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Diversity of lactic acid bacteria and yeast in Airag and Tarag, traditional
fermented milk products of Mongolia

Article in World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology · August 2008

DOI: 10.1007/s11274-007-9604-3


168 446

6 authors, including:

Koichi Watanabe Junji Fujimoto

National Taiwan University, College of Bioresources and Agriculture Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research


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World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325
DOI 10.1007/s11274-007-9604-3


Diversity of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in Airag and Tarag,

traditional fermented milk products of Mongolia
Koichi Watanabe Æ Junji Fujimoto Æ Masae Sasamoto Æ Jamyan Dugersuren Æ
Tseveendori Tumursuh Æ Shirchin Demberel

Received: 5 September 2007 / Accepted: 6 November 2007 / Published online: 23 November 2007
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract We used culture- and molecular-biology-based geographic differences in the L. kefiranofaciens and S. ther-
methods to investigate microbial diversity in the traditional mophilus contents of Tarag strongly suggested that
Mongolian fermented milks ‘‘Airag’’ (fermented mare’s milk) differences among the animal species from which the milk
and ‘‘Tarag’’ (fermented milk of cows, yaks, goats, or camels). was sourced, rather than geographic distances, were the most
By rRNA or functional gene sequencing, we identified 367 important factors influencing the diversity of the microbial
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains and 152 yeast strains iso- composition of traditional fermented milks in Mongolia.
lated from 22 Airag and 31 Tarag samples. The total
concentration of LAB in Airag (107.78 ± 0.50 c.f.u. ml–1; Keywords Airag  Functional gene 
mean ± SD) was significantly lower (P \ 0.01) than in Tarag Lactic acid bacteria  Molecular identification 
(108.35 ± 0.62 c.f.u. ml-1), whereas the total concentration of rRNA gene  Tarag  Traditional fermented milk 
yeasts in Airag (107.41 ± 0.61 c.f.u. ml-1) was significantly Yeast
higher (P \ 0.01) than in Tarag (105.86 ± 1.29 c.f.u. ml-1).
Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens
were isolated from Airag as the predominant LAB strains at
levels of about 107 c.f.u. ml-1, whereas Lactobacillus del- Introduction
brueckii subsp. bulgaricus, L. helveticus, and Streptococcus
thermophilus were the predominant isolates from Tarag at For centuries, the nomads of Mongolia have been pro-
about 107 c.f.u. ml-1. The lactose-fermenting Kluyveromyces ducing various kinds of traditional fermented dairy
marxianus was isolated predominantly from Airag as its major products. ‘‘Airag’’, also called Koumiss, is a very popular
alcoholic fermentation component. Non-lactose-fermenting beverage traditionally produced in Mongolia, Kazakhstan,
yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Issatchenkia ori- Kyrgyzstan, and some Central Asian regions of Russia. It is
entalis, and Kazachstania unispora were the predominant a mildly alcoholic, sour-tasting fermented drink that is
isolates from Tarag, at about 105 c.f.u. ml-1. The apparent usually made from the raw milk of mares or camels. In
Mongolia, the traditional Airag is made by the fermenta-
tion of mares’ milk by its indigenous lactic acid bacteria
K. Watanabe (&)  J. Fujimoto  M. Sasamoto (LAB); this is followed by alcoholic fermentation of the
Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological Research, residual sugar by yeasts. This traditional Airag contains a
1796 Yaho, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8650, Japan small amount of carbon dioxide and as much as 2% alco-
hol, but it does not contain kefir grains (a combination of
J. Dugersuren  T. Tumursuh  S. Demberel bacteria and yeasts in a matrix of lipids, proteins, and
Mongolian Veterinary Institute, Zaisan, Ulaanbaatar 210153, polysaccharides, used to start fermentation). Not only Ai-
Mongolia rag, but also various kinds of traditional yogurt, which are
called ‘‘Tarag’’ and are made from cow, yak, goat, or
S. Demberel
Mongolian State University of Agriculture (MSUA), Zaisan-53, camel milk, have played extremely important roles in the
Ulaanbaatar 210153, Mongolia Mongolian diet from ancient times.

1314 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325

By a culture method based on phenotypic traits, Baldorj research results have not always contributed accurate and
et al. (2003) reported that LAB such as Lactobacillus detailed information about the microbial diversity in fer-
bulgaricus (senior synonym of Lactobacillus delbrueckii mented milks (especially in the case of LAB and yeasts)
subsp. bulgaricus) and Streptococcus lactis (senior syno- because they have relied only on culture methods based on
nym of Lactococcus (Lc.) lactis), and alcoholic-fermenting phenotypic traits.
yeasts such as Saccharomyces lactis (senior synonym of To evaluate the usefulness of Mongolian traditional
Kluyveromyces lactis), Saccharomyces cartilaginosus fermented milk products as probiotics it is very important
(senior synonym of Saccharomyces (Sac.) cerevisiae), and that we investigate as many as possible of the LAB and
Saccharomyces torulosus (senior synonym of Torulaspora yeast strains associated with their fermentation. Here, we
delbrueckii) predominate in Airag. Among samples col- report our use of culture- and molecular-biology-based
lected from different geographic regions, such as the forest- methods to investigate the microbial diversity of the tra-
steppe, Gobi Desert, and Mongolian steppe, there were no ditional fermented milk products of Mongolia. We used the
differences in microbial composition, but significant dif- RAPD-PCR technique to type LAB and yeast strains iso-
ferences in the quantitative ratios of each microbe were lated from Airag and Tarag. Strains were identified by
observed. phylogenetic analysis based on rRNA gene sequences such
There have been a number of analyses of the LAB and as 16S, the 18S–26S internal transcribed spacer region, or
yeasts in the traditional fermented milks of Inner Mongolia the D1/D2 region of 26S, and by PCR using species- or
in China. Enterococcus sp., Lc. lactis, Leuconostoc (Leuc.) subspecies-specific primers that targeted the 16S rRNA
sp. and Sac. cerevisiae predominated in fermented cows’ gene or functional genes.
milk (Naersong and Kitamoto 1995; Watabe et al. 1998).
Enterococcus faecium, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lac-
tobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus kefirgranum (senior Materials and methods
synonym of Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens subsp. kefirgra-
num), Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Sampling of traditional fermented milk
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and lactose-fermenting yeasts as
represented by Candida kefyr and Kluyveromyces marxi- Airag and Tarag prepared by the traditional methods
anus were the predominant isolates from fermented mares’ developed by nomadic people in their gers (portable houses
milk (Naersong et al. 1996; Ishii et al. 1997; Watabe et al. for nomads) were sampled in the Mongolian provinces of
1998; Burentegusi et al. 2002; Shuangquan et al. 2006), Arhangai, Bulgan, Dundgobi, Tov, Uburhangai, and Um-
and E. faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. helveticus, C. nugobi in July 2004. Most of the Airag samples, and those
kefyr, and Sac. cerevisiae were the major microbes in Tarag samples that were made from yak milk, were col-
fermented camels’ milk (Shuangquan et al. 2004). An et al. lected in the forest–steppe region of Arhangai and
(2004) reported that Lactobacillus pentosus, L. plantarum, Uburhangai. The Tarag samples made from goat and camel
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, Leuc. mesenteroides, Leuco- milk were collected in the Gobi Desert region of Dundgobi
nostoc pseudomesenteroides, and Streptococcus parauberis and Umnugobi (Table 1).
were the predominant isolates in fermented mares’ milk Fermented milk samples of about 3 ml were collected in
from Inner Mongolia, in China, by using SDS-PAGE 5-ml sterile tubes (Sarstedt, cat. no. 60.9921.523S,
profiling of whole-cell protein and phylogenetic analysis Nümbrecht, Germany) by using disposable transfer pipettes
on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences for typing and (Becton Dickinson [BD] Falcon 357575, Franklin Lakes,
identifying LAB strains. There have also been similar NJ, USA). They were then transported to the Mongolian
studies on the predominant LAB or yeasts in other tradi- Veterinary Institute at 4°C in a vehicle-mounted refriger-
tional dairy products; Dadih in Indonesia (Hosono et al. ator. Subsequently, all of the samples were transported by
1989), Amasi in Zimbabwe (Gadaga et al. 2000), South air to the Yakult Central Institute for Microbiological
African fermented milk (Beukes et al. 2001), Kule naoto in Research, Tokyo, Japan, at below freezing and stored at -
Kenya (Mathara et al. 2004), fermented raw goat milk in 20°C until they were used in the experiments. The analyses
Algeria (Guessas and Kihal 2004), Laban in Lebanon were carried out within 10 days after sampling.
(Chammas et al. 2006), Dahi in Bangladesh (Harun-ur-
Rashid et al. 2007), and Matsoni in Georgia (Uchida et al.
2007). However, almost all the previous information Enumeration and isolation of LAB and yeasts
available on the microbial composition of the traditional
fermented milks prepared by the nomads of the Mongolian One milliliter of each sample was aseptically added to 9 ml
region has come from studies performed in Inner Mongolia of sterile 0.85% NaCl solution and mixed thoroughly.
(in China), but not in Mongolia itself. Moreover, these Serial 10-fold dilutions were performed, and 0.1-ml

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325 1315

Table 1 Mongolian locations

Region Province City Airaga Taragb
where Airag and Tarag samples
were collected, and numbers of Mare Cow Yak Goat Camel
each sample type
Steppe Tov Bayan-Onjuul 1c
Erdenesant 1 5
Bulgan Khishig-Ondor 1
Dasinchilen 1
Forest-steppe Arhangai Khashaat 1 1 1
Tsagaannuur 5 5
Tsenkher 6 5
Uburhangai Bat-Olzii 2 2
Fermented mares’ milk Gobi Desert Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 4 6
Fermented product made Hanhongor 1 3
from cow, yak, goat, or camel Dundgobi Mandalgovi 2
Total no. of samples 22 7 13 6 5
Number of samples collected

aliquots of the appropriate dilutions were directly inocu- DNA extraction

lated in duplicate onto the following media: (a) modified
MRS (m-MRS; glucose replaced with lactose) agar plates The genomic DNAs of the isolates were extracted by the
containing (per 1 l) 10 g trypticase peptone (BD BBL method described by Zhu et al. (1993), with some modi-
211921), 5 g yeast extract, 3 g tryptose (BD Bacto fications. Briefly, 1 ml of stationary-phase bacterial culture
211713), 3.9 g K2HPO43H2O, 3 g KH2PO4, 2 g diam- was harvested by centrifugation at 20,000g for 3 min. The
monium hydrogen citrate, 5 ml salt solution (11.5% cell pellet was suspended in 250 ll of extraction buffer
MgSO47H2O, 3.09% MnSO45H2O; 0.68% FeSO47H2O), (100 mM Tris–HCl, 40 mM EDTA, pH 9.0) and 500 ll of
1 g Tween 80, 1.7 g sodium acetate, 20 g lactose, 0.2 g benzyl chloride; 0.7 g of glass beads (0.1 mm in diameter)
L-cysteine HClH2O, 15 g agar (pH 6.8), and supplemented were added to the suspension, and the mixture was shaken
with 0.01% of both cycloheximide and sodium azide and vigorously for 30 s with a FastPrep FP120 (Qbiogene,
incubated anaerobically at 30°C for 3 days in an anaerobic Carlsbad, CA, USA) at a speed setting of 6.5 m s–1. Sub-
chamber (Coy Laboratory Products, Detroit, MI, USA) for sequently, 50 ll of 10% SDS was added to the suspension,
enumeration of LAB; and (b) YM agar plates (BD Difco which was then vortexed vigorously at 50°C for 20 min in
271210) supplemented with 0.01% chloramphenicol and a MicroIncubator M-36 (Taitech, Tokyo, Japan). The
incubated aerobically at 30°C for 4 days for enumeration mixture was cooled on ice for 15 min after the addition of
of yeasts. Colonies with distinct morphologies (e.g., in 150 ll of 3 M sodium acetate. After centrifugation of the
terms of color, shape, and size) were selected and purified mixture at 20,000g for 15 min, the supernatant was col-
by streaking at least three times on m-MRS agar or YM lected and DNA was obtained by isopropanol precipitation.
agar. The total concentration of individual species was Finally, the DNA was diluted to 10 lg ml-1 in TE buffer
calculated from the sum of the numbers of isolates that (10 mM Tris–HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0).
were typed and identified as the same species and from the
dilution rates of the colonies on the agar plates. RAPD-PCR typing

RAPD-PCR amplification was performed in a model PTC-

Strains and culture conditions 200 thermal cycler (MJ Research Inc., Watertown, MA,
USA). Each reaction mixture (20 ll) contained 10 mM Tris–
All the LAB and yeast strains used were stored at -80°C in HCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 200 lM of each
Nutrient Broth (BD Difco) containing 10% DMSO and dNTP, 1.5 U Taq DNA polymerase (Takara, Shiga, Japan),
registered in the culture collection in Yakult Central 1.5 lM RAPD primer, and 10 ng template DNA. The RAPD
Institute (YIT; Tokyo, Japan). The type strains of LAB primers used were p1252, p1254, and p1281 (Akopyanz et
used for PCR identification using functional genes or 16S al. 1992) (see Table 2). The amplification program consisted
rRNA gene-based primers were obtained from the culture of 1 cycle of 94°C for 2 min; 6 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 36°C
collection of YIT. All the stock LAB and yeast strains were for 60 s, and 72°C for 90 s; 30 cycles of 94°C for 20 s, 36°C
cultured in MRS broth at 37°C for 1 day and in YM broth for 20 s, and 72°C for 90 s; and finally 1 cycle of 72°C for
at 30°C for 1 or 2 days, respectively, for DNA extraction. 3 min. RAPD products were electrophoresed at 50 V on a

1316 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325

Table 2 Oligonucleotide primers used in the PCR amplification

Primer Oligonucleotide Target Position Reference
(50 ? 30 )

p1252 GCGGAAATAG Genomic DNA Akopyanz et al. (1992)

p1254 CCGCAGCCAA Genomic DNA Akopyanz et al. (1992)
p1281 AACGCGCAAC Genomic DNA Akopyanz et al. (1992)
8F AGAGTTTGATC(A/C)TGGCTCAG Bacterial 16S rDNA 8–27 Miyake et al. (1998)
520F CAGGAGTGCCAGCAGCCGCGG Bacterial 16S rDNA 515–530 Miyake et al. (1998)
930F GCACAAGCGGTGGAGCATGTGG Bacterial 16S rDNA 933–954 Miyake et al. (1998)
1100F CAGGAGCAACGAGCGCAACCC Bacterial 16S rDNA 1099–1114 Miyake et al. (1998)
520R ACCGCGGCTGCTGGC Bacterial 16S rDNA 531–517 Miyake et al. (1998)
800R CAGGACTACCAGGGTATCTAAT Bacterial 16S rDNA 804–787 Miyake et al. (1998)
1100R AGGGTTGCGCTCGTTC Bacterial 16S rDNA 1115–1100 Miyake et al. (1998)
15R AAGGAGGTGATCCA(A/G)CCGCA Bacterial 16S rDNA 1541–1522 Miyake et al. (1998)
pepR LbC CGCAATTATCTCTTCAATGGTC pepR gene of Lactobacillus casei 385–407 This study
pepR LbR GCGAAGGTGACATTCACC pepR gene of Lactobacillus rhamnosus 65–82 This study
pepR LbZ CTCACCACGGATTATTTCTTG pepR gene of Lactobacillus zeae 260–280 This study
pepR g-LbC GCATGGTTTC(A/G)TGTTCGCC pepR gene of the Lactobacillus casei group 750–732 This study
paraF GTCACAGGCATTACGAAAAC recA gene of Lactobacillus 220–239 Torriani et al. (2001)
pentF CAGTGGCGCGGTTGATATC recA gene of Lactobacillus pentosus 109–127 Torriani et al. (2001)
planF CCGTTTATGCGGAACACCTA recA gene of Lactobacillus plantarum 9–28 Torriani et al. (2001)
pREV TCGGGATTACCAAACATCAC recA gene of L. plantarum group 327–308 Torriani et al. (2001)
LbD-1 GGTGATTTGTTGGACGCT 16S rRNA gene of Lactobacillus delbrueckii 94–100 This study
LbD-2 AAAGACCAGTTACTGCCTCTATC 16S rRNA gene of Lactobacillus delbrueckii 476–454 This study
LB1 AAAAATGAAGTTGTTTAAAGTAGGTA pepIP gene of Lactobacillus delbrueckii 640–665 Torriani et al. (1999)
LLB1 AAGTCTGTCCTCTGGCTGG pepIP gene of Lactobacillus delbrueckii 1686–1704 Torriani et al. (1999)
Y1750F GTCGTAACAAGGTTTCCGTAG Yeast 18S–26S rDNA ITS region This study
ITS2 GCTGCGTTCTTCATCGATGC Yeast 18S–26S rDNA ITS region Chen et al. (2001)
ITS3 GCATCGATGAAGAACGCAGC Yeast 18S–26S rDNA ITS region Lott et al. (1993)
ITS4 TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATTGC Yeast 18S–26S rDNA ITS region Lott et al. (1993)
NL-1 GCATATCAATAAGCGGAGGAAAAG Yeast 18S–26S rDNA ITS region Sugita et al. (2003)
NL-2A CTTGTTCGCTATCGGTCTC Yeast 18S–26S rDNA ITS region Kurtzman and Robnett
NL-3A GAGACCGATAGCGAACAAG Yeast 18S–26S rDNA ITS region Kurtzman and Robnett
NL-4 GGTCCGTGTTTCAAGACGG Yeast 18S–26S rDNA ITS region Sugita et al. (2003)

1.5% (w/v) agarose gel. DNA bands were stained with The internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of 18S–26S
ethidium bromide 0.5 lg ml-1 and photographed. All iso- rRNA were amplified by using primers Y1750F and ITS4
lates were discriminated visually on the basis of their RAPD (Lott et al. 1993). The D1/D2 variable region of 26S rRNA
profiles, and isolates with identical profiles were regarded as gene was amplified by PCR with primers NL-1 (Sugita et al.
belonging to the one strain. 2003) and NL-4 (Sugita et al. 2003) (see Table 2). PCR
amplification was performed with a model PTC-200 thermal
PCR amplification of 16S rRNA gene, 18S–26S rRNA cycler (MJ Research) with PCR buffer containing 1.5 mM
ITS1 and ITS2, and the D1/D2 variable region of 26S MgCl2, 200 mM of each dNTP, 1 lM of each primer, 1 U
rRNA gene Taq DNA polymerase (Takara), and 10 ng of template DNA
in a total volume of 30 ll. The amplification program con-
16S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR with primers 8F and sisted of 1 cycle of 94°C for 2 min; 30 cycles of 94°C for
15R (Miyake et al. 1998); position numbers were based on 20 s, 55°C for 20 s, and 72°C for 90 s; and finally 1 cycle of
the Escherichia coli numbering system (Brosius et al. 1981). 72°C for 3 min.

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325 1317

rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis L. pentosus, and L. plantarum), and L. delbrueckii. We next
identified the strains by using functional gene-targeted species-
For the presumptive identification of LAB strains phyloge- or subspecies-specific primers. For identification of L. casei,
netically, partial sequencing of approximately 500 bp of 16S L. rhamnosus, and L. zeae in the L. casei group, the pepR gene-
rRNA gene of all strains, including the V1, V2, and V3 based multiplex primers of pepR LbC (L. casei-specific for-
variable regions, was performed directly with an ABI ward primer), pepR LbR (L. rhamnosus-specific forward
PRISM BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied primer), pepR LbZ (L. zeae-specific forward primer), and pepR
Biosystems, Foster, CA, USA) in accordance with the g-LbC (L. casei-group-specific reverse primer) were used.
manufacturer’s instructions, and the products were analyzed These primers were developed on the basis of the species-
on a model ABI PRISM 3100 automated DNA sequencer specific regions of the pepR gene obtained from the bacterial
(Applied Biosystems) with primers 8F and 520R. To confirm pepR gene sequences of six strains in the L. casei group:
the identification of the representative LAB strains in each AB363815 (L. casei YIT 0180T), AB363816 (L. casei YIT
presumed species group, full sequencing of 16S rRNA gene 0437), AB363817 (L. rhamnosus YIT 0105T), AB363818
was performed with primers 8F, 520F, 930F, 1100F, 520R, (L. rhamnosus YIT 0127 = DSM 20178), AB363819 (L. zeae
800R, 1100R, and 15R (Miyake et al. 1998) (see Table 2). YIT 0278T), and AB363820 (L. zeae YIT 0078 = ATCC 393).
For the presumptive identification of all yeast strains For identification of L. paraplantarum, L. pentosus, and
phylogenetically, sequencing of approximately 500 bp of L. plantarum in the L. plantarum group, the recA gene-based
the D1/D2 variable region in the 26S rRNA gene of all strains multiplex primers of paraF, pentF, planF and pREV were used
was performed directly with an ABI PRISM BigDye Ter- (Torriani et al. 2001). For identification of L. delbrueckii
minator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems), and subsp. bulgaricus and L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis in L. del-
the products were analyzed on a model ABI PRISM 3100 brueckii, the 16S rRNA gene-targeted L. delbrueckii species-
automated DNA sequencer (Applied Biosystems) with specific primers (LbD-1 and LbD-2) and the pepIP gene-based
primers NL-1, NL-2A (Kurtzman and Robnett 1997), NL-3A primers LB1 and LLB1 (Torriani et al. 1999) were used (see
(Kurtzman and Robnett 1997), and NL-4. To confirm the Table 2).
identification of the representative yeast strains in each A specific PCR assay was performed with a model PTC-
presumed species group, sequencing of 18S–26S ITS1 and 200 thermal cycler (MJ Research) using PCR buffer con-
ITS2 was performed with primers Y1750F, ITS2 (Chen et al. taining 1.5 mM MgCl2, 200 mM of each dNTP, 1 lM of
2001), ITS3 (Lott et al. 1993), and ITS4 (see Table 2). each primer, 0.4 U Taq DNA polymerase (Takara), and
Sequence assembly was performed by using AutoAs- 10 ng of template DNA in a total volume of 20 ll. The
sembler software version 2.1 (Applied Biosystems) and amplification program consisted of 1 cycle of 94°C for
GENETYX-Mac version 13.0.1 (Software Development 2 min; 32 cycles of 94°C for 20 s, 55°C for 20 s, and 72°C
Co., Tokyo). The FASTA program of Pearson (1999) was for 90 s; and finally 1 cycle of 72°C for 3 min. PCR
applied to find the most similar sequences from the DDBJ/ products were electrophoresed at 100 V on a 1.5% (wt/vol)
GenBank/EMBL DNA database. A continuous stretch of agarose gel. DNA bands were stained with ethidium bro-
1500 bases ranging from positions 20 to 1520 of the mide 0.5 lg ml-1 and photographed.
Escherichia coli 16S rRNA numbering was used for
sequence analysis. The alignments were analyzed to con-
Statistical analyses
struct a phylogenetic tree and to compare similarities
among the sequences by the neighbor-joining method of
The concentrations and isolation frequencies of LAB and
Saitou and Nei (1987) by using Clustal X software version
yeasts were analyzed statistically to compare the microbial
1.82 (Thompson et al. 1997). The stability of the rela-
compositions of Airag and Tarag. Mean differences in the
tionships was assessed by bootstrap resampling analysis.
concentrations of LAB or yeasts were analyzed by the
Bootstrapping was performed for 1000 trials in accordance
unpaired t-test. The isolation frequencies of each species
with the Clustal X program.
were compared by the 2 9 2 chi-squared test.

Specific PCR assay for identification of strains Results and discussion

By applying the partial sequences of 16S rRNA gene (positions Isolation and identification of LAB
20–520 according to the E. coli numbering system), we used
phylogenetic analysis to differentiate strains that belonged to A total of 620 bacterial isolates isolated from 22 Airag
the L. casei group (L. casei, L. rhamnosus, and Lactobacillus samples and 31 Tarag samples were discriminated into 367
zeae), the L. plantarum group (Lactobacillus paraplantarum, LAB strains by RAPD-PCR (Table 3).

1318 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325

Table 3 List of samples used in this study

Fermented Sampling No. of No. of Total
milk location strains species (cfu/ml)
isolated isolated
No. Type Species Province City LAB Yeasts Total LAB Yeasts LAB Yeasts

A-1 Airag Mare Arhangai Khashaat 9 2 5 3 2 8.00c 7.78c

A-2 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsagaannuur 7 4 5 1 4 7.28 7.66
A-3 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsagaannuur 5 2 5 3 2 7.58 7.85
A-4 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsagaannuur 8 2 6 4 2 7.52 7.71
A-5 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsagaannuur 7 3 5 2 3 8.64 7.86
A-6 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsagaannuur 9 2 3 2 1 8.65 7.92
A-7 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsenkher 6 2 6 4 2 7.71 7.70
A-8 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsenkher 6 2 5 3 2 7.38 7.53
A-9 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsenkher 9 2 5 4 1 7.76 7.29
A-10 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsenkher 10 3 7 5 2 8.03 7.66
A-11 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsenkher 8 5 7 3 4 6.74 6.96
A-12 Airag Mare Arhangai Tsenkher 3 3 6 3 3 7.26 7.45
A-13 Airag Mare Bulgan Khishig-Ondor 11 2 6 4 2 7.57 7.41
A-14 Airag Mare Tuv Bayan-Onjuul 7 5 8 3 5 7.76 7.76
A-15 Airag Mare Tuv Erdenesant 9 2 2 1 1 7.80 7.73
A-16 Airag Mare Uburhangai Bat-Olzii 10 2 4 3 1 7.41 7.34
A-17 Airag Mare Uburhangai Bat-Olzii 8 3 8 5 3 7.69 7.57
A-18 Airag Mare Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 9 5 11 6 5 8.90 8.24
A-19 Airag Mare Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 11 5 10 6 4 8.29 6.59
A-20 Airag Mare Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 7 4 7 3 4 8.05 7.05
A-21 Airag Mare Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 10 5 9 4 5 7.71 5.44
A-22 Airag Mare Umnugobi Hanhongor 14 3 8 5 3 7.53 6.48
Subtotal in Airag 183 68 6.3 ± 2.2**a 3.5 ± 1.4**a 2.8 ± 1.3b 7.78 ± 0.50d 7.41 ± 0.61d
T-1 Tarag Camel Dundgobi Mandalgovi 11 1 5 4 1 5.97 3.11
T-2 Tarag Camel Dundgobi Mandalgovi 7 2 4 2 2 8.08 5.67
T-3 Tarag Camel Umnugobi Hanhongor 10 3 4 2 2 8.15 6.24
T-4 Tarag Camel Umnugobi Hanhongor 11 3 3 1 2 8.17 4.69
T-5 Tarag Camel Umnugobi Hanhongor 10 1 2 1 1 8.23 6.20
T-6 Tarag Cow Arhangai Khashaat 5 3 5 3 2 8.44 5.03
T-7 Tarag Cow Bulgan Dasinchilen 5 1 3 2 1 8.04 6.76
T-8 Tarag Cow Tuv Erdenesant 4 2 5 3 2 8.00 7.54
T-9 Tarag Cow Tuv Erdenesant 3 2 5 3 2 9.15 7.20
T-10 Tarag Cow Tuv Erdenesant 4 3 5 3 2 8.53 6.97
T-11 Tarag Cow Tuv Erdenesant 4 3 5 2 3 9.00 6.18
T-12 Tarag Cow Tuv Erdenesant 6 2 5 3 2 9.41 7.50
T-13 Tarag Goat Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 9 4 6 3 3 8.05 6.07
T-14 Tarag Goat Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 4 2 6 4 2 7.94 5.85
T-15 Tarag Goat Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 5 2 4 2 2 8.53 5.98
T-16 Tarag Goat Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 2 4 4 1 3 8.51 5.62
T-17 Tarag Goat Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 7 1 4 3 1 7.67 6.11
T-18 Tarag Goat Umnugobi Dalanzadgad 6 5 3 1 2 8.32 5.28
T-19 Tarag Yak Arhangai Khashaat 2 2 4 2 2 8.76 6.94
T-20 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsagaannuur 8 6 8 3 5 8.25 7.42
T-21 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsagaannuur 9 5 7 4 3 8.68 5.00
T-22 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsagaannuur 7 6 7 3 4 8.46 3.87

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325 1319

Table 3 continued
Fermented Sampling No. of No. of Total
milk location strains species (cfu/ml)
isolated isolated
No. Type Species Province City LAB Yeasts Total LAB Yeasts LAB Yeasts

T-23 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsagaannuur 2 3 4 2 2 8.70 3.98

T-24 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsagaannuur 2 2 5 2 3 7.69 6.50
T-25 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsenkher 6 1 3 2 1 8.68 7.04
T-26 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsenkher 6 2 6 4 2 8.18 4.61
T-27 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsenkher 8 3 5 2 3 8.18 3.46
T-28 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsenkher 7 3 7 4 3 9.13 3.78
T-29 Tarag Yak Arhangai Tsenkher 4 4 5 2 3 9.06 7.42
T-30 Tarag Yak Uburhangai Bat-Olzii 5 2 6 4 2 8.81 6.72
T-31 Tarag Yak Uburhangai Bat-Olzii 5 1 4 3 1 8.09 6.96
Subtotal in Tarag 184 84 4.8 ± 1.4a 2.6 ± 1.0a 2.2 ± 0.9a 8.35 ± 0.62d 5.86 ± 1.29d
Total 367 152 5.4 ± 1.9b 3.0 ± 1.2b 2.5 ± 1.1b 8.12 ± 0.63d 6.50 ± 1.30d
Numbers of species of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) or yeasts were compared between the two groups, Airag and Tarag, by the unpaired t-test
Significant difference: **P \ 0.01
Numbers of species of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) or yeasts isolated are expressed as means ± SD per ml of sample
Concentrations of LAB or yeasts are expressed as log10 per ml of sample
Concentrations of LAB or yeasts isolated are expressed as means ± SD of log10 per ml of sample

By phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene primers as L. plantarum (two strains) and L. paraplantarum,
sequences, the 183 LAB strains isolated from Airag were with amplification products of 318 and 107 bp, respectively.
identified as belonging to five genera (Enterococcus, Lac- All 50 strains in L. delbrueckii, which were observed with
tobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, and Streptococcus), primer LbD to have L. delbrueckii species-specific PCR
two species groups, 12 validated species, and one unknown products (319 bp), were identified by using pepIP gene-
species: E. faecium, L. casei group, Lactobacillus diolivo- based primers of LB1 and LLB1 as L. delbrueckii subsp.
rans, Lactobacillus farciminis, L. helveticus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Table 4, Fig. 1b).
hilgardii, L. kefiranofaciens, Lactobacillus kefiri, Lactoba- Lactococcus sp. strains YIT 10647 (B375) and YIT
cillus parafarranginis, L. plantarum group, Lc. lactis subsp. 10740 (B524) isolated from Airag had only a 2 bp diver-
lactis, Leuc. mesenteroides, Leuc. pseudomesenteroides, gence in their 16S rRNA gene sequences. By FASTA
S. thermophilus, and Lactococcus sp. All of the 13 strains in analysis, the 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between
the L. casei group were identified as L. casei with the Lactococcus sp. YIT 10647 and Lactococcus raffinolactis
L. casei-specific amplification product (365 bp) by using X54261 was 95.9% (Fig. 2). This result suggested that
pepR gene-based multiplex primers (Fig. 1a). All eight these two Lactococcus sp. strains could be novel species
L. plantarum group strains were identified as L. plantarum because their similarity value was less than 97% against
with the L. plantarum-specific amplification product validated known species (97% is the value regarded to
(318 bp) by using recA gene-based multiplex primers. represent identification at the species level; Stackebrandt
On the basis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences, the 184 and Goebel 1994).
LAB strains isolated from Tarag were identified as belonging The mean number of LAB species isolated in each Airag
to four genera (Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, sample (3.5 ± 1.4) was significantly higher (P \ 0.01) than
and Streptococcus), two species groups, and eight validated that in Tarag (2.6 ± 1.0) (Table 3). This result indicated that
species: E. faecium, L. casei group, L. delbrueckii, Airag had a more diverse microbial composition than Tarag.
Lactobacillus fermentum, L. helveticus, L. kefiranofaciens,
L. kefiri, L. plantarum group, Pediococcus pentosaceus, and Isolation and identification of yeasts
S. thermophilus. All of the three strains in the L. casei group
were identified by using pepR gene-based multiplex primers A total of 320 yeast isolates isolated from the 22 Airag and
as L. casei (Fig. 1a). The three strains in the L. plantarum 31 Tarag samples were discriminated to 152 yeast strains
group were identified by using recA gene-based multiplex by RAPD-PCR (Table 3).

1320 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325

Airag Tarag

M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19



primer 16S-LbD primer pepIP-LB1

M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Fig. 1 Amplification patterns obtained with pepR gene-based mul- respectively. All 16 strains from Airag and Tarag were identified as
tiplex primers for the L. casei group (a); the 16S rRNA gene-targeted L. casei. In (b), Lane M, 100-bp ladder DNA size marker (Seegene);
L. delbrueckii species-specific primers (16S-LbD); and the pepIP lanes 1 through 12, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus YIT 0181T,
gene-based multiplex primers (pepIP-LB1) (b). In (a), Lane M, 100- L. delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii YIT 0080T, L. delbrueckii subsp.
bp ladder DNA size marker (Seegene, Rockville, MD, USA); lanes 1– lactis YIT 0086T, YIT 10415, YIT 10416, YIT 10417, YIT 10430,
19, L. casei YIT 0180T, L. rhamnosus YIT 0105T, L. zeae YIT 0278T, YIT 10431, YIT 10546, YIT 10547, YIT 10576, and YIT 10577,
YIT 10462, YIT 10463, YIT 10468, YIT 10493, YIT 10494, YIT respectively. All of the strains isolated from Tarag were identified as
10495, YIT 10602, YIT 10626, YIT 10636, YIT 10637, YIT 10700, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
YIT 10727, YIT 10741, YIT 10449, YIT 10533, and YIT 10534,

By phylogenetic analysis based on the sequences of 18S– c.f.u. ml-1; mean ± SD), whereas the total concentration of
26S ITS1 and ITS2, the 68 yeast strains isolated from Airag LAB in the 31 Tarag samples ranged from 105.97 to
were identified as belonging to eight species: Candida 109.41 c.f.u. ml-1 (108.35 ± 0.62 c.f.u. ml-1) (Table 3).
pararugosa, Dekkera anomala, Issatchenkia orientalis, In Airag, L. helveticus (107.45 ± 0.50 c.f.u. ml-1 in 21
Kazachstania (Ka.) unispora, Kluyveromyces (Kl.) marxi- samples) and L. kefiranofaciens (106.73 ± 0.72 c.f.u. ml-1 in
anus, Pichia mandshurica, Sac. cerevisiae, and 14 samples) were the predominant isolates. Among the 31
T. delbrueckii. The 84 yeast strains isolated from Tarag were Tarag samples, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
identified as belonging to 10 species: Candida zeylanoides, (107.71 ± 0.76 c.f.u. ml-1 in 18 samples), L. fermentum
Debaryomyces hansenii, I. orientalis, Ka. unispora, Kl. (106.96 ± 1.20 c.f.u. ml-1 in 14 samples), and S. thermophilus
marxianus, Pichia fermentans, P. mandshurica, Sac. cere- (107.99 ± 0.84 c.f.u. ml-1 in 13 samples) were isolated from
visiae, T. delbrueckii, and Yarrowia lipolytica (Table 4). No Tarag (other than that made from camel’s milk; Table 5).
significant difference was observed in the mean number of Lactobacillus helveticus predominated in 20 of the Tarag
yeast species between Airag and Tarag (Table 3). samples at 107.47 ± 1.19 c.f.u. ml-1.
Lactobacillus helveticus was therefore the predominant
LAB component of both Airag and Tarag. No significant
LAB composition of fermented milk products differences between Airag and Tarag in terms of isolation
frequency or concentration of L. helveticus were observed.
The total concentration of LAB in the 22 Airag samples The isolation frequencies of L. casei, L. kefiranofaciens,
ranged from 106.74 to 108.90 c.f.u. ml-1 (107.78 ± 0.50 Lc. lactis subsp. lactis, and Leuc. mesenteroides in Airag

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325 1321

Table 4 Comparison of strains isolated from Airag and Tarag

Organism Airag (n = 22) Tarag (n = 31)
No. of No. of cfu/ml No. of No. of strains cfu/mla
samples strains in samples in which
in which which in which isolated
detected isolated detected

Total Microorganisms 22 8.03 ± 0.42 31 8.36 ± 0.62 **c

Total LAB 22 183 7.78 ± 0.50 31 184 8.35 ± 0.62 **c
Enterococcus faecium 1 1 6.30 1 1 5.96
Lactobacillus casei 9**b 13 6.11 ± 0.70 2 3 5.45
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 18**b 50 7.71 ± 0.76
Lactobacillus diolivorans 1 1 7.43
Lactobacillus farciminis 1 1 6.30
Lactobacillus fermentum 14**b 19 6.96 ± 1.20
Lactobacillus helveticus 21 93 7.45 ± 0.50 20 32 7.47 ± 1.19
Lactobacillus hilgardii 1 1 5.60
Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens 14**b 35 6.73 ± 0.72 8 57 7.62 ± 0.97*c
Lactobacillus kefiri 4 4 6.21 ± 0.20 2 2 6.10
Lactobacillus parafarranginis 1 1 6.00
Lactobacillus paraplantarum 1 1 4.78
Lactobacillus plantarum 5 8 5.60 ± 1.25 1 2 4.76
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 6*b 7 6.19 ± 0.87
Lactococcus sp. 2 2 6.86
Leuconostoc mesenteroides 8**b 13 6.58 ± 0.82
Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides 2 2 6.79
Pediococcus pentosaceus 1 1 5.56
Streptococcus thermophilus 1 1 7.00 13**b 16 7.99 ± 0.84
Total Yeasts 22 68 7.41 ± 0.61 **c 31 84 5.86 ± 1.29
Candida pararugosa 1 1 5.48
Candida zeylanoides 2 2 3.08
Debaryomyces hansenii 3 4 2.75 ± 0.09
Dekkera anomala 3 3 5.06 ± 0.32
Issatchenkia orientalis 5 5 3.16 ± 0.45 13 14 4.19 ± 1.15
Kazachstania unispora 13 14 4.98 ± 1.55 10 10 5.30 ± 1.22
Kluyveromyces marxianus 22**b 28 7.28 ± 0.67**c 7 7 5.00 ± 1.44
Pichia fermentans 6 10 4.96 ± 1.49
Pichia mandshurica 5 5 4.43 ± 0.97 1 2 6.07
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 10 10 5.07 ± 1.09 23 31 5.75 ± 1.39
Torulaspora delbrueckii 2 2 5.57 3 3 4.95 ± 1.63
Yarrowia lipolytica 1 1 3.78
Concentrations of LAB or yeasts are expressed as means ± SD of log10 per ml of sample
Isolation frequencies of each species were compared between the two groups, Airag and Tarag, by the 2 9 2 chi-squared test
Concentrations of LAB or yeasts were compared between the two groups, Airag and Tarag, by the unpaired t-test
Statistical significance: *P \ 0.05; **P \ 0.01

were significantly higher than in Tarag (P \ 0.01, bulgaricus was isolated from Tarag made from cow,
P \ 0.01, P \ 0.05, and P \ 0.01, respectively). The iso- yak, or goat milk; L. helveticus from Tarag made from
lation frequencies of the predominant species in Tarag–L. cow, yak, goat, or camel milk; L. kefiranofaciens from
delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, L. fermentum, and S. ther- Tarag made from goat or camel milk; and S. thermo-
mophilus—were significantly higher than in Airag philus from Tarag made from cow, yak, or goat milk
(P \ 0.01) (Table 4). Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. (Table 5).

1322 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325

E. coli JO1695 humaticus (senior synonym of Kazachstania humatica)

S. salivarius M58839 were the predominant species in homemade kefir samples
S. thermophilus X68418 in which grain production was observed, whereas Kl. lactis
was isolated at 104/g only from the commercially available
Lc. garvieae AB012306
889 kefir samples in which grains were not produced. In addi-
1000 Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AB100791 tion, Cheirshilps et al. (2003) reported that production of
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis AB100805 the kefiran was enhanced by using a mixed culture of
Lc. piscium X53905
L. kefiranofaciens and Sac. cerevisiae.
Grains were not observed in Airag samples, in which
Lc. plantarum X54259
1000 L. kefiranofaciens and Kl. marxianus were the predominant
Lc. raffinolactis X54261 species, nor in Tarag samples, in which the total concen-
Lactococcus sp. YIT 10740 tration of yeasts was low. The lack of grain production in
993 Airag or Tarag suggests that the production of kefiran is
Lactococcus sp. YIT 10647
strongly dependent on the LAB and yeast composition of
10 % Airag and Tarag.

Fig. 2 Phylogenetic tree derived from 16S rRNA gene sequence

analysis showing the position of Lactococcus sp. strains YIT 10647
Factors influencing the diversity of microbial
and YIT 10740 among related taxa. The tree was constructed by the
neighbor-joining method, and Escherichia coli was used as the compositions of fermented milk products
outgroup. Bootstrap values based on 1000 replications are given at the
nodes, and the scale bar represents 10% sequence divergence The total concentration of yeasts in Airag (107.41 c.f.u. ml-1)
was significantly higher (P \ 0.01) than that in Tarag
Yeast composition of fermented milk products (105.86 c.f.u. ml-1), whereas the total concentration of LAB
in Airag (107.78 c.f.u. ml-1) was significantly lower
The total concentration of yeasts in the 22 Airag samples (P \ 0.01) than that in Tarag (108.35 c.f.u. ml-1). Conse-
ranged from 105.44 to 108.24 c.f.u. ml-1 (107.41 ± 0.61 c.f.u. quently, the total concentration of microorganisms (sum of
ml-1; mean ± SD), whereas the total concentration of yeasts the total concentration of LAB and yeasts) in Airag was
in the 31 Tarag ranged from 103.11 to 107.54 c.f.u. ml-1 significantly lower (P \ 0.01) than in Tarag (Table 4).
(105.86 ± 1.29 c.f.u. ml-1; mean ± SD) (Table 3). Kazachs- Lactobacillus helveticus, L. kefiranofaciens, and Kl. marxi-
tania unispora was the predominant isolate in 13 Airag anus were the predominant isolates from Airag, at means of
samples at 104.98 ± 1.55 c.f.u. ml-1, and Sac. cerevisiae pre- about 107 c.f.u. ml-1, whereas L. delbrueckii subsp. bul-
dominated in 23 Tarag samples at 105.75 ± 1.39 c.f.u. ml-1 garicus, L. fermentum, L. helveticus, and S. thermophilus
(Table 4). were predominantly isolated from Tarag at means of about
Kluyveromyces marxianus was the predominant yeast 107 c.f.u. ml-1. Kazachstania unispora and Sac. cerevisiae
component in Airag, and the isolation frequency and con- were isolated with high frequency from Tarag at about
centration of Kl. marxianus in Airag were significantly 105 c.f.u. ml-1.
higher than those in Tarag (P \ 0.01). In Airag, the con- As might be expected, in many cases, we found that
centration of Kl. marxianus was about 107 c.f.u. ml-1— common strains were isolated from both Airag and Tarag
significantly higher (P \ 0.01) than those of the other yeast made in the same gers (portable houses of nomads) at the
species isolated, which were in the range of 103 to same time (Fig. 3). This result may have been caused by
105 c.f.u. ml-1. In Tarag, Sac. cerevisiae, Ka. unispora, and cross-contamination through use of the same equipment for
I. orientalis were isolated at high frequencies at concentra- stirring or ladling the fermented products; microenviron-
tions of 104 to 105 c.f.u. ml-1(Table 4). Saccharomyces mental conditions are also likely to have had a marked
cerevisiae and I. orientalis were isolated from Tarag made influence.
from cow, yak, goat, or camel milk; Ka. unispora from Tarag The lactose-fermenting Kl. marxianus was isolated at
made from yak, goat, or camel milk; and Kl. marxianus from high average concentrations (107 cfu ml-1) as the pre-
Tarag made from yak or goat milk. The concentration of dominant species from all Airag samples, whereas it was
yeasts in Tarag made from camel’s milk was significantly isolated from only 23% of Tarag samples, at means of
lower than in Tarag made from cow’s milk (P \ 0.05) about 105 c.f.u. ml-1. Montanari et al. (1996) reported that
(Table 5). Saccharomyces unisporus (senior synonym of Ka. unis-
Latorre-Garcia et al. (2007) reported that I. orientalis, pora) is the predominant species in traditional koumiss in
Sac. unisporus (senior synonym of Ka. unispora), Sac. Kazakhstan. Baldorj et al. (2003) reported that Saccharo-
exiguus (senior synonym of Kazachstania exigua), and Sac. myces lactis (senior synonym of Kl. lactis), Saccharomyces

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325 1323

Table 5 Comparison of microbial compositions of Tarag made from the milk of different animal species
Cow Yak Goat Camel
b b b
No. of cfu/ml No. of cfu/ml No. of cfu/ml No. of cfu/mlb
samplesa samplesa samplesa samples a

Total counts of lactic acid bacteria 7 8.65 ± 0.55 13 8.51 ± 0.42 6 8.17 ± 0.34 5 7.71 ± 0.97
Enterococcus faecium 1 5.96
Lactobacillus casei 1 6.78 1 4.11
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 5 7.56 ± 0.71 10 7.74 ± 0.84 3 7.88 ± 0.81
Lactobacillus fermentum 6 7.35 ± 0.99 6 6.56 ± 1.48 2 7.00
Lactobacillus helveticus 5 8.26 ± 0.99 9 7.48 ± 0.83 4 7.42 ± 0.97 2 5.54
Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens 3 7.74 ± 0.71 5 7.61 ± 1.19
Lactobacillus kefiri 1 6.60 1 5.60
Lactobacillus paraplantarum 1 4.78
Lactobacillus plantarum 1 4.76
Pediococcus pentosaceus 1 5.56
Streptococcus thermophilus 3 7.78 ± 1.25 9 8.17 ± 0.69 1 6.97
Total counts of yeasts 7 6.77 ± 0.89 13 5.66 ± 1.55 6 5.82 ± 0.32 5 5.18 ± 1.32*c
Candida zeylanoides 2 3.08
Debaryomyces hansenii 2 2.78 1 2.70
Issatchenkia orientalis 5 5.23 ± 0.87 4 3.44 ± 1.08 3 3.83 ± 0.28 1 3.11
Kazachstania unispora 4 4.93 ± 1.80 3 5.72 ± 0.42 3 5.39 ± 1.03
Kluyveromyces marxianus 6 4.84 ± 1.51 1 5.93
Pichia fermentans 5 4.88 ± 1.65 1 5.32
Pichia mandshurica 1 6.07
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 7 6.40 ± 1.31 11 5.55 ± 1.64 4 5.49 ± 0.40 1 4.51
Torulaspora delbrueckii 1 6.18 2 4.34
Yarrowia lipolytica 1 3.78
Number of samples in which the microorganism was detected
Concentrations of LAB or yeasts are expressed as means ± SD of log10 per ml of sample
Concentrations of yeasts were compared between the two groups of Tarag made from, cow and camel, by the unpaired t-test
Statistical significance: *P \ 0.05

cartilaginosus (senior synonym of Sac. cerevisiae), and difference was related to the difference in the lactose
Saccharomyces torulosus (senior synonym of T. del- content of the milks—that is, mares’ milk contains 6 to 7%
brueckii) play the principal roles in alcoholic fermentation lactose, whereas the milk of cows, yaks, goats, and camels
in Airag. However, our results revealed that the lactose- contains 4 to 5% lactose. Narvhus and Gadaga (2003)
fermenting Kl. marxianus predominated in association with reported that many indigenous fermented milk products in
alcoholic fermentation in Airag. This contradiction Zimbabwe and Uganda contained yeast strains, as repre-
between our results and these previous results may be due sented by lactose-negative species such as Sac. cerevisiae,
to differences in the analytical methods. in numbers up to 108 c.f.u. ml-1 together with varied LAB
The percentages of lactose, protein, and fat and the strains. This result also supports our suggestion that lac-
contents of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in the tose-fermenting yeasts are associated with fermentation in
milks used to prepare Airag or Tarag in Mongolia differ, Airag because mare’s milk has a higher concentration of
depending on the milk’s origin. The mares’ milk used to lactose than milks from other source animals.
prepare Airag has a higher concentration of sugar and a We compared the geographic differences in the LAB
lower concentration of fat than the cow, yak, goat, or camel and yeast components of Airag and Tarag in the Gobi
milk used to prepare Tarag (Farah 1993; Indra and Magash Desert region (provinces of Dundgobi and Umnugobi) and
1998). The lactose-fermenting yeast Kl. marxianus was the the forest-steppe region (provinces of Arhangai and
predominant isolate in all Airag samples, whereas it was Uburhangai). For Airag, we found no geographic differ-
isolated from only 23% of samples of Tarag and at a lower ences in the total numbers and isolation frequencies of each
concentration (105 c.f.u. ml-1). We considered that this species in the LAB population. In the case of Tarag,

1324 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 24:1313–1325

(A) using molecular-biology-based methods. We confirmed

that the fermented milk products Airag and Tarag had
unique microbial compositions as compared with the tra-
ditional fermented milk products in other countries—that
is, L. helveticus, L. kefiranofaciens, and the lactose-fer-
menting yeast Kl. marxianus were isolated from Airag as
the predominant isolates, whereas L. delbrueckii subsp.
bulgaricus, L. helveticus, and S. thermophilus were the
predominant isolates from Tarag. We also observed the
close relationship between the lactose content in milk used
(B) to prepare the fermented milk products and the concen-
tration of the lactose-fermenting yeast strains in these
fermented milk products. The information obtained here
will be useful for screening the beneficial strains from
traditional fermented milk products in Mongolia. It will
also help to clarify the reasons why these fermented milks
play important roles as probiotics.

Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Mongolian

Scientific-Technological Foundation for its financial support.

Fig. 3 RAPD-PCR profiles obtained from 10 yeast isolates isolated

from Airag (sample A-2) and Tarag (sample T-20), sampled in the
same nomad’s ger using primers p1252 (a) and p1281 (b). The four References
isolates Y227, Y230, Y232, and Y235 were isolated from Airag, and
the six isolates Y236, Y239, Y240, Y241, Y243, and Y245 were Akopyanz N, Bukanov NO, Westblom TU, Kresovich S, Berg DE
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