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Writing a thesis can be an incredibly challenging and time-consuming task.

It requires a deep
understanding of the topic, extensive research, critical thinking skills, and the ability to articulate
complex ideas clearly and coherently. For many students, the process of writing a thesis can be
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By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. For the first time since the end of american
civil war, the U. This weakness, however, was promptly taken care of with the First Amendment and
the rest of the Bill of Rights. Therby making the government the most powerful entity in the land.
Article II provided the power to the president of United States to execute laws. The fourth is about
the states and their rights as well. This was later amended as well as other articles and laws to be
made and included in what we now know as the constitution. For one, the United States constitution
is a living document. Fourth, we know that the Constitution is vague enough in its guarantees as to
be flexible and applicable with changing times, to the present modernity often referred to as the New
Age. The Bill Foundation of the American constitution Affiliation: The first constitution was d the
Article of confederation and it was drafted between 1776 and 1777 and it was ratified by 13 states.
Even though the United States Constitution had taken on some color, it remained for an additional
sixty three years to be a document of exclusion, it was still a document by men, for the exclusive
domain of men. The delegation of responsibilities and powers in the branches of the government
assure a check and balance system that would require a vast, probably impossible, conspiracy to
prevail in order to overthrow the American government.The US Constitution is a living document,
that, by way of its amendment process, and because of the check and balance systems; has been the
most successful constitution of any country in the world. You can use this sample for research and
reference purposes to help create your own paper. These groups are said to endanger the rights of
others thus the framers of the Constitution gave their best to mediate and balance these competing
sectional interests. The article II also limited the president’s term to four years a maximum of two
terms in office. The underlined part has had alterations so they currently assemble constantly simply
to get home, and to remain re-chosen (Peterson, 2009). The Bill Foundation of the American
Constitution Affiliation: The first constitution was d the Article of confederation and it was drafted
between 1776 and 1777 and it was ratified by 13 states. This is done through judicial reviews,
wherein the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution and applies it in order to judge certain cases.
He may be lobby or campaign for a bill but he should be excluded from deliberations because of his
status as part of the executive body. He argued that it was a violation of the constitution to
encourage racial discrimination and finally won the case which gave the foundation for other court
cases. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. It denied
congress the power to abolish the slave trade before 1808. The constitution also set the modest
powers of the president. Amar, A. R. (2005). Americas Constitution: A biography. While this is a
more literal expectation of democracy, the majority are not always right. Public policy A public is
defined as a people inhabiting a defined geographical region such as a government that is likely to be
affected by more or less the same issues social, political or economic. The Constitution addressed the
weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation in the following ways: a. Not all countries practice trial
by jury and this makes the judge very powerful. For example, a constitution might include articles on
the structure and powers of the government, the rights and duties of citizens, and the process for
amending the document. Lamm (1996) states that The Federalsists would prefer that citizens have
less power over the governemnt.
Again, this may be explained by the fact that the framers of the Constitution were more concerned
with the organization of the government, which was only natural considering that the country had
just been established and a sovereign state had to take over. Even though the United States
Constitution had taken on some color, it remained for an additional sixty three years to be a
document of exclusion, it was still a document by men, for the exclusive domain of men. It has
limited government to some extent and given the citizens just enough power to prevent the tyranny
of numbers. After all these, later they may be evaluated to determine the degree of their
effectiveness. All links are deemed relevant and are not placed merely for profit. The stories are
written by the staff of UNH Marketing. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms
and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Ideally, the founders of the
doctrine of separation of power come up with such doctrine to ensure that those who made the law
could not execute it and those who implemented it could not make it satisfy their private needs. It is
clear that its being less detailed had become an advantage. The Framers of the constitution had taken
the decision to divide in an attempt to ensure that the Federal Government has limited power so that
the liberties of U. S. citizens were not vulnerable. Article V of The constitution of The US specifies
that at any given time that any time there is intent to amend The constitution, one must seek the
approval of two-thirds of both houses of the Congress or two-third of the legislatures of the several
states must approve the amendments. The Illinois intermediate appellate court affirmed the
conviction by the Circuit Court. But unknown to the people, the concept of the self-government did
not begin with the Americans but started in England. Such rights should be limited to only those
who deserve it. 3. Article IV, Section 3 While the existence of the states is recognized, the
Constitution should be clear that the federal government is more decisive than the state governments,
especially when it comes to changes in the political and territorial divisions. The constitutionof the
united states is one of the most significant documents of our country. Works CitedBecker, Paula and
Jean-Aime A. Raveloson. “What is Democracy”. (2008) Translated by Andriakamelo Rarivoarisoa
Alice. Bristol: The policy Press. Lader, C. (2008). Barron's AP US Government and politics. The
fourth, fifth and sixth articles encompass the responsibilities and rights of the state government vis-a-
vis the federal government. Scroll Down to Print (PDF) - Texts - Historical Documents. One day in
school, he was told to read the whole us constitution as a punishment by his teacher which he did
many times and this experience gave him a life-long experience with the constitution. On March 1,
the Articles of confederation was in effect. The use of any parts of the work without proper citation
is forbidden. However, after the creation of the new constitution, it remained vague because that was
the main intention of the constitution, so that with time the constitution would grow which in turn
would solve many of united states ' current problems that the forefathers could not predict. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The
draft was based on the separation of powers, federalism and provision of checks and balances
(Riemer, 55). Aside from documenting US history, the US constitution has served two important
functions since 1788. It is not the product of happenstance or chaos, but is the product of
collaborative philosophies that guided the American forefathers in framing the document so that it
would continue to live, and would survive the test of time. A constitutional republic meant that
whereas other people enjoyed the privileges brought about by the new constitution, the
unrepresented did not since they were not properly recognized by the constitution. Due to the Great
Compromise of 1787, the Constitution offered crucially varying kinds of Representation in the House
and Senate. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
A constitutional republic meant that whereas other people enjoyed the privileges brought about by
the new constitution, the unrepresented did not since they were not properly recognized by the
constitution. Further, the president stated that Anwar also directed a failed trial to bomb an american
cargo aircraft in 2010 (CBSNEWS. This requires a careful reading and analysis of the text, as well as
an understanding of the legal principles and concepts that underlie the document. Download file to
see previous pages The bill of rights is a vital constituent of American law and the government..
Walker HIST 2111-305 April 28, 2015 The U. Differences between written constitution and none
written constitution. The Great Compromise remained an accord made amongst the parties to the
Constitutional Convention that the American state could have two houses in Assembly: the Senate
where every government has double senators and the House of Representatives where every
government has several Representatives founded on demography. To address the issues on diversity
of the people, the Articles of Confederation tried to unite these self-governing states. You should be
able to discern which is which pretty easily. The United States Constitution is a beam of the right to
the American people in seeking freedom. Furthermore, the three branches work together in a highly
interactive manner to accomplish a single goal i. e. the prosperity of America. (Levy et al 1986)
Hobbes strongly believed that the weak needed protection from the strong and thus power should
never reside in the hands of a single entity. Expert power comes from the reasoning that certain
people have specialized knowledge regarding certain fields and that gives them a sense of credence
and authority over such field. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. In this way, the sections or factions will not think that they are left out and not given
importance by the government. The responsibilities of the government are critical to the success and
well-being of the population and state wherein it governs. The system incorporates the need for
compromise and agreement between the three branches of government. It also stated powers such as
declaring wars and regulating interstate commerce... By Analicia The beginning of the United States
constitution was the preamble. In his appeal the appellant argued that the state of Illinois was under a
duty to provide him with a trial counsel at his expense as dictated by the Sixth and Fourteenth
Amendments to the Constitution. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. Originally comprising of only seven articles, the U.S constitution of which the first
three deal with the separation of powers. Again, this may be explained by the fact that the framers of
the Constitution were more concerned with the organization of the government, which was only
natural considering that the country had just been established and a sovereign state had to take over.
While the constitution upholds democracy, it rids the U.S of the biggest threat to its democracy;
tyranny of the majority. Firstly, it is in charge of enforcing and creating laws for the benefit and
protection of its citizens. PrintHinkin, T.R. and Schriesheim, C.A. “Development and application of
new scales to measure the bases of social powers.” Journal of Applied Psychology. (1989). 561-567.
PrintJowett, Benjamin. “Politics Aristotle”. (1999). Batoche Books, Kitchener. Print. Another part of
the Constitution that I most agree with is Section 2 of Article III, which states that “the Trial of all
Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State
where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the
Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed” (US Constitution).
It is clear that its being less detailed had become an advantage. The typical division is that observed
in the U.S; legislature, executive and judiciary. Task done as described and better, responded to all
my questions promptly too! ”. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good
to leave some feedback. Read this research paper and over 1,, others like it now. Nearly everything
we do is affected by the rights and obligations granted to us under the Constitution.
Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your
writing easier are also offered here. John Adams, in 1787 was quoted saying that democracy does not
last long. Considering the fact that the government at the centre must be endowed with enough
powers to perform their rightful duties, the constitution is clear in dissemination of adequate power
for the president, the secretary of state, etc. This paper shall discuss the fourth amendment of The
United States Constitution. Read this research paper and over 1,, others like it now. The penned
draft is found and displayed in the Records of Administration and National Archives of Washington,
D. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. May 14th saw the Constitutional
Convention meeting at Philadelphia and on September 17th, the constitution was finished and signed
by the delegates. To achieve this, failsafe were put into the constitution to prevent tyranny of the
majority. The amendments of The constitution proceeded to forbid slavery unless if a person was
found guilty of breaching a state law. However, a risk to the democracy of the U.S in that it
encourages tyranny of the majority would lie in the balance of power. The details of blue print of the
new government under the new constitution and which bound all the American states were: The
article I of The constitution provided for the functions and separation of the congressional powers.
However, as an outline of governance, it can be said that the US Constitution had already provided
the bases of what kind of society and country would be built in the succeeding years. The people did
favor this because they did not have to go by a national government.. They outline the three branches
of the government, and states a set of regulations and rules these branches must follow. The debate
over whether or not the US constitution should be written invariably Yet, history itself reveals that
the US constitution has been partially rewritten on a number of occasions, and rewriting the US
constitution has been a part of its history. Several are simply electronic copies of historical
documents, while others are research pages or opinion researches. Although the bill of rights was
initially signed as a compromise, it came to give most rights needed in a democracy. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This is evident from the
philosophical basis of articles such as freedom of press and freedom of expression. Religion Theory
And Method In The Study Of Religion Religion paper been ever present in human history as one is
case study a research design the most paper and powerful forces in society. The constitution
comprises of the laws and the policies that are to be followed in the united states and following of
the constitution is a compulsion for every citizen of the country. The book makes claims and supports
its claims based on the facts and events and accounts given from the past and the existing textual
context of American constitution that is presently existent and in working. With all these laws and
specifications, we need to know what are behind the minds of the framers who came up with the law
of the land. Bibliography.“Drafting the constitution” U.S History pre-columbian to the new
millennium. You should be able to discern which is which pretty easily. It also stated powers such as
declaring wars and regulating interstate commerce. Another important aspect of constitution research
is understanding the structure and organization of the document itself. In 1885, the Murray v
Hoboken land law determined that the fourth amendment applied only to criminal law and not any
kind of civil law (Encyclopedia Britannica). This includes, but not limited to, labor and materials.
These include freedom of speech and freedom of press.

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