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Dan Thomas T.

Coway Date: 1/30/24

Gr. 9 – St. Bernardine

My Reflection about our Recollection

Our day at Don Bosco retreat house with Kuya Ike talking about friendship and
love was eye-opening. Kuya Ike explained how crucial friendships are for us
teenagers. He shared a story showing that love can conquer anything as long as two
people are alive. This touched me deeply, making me realize how important love
is. Without it, our lives would feel so empty.

The part about confessing our sins to God during the recollection was a bit scary at
first, but it was a powerful experience. It felt like a spiritual cleaning, letting go of
our mistakes. Confessing reminded us that admitting our faults and seeking
forgiveness is essential to our connection with God. It was a way to start fresh and
strengthen our faith.

Kuya Ike's talk made me see that love isn't just about other people; it's also about
loving ourselves. This is what gives our lives purpose and makes us feel complete.
The whole day made me understand that valuing the people around me and loving
God can make my faith stronger. I want to carry these lessons forward to make my
life and the lives of those around me more meaningful.


Dear God, I come before you in awe and gratitude for the love and friendships that
enrich my life. Your love is the foundation of all meaningful connections, and I
adore You for the constant presence of Your love in my journey. I confess, Lord,
that there are times when I may not fully appreciate the importance of love and
friendship. I acknowledge any shortcomings in my relationships and ask for Your
guidance in becoming a better friend and a more loving person. Thank you,
Heavenly Father, for the lessons learned during our recollection at Don Bosco
retreat house. I am grateful for the reminder of the enduring power of love and the
significance of deep, meaningful friendships. Thank you for the opportunity to
confess and seek forgiveness, experiencing the cleansing and renewing power of
Your grace. As I move forward, Lord, I pray for strength to cultivate and cherish
the relationships in my life. Help me to be a source of love and support for others,
just as You are for me. Guide me in deepening my faith through acts of love, both
towards You and the people You have placed in my life. Amen.

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