Ardee Additional Assignment 20.3.2024

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Ardee Additional Assignment

Year -4
Name-_______________________________ Class- _________ Date- ____________________
Read Text A in the insert, and answer questions 1–5.
1. When does the story in Text A take place? Tick one box.
in winter
during autumn
last summer
in all seasons

2. Give two words which describe how the Grasshopper communicates with the
• ____________________________________________________________________
• ____________________________________________________________________

3. Look at lines 1-2 , give one word that means same as ‘ full of activity’.

4. Read lines 10-11, give two words that are in past tense.

5. Find out one connective from the lines 10-11 and make a sentence using that connective
not relating to the text.
Answer Key

1. During autumn
2. Two words that describe how the Grasshopper communicates with the
Ants are:-

• begged
• whined

3. ‘Bustling’ is the word that means full of activity.

4. The two words that are in past tense are:-
Cried/ turned/ went ( any 2 out of these three words)
5. The connective in the lines 10-11 is ‘and’.
Sentence- students’ own answers

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