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Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the Philippines – statistics & facts

Published by Statista Research Department, Nov 18,2021

The rate of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in the Philippines continue to interrupt the
country’s path to economic recovery. Despite the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions, areas
with high cases of infections remain under alert level status while the ongoing vaccination
drives were intensified nationwide. In Metro Manila, a new normal scenario is insight, with
increased passenger capacities in public transport, permitting non-essential establishments
such as gyms and cinema stores, limited in-person classes, as well as opening
the international borders to selected nationalities.

Intensified vaccination programs

Due to the continued efforts to encourage Filipinos to get jabbed, an increasing number of
people now have extra protection against the coronavirus. Though still far from its original
target of 58 million by the end of this year, about 30.81 million people already received both
doses of the vaccine. A vaccine roll out focused on the younger population, especially those with
existing comorbidities, has also commenced nationwide.

Coronavirus impact on travel and tourism

Efforts to revive the tourism industry, which contributes one of the largest shares to the
country’s GDP, include waving PCR test requirements when visiting popular vacation
destinations for fully vaccinated travelers. However, foreign tourists were still bared from
entering the country, except those coming from "green" and "yellow" countries. Fully-vaccinated
travelers from green countries, including China and HongKong, were no longer required to
undergo a facility-based quarantine as long as they present a negative PCR-test. Meanwhile
those coming from yellow list countries need to go through six days of facility quarantine and
home quarantine up to the 10th day.

Coronavirus impact on consumer behavior

Long periods of lockdown significantly changed there tail behavior of Filipino consumers. A
recent survey shows that consumers reduced their in-store shopping frequency as well as the
amount spent per trip. Consumers also started mixing both online retail and shopping in
physical stores as a result of the pandemic. Overall, e-commerce sales of food and beverages
reflected growth as more and more Filipinos have chosen to shop one-commerce platforms
and socialmedia channels.
The Philippines is one out of more than 200 countries and territories battling the novel

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