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Name : __________________________ SPOKEN EVALUATION


A. Selesaikanlah soal dibawah ini dengan benar

1. Terdapat sebuah persegi panjang memiliki keliling 120 cm. Jika lebar 24 cm. Tentukan panjang dari persegi
panjang tersebut
2. Jika segitiga memiliki sisi 12 cm, 13 cm dan 17 cm. Maka hitunglah keliling segitiga tersebut.
3. Sebuah persegi memiliki luas 441 cm². Tentukan panjang sisi dari persegi tersebut!
4. Terdapat sebuah persegi panjang memiliki luas 72 cm². Jika lebarnya 8 cm Maka, hitunglah panjang persegi
panjang tersebut.

1. Nicholas had 5500 g sugar, then his mom took 2.5 kg sugar for making the cake. How much the sugar does he
have now?
2. Nicholas has 5200 g sugar, then his mom wants to put the sugar into 50 g plastic. How many plastics will
Nicholas need to put all of the sugar?
3. There are 4 students in the class and the teacher has 1872 candies in the bag. If the teacher wants to share the
candies to the students with the same number, how many candies will each student get?
4. There are 11 childen in the park and I have 198 cakes. If I want to share the cakes to them with the same number,
how many cakes will each child get?
5. There are 21 crocodiles in the zoo and each tiger eats 12 chickens every day. So how many chickens is needed
every day for the crocodiles?

1. One of the source of natural light is sun. Sun gives its light to shine this earth. The sunlight is also very essential for
living things like plants. Can you give your explanation the connection between Sunlight and Plants?
2. When you are in the dark room, you cannot see any objects. Why does it happen? However when you are in the room
with light you can see many objects. And why can you see some objects and how do you see an object that is not
source of light like wall?
3. You know that heat can be transferred from a hotter object to cooler object. Can you find the examples of heat that
can be transferred from a hotter object to cooler object and explain your example?
4. Energy is needed for living things. Energy can help us to move, to work , to play and many more. Energy can also
be in the form of light, heat and Sound energy. Can you compare the three form of energy

1. Jelaskan konsep energi Listrik dan penggunaanya dalam kehidupan sehari hari .
2. Bagaimana pita suara manusia dapat menghasilkan bunyi?
3. Sebutkan alasan mengapa bunyi infrasonik dan bunyi ultrasonik tidak dapat didengar oleh manusia.
4. Mengapa kita harus menghemat energi listrik. Alasan apa yang ahrus kita perhat

1. Tell me the sentences by using (Mine, Ours, Hers,Yours and His )
2. Mention 3 sentences by using Relative Pronoun (Who, That , Where)
3. What is the differences between like and look a like
4. Mention 3 sentences by using Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree

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