Goodreads Quiz v2

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This quiz is open book: you may refer to the Librarian Manual and past discussions in the Goodreads Librarians Group.
Reaching out for answers in the Librarian Group is not permitted. Please keep in mind that you will have only 30 minutes
to complete the quiz.

Select the best answer to the question. Other options may be partially correct, but there is only ONE BEST answer.

You did not pass the librarian quiz. Try again in 23 hours, 43 minutes

If multiple books have been reprinted together that are not part of a series, all of the included titles should be listed in the title field.
Which of the following is the preferred separator between the individual book titles?

Incorrect answer! Please consult the Librarian Manual for more information.

A: a forward slash
B: a comma
C: an ampersand
D: brackets
E: parentheses
F: none of the above

Select those who should be added to the author fields:

A: A cover artist who did no interior artwork.
B: An editor of a novel.
C: A proofreader.
D: An editor of an anthology.
E: All of the above.
F: None of the above.

Which of the following sites are acceptable to use for uploading cover images to book records?
A: Barnes & Noble
B: Google Books
D: B and C
E: None of the above

An author's name on the "name" field of their author profile page may be:
A: Only in English or another Roman-alphabet language.
B: Listed in every language they publish under, separated by /s.
C: Listed in every language they publish under, separated by ,s.
D: In any language they publish under, but just one language/name per profile.

The original edition of a book is now out of print. A new edition has just been released. Which of the following is correct?
A: All the information on the existing edition should be updated to match the new edition's information. Replace the ISBN, publisher, publication
date, etc.
B: The existing edition should remain as-is, and a new edition should be added, combined into a single work with the original edition.
C: The existing edition should remain as-is, and a new edition should be added as a separate work.
D: Any of the above are fine. Just follow the author's wishes.

Which of the following people have the ability to add a cover to a book already in the Goodreads database, but with no cover
previously added?
A: the author of the book
B: Goodreads Librarians
C: A and B
D: Any Goodreads user with a verified email address and an account at least 7 days old.

When a new cover for the same ISBN/ASIN is available:

A: create an alternate cover edition with the new cover
B: change the cover on the existing edition and create an alternate cover edition with the old cover
C: change the cover on the existing edition
D: add the new cover to the additional images section of the book

Which of the following is not considered published according to GR policy and therefore should not be added to the database and
should be removed when found?

Incorrect answer! Please consult the Librarian Manual for more information.

A: short story released exclusively through preorder campaign

B: complete Wattpad/fanfiction/Archive of Our Own/etc. works
C: Kindle editions from Amazon that are no longer available to purchase
D: out of print works a GR author wishes to remove
E: all of the above
F: none of the above

Who can merge two author profiles when one is a claimed Goodreads Author profile?
A: All librarians and Goodreads staff
B: An author that has claimed their own author page, all librarians, and Goodreads staff
C: Only Goodreads staff
D: Only superlibrarians and Goodreads staff

A book has XLI pages at the beginning; followed by the book itself, which ends on page 656; followed by an author's note, which ends
on page 659; followed by an extract from another book by the author which ends on page 703. Which of the following is the page
count that should be listed?

Incorrect answer! Please consult the Librarian Manual for more information.

A: 744
B: 703
C: 697
D: 659

Should sentence case be used when entering book title/series information?

Incorrect answer! Please consult the Librarian Manual for more information.

A: No for books with titles in English, but yes for languages where that is the accepted standard.
B: Yes, always.
C: No, never.
D: Always follow the capitalization on the cover.

You own the Kindle edition of Joyous News, but you cannot find it on Goodreads. However, there is an ebook edition of Joyous
News, which has the same cover as your Kindle edition. It also has an ISBN. You should:

Incorrect answer! Please consult the Librarian Manual for more information.

A: Edit the ebook, so the format is Kindle Edition and it has the ASIN listed on Amazon.
B: Add a new edition for the Kindle Edition, using the ASIN and other book data from Amazon.
C: Leave the ebook's ISBN, but change the format to Kindle Edition.
D: Either A or C

What kind of photo can you upload to an author's profile?

A: Any photo you find on the internet.
B: Any author photo from the publisher's website.
C: The author's profile photo from their Twitter page.
D: Any author photo from Wikipedia.
E: A photo from a news website.
F: A photo of the author in the public domain (rare for a living author), or an author photo where you can demonstrate that you have permission from
the photo's copyright holder.

When creating a new series, you:

A: Add it to the title field of each book; they will automatically be added to a new series page.
B: Add it from the edit book page.
C: Add it from the edit author page.
D: A or C
E: B or C

If a series contains 4 primary books (#1, #2, #3, #4) and only one novella was published in between Book 3 and Book 4, the novella
should be listed as:
A: #3.4
B: #0.5
C: #3.5
D: However it is numbered on Amazon.
E: None of the above

Which of the following groups of items contains only items that are considered valid book records on Goodreads?

Incorrect answer! Please consult the Librarian Manual for more information.

A: Magazines; reference books; periodicals; and bound comic books with ISBNs
B: Coloring books; atlases; bound sheet music
C: Advanced reader copies (ARCs); book-length fanfiction which is complete; decks of Tarot cards
D: Calendars or something-a-day books with additional content; boxed sets (sold as a boxed set with one ISBN)
E: None of the above
F: B and D

Which of the following statements is true when it comes to setting the format of a book?
A: Audiobooks with ASINs are to be listed as Audible Audio editions.
B: Kindle editions with ISBN numbers should be listed as ebooks.
C: Ebooks with pseudo-ISBNs that begin with "294" should be listed as Nook editions.
D: Ebooks with ASINs are to be listed as Kindle editions.
E: All of the above

When an author republishes a book under a different author name you:

A: Change the author name
B: Delete the old edition
C: Add the new name as a secondary author
D: Replace the cover and change the author name

Which of the following can be used as a reliable source for page numbering when a book is missing the page count?
A: WorldCat
B: Publisher Websites
C: Amazon
D: WorldCat is best for print books; Amazon or the publisher for ebooks.
E: All of the above
F: None of the above

Which of the following people have the ability to add a book or edition to the Goodreads database that has not previously been
A: the author of the book
B: Goodreads Librarians
C: A and B
D: Any Goodreads user with a verified email address and an account at least 7 days old.

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