.Make sure you ____ us a visit when you are in town again
A. pay B. have C. give D. do
196.I used to run a mile before breakfast but now I am ____
A. not used to it B. no longer practice it C. out of practice D. out of the
197.The government is determined to ____ terrorism
A. put the stop to B. put stop to C. put stops to D. put a stop to
198.Out ___ for a walk after she finished doing her homework
A. did Mary go B. Mary went C. Mary did go D. went Mary
199.Lucia was surprised when her guests ____ late for the party
A. came up B. turned up C. looked up D. put up
200.Liquid milk is usually pasteurized in order to kill bacteria for a longer ____
A. expectancy B. production C. living D. shelf life

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