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Title: Navigating the Complexity of Bipolar Disorder: A Research Paper Writing Journey

Embarking on the journey of writing a research paper on bipolar disorder can be both intellectually
stimulating and emotionally challenging. As you delve into the depths of this complex mental health
condition, you'll encounter a myriad of research findings, theories, and perspectives that can leave
you feeling overwhelmed. From understanding the neurobiological mechanisms underlying bipolar
disorder to exploring its impact on individuals and society, the task ahead is nothing short of

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on bipolar disorder lies in the vastness of the
subject matter. Bipolar disorder encompasses a spectrum of symptoms, from manic episodes of
heightened energy and euphoria to depressive episodes characterized by profound sadness and
despair. Navigating through this spectrum while maintaining coherence and depth in your research
can be a formidable challenge.

Moreover, the ever-evolving nature of scientific research adds another layer of complexity. New
studies, theories, and treatment approaches emerge constantly, requiring you to stay abreast of the
latest developments in the field. Synthesizing this wealth of information into a cohesive research
paper demands meticulous attention to detail and critical thinking skills.

Beyond the academic hurdles, writing about bipolar disorder may also evoke personal and ethical
considerations. The subject matter touches on deeply personal experiences of individuals living with
the condition and their loved ones. Respectfully addressing these experiences while maintaining
objectivity and scientific rigor requires a delicate balance that can be difficult to achieve.

In light of these challenges, seeking assistance from reputable sources becomes imperative. When it
comes to crafting a comprehensive and insightful thesis on bipolar disorder, entrusting the task to
experts in the field can alleviate much of the burden. ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable
ally in your academic journey, offering professional assistance tailored to your specific needs.

With a team of experienced writers well-versed in the nuances of bipolar disorder research, ⇒ ⇔ ensures that your thesis receives the attention and expertise it deserves. From
conducting thorough literature reviews to crafting compelling arguments, their dedicated
professionals guide you through every step of the writing process, ensuring excellence and originality
in your work.

Don't let the complexities of writing a thesis on bipolar disorder overwhelm you. Embrace the
opportunity to contribute to our understanding of this important topic with confidence, knowing that
⇒ ⇔ is there to support you along the way. Trust in their expertise and experience,
and embark on your research paper writing journey with clarity and assurance.
Historically, one of the most common treatments for bipolar disorder was lithium. Despite the fact
that there are some people who believe that Bipolar Disorder is not a physical manifestation, the
truth is that it is a disease that can be treated with pharmaceutical methods of treatment. Even
though it is chronic, its symptoms are periodic and are manageable through medications (Duckworth,
2006). Lastly, you will learn how Bipolar Disorder is diagnosed and come to know the many
different treatments and therapy options that help people every day. Sleeping disturbances are
extremely damaging to schedule keeping attempts, concentration and focus problems can interrupt
with many job related processes, and the unpredictable occurrence of extreme mood episodes are all
factors that interfere with the possibility of a person with bipolar disorder obtaining and keeping
gainful employment. A cursory examination of manic depression in each of its various forms. This
finding may be considered to be an expansion on previ- ously reported research outcomes in which
parents with bipolar disorder did not achieve full management of their symptoms during the course
of the bipolar spectrum disorder. Using bipolar disorder as an example, we propose that, when
diagnostic criteria are revised, instruments used to measure clinical course and treatment response
may need revisiting. There are numerous types of mood disorders but all of them have one
characteristic in common and that is a sudden and unforeseen change in behavior. This is because an
extreme case of Bipolar disorder can even last for close several days or even weeks. Finally, there is a
milder form of bipolar disorder known as cyclothymia, which has less severe mood springs, and
alternate between mild depression and hypomania. Although, “doctors do not know what causes
bipolar disorder, it is likely a combination of biochemical, genetic, and environmental factors” (The
New York Times, 2012). Moreover, bipolar patients are 1.68 times more likely to suffer from an
endocrine or metabolic disorder than those patients who has no mental health diagnoses. People
with type II bipolar disorder alternate between depression and hypomania. Phd dissertation word
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problems free. Women are however slightly more vulnerable to the disorder. I will most definitely
call on your services again. Bipolar disorder indeed greatly affects people’s thoughts, actions and
feelings. From children to teenagers and adults, anyone can be experiencing this kind of illness.
Symptoms include: low need for sleep, bad judgment, poor decision making, reckless behavior (e.g.
binge eating, promiscuity and spending sprees), elevated mood (e.g. hyperactivity, racing thoughts,
high self-esteem and increased energy), and acting very irrigated or agitated. Though it is not
necessary for the diagnosis of bipolar disorder, the presence of depressive episodes are also
common. There is some consideration that the use of antidepressants as treatment for the disorder
may be detrimental, speeding up the cycle of episodes and producing resistance to treatment.
Symptoms and behaviors associated with bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder is a complex mental
disorder. Within the framework of the European FP7 programme, we developed a European
Network of Bipolar Research Expert Centres (ENBREC) designed specifically to facilitate EU-wide
studies. Additional complications of functioning during mania include poor self-control and
impaired judgment. This paper explores a small sample of specific experiments and theories from
Bipolar disorder is a long-term psychological condition known to create extreme. RESULTS: Ratios
(bipolar disorder: schizophrenia) ranged from 1:1.3 for the number of research funding awards to
1:7.6 for the number of clinical trials. There are other cases where the manic and the depression
phases both appear alternately. Papers selected for further review included those published in English
in Results: Bipolar disorder is a major public health problem, with diagnosis often. Out of these, the
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While the symptoms, diagnosis and the treatments are similar to great extents in case of bipolar I and
bipolar II, yet the effects of the type II disorder have proved to be milder. The Response
Distribution (RD) score is a meas- ure of certainty about self-perception and is designed to assess
how extreme the responses were on the TSCS-2. This may have promoted a sense of alienation from
th e fa mily. It would be reasonable to suggest that gender differences would have an effect on the
daily functioning, since we know that gender differences exist in many areas of examination,
including social expectations and perspectives. Benzodiazepines are used for the similar purpose as in
type I disorder. Bipolar disorder (“manic depression”) is a mental disorder that is characterized by
constantly changing moods between depression and mania The mood. Men would show this episode
of depression differently in the way that women and children would. Symptoms include: low need
for sleep, bad judgment, poor decision making, reckless behavior (e.g. binge eating, promiscuity and
spending sprees), elevated mood (e.g. hyperactivity, racing thoughts, high self-esteem and increased
energy), and acting very irrigated or agitated. Cade began treating his manic patients with lithium at
the Bundoora Repatriation Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Treatment There is currently no
identified treatment for bipolar disorder. This is different from bipolar I disorder that requires
immediate medication on the maniac symptoms. The treatments are otherwise similar to that of
bipolar type I and make use of mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, and
antidepressants. Risk factors include lifestyle, genetics, environment, drug and alcohol abuse, and
major life changes such as death or abuse. On days that depression is present, a person with bipolar
disorder will be stricken with the associated symptoms and functional impairments. There are two
forms of this disorder- Bipolar Disorder Type I and Type II. There is no exact statistics for
childhood-onset Bipolar Disorder, as epidemiological studies are still underway. However immediate
treatments when the symptoms of the disease are known may help development of the disorder to
severity (Bipolar II Disorder, 2012). The Family Self-Concept (FAM) score taps into the person’s
feelings of adequacy and value as a family member. If the disorder remains untreated, then it may
last for few days or it may be for several months as well, after which the periods of depression
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research paper in high school student dissertation chapter 4 example. It has a name now I know what
it is“ ( gold pg 26 ) Manic depression also know as bipolar disorder, is classified as a type of disorder
( also called mood disorder ). Bipolar Disorder consists of several symptoms, some of them being
prodromal or predicting the onset of an attack. The distinctive features of Bipolar Disorder have been
determined from earlier research studies. Moreover, they experience problems with concentration and
memory Peacock, 2000. A Review of Bipolar Disorder in Adults - NCBI - NIH. Even though it is
chronic, its symptoms are periodic and are manageable through medications (Duckworth, 2006).
There are numerous types of mood disorders but all of them have one characteristic in common and
that is a sudden and unforeseen change in behavior. Individuals affected with this form experience
the hypomania at least once in their lives. It is therefore impossible to look only at a mental illness
without considering the rest of the person Grande et al. Bullying and teasing could also be one of
the many explanations for the episodes of depression or bipolar disorders.
A competent, clean, holistic presentation is an indicator of high intelligence. Type II sufferers do not
experience full mania, but instead have periods called hypomania where they are highly impulsive
and have high levels of energy. However, there are factors that have been associated with Bipolar
Disorder (Bressert, 2015). It has a name now I know what it is“ ( gold pg 26 ) Manic depression also
know as bipolar disorder, is classified as a type of disorder ( also called mood disorder ).
Neuroimaging techniques have somehow proven that the tendency to develop Bipolar disorder can
be predicted even in childhood. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
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to write high-quality work yourself. Medication is the most common treatment for bipolar disorder,
and so it would be reasonable to suggest that a person who has been diagnosed with the affliction
would begin their day by taking a prescribed amount of pharmaceuticals. Keep on browsing if you
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between factor scores using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Making an inaccurate diagnosis can
result in making the disorder worse. Several medicines could be taken into the body that will help
stabilize the mood of the person. Support for this sepa- ration came from family studies, twin
studies, and biological studies. The paper dwells on how this kind of disorders can affect and or
even destroy relationships within a family, with friends and other loved ones. Neuroimaging
techniques have somehow proven that the tendency to develop Bipolar Disorder can be predicted
even in childhood. The earlier help is sought, the more effective the treatment becomes. Overloading
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the value of the work. As related to self-concept these individuals questioned their abili- Table 1. As
far as the history of the disease is concerned, it has been obtained that bipolar disorder has some
genetic connection. While there is no known cause for the development of schizophrenia, a number
of factors have been attributed to increasing the likelihood of someone developing the mental
disorder. The disorder is caused mainly by an array of events that happens in an individual's life.
These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. It
assesses whether a person is willing to admit to having com- mon frailties such as: “I am not as smart
as the people around me.” Responses to nine statements make up the SC score. Still, what remains is
having an understanding of what it truly is. A manic phase may last from a few days to months, with
no apparent trigger for either the beginning or the ending of the phase. Retrieved from WebMD.
(2013). Bipolar Disorder Health Center. Only adults who were 18 years and older, had children, and
had re- ceived a formal diagnosis of a bipolar spectrum disorder were accepted into the study and
assigned to the bipolar parent group. If the disorder remains untreated, then it may last for few days
or it may be for several months as well, after which the periods of depression initiates. Columbia
Columbia University Columbia Business School.
The present study reviewed recent research to determine the trends in bipolar disorder to promote a
better understanding of and response to the problem. Bipolar Disorder Research Papers on the
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and with samples aged ? 18 years were included, resulting in a final sample of 18 papers. Essay on
Psychology Research Paper on Bipolar Disorder. A research paper focused on bipolar disorder - UK
Essays. The patients remain frustrated, angry, agitated, and depressed and have a lot of tendency to
cause harm to themselves. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.
Papers selected for further review included those published in English in Results: Bipolar disorder is
a major public health problem, with diagnosis often. However in between the phases of depression or
mania, the individual may live a life that is absolutely normal. Hence, As a result, various effects
arise from this disorder. Free Bipolar papers, essays, and research papers Diagnosing the Bipolar
Disorders - Bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive disorder, is a disorder. Essay writing: structure and
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Bipolar disorder (Leonard and Jovinelly 2012). There is no exact statistics for childhood-onset
Bipolar Disorder, as epidemiological studies are still underway. To browse and the
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Hiroshima essay paperHiroshima essay paper how to wright a essay. Only one study has examined
bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in this way, and it was restricted to one database. Bipolar
disorder is frequently under diagnosed with many doctors and psychiatrists recognizing only the
depression component of the disorder. These symptoms can last for weeks or even months, but
hardly ever longer than a year (Bipolar I Disorder, 2012). It is important to seek treatment for bipolar
disorder, which may include a combination of medications and therapy, in order to manage the
condition and improve quality of life. The research shows that the brain abnormities can be self
inflicted or natural where one is born with the disorder. It has been observed that patients diagnosed
with this disorder are 3.13 times more probable to have a disturbance or an occurrence associated to
the treatment of the disorder. Common examples of these would be SAD, or seasonal affective
disorder, and cases of severe depression. The authors wish to thank Erenee Sirinian, DO for her
assistance in the project. However, there are factors that have been associated with Bipolar Disorder
(Bressert, 2015). There are two forms of this disorder- Bipolar Disorder Type I and Type II (Bipolar
Disorder, 2012). Don’t settle for less, use free revisions to ensure your writer dots the i’s and crosses
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stop further damage in a person’s wellbeing, relationships with others and even his or her own life.
For example, during manic episodes, patients may believe they are invulnerable to physical harm and,
during major depressive episodes, patients may believe they are guilty of a great crime or sin.
Symptoms and behaviors associated with bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder is a complex mental
disorder. Impacts of culture on diagnosis of mental disorders Culture has direct impacts on diagnosis
of mental disorders through defining abnormal behavior.. Its susceptibility level is uniform across
gender as men and women shows almost same prevalence rates. The purpose of this paper is to
critically examine the symptoms of Bipolar disorder based on research. Findings from this study
showed that parents with a bipolar spectrum disorder expressed negative perceptions related to
inadequacy as a person across a number of self-concept dimensions. Use of these drugs is often
necessary because the response to them are rapid, but there are risks involved in their use. There are
12 statements for the FAM score and includes: “I am a member of a happy family.” The Social Self-
Concept (SOC) score refers to the sense of adequacy and worth in relation to social interactions
including peers apart from family and close friends. This current research endeavor was designed to
assess self- concept among parents diagnosed with a bipolar spectrum. And there is a solution to this
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Among the mood stabilizers, lamictal is used in this case that is not referred in type I disorder. The
disorder may affect men, women as well as children. In Susie's case, her disorder is caused by both
natural and artificial causes. Moreover, bipolar patients are 1.68 times more likely to suffer from an
endocrine or metabolic disorder than those patients who has no mental health diagnoses. It works
only in coordination with the primary cookie. Additional complications of functioning during mania
include poor self-control and impaired judgment. Lithium was used for a short period of time as
treatment for manic depression, however the research was again forgotten and lithium was not used
for the first half of the 20th century (Shorter, 2). Unfortunately, Cade’s discoveries regarding lithium
as a treatment for bipolar disorder were not well received in 1949. The con- cerns found among these
participants about the adequacy of their self-concept and physical self may influence parenting
behavior and attitudes. The 14 items in the MOR score includes: “I am an honest person”. It has a
name now I know what it is“ ( gold pg 26 ) Manic depression also know as bipolar disorder, is
classified as a type of disorder ( also called mood disorder ). It doesn’t get easier than that! 1 Free
Revisions We won’t rest until you are completely pleased with every aspect of your order. Decreased
serotonin in the brain is common in severe depression. Individuals that have bipolar disorder
experience extreme changes in their mood, energy, and behavior, constantly switching between two
polar emotions. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Support Jamie was very
friendly and helped me to fill in my order form. Bipolar disorder (“manic depression”) is a mental
disorder that is characterized by constantly changing moods between depression and mania The
mood. Dimin- ished family self-concept in comparison to the non-bipolar parent group of
participants with out a bipolar spectrum disorder was also expected. Yet a critical examination of the
self-concept of parents who have been diagnosed with a bipolar spectrum disorder has been lacking
in the scientific literature. This is very important for bringing the biological understanding near to the
patients’ experiences. “While several genes which increase a patient's risk of acquiring bipolar
disorder have been discovered, to date, no clear biological mechanism to explain why these genes
affect a person's risk of developing bipolar has been elucidated” (Medical News Today, 2013). There
are numerous kinds of genetic, environmental and neurochemical risk factors that interact with one
another at different levels, thus causing the bipolar disorder condition to result.
These symptoms can last for weeks or even months, but hardly ever longer than a year (Bipolar I
Disorder, 2012). There are two forms of this disorder- Bipolar Disorder Type I and Type II (Bipolar
Disorder, 2012). On the other hand, adults may experience clear-cut depression, hypomania, mania
and other aforementioned symptoms of bipolar disorder. The symptoms he used to diagnose mania
were that of nausea, shivering, insomnia, and lack of thirst Healy. Databases MEDLINE, ProQuest,
Psychnet, and Web of Science were browsed for papers published in English between 1999 and May
2012 using the following search string: bipolar disorders OR bipolar spectrum disorders AND
prevalence OR cross-sectional OR epidemiology AND population-based OR non-clinical OR
community based. While these are effective against the depressant part of the disorder, these do not
help the manic portion of the disorder. Self-Concept Scores Physical Self-Concept (PHY) score
represents the person’s view of physical health, sexuality, physical skill, and appea- rance. Bipolar
Disorder research papers on the psychological disorder and all of its elements and subcatagories can
be custom written for college and university. The results expanded upon current descriptions of the
psychological dimensions found among individuals diagnosed with a bipolar spectrum disorder. Give
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Abstract This paper will be discussing Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorder research papers on the
psychological disorder and all of its elements and subcatagories can be custom written for college
and university. The Response Distribution (RD) score is a meas- ure of certainty about self-
perception and is designed to assess how extreme the responses were on the TSCS-2. The following
five factors were extracted: mania, depression, irritability, anxiety and psychosis. Due to the wide
range of presentation possibilities, bipolar disorders have been subcategorized into several groups that
better describe specific combinations and characteristics of the symptoms related to bipolar disorder
in general. Bipolar disorder is frequently under diagnosed with many doctors and psychiatrists
recognizing only the depression component of the disorder. Papers selected for further review
included those published in English in Results: Bipolar disorder is a major public health problem,
with diagnosis often. Parents with a bipolar spectrum disorder reported a sense of inadequacy that
questioned their value as a family member. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out
how to manage cookies. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. Herein, this essay will focus on describing Bipolar Disorder. I have never thought that a 5-
page research can be done in less than 6 hours. Improving this scenario requires the development of a
critical mass of expertise and multicentre collaborative projects. Nearly every individual can be
affected by this disorder. After Weir, William Hammond was the first physician to prescribe lithium
for mania: “Latterly I have used the bromide of lithium in cases of acute mania, and have more
reason to be satisfied with it than with any other medicine calculated to diminish the amount of
blood in the cerebral vessels, and to calm any nervous excitement that may be present” (Shorter, 2).
These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source,
etc. Essay on Psychology Research Paper on Bipolar Disorder. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. AIMS: The primary aim is to
compare levels of research activity in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Other students have developed their own system of creating an outline. Mood and Behavioral
effects of four-week light treatment in winter depressives and controls. This mainly concerns the
preparation and design of the project. Bipolar disorder majorly develops during a person’s early ages,
normally teenage, and predominantly consists of “depressive and maniac episodes” that alternates or
simultaneously manifest (Brown, n.d., po. 1). It is estimated to affect at least ten million individuals
in America, impairing the victims’ attitudes, physical potential, and ability to work. This could have
caused enough traumas to trigger her Bipolar Disorder (Leonard and Jovinelly 2012). Findings from
this study showed that parents with a bipolar spectrum disorder expressed negative perceptions
related to inadequacy as a person across a number of self-concept dimensions. Risk factors include
lifestyle, genetics, environment, drug and alcohol abuse, and major life changes such as death or
abuse. Bipolar Disorder research papers on the psychological disorder and all of its elements and
subcatagories can be custom written for college and university. Papers selected for further review
included those published in English in Results: Bipolar disorder is a major public health problem,
with diagnosis often. Bipolar Disorder consists of several symptoms, some of them being prodromal
or predicting the onset of an attack. Writing an essay provides a freestyle presentation. Causes of the
bipolar disorder are not accurately known to date. A Day in the Life of a Person with Bipolar
Disorder For a number of possible reasons, it is likely that a person with bipolar disorder would have
some sort of sleeping issues due to the drain of depressive moods, the energy expenditure of mania,
and the general drain that may be associated with frequent mood changes. Psychosis Psychosis
happens as a result of experiencing severe episodes of either depression or mania. However, the most
evident are the mood swings that recur repeatedly such as extreme happiness and hyperactivity to
sudden shift into depression and tremendous sadness and the feeling of emptiness and
worthlessness. On a day that is dominated by mania, a person with bipolar disorder may sleep very
little and accomplish many tasks. After Weir, William Hammond was the first physician to prescribe
lithium for mania: “Latterly I have used the bromide of lithium in cases of acute mania, and have
more reason to be satisfied with it than with any other medicine calculated to diminish the amount of
blood in the cerebral vessels, and to calm any nervous excitement that may be present” (Shorter, 2).
Social support has been considered to be an important predictor of the frequency of mood cycling.
Men would also show anger, violence, irresponsible actions, and might also engage in drinking or
drugs during their state of depression. Psychotherapy is very beneficial because it allows the patient
to recognize her or her own disorder, reduce symptom severity, become more compliant towards
medications, and allow the patient to better manage their emotions and moods Craighead and
Nemeroff, 2001, 214. Without feeling in full control of the bipolar spectrum disorder constel- lation
of symptoms, the parents may have questioned their value as a fully functioning family member.
Mood stabilizers and other medications like antipsychotics that are used in the treatment of the
disorder are also known to increase the risks of endocrine disorders, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and
hyperparathyroidism (Nauert, 2009). For example, research has shown that stress and trauma may
trigger the onset of bipolar disorder, or may exacerbate existing symptoms. Additionally, research has
indicated that social support and a positive social network may help individuals with bipolar disorder
better manage their condition. When four or more episodes of illness occur within a 12-month
period, a person is said to have rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Unlike men, women show their
emotions more by showing and expressing their extreme feelings of happiness or depression. From
children to teenagers and adults, anyone can be experiencing this kind of illness. Sudden episodes of
extreme sadness that usually last for days are a major sign of bipolar disorder. Another way to treat
this medical condition aside from medicines and drugs is to seek some therapy that will help the
person such as phototherapy, or therapy to light, which is usually in the form of light boxes that are
used thirty minutes every day. We have examined some of the challenges that are commonly faced
by a person with bipolar disorder as they go about their daily lives. Conclusion Life with any mental
illness has barriers that need to be overcome on a daily basis.

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