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Graduated in 2022, Bachelor of Engineering from IPB University. Young
professional with an interest in working for agricultural, engineering, management,
marketing, packaging, production, and quality control. Active in various
organizations and leadership activities.

Education Level
IPB University - Bogor, Indonesia Sep 2015 - Aug 2022
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, 3.30/4.00
• Active participated in various campus events.
• Head of Occupational Health and Safety division on event of Occupational Health and Safety Training
(COALESCE) 2017 to PT Traktor Nusantara.
• Head of Occupational Health and Safety division on event of Mechanical and Biosystem Fair (MBF) 2017
in IPB.
• Qualified as a funded team from IPB in the Students Creativity Program 2018. Paper titled HOPE (House
of Plastic). The topic was to increase the benefits of waste banks. The collected plastic waste was cut into
small pieces and then heated at high temperatures so that it can be formed into a new form that has a sale
• Research: Effect of Cold Storage Using Controlled Atmosphere Storage on Pineapple Fruit Quality.

Organizational Experience
Supervisory Board of HIMATETA IPB - Bogor, Indonesia Nov 2017 - Nov 2018
• Responsible for supervised the performance of HIMATETA IPB (Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering
Student Association) so that program runs according to plan.
• Led the meeting of Memorandum of Association.
• Appointed and dismissed the chief of HIMATETA IPB.
• Led the meeting of resignation cabinet of HIMATETA IPB.
Supervisory Board of HIMATETA IPB - Bogor, Indonesia Nov 2016 - Nov 2017
• Assisted the chair in carrying out responsibilities.
• Supervised the performance of Human Resource and Development Division of HIMATETA IPB.
Purworejo Student Association in IPB University - Bogor, Indonesia Nov 2015 - Dec 2016
Vice Leader
• Succeeded organized IPB Roadshow 2016 to 11 Senior High School in Purworejo.
• Supported for IPB Canvassing program 2016 in Purworejo.

Skills and Interest

• Skills: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), data entry, teamwork, team management, analytical
thinking, and communication skills.
• Interest: Agricultural, engineering, management, marketing, packaging, production, and quality
Kepada Yth,
HRD PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Kantor Cabang Kutoarjo
Jl. Letjen S. Parman No. 107

Lampiran : 7 (Tujuh) Lembar

Hal : Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan

Dengan hormat,
Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:
Nama : Praditya Ariyadi
Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki
No telepon : 089-768-680-84 (WhatsApp)
Alamat E-mail :
Pendidikan terakhir : Sarjana
Alamat domisili : Majiran RT 001 RW 005, Kemiri Kidul, Kemiri, Purworejo

Sehubung dengan informasi yang saya dapatkan dari teman yang berkarir
di BRI terkait dengan dibukanya lowongan pekerjaan di PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Cabang Kutoarjo untuk ditempatkan sebagai Petugas Bansos, maka dengan ini saya
bermaksud untuk mengajukan surat lamaran kerja guna dapat menempati posisi
Bersama dengan surat ini, berikut saya lampirkan fotocopy dokumen
administratif :

1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Fotocopy KTP dan Kartu Keluarga
3. Fotocopy Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai Pendidikan Terakhir
4. Fotocopy SKCK
5. Pas Foto Berwarna 4x6 dan Fullbody Ukuran 3R
6. Surat Keterangan Sehat
7. Sertifikat Pendukung Lain

Demikian surat lamaran kerja ini saya buat berdasarkan kondisi saya yang
sebenarnya. Apabila dikemudian hari terdapat perbedaan, maka saya sepenuhnya
siap bertanggung jawab. Besar harapan saya dapat bergabung dengan keluarga besar
Bank Rakyat Indonesia kantor cabang Kutoarjo. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya
saya sampaikan terima kasih.

Purworejo, 5 Februari 2024

Hormat Saya

Praditya Ariyadi
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