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Prepared by:

Jayrallyn M. Mayordomo
Colegio de San Jose, Jaro Iloilo City
• define what is hyperlink
• identify different types of hyperlink
• use graphic as link
• identify the attributes for anchor and
target attributes
• create a link from one page on different
• allows you to navigate to another page of
the same document or to another
• represented by a colored text with an
underline or with an image.
• Absolute URL – links to a page on a
different Web server
• Relative URL – links to a page on the
same Web server
• Named Anchor – links to a different
location on the same Web page
• Anchor – used to define a hyperlink
- allow viewers to go to another
web page or file.
- also made to make email
- container tag <a></a>
- attribute href as the target
destination page
Attributes for <a></a>
Attribute Definition
href Indicates the target of the anchor
Ex. <a href=“sampleParagraphs.html”>
target Indicates the behavior the Web browser
will carry out
Ex. <a href=“sampleParagraphs.html”
name Assigns a name to the anchor defining an
internal bookmark of the page
Ex. <a href=“sampleParagraphs.html”
• Blank – the value of the href attribute or target
URL will be opened in a new window
• Self - the value of the href attribute or target URL
will be opened with in the same frames
• Parent - the value of the href attribute or target
URL will be opened in the parent
• Top - the value of the href attribute or target URL
will be opened in the body of the
• Note:
To change the hyperlink color:
• <a href=“Creative Design.jpg”
style=“color:#cc00000”> Creative
To make the visited link a different color from
the unvisited link:
• <body vlink=“0000ff”>
• allow users to send email and
communicate easily
• value of the attribute href as mailto:
followed by the email address
<>Email us now</a>
• find the destination file path and copy to
your code to create the link.
<a href=
design> Creative Design</a>
• graphics or images can take to another page in
a website.
Example of codes that used to add graphics link:
• <a href=
• <img src=
707429770&semt=ais align= align=“left”

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