Y1 Idraw Lesson1

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iCompute 1.6.

1 iMark Year 1

Paint software (Links); Teacher1.6 (slides); Resource1.6.1a

Objectives Success Criteria Vocabulary

ë To investigate simple digital mark- ë The children create a simple self Line; fill undo; brush; tools
making tools portrait

ë Ask the class how many different ways they can think of to
make a mark on a piece of paper, i.e. Crayons, pencils,
paintbrushes etc.
ë Ask if all crayons/pencils/brushes look the same?
ë How are they different? E.g. different sizes and colours
ë Tell the children that, in the next few lessons, they will be
learning how to draw and paint using computers

ë Load the software you are using and show the children the interface
ë Point out that the blank area is the drawing pane and the
buttons/icons around the window are called tools: each tool has a
different job
ë Explain that you are going to use the brush tool to draw a joined
line around a square.
ë Add a square to the canvas
ë Then point out and select the brush tool
ë Explain that the brush tool can be set at different sizes. If it is set
too thick or thin it will make drawing more difficult
ë Model how to use the brush tool to draw around the square
ë Make a deliberate mistake and demonstrate how to use the undo
tool to correct it

www.icompute-uk.com 4
3 Core

ë Hand out Resource1.6.1a

ë The children use the resource to find out what each of the Easier
ë Some children may
tools shown on it do
benefit from adult
ë They then use what they have learned to draw/paint a self-
portrait using those tools
ë The children save their work
ë Encourage some children
to explore a wider range
of tools and ask them
what they found out

4 Plenary

ë The children share their portraits with each other

ë Ask the children which tools they used to create particular effects. E.g:
ë Which tool should you use to draw a line?
ë How did your colour in the hair?
ë How do you correct a mistake?


ë The children could create a portrait of each other

ë The children could use the software at home to create a portrait of a family

www.icompute-uk.com 5

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