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Hello, I'm Ayush, with experience since 2022 in the industry.

My strengths lie in
front-end development and AWS services, having worked with over 200 AWS services.
For example, I've extensively used Amazon EC2 for compute, Amazon S3 for storage,
and AWS Lambda for serverless computing. In my first company, Nebula Nexus, we
focused on cloud gaming. At Nebula Nexus, I gained expertise in AWS. In my second
company, Joy Arc, where we provided product services, I honed project management
and front-end development skills. I've also worked with various JavaScript
frameworks, including React, Angular, and Vue.js. Now, I look forward to
collaborating with you.

story 1 ---

so like a few months ago in my current company While working on a React

application, we encountered a memory consumption. Certain components were causing
the app to become sluggish and unresponsive, especially on low-end devices and
everyone didn't have a high-end device like iPhone or something. I identified the
culprit as a complex data structure used to manage user information.
I proposed a solution involving a lightweight data structure and efficient memory
management techniques. This would have improved app performance significantly
without sacrificing functionality.
We were initially using a nested JavaScript object to store user information.
This object contained various user properties, including personal details,
preferences, and activity history.
The nested structure led to significant memory overhead, especially with a large
number of users.
I proposed replacing the nested object with a combination of two lightweight data
Map: To store user IDs and primary user information (such as name, email, and
Normalized Data: User preferences and activity history would be stored in separate
normalized tables.
Each table would use efficient data types like integers and timestamps to minimize
memory usage.
So what I usually see is a better technique for doing something i slightly
So that where’s the conflict started.
So to let you know early they suggested a third party library named Redux. It is a
commonly used library for state management. So as i told you my team suggested a
different solution: using a third-party library known for its ease of use. While
acknowledging its benefits, I argued that it would add unnecessary code and
potentially exacerbate the memory problem.
And i always try to make a future proof code in which we do not have to make any
major changes for a long time. My team members felt my solution was too complex
and time-consuming, while I felt their solution was short-sighted and would cause
future performance issues.
Instead of escalating the conflict, I proposed a compromise. We agreed to implement
my solution for a specific user group first and track its impact on performance. We
also agreed to revisit the issue if the performance gains were not
My solution proved highly successful. User experience improved significantly,
especially on low-end devices.this evidence convinced the team to adopt my solution
for the entire app.
my approch gave us a performance boost of around 37% to 56% based on the user
memory size.

ok i have an story which will correctly showcase an answere for you question.
React app faced performance issues on low-end devices due to high memory
Identified nested object as culprit in user information management.
Proposed lightweight data structures - Map for user IDs, normalized tables for
Opposed third-party library Redux to avoid unnecessary code.
Compromised by implementing my solution for a specific user group.
Achieved a performance boost of 37% to 56% based on user memory size.
Successful results led the team to adopt my solution for the entire app.
Improved user experience, especially on low-end devices.

story 2 ---

so like a 5 or 6 months ago at Joy arc my previous compeny our team got a new
client it was an e commerse project for us our client was a big stores throughout
the country in high developed states and towns so as you know every thing is being
degital these days so our client allso have a online database of his stores he had
online website an android and and an ios app my team got the responcibility for the
website we got the front end past so both the seniour dev of my team were given the
responcibility for the backend and work closly with the aws and speeding up the
backend process so before joining the joy arc i worked at a cloud game provider i
have worked with the backend and decreesing the latency stuff so based on my
previous work and my front end abilities i got the task to work closly with the
backend team and lead the front end team so that was my first time where i was
given such big responcibility i was way beyond my comfert zone back then so nervous
but exited i firstly analysed their original website and analysed that why are
sales low why does a customer dont seems this website appeling then i found that
the website wass to complicated the cart section was in the 3 dot menue the payment
procidure was to complicated the customers were getting a hard time navigating
through the site so by making the list of the problem i prepared a new design a
whole new front end design and firstly proposed that idea to the back end team or
the senior developers they do really liked the new design the ui and ux but they
did critisised the colour combination they were not quiet fiting the theme so i
analysed the compeny history and the type of product they were selling and what the
user want all the popping colour the popping items they see on the website the item
section like lectronics grocerry below the search bar i integrated new colour
combination on every section then i proposed the new design to the clients they do
liked it now and appreciated it so it started deligating all the task towards my
team there were many chalanges in the front end process after the design too but i
allso had to focus on the back end too so it was a tough one but the front end was
the main focus and the most tough so i firstly applied new technologies react css
and other ui tech and finished it together with my team the main task of the front
end was done like the home page task bar and the cart section then i changed my
focus toword integrating the new tech in the back end the task was completed in
less then the industry average and with in the budget out team and me got
apreceation but that project got me out of my comfert zone

Assigned lead role in e-commerce project for a major client at Joy Arc.
Analyzed original website, identified low sales, and complex navigation issues.
Proposed a new, user-friendly front-end design, incorporating feedback.
Integrated new color combinations matching company theme and user preferences.
Delegated tasks, faced challenges in both front-end and back-end development.
Implemented new technologies like React and CSS, completed tasks within budget.
Achieved project completion in less time than industry average, receiving team and
personal appreciation.
Stepped out of comfort zone, successfully leading and transforming the project.

story 3 -----
Just a few weeks ago, my team and I were tasked with fixing a critical bug on a
client's website. The issue? Certain product pages were unexpectedly looping
indefinitely, causing the browser to become unresponsive and the entire website

Initial Investigation:

Our initial investigation revealed that the bug was localized to product pages with
specific configurations. We started by analyzing the JavaScript code responsible
for rendering these pages, focusing on loops and conditional statements. After
hours of meticulous code review, we couldn't pinpoint the exact cause of the
infinite loop.

Digging Deeper:

Frustrated but determined, we decided to adopt a more comprehensive approach. We

used Chrome DevTools to capture network requests and monitor the website's
performance in real-time. This revealed a curious pattern: every time the page
looped, a specific API call was made repeatedly, creating a chain reaction that
overloaded the browser.

Image of Chrome DevToolsOpens in a new window

The API call in question retrieved product data from a backend server. We traced
the call back to the server-side code and discovered a subtle issue in the data
validation logic. Due to a missing edge case check, the server was sending
incomplete data to the client-side code, causing the loop to trigger endlessly.

The Fix:

With the root cause identified, crafting the fix was relatively straightforward. We
implemented an additional validation check on the server-side code to ensure the
data sent to the client was always complete and valid. We also added safeguards on
the client-side to handle potential data inconsistencies.

Testing and Deployment:

After extensive testing and debugging, we deployed the fix to the live website. The
moment of truth arrived, and we held our breath as we refreshed the affected
product page. Thankfully, the infinite loop was gone, and the page loaded smoothly.
Relief and accomplishment washed over the team, knowing we had resolved a critical
issue for our client.

Lessons Learned:

This experience served as a valuable reminder of the importance of meticulous code

review, comprehensive testing, and utilizing debugging tools effectively. It also
highlighted the crucial role of collaboration and communication in resolving
complex technical challenges.

Going the Extra Mile:

Beyond fixing the immediate issue, we further optimized the API calls to improve
the website's overall performance. We also documented the entire troubleshooting
process to assist future developers and prevent similar issues from arising again.

Client Satisfaction:
The client was thrilled with the prompt and efficient resolution of the bug. Their
website was back online and functioning smoothly, preventing potential losses and
ensuring a positive user experience. This experience solidified our reputation for
delivering reliable and high-quality services.

In conclusion, fixing this elusive infinite loop was a challenging yet rewarding
experience. It required a combination of technical expertise, persistence, and
collaborative effort. The lessons learned and the positive outcome reaffirmed our
commitment to providing exceptional service to our clients.

Tasked with resolving a critical bug causing infinite loops on specific product
Initial code review failed to identify the root cause, leading to a more
comprehensive investigation.
Used Chrome DevTools to monitor real-time performance and discovered a problematic
API call.
Traced the issue to a server-side data validation flaw, causing incomplete data
Implemented a fix by adding validation checks on both server and client sides.
Thorough testing and deployment successfully eliminated the infinite loop.
Valuable lessons learned on meticulous code review, testing, and effective tool
Went beyond fixing the bug, optimizing API calls and documenting the
troubleshooting process.
Client satisfaction achieved with a prompt resolution, preventing potential losses.
Overall, a challenging yet rewarding experience showcasing technical expertise and
commitment to client service.

How did you solve something creatively?

Went above and beyond for a customer?
Time when you were under lot of pressure
When were you asked to something completely different?
Had to change your working style for team or co-worker
What do you currently do / did in your last job?
Dealing with a difficult co-worker
A time when you lead by example
Conflict and how did you resolve it?
Any open source contributions?
Most challenging project?
How do you learn new technology and keep up?
A time when you struggled to build relationship
Needed information but someone wasn't responsive
A time when you failed
Long term project
Managing priorities and meeting deadlines
How do you handle multiple projects
When you successfully persuaded someone?
Complex topic to a frustrated client?
When you saw a problem and took initiative to correct it.
Working under close supervision and loose supervision
When you were dissatisfied with work

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