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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Marketing is a systematic process of identifying _____ needs and wants.

a. dealer a. customer a. supplier a. manager

1. Marketers design and distribute _____ like FMCG products and consumer durables.

a. tangibles a. ideas a. intangibles a. experienced

1. When product performance exceeds customer expectations, the customers are _____

a. satisfied a. dissatisfied a. astonished a. delighted

1. Marketing is a systematic process of identifying _____ needs and wants.

1. _____ consists of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, etc.

1. The purpose of CRM is to enhance _____ loyalty.

a. customer a. store a. brand a. product

1. ______ is a process of launching a product in a very limited market area in order to find out the acceptance of the
product by the customers.

a. Market research a. Branding a. Product design a. Test marketing

1. _____ refers to the exchange value at which the seller is willing to sell and buyer is willing to buy.

1. A _____ strategy involves marketing efforts directed at end users to induce them to demand the product from
the dealers.

1. _____ popularized the concept of 4Ps in his book “Basic Marketing”.

a. Philip Kotler a. William Stanton a. Jerome Mc Carthy a. AI Ries

1. ____ refers to all those forces or factors that influence marketing decisions.

1. The _____ environment consists to culture, traditions, beliefs, values and lifestyle of a society.

1. _____ research includes reviewing the product line.

1. _____ research includes sales forecasting and sales analysis.

1. _____ is the impression, which one forms about a certain situation or object.

1. When product performance exceeds customer expectations, customers are ______.

1. ____ refers to all those forces or factors that influence marketing decisions.

1. The _____ environment consists to culture, traditions, beliefs, values and lifestyle of a society.

Answer the following:

1. Who is a consumer?
2. Marketing concept
3. Relationship marketing
4. What is marketing environment?
5. PEST analysis
6. 4Ps of marketing
7. Macro environment

Answer in Short:

1. Differentiate between marketing and selling.

2. What are the factors influencing micro environment?
3. Explain the 4C’s of marketing.
4. What is market research? Highlight its importance.

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