Iteration Log - Explanation

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Iteration log - Choice Unit Iterative Design

Iteration Log Instructions

⚠ NOTE: This is not a writing exercise. Your log for an iteration should
not exceed 4 pages. You will get a chance to demonstrate what outstanding reports you
can produce at the end of the project :)

Inquiry Instructions
Aii Explain the research goals of the inquiry in this iteration.
Inquiry Goal(s) Bullet points. Full sentences. Explain. …., because ….

Aiii Present what inspiring existing products you came across

Inspiration Images only.

Aiv Summarize the main things you learned from your research related to
Research your goal in this iteration.
Summary Bullet points. Short sentences. Maximum 500 words. Images as helpful.

Aiv Explain the creative goal of this iteration. What will you make
‘Making’ (prototype/experiment/…) and why?
Goal(s) Full-sentence or a short paragraph.

Bi Outline when the created prototype/experiment/… is successful.

Success 3-6 Bullet points. Short phrases.

Aiv List the sources used in this iteration. Sources can be people!
Source(s) Bullet points. No need for MLA references. Maximum 5 sources. Not
sources of sources. E.g. not Pinterest or Google. Some sources you may
only find while researching.
Iteration log - Choice Unit Iterative Design

Action Instructions
Bii Present the options that were considered for creating in this iteration.
Design Ideas Self-made sketches, drawings, diagrams or photos (with annotation).

Biii Present the option that will be worked out and why? - Consider your
Chosen design success criteria! The chosen design should be a development of one of
the design ideas in Bii.
Self-made sketch, drawing or diagram.

Ci List the main steps of creating the model or prototype in this iteration.
Plan Estimate duration in minutes.
Bulleted list with time estimates between square brackets [30m].

Biv List the exact materials and/or techniques used in this iteration.
Material Bulleted list with materials and their dimensions or URLs to online sources
Needs explaining applied techniques.

Cii + Ciii Present a few photos or screenshots of the process of creating the model
Product or prototype in this iteration. And of the ‘end-product’.

Civ Explain in short changes you made to your design (Biii) and/or plan (Ci) in
Changes to this iteration. What did not go according to plan?
Design and Bulleted list of sentences (..., because …)
Iteration log - Choice Unit Iterative Design

Reflection Instructions
Di List all success criteria you defined before (Bi) and
Testing - State with a rating out of four stars to what extent you met each
success and
- Outline what objective evidence you have for this rating.
Your list should be formatted as follows:
● ★☆☆☆ - Success criterion - justification for rating
● ★★★☆ - Success criterion - justification for rating
● … etc …
Each bullet point will be a short paragraph.

Diii Explain what the focus of progress for the next iteration should be.
Improvements A short paragraph explaining one or more focus points. No more than
Not started three points should be treated. You can use bullet points to help organize
your summary.

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