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Name : __________________________ SPOKEN EVALUATION

A. Jawablah soal dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat dan lengkap.
1. Sita bermain boneka mulai umur 2 tahun. Setelah umur 6 tahun, Sita tidak mau lagi bermain boneka. Berapa
bulankah Sita gemar bermain boneka ?
2. Kak Reni sekolah di Kingsley selama 6 tahun 18 minggu. Berapa hari kak Reni belajar di Kingsley?
3. Sari pergi ke pasar selama 2.5 jam. Ia pulang dari pasar pukul 13.00. Pukul berapakah Sari pergi ke pasar?
4. Sebuah segitiga dengan alas 10 cm dan tinggi 5 cm. Berapakah luas segitiga berikut? (sertakan rumusnya dalam
5. Sebuah persegi panjang memiliki panjang 11 cm dan lebar 5 cm. Berapakah luas persegi panjang tersebut?

A. Answer the following questions with complete steps and answer.
1. Pam pastes 12 stickers each on 3 pages of her stickers album. She pastes 5 more stickers on each page. How many
stickers does she have now? (Use distributive rule)
2. Sarah makes 40 sandwiches. There are 5 slices of bread in a pack. There are 10 slices of cheese in a pack.How
many packs of bread and packs of cheese does she need?
3. There are 19 bunches of balloons. Each bunch has 4 ballons. How many balloons are there? (use distributive rule)
4. Jay bought 7 bags of apples. Each bag had 18 apples in it. How many apples did Jay buy? (Use distributive rule)
A. Answer the following question below with complete answers
1. Please mention 3 characteristic of solid? And give 3 examples!
2. What is the differences between friction and gravity?
3. What is the different between translucent and opaque and give two examples of each material
4. The sun is the biggest source of light for us. So, what are 4 benefits of sunlight for us?
5. As you know friction can be helpful and not helpful. Can you mention 2 examples of helpful friction?
A. Jawablah soal dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat dan lengkap

1. Sebutkan 3 kelebihan negara beriklim tropis?

2. Sebutkan 3 ciri-ciri wilayah dengan iklim tropis?
3. Jelaskan perbedaan musim dan iklim ? Minimal dalam 25 kata.
4. Sebutkan 4 cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menjaga stamina saat cuaca dingin?
5. Jelaskan ciri-ciri awan kumulus ? minimal dalam 20 kata!

A. Answer the following questions below with circle the correct words in the
1. Tell me about simple paste use in our daily life please mention withy the example
2. What about the sentences by using comparative and superlative degree, please make it

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