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Indices and Roots

Prior Knowledge:
• Square numbers.
• Cube numbers.
• Square roots.
• Cube roots.
• Multiplying negative numbers.

index (power)

base number

An index (also known as an exponent, power or order) is a small number placed to the upper-right
of a base number. It tells you to multiply the base number by itself, and the index shows how
many copies of the base number we are multiplying. For example, in the calculation 25 the base
is 2 and the index is 5, so we multiply together 5 copies of 2: 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2. The sum 25 would
normally be said as “2 to the power of 5” or “2 raised to the power of 5”.

Example 1
What is the value of 54?

To find the value of 54, work out the calculation 5 × 5 × 5 × 5. We can break this down into stages:

= 25 × 5 × 5
= 125 × 5
= 625

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Indices and Roots
Example 2
What is the value of (-2)5?

This time, there is a negative number. It is very important that you follow the rules for multiplying
negative numbers.

To work out the value of (-2)5, we must work out the value of -2 × -2 × -2 × -2 × -2.

-2 × -2 × -2 × -2 × -2
Remember, a negative times a
= 4 × -2 × -2 × -2 negative is positive (-2 × -2 = 4).

= -8 × -2 × -2 And a positive times a negative

is negative (4 × -2 = -8).
= 16 × -2
= -32

(-2)5 = -32

Example 3
Is the value of (-3)4 positive or negative?

Again, we are asked to work out the value of a number with a negative index. Start by writing out
(-3)4. Be careful to follow the rules for multiplying negative numbers.

(-3)4 = -3 × -3 × -3 × -3

-3 × -3 × -3 × -3
= 9 × -3 × -3
= -27 × -3
= 81

Notice that even though we started with a negative number in our question, the answer is positive
because our index was even.
(-3)4 = 81

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Indices and Roots

index (power)

base number

The opposite to raising a number to a power is finding the root of a number. is a root symbol.
The index is the small number written to the left of the root symbol, and the base is the number
within the root symbol. If no index is written then it is a square root, and you can assume the
index is 2.


2 16

If the index is the same, finding the root of a number is the opposite of raising a number to a
power. For example, 24 is 16. Finding the 4th root of 16 means finding the number which gives 16
when multiplied by itself four times. The 4th root of 16 is 2.

Example 4
Find the value of 5 3125

In this example, we are being asked to find the number which, when multiplied by itself five times,
equals 3125. You may use a calculator to work out the answer.

5 Make sure that this 5 is to the upper left of

the root on your calculator; it shouldn’t look
like 5 3125 .

By using a calculator and the root button, we can say that 5 3125 = 5

Example 5
Find the value of 7 -2187.

We can even work out a root when negative numbers are involved. Again, by using our calculator,
we can say that 7 -2187 = -3.

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Indices and Roots
Your Turn
1. Complete the table. The first one has been done for you.

24 2×2×2×2 16









2. Write down the value of each of the following:

a. 32 e. 27



b. 53 f. 310



c. 25 g. (-3)5



d. (-2)4 h. 65



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Indices and Roots
3. Write down the value of each of the following:

a. 144 f. 100 000


3 4
b. 343 g. 6561


4 6
c. 16 h. 64


4 10
d. 625 i. 1024


5 5
e. -32 j. -243


4. Fill in the gaps with the missing numbers.

a. 3 =3×3×3×3 e. 6

b. ( )5 = -1024 f. 2 = 4096

c. 10 = 1 000 000 g. ( )7 = -78 125

d. (-2) = -2 × -2 × -2 × -2 h. 7
= -3

Work out the value of each of the following:

a. 24 + 35 b. (-2)5 × 44 c. (-5)6 + 107



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