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MORE SIMILES (Unit 8) afraid as a grasshopper 11. as graceful as a swan

2. as agile as a monkey 12. as hairy as a gorilla

3. as angry as a wasp 13. as happy as a lark

4. as big as a whale 14. as harmless as a dove

5. as calm as a cat 15. as hungry as a wolf

6. as deaf as a beetle 16. as lazy as a toad

7. as cheerful as a bear 17. as rude as a bear

8. as fat as a pig 18. as nervous as a mouse

9. as fleet as a gazelle 19. as playful as a kitten

10. as gaudy as a butterfly 20. as slow as a snail

21. as beautiful as a rainbow 26. as strong as Hercules

22. as tall as a giant 27. As green as grass

23. as cool as a cucumber 28. As loud as thunder

24. as careless as the wind 29. As sad as night

25. as happy as a king 30. as weak as water


1. To receive with open arm = to welcome cordially

2. To take up arm = to go to war
3. To bell the cat = to do something which is very dangerous
4. A bookworm = a person who always reads
5. To paddle your own canoe = to do things by yourself
6. Chicken-hearted = weak and cowardly
7. Dead broke = without a cent
8. Donkey work =work needing no skill
9. To have green eyes =to be jealous
10. To sit on the fence =to take no side in a debate, quarrel or war
11. To put your foot in it =to make a mistake
12. To lose heart =to be discouraged
13. To see the light =to understand
14. To face the music =to take punishment without complaint
15. To smell a rat =to suspect something
16. Gold digger = money oriented

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