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Responded Closed Date &

S No Date & Time Company Name Reported By Type By Doubts / Issue Description Solution Given What solution is Given? Target date Responsible Dev Status Time Card No Remarks
Doubt related adding job order and supplier job
Raja lakhsmi - Job order and supplier work out , explained about part process group , job
1 24-11-2023 Q AND Q Stores Dept Phone call Thanesh job work out order , job work out flow Yes Closed Closed
Angle Validation for
chamfer and Control discussed with Vignesh for angle validation and
Plan Bulk Update control plan bulk update need to discuss with
2 24-11-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call Prasanth regarding dhaarunbro Closed
While generate pdf it downloaded with 0KB because
3 24-11-2023 Q AND Q Siva Kumar Phone call Dhaarun Issue of timeout issue Yes Closed
4 23-11-2023 Q AND Q Pradeesh Phone call Vignesh Doubt How to add Fixture in ERP Yes Closed 45253
When generating pdf geting downloaded as 0 byte
5 45254 Future Tech Bijo Phone call Prasanth Issue and pdf cant open error(shared a image) Yes Closed 45254
Raja lakhsmi - Supplier po
6 45255 Q AND Q Stores Dept Phone call Thanesh Doubt Gst and tax is not adding Yes Closed 45255
Raja lakhsmi - Supplier po
7 45255 Q AND Q Stores Dept Phone call Thanesh, Ragu Doubt Tooling not able to add , stock detail not updated Yes Closed 45255
Raja lakhsmi - Supplier po
8 45257 Q AND Q Stores Dept Phone call Thanesh Doubt Doubt to add development cost in supplier po Yes Closed
9 45259 Q AND Q Sibi Phone call Dhaarun Doubt BP sheet doubt for the latest price Yes Noted and created card Closed
10 45259 Q AND Q Senthil Phone call Dhaarun Gmail name changed ASked to change the name for the mail Closed
Heat Code space
11 45264 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call Jeeva accepted in mobile Yes Closed
For sales order price
expiring need to show
12 45265 Q AND Q Sibi Phone call Dhaarun expired price Closed
In control plan item spec value correction
and upperlimit and lower limit for both spec
13 5-Dec-2023 Future Tech Bijo Phone call Prasanth Doubt Control plan excel sheet reviewed and said changes Yes and control explained Closed 5-Dec-2023
14 9-Dec-2023 MRB Baskran Phone call AJAY.V Demo They need a demo in the RM part, Job work in & out Yes Explain the RM part, Job work in & out Closed
28 Dec AJAY: The target date needs to be
In Job work reports need to show total pending and discussed with the development team
15 12-Nov-2023 Accupower Baalkrishnan Phone call AJAY.V Features Outward DC ,Job work quantity Yet to Review Closed
16 12-Nov-2023 Accupower Baalkrishnan Phone call AJAY.V Doubt RM part- Part Type- wrong entry Yes Closed 12-Nov-2023
We explain about invoice quantity reports
invoice reports we can't displaying part details , what because he asked for invoice line item part
17 11-Dec-2023 Q AND Q Sibi Phone call AJAY.V Doubt purpose we using the invoice report Yes prices and its total Closed
18 12-Dec-2023 Future Tech Bala Phone call Prasanth Doubt Purchase Inward duplicated same data YES Discuss with development team Prasanth Closed
19th Dec Dhaarun: Ragu is working on this,
19 18-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features Need DC option for tools rework purpuse In progress Will roll out on next deployment 01-10-2024 Ragu
They need DC option for maintenance purpose 19th Dec Dhaarun: Ragu is working on this,
20 18-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features machines and equipments In progress Will roll out on next deployment 01-10-2024 Ragu
19th Dec Dhaarun: Ragu is working on this,
21 18-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features They need DC option for calibration instruments In progress Will roll out on next deployment Ragu
They need a new feature in the tool layout search Discuss with development team
22 18-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features option part wise Yet to Review 01 Jan Dhaarun: It will be taken in V1 Dhaarun
Explain about the short close option and
23 18-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Doubt They need PO pending quantity closed option Yes comment on your remark Dhaarun Closed 22-12-2023
They need inward parts certificates access to quality 20th Dec Ajay: Replay mail was sent.
24 18-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features team Yet to Review Discuss with the development team. Dhaarun
19th Dec Dhaarun: This is the feature we
have done. If they need to check the
25 18-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Doubt They need sum of total pending PO quantity Obsolete Individual PO qty check the screen Dhaarun Closed 22-12-2023 NA NA
19th Dec Dhaarun: This can be done in
26 18-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features They need debit and credit notes V2 version 2 NA NA NA NA
19th Dec Dhaarun: This can be done in
27 18-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features They need duplicate invoice option V2 version 2 NA NA NA NA
8D demo given. then he wants the option about to 19th Dec Dhaarun: This can be done in
28 19-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Direct Visit AJAY.V Features photos & documents add V2 version 2 NA NA NA NA
29 19-12-2023 Q AND Q Sankari Direct Visit AJAY.V Doubt Supplier-wise stock entry update relative Yes Explain supplier-wise stock entry update 21-12-2023 Closed 21-12-2023
19th Dec Dhaarun: Ajay need to validate
the data with Client Mani or SureshBabu
through the Control task report and control
Machine -1 (100 % ) live work complete but Report plan report. If there is actual mismatch then
30 19-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Direct Visit AJAY.V Issue shows only complete 51.9% YES developer will look into this. Ajay Closed 21-12-2023
19th Dec Dhaarun: Tomorrow will check
the requirement's mail. and give the
31 19-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Direct Visit AJAY.V Features Got 5s requirement Open estimation for this.
Access needs to be given to Purchase head for
32 19-12-2023 Q AND Q Sankari Direct Visit AJAY.V Issue Other Charges tab in Part Master YES 19th Dec Dhaarun: Today this will be given. 19-12-2023 Ragu Closed 20-12-2023
33 19-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Direct Visit AJAY.V Issue Access needs to be given to Quality head for 8d YES 19th Dec Dhaarun: Today this will be given. 19-12-2023 Ragu Closed 20-12-2023
On 1-11-2023, no rework was recoded in the ERP
system, yet the rework PPM is being displayed in the
34 19-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Direct Visit AJAY.V Issue Grafana YES J-507 Is rework done. Please check 20-12-2023 Closed 20-12-2023
35 20-12-2023 Q AND Q Sankari Phone call AJAY.V Ask for demo Ask for a demo in control task bulk update YES They scheduling 20-12-2023 AJAY.V Closed 20-12-2023
36 20-12-2023 Q AND Q Sankari Phone call AJAY.V Issue ERP server slows down Open Discuss with development team
granafa both solutions and pvt dashboard data
37 21-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call AJAY.V Issue are not available YES Discuss with development team 21-12-2023 Closed
Control task after submitting ERP shows only
38 21-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call AJAY.V Issue loading Yes Discuss with development team 21-12-2023 Closed 21-12-2023
39 21-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call AJAY.V Doubts Part inspection affects OEE? in progress Discuss with development team In Progress
40 21-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call AJAY.V Features Add the ideal time to the schedule time for Operators Yet to Review Discuss with development team
As per discussion with Sibi part price was checked
41 22-12-2023 Q AND Q Sankari Phone call AJAY.V Issue and update YES Completed 22-12-2023 Ragu Closed 22-12-2023
SS BRIGHT No requirement for ERP, if the requirement is
42 22-12-2023 STEELS Pranav raja Phone call AJAY.V New client needed, they call soon YES Completed 22-12-2023 Closed 22-12-2023
MICRO Shanmuga
43 22-12-2023 AUTOMATION sundran Phone call AJAY.V New client They schedule meeting by 28-12-2023 in progress Discuss with team 28-12-2023 AJAY.V
44 22-12-2023 TECH Harikanth Phone call AJAY.V New client They are busy with other work, but they call soon in progress Discuss with team
AARADHANA 26th Dec Ajay: They have one machine They
45 22-12-2023 ENGINEERING Sundarajan Phone call AJAY.V New client schedule a meeting for next week in progress Discuss with team 28-12-2023 AJAY.V
46 22-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call AJAY.V Issue DQC auto mail issue in progress The development team working on this Dhaarun In Progress
They need a packing Invoice optional & delivery
47 22-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call AJAY.V Features invoice option in the mandatory in progress The development team working on this Dhaarun In Progress
48 23-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Phone call AJAY.V Issue Issue on creating user login for operator YES Completed 23-12-2023 Closed
Ajay: Discuss with the team
27th Dec Dhaarun: This is not an issue, As
we are going for the machine count-based
subscription we need to remove the
unwanted machine they added. we need a
list. please share the list with the dev team,
and they will do that. 27th Dec Ajay: I will
49 23-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Phone call AJAY.V Doubts They need to delete the unwanted machine Yes do this, which Bijo shared. Dhaarun Closed
27th Dec Dhaarun: I will do this, which Bijo
50 23-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Phone call AJAY.V Issue They need to delete the unwanted control plan Yes shared. Dhaarun Closed
They need to export as Excel option master supplier 27th Dec Dhaarun: We can take this up in
51 23-12-2023 Future Tech Bijo Phone call AJAY.V Features page for audit purpose V2 next phase Dhaarun
Doubts about how inward two-line items one DC
52 23-12-2023 ACCUPOWER Baalkrishnan Phone call AJAY.V Doubts number. YES Explain about RM part inward completely 23-12-2023 Ajay Closed
Discuss with team
53 23-12-2023 ACCUPOWER Baalkrishnan Phone call AJAY.V Features DC to direct invoice Yet to Review 01 Jan Dhaarun: We can do in V1
54 26-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call AJAY.V Issue 8D not work properly YES 8D did not work properly issue fixed In Progress
OEE % was mismatched against the values We also cross-checked it with the
55 27-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call AJAY.V Doubts displayed in Grafana YES Control Task Report 27-12-2023 Closed
Control task each serial number is The double-time serial number generation
56 27-12-2023 Q AND Q Sureshbabu Phone call AJAY.V Doubts generated double time YES issue fixed
MICRO Shanmuga They schedule a meeting for 29-12-2023 at
57 28-12-2023 AUTOMATION sundran Phone call AJAY.V New client They ask demo YES 11 am
Discuss with team
58 28-12-2023 Future Tech Ravi Direct Visit AJAY.V Issue Supplier job work out DC notes not working Under Review 01 Jan Dhaarun: Jeeva need to check Jeeva
Discuss with team
59 28-12-2023 Future Tech Ravi Direct Visit AJAY.V Issue Supplier job work out E-way bill not working Under Review 01 Jan Dhaarun: Jeeva need to check Jeeva
Control task initial process serial number not Control task initial process serial number not
60 28-12-2023 Future Tech Ravi Direct Visit AJAY.V Issue generate Yes generate problem was fixed
Discuss with team
01 Jan Dhaarun: We can take this in next
61 29-12-2023 Future Tech Ashok Phone call AJAY.V Features We need to add the CTQ column in task validation. Yet to Review development Dhaarun
Discuss with team
All machining processes should give lower and 01 Jan Dhaarun: Need to discuss this with
62 29-12-2023 Future Tech Ashok Phone call AJAY.V Discuss upper control limit values in ERP Under Review Rajesh Quality in QQS
Discuss with team
We give the lower and upper spec limit values in the 01 Jan Dhaarun: Need to discuss this with
63 29-12-2023 Future Tech Ashok Phone call AJAY.V Discuss final inspection process ( Note: Non-coated parts ) Under Review Rajesh Quality in QQS
We give the lower and upper spec limit values in Discuss with team
inspection before coating process ( Note: all coated 01 Jan Dhaarun: Need to discuss this with
64 29-12-2023 Future Tech Ashok Phone call AJAY.V Discuss parts ) Under Review Rajesh Quality in QQS
Lower and upper control limit values are in separate Discuss with team
milling operations for set-up approval and in-process 01 Jan Dhaarun: Need to discuss this with
65 29-12-2023 Future Tech Ashok Phone call AJAY.V Discuss report purpose Under Review Rajesh Quality in QQS
Discuss with team
Lower and upper spec limit values are given all CMM 01 Jan Dhaarun: Need to discuss this with
66 29-12-2023 Future Tech Ashok Phone call AJAY.V Discuss dimensions separately for the PDIR report Under Review Rajesh Quality in QQS
They need CMM dimensions entry in the final
67 01-01-2023 Future Tech Ashok Phone call AJAY.V Features inspection. Yet to Review Discuss with team Dhaarun
We have control the limits if accross the control limit
68 01-01-2023 Future Tech Ashok Phone call AJAY.V Features highlighted by the yellow colour Yet to Review Discuss with team Dhaarun
They need to change the Control plan reports. The
69 02-01-2024 Future Tech Ashok Direct Visit AJAY.V Features calibration method to measurement methods Yet to Review Discuss with team Dhaarun
They need to change the Control plan reports. lower
and upper spec limit change to lower and
70 02-01-2024 Future Tech Ashok Direct Visit AJAY.V Features upper control limit Yet to Review Discuss with team Dhaarun
71 02-01-2024 Future Tech Ashok Direct Visit AJAY.V Features They need HS code Supplier job work out Yet to Review Discuss with team Dhaarun
72 02-01-2024 Future Tech Ashok Direct Visit AJAY.V Demo 8D demo given. YES Discuss with team
MICRO Shanmuga They have four machine They schedule a
73 03-01-2024 AUTOMATION sundran Phone call AJAY.V New client meeting for next week YES Discuss with team 08-01-2024
In Invoice status, we need a reminder for payment
74 04-01-2024 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features details for their terms and conditions Yet to Review Discuss with team
In some case we have heat code as damaged in this
75 04-01-2024 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Doubts senario how to enter heat code Yet to Review Discuss with team
They want Bulk serial numbers to be generated in
control task validation for the first process based on
76 04-01-2024 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features the start and end number Yet to Review Discuss with team
They have 10 machines. only discuss about
77 6-1-2024 Space Pro Sukan Krishna Direct Visit AJAY.V / DHAARUN New client costing YES
They want to enter the outdoor process in the control
78 6-1-2024 Future Tech Bijo Phone call AJAY.V Feature task Yet to Review Discuss with team
In the Job out DC, the unit did not work properly.
79 6-1-2024 Future Tech Rajalaxmi Phone call AJAY.V Issue after downloading the DC, the unit convet to the kg Yet to Review Discuss with team
DC notes come on separate pages the pdf
80 6-1-2024 Future Tech Rajalaxmi Phone call AJAY.V Issue download Yet to Review Discuss with team
We need to add multiple shifts with the same need to
81 8-1-2024 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Features handle multiple shifts in the control task Yet to Review Discuss with team
82 8-1-2024 Future Tech Bijo Direct Visit AJAY.V Doubts What type of access is given by line inspectors Yet to Review Discuss with team
Users want to add multiple prices for one item with
83 11-1-2023 Future Tech Bijo Phone call AJAY.V Features the same supplier Yet to Review Discuss with team
Need to update job work quantity and pending
84 11-1-2023 Future Tech Bijo Phone call AJAY.V Features quantity when customer outward dc rise Yet to Review Discuss with team
Client accepts our costing terms and conditions.
and is ready to purchase. schedule meeting 12-
85 11-1-2023 Space Pro Sukan Krishna Direct Visit AJAY.V New client 01-2023 time 3.00pm Yet to Review Discuss with team
Need to update job work quantity and pending
86 11-1-2023 Future Tech Bijo Phone call AJAY.V Features quantity when customer outward dc rise Yet to Review Discuss with team
Company Responded Doubts / Solution solution is Responsible Closed Date
S No Date & Time Name Reported By Type By Issue Description Given Given? Call Duration Target date Dev Status & Time Card No Remarks
1 05-01-2024 QnQ solutions SURESH BABU DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A FEATURES They need image features in the 8d report V2
2 05-01-2024 QnQ solutions SURESH BABU DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A BUG It is not permitted to choose identical root causes in the 8D screen. V2
3 05-01-2024 QnQ solutions SURESH BABU DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A FEATURES Operator OEE showed in 100% above becouse of 12 hr shift time so they need operator OEE for 12 hr V2
4 05-01-2024 QnQ solutions SURESH BABU DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A ISSUES The Grafana values for the machine indicate in minus INPROGRESS
5 05-01-2024 QnQ solutions SURESH BABU DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A ISSUES The values displayed in Grafana for each machine differ from their respective actual values. INPROGRESS
6 05-01-2024 QnQ solutions SURESH BABU DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A ISSUES The automated mail production quantity differs from the production quantity specified in the control task INPROGRESS
7 05-01-2024 QnQ solutions SURESH BABU DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A ISSUES grafana showed the machine-specific process cycle time greater than the overall available time INPROGRESS
8 05-01-2024 QnQ solutions PARTHIBAN DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A FEATURES There is a need to extend the duration of their session times FIXED
9 08-01-2024 QnQ solutions PARTHIBAN DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A FEATURES They need bulk upload functionality for tool layout INPROGRESS
10 08-01-2024 QnQ solutions SURESH BABU DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A ISSUES 1st Shift time was wrong FIXED
11 08-01-2024 QnQ solutions PARTHIBAN DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A BUG Tool Layout option is currently not visible on the tool layout screen FIXED
12 10-01-2024 QnQ solutions STORES DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A FEATURES Please arrange all parts quantities on a single PDF page in the purchase order for better accessibility and clarity We need fix, Check with Vignesh
13 10-01-2024 QnQ solutions STORES DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A FEATURES A supplier-specific search option is required for purchase inward functionality Check with Vignesh
ARAVIND There is a requirement for a bulk upload feature for supplier-item information within the Supplier Purchase Order
14 10-01-2024 QnQ solutions STORES DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A FEATURES (PO) system V2
15 10-01-2024 QnQ solutions STORES DIRECT VISIT RAHUL.A FEATURES The requested delivery date should align with the purchase order date V2

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